cover of episode Biden's election debate horror show – plus the global events voters care about most

Biden's election debate horror show – plus the global events voters care about most

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American Friction

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chris Jones
Jacob Jarvis
Nikki McCann-Ramirez
Nikki McCann-Ramirez:拜登在辩论中的表现与其四年前相比差距巨大,未能向公众展现出其应对特朗普的能力。他未能成功向美国公众证明自己年轻、精力充沛、思维敏捷,能够与特朗普抗衡。拜登在辩论中的表现引发了民主党内部关于其是否应该继续担任候选人的激烈讨论。 Chris Jones:拜登在辩论中的身体状况和精神状态令人担忧,表现出衰老和吃力的迹象。拜登在辩论中多次出现记忆力下降、思维混乱等问题,无法有效回应特朗普的攻击。特朗普在辩论中的表现符合其一贯风格,其长篇大论、有时语无伦次的回答反而显得具有魅力。拜登在辩论中未能有效对抗特朗普,在气势上处于下风。特朗普在辩论中展现出支配性政治策略,其充满自信的言论,即使是谎言,也更具说服力。特朗普在辩论中即使说了很多谎话,但其言论仍然能够有效传播,不会受到任何惩罚。 Jacob Jarvis:CNN在辩论中的主持工作存在严重失误,未能有效制止特朗普的谎言和回避问题。辩论中,两位候选人都存在失实陈述的问题。CNN 等媒体机构为了避免与特朗普及其支持者发生冲突,在辩论中对特朗普过于宽容。CNN的即时民调显示,大多数观众认为特朗普在辩论中的表现优于拜登。与2020年相比,拜登在辩论中的表现明显下降,而特朗普的表现则保持不变。一些媒体机构此前对拜登年龄的讨论过于回避,现在民主党应该为未能解决这个问题而感到羞愧。除非拜登主动退出,否则很难改变其作为民主党候选人的现状。民主党内部已经公开讨论了更换候选人的可能性,但时间紧迫,更换候选人存在巨大挑战。距离大选只有五个月的时间,民主党即使要更换候选人,也缺乏足够的时间来组织有效的竞选活动。

Deep Dive

Biden's debate performance was significantly below expectations, raising concerns about his mental agility and ability to compete with Trump, which has led to intense discussions within the Democratic Party about his suitability as a nominee.

Shownotes Transcript

Did you see that ludicrous display last night? This week: President Biden came out bruised after a brutal debate with Trump. How badly will his performance damage his election hopes? Plus, Nikki and Chris are joined by Politico’s senior foreign affairs correspondent,** Nahal Toosi**, to find out how the War in Gaza, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the threat from China is impacting how people might choose to vote come November.

Nikki McCann Ramírez, of Rolling Stone, Jacob Jarvis and Chris Jones discuss the latest issues in US politics.

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We are streaming LIVE on election night! Come and join your favourite panellists from Oh God, What Now?, The Bunker and Paper Cuts on YouTube from 10pm on Thursday 4th July as we react to the results live - you won't want to miss it. Visit and subscribe now.

Written and presented by Jacob Jarvis with Chris Jones and Nikki McCann Ramírez.* Audio editor: Simon Williams. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. Executive producer: Martin Bojtos. Artwork by James Parrett. Music: Orange Factory Music. ****AMERICAN FRICTION is a Podmasters Production. ***

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