cover of episode 38: Mass Media, Markets, and Human Malware: A Portal Q&A

38: Mass Media, Markets, and Human Malware: A Portal Q&A

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The Portal

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Aviv:大众媒体和市场既影响我们的观点,又受我们的需求驱动,这其中是否存在矛盾?以大学引进廉价劳动力为例,市场行为看似合理,却可能带来负面社会影响。 Eric:媒体和市场之间存在双向互动关系(Soros的反射性理论),人们的偏好并非一成不变,经济学界长期以来未能有效分析偏好形成的动态过程。这种双向互动关系类似于‘空间告诉物质如何运动,物质告诉空间如何弯曲’。我们需要新的数学和分析方法来理解这种非线性系统,并预测其社会后果。经济学界长期回避这个问题,部分原因是缺乏相应的数学工具,也可能与维护资本主义的政治立场有关。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the complex interplay between media, markets, and human behavior, questioning whether we are masters of our own opinions or merely influenced by external forces.

Shownotes Transcript

With this release, we try something a little different on The Portal. We begin an initiative to search for ways to feature members of the vibrant Portal sub-communities as part of the podcast itself, by requesting that listeners send in their questions around the prompt: “Mass media, markets, and human malware.” 

The questions that came in were interesting and enlightening, and we hope that you may find the answers similarly useful.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on this new format as we continue to expand and experiment on The Portal. Hope you enjoy this episode.

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