cover of episode The Never-ending Battle of Henry Johnson

The Never-ending Battle of Henry Johnson

logo of podcast Medal of Honor: Stories of Courage

Medal of Honor: Stories of Courage

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#world war ii#inspirational stories#resilience amid adversity#philosophical discussions on mortality People
Malcolm Gladwell
一位哈莱姆地狱战士(Melville Morris)
@旁白 :本文讲述了亨利·约翰逊,一位在第一次世界大战中表现英勇的非裔美国士兵的故事。他单枪匹马击退了敌军,并因此获得法国荣誉勋章。然而,回国后,他却遭遇了贫困和被遗忘的命运,直到97年后才追授美国荣誉勋章。 @Malcolm Gladwell :荣誉勋章是美国最高的军事荣誉,授予在战斗中表现出非凡勇气和牺牲精神的士兵。亨利·约翰逊的故事体现了在战场和生活中持续的战斗,以及在争取平等权利的过程中所面临的挑战。 @一位哈莱姆地狱战士(Melville Morris) :哈莱姆地狱战士们为能服役感到自豪,他们渴望战斗,并相信战斗将有助于争取平等权利。在欧洲战场上,他们经历了种族歧视,但仍然表现出色,赢得了“地狱战士”的称号。 @美国总统奥巴马 :亨利·约翰逊获得荣誉勋章,表彰他在战场上的英勇行为和在争取平等权利方面的持续努力。

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The Harlem Hellfighters, the 369th Infantry Regiment, were an all-black unit in World War I known for their exceptional bravery and service, despite facing racial discrimination both at home and on the front lines.

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Henry Johnson, nicknamed Black Death, was one of the most famous American soldiers of World War I. He was part of the Harlem Hellfighters, the legendary all-Black U.S. Army unit, and awarded the French Croix de Guerre for single-handedly stopping an invading enemy force in the trenches. So how did he end up entirely forgotten? This is the story of one man’s inspiring fight – on and off the battlefield.

Special thanks to Washington University in St Louis Missouri for sharing archival material from the documentary Men of Bronze by William Miles.

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