cover of episode Ep. 108: September Recap and Listener Q&A

Ep. 108: September Recap and Listener Q&A

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Cutting The Distance

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Jason Phelps
Jason Phelps: 九月份我进行了两次不同的狩猎,一次在华盛顿,一次在新墨西哥州。华盛顿的麋鹿比往常更难猎杀,我怀疑交配期推迟了。在新墨西哥州,尽管狩猎区域很大,但人太多了,这给狩猎带来了挑战。我更喜欢人少一些,这样可以专注于狩猎本身。我这次狩猎使用了多种策略,包括在黑暗中远距离跋涉,以及使用不同的诱捕器材。我最终在华盛顿射杀了一头患有蹄腐病的麋鹿,这是一种令人担忧的疾病,需要引起更多关注。 Dirk: 九月份的狩猎,一开始很顺利,儿子在第二天就射杀了一头公牛,之后我们都经历了一段时间的延迟,然后从15号一直持续到月底。在新墨西哥州的狩猎中,我们发现交配期似乎提前了,到最后几天,森林变得非常安静,公牛不再自己鸣叫。我们尝试了不同的诱捕策略,但效果不佳,最终没有成功射杀任何麋鹿。在开阔地带狩猎时,穿亮色的衣服很重要,这有助于猎人之间更好地沟通,避免互相干扰。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do Jason and Dirk think elk hunting was challenging in September?

Elk hunting was challenging in September because the elk were tougher than usual, possibly due to the rut starting later. Also, public land was crowded with hunters, making it difficult to find elk and execute hunting plans without interference.

What is hoof rot in elk, and why is it concerning?

Hoof rot in elk is a condition where hooves elongate and deform, leading to severe lameness and visible limping. It is concerning because it is widespread, painful for the elk, and has led to a significant decline in elk populations, especially in Washington state where it has been present for 25 years.

Why did Jason's bull in Washington with hoof rot not respond well to calls?

The bulls in Jason's hunting area in Washington were call-shy, possibly because they already had their own herds and did not want to confront other bulls or hunters. They would run off silently when called, indicating a strong aversion to engagement.

What are some tips for hiking steep trails in hunting areas?

Hike steep trails at night when you can't see the elevation, which makes the climb feel less daunting. Also, avoid looking at your phone or maps frequently to stay motivated. When calibrating a range finder, stay away from metal objects and vehicles for better accuracy.

Why do Jason and Dirk recommend using bright colors like blaze orange in open country?

Using blaze orange in open country helps other hunters see you and avoid accidental encounters. It is particularly useful in brushy areas where visibility is low and communication is essential.

What factors should hunters consider when deciding to move on from an area with low elk presence?

Hunters should look for fresh elk sign, such as scat, tracks, and rubs, and listen for bugles at night to gauge the elk's presence. If the area shows no fresh sign and no bugles, it's likely that the elk have moved on, and it's best to find a new spot with higher elk density.

How do grizzly bears and elk interact in the same hunting areas?

Grizzly bears and elk often inhabit the same areas, especially where there are abundant food sources like berries. Grizzlies may not move far from these spots, so hunters should be cautious and assume bears could still be in the area they encountered.

Why do elk move far from their original bedding areas when pressured?

When pressured, elk prioritize security over food and water, moving to areas with better cover. The distance they move depends on the proximity of necessary resources and the pressure level. In some areas, elk may move just a half mile away, while in others, they might travel several miles over ridgelines.

What are Jason's plans for his upcoming October hunt in Idaho?

Jason is planning a 10-day backcountry hunt in Idaho, focusing on mule deer with a rifle but also open to elk hunting. He will be camping out of a tent and living off his back, which he finds challenging and enjoyable.

Jason and Dirk discuss their September elk hunts in Washington and New Mexico. They found the elk tougher than usual, and they debate whether the rut is starting later each year. They also discuss the challenges of hunting public land.
  • Elk were tougher than normal to hunt.
  • Hunters debate if the rut is getting later.
  • Challenges of public land hunting: overcrowding and other hunters impacting hunts.

Shownotes Transcript

With September being a not-so-distant memory, Jason and Dirk talk about how their hunts finished up, Washington State hoof rot elk, and October rifle season plans. They also take "Pendleton Whisky Q&A" calls and answer them. 

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