Grizzly bear populations have exploded in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho since being delisted from the endangered species list, leading to more frequent encounters with humans.
Ron Niziolek believes grizzly hunting seasons should be opened based on biology, not voter or judicial decisions, to manage the growing population.
Ron tries not to let bears dictate his hunting plans, but he remains cautious and respectful of their potential danger. He avoids areas with known bear activity unless necessary.
A wolf destroyed their tent, chewed on his friend's belongings, and even sniffed his friend's face while they slept. The wolf also stole their packs and boots, leading to a humorous but nerve-wracking experience.
Ron saw 41 grizzly bears over 25 days, with 26 encounters occurring at distances under 50 yards. Five of those encounters involved bears at pistol range.
A sow grizzly and her cubs charged the group while they were tracking the elk. The bears were likely protecting the carcass, and the encounter ended with the group retreating without firing shots.
The bears completely consumed the elk, leaving only the head, antlers, hide, and lower legs. They dug up a large area around the carcass and even skinned the face of the elk.
Ron advises hunters to be honest about their readiness, practice with bear spray or a pistol, and be quick to react if they suspect a bear is nearby. He also emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the psychological impact of close encounters.
A young hunter shot a charging grizzly 15 times, hitting it four or six times, while his father struggled to get his rifle ready. The quick reaction of the son likely saved them from a more serious attack.
If you came face-to-face with a grizzly bear, how would you react? With the ever-growing presence of grizzly bears in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, folks in the outdoors are having more encounters each fall. Dirk catches up longtime friend Ron Niziolek and talks elk hunting with grizzlies in Wyoming's backcountry.
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