Blake Lively could not be more tone deaf. Guys in college the way they live. There's a TikTok and the guys equivalent to women's ick are when women are wearing heels and they like roll their ankle. Welcome back to another episode of Mean Girl Pod. Intro catch up time.
A.B., you look very demure today. Oh my gosh, thank you. I'm still trying to learn the word. So I guess it means like appropriate, but classy. Yeah, like look at you coming to recording just wearing a cute, comfy, casual outfit, light makeup, light hair. I didn't want to be too much. You're just so calm.
Yeah. Like, I understood the assignment. I didn't overdo it. My nails are not done. Like, I'm just... I'm very demure. Like, demure. Demure. I watch this guy's videos and I just die laughing. No, but I don't die laughing because it's also, like, the word...
demure is so like there's not a lot of words on social media that I like you know what I mean like a lot of trends and things but I like this demure one because it's it's refreshing it's the era that you're in right now and like I feel like I'm always in a demure era like I'm always just pretty casual but I feel like that's your era right now yeah and it's like it's and I also I also feel like it's not effortless right like
It's not IDGAF. Like, it's not too cool for school.
It's very like I understand, but I didn't go overboard, but I did the appropriate amount. Yeah. And I love that you added it to the show notes. And I was like, oh my God, Alex, look at you staying up to date on words on social media. Well, do you know what I did was I was like on Yahoo or something. And it was like trending on like a business. Like it was like trending somewhere else because I guess somebody said Brat Girl Summer's over. Now we're all demure.
Yeah. And so that made Yahoo wrote an article on that. The videos just crack me up. I had no idea what it meant literally like three days ago. Now it's on my For You page and every single video I'm just laughing out loud. I'm like, genius. Genius. Yeah. It's just an effortless little word. So I love it. Do you want to know what else is demure? Your monster cup drink? How'd you know?
I don't know that your Monster Cup is so demure. Yeah, no, it is. It is. It's not trying too hard. It's just effortlessly there. And it's perfect. You know what? The flavor. Actually, I feel like the flavor is demure. Like, it doesn't try too hard, but it's effortlessly so delicious. What is the flavor? This is the Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red. It's just so good. I mean...
And I love the pink can. It's my favorite right now. Every single time I see it, I think of you. I think of it as like a gender reveal because it's like blue on one side and pink on the other. Yeah, it's perfect for gender reveals. Yeah. But yeah, I love...
I love this one. And I just, I'm demure when I drink Monster. Like, I'm not trying too hard. I'm just casually drinking my Monster. Exactly. It's a great use of the word. Thank you. How was your week? I want to know your roses and thorns. Okay, so my roses are... I actually like that you did your thorn first last time. So I'm going to do my thorn first. Oh, okay.
Oh, okay. But I've solved my thorn, but my thorn was, I got in this habit that I've like never been in where I was scrolling. I was like doing doom scrolls at night. Like I had my phone on do not disturb. So I like, I wasn't getting texts or anything, but I was just scrolling like anything, anything like I,
And I did it three nights in a row and I got like addicted to it. Like I remember breaking the habit. I broke it like two nights ago. I was like phone is going upside down nine o'clock. Like there's no turning it over. And it was like hard for me to do. But that's something that I've never done. I've never been a scroller at night. So I couldn't believe I let myself do it. But the reason I the reason I let myself do it was I've been so uncomfortable sleeping.
So I'm awake anyways. And so I was like, I could at least distract myself by looking at my phone. And what happened was like, I found myself craving it the next night. And so I was like, whoa. So we've, we have cut the problem, but that was my thorn because it didn't like, it didn't feel good. I don't sleep good when I, I mean, I would just go for like three hours. Like my screen time was high. I was just like, ah, so that's my thorn. Your baby's going to turn into an iPad kid.
Yeah. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. She will not. Are you not? You're because you're not an iPad kid. No, I'm I'm pretty like no phone. And I listen. I realize there's a time and a place for it. I know a lot of parents say like the I love new parents. I love parents before they have the baby saying I'm not going to give him an iPad. And it's just like, just wait, you'll eat your words. I totally believe that. I know I will. I'm just saying we're not going to be over iPadding.
Yes, yes, yes. I also don't own an iPad, so if I have to invest in one for the kid, I will have a problem. It means just your phone, too, by the way. Oh, true, true. It is like just like there's all these little cute YouTube deals they can watch. But I did see, like read, if screen time, if you put on like the screensaver on like Apple, that's like just one of those that like kind of lightly moves. It's lower stimulation. Yeah.
Oh, so that's like a good little hack that you can give the kids that because they still think it's just as cool. It doesn't have to be this like, it doesn't have to be this intense video. Yeah. So I have a war on screen time and that's my, that's my thorn. My rose is everyone was telling me enjoy these like last months with just you and Harrison. And I was like kind of laughing at that at first. But what I've realized is,
Is they're like really sweet moments because we're never not going to have a baby again, like ever in my whole life. Right. And so I've like slowed down and started like enjoying that. And we're spending like a lot of quality time together. And like a lot of that quality time is spent prepping for the baby. But I'm like really enjoying my time with him. He's about to go out of town. But I am loving just like hanging out the two of us because I do feel this sense of
Oh my gosh, it'll never just be us again. So that's been really fun. Love that. That's actually wild. You'll never not have a kid again. No, like right now I get up in my days about me. You know what I mean? Harrison says in the morning, what's your schedule today? But once the baby's here, it's never going to ask me that again. It's never going to be what's Alex's schedule. I just got a little sick in my stomach thinking about that. Yeah, it's wild. That is crazy. Wow.
Wow. And you're, oh my gosh. And you're going to be here. You're going to be here. The baby's going to be here so soon. I know. So now I'm like, okay, let me just enjoy this time. I really love that though. That's sweet. Yeah. Thank you. What about you? What are your roses and thorns? Okay. So my thorn is, I thought Pete died. Wow. That's a massive thorn. Don't worry. He's alive and well. Well, I figured. So...
He went to Canada for work. He actually went to Toronto, but I guess that's pretty far from Vancouver. That's like comparing New York to California. But he went to Toronto for work and he flew Delta. And Delta has just been so notorious with delayed flights these days. So his flight got in at like midnight or one o'clock and
And like, obviously I was sleeping, but we were on the phone and I was like, text me when you land and text me when you get to the hotel, please. I wake up the next morning. I get a text saying that he's landed, but I don't get a text saying that he got to the hotel. And I was like, okay, this is weird. So I check his location and...
You know how sometimes when you look at locations, it's not accurate? Like the person could be a little bit away from where they are. Yeah. Yeah. There is like a... It's like a delay or like a lag sometimes. So...
He was near the hotel he was staying at, but he also was like under a bridge and in some bushes. So I was like, okay, like deep, deep down, I like knew he was fine, but it was more of like, I was annoyed that he forgot to text me that he got to the hotel. And so I texted him and I was like, Pete, are you at the hotel safe? Don't hear from him. 630 rolls around, which is odd because Pete is like,
like me he has a routine he's always up at like 6 or 6 30 don't hear from him at 6 30 so I text him again I'm like I swear to god I'm going to literally murder you if you're not dead already I was getting so mad 7 o'clock rolls around I still haven't heard from him and now I'm like okay now I'm starting to like panic a little bit because this is so not like Pete like it's a work day if he saw and like so he doesn't always text me right away but like if he saw that I was worried he would immediately text me
And then 7:15 rolls around and he finally texts me and he's like, "Oh my gosh, we got in so late. I went to the hotel, I showered and I just passed out. And now I'm just getting up. Like I slept in a little bit because we didn't get to the hotel till like 1:00 and I'm just like, I'm going to kill you."
And he's just like, I'm sorry. I'm like, no, I'm mad. I was like, I am so mad at you right now. And he's like, I love that you care. And I'm like, don't be nice. I'm mad at you. Don't do that to me. I'm just like, oh, I'm like, Pete, Pete, Pete, you can't do that to me.
I'm anxious I tell you what you could you could not date me I would be like I would be like I'll just talk to you like at some point 12 hours later maybe I don't even remember you're like text when you land when you're back in the same state as me yeah yeah I remember then oh my gosh
No, that would be scary because it's, it's, it's scared you. Let's talk about better help because this show mean girl pod is sponsored by better help. It is so important when life is going fast to stop and celebrate your wins.
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He gets up at the same time and he checks in with me. And I'm always I'm just so anxious about people. I love that travel. I was like, just let me know when you get there safe. So when I woke up, I was like, this is weird, especially because like he texted me when he landed, but not when he got to the hotel. So I was just like, what? Right. Right. Like you're missing one of two, which is. Yeah. Odd.
But then my rose is I finally finished Love Island season six, USA, just in time for the reunion that comes out Monday, August 19th, which should be today for most listeners. And I am so freaking excited for the reunion. I haven't been this excited in so long to watch this. Like, Alex, it is phenomenal. So these people went into this show excited.
with either a low following or no following. And now some of the people have over 2 million followers on Instagram and three on TikTok. Isn't that wild? Yeah, it's so wild how popular... Because some shows just aren't that popular and then some... I mean, that's high popularity. Like, when was the last time we had...
an explosion like this on social media. I don't even remember. I think The Bachelor was back in the day. And it was people before JoJo and Jordan. Wasn't there? Yes. Didn't Tyler, well, I don't know if Tyler Cameron was actually kind of in that area. But some of them I feel like blew up, but not to that extent. I mean, that's massive. And I guess the first season of She Wants to Handle and Love is Blind was
But just imagine going into a show for, let's say, 40 days. No phone. I did think of one. Oh, who? Keeping up with the Kardashians.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. But like in 40 days, you go into a show, you have no access to the outside world, you leave and the producers have to give you a prep or pep talk and prep you for what you're about to walk into because you have such a large following now. So it's so wild to think about. And it's also speaking of the Kardashians, what's so crazy is.
I just saw a TikTok on this. They're linked to everything. So Leah, who is probably the most popular out of all the people on Love Island, she's now being linked to Kanye that they dated one time. And that another one of the contestants of Love Island, apparently his best friend was Kendall Jenner's first kiss. Oh, wow.
Well, I like that all though because it does make it just kind of normalize the Kardashians, right? Like you just kind of put like we kind of gave them mutual friends, which I love. But also like the Kardashians have their hands in everything. They are crazy powerful people. They really are just like everywhere. They're in a good way though. Yes. But like, wow, that's okay. So wait, I do now. Well, I don't know if you're done yet. Keep going.
Oh, I was just gonna say, so just for my Love Island season six girls, I want everyone to know, PPG, those are my faves. And I'm really rooting for Kendall and Nicole and I hope that they're still together. Is that a lesbian couple?
Kendall's a man Oh I was like cute love that Okay okay Kendall's a guy got it They were just one of those They were the one couple that They were in the final four they left together But Nicole has been like Dead silent on social media so we just don't know If her and Kendall are still together Oh juicy Love that they've left a question mark There know nothing about it But I love that you don't know that's great Yes
Great business. Maybe they're engaged. Do they get engaged at the end? No, they don't get engaged at the end. That would be pretty wild because they only film for like 40 days. Yeah. So that would be a quick engagement. I don't know. There's a lot of theories that Nicole's going through something difficult right now or that she just maybe doesn't. She's having a harder time processing the level of fame she now has. But I'm just very curious to see if they're still together. Yeah.
So we'll see tonight. Speaking of 40 days, do you remember what I told you? I've been wanting to ask you this like two weeks after I met Harrison. Wait, what's your question? Do you remember what I told you like two weeks after I met Harrison? That you were going to marry him or that you loved him? Yeah. I remember I was like, I was like, by the way, like I promised you. Remember we were standing outside and I was like, I'm going to marry him and I'm going to have his kids.
oh yeah okay i was like sure cool sounds good because i was just thinking in my head i was like no shot you would know like of course you can't get engaged after 40 days you would never know and then i was like well i guess you could have an inkling true wait weren't you gonna say something else too was it about the yes segue to molly may yes i was gonna ask you are were was tommy how was it a segue was tommy on love island
I love how you were so upset about this, but you don't even know it's wrong. Julie's gonna have a stroke. So Tommy Fury and Molly Mae were on Love Island UK. They're like the biggest thing to come out of Love Island UK. The two of them? Yeah, they... Were they the winners? They weren't the winners, but they left in a relationship. Oh, you know, I've always wondered...
Okay, that makes so much more sense. I thought she was an influencer and he was just a boxer. Not just a boxer, but I thought he was a boxer, she was an influencer, and they were dating and they were just like big. No, they're like Love Island UK OGs. Like if you were to ask anyone about Love Island UK, those two are probably the biggest to come out of that show. Oh, so is the Love Island...
world very upset right now at the breakup. Oh my god, yeah, that's it's probably like destroying the internet as we speak. Okay, so she got on my radar I think a little bit before she got pregnant before they got pregnant.
And I just remember like, this is adorable. And then they obviously had the baby. I knew they weren't married, but didn't he propose? Yeah. Yeah. They were, they were engaged. Yeah. Like recently. No, I think so. Yeah. Pretty recently. I would say. Yeah. Because weren't there those rumors that they were going to end there or that they were having problems and like he was seen in clubs and X, Y, Z and,
And then he like did propose and then like they were posting a lot together and then like maybe those kind of like went hush hush. And then it's like today we wake up and it's just like they're over and it's so sad. I know. And Molly May's Instagram story post about...
Like how she wrote it was so sad. What did she say? Like, I hate that it has to end this way. I never saw it ending, especially not in this way or something like that. Which makes me believe that he's the reason for the breakup. Like that makes me feel like it was because someone was cheated on. Yeah, I know. I mean, what I do think happened could have happened is like, because again, correct me if I'm wrong. She doesn't drink, right? Correct. Correct.
And I thought she said that they didn't drink, but then he was seen at the... People were assuming he was drunk. Yeah. Also, he's like a very serious boxer, so I know he's pretty serious about his health. I was going to say maybe it was just like difference of lifestyles, but...
I don't know. I'm just like really sad for them because of the baby. Like I'm really sad. And the, on their Instagram, how he was like, you're my forever and always like literally in July, they posted Instagram together. And I think like, I do think this because I, I feel like,
They kept trying to make it work. Like, they were probably having problems, and they're like, maybe they tried the baby, maybe they tried the engagement. Like, they really did keep trying because probably the pressures of fame, and they didn't want to address it. So I really do feel like they, like, gave it all they had, and then it was just that they couldn't make it work anymore. Maybe something specific did happen, but I just hate that...
That they had to do it. They had to end it. And they had to address it to like the world. And it's going to make a huge deal. That's really hard on them. And they have like a baby at home. I know. The baby thing just breaks my heart. Like...
I can handle when a relationship ends, but when there's a baby involved, I just... That's when my heartstrings really get pulled. Yeah, I know. I'm really sad for them. And I just... I do feel like with the engagement, like, I do feel like he kept... They kept trying. Yeah. No, I'm sure they did, especially with the child. They probably were trying ten times harder because they were like, we don't want to raise this child separately, but maybe...
Push came to shove and they just were like We can't keep forcing ourselves to Be in this relationship yeah and they had that Beautiful like home together and I feel like Untangling that life is so Daunting you know like having To go through the media And stuff like that so it's just like oh Man I feel bad for them breaks my heart They also are so young Like Molly Mae when she met Tommy She was like 18 so she's like In her low 20s yeah she's like in her low 20s And I believe he is too so like they have a lot Of life to live
Listen, Kylie and Travis, I feel like co-parent really well and like totally make it work. And I'm like, you know, we're not I don't want to say we were like for, you know, not being with the father of the kid, not for enough, but I'm also not for like that.
staying in it if you're not happy like there's so many different paths to happiness which I think this podcast is like so good at shedding light on and I do think Kylie and Travis have done a really good job of showing like hey this is how you can like do a healthy co-parenting I even think Chloe and Tristan have too oh my god yeah and so hopefully you know they can they can model that because it is the reality of situations yeah it was just wild because I like literally I mean we're recording a few days before Monday but it like happened yesterday
moments before we started recording and I was just like oh my god yeah yeah and it's so funny because maybe it's so funny like maybe they've known for three weeks but we're all just one insta story away from like right by the way my life changed and you're like oh no kidding and we're acting like we know them we're like Molly's our best friend I'm so upset for her oh my god I do think more will come out I mean you know it will but like yeah Love Island is just on top
Like, yeah, it's crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll, please. Because what is better than a good night's sleep? Jordan, is there anything? Literally nothing. Actually, no, there is a good night's sleep with Cozy Earth sheets. Exactly. Nailed it. Because Cozy Earth literally equals a good night's sleep. Because these sheets that Jordan and I got, you guys, there isn't words to describe it. I'm going to do my best to describe it. But think about this.
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These are not Amazon socks. These are Cozy Earth cozy socks. So you guys upgrade your night's sleep. I'm telling you these sheets are so worth it. They are absolutely incredible. I have a question for you. I actually have a couple questions for you. Yeah, you have a few. So...
You know Madeline. She has just like the craziest takes and like wildest questions. Like I'll get a text from her like every day. Just I'm like, where do you come up with this stuff? And she asked me this question and it really...
Got my wheels turning. So when you and Harrison go to a restaurant, you know those seats where there's one side's a booth and the other side is a chair? Mm-hmm. Where do you sit and where does Harrison sit? I'm booth side every time right now because it's comfier. But it's not lost on me. The booth is the better seat. So if it's a restaurant that I've been to that he hasn't been to, I'll say, you're sitting in the booth. But he always gives me the booth because the booth is comfier. Wait, why do you...
Wait, why do you tell him to get in the booth?
I'll tell him to get in the booth if it's a restaurant I've been to. Just because typically I think the booth is the better seat too. Got it. So if I've been and I'm taking him and I'll be like, I want to show you this spot. I'll be like, no, I'm making you sit in the booth. But 9.5 times out of 10, I'm booth. What about you? So I'm always booth and Pete is always chair. But Madeline and her boyfriend or her boyfriend made a really good point. He was like...
I should always be sitting in the booth and you should always be sitting in the chair so I can keep an eye on like the surrounding of the restaurant. And if anything dangerous happens, I can protect you. He's like with my back turned against the door. I have no idea what's going on. And Madeline was like, I disagree with you because comfort is more important. But then I like told her, I was like, wait, no,
her boyfriend's name is wide I was like wide actually has a really good point and I told that to Pete too and he was like wow like now my whole view of like where we sit is totally going to change and part of me is annoyed because I don't want to sit in the chair I want to sit in the booth but now I'm like wow from a safety perspective it's like a boy sitting closest or sleeping closest to the door in a bed but I always find the booth harder to get in and out of like I don't think you could move as fast that is a great point
That is a great point. I also feel like it's a very feminine seat. Like if I see a guy sitting in a booth and a girl sitting in a chair, I'm going to get a little bit of an ick. Like, I'll be like, what are you doing? Yeah. Why are you in the booth, sir? Yeah. I got the girl. I actually love a guy having the wherewithal that a girl's in the booth because it's comfy. But I also think it's hard. It's really hard. Like,
You got to like, you know, and it's girl and our purses are all over there and it's like, oh, your purse is fine. My purse is fine. Like, I think it's a harder seat to get in and out of. Although it's comfy. I mean, they give you what this much room in between tables. Yeah. Like it's hard. I see the point of like, I can't, he's not being able to watch. Cause like the chair is always facing the other way.
But I think it would be hard for them to get out and do anything. Right? Yeah. When she told me that, I was like, interesting. I've never thought about that. But you make good points. Yeah, it is a good point. And, you know, I think a lot of guys don't know to let the girl sit on the booth side. Because I think there's two things to it. One, I think there's the booth side, which is comfier. And then I always think there's the better view side.
on the off chance that the booth is facing like the wall then I think there's a case to be made of like that's where I think it's really nice if the guy's like do you want the booth or do you want the better view yeah I mean even you when you would take me to restaurants for the first time if if I had not gotten you were always like sit in the booth you can see the view and I was like hey that's so sweet thank you yeah I don't know who taught me that I don't know yeah I don't know like somebody someday must have just said it right because I wouldn't have ever known
I'm sure your parents did. I feel like your dad probably taught you that. Yeah, must have. I don't know. But I do think it's view and booth. But some guys I just don't think know it. I mean, some guys don't know a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised. I know. I know. It's so funny. Okay, well, what's your other... You have more... You have like three things, don't you? Yes. Okay, so... Oh, yeah. Yeah.
What is the male equivalent to an ick? You know how women have like so many icks for guys? We don't really hear guys talk about icks for women. So I texted you and I was like, Alex, let me know what Harrison's icks are and what his biggest ick of you is. Yeah. I read your text like,
as they came in. And so you sent the first one and it was like, ask Harrison his biggest ick. So I asked him and I happened to possess his biggest ick. And so then when you were like, what? And I, I had it down to two things of what he was going to say is his biggest ick. And he said one of them. And then when you were like, okay, now asking him his biggest ick about you, I was like, would you like to change your answer? And he was like, nope. Yeah.
Harrison's honesty kills me. Oh, so blunt. Yes. Yes. I mean, you'll know when I say it. Is it? Can I guess? Yeah, I guess. Is it something to do with hygiene? No. I thought it was just going to be that you hate showering. No, he could care less about that. Oh, update. I'm obsessed with showering. I shower like twice a day.
Wait, shut up. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Quick side note. Why? What changed? Something changed where I'm... It's like a pregnancy thing. It's like a nesting thing. I'm obsessed with like showering, wiping the counters. Like I'm so clean. My hair's wet right now because I just washed it. Like I'm overly...
Everything is wiped. I'm vacuuming obsessively. Yeah, so that's that. So now that's the whole thing. Noah's biggest ick is short hair. He's like, it makes girls look like boys. Okay, that's a good one. But you don't have short hair. Well, I took out my extensions. Oh. I do. I do. Oh, my God. Don't ever forget. Yeah. I manually took out my extensions. It took me three days. Jeez. Wait, were you walking around with that?
I took half of them in. It was hard to take them out. Yeah. Usually you have to get them professionally taken out. I ordered the professional remover thing. And yeah, I had 300 in my hair. And so I just sat there. Oh, gosh. It was brutal. But I'm so happy they're out. Oh, my God. Okay. What was his other ick? That was the ick. Oh, I thought you said he had two. Yeah.
Oh, no. No, I was guessing he doesn't like feet. Okay. And so I thought maybe that could be a dick for him, but it wasn't. So those were the two. What's Pete's? Pete actually had very specific ones. I was like, oh, these are good. Also, there's a TikTok, and the guy's equivalent to women's ick are when women are wearing heels and they roll their ankle. Yeah.
I was like, that's so good and specific. I can't. That's so good. That is such a random ick.
girls wearing stilettos and then I mean it's just like oh my god but I always thought that was embarrassing but to know that a guy like notices it and also agrees that that's an ick is so funny or when like um you know when you're wearing heels and like your toes push through the bottom so your toes are like kind of like
How do guys notice this thing? Oh, no. It's not good that they're that intuitive, but, like, they are. Oh, man, that's so funny. That's such a funny ick. So funny. Okay, so Pete's icks for girls as a whole are septum pierces? Piercings? Like the little ring in the nose? Septum piercings? Yeah, don't worry about you with that. Right? Sloppy drunks?
Which I was like, yeah, I mean, that's ick in general for people. And then loud girls that talk into your... Like, talk in your face. Oh, like talking right here. Yeah, they're just like... And you're just like... Oh, like personal space. Yeah, back and forth. Those are really good icks. Yeah, those are good. And then his ick for me is my...
Uh, when I eat too much dairy, my smellies. Oh, well, that's a very fair answer. Because it happens a lot because I eat dairy every day. That's a really fair ick that I feel like, yeah, that's a good, that's a, that's a good ick. Do you have an ick for him? I don't have like a, uh, like a ick, I would say, but, um,
It makes me so mad when he he just grabs my phone out of my hand. Like if I have the directions pulled up, he'll be like, let me see that. And I'm like, I swear to God, you touch my phone one more time without asking. I will take this and I will throw it at you. I'll just be like, he'll like grab for I'm like, what's the magic word? I'm like, can I please see your phone? I'm like, of course you can. Yes, of course you may. What's yours?
Okay. I think mine is the beard shavings aren't getting totally swept. They're getting halfway swept, you know, like they're getting like we call it guy clean. They're getting kind of swept and I just find them everywhere. And I'm like, ah, remember in college when you would go to like a guy's college house and their whole sink was filled with their hair.
So, okay, let me ask you this, because we went, when we were in Oklahoma, we went and did, like, the Greek Row Tour, right? And, like, I showed it to you, too, didn't I? Um, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yes. Yes, we went to the game, the football game. Yeah, so Harrison and I, because he had never really seen Greek life like that, because they don't have it in Canada, so I was like, like, we went and looked at the houses, and
He was like, okay, you know, I was like, this is a girl house, this is a guy house, but girls can go to guy houses. But like, if you live inside the sorority house, guys cannot, like real life cannot come over at all.
And he was like, whoa, wait. So like if you had a shacker, right? If you had a girl spend the night, you'd have to go to the guy's house. And I was like, yeah, I mean, unless you, if you're, if we're talking like living in sorority houses. Yeah. And he was like, oh my God. And I'm like, I know it's not even fair because the girl's houses are like so clean and the guy's houses are just, there's just my everywhere. A college boyfriend lived in a fraternity house with like his best friends and
It was so disgusting. And I stayed there a lot because he moved into it, I think freshman year, second semester, he moved out of the dorms and moved into it. So it was just like, great. It was like closer to my dorm. And I just slept there a lot more than he slept at my dorm, obviously, because I had a roommate. And I think back to the living condition of the house and the bathroom.
Oh my God. I want to throw up thinking about it. Oh no. It's just like guy guys, I, they get, they get so much better with time. Right. But guys in college, the way they live, I mean, it's just like the toothpaste, the beard shavings, the shit that's just out everywhere. It's just like, Oh man. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Um,
My stomach actually gets nauseous thinking about that. Quick pause, you guys, because this episode is sponsored by Anytime Fitness. This fall, Anytime Fitness, it's all about prioritizing, keyword prioritizing, your best self by getting back into your fitness routine and focusing on a more holistic approach, meaning how you move, what you put into your body, and how you recover from the stresses of life. I love Anytime, and personally, my favorite thing about Anytime Fitness is they provide everything
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Or, like, struggles that you've gone through. And I feel like for both of us, like, life has been pretty mental health-wise good. But I was, like, I saw this TikTok and I was, like, oh, this is great. Because it was, like, it really hit home for me. And I wanted to ask you. I was, like, okay, now that you are going to become a mom and you have Harrison and you're living in a house and your life is, like, calm and, like, more...
You like know what's going to happen next. Do you ever panic because it's so comfortable? So I watched the tick tock. Is this the one of the girls saying you're right where you prayed to be or something like you are where you wanted to be? Yeah. Yeah. Because she was having so many ups and downs and she was saying like she lived for the high. And now she was explained to her therapist about how it's not mundane right now, but like the waves have steadied in her therapist. It's like, can I stop you? You wanted this for so long. Um,
Yeah, no, I don't, I don't panic. It's a really good question because it's funny because I, I like having been married, I thought I had reached that point once before. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. And, but man, there's so much that does come with age. Like, yeah, there really is this like level of certainty there.
And like awareness. Awareness around what's happening. Confidence in your ability to handle it. And sort of like peace with whatever happens I guess. Those would be like the three buckets I would put it in. That I think come. That I have now that I didn't have at 25 when I got married. And so I think knowing that now. No I'm not scared of what like comes next or anything like that. I just feel like.
I wanted to start a family and like I did want to do all the things I'm doing now and so was your question like am I scared of that like do you ever panic that your life is so comfortable like you you don't have the like you because like for me the best way I think about it is like for five years my life was so I guess like spontaneous like
I never really knew what tomorrow was going to look like or like even when you and I worked at Barstool, we were traveling every month, going out, doing these like wild things like our life was so chaotic and I kind of like lived for that high of like what was the next chaotic thing I was going to do or experience, right?
And then when I met Pete, obviously my life became very comfortable, but also like more mundane. Like I know what tomorrow is going to look like. I have like this very comfortable, healthy relationship. And sometimes not anymore, but like I would kind of panic like, oh my gosh, like,
Like, well, why do I feel so anxious about having such a comfortable relationship? Like, this is good. Like, what's going on? Like, do I miss the crazy life? Like, do I miss, like, not really knowing? And then I saw this TikTok about how this girl literally expressed the same thing to her therapist. And her therapist was like, blah, blah, blah. Like, you and I have talked about this every single week, how you prayed and hoped you would gain this life one day, like, find that relationship one day.
And I was like, that is so true. Like in my three years of therapy, that's what we were prepping for was like this healthy, comfortable life. And I was like, oh my gosh, so this is just my body like reacting to like stability in like a good way. It's kind of like knocking the addiction of the unknown out of my system. And it just really helped me like process like, okay, this is good. This is where I'm supposed to be. And it's normal to feel this way. Even when you're in the happiest part of your life, like it's okay to feel anxious and like
unsure if that makes sense okay I see what you're saying like do you get okay okay so do you ever like panic knowing that like your life is kind of like written out for the foreseeable future like you know you're gonna be a mom and you have a baby to take care of like you don't really get that like spontaneity or like um
That high of not knowing what the next move is going to be. Yeah, I feel so much... No, I don't panic about that. I feel like truly... I feel like I just got out of a tornado. Yeah, that's true. And I don't miss that tornado aspect of it, but...
I will say like somebody mentioned DM to me like, did you have like a list of things that you were looking for? Like when you got divorced, then you started dating again. And I was like, not really, but subconsciously like a bit, right? And I think one of the things was,
that I had to recognize about myself is like having a little bit of spontaneity is good for me. Like that's part of my personality. And so I could never live. Like, I know that I'll go crazy if I wake up every morning, go to the gym, go to a desk and sit there from 9am to 5pm, go pick up my daughter and then go home and make dinner and then go to bed. Like I will, that, that won't work for me. And so I do think like we've put the pieces in place and,
Like, with work, with where we live, that we can have, like, enough spontaneity around, like, the stableness. And, like, that's a really happy balance. But it took me so long to get there. Yeah. And, like, that was, I think, the most important part of the TikTok. Because when I saw this TikTok, it was months ago. And it was actually, like, around a time when I was...
I wasn't like... I don't want people to think, like hear me say panic and think like, oh my God, what am I doing with my life? I was just like confused. I was more so panicking about the confusion of why I was anxious about being in such a comfortable, happy, healthy place. And...
When I heard that TikTok, it was like the universe telling me a sign like this is such a normal feeling of once you get to that place, like it is okay to still panic and be anxious sometimes because you're still getting used to it. And it will take time for your body to like adapt to that, especially if you had years of chaoticness. So it was just like nice to hear that even though you're in a very healthy state.
good time in your life, the part of your life you've always wanted to be in. Like, it's okay to just still get anxious and like have those days of panic and being like, oh my God, what is, what is going on? Well, and I think it's cool too, that we have the perspective of, we haven't lived these structured lives forever. So it's like, we do because we had that like
You know, you have those fun years, those spontaneous years, those years where you're like, oh, I was an idiot, where you're like, oh, X, Y, you know, all these things. And then you look back on them and you're like, wow, like I've really level set the ship. It's like that's a real. And of course, there's going to be with that, like a little bit of of like, oh, do I miss this or how do I how do I look back on that phase of life? Or maybe you still follow someone that still lives that life, you know, and you're like, how do I look back on that? And it's like.
you, if you didn't live in that phase, you wouldn't appreciate this phase. Do you feel that like so much more like gratitude towards it? Or like you crave, maybe you crave leaving New York because you crave like a yard or something like that. And it's like, had you not lived there though, you wouldn't create, you wouldn't appreciate the other side. Yes. Oh my gosh. I love what you just said because like, I wouldn't change my life for the world. I wouldn't
I would never want to go back to what I was living. But I'm so grateful for that experience because it does make me appreciate this part of my life so much more. Yeah, like I even think about that with college. You know, I'm like, oh man, like that was crazy. But like cool that it was crazy because then, you know, and then there's the corporate years and it's like it all has this like compounding effect. But I do think the hardest thing to remember is college.
Like that girl was saying in the video of like, remember where you are now is like where you wanted to be, you know, like, do you do have to like wake yourself up and be like, no, you wanted this. And it's like, yeah, cool. Wow. And I went and got it. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, it was just like it was one of those TikToks that like hit my for you page. I was like, wow, thank you, universe. Like, I love that. And another one. Oh, my God, Alex, I have literally been wanting to tell you this.
that I saw on TikTok for like three months now, but I've always forgotten to bring it up because I feel like you would love it. Did you watch the For You Theory TikTok? Yes. Yeah. Is this right for you? Yes. So there's this girl on TikTok came... I don't know if she came up with the For You Theory or heard it from someone, but I heard it from her and she was like, always add a For You after someone telling you to be a certain way. So like...
you'll never be successful doing a starting content. And like, you're supposed to be like, you're never going to be successful doing con like content for you. Like it's, that's like direct it for that person, not yourself. Um, I had an example, but I think I deleted it on accident. Um, a better example of the for you. Um,
Or like that, like raising your kid with an iPad won't work for you. Yeah, yeah. That's a better example. Yeah. Or like getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth, you know, or getting up in the morning and not drinking water first thing won't work. It's like won't work for you. Could work for me. Yeah.
Like whenever someone doubts you or is negative towards you, you're supposed to put the for you at the end of it and direct it back towards them because what they're saying should not and does not have to affect you. And I was like, wow, I love that because so many people project their own insecurities onto you and tell you you can't do things because they're insecure about it. I was like, I love that. So I started doing that in my head. I'll just be like for you, for you. Yeah, because I feel like what we're what we're always talking about on here is like
is like every, like to each their own, I guess is the overarching theme. Right. And it's like really, we always like disclaim when we say things and it's like, this is just what worked for us. Like I, you never know, but it's really cool to think about it in terms of when someone's saying something negative, like,
Oh, she'll never do X, Y, Z. And it's like, you don't think she will. Like that doesn't work for you in your mind, but it could work in somebody else's mind. Right. And it's like, we do see it. I think with social media, it's like more important to have that lens on things because it is an odd thing to pick up the phone and really give some, give somebody, but like a whole millions of people advice based off of just like your perspective. It's, I think it's a very dangerous place to kind of go and,
And so it's like, it's cool to add for you. Yeah. I just, you know, TikTok doesn't, doesn't do great things for me, but every once in a while you'll, you'll catch one on your for you page where you're like, dang, that was a good message.
Is there such a thing as, like, optimistic TikTok page? Like, all just, like, inspirational quotes? Yeah, yeah, there's this one. I don't know if this TikTok account is still around. It was around, like, back in 2020. That's the last time I've seen it. But it was, um, every day they post positive news. Oh, I love that. Like, that, you know how you get on, like, cooking for you. I'm on cottage cheese for you page right now. Like, I'm getting served all those videos. And...
I'll tell, I'll, I'll get, let me give Harrison a little bit of credit right here. If I DM him like a recipe, you know how you DM people recipes like back and forth all the time and no one ever makes them. Yeah. Every single one of these recipes is getting made. It's like, I'm like, Oh wow. That's actually incredible. Um, but I, I've never seen a, a for you page. So it's just like happiness. I'd like to find that. I try to get on dog. Tick tock. I'm like, just show me dogs. I'll be happy. Just show me dogs.
Oh my gosh, I want a dog so bad right now. And I know it's just like the... Me too! It's like the... I know, I know. You've been wanting a dog. I wasn't really with you. But now I'm like with you. What do you want? Like what kind? Oh, um, hold on. It starts with an S. St. Bernard. Um, Shih Tzu. Um...
Samoya? Vizsla. I'm sorry, what? A vizsla. David, do you mind Googling vizsla so I can see it? What the heck? I've never heard of that. He says, I like vizslas, but you don't. No, I think I like them. I thought I liked them. Vizsla. I want a brown Cavapoo, 50-50, 50%, poodle 50%, King Charles Cavalier, and I'm going to name it Savvy. Cavapoo. And then...
Yes. And I'm going to name it Savvy. Oh, I Googled this because I saw that you said that. Yeah. Yes. I'm going to name it Savvy. And then I want a Golden Retriever and I'm going to name it Pino. Oh, I love it. I love it. I love both. I love the, yeah, I don't need to Google Golden Retriever. I love the balance of the two different types. Or I want to name it like, I love dogs that have like old man names like Carl or...
Like, I keep telling Pete, I'm like, I want to name our dog Carl. And he's like, that's so weird. Like, no, it's not. No, it's so cute. Like, Bruce. Hi, Brucey. It's like so cute. I can't even. Yeah.
I saw this dog today on TikTok that had to pray before he ate, and he would not eat until he prayed with his owner. And I almost started crying. Like, Alex, the mom would be like, go eat, go eat. And he, like, wouldn't. And she'd be like, okay, we'll pray. And then they did, like, grace. And they were like, amen. And he just ran and ate. And I was like, I'm going to cry. This is so cute. They're just a specimen that had, like –
They're so sweet. They're just so sweet. Oh my gosh. No, but I did see this dog and he was a little boxer and he was in the corner and he had been abused and like, yeah. And he was so scared of this girl just like petting him. Oh yeah. I was like hysterical because I was just about to say dogs are so sweet. Right. Even if you like, you know, leave them locked up for too long, you come back the next day and they don't care. They're just so happy to see you.
And then, but then I was like, but then the other, other side is like, they get so sad. What?
What you just said. Even if you locked him up and don't see them. Not like locked him up. But if you leave him in their crate and you're an hour late for dinner, they're just the most forgiving. They're just like, oh, it's okay. Because then they're just happy you're home, you know? Yeah. And they're so good with babies. Think about you having a puppy and a baby and them growing up together. Oh, that'd be a lot of work, but so cute. I was on this...
like I got served on my, I'm more so scroll Instagram and the, I got served these videos over and over and over again of like dogs. But the thing I'm too late now, this is why I can't get one now. Cause I won't have time to train the dog for the baby comes. But a lot of people have the dog, they get pregnant and the dog watches the belly grow and,
And he'll like come over and give it kisses. And then you, you show the dog, the baby's clothes, like you take it over and smell it. And then when you bring the baby home from the hospital, like the dog knows it's like his sibling and like he's protecting it. And it's like, the videos are so dang cute. Oh my God. I've seen some dogs. Who did I just see?
But I saw a dog the other day and like it knew I was pregnant. Oh, yes. I had gone to my parents' house and my dogs, my parents' dogs have these things called babies that they've had since they were little. And they're like their little, they're their little toys that they, when they were born with. And Jasmine went and got her baby and was circling me. And it was like really cute because like I saw a dog today and he like moved over on the sidewalk and the owner was like, what? And then the owner was like, oh my God, it's probably because you're pregnant. Right.
And I was like, oh, does the dog know? They must. Yeah. Yeah. They must be able to like sense it. Isn't that funny? I love that. Um, not to have an awkward transition, but I gotta, I gotta tell you about this. It ends with us because I have to update you on this. Okay. Yes. Update. I mean, I think I'm updated, but yes, I watched your video. That was off putting. Do you know how last week I was kind of like, oh, I feel like I might be team Blake, Ryan. I don't know about Justin. Yeah.
Oh my God, Alex. I... This is what just goes to show is like, don't speak Jordan until you do your research and don't go with the popular narrative. So now all of this press is coming out about... It ends with us. And Blake Lively could not be more tone deaf about how to promote this movie. So this movie is about domestic violence. Like...
the book is a book about domestic violence. And everyone's arguing, it's like, it's a romance book. It's like, no, it's a book about domestic violence. And Justin is doing such a great job of educating people and talking about resources and putting in his bio, like how people can learn more and what to, like, if you're a victim or a survivor, like this is what you can do and how to have that conversation. And Blake's over here like,
Making jokes, telling girls to wear your cute floral dresses and go to the movies and promoting her hair care line. Not once talking about domestic violence. And I posted, I think, the video that you might have saw on my Instagram story of her in the interview when the guy is like, what would you do if a victim or sorry, I should say more so.
a survivor or a victim come up to you and they want to talk about it. And then she like started making jokes about it being like, oh my God, like share my location. Like, do you want to like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's just like, like, why are you not like, why are you being so tone deaf and not speaking or educating? And then last night on our Instagram story, she finally posted like two frames about where resources were. And I'm like, oh, good. Your PR team's finally having you do something.
Wow. I thought her body language in that video was, like, a bit odd, too. Like, too cool for school. Right? We can put up the video, too, so people can see it. Listen, Blake, I'm going to start with you. Most of us, if we're lucky enough to run into a celebrity in public, we only have a few moments to maybe speak with you guys. But for people who see this movie, who relate to the topics of this movie on a deeply personal level, they're really going to want to talk to you. This movie is going to affect people, and they're going to want to tell you about their lives. So if someone...
understands the themes of this movie, comes across you in public, and they want to really talk to you, what's the best way for them to be able to talk to you about this? How would you recommend they go about it? Like asking for like my address or my phone number or like my location share. I could just location share you and then we could uh, I'm just gonna- Social security number. I'm like every time you logistic- But what I can't figure out about the whole thing is like
Because it seems like a lot of people are Team Justin. Yeah. Big switch overnight. Big switch overnight. But why did, like, Colleen Hoover... Like, why did they all unfollow him? Okay, so I'm trying to figure that out. So I looked last night, and his podcast host is following him again. Everyone was like, oh, no, they unfollowed each other. My only guess could be... Julie, you could check to see if Colleen Hoover is following...
back to following Justin on Instagram. I forgot to check that last night. The only thing I could guess is maybe they were nervous and they figured like, hey, Justin kind of, because Justin came out and said he didn't want to direct the second movie. So maybe Colleen was like, if I don't side with Blake, like the second movie might not get made. Like kind of out of being scared. She's not following him. I do kind of think it, hmm.
She is not following him on it. Is not. Is she following Blake? Julie's going to quick check. I would 99% sure that she is. I do think it had to be that. Like they did just have to go with popular. Like if she's following Blake. Yeah, that to me is just like interesting. But yeah, it must have just been like maybe out of just like don't want to burn bridges with the big Hollywood couple. That's what I'm thinking. Honestly, like you just had to go where the power was.
Which, I am happy. I just don't know what to believe. I am happy the pendulum is swinging the other way if that's like...
what's right. I don't know. Yeah. And like, what makes me so upset is like people DMing me the wildest takes being like, it's not Blake's job to educate people, this or that. And I'm like, not only was Blake one of the lead characters, she also produced the movie. She knew like it is actually her job because so many times when people make movies about very serious topics, they educate themselves and then they talk about it. And
Just not even to like once bring it up is wild. And also to Colleen Hoover, I'm 90 percent sure this is fact, was in an abusive relationship, like a domestic domestic violence relationship. And she wrote that book with her mom was sorry about like similar things that she went through. So, yes, it is.
It was like a book that's fiction, but it like still is a very serious topic. And people just assume if it wasn't like specifically a true story, like they just like don't have to deal with it in a serious way. And I'm like, what kind of thinking is that? Well, listen, I would be down if Blake didn't want to like didn't I wouldn't be like necessary. Like I like I would rather her take the initiative and like the human aspect to educate. Right.
But I do see the side where it's like not her job technically. Like if she does want to remain that like very Taylor Swift, high level, untouchable, like I'm not going to do, I'm not going to say anything about anything other than just show you my movies. But all that was broken when she did that interview and mocked it. Oh my God. And that was not the only interview that she, I mean, there was multiple where I was like,
Oh, my God, this is embarrassing. I had to, like, stop watching it because I was so taken aback. But don't you think... Go ahead. Honestly, don't you think it kind of is her job, though, if she's, like, producing the movie and choosing to be the lead actress of it, that she should know what she's getting herself into? Like, why wouldn't she want to educate women? Like, she has a daughter. I just... I do think sometimes, like...
These actresses don't use their platforms other than like movie wise. And I and I think that's fine. Like I am. I am very down if they just want to be like Taylor Swift doesn't really. They like pick and choose, I guess. Yeah. And they stay up here because like Blake's not very lifestyle. She is just like producer movie actress. That's kind of her deal. And so like I could be down if she didn't.
But I think about like a Jennifer Aniston in the role or something. And I do think she would do that. And I think that's more commendable. But like I don't find it required. But I think the conversation is like abyss when she's mocking it. It's like, well, then you did, you know. So I think that's where it's like we can't. Because that video was clearly like who may share my location. And it's like, wait, wait, what? She's like, I'm a Virgo. I'm like, Blake.
At this point, just stop speaking. Yeah, because it kind of... It doesn't, like... I don't know much about, like, the movie itself, but you can't discredit the movie either. Like, that's where I think it's cool when somebody plays a role and they play it, like, so intensely and then they don't cover anything else...
Like press tours sometimes dehumanize, not dehumanize, discredit the movies for me because you see the character being their true selves. Yeah. And not as much the character. So I find like that balance to be hard. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. But I just wanted to quick say that because last week my take was so different. And then now that I'm seeing more information, I was like, I just got a quick, I got a quick change or tell people my new thought process and maybe, uh,
Not give in to the majority thought process all the time. I don't know. Like, I still don't know what to fully make. Like, something weird happened. Something weird happened on set. Well, yeah, and Justin's not going to direct the second movie now, so that sucks. Yeah, it's just, like, wild to me that it all happened that way. I know. It is crazy, but yeah.
Have you seen it? No, I'm seeing it tonight. Oh, I can't wait to see what you think. I'll go see it soon, too. I want to see it. Yeah, you should. I think you would really like it, even though you haven't read the book. Like, I still think you would really like it. Yeah, I've been seeing people that haven't read the book still...
It's just like a great standalone movie too. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I had a really good friend. This is the listener question. I had a really good friend throughout high school, but we had a falling out in college that was completely my fault. Fast forward now eight years later, I matched with a guy and went on a really great first date with him and we were planning a second.
Come to find out through Instagram mutual followers. He went on a date. He went on a few dates with said ex friend a couple years ago and then broke things off with her. I know we're not friends right now, but I've already heard her once and would like to avoid that again. He said it wasn't a big it wasn't a big thing, but I'm not sure if I should risk it. It would be an easy call if it were a bad date, but we had a lot in common and there was a lot of chemistry would love your advice.
There's just one thing I want to clarify. Yes. He went on the date with the ex-friend a couple years ago. Yeah. Okay. That's what I wanted to clarify. Okay. What are your thoughts? Um...
I mean, I say for sure go on that second date. If the friend is not in your life anymore, and I don't foresee them being in your life, I don't think this will hurt that person. It's almost like she's holding on to this friendship like they might be friends one day again. But I'm like, this girl's not in your life. You keep living. Because I gathered that too, but that the friendship's over, no? That's what I got from it.
Yeah, and for a few years. An easy phone call to make to the friend. Even if you've mended the friendship now, they went on a date a couple years ago. I mean, I think you're good to go. Yeah. I mean, if I had a friend call me up and was like, not a best friend, but a friend was like, hey, can I...
I know you went on a few dates with Bob four years ago. Do you care if I go? I'd be like, no, please. Like, I am happily moved on. Like, a couple dates, that's nothing. Yeah, what do you actually think is the timeframe of needing to – how many circles of friends are – okay, how do I word this –
When it comes to friends and dating somebody that they've dated, how good of a friend do they have to be for you to call them? And how much time has has to have passed for you to call them up and be like, hey, go on a date with so-and-so. I know you went on a date with him a while back. I mean, I would never go on a date with one of my best friend's boyfriends. But if my best, even if my best friend went on a couple dates with a guy, I
more than a year ago, or maybe, like, two or three years would be my time frame. I mean, I would ask, but I wouldn't think they'd have any issues with it unless, like, he did something horrible for her or to her. That's why they didn't go on, like, that third, fourth date. But to me, if you just go on a couple of dates with someone, usually you don't have, like, that strong of a connection. I don't know. What's yours? Yeah, no, I agree with you completely. Like, I think...
I think I guess it's if it's like a best friend and they went on dates more than a year ago I think it's easy to just be like hey Brian asked me out I assume no problem but like let me know if there is one yeah and I'm sure the friend I'm like no big deal but yeah I agree it's like situational you know if he broke her heart into a million pieces and we are not over it yet yeah you might have a problem but
I think if the guy's saying, like, it's not a big deal, maybe, like, it's not a big deal. Yeah. It almost makes me feel like this girl, like, wants a reason to reconnect with this friend or something. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But I'm like, you're a good girl. Like, live your life. Go on that date with this guy. Like...
You don't owe this friend anything. Even if you hurt her in the past, you guys are not friends anymore. Like, live your life. That's funny. I kind of got that vibe, too, though. I kind of got the vibe of, like, it was my fault the first time, and now it's like, you're all right, girl. It's okay. Yeah, Shrovie doesn't think about you anymore. Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry. Yeah. Okay. Okay, good. Yay. Do you want to do, like, the fastest Rex ever? Yes. Okay.
You go first. Okay, mine's Blackbird. I just started watching it, but I've watched two episodes and I love it. What's yours? Have I recommended Hacks before? I thought you were going to say Love Island. No, you haven't done Hacks yet.
Love Island reunion. Julie says I have done hacks, but I'm going to do hacks again because I just started season three. It's great. You have done hacks? Yeah. Julie's like, you definitely have. Oh, I would not know. Okay, great. Yay. Thank you. Okay. Yay. Okay. Love you guys. Love you guys. Bye. Bye.
Okay, that's it for today's episode. As always, thank you for listening to Mean Girl Pod powered by Just Media House. I'm Alex Bennett. And I'm Jordan Woodruff. So, A.B., do what you do best. If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, rate, and review. We are at Mean Girl Pod on all platforms. Stay connected with us on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
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