cover of episode The No BS Guide To Becoming A Better Leader | Ep 205

The No BS Guide To Becoming A Better Leader | Ep 205

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Build with Leila Hormozi

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Leila Hormozi
Leila Hormozi: 本集探讨了成为优秀领导者的关键要素。首先,领导力是企业成功的最重要技能,因为它能够成倍放大其他技能的效果。领导的代价是孤独,领导者需要走在团队前面,这会让他们感到孤独,但领导者需要学会与孤独相处,并成为自己最好的朋友,积极的自我对话能够帮助他们克服孤独感和负面情绪。优秀的领导者会围绕自己建立一个支持性团队,帮助他们更容易地实现目标,确保周围的人支持他们的目标和生活,营造一个有利于成功的环境。领导者应该通过值得信赖的行为来赢得尊重,而不是要求尊重,应该先给予尊重和信任,才能期望得到同样的回报。坦诚沟通和建立信任能够提高团队效率,建立信任能够极大地提高团队效率和合作速度。优秀的领导者关注解决方案,而不是抱怨问题,经验和自我约束能够帮助领导者专注于解决方案,领导者应该专注于解决问题,而不是沉溺于问题的负面情绪。领导者的个人生活会影响他们在工作中的表现,需要保持个人生活和职业生涯的平衡,领导者在工作和生活中的行为应该保持一致,才能建立良好的价值观和文化,领导者应该在工作和生活中保持一致,或者坦诚地面对两者之间的差异。领导力是一个持续的实践过程,领导者应该以正直和诚信为基础来领导团队,才能赢得真正的追随者,应该以人为本,建立信任和诚信,才能获得团队的忠诚。领导者的真正衡量标准在于他们塑造的品格和对团队的影响。领导者的成功并非取决于他们的情绪,而是取决于他们付诸行动的能力,领导者需要管理自己的情绪,避免负面情绪影响团队。领导者的成功取决于他们的行动,而不是他们的感受。领导者需要勇于进行艰难的对话,才能推动公司发展。领导者的速度决定了团队的速度,领导者应该提高团队的效率,在商业竞争中,速度是重要的竞争优势,领导者应该提高团队的工作效率,并注重快速行动。领导者的有效性体现在他们是否能够提高团队的效率。优秀的领导者能够培养其他领导者,而不是仅仅创造追随者。领导者需要适时地放权,才能发现团队成员的潜力。领导者需要放权,才能发现团队成员的潜力,并打破“只有我能做到”的思维定势。优秀的领导者知道如何权衡取舍,专注于最重要的目标。成功的领导者知道如何说不,专注于最重要的目标。优秀的领导者应该聘用比自己更聪明的人,并将他们视为机遇而非威胁,聘用比自己更聪明的人能够帮助领导者快速学习和成长。领导者应该聘用能够提升团队和公司整体水平的人才。领导者应该专注于选择合适的人才,而不是自己亲力亲为。选择合适的人才对于企业发展至关重要,领导者应该重视人才招聘和人力资源管理。优秀的领导者能够适应变化,并利用变化来增强自身实力,适应变化能够帮助企业在困境中生存和发展。领导者需要适应变化,才能在竞争中取得成功。

Deep Dive

This chapter discusses the loneliness that often accompanies leadership, emphasizing the trade-offs involved and the internal dialogue necessary to overcome these feelings.
  • Leadership is the most important skill as it multiplies other skills.
  • Loneliness is a common experience for leaders, as they often operate ahead of their teams.
  • The internal dialogue can significantly impact how a leader experiences loneliness.

Shownotes Transcript


I've over a thousand employees across all of my companies that generate two hundred and fifty million dollars per year. And this is the one skill that has allowed me to cheap leadership is the single most important skill. Because if you know how to do IT, you can lead people who do everything else and every other skill.

All skills are additional, where as leadership is the only skills that multiples. If you can lead a department, you can grow IT. If you can lead a company, you can grow IT.

If you can lead people, you can grow up. Hiring the right employees can make you millions, but most entrepreneurs s get IT wrong. The first point, everyone wants to lead the way, but nobody wants to be a the first time I promoted one of my sales coaches into a sales manager, I am reg.

Got a call from him about three weeks later, and I had texted him and I said, like, how's the new role feeling? Like, you really wanted IT, i'm serious. Like, how are you feeling this far in? And he said to me, it's actually really tough, and I knew who's to say that to be out of you.

I said, why is a tough? He's like, I just feel live lonely. And I wasn't expected that.

I was like, well, let's take a look about this. You are no longer on a team. You lead a team.

Therefore, the things you do everyday or not the things they do everyday, you do different things. Therefore, you do things alone. You also do things before other people.

So you're not doing things in last step of people. You're doing things to lead the way so that they can do the next. You also have less peers now before you had fifteen peers on the team, now you have five peers on the team.

What I told him is that the Price of leadership is loneliness. You can't lead the way unless you're a few steps ahead of people. And that's the thing is that when you are leading the way, people aren't beside you anymore.

They are behind you. Even though it's just a few steps. You feel those steps. When I was first building a business, the main emotion I fell through most of that time was loneliness.

And I used to look at IT like IT was a problem, and IT wasn't. Until I honestly recognized, what am I trading right now? I'm trading loneliness for being a leader.

So I get all these good that comes as being a leader. But on the other side, that also comes with the fact that sometimes I feel up, which makes sense, there are less leaders, therefore you feel more alone. And so that is why loneliness is the Price of leadership.

I felt this myself so many times in my career, and I will tell you that he doesn't get Better. You just get Better at leading, you get Better at being alone, and you'd become Better company to yourself. What I recognized is what made you feel so much work nice first starting out is that I wasn't good company to.

I was alone. And in the things that I had to go through by myself, I wasn't being my own best friend. And if I actually think about the way that I used to speak to myself, this is the way I speak to myself.

Now, when I was alone, I was constantly beat myself up, I was constantly word, I was questioning things. I wasn't cheering myself on. And once I recognize that, that was why lonely ess was so painful, I said, well, how would I speak to myself? I am my own best friend.

And that sounds so freaking lame. But I swear to god, IT has made the entire process so much painful for me. This is a game where the last man standing wins in terms of leadership is not about achieving a school.

It's about staying in the game. It's about being the type of person who can endure hard things and stand tall when you do. And for me, if you constantly feeding into negativity, feeding into worry, feeding into self doubt, there is no way I want to be alone, and there's no way that I could make up as a leader.

And I have had to completely change that frame of mind for myself. There's nothing wrong with feeling lonely, but IT feels really shitty if you're in bad company with yourself. So if you're watching this video, I would ask myself two things, which is one, are you willing to make the trade if you want to truly be a leader? IT will definitely be lonelier than being a follower.

If the answer is yes, i'm willing to pay the Price. The second question is, are you going to choose pain or suffering along away? Lonely ess will happen, and IT will occur no matter what. But suffering through the loneliness is compounded by how you speak yourself.

Do you want to greet your way through this journey? Or do you want to make IT easy on yourself? And do you want to actually make a sign that you might enjoy? And if you want to enjoy the way there, then you change the way that you speak yourself, and you change the thoughts, allow yourself to focus on and listen.

If this is something that you struggle, this is something that you're like, how do I change my internal dialogue? Like, let me know in the comments because I am curious of these topics are talking about which ones you guys want to hear more about. The next point is that a great leader surround themselves with people who make IT easier to achieve their goals, not harder.

Here's the thing. A great leader is only as great as the company they keep. I saw this to be true when I had a leader on my team who had really big goals for themselves. And SHE was vocalizing how much you wanted these things out of the job. He was weird because he said, like, I have all these picks and moving up and doing these things but then, like, when I gave opportunities of, like, I are going to do this thing or like, can you jump in here or like, k, we've got this thing that's going on this weekend.

Can you help you? Should you always say no? And I was like, why you saying no of these opportunities if you want to move out by only presenting you? Because what you told me what and what ended up coming out was that he had a very unsupportive spouse at home. And I said, what how this person unsupportive SHE watched in my content was like, I feel like this is me.

And she's like, well, they constantly lain when I met work, if I went working and they're not at work, they're constantly telling me how much they miss me and they wh I was home if I have to work on a weekend and they're constantly complaining about homework on a weekend. If I talk too much about work, they punish ed me essentially for talking too much about work. And overall, they don't have anything good to say about the job.

And I ve got to listen, this is not about the job. This is about your goals. Is this aligned with your goals and what you want to do for your life? And then I guess I was like, all right, let's give them feedback then about the fact that this person is constantly puni shing you for the process that IT takes to achieve your goals because that's really what you're doing.

And so that person has the discussion and the person on the other end IT didn't working out the action and breaking up, and they broke up because that person, their spouse, made IT harder to achieve their goals, not easier. And I tell you, like the moment that these people broke up, that person just completely propelled forward towards their goals and in their career. Unless i'm not saying that you should, like sacrifice your family for your career, that's all i'm saying all.

It's about something bigger than having people in your life that support your lives, mission, your personal goals, what's important to you. It's about engineering an environment that makes IT easier to succeed, not harder. And that starts with the people that are in your environment and the people who were closest to you in that environment.

When I was Younger, I got out of relationships because I had the same thing. I had people telling me you are working too much. I had one guy.

I tell me, I wish you won't work so much and you could just be a prety girl that would come to these events with me. This guy, a lot of answers work. I was like, what's the fuck? We're not a wind.

We're not the same that in me, i'm always going to be like this because this is what I want in my life. I get to choose how I shop in this world. I get to choose what I do with my life and listen to me like, that's all fun in games, but like that for me.

And so what i've seen is that a leader is only as good as the people around themselves with both in and outside the business. I can almost always corporate the highest performance in my businesses to people who have the highest among support outside of the business. And one of the easiest ways to rid yourself of self doubt, of limiting beliefs of conflict is to ensure that the people that are surrounding you outside of work don't create if.

And the sad thing is that often times we let people who have given up on their dreams interfere with us achieving hours. And that's the thing, is that the more that you give yourself permission to live life in accordance with your goals and your values and your desires, the more you will be criticized by people around you. You just want to make sure that the people around you are not the closest.

The next point is that as a leader, you don't demand respect. You earn respect by being trustworthy. I had acquaintance who had a business that was worth almost a billion dollars, and this was about five years ago, and I thought I was so interesting in this business, were so much money, because the way that SHE ran her business is that if somebody did not respect her, if somebody disobey her, if somebody had a different opinion, SHE was just fired.

And it's funny because I remember seeing that I told alex I was like me. And sometimes i'm just like, how is that that even occur? How do you get a business be that big while treating people like so poorly? And why by acting in such a way where you just have no trust from anybody on the team? And it's funny because that business was worth a billion five years ago.

That business today is worth one hundred and fifty million dollars. IT lost so much value that I can even set up. Why did that happen? Because there was a mass fucking exist from that conversation.

I have that person to when I was like peak, I talked with people in the company and they were all saying, like over getting the fuck. It's a messing here. They fire everybody for no reason.

Like you just don't agree. They don't tell you anything. They give you feedback. Spire you like space can complete lack of trust from the employee base to the leadership.

And a lot the employees came to me because I had been idiot by their leadership, and they trusted me. Ironic, right? What happened was that all of their best people just left.

All the top talent, all the people who really help build whatever good culture there was, they all just left. And a great mental of mine told me this, which is, companies die from the inside out. They implode more than they explode. And IT made so much sense because what happened they there was that IT wasn't an issue with the market. IT was an issue internally.

If you can't get your team internally to Operate in the best way possible, if you don't have great people, don't have great Operations, if you don't have great marketing, if don't have great sales, what matter that you're in a great market? IT doesn't. And so eventually what happened was in the beginning, that company was like first to market.

And so I didn't matter that they didn't have the best people and the best culture in the best way of doing things. People say at the company, because there was nowhere else to go, is Better and they than all the competition. And IT just had been long enough for them to say on signal.

Well, eventually what happens is competing companies, properly, their best talent, says 我 下, they're going to take over faster and they have a Better culture. They're more trusty leader. And so they left.

Is that the way that they had Operate the company is one in that they demanded respect without having earned the trust of their people. The irony of leadership is that everyone says, oh, I will act respectable once they respect me. I will act transfer thing once they trust me.

They expect more from their teams than they give to their teams. And I have always played the opposite, which is, you must give before you get you are the leader, meaning you lead the way you show them how to treat you. So how can you expect people to trust you, to respect you, to do all the things because of what you're talking? Title IT doesn't matter.

That's not how humans work. You have to give IT for, you can expect that from people. Bad leaders say you need to be respected, not liked.

Why do people say that to give themselves permission to account? People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. Leaders who don't have skills to lead well use force as a default.

And so if you're somebody in this, in your thing yourself, like me and like I do, kind of demand people respect me. I do do all the things you have a skilled deficit, you know, bad person, you know any skills? So here's the question that I asked myself.

When I am seeing something from my team, when I see them act in a way that is not accordance with the values for my company, when I see them in a way that I wouldn't want them acting, I ask my self, in what ways have I? I like this. And i'm like, there's got to a chink in my fucking armor because there's no way.

If I was the epidemic, everything I wanted to see in my team, they would know that that was not even close to acceptable. I am constantly tying back to myself, if somebody isn't acting respectful of me myself, have I ever had an interaction with them? I ve gotten to show them how much I respect them.

Respect is earned. It's not demanded. And all of these things are given, first by the leader, not by the team.

So the people, for example, on my team that trust me the most are the ones who know that I tell them when it's bad and I tell them when it's good. It's not that I do one of the other. I have both. And so they say, i'll be like, you know that you can trust me that I will tell you there oh, I know you'll tell me, I know you will tell me and it's not that I mean, I am never mean, I am just on.

I will always tell them where they stand, I will always tell them what I really think, and I will not withhold information from them, partially because that part of my values, and partially because I know, in the long term, IT is for the best, that I always upfront, honest. Because what does that do? Keep small problem.

Small IT helped people develop faster and IT creates predictability. And here's the thing, trust lubricates business. The more trust you have, the faster you can go.

For example, you know, people look at myself and alex and how fast we've been able to do things within building all the businesses we have. People always say, how have you accomplish what you accomplished this decade? I trust him with my life.

I would take a bullet for him, and I know he would take a bullet for me. And that trust, not ever having to wonder if we've really got each others back and we've really have each other's interest, has allowed to me to go so fast because I don't have this mental drama. I know he will tell me when something, things up, and he knows I will tell him when something and we will hit, right, that I trust him.

And and because of that, we can go so fast together. And I just take that relationship, and I look at how I can replicate that in people on my team. How do I create that trust of them, knowing, like I got, you're fucking back.

We're in this together and I will tell you when something up and I will tell you when because that we can move fast in areas that are slow. And with people who move slow, typically there is not enough trust. And most of the time, that comes from shortcuts and communication.

The next point is that true leaders don't complain. They stop. I hire somebody to be in Operator, one of my companies, and I thought that there is a lot of value in the fact that this person was constantly pointing out the problems and constantly talking about of problems.

There's value, of course, in bringing up problems and bring up things that are not going well. This person was overly fixated on IT. And what was really interesting is that I looked at where this first is time when they talk about problems more than they talk about solutions.

Why is IT that leaders don't talk about problems as much as they talk about solutions? Why is the leaders are optimistic? It's not because they're delusion, al.

It's because it's skill. Being optimistic is the skill. When you are in a company where bad shift happening all day, every day, he is a very necessary skill.

Because here's the thing, if you're focused only on the problem, how do you grow your business? If you are focused on the negativity, how do you grow the team? What I recognized is that if you allow the problems to steal your attention, then you take that attention from finding a solution.

The best leaders do not complain. They thought they acknowledge the problem. They acknowledged the impact of the problem, and then they get fucking busy solving the problem.

So the best leaders i've recognized on a call, when they bring me a problem, they spend about ten percent of the time on the problem and ninety percent of the time on the possible solutions to solve IT. Something that I observed early on myself was, I used to talk about problems more than I talk about solutions. Why is that? Because I didn't know how to solve.

Because I was new. I was an experience, and I don t have the tools in my tool t that I have now. So I recognize that some of this comes with the experience of knowing how to solve problems, but some of IT also comes with restraining yourself from complaining and talking about problems.

Because if you indulge in that, you're never gonna time to find solutions. And so now i'm very cognition the fact that I think of that as ninety ted, ten percent of time we spend on talking about problems that we interested in the scope, ninety person, the time we are talking about the solution IT happened. What do we didn't know? All I want to think about is, what am I gonna do moving forward? It's a matter of where you're putting your energy.

And if your energy is only going towards how bad these problems are, all the worst case scenarios you're missing out on all the things that you could learn from the problem of all the things that you could gain from IT and all the things that could happen on the other side. Those who cannot solve problems complained about them. I love this quote is by john maxim, the pessimist complaints about the wind.

The optimist expects IT to change, and the leader adjust the sales. The leader gets to solving the fucking problem, something I actually do quite often to audit. I asked myself, I looked back at that and I ask, how much time did I spend talking about the problem versus focus on the solution? And in the moment when i'm dealing with the problem, I asked myself and I focusing in my thoughts on the problem or on what I need to do next.

And business is move at speed of the boss. And if the boss is fixated on the problem and on the solution, the problem and move slow. And so IT benefits you and always to focus on what you're going to do next, what you've gotta do to solve the problem, rather than indulging in how the problem has effective people.

How bad IT all that motion? The next point is that leaders have their personal lives under control because business is personal. I had a company in the portfolio, and IT was one of our best companies in the beginning.

I was doing really well. I think in the first year, we eleven. Next, the results for crazy. I was like, wow, this company is doing really well. I didn't really like double click into the cees personal life or their personal choices.

And along the way, the company so growing, but the personal starts king, you know, not so great. Twice, employees start messaging me and telling me, like, I don't know if you know, but this person's like off doing drugs and not in our meeting. And then I don't if you know, but like this persons like show you up to the meeting, like really just to and looking like part online and you person like talk to our customers about this like grave.

They were out and like I don't know you know but like, it's been a week and they have have been the office and they ve actually been boating the week and I was like, i'm parked with this company, but like, i'm not boss and so like, what can I do dicky's life that the company is still performing definitely all line of my values, definitely all line of, I want that I kind of in this. So like, i've to use some soft influence. See, was gonna en the company keep growing.

IT was doing well. And then IT all had a bar of rumble because. I start getting phone calls from leaders in the team telling me that they didn't want to work with this person.

Why didn't they want to work with this person? I mean, like, these are grown adults calling me, telling me like it's really tough to work for with this person. IT wasn't how this person showed up in the business setting, good business person.

IT was the person. This person was outside of work. And IT was what he did in his free time that created the perception of who he was at work.

You cannot compart mental ze life, whether people like IT or not. And I get some shit for this. What you do in your personal life absolutely affect people see at work. And I think that people lie when they say otherwise.

I don't want to take advice from somebody who doesn't have their fucking to ship together even if something like I can tell you how I grew my business to ten billion, but they're out there cheating on their wife, doing drugs all day, drunk off the time. I'm good. I don't need you because business is personal and i'm not going to believe that you were able to achieve those things in a way of integrity and in a way that I would want to achieve them.

If this is what the rest of your life looks like, what do I not know about the business? You don't just become a different person when you come to work this saying I talk to my team about unlike you bring your home self to work, whether you like IT or not and trying to come part metal ze and be a different person at work in a different person at home is why a lot of people don't become leaders because they say, oh, I want to be respect in the workplace. I want to be admired in the workplace.

I want people think of a leader in the workplace. You think they don't know what you do in your free time. There is social media nowadays.

There are so many ways you can find. All of me does. And not to mention, people can tell. They can tell by little things you say. They can like tell by the way you show up.

They can tell by little new ones of stuff, by the way, that I went from having a business that was worth like forty five million dollars to a business that was worth nothing. And IT was because every single leader on the team left. That's why when we start opposition, not come on, one of the core values is una beautiful character, which is who my pro associate with on and off the field.

Why is that? Because I know that nobody can become a great leader if the way that they act outside of work is completely opposite to how they show inside the work. And the values you live, your personality by, whether you like IT or not, become the values at which you Operate.

Your and funny, because his people say, like values, like values are what you do, not what you say. It's very hard to just do completely different things outside of work than you do inside of work for anybody. The issue is when there is a discrepancy and you for those of you who are thinking when I prompted with this question, oh, me, and there's a discrepancy, there's different ways to close that up.

The question is, what's the discrepancy between who I am inside the workplace and who I am outside of the workplace? What's the get two ways to fill in. One, you can be honest about who you are inside of the workplace.

You can tell them what you actually do outside of work. You can be ice, you can own IT shame, only exit the dark, or you can change your behavior. I will tell you for myself, when I first started jim launch, I was like, okay, I really took this serious ly who I am outside of work, inside work.

I want all those things. And I just felt a responsibility of, like, I always use people that report to me like, I want to be a good example for them. And I genuinely want to be a person to make the world Better.

I start with making myself there. I looked in my life and I was like, well, I like to drink kle as work. And this is like when we had just out the business and we'd been like sleeping motels, drinking of fitz's jack splint, subway, and I still had a little bit of like fithh jack, like coming through, like the weekends.

I like to get a little beauty. I was like, either I can be honest and on my team, or I can change my behavior. And then I decided i'm changing my behavior.

And I didn't drink for three hundred years. I in touch IT because I was like, it's not worth IT to me. I don't want set the example that i'm like going shooting on the weekend because get shot on the weekends.

Being a leader is not a one time event. It's a constant practice that you practice every day. The next point is that you can lead without integrity, but having integrity is what makes you a leader.

I think there's a big difference between being somebody's boss and being somebody y's leader. IT was about six months ago when I was speaking with a female up, and he has a very large, well known company. And I talk king to her about just like my people.

And I was like, why do you like doing what you do? You know, like, I love leading a team. I love people, people, girl, I love communicating.

I love watching people develop like that's really like my favorite thing. He was like, wow, I actually don't like anything. I hate talking in my team.

Very different, but i'm interested like, tell me why and I remember he said something along the lines of the fact that he thinks that he could do every person's job in six minutes a day. And it's interesting because I think as a leader, there's definitely times where you see what people are doing. And of course, you're like, I have fifteen years of experience.

I could probably do this in two minutes, but that's not the point because you can't do everything. So i've recognized is that over time, you don't know what other things are on people's plates. You don't know why something takes longer.

And actually, the less that you know about something, the more likely you are to say that takes a little amount of time. He went on to tell me her pay philosophy and how best, because he pays as little as possible. And like the highest communications in terms of how people show up at work.

And he talked about how he was firing about twenty people that week. And that was like something he was really excited to do. And I was like, interesting.

Okay, except the fact that your public brand is one that you love people and have a great team and do all these great things for them. I just don't see how this is gna play out for her. There's no way they can tell that she's full of shit.

And I swear IT was not even two weeks later being lost you from her employees. I was like, dude, IT always comes back around. If you lead people without integrity, you can maybe help people work for you, but it's not the same as being a leader that people want to follow.

I think a lot of times people get into the business of having a business and they forget about if you business you want to go big, then you're in the business of people. And that's what IT becomes at some point. It's all about people.

You have people building the product, you have people doing the market, you have people doing the sales. And so all that you can do is be such a person of character and such a great leader that you attract other people that are so good and so capable, they can do all those things for you. And that's what SHE didn't understand.

And now her companies is crumbling. And IT really just, I think, means that for me, because every time i'd met somebody who has a company who lacks integrity, who doesn't really want the best for their people, but who maybe portrays themselves as such, that person has gotten britain in the ads, whether be in a month, six months, twelve months. So what is integrity? Integrity is the quality of being honest, having a strong moral compass.

And so, for example, if you want to be a leader who has integrity and you have a business, IT would mean that you are aligned with the values that you preach. And IT would mean that what you think, what you say and what you do are all the line. What that does is that creates trust with your team. When what you say you are and what you say you value are what you show that you are and what you show you value. Integrity is drives leadership, not the title that somebody holds.

And so the question is, at the end of the day, if you don't have a team that is loyal to you, have you been making decisions, whether behind closed doors or not, that create an environment where IT makes easy to be loyal to you? The true test of a leader is not how much they can achieve, but what kind of person, what kind of character they build along the way. And I don't know about you, but for me, people say, what's your go? And of course, there's a monetary goal and there is a size of business I would like to have.

There's mile sons I want to achieve. But none of that matters if i'm a worse person for IT. None of that matters if my team is worse for IT. None of that matters if my companies and customers are worse for IT, we've everybody Better than you found them.

And for me, that's my true moral compass around how I know that I am a person of integrity is with every decision I make, I literally think to myself, is this going to make people's lives Better or worse? Every person who touches this decision now for some of that IT might mean in the short term, it's worse. But if in the long term it's Better, eventually we'll see that player.

If you want to be a person of integrity, ask yourself, do my actions. A line with my words are the values that you preach to your team, actions that you uphold on a daily basis. Because I think that the root of a lot of lost trust, an organization, is between what people say the organization is about, what they say the values of the orange zone are, and then what they see the leader do on a daily basis.

Because if you can't show up as a person of integrity, everything crumbles. The next point, your mindset does not lead to success is leader, but your ability to act despite how you feel does. When I was first leading my company, I had no idea what the pog I was doing because I was like twenty three, and i'd never done any of this stuff before.

One of the hardest things for me was understanding how to show up for my team when I wasn't feeling one hundred percent. I used to be the type person that warm my heart on my sleeve. If I would be in the meeting and something wasn't going right, people would be like, are you OK? Is everything okay? Is something wrong? And so what I know this is that people were constantly asking me if I was OK.

It's the first time i've ever had a business. It's the first time ever been doing this. Like, no, why I didn't feel okay. I felt fuck and stress. I was scared.

I was nervous like there was so much going to had all the time I didn't feel that way, but I recognized that IT was selfish to allow my feelings to dictate how I showed up, and therefore how they felt when they were round me and talking to me. I was like, I need a constant reminder to regularly and manage my emotions. Now, this doesn't mean suppress my emotions, but this means not allow them to dictate my behavior.

I got a little sticky now, and I put IT on my computer, and I just said two words, just said, be neutral. My goal with that was that I wanted to be level headed. I want to be steady because think about like the best people you've ever had in your life that you like absolutely can rely on that you take their they're not like this.

They're like this like they're a rock for you. They're so much more to gain in regulating your emotional response. Then there is in emotional dumping on your team. And I think there's a difference between a lot of people say, well, isn't that surprising your emotions? I would say no, because what I will do is acknowledge. I will say, hey, if I seem a little bit off, I just want you guys to know I henslow pretty much last night because of X, Y, N, Z.

Or I might say, hey, if I seem a little bit off, I want, you know, dealing with an each situation just kind of upsetting and so if IT comes off that way, comes off that way if I A stomacke all morning and so if I don't seem like myself like that's why i'm not avoiding the fact that are not showing up exactly as myself. So they know but now at least they know it's not about that because also if they can sense that something off, but I don't tell them that it's something else that i've experienced, they assume it's because of them. And so I recognized there's two things that are selfish to do.

One to show up like this for my team because then that puts them like this. And they're constantly wondering, how's SHE gonna be in a good mother? bad? I don't know to expect.

The second one is that there is so much power and telling people what's going on because then they don't have to worry that it's about them. What I recognizes that I have never regret acting in accordance with my values rather than my emotions. I can acknowledge that have emotions, and I can still act in accordance with my values and goals.

Despite home feeling. IT might be hard. IT might be hard at first, might be time, but you can still do IT access is not based on how you feel. Success is based on what you do. In fact, it's based on what you do regardless of how you feel.

There are so many days where I don't want to do the thing that's required for me to succeed, but what I do want is to get to the end of my life and to know that I did everything possible to achieve my goals and become the person on to become you don't lead based on how you feel in the moment. You lead based on the values that you have set for yourself. I know that sometimes you are doing stuff and you feel like that.

I always joke that his people always seem to think like, oh, i'm guessing he's you've been doing this for decade like you feel Better than I feel and I know I feel i'm just good at feeling that I never goes away. You don't feel Better. You just get Better at feeling bad.

And so if I want to have any chance of getting out of the terrible fields, then I know that I want to act in my values, not with my momentary, fleeting emotions. Ninety nine percent of the success that I have experienced in my life has been correlated with my ability to act despite how I feel. Here's the question I would ask myself if I were watching this video and I were trying to learn from IT, which is, how many of your dates are dictated by your values vers your feelings?

I think a lot of people don't reach their goals because tuesday comes and they feel like shit and they allow that feeling like shit to dictate what tuesday looks like. I promise you that you will also feel less like shit if you do not do that and you stick with the plan. I think a good frame to take is five years from now, ten years from now, even just like six months from now.

Like what story do you want to tell about this moment right now? What do you want to train yourself into with every action we take? We reinforced doing that action again. So it's like with every action we take every day, we really build our future self.

And so the next point is that the company that you want is on the other side of a few conversations that you have been reading, there have been so many times in my career when because our brains don't want to confront the hard things, where I have not even purposely avoided a hard conversation, because in some way, subconsciously, I didn't want to confront how hard he was going to be. There was a time is about two years ago when I was trying to figure out why one of our companies wasn't growing. I just like could not see what was going on a lot times.

The reason this is difficult is because you know, the people in the company so well that the fact that somebody in the company might actually be the reason it's not growing, it's option. Your mind, these are the test pieces that we used to play the game. And remember, I wop and I was like, oh my gosh, it's this person.

They're not in the right role. We need to completely move them into a different role, which is not as involved in the company. immediately. I was like, that is what IT is. I completely understand that, and I know IT.

And then I was like, oh my god, how am I going to have this conversation? And that was when I was like, how are they going to take this? They're going to think that I means they suck.

They're going to think all these things. But I knew in order to grow the company, that's the conversation I had to have is I basically tell one of the founders, I think you'd be Better as a board member. I don't don't actually think that you are somebody that should be Operating in the company.

And I was so nervous about this conversation because we hadn't, like, had a big conversation yet as as soon as I knew I need to have IT, I was like, have right way. I know this is going to move everything forward, but I was dreading IT and I scheduled the conversation, god on the call. And it's so funny because in my mind, i'd made IT up to be like this big thing that was like kind of fruition.

And like the first thing was like, wow, I think that's great idea. And I was like, what the book all this like drama that my brain had made up about, what was gonna en for the situation. Only for this person to be like completely change, is what propelled that business to thirty next since we invested in IT.

And I was like, holy shit, if I had had that conversion, what would have happen? And that really gave me perspective how much growth is. On the other side of these hard conversations I acted in of my values, I knew I did the hard but right thing because they so often are the same bucking thing, which is like it's always the right thing is the hard thing.

And the hard thing is right thing. It's the people who are above the strategy, above the product, above the service, are not having hard conversations or it's the fact that you haven't got read of the person who you have had conversations with but isn't very person anymore. I can't tell you how often talk afraid of state like strategy, marketing, sales strategies, all these of things like acquiring customers like I know how to do all that IT.

Who does those things is people. And so if you don't have harmed conversations with the people that are about very important places in the company, that doesn't move, I say, because it's such an important lesson to me realizing on my rear, mental avoiding these conversations is to a company. IT is everything.

Because if somebody isn't performing and nobody speaks them about IT, what happens? They keep not performing. If you don't have the courage to have a hard conversation, then you Better have the courage to deal with a very, very difficult situation.

You're not getting rid of problems. You are trading them. So here's the question I would ask if I were you, and the question I ask myself, what conversations am I avoiding? What people am I avoiding? What conversations have I continued to shove off and not have out of inconvenience.

And those are what I used to tackle first. And last time I I do is I just get into A A group of addressing them. Like when I don't going up to have one of my art, what I have, I ve been put off.

Is there anything up in there i'm really digging through because that's going to move the company forward more than any initiative that you could ever do. The next point is that the speed of the leader is the speed of the team. Back on ized, building my first business, I hired somebody who I really liked, just I have fantastic person overall, but they were new.

They'd never done the job before. Tired this person to oversee a very large, very important department in the company. We're going to call this person gary, and gary was awesome.

But when gary him and took over the department very quickly, things took one day, started to take like seven days. And I was like, what is going on? Processes that took like a week started taking a one.

And then things that took one person to do took like four people to do. And I was I got IT what's going on here? I said, you know, what i'm going to do is i'm just going to come in.

I want to shadow was going on. Want to shadow how you're doing things on a shadow, the meetings, the team. I want look at all the processing, the system to see what happening.

And what happened was he said one thing on the meeting with me that. So interesting, he said, well, I think things could move faster if I didn't have to like, review and check on. People like that just gets the way of me doing my job.

And I was so funny in that moment. I was like, do you have a team of twenty? That is your job.

Your job is to make all of their bs. You are the multiple. Er, you are supposed to multiply their efforts by making them go faster.

And I looked in there and I I SAT down with him. And what we identified was that he was slowing everybody down. He wasn't reviewing anything quickly.

He wasn't getting back to people quickly. He wasn't messaging people quickly. He wasn't communicating quickly. He wasn't seminal information quickly. Everything he did was so delayed compared to what I had been doing prior.

The job of the leader is to increase the output of everybody that reports to them. So if you put a leader in place and output goes down, effectively, they are not a good leader. If you put a leader in place and output goes up, they're great leader.

Why is this so important? Is because in business, the big ones don't eat the small ones, the fast ones eat the slow ones. It's not about needing to be big right now, but you do need to be fast.

When I was building my first business, when we came in a market, I knew that speed had to be our competitive advantage because there were big players waiting to steal everything that we were building implement into their business. And I knew that if we couldn't do IT fast enough, they would be able to capitalize enough. I remember I went to an entrepreneur, meet up, and this guy pulled me to the site after I told him what kind of business I had.

And he said, listen, when he gets easy is when you hit the gas. If you don't, these guys who are bigger than you are going to come. They are going to steal all your ship.

They put you out business. And I have never relaxed since that day, nine years ago, the same way that I did before, because I was fucking true. Immediately, what I started seeing within about three months of us building our business, everyone started trying to figure ways to copy.

All the big players are saying, oh, we see what are doing really working. Let's try and copy at the only event we had a speed. And so I know that now when I building a business is that speed is a competitive advantage.

And that doesn't mean moving fast with city stuff. IT means moving fast, good stuff. Success is not just about having ideas.

Success is about acting on those ideas faster than your competition and faster than other people in the market. And that is why when I hire for people, i'm looking for people who are fast. The number one indicator for me is how fast is somebody to get back to me.

I ping you how fast to respond, how fast somebody responds to daily communication tells me how fast they move their department. I can almost always correlated the speed of the boss is the speed of the team mentor that once told me something. And I think IT IT really helped me put this into practice, which he said, if something comes on your plate and IT takes five minutes to do and you have five minutes, just fuck and do IT.

You don't need to add IT to a to do list, do IT now. And that was so powerful, able to me, because I think many people procrastinate, put things off and they don't understand the importance of speed and business. I used to send these surveys to my team, and I would say you've got a week to complete this survey.

I would notice that nobody did until last minute. Why did they not do to the last minute? Is a fucking survey takes five minutes to do.

Why am I giving people a week? So I said, fuck, I give IT to them. They give them.

And also, I think, is really good test of how fast you go on the team are come like the survey takes five months to fill out. So now what do I do? Is I give people a day because IT takes a day.

Here's the thing. Speed creates progress. Progress creates momentum.

Momentum creates success. But IT all starts with speed. So here's what I am asking myself constantly.

If I have something in leading position, I look at what is held under them. And I asked myself, is IT moving fast or slower than before they were here? If the answer is slower, I need to coach that person.

If it's faster, that's great. Let's pour gassing on the fire. Let's also coach them because we want to invest in a players. Either way, IT is good information.

Be to and ask yourself this, if you put yourself over a department in your business or over a person, do they get Better or worse? Do they go faster or slower? That can tell you your effectiveness as a leader.

The next point is that the true measure of a leader is not about them leading, but if they can create other leaders. I had somebody that I hired when I first start acquisition of calm, and that person was really good at doing the job. They were charismatic, they were funny.

They worked well with others, but once we had to a point where I need that person to build up their team, what I saw was not what I envisions for that team. For that team specifically, I had visited a team of leaders, a team of people who could build teams. I remembered getting on one of their meetings, and I was like, oh, no, we have a the ship here.

That person did not lead in a way that created leaders. They let in a way that created followers. They were constantly telling people what to do and then demining them if they didn't do IT correctly, rather than giving them more authority to dictate what they should be doing, and then giving them feedback based on what a car.

And so what ended up happening is that I actually end up swapping that person for a different leader, not because that person was not profession at their job, but because I knew with point in that department was in how they were leading IT. IT would create a team of followers, not a team of leaders. And like my vision fracas was not come as that we become the leadership factory.

And that really means that it's important. The leaders I put into divisions, I swap that person now. And I knew that the person I put in was so passionate about growing others, about mentorship, about creating other leaders in the company, they were allied with my vision.

And the moment that I put that person in, even though there was like a bunch of shit that had to get work through, and obviously in the short term, is difficult, specially when replace a big personal a company, the team, just completely like people who had not talked on meetings, stepped up, people who had been like late turning in their work and doing with things like we are the first to do anything, they were being proactive. They were like grabbing ship from people. And what I recognize is that that person had only been two leader.

Where has a level? Five leader is somebody who creates other leaders. In order to do that, you have to be able to let go of control. That's the hardest part, is that you cannot create other leaders unless you let go control. You can have growth, you can have control, but you cannot have both.

At the same time, you have to figure out how to lead in such a way that you inspire people to be leaders themselves and not even inspire them just to be leaders, but inspire them to create other leaders. So when I look at the output of a leader, the functional output of a leader is, if they can create more leaders, the best leaders create more leaders. They don't create followers who just not their heads.

The next point is that great leaders step back so that their team has an opportunity to step up back. When I was running my first company, jam, watch I 啊, a point time where I was going to out for two weeks. And that's because I had like, a medical thing going on and I was going to be out.

I was going to get surgery. I was like, not going to be able to do anything for two weeks. I was so anxious about IT.

I was like, there is no way anyone is we going to keep the shit together. They going to do long stuff at that point. I D not even taken like a full vacation on.

I taken like a day. I was really nervous. But what was gonna en?

I was like to know what I hear people say, you GTA let go going to grow. And so i'm going to do that. I'm going to give autonomous people, they're going to solve the problems.

I miss you what happens four days after I had my surgery and i'm checking in. Everyone's like everything's going really well. Don't worry about IT. We ve got this for a blow. Everything is.

And then after the same thing, ten days later, i'm like to on calls and I on call and they are like, so here's what what happened, facebook shut us down. These two people quit myself and I was like, oh my god, what's and they like, don't worry, we handle IT. It's all done and I was like, what? And as a cow, really and there I get, here's what we did.

And in that moment I was like, I have not stepped back enough to see who would step up. I have not been doing, and I have been giving my team room to see their potential. I haven been giving them opportunities to step up.

I've Robing them the opportunities by taking all the chAllenging myself. And that lesson has stuck with me like till the end of time. So now every time I want to take a few days off, i'm going on a trip, i'm sick. Something unexpected happens.

I literally always asked me myself, how is this an opportunity for me to see somebody else is potential? It's funny because every time the gap is created in your business, whether it's you stepping back or someone else stepping out, that gap is an opportunity to see someone else's hidden potential. I know IT feels awful.

People come to me every week. They message me, they kind of my workshops. They are my portfolio, and they say later, you don't understand, nobody can do this like me.

And I like hear you. They won't do IT exactly like you, but they could do IT Better than you. That's a possibility.

They could do IT differently, the new, and still get the same outcome. And you don't know until you try. There's this limiting belief because we've not seen someone else do IT about us that nobody else will be able to.

And I have been proved wrong in every business that I have by somebody. Somebody can always do the same thing that i've done. I am not special.

I am not a unicorn. And so treating myself as one doesn't do my business any good or my team. And so I chAllenge you to do this.

Think of the things that you're like, nobody else could do this. And I want you to just take IT and break them into maybe like three tasks, and give those tasks to somebody else. Give them clarity, explain what you want, explain the outcome you looking for, see if they can do IT prove yourself wrong.

Because you are, if you are watching this, you do video and you are selling me that nobody else can do the same marketing, the same way that you do the sales, the same way you you have prevented self on, right? Because there is somebody else watch the video thinking and you could always sp other. So like maybe you have some your team that can want to do and you so no, because you have the next point is that a great leader knows how to make tradeoffs.

IT is so much easier to be a yes person, then this be a no person. Because to be a no person, you to say no to people, you to say no to things, you to say no to exciting stuff, never say no, a possibility. And so you have to be really certain of what you're saying.

No to, I learn this building my first business. If you wash my content up until now, or any my content, I am ruthless, focused. I am able to say no to a lot of things and able to do that because i've learned what happens when you do. When I had my business, jim ch, I learned this the hard way.

When we are running the business, you got to a point where you you're succeeding and you have so much success that you're like, wow, you essentially think that you can take on more than you can chew, you know because you still kind of the first time you're having success, you haven't gone slap in the face yet. So you have like A A sense of pride, a sense of certainty that just hasn't clash with reality. That in building the business, we said, you know what, that would be really more valuables if we build this into a software business.

We're like we need build software to make this business work or end up happening is that we didn't even just build software. We said, all right, we're will this software that's gonna, gm, others make more money. IT was going be a gym.

C, R, M, and then as we were building the gym, C R M, because we started building the software, we were like, all men, and we can build soft. We should build something else to. And so we build this other tool named Allen that nurtured leads for games.

And then we said, wow, I know that we can do both of these things. We've proved to pick one. And so we pick the one that made the least sense for the business, but made the most sense in the short term.

We picked Allen, which was the lead nurture tool that we had built. The gym. Crm would have very clearly fit with our strake, but IT would have been much harder and cost more money.

And taking more time, the little nature tool took less time, less money. IT was easier to get out quickly, but IT aligned much less with our business. While ended up happening.

That tool didn't actually work best for gamers. IT worked best for agency owners and actually work best for agency owers. IT work best for all bricking motor locations. And so we essentially accidentally built another business, and that was a bad tradeoff. Ff, what I traded was another eighteen months of growing my business.

Linearly, essentially making no progress on my core business and building a new business that didn't even end up reaching the level of success that I could have because we had two. And so the train was, you can have two businesses, one might not grow and one migros soly. IT was a bad trade off, and I recognize now looking back on IT, I didn't understand the value of tradeoff fs, and the value of staying focus and staying committed to my decisions.

I didn't understand that strategy is not about saying yes. It's about saying no. It's easy to say yes. Yes makes people have in the short term, makes you have in the short term means that we never miss out an opportunities. If you don't say no, then you miss out on all opportunities because you take on too many.

And what I recognized, and I learned from the experience, which was very painful, is that the route of strategy is knowing what to say no to. It's knowing what the big yes is. So you can say no to literally everything else.

And I will say i'm pretty rigid about that because I do believe that, that is what matters more than anything in the company. And I will protect the focus with all that I can. And I am very, very mini focused on that one thing, and I will e away any other thing that I don't think contributes to that mean one big thing, even if that means a big win in the short term.

If IT doesn't in the long term, i'm just say I am not going to do IT and that's the thing. Is that what i've just recognized over time is when I first start off in business, I thought that successful people said yes thing. I think that you're just say yes to get started.

But once you get started, in order to keep going, you have to say no. And once you keep going, what you recognize is that the best people say no to almost everything except the one thing that's a sure when here's a question I asked myself that you can ask yourself to see where you sit here. Where am I negotiating with myself by saying, yes, it's constant, what I have, my self, what is like?

Where am I negotiating with the one big thing I want IT by saying yes to these other things. And I think that i've gotten good at not doing in the macro, like i'm not saying yes to second, third with businesses, but I do sometimes even in the micro, for example, i'm in a season where I know the most important things that I focus on this part of my business, something happens, happens. Something happened here.

I think thing to say yes to in the micro isn't harmful, but out of principle I say no because it's the principle of remaining focus that's most important to me. The next point is that a great leader hire people smarter than they see them as a blessing, not a threat. I was hosting a workshop recently where a guy who was doing about thirty million dollar g prior, and he was asking how to get to a hundred million period.

He said, who do I need to hire? So I said, our sea sweet look like one of the big pieces to get to from thirty two hundred years. You need more high level experiences, people they bring in, because then they become the tourist.

Everyone who is not, I said, you know, who is the highest paid employee and he was said, well, the high side pain, but in the companies, about one hundred thousand doors. And I was like, do you have any sea level people in the company? He was like, no.

And I was like, where do you spend your time? And if he spent his time across Operations, marketing and finance and based on feature of the company being manufacturing, that makes sense. There's a lot of finance.

And so I said, gosh, like I would think at this point we would want to bring in, I would say, to start a COO and a CFO and then you can focus on the marketing and then will eventually outstep dunder matic there are to get. And he was like, I would, but I can trust anybody close to the money. And I was like, okay, why? He's like, well, they could screw me.

If anybody knows how much we make, they have access to seeing the money, if they've access to controlling IT. Because right now I control all our expenses, movie has a credit, all these things. And I think is the next question I asked him was, what do you think is a greater threat to your business, one of rhythm chance that the person that you hire is a dev and steal s all your money because somehow they buy, pass all the banking systems to, or that you don't hire the right talent to grow your business.

Which one has a higher likelihood occuring? One is a sure fire way to destroy business, don't hire smart people to grow in. The other is like a very like one off edge case scenario that maybe could destroy your business. Yes, that is always a possibility.

And the question that I post after that was, what does your business look like in five years if you don't hire these people, if you do nothing is like, well, a point, right? Who know what you did with that information? But I say that to impress upon you the point, there is always the edge case scenario that somebody could fuck you completely.

They could steal all your money and somehow get away with that, and somehow your business born down to go to zero. Yes, that could happen to all of covent, could also happen. But on the more likely case, and o is that you hire smart people and you don't give them any authority and they leave in your business growth because that is what happens to business on this day in and day out.

Even if they hire the smart, they don't want to give them authority because they're scared of their capability. And so they withhold and they control everything. And for that, they don't get anything out of them and they don't get a capitalized on the growth that these people could actually bring to their business.

And here's the thing, it's not just that those people can bring groth into your business. Those people can help grow you. It's funny because I have somebody asked me one of my friends one time, he said, who have you learned the most of our business from? And at that point I told her I was like, the people have actually learned the most of business from right now.

Are these two people that are just hire, that are executives? Wasn't outside, wasn't a book IT wasn't matter. As the course I got to hire these people, and I get to help those guys.

I rent their brains, like, I get to use their brains for this many hours a week, as these people who are smarter than me in these areas, like one of blessing, that is that I don't have to go learn everything for myself that would take forever. I get to short cut my way to success by using other people's brains, just like you shortcut your way to making more money in investing. By using other people's money, you can shortcut your way to success business by using other people's brains.

It's the same concept. It's leverage. And if you don't hire people who are smiling the new, you never get that leverage.

And here's the thing, great leaders. Do not hire to maintain states quo. They hire to move up status. p. The goal is to hire people who teach you at what you are doing, who are Better than you, at what you are doing. If somebody can be Better at you at one thing that you were doing with one tenth of your time, you are not hiring smart of people. Think about IT.

Does this person raise the bar of the team and of the company? Or do they keep the same? Or do they lower at the next point? Is that being able to pick the right person is far more valuable than being the right person.

When I was growing my first business, I wore all of the hats to start. Head of sales, head of C. S, head of finance, head of ops, head of customer ability, has product everything.

And I was constantly focused on how I could get Better at those things, like, how do I learn more about? How I learn more about sales, how do I learn about marketing, how I learn more about. And I had a mentor say this to me, and I really stuck. He said, illa, you don't need to get Better any these things. You need to get Better at picking people.

And I was like, huh, why? He said, it's the one job you will never grow out of and that's stuck with me from that day on because, like, I shit, what I recognize is is more important to be able to pick the right people than to be the right person for the job, because my job is going to change all the time. But I have to pick the people to take IT after me.

My business going all the time, but I have to pick the people that are going to do business with me. You don't build the business. You pick the people, invest the people and they build the business.

And that's the thing. No matter how brilliant your strategy, if you are playing the game solo, you will always lose to somebody. You playing IT with the team. And that starts with knowing how to pick people.

So the reason that I got so passionate about recruiting, and then the reason i'm so passion about hr is because i've recognized that is something that I should never not know how to do. That is something I should always, always close, because the one thing that builds the business is the people that are here. And so I should be good at picking those people and teaching others have to pick those people.

I will, yes, be had of finance at some point ahead of, yes, at some point in product market, I have played all the roles, and I always my job is always changing. But the one job that never changes is picking people to help with the business and the best leaders that I know focus on this more than any other thing. They all same thing.

We all sit there, everyone like you guys where you are because of marketing and brain and see all these things, right? We all sit in the back room and we're like, we all know it's because of the people everybody knows. And I think it's where perception is reality, which is like you see people on social media like myself and like other people, and you think they are successful because of who they are and what they're doing.

But the likelihood of that being true is very look, the reason that they are likely succeeding is because there are so good at picking everybody else that works for them. Your business gets to a point where it's so big IT is impossible for you to do anyone job. Instead, you have to be the person to find the people to do all the jobs.

And I just found that to be true, which is if I pick the right people and I put them on hard problems or big opportunities, my business growth. It's not when I myself go on every problem, on every opportunity because at some point, that sound skilled if you are the one problem and taking in end of every opportunity and that limits your business. And so the only skill that will forever in def is being able to pick people.

And so i'll ask you this, which is like, how much time have you put in to learning how to pick people? How many interviews do you take? How many screenings do you watch? How many interviews do you watch? How much of a structure do you have in place? You know, the reason that I invested so much into recruiting and human resources in the beginning is because I wanted to safeguard against picking their own people.

And I think i've been able to scale this so quickly because I just pick a lot of the right people from the, I have to waste all all that time replacing people, hiring new people, turning people in. Now I don't have to worry about turn so much because when you have to constantly tly worry about turn, because you're constantly losing and gain new people, that distracts you from accomplishing any of your business objectives. Picking people is the one skill they will always need.

The next point is that the best leaders are also the most adaptable. Business changes all the time, whether you want me to or not. The environment changes, the market changes, the platforms change.

Things inevitably change. And you cannot control that. The only thing that you can control is how you react when IT happens.

I witnessed in my last business, we used to rely heavily on facebook ads. And what happened was that over a time, the platform, the church, and so he got harder to advertise the platform. Eventually, one day, the platform did a facebook slap, where they basically changed their whole alm overnight and overnight.

So much of what we did that was so effective, completely finished. What happened next was fascinating, because I brought to my team what had happened. And I said, listen, we have to adapt here.

We have to figure out something different. Half my team was like, let's do IT. Let's move forward.

Youtube linked in out about all these things. And the other half of my team resisted IT. They said, we don't want to do that.

Let's just figure how to make this work. I'm sure it's gonna back tomorrow. They tried to negotiate with reality, meaning they argued with them.

And what I saw is that those leaders, they were arguing with reality, they were fighting the fact that change was occurring, couldn't move forward. So we are spending all this time in the problem and no time in the solution because we are resisting what was real. We resisting what had happened.

We were and with reality, the best leaders don't argue with reality. They adapt to IT. The best leaders don't avoid failure or change. They use that as an opportunity to get stronger.

They say, how can we use this negative experience or chAllenge to become Better? And the best leaders that you will hire will make your job easier, not harder. And a lot of that starts with accepting change and adapting to IT.

Adapting means to change the environment occurs, so you change your behavior as well. Not adapting is when to change the environment occurs. And you refuse to change your behavior at a fear because you're scared.

What if I fail? What if I can figure something out? What if, if, if, if the best letter learn to adapt to that change and they come out stronger on the other end, what I have found is that if you have a leader who argues with reality, they create so much uncertainty.

Y in their teams because think about, all right, i'll give an example. When cobi hit my entire team. Looks to me the government just said that none of our customers can do business, and those are the people who feed us and paid the bills.

What are you going to do? I didn't try to fight IT. I didn't try to argue with reality.

You know, I said I was a great guys. Our customers have their doors closed. So here's what are going to do. We are going to completely pip IT, and we might only pip IT for six months because we don't know how long is going to happen. It's going to be hard.

It's gona suck and to make a stronger and try to fight IT and try to say, you know what, maybe it's going to go back. And in that time, I was so fascine because I actually watched my customers who argued with that reality fail. We had gyms as customers.

The gyms that went out of business didn't got a business because of the environment. They went out of business because they response. The environment was the ones who said, what change everything back in a week or in two weeks? I don't want change anything.

They were so scared of fAiling, and they were so scared what was going to happen if they made the wrong new that they refuse to change. And because they refuse to change, they ended up dying. Because what happens if you don't adapt to the environment is the environment eventually overtakes you and you become a victim of the environment rather than using IT to your advantage.

And that is what happened to so many of them, the ones who got stronger, we're the ones who said, screw, we're going to change the whole business. Maybe it's for six months, maybe it's for twelve months, but we're going to get to do this and we're be stronger for IT. And that experience taught me how much our ability to adapt and respond during times of chaos, during change and during hard situations, dict ates our success.

If you want to be the best leaders and if you want to have the best leaders, you have to be adaptable. Here's a question to ask yourself. Do I argue with reality, or do I respond to reality? I asked myself, this, I, my, in my with reality right now, because i'm scared of going to fail, because scared what what happens next, because i'm scared of the change.

And if you just let go of all that fear and all that inks all the anxious around change and you're just leaned into the change, how much one would you grow from them and what could you capitalize on that? Maybe you're not. Right now, what stops people from being great leaders is not fear of success is their fear of being betrayed, of losing, of fAiling, of judgment, of change.

It's not the fear of what happens if I succeed. It's the fear of what happens if I fail and everyone sees here's a thing, i'm sure you've watched this video and now you're like, I get it's important but all this sphere r comes up. It's like, what if people could train ing? What if they think I suck? What if I fail? What if I lose money? What if all these thinks? But the other question is, what if you don't try?

What does your life look like five years from now if you don't really try to be the best leader that you know you could be? What does your business look like? What does your life look like? And how much do you respect yourself? Would you respect yourself more or less for trying? Here's a thing, you don't need to pick all of these at once.

pick. One of these points that resonate with you the most and just focus there, leadership, is the compilation of so many skills into one. Give yourself some Grace, tackle one thing first, and stay focused on IT until you feel like you ve really nail that as I hope you enjoy this video. And here's a thing, if there's any one point that you want to know more about, you want to buy more, let me know the comments what point that is, and I will make sure to cute up for the beauty video.