cover of episode The Twitter Fantasy

The Twitter Fantasy

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Peter Kafka
Peter Kafka: 本播客探讨了推特从创立初期的模糊定位到如今面临的诸多挑战,包括其作为公共广场的初衷与实际发展中出现的网络暴力问题,以及Elon Musk收购推特后带来的影响。节目采访了推特早期开发者、管理者以及普通用户,从不同角度展现了推特对文化和政治的影响。 匿名受访者: 多位受访者分享了他们在推特上遭遇网络暴力的经历,以及对平台管理者应对不力、虚假信息泛滥等问题的担忧。他们指出,推特巨大的影响力与平台自身在内容监管和用户保护方面的不足形成了鲜明对比,并表达了对推特未来发展方向的担忧。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

A year ago, in what was essentially the world’s most expensive impulse purchase, Elon Musk bought Twitter. That made him Twitter’s most important user. But he’s certainly not the only one to fall for its spell - a spell that promises attention, connection, and power. This season will explore why Twitter’s cultural and political influence far exceeds its size, and how its biggest users shaped it, for better and worse.

Hosted by Vox senior correspondent Peter Kafka. Episodes drop every Wednesday beginning October 25th. 

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