cover of episode Combatting America’s Border Crisis With Senator James Lankford

Combatting America’s Border Crisis With Senator James Lankford

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Jason in the House

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James Lankford
Jason Chaffetz
Jason Chaffetz: 对青年合唱团在国会山被阻止演唱国歌事件表示愤慨,并批评了媒体对佛罗里达州第一夫人凯西·德桑蒂斯的攻击,认为这些攻击是愚蠢和不公正的。他呼吁对相关责任人进行问责。 James Lankford: 就美国边境危机发表了评论,指出当前涌入美国的移民中,许多来自对美国怀有敌意的国家,这构成了严重的国家安全威胁。他强调,许多人没有身份证明,甚至连真实姓名都无法确认,这使得边境安全面临巨大挑战。他还批评了现行移民政策的漏洞,认为这些漏洞被滥用,导致大量非法移民涌入美国。他呼吁加强边境执法,并对寻求政治庇护的定义进行澄清,以确保其不被滥用。此外,他还讨论了国会预算和拨款流程的低效和混乱,并提出了一些改革建议,例如将预算年度改为日历年度,并结束政府停摆。他认为,通过改进流程,可以提高效率,并更好地监督政府支出。他还谈到了美国社会日益增长的愤怒情绪,并认为这种情绪无助于解决问题,赢得人心需要以理服人。 Jason Chaffetz: 就国会预算和拨款流程的低效和混乱表示担忧,并提出了一些改革建议,例如实行两年期预算。他认为,现行的预算流程使得国会无法充分利用财政权力来控制支出,导致大量浪费性支出。他还批评了国会没有充分利用财政权力来控制支出,并认为这导致了政府的低效和混乱。他强调,需要加强监督,以防止浪费性支出的发生。

Deep Dive

Senator James Lankford discusses the alarming trends at the U.S. border, including the influx of non-Spanish speaking individuals from countries with potential terrorist ties, and the challenges of processing unaccompanied minors.

Shownotes Transcript

Jason shares a baffling story of a youth choir being told they cannot perform the national anthem in Capitol Hill. Then, he brings on the stupid highlighting the methods that the media is attacking the First Lady of Florida, Casey DeSantis


Finally, Jason sits down with his former Congress colleague, Senator James Lankford (R-OK). They share stories from their time serving together in Congress, as well as what real reforms could be put in place to help the government serve its citizens better. Plus, Senator Lankford shares some shocking details about what border agents have learned about those who are coming into the country, and why it may be an even graver national security threat than before 9/11.


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