Mark Levy:报道了Dylan Edwards因伤退出比赛,James Tedesco回归的消息,并表达了对Edwards的惋惜之情,同时对Tedesco的回归表示期待。他分析了Tedesco回归对球队的影响,以及Tedesco和Edwards在比赛中的表现。
Darrell Broman:详细描述了Edwards受伤的过程,以及Tedesco被紧急召回的过程。他分析了Tedesco回归对球队阵容和比赛策略的影响,并对Edwards的受伤表示惋惜。
Mark Riddell:讨论了Tedesco回归后,他将如何融入球队,以及他将如何应对比赛压力。他还谈到了昆士兰州队的备战情况。
Neil Breen:对Edwards的受伤表示惋惜,并讨论了Tedesco回归对球队的影响。
Michael Maguire:证实了Edwards的受伤,并解释了球队做出换人决定的原因。他谈到了与Tedesco和Robinson的沟通,以及对Tedesco回归的期待。他还回应了Gordon Tallis关于Tedesco回归可能影响球队表现的言论,并对球队的备战情况进行了总结。他详细讲述了球队选择在蓝山集训的原因,以及集训对球队凝聚力的提升。最后,他向新南威尔士州的民众表达了感谢,并表示球队将为胜利而努力。
Mark Levy: This segment focuses on the news that Dylan Edwards is out of the State of Origin game due to injury, and James Tedesco's return to the team. Levy expresses sympathy for Edwards and excitement for Tedesco's return. He analyzes the impact of Tedesco's return on the team and the potential performances of both players.
Darrell Broman: This segment provides a detailed account of Edwards' injury and the subsequent call-up of Tedesco. Broman analyzes the impact of Tedesco's return on the team's lineup and game strategy, and expresses regret over Edwards' injury.
Mark Riddell: This segment discusses how Tedesco will integrate into the team and manage the pressure of the game after his return. He also discusses the preparations of the Queensland team.
Neil Breen: This segment expresses sympathy for Edwards' injury and discusses the impact of Tedesco's return on the team.
Michael Maguire: This segment confirms Edwards' injury and explains the reasons behind the team's decision to make a substitution. He discusses his communication with Tedesco and Robinson, and expresses his anticipation for Tedesco's return. He also responds to Gordon Tallis' comments about Tedesco's return potentially affecting the team's performance, and summarizes the team's preparations. He provides a detailed account of the reasons why the team chose to train in the Blue Mountains, and how the training camp has improved the team's cohesion. Finally, he expresses gratitude to the people of New South Wales and states that the team will strive for victory.