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Trailer: Queen of the Con: The OC Savior

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Queen of the Con

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旁白:本集讲述了发生在加州橙县的诈骗案,罪犯Lizzie Mulder伪装成成功的CPA,利用魅力和高科技手段欺骗多名受害者,导致他们遭受巨大的经济损失。橙县的特殊环境为这类犯罪提供了温床。 受害者1:Lizzie Mulder非常有魅力,她所说的一切都令人信服,让人放松警惕。她利用各种自信陷阱和先进技术实施诈骗,受害者损失惨重,几乎面临破产。 受害者2:Lizzie Mulder的诈骗手法高超,受害者甚至误以为自己正在与海外投资者沟通,直到真相大白才发现自己被骗。 受害者3:Lizzie Mulder的诈骗行为给受害者带来了巨大的经济损失和精神打击,受害者表示自己从未见过如此严重的破坏性事件。 Jonathan Walton:Lizzie Mulder的行为令人作呕,她的反社会和毁灭性行为给受害者带来了巨大的痛苦。本节目揭露了Lizzie Mulder的罪行,并呼吁大家提高警惕,避免成为类似诈骗的受害者。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Living here is like being in the middle of smoke and mirrors. Everyone presents themselves as one way, and invariably you find out it's not the truth. Orange County, California, is fertile ground for con artists like Lizzie Mulder.

Lizzie definitely wanted to be somebody that was seen. She was very charismatic. She came in and she said all the right things. She had the right look. It seemed like she was doing a good job. She really is doing a good job of scamming everyone she meets using a wide array of confidence tricks and cutting edge technology. And I'm thinking I'm talking to a guy overseas that wants to invest into my winery.

And really, I'm talking to that woman that is just scamming me the whole time. And it sounded like a man.

It did. It sounded just like a man. When all was said and done, how much money did she get from you? $291,000. She got me for like $285,000 altogether. $285,000? Yeah. How much money did your boss end up losing? Millions. She crippled us badly. We are facing bankruptcy because of her. There's so much more about Lizzie that goes into the level of...

Diabolical, sociopathic behavior. Her actions completely sickened me. There were tears. I mean, it was just, I've just never seen the sort of devastation like that. You have no regard for anyone but yourself. Lizzie, you're a horrible person. I'm Jonathan Walton, host of Queen of the Con, season two, The O.C. Savior, dropping May 5th on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.