cover of episode Whale Song & Alien Intelligence with Dr. Laurance Doyle and Dr. Fred Sharpe

Whale Song & Alien Intelligence with Dr. Laurance Doyle and Dr. Fred Sharpe

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Fred Sharpe
Laurance Doyle
Laurance Doyle: 我是寻找地外文明研究所(SETI)首席研究员。我们过去的研究主要关注是否存在地外科技,而现在更关注地外信息本身是否具有智能。除非发送者和接收者理解相同的含义,否则我们将错过信号。我们SETI工作的创新之处在于,我们引入了分析信息本身是否具有智能性的概念。通过研究座头鲸的沟通方式,我们可以学习如何识别和理解可能来自地外文明的复杂信号。数百万年来,座头鲸一直拥有海洋互联网,它们已经能够高效地进行远距离通讯,这与未来人类在太阳系中的通讯方式类似。如果我们真的与地外文明取得联系,这将改变人们的思维方式,让我们更加重视地球,并重新审视自身在宇宙中的位置。我们的海洋是由木星搅动的彗星云形成的,这说明我们与太阳系有着紧密的联系。如果任何地外文明能够进行星际旅行,那么它们也应该具备非好战性和合作性等美德,而这些美德可能也是我们物种长期生存和探索太空的必要条件。我们可能已经截获了某种地外信号。座头鲸的歌声让我们意识到,在我们海洋中就存在着地外生命。通过动物科学和SETI之间的合作研究,我们将更接近于解答这个奇妙而令人困惑的问题。聆听座头鲸的歌声和星体的歌声,可以唤醒人们对非人类世界的认识。 Fred Sharpe: 我是阿拉斯加鲸鱼基金会的首席研究员,专门研究座头鲸。很多人对SETI的理解仅限于UFO和飞碟,而SETI实际上也在开发工具来分析来自深空宇宙的信号。将信息理论应用于动物通讯系统是一个绝妙的想法。座头鲸的所有沟通都依赖于发声,不像人类还会使用面部表情和肢体语言,这使得我们能够完整地获取它们的音频通讯系统。座头鲸是动态多样的沟通者,其独特的觅食叫声、不断进化的复杂歌声以及类似押韵和句法的结构,都使其成为研究沟通系统的理想对象。海洋中的声速是空气中的五倍,这使得海洋具有惊人的声学传导性,海洋中的声音在某种程度上与星际间的类似,可以传播数百甚至数千英里。座头鲸的歌声创新在太平洋上传播,并被非相互作用的座头鲸群体接收,这表明它们拥有全球性的通讯系统。为了SETI研究,我们希望选择体型较大,拥有全球通讯系统,并且理想情况下未受人类影响的物种,而座头鲸符合这些条件。座头鲸非常吵闹,拥有极其复杂的声学发声,并且它们的大脑中含有纺锤状神经元,这与人类的语言习得、社会智力、面部识别和同情心有关。座头鲸的集体捕猎行为,特别是它们使用气泡网捕猎鲱鱼时复杂的声学交流,提供了研究复杂信息交换的绝佳案例。信息论可以帮助我们理解这些信号的复杂性,例如计算有多少“哇声”、“噗声”和“尖叫声”,并寻找一致的沟通规则和模式。要理解复杂动物的沟通系统,我们首先需要认识到它们有能力进行符号化沟通,理解信号单元及其相互关系。座头鲸会基于捕猎能力建立长期的关系,这与人类基于能力和职业建立长期关系类似,而据我们所知,除了座头鲸,没有其他物种这样做。座头鲸和人类之间存在奇特的共同进化趋同性,它们在发声复杂性、发声频率范围以及语言般的发声方面都非常相似。座头鲸大脑中含有纺锤状神经元,这与人类的语言、社会智力、面部识别和同情心有关,这表明它们拥有复杂的情感和认知生活。在探索宇宙生命之前,我们应该先了解地球上各种生命形式的沟通方式。我们应该超越以往对智力的局限性认识,认识到其他物种的智力也可能非常复杂。如果地外文明的通讯方式与人类不同,我们可能会错过信号。研究不同的智力形式可以拓宽我们对智力的理解,避免局限于人类自身的思维模式。这种打破人类中心主义的思维方式不仅对科学研究有益,也有助于我们更好地理解人类自身以及与生态系统之间的关系。我们需要关注非人类的沟通系统,并重新审视人类在宇宙中的位置。座头鲸在没有科技的情况下进化出了复杂的社会制度和发声能力,这表明宇宙中可能存在许多不发出信号的智慧生命。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are humpback whales considered a key species for studying potential extraterrestrial communication?

Humpback whales are considered key because of their complex, long-distance communication systems, which include unique vocalizations, tool use, and a global network. Their communication is entirely vocal, making it easier to study compared to species that use gestures or facial expressions. Additionally, their songs evolve over time, use syntax, and can travel hundreds to thousands of miles underwater, making them an excellent analog for understanding how extraterrestrial intelligences might transmit messages across vast cosmic distances.

What is the significance of humpback whales' bubble net feeding behavior in understanding communication?

Bubble net feeding is a sophisticated cooperative behavior where humpback whales use sound and bubbles to herd fish. This behavior demonstrates their ability to communicate and coordinate complex actions, such as creating bubble nets and herding prey. The complexity of these social sounds and their coordination suggests a high level of information exchange, which is crucial for understanding how intelligent species, including potential extraterrestrials, might communicate and collaborate.

How does information theory apply to the study of humpback whale communication?

Information theory is used to quantify the complexity of humpback whale vocalizations by analyzing patterns, consistency, and rules in their communication. It helps identify how many distinct sounds (e.g., whoops, throps, shrieks) are used and how they are structured. While it doesn't translate meaning, it provides insights into the complexity and rule-based nature of their communication, which is essential for understanding non-human communication systems, including potential extraterrestrial signals.

What similarities exist between humpback whale communication and potential extraterrestrial communication?

Both humpback whale communication and potential extraterrestrial communication involve long-distance transmission of complex signals. Humpback whales use low-frequency sounds that can travel thousands of miles underwater, similar to how extraterrestrial signals might traverse vast cosmic distances. Additionally, both systems require a shared understanding of signal meaning between sender and receiver, highlighting the importance of studying non-human communication to decode potential alien messages.

Why is the study of diverse intelligences important for SETI research?

Studying diverse intelligences, such as humpback whales, helps broaden our understanding of communication systems beyond human language. This approach prevents us from missing signals that might be structured differently from human communication. By analyzing non-human systems, SETI researchers can develop better tools and algorithms to detect and interpret potential extraterrestrial signals, ultimately enhancing our ability to recognize intelligent life beyond Earth.

What role does compassion play in the study of humpback whales and extraterrestrial intelligence?

Compassion in humpback whales, demonstrated by their tendency to aid distressed individuals of other species, suggests that advanced social and emotional intelligence may be a hallmark of complex communication systems. Dr. Doyle speculates that extraterrestrial civilizations capable of space travel might also exhibit cooperative and compassionate behaviors, as these traits could be essential for sustaining advanced societies. This connection highlights the importance of virtues like compassion in understanding both terrestrial and extraterrestrial intelligences.

How does the study of humpback whales challenge traditional views of intelligence?

The study of humpback whales challenges traditional views by demonstrating that intelligence and complex communication systems exist in non-human species. Their use of tools, cooperative behaviors, and evolving vocalizations show that intelligence can manifest in ways distinct from human cognition. This broader perspective encourages scientists to move beyond human-centric measures of intelligence and consider diverse forms of communication and problem-solving in other species.

What is the potential impact of discovering extraterrestrial intelligence on human society?

Discovering extraterrestrial intelligence could profoundly shift human perspectives, fostering a sense of humility and interconnectedness. It might lead to a greater appreciation for Earth as a shared spaceship, encouraging better stewardship of the planet. Additionally, it could challenge philosophical and religious beliefs, prompting a reevaluation of humanity's place in the universe and inspiring collaborative efforts to protect and explore our cosmic environment.

Shownotes Transcript

Today’s episode features the collaborative exploration of Dr. Fred Sharpe, an expert in humpback whales and the Principal Investigator with the Alaska Whale Foundation, and Dr. Laurance Doyle, astrophysicist and Principal Investigator of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute. Drs. Sharpe and Doyle are investigating  humpback whales’ complex, long-distance communication with the aim of learning about how alien intelligences, if they exist, might attempt to transmit their messages through the cosmos.

Learn more about Dr. Fred Sharpe) and the Alaska Whale Foundation), and Dr. Laurance Doyle) and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute)

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