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Introducing Think Big Buy Small

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Think Big, Buy Small

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Rick Rubeck 和 Royce Yudkoff:本播客介绍了一种特殊的创业方式,即收购现有小型企业,成为企业老板并获得财务收益。这种方式的目标是寻找持续盈利的企业,通常是从退休创始人手中购买。播客将采访不同背景和阶段的创业者,分享他们的经验,帮助听众决定这种创业方式是否适合自己,并指导他们完成收购小型企业的旅程。 一位未具名嘉宾:通过收购企业创业,可以获得更大的灵活性和决策控制权。这位嘉宾分享了其在帮助他人获得SBA贷款用于购买企业方面的经验,并认为这是一个非常有益的旅程。 Rick Rubeck 和 Royce Yudkoff:通过收购企业创业,可以在追求职业成功的同时,最大限度地减少对家庭生活的牺牲。哈佛商学院已经开设相关课程近15年,帮助学生了解这种创业方式。每年都有数千家小型企业出售,许多人成功收购了持续盈利的企业,你也可以尝试。本播客旨在帮助你决定这种创业方式是否适合你,并指导你完成收购小型企业的旅程。 Rick Rubeck 和 Royce Yudkoff:本播客旨在帮助听众了解通过收购企业进行创业的途径,并为那些希望成为企业主的人提供指导。通过收购现有的、持续盈利的企业,人们可以获得财务上的成功,同时拥有更大的灵活性与控制权。本播客将分享来自不同背景和阶段的创业者的故事,从那些正在考虑这种创业方式的人,到那些已经成功出售他们收购的企业的企业家。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, I'm Rick Rubeck. And I'm Royce Yudkoff. Welcome to our new podcast from the Harvard Business School, Think Big, Buy Small. This series will let you in on a very special way to become an entrepreneur, how to buy your own business, be your own boss, and get the financial benefits of your efforts. Entrepreneurship through acquisition involves searching for an existing, enduringly profitable, smaller business and buying it, usually from a retiring founder.

Our conversations are with guests from all backgrounds and different stages of the entrepreneurship through acquisition journey. From those considering whether this path is right for them, all the way through to those who have now sold the businesses they bought as searchers and then ran as CEOs.

I want to have a little bit more flexibility and control over the decisions that I'm making. I transitioned into what I felt was like a much more exciting space, which was SBA loans for people buying businesses. And it has been a super rewarding journey because I've helped hundreds of people buy their first business.

While I didn't know exactly how my journey would end up, I wanted to maximize my ability to really drive professionally great outcomes for myself, but to do it in a way that minimized any sacrifice I had to make on the home front. We've been helping students understand this less traveled space to personal and professional independence in our courses at the Harvard Business School for nearly 15 years. But you don't have to attend HBS to take advantage of these opportunities.

Thousands of smaller firms are sold every year, and many people have successfully acquired an existing business that is enduringly profitable. So why not you too? The goal of the Think Big, Buy Small podcast is to help you decide if entrepreneurship through acquisition is for you, and if it is, to help you take your first steps on the journey to buying your own small business.

Listen to learn more about this special opportunity, entrepreneurship through acquisition. Think Big, Buy Small is coming soon from Harvard Business School. Tune in wherever you get your podcasts.