cover of episode Ep 3: Core Beliefs in Entrepreneurship - Shape Business Success with Jason Van Ruler

Ep 3: Core Beliefs in Entrepreneurship - Shape Business Success with Jason Van Ruler

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The Growth Gear

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Van Ruler
Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan: 本期节目探讨了核心信念对创业成功和心理健康的重要性,并分享了自身经历以及与专家Jason Van Ruler的对话,强调了认识和改变负面核心信念的重要性。 Jordan 认为,许多企业家最初的动力源于试图推翻负面核心信念,但这最终会成为他们成功的阻碍。他分享了自己参加的一个深入的研讨会,该研讨会帮助参与者理解思维方式和动力来源,并强调了核心信念的概念。 Jordan 还谈到了冒名顶替综合征,以及它如何影响企业家的决策和幸福感。他认为,将个人成功与事业成功混为一谈,会导致心理健康问题。 Jordan 最后总结道,改变负面核心信念能够让人在事业上取得更大的成功,并从中获得更多乐趣,并鼓励听众寻求专业人士的帮助来识别和改变核心信念。 Jason Van Ruler: Van Ruler 认为,是什么推动我们,又是什么愚弄我们,核心信念是推动我们前进的动力,但同时也可能成为我们成功的阻碍。他解释说,最初的动力可能源于试图推翻负面核心信念,但这并不能改变核心信念本身。 Van Ruler 指出,每个人都有负面的核心信念,即使是乐观且自信的企业家。这些信念源于我们对生活经历的解读和自我认知,例如:我不应该尝试,因为我会失败;我不能信任别人,因为他们会让我失望;我不值得成功。 Van Ruler 认为,冒名顶替综合征与负面核心信念密切相关,它会导致焦虑和不合理的决策。他强调,改变核心信念比努力工作更重要,因为只有改变核心信念才能获得长久的满足感。 Van Ruler 建议,要识别负面核心信念,需要分析人生中负面影响最大的事件,并寻找相反的证据来推翻这些信念。他还强调了人际关系的重要性,并建议人们从小事做起,逐渐建立信任和寻求帮助。 Van Ruler 最后总结道,要获得成功和幸福,需要先照顾好自己,并鼓励人们寻求专业人士的帮助。

Deep Dive

The episode explores the impact of core beliefs on entrepreneurs, discussing how these deeply held convictions influence motivations and actions, and how understanding and addressing negative core beliefs can lead to sustained success and satisfaction.

Shownotes Transcript

In the episode of The Growth Gear podcast, host Tim Jordan, alongside mental health expert Jason Van Ruler, discusses the critical role of core beliefs in entrepreneurship. They explore how these deeply held convictions shape business leaders' motivations and actions, impacting their success and mental well-being. Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, the conversation highlights the necessity of understanding and addressing negative core beliefs to sustain long-term success and satisfaction in business. Listen to the episode to hear practical advice for identifying and modifying core beliefs, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, personal connection, and mental health in the entrepreneurial journey.

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Tim Jordan is a 7-figure seller and Founder ofPrivate Label Legion as well as Chief Community Officer atCarbon6. He has built, operated, and exited multiple ecommerce brands. Tim specializes in Ecommerce Brand Development, seller marketplaces, and global sourcing and is dedicated to helping sellers succeed.