Ra和Taz: 本播客详细讲述了Nashea Poole及其同伙参与的一起双重谋杀案的经过,包括案发前后的细节、嫌犯的背景、审判过程以及最终的量刑结果。案件中,Nashea Poole和Clarissa McGee通过交友网站Plenty of Fish联系到受害者Jordan Collins和Chad Collins,并最终导致了这起悲剧的发生。整个案件中,充斥着帮派元素,以及对女性在犯罪中的角色的探讨。 Ra和Taz:对案件中各个角色的背景、动机和行为进行了深入分析,并对案件中暴露出的社会问题进行了反思,例如帮派犯罪、网络交友安全等。同时,播客也表达了对受害者家属的同情,以及对司法公正的期盼。

Deep Dive

Ne'Shea Poole and her accomplices used a dating app to lure Jordan and Chad Collins into a trap, leading to their murder. The plan involved using the app to find potential victims, setting up meetings, and then executing the murders.

Shownotes Transcript

Jordan Collins– victim

Chad Collins– victim 

Antonio Avery– accomplice

Demarco Rashad Butler– accomplice

Clarissa McGhee– murderess?/accomplice 

Nashea Poole– murderess

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