Marah和Tez详细讲述了Johneka Johnson谋杀Katie Roberts的案件始末。Johneka与受害者Katie都与同一个男子Billy有染,Billy是Johneka孩子的父亲,也是Katie的多个‘糖爹’之一。Johneka在发现Billy与Katie的关系后,心生嫉妒和愤怒,最终策划并实施了谋杀。案发当天,Johneka以做头发为由将Katie诱骗至其继父家中,随后开枪将其射杀。为了掩盖罪行,Johneka将Katie的尸体藏匿于垃圾桶中,并试图清理现场。在警方的调查过程中,Johneka多次撒谎,编造不在场证明,但最终被警方掌握的证据一一戳穿。最终,Johneka被判处一级谋杀罪,终身监禁,不得假释。 本案中,Marah和Tez对Johneka的作案动机、作案过程以及警方破案过程进行了详细的分析和解读,并对Johneka的谎言和行为动机进行了深入的探讨。同时,两位主持人还对案件中涉及的多个角色,例如Billy、Alfred以及其他‘糖爹’等,进行了简要的介绍和分析,并对案件的社会背景和影响进行了简要的评述。

Deep Dive

Janika Johnson's background is explored, including her relationships and the impact of her baby daddy, Billy, on her life.

Shownotes Transcript


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Download the GameTime app today. Last minute tickets, lowest price, guaranteed. What's going on, everybody? I'm Marah. And I'm Tez. And welcome back to Sisters Who Kill. When the boy is mine, the boy is mine. He's not yours, he's mine. And when I say he's all mine, I'll never give in. You'll never win one time.

Our players this week are Katie Roberts, our victim, Billy, Jonica's baby daddy, and Jonica Johnson, our murderess. Jonica Columbia Johnson was born on November 16th, 1986. Now, we don't know much about her life or her upbringing, and we were able to piece together what we could find. And what it seems like is that her biological mom and dad, they weren't together. But she had a stepdad.

and his name was Johnny Walker. Now it looks like her stepdaddy Johnny Walker and her mom didn't end up being together for real, but she was still really close. He was still a major part of her life. She would go and visit him. If she needed anything, she would ask him. A great relationship. Now Johnny was living at a new home by himself. He had some younger children with a new relationship, and that was okay. Janika, she found herself having problems

One child, and that was cool. And then she found herself really loved up with this dude named Billy. Now, Billy made it very clear from the very beginning that Billy was a play of pimp. You know what I'm saying? Billy didn't want to be tied down by no one person. He wasn't really sure if monogamy was for him. He was a play of players from the Himalayas.

OK, but then Janika found out that she was pregnant and Billy was going to be her baby daddy. And she was like, OK, are we going to be together? And he was like, listen, baby, just because I nut in you don't mean I want to be with you. Do you get it? And she's like, no, I don't get it.

And he's like, you should get it. She's like, I don't, though. I don't get it. And she also was really smitten with Billy. Like, Billy was one of those smooth talkers that spoke life into you. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't want to be with you, but let me tell you the ways that you should be better in your life. You should get back in school. You should really be focusing on your career. Here are all the ways that you can better yourself, be financially stable, my sister, my queen. But I don't want to be with you. And that was really fucking with Janika's head.

And he really stood on business about him not wanting to be monogamous. I think that's okay, so long as you up front about it. It's the niggas who hide it that's a problem. It depends on how you're hiding it, because, like, I can say that I don't want to be with you. Like, I don't want to be in a committed relationship. But also, good pussy management is also knowing who else you're having unprotected sex with so that I can make sure I'm good.

I think that still has to be agreed upon within your relationship. Everything needs to be agreed upon in a relationship. And one of the things that he made very clear from the very beginning was that he was still going to be fucking around town. And one of the people that he was fucking around with, her name was Katie Nicole Roberts. Katie Nicole Roberts was born on August 28th, 1981.

She was the daughter of Wyisha Carlisle and Larry Johnson, and she was the third of seven children. God bless her mama. She went to school in Columbia County, Florida, and was a member of the Christian Family Worship Center in High Springs, Florida. Katie, she had this man. I think she was out at a club or something.

with her cousin and this guy had spotted her from across the room, okay? And their eyes connected. And there was this immense connection between him, or at least between him. He had to get her name and the numbers to match, okay? So he makes his way on across the room and he's like, "Listen, my name is Alfred. How you doing?" She was cool and all, but he definitely had to prove himself to get some of her attention.

He said he wasn't going to stop until he got her. He wasn't giving up on her. And Katie liked this tenacity. Her and Albert, they got together. They had their issues, as most relationships do. He cheated, and she cheated. Then they just overall decided to call it a break. But they were yearning for each other. Now, Alfred comes back after this break, like, let's get together. And she was like, shh.

I mean, I'm fine with getting it together, but you need to know that I'm currently pregnant. But we were on a break, so don't be trying to get mad at me. No, it's not your baby. And he felt like he couldn't be mad about it. Listen. We wasn't together. I understand, shawty. Listen, this was tough for Alfred to swallow, but he was like, you know what? At the end of the day, I created this situation by cheating, you know, and helping lead us to this break, so I can't be mad. I'm going to love you forever.

and your kids and we just man that understands his wrongs you know what i mean say i'm gonna love you and your kids as if they're my own i know this time apart my life ain't made sense without you so you know fuck it so be it and then he wanted to put a ring on it that's a good man savannah a good man okay he hold on to the i don't know if he's necessarily a good man but y'all was working it out

He seemed to have a lot of understanding. And that can get you a long way. Alfred described her as very fun and loving. He said she was always the life of the party. Her cousin, Shavonda Reed, said she always had a smile on her face. She was beautiful inside and out. Her sister, Wyesha Allen, she said, quote, she was my sister.

She basically helped my grandmother raise me. She liked to be around the family and she cared a lot about her family. We did everything together. We hung out together, played together, cried together.

It was like when I go through something, she go through it. It was always hand to hand. But overall, Katie was well-liked, popular. She worked as a private hairstylist. I don't think private hairstylist is the right way to describe that work. This is how the tapes described it. Mm-hmm. I understand how they described it. It's given she do hair. There you get it. She just do hair. She just do hair. In your sink.

And her sync, whoever's sync is available. Actually, come blowjob, but I'll break that shit up for you. You know the ones, I'll travel.

I bet you will. You got no place to bring them. But that's okay. Basically, she's been doing everybody hair since high school. She started off in middle school doing everybody's edges. And then in high school, everybody started coming to her. And now that they grown, everybody know that if they need a quick fix to hit her up, that's what it's giving. I love a hustler. Get yours. I ain't knocking it. I ain't knocking it. Because people knew that she would get them right. And that's all that matters.

Now, in addition to doing hair, she'd also babysit for her family and friends. And this is her main source of income. Or so they say. Word on the street is, Katie was a sugar baby. I know we all be sitting there looking at our bank accounts like, damn, I just need a sugar daddy. One that just want me to hang out with him, don't make me do nothing. But boy, Katie.

Could I use somebody supplementing my lifestyle? Well, girl, she didn't have one nor two, nor three, nor four, but five sugar daddies supplementing her lifestyle. And again, hustle baby, I ain't knocking it. I don't know the details. If she was just a companion or fucking, but she had her little five regulars that kept her ripe.

always wondered about that with sugar baby isms. Like, how often do you get a sugar daddy that doesn't want any sugar? Like, I feel like those are rare. I hear that they exist. It's giving unicorn. It's giving unicorn, right? Have you ever had a sugar daddy? Nope. So I had somebody try to be my sugar daddy. I mean, some old niggas, like, in a parking lot, but I couldn't even give it a time of day. I had a friend who had a sugar daddy.

When I worked at the Y, he had to be a good 12 years older than her. And she was like, he just give me some money. And like, you know, we go out, we have a good time. That was her sugar daddy. They did what they did. One of my current best friends, her uncle, when we were freshmen in college, was trying to be my sugar daddy. And I really thought, I really genuinely thought that.

that he was gonna be a sugar daddy that didn't want no sugar but then I kind of like finessed out of giving some sugar but I was able to get some weed and then he traveled to Alabama to like see me everybody was like no Mariah you're gonna have to give him some sugar and I was like ah and then I I punked out I'm punked out he was pretty pissed but like it'd be feeling good right up until the point where you gotta deliver it'd be like wait I'm like hold on wait you want me to do what

I take it back. The money's spent, but I take it back. I wish I could be a sugar baby. Like, I just. Shout out to y'all for real. Y'all are real hustlers, real MVPs. If you got it, flaunt it. Work what your mama gave you. That's what they say is work what your mama gave you. That's it. Now, again, we talk about honesty in relationships. Katie and Alfred, they're doing pretty strong. So much so that he want to make her his wife. He trying to marry her.

And this conversation came up. It was definitely giving open and honest. And he was like, it's not necessarily something that he wanted to know. But again, he can't judge because he's had his transgressions. And you know what this man said? He worked at an oil changing place for the cars.

He was working on moving up in the company so that he alone could supplement Katie's income. He trying to replace these sugar daddies and be her one and only. But he know he got to come with it, you know? Why would I switch out of down for a penny for like legit talking money? Well, I need it. I'm getting accustomed to a certain type of lifestyle. And if you can't provide that, I don't mind. I'll provide it for myself. He was working on being able to provide that.

The biggest part of the tea is that Billy, Jonica's baby daddy, was one of Katie's sugar daddies. Which, low-key tracks, right? Like, I don't want a relationship. I want you to get your money up. What do you mean? So, like, I don't want a relationship. I don't want nothing serious. I don't want nothing.

I'm enjoying my single life. I like fucking around, but I'm definitely going to take care of my son. Like, I'm a provider at the end of the day. Going to make sure you good. Then make sure his son was good. But then you have to pay for puss. I mean, doing what it takes to keep it happy. These girls out here, everybody don't want to be no side piece. And so, in turn, you're not a side piece. You're a sugar baby.

Some people like to spoil folks. They don't even feel like that. They just feel like, thank you for that. Let me brighten up your day now. Let me take you shopping. Let me pay your bills. Let me buy you this necklace. I guess I'm around the wrong folks. I'm telling you. I

I bet you're wondering how the two paths cross. Not sure how Janika and Katie officially met, but word on the street is while Billy was with Katie messing around, he accidentally butted out Janika. And Janika said, I know this ain't Katie on the phone. I know I don't hear him bumping and grinding and moaning and groaning. I know I don't hear that bitch too. And she was pissed. Do you hear me?

Everybody says that the evidence points to that she saw that. I don't know what the concrete evidence is, right? But word on the street is that they knew each other. Katie did hair. Jonica needed her hair done. At this point, Jonica is pissed.

We are supposed to be working towards our happy fairy tale lovey-dovey white picket fence ending of a life and you down here fucking with some bitches. And you know what? This ain't even the only bitch. It's bitches. And the only way that I'm going to be able to get rid of all of the

mishap is to get rid of the competition. She's at her stepdad's house. She takes out her target blank notebook. She takes out a pen, sits down and she writes herself a plan. On one of the pages, she writes at the top of the page, hot grease burns and scars. And then underneath it, she puts boil grease till it pops and pour it on the victim.

Then she wrote down quite a few names, almost like a hit list of names. Some of the names included Rosemary, Jennifer, Michelle, Dee, Keisha. There were two Keishas. They all had last names, but what we saw redacted the last names. But there was two Keishas on the list. There was somebody named Wanda and in parentheses next to Wanda, she was Wanda.

She put Dre will help me find her. Don't know who Dre is. She put Samantha down there. She wrote a whole bunch of names. And then in another column under the subtitle Drinkers, which is must have been what she observed with these people. She put the name David and underneath the name David, she put Katie Roberts name. So you think this whole list is a list of Billy's hoes?

Maybe not just his hoes, but also people that have done her wrong. I think a little bit of both. While we're at it. I got Keisha Letitia. And that bitch who cut me off in the street, her too. Uh-huh.

about three cams and then she started also writing out a list of things that she needed to do number one was to get a gun number two was to get an alibi underneath everything at the bottom of that page she wrote better than bullets kill them with kindness and that's exactly what she did

Now, I would like to give a formal warning that the rest of this story has been placed together by what Taz and I could find and what the police say, because Jonica ain't saying shit. Ain't no goddamn thing. Anyway, somehow, Katie and Jonica meet.

They're both young mothers. They both live in Lake City, which is not that big of a place. So randomly they would connect. Janika would ask Katie to do her hair. If Katie was available, she definitely did so. And like I said, Katie would occasionally do Janika's hair. Now they weren't close. They weren't friends.

Even Alfred knew of Janika. I'll remember that's Katie's fiance. He would see her when she would come and get her hair done. But he didn't know her that well. And honestly, he not keeping up with the girls that his girl be doing hair. She do hair. Bitches be walking in and out of here all the time. He ain't worried about that. It's January 17, 2009. It's a little before lunch. And Katie...

She calls her sister, why you shouldn't says, hey, girl, can you watch my kids? I got an appointment. I got to go do some hair. Why she's like, yeah, bring me them, bring me them regrets from the kids. I watch it for you, girl. Go make them money. Katie get in her car. She drop off the kids. Then she had her next stop. She went to go see sugar daddy. Number one. He has some cash for her. So she had to go pick that up. Then she goes to sugar daddy. Number two. He promised to pay a bill for her. So she had to go pick that up.

And then, next thing she had to do for the day was to go do somebody's hair. Now, in passing and talking to these people, Yisha, you know, sugar daddies, she said, yeah, I'm about to go do some hair. Everybody knew she was going to do some hair, but anybody knew whose hair she was about to do. After she leaves the second sugar daddy, she got a little money in her pocket. She says, you know what? Why don't I do something nice?

pulls up the subway and gets her and Alfred a footlong. She got on one of them red Budweiser racer coats. She in there. It's just a regular day for her. Nothing too fancy, nothing too crazy. She picks up the sandwich for her and her mans, and she goes to meet Alfred at work. She goes to see him. Hey, baby, how your day going? Well, stay working me, baby. Well, I brought you lunch. Don't work too hard. Thank you. Kisses. Love you. See you soon.

And they go on about their day. She leaves saying, all right, I see you. I'm about to go do somebody here. And they go on about their day. Now, on the way to do somebody's hair, Katie has a couple of phone calls. Don't know who called who, but the calls are going to Janika. Now, we can only guesstimate what the call is about. But if she was going to do hair, it's probably, hey, what's your ETA? What's your ETA?

You need to pick this up from the store, whatever, whatever. I'll be there in 15. But we do know that they did share a couple of phone calls while Katie was en route to the house. Now, Katie pulls up to Johnica's stepdad's house.

Where she has a room, she stays sometimes. She's more than welcome there. Her stepdad loves her. Pulls up to her stepdad house and goes inside. She eats a little bit at this Subway. Puts the other half of her sandwich in the fridge. And this is where the theories begin. This is where we can no longer prove anything.

The first theory is that Jonica lured Katie into the house by saying, I need my hair done. This is not unusual. She does hair. Jonica's hair was undone. Apparently she's done her hair in the past. Everything's above board at this point. Katie comes over and while she's eating her sandwich or maybe right after she had her sandwich getting ready to set up, Jonica comes from behind her and shoots her in her top left shoulder.

Killing her. Now, the second theory, it's a little spicy. Tell your kids to close their ears. But the second theory is that Jonica and Katie both identified as bisexual. And because Katie was known to do a little something strange for some change, that maybe she had something going on with Jonica. But what the police are saying is, although they can't be for certain, the story aligns.

to Katie possibly going down on Jonika. So Jonika's standing up, Katie down on her knees, eating her out, whatever. And as she doing that, Jonika pulls out a gun and again, shoots her in her top left shoulder.

And the reason that they're theorizing this is just because of the way that the bullet entered Katie's shoulder, the angle of it. And with Jonica being right-handed, to hit the left, she would have had to go across her body, you know, if she was sitting down or something. But if the girl is facing her, then her left is now on Jonica's right side, and it's just an easy shot down. Whichever way it happened...

That bullet went through her shoulder, through her aorta, and lodged into her pelvis, which caused her to die instantly. Now, I want to remind you all that Katie dropped her kids off at her sister's house, but Johnica's kids were in the home. And...

This entire time, I mean, Katie was down instantly and John said, OK, I need to move fast. And she tried to clean up the scene. So what do you do with the body? What do you do with the body? I got to get rid of it. She goes and gets the trash can, you know, the trash can, like big green trash cans. I don't know what color they have it in your city that you put your garbage in for the dumpster trucks to come get them. Well, she wheels that into the house.

She shoves Katie's body into this trash can with some blankets and towels that she's trying to use to clean up this mess. Because, I mean, she's bleeding. She's bleeding quick. And she decides she's going to call over her friend, Basie. Now, another thing about Jonica. You got two kids. You ain't got no car. And she don't even have a license. She don't even know how to drive. I feel like...

Instead of worrying about a nigga, you should be worried about your license. But that's just me. That's just me. But when you have people that will take you wherever you need to go, then you're good. And so she hit up her nigga, Basie. And was like, yo, Basie, I need to go to Jasper real quick and get some stuff for my family. Can you come and pick me up and take me over there? And Basie's like, all right, I got you. Basie pulls up and he is riding in a white Pontiac. Now he knocks on the door and Jonica comes out. He's like, hey, yo, you good?

She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just get in the car. He doesn't really get to see the inside of the house. He smells cleaning supplies, but he's like, all right, cool. You good? And she's like, yeah, let's just go. And he can tell that she's frazzled, but all right, let's go. And then she says, instead of driving your car, I got the keys to this green Pontiac here. Why don't we drive this car instead? And he's like, why should we drive this car instead of my car? And she's like, we'll just drive this car instead. And he's like, uh,

Okay, he goes along with the whole thing and drives her to Jasper. When they get to Jasper, they stay for a short little while. She kind of made a reason why she needs to be there. And then they head back to Lake City. Now, here's the thing. On the way back to Lake City, the green Pontiac, remember that's the one that Katie was driving, it breaks down completely.

And so shit. Now a car breaks down. I'm sure Basie is upset because now a car broke down and it's not even my car. Like if my car broke down, that's one thing. So then Basie calls his friend Christopher and Christopher is like, all right,

cool, let me go pick up Janika. And then Basie stays with this mystery car that he's never seen before and tries to figure out what's wrong with the car, you know, to return the car to its rightful owner. When Christopher picks up her and her two kids and Christopher is with his girlfriend, he with a white girl, and they head back to the house. Meanwhile, back at the house, Janika's stepdaddy, Johnny Walker, he gets back to the home and he's

He tells the kids, okay, go ahead, go back in the house. And he realizes like, yo, where's my trash can? And then he sees his trash can in his backyard. He's like, what the hell is my trash can in the backyard? So he goes to the backyard. He pulls the trash can. He realizes it's very heavy. He's like, what the fuck?

So he decides he's going to open the trash can. It's my trash can. I'm the man of this house. What's going on? Opens the trash can. There is a dead body inside. Now, at this point, you can't really tell who it is because like the hair is over the face. You can just tell that it is a early 20s black female. So he freaks out and he has kids in the house. So he runs and he's like, kids, kids, kids, get out the house because, you know, the killer could be in the house.

He goes in the house and he realizes he just left the kids in the house and the house looks a mess. It looks like it has, there has been a problem here. It looks like somebody has definitely been here and there was some type of struggle. You know what I'm saying? That's what he's thinking he did. So he hurries up and gets the kids out of the house, calls 911 and waits for police to get there.

And at this point, he's scared because where is Johnica? His stepdaughter is supposed to be here. And he's thinking to himself, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I just found a body. Where the fuck is Johnica? Detective John Calvin Blanchard and the state's attorney investigator, John Jewett, respond to the crime scene. And they're kind of checking out the body. But, of course, they don't want to disturb it before...

CSI comes there and does it the right way. And they could not immediately tell the cause of death because the body, the way it was positioned in a trash can, her hair was covering her face and you couldn't really see any wounds from how she was in there. The only thing that you could see was that it was a black female in the trash can. Johnny, Johnnika's stepdad, was questioned and he told the detectives that

You know, he's starting to get concerned because what if this was his stepdaughter, Jonica? They're like, who? He was like, my stepdaughter. She stays here from time to time. She's a young black female. She was here when I left. Like, what if that's her in the trash can? He's starting to panic a little bit. And the officers, they're asking him questions. He's answering them, but he's slow because he can't focus because somebody needs to tell me if that's Jonica in that trash can, man.

So they kind of look at the body a little more and they realize that they can see a little tramp stamp down on her lower back. And the tattoo reads Katie. And so they bring this information over to Johnny. And it was like, do you know if she has a tattoo on her lower back that says Katie? He was like, no, no. One, I don't think she got that tattoo there. But two, her name ain't Katie. So I don't think that's Johnnika. But then who is Katie?

So now they have to identify this body and who this possible Katie could be. The proper people get there and take Katie's body out of the trash can where they find the gunshot wound kind of at the base of her neck at the top of her shoulder. We're like five hours into Katie being found. Forensics is on the scene and they're looking for answers. And the police are like, while we're out here, let's stay posted and figure out where Johnica is.

because Johnny was expecting her to be at this house, and she's not here, but a dead body is. We need to make sure she's okay, too. They were able to determine that this Katie was, in fact, Katie Roberts. Not sure exactly how. One of the officers, there's two episodes about it. One of the episodes, the officer made it sound like he has some CIs with some good information about,

The other one makes it sound like they knew her off rip. Like, I rolled the body over and was like, that's not Jonica, that's Katie. So I don't know how they knew, but they kind of knew of Katie and was able to identify her body. So they reach out to Katie's family to confirm the body, but also to give them the news. And it did not go over well, of course.

I bet it didn't, though. Like, think about it. Think about if your sister dropped off your nephews to you. Right. And said, I will be back tonight. And you call in that bitch and you call in that bitch. And where the fuck is she? And all of a sudden, the like, where the fuck is my sister is turning to like, where the fuck is my sister? And then next thing you know, the police are at your door. Mm hmm.

You know, like, of course her family was hysterical. At that point, you're like, please let her ass be in jail. But why would they come to my door for that? Katie's cousin, Shavonda, was one of the family members that they called. And they go over, they show her pictures. And Shavonda confirms, of course, you know, that that's Katie. Katie's grandmother was inconsolable. Her entire family was a wreck, hysterical, even when they found out.

Shavonda said that the most heinous part of it all was, quote, they discarded her like she was trash. Katie was someone's mother. She was my cousin, my best friend, my sister. No one deserves to be treated in that manner. And I feel that. Like, it's one thing to kill her. Two, deadass throw her away. And, like, you know, of course, we've seen people dump bodies in dumpsters or, like...

you know, try and sneak them to a landfill or whatever, but to legit put her in a trash can? And what, you thought you was going to roll her to the curb? Right. Well, they think that what she was going to do is wait till later and like roll her to these very shallow woods behind the house, which also was going to be a bad idea. All wrong. All wrong.

Horrible. Her sister, Yisha, said that she had never known Katie to have an enemy. So this whole story of somebody killing her really doesn't make sense. At the scene parked in Johnny's driveway is this white Pontiac that Basie left when they switched to the green one. They're like, sir, who does this car belong to? And he's like, I honestly can't tell you. I ain't never seen that car before in my life. And it was like, so this car in your driveway, you don't know who belongs to? He's like, no, I don't.

yet another mystery to the story right they questioned Johnny again trying to get you know a tighter story and he explains he left for work that morning when he left the only person who was still at the house was his daughter Johnica they're trying to talk to him to try and do their best to track down where Johnica could possibly be did she tell you she was leaving the house and no is it unusual for her to leave the house well she doesn't have a driver's license so I mean

Somebody's got to come get her. We usually help her get around. You know, I just, no, I can't tell you where she's at. I can't tell you what car she's in. I can't tell you nothing because I don't got nothing. The cops want answers. They got to get down to this investigation. So, of course, after informing the family, this woman being killed like this, they're going to want to talk to her mans. So they go to Alfred, her fiance. They talk to Alfred, and Alfred is heartbroken. Alfred is devastated.

Katie was the love of his life. While they're interviewing him, somebody calls with an anonymous tip. It was like, oh, I heard Katie died. Don't know if y'all know, but the girl is a sugar baby and she got about four or five sugar daddies. Do what you can with that. And the police do. First, they kind of turned to Alfred and it was like, so you got a problem with her having sugar daddies? And he was like, I mean, honestly, no. They was like, really? Really? That'll make you jealous? He's like, I ain't saying I liked it. I'm just saying we all do what we got to do.

And ain't nobody perfect. And it was like, I mean, well, where was you? He was like, well, I was at work. All day? Yeah, nigga, all day. They check his alibi. Shit checks out. He's still hurt. He ain't got time. And the police kind of rule him out as a suspect. I mean...

At the time of death, he was at work. And not only does his time card prove that, but so do his coworkers. So, of course, the next course of action is to look into these sugar daddies. So they're trying to come up with names and identify who these sugar daddies could be. They start talking to her family. And they're like, yeah, we heard she was a sugar baby. We're trying to figure out who her daddies are. And they was like, a sugar what? They said, listen, sir, I don't know nothing about that. And they was like, you didn't know that's how she got her money?

No, no, we didn't. I'm sorry. I can't help you. Like, you know. Which, I think that's the craziest part about dying is you can no longer protect your secrets. What kind of secrets you got? That's so horrible. Hers was being a sugar baby. She didn't want her family to see her in that light. And even if she was okay with it, like, just, you know what I mean? It kind of taints the death when somebody dies and you realize...

They not the person you thought they was, you know? And not saying, like, anybody judged her for this, or even if they did, that's just not something she wanted to share with them, and now it's out there for all of us. Ugh. Yeah. Now, they got a hold of Katie's phone, and they're searching her phone records, and they determined that

before she ended up in that area over by jonica's house that she took lunch to her fiance and it's like okay that also matches with them being on good terms she brings him lunch what a nice thing to do right before she took the lunch she had her meetings with her men's and they tracked down a few of them and they was like listen we got to talk to y'all about katie and at first a few of them they're like tight-lipped about it and they was like listen

What you're doing is technically prostitution and it is technically illegal, but that ain't the mission that I'm here for today. I'm trying to figure out what happened to Katie. I'ma let you slide on the sex crimes. I'ma let you slide. I'ma let you slide, playboy. We just trying to figure out what's going on. So this kind of allowed them to open up a little more and talk about what was really going on. But it's still not giving anything. This guy gave her some money. This guy paid a bill.

Nobody got in a fight. Nobody got in an argument. Everybody's alibis checking out. Phone records not putting them in the area. They're still struggling to come up with a suspect. They check out the sugar daddies and the sugar daddies all check out. So they make their way back to Alfred. All right, Alfred, the sugar daddy's all checked out. Are you sure that you're not upset about her having sugar daddies? He's like, no, I'm working hard so that she ain't got to be a sugar baby. I know about this. You already know that I love her. And so the police are like, OK, fine.

Well, let's go back to the house. Let's kind of like set up around the subdivision. Let's get the police cars out there and let's see if she returns to the scene of the crime. Around 9 p.m., a car is seen speeding through the subdivision and it seems to be a little suspicious, especially when you're speeding in a subdivision. 25 miles per hour is the maximum speed.

And so they pull over the vehicle and in the car is Christopher, Christopher's girlfriend, Janika and her kids. And they say, hey, why were you speeding? The police are here. You shouldn't be speeding. And she was just like, oh, my God, I just was so scared. Like, this is my stepdaddy's house. Like, what if something happened to him? I am just so scared. I am so nervous. And they were like, okay.

you wasn't trying to run from the police because it kind of looks like you were. She was like, no, absolutely not. I was just like, I cannot believe that this happened. And they said, look,

A lot just happened at this house. So I actually need you to come with me. And she's like, of course, whatever you need, whatever it is that you need. So they take Janika down to the police station and she is interviewed by Detective John Blanchard. Now, this interview was recorded. And in this interview, they ask her about her day, ask her where she's been. Oh, I've been up in Jasper. And they say, listen, let's just cut down to the chase.

A body was found at that house and you were supposed to be there. And she's like, a body? Who is it? Who's dead? Oh, my God. Is it my stepdad? It's not your stepdad. It's not your family. But there is a body that's there. Do you know somebody named Katie Roberts? She's like, I don't know that girl. I don't know no girl. They're like, are you sure you don't know somebody named Katie? I don't know no girl. I don't know no girl. And they were like, all right, here go the crocodile tails.

I'm about to show you a picture of this girl. And I want you to look at it long and hard. Do you not know this girl? She looked at the picture and said, no, I don't know that girl. I don't know her at all. She's like, well, I was with my kids all day and I needed a ride to go to Jasper. So I hit up my friend named Basie to get me a ride. But Basie told me that he could get me a ride, but not in his car. And it was like...

couldn't give you a ride in his car they were like yeah his car I don't know what was going on but he couldn't give me a ride in his car so then I hit up my friend named Mon Mon now Mon Mon said I could use his car but he wouldn't drive me and they said why would he drive you she was like man he got bitch problems they said what is bitch problems and she was like you know bitches be giving people problems

And so he came over and gave me the keys to his car, the green Pontiac. And Basie came over and drove the green Pontiac to Jasper and then came on the way back.

And then told the same story about the car breaking down, about Basie calling his friend Christopher and Christopher coming to pick him up. And they asked they took Christopher in, too. So they're asking Christopher the same questions. Christopher's like, listen, all I know is I got a call from my homeboy, Basie, saying the car broke down and the lady and her kids needed a ride home. Here I am. And then they were like, well.

Tell me about Basie. And she was like, well, Basie, you know, he a drug dealer. He not somebody that you really want to get on his bad side. But, you know, he be helping me out from time to time. So I really appreciate him. But he just, you know, he wanted him. Like, you don't really want to get on his bad side. And they were like, but the car that Basie drove was...

was borrowed from Mon Mon. And she's like, right, Mon Mon is a drug dealer too. And he real, you know, real shady characters. Definitely don't want to get on Mon Mon's bad side. And then the police were like, we know a name Mon Mon. We know the dude named Mon Mon. Let's see if we can figure out where Mon Mon has been.

So the police do what they do. They call their informants on the street. They get a background check on Basie, street background check. And they've realized that Basie, you know, is definitely holding up to his name. But Mon Mon, although he has a criminal past, although he is known to sell cocaine around the city, word on the street was Mon Mon was not in town. He in Atlanta. He been in Atlanta. Don't call him. Don't text him.

The police are like, OK, we don't let everybody go, obviously, for legal reasons. But they're like, we are already making a list of who we need to talk to again. And Janika is on the top of that list. And then Katie's older sister calls in and was like, hey, remember, she said that she had to do hair that day. Maybe if y'all check Katie's phone, y'all can see who she was supposed to meet up with. Police are like, great idea. Somebody go get me Katie's phone.

So the next day, there's a lot of people coming down to the station on behalf of Katie saying, you know, I saw something or I know something in relation to her murder. I know something in relation to connecting her to John or whatever they got to say. But I guess people really wanted justice for Katie. They were coming in, volunteering information, trying to help get this case closed. Now the detectives are talking with people, the people doing several interviews, collecting information.

And the more information they got, the more it became clear that, one, Jonica and Katie knew each other in real life. Two, Jonica's a fucking liar. And three, they still got to get in touch with Basie and Mama to try and clear some things up about this story. Here's all the information they got. One, by 9 a.m., they've gotten word from the street that Mama has been in Atlanta for more than a week and was nowhere near Lake City on the day of the murder. That's lie number one.

Two, they also know that the number that Johnica gave the detectives to get in touch with Maimon had been disconnected for at least 90 days. Like, when they asked, you got a number from Maimon? She was like, yeah, you want his number? Quick to volunteer just to give them a number that's been disconnected for three months? It's not looking good, girl. Also, they found one of the niggas they was looking for. Around 3 a.m., Basie comes into the station and said, I heard that you was looking for me.

Let me say, I got something to say. It wasn't me. Don't tie my name to this shit. I ain't do shit. So the detective's like, well, let's just talk. Let's just talk. He was too excited to clear his name, which, I mean, I bet he would. Because your boy just did an eight-year stint in prison for, like, some armed robbery or some shit like that. He ain't trying to go back.

He ain't got time to be fooling with Jonica's ass and landing himself back in there. So he gonna say what the fuck he got to say to clear his name. But with this criminal history, the detectives feel like they can't fully trust his story. And they're kind of taking everything that he's saying with a grain of salt. He goes through the events of the day and his story kind of matches Jonica's. Well, at least for the most part. The discrepancy was that when he got to the house to pick her up and take her to Jasper...

she insisted that he did not come in the house one. Like, he was like, would not let me through the door. It smelled like bleach. You could tell she was cleaning up. She looked like she was a little irritated, mad about something. But it was definitely given she was cleaning something. It was an overpowering smell of bleach from the front door because remember, she wasn't going outside. It was like, so you ain't in the house? He was like, no. So we're not going to find your fingerprints in the house? Not a one. I ain't going there. The second discrepancy was

that Jonica also insisted that they take the Green Pontiac, which, you know, like Mariah said,

If I drove over here to pick you up in a perfectly fine car, why are we switching? Why am I driving a car where I'm not the, you know, listed insured driver? You know what I mean? When I can be the insured driver on this car in case something happens. Not to mention, it's irritating for you to insist I take a car and it break down, right? You running out of gas and shit or something don't work when I could just took my trusty old car out there.

But again, this was a different from the story because Johnica saying that he drove the green Pontiac there and he was the one who provided that car. But he was like, no, the car was definitely there when I got there and she made me drive it. I mean, she had the keys to it. I didn't think none of it, but I did not provide that car. And so the police was like, OK, well, speaking of the car, where is it? Because Johnica told us it was going to be right here and we went right here and it wasn't there.

And he was like, well, as I was headed home, ran out of gas, car breaking down. I was on the side of the road. I called my cousin to come get me. And they was like, so is that car still there? He was like, sure is. So detectives, you know, take that location and they confirm it. And the car was in fact there. Now the car had a temporary tag on it. But after a few hours, the detectives were still able to tell who had bought the car and it belonged to Alfred's mom.

Katie's soon-to-be mother-in-law. That car had a temporary tag on it, and it's breaking down. Problems. Real problems. Listen, that temporary tag could very much be, I ain't go to the registration office. You know how sometimes you need a new tag when you transfer ownership and stuff? And they'll be like, it's coming! And they write tags apart for some shit on the back of their car.

Now, what the police learned is that Katie was driving this car that whole day, drove it to Johnica's house or Johnica's stepdad's house. And so, again, this is another lie against Johnica. Detective Blanchard said that Johnica seemed pretty genuine in her interview. She was really trying to do the right thing, talk to police, help figure out who hurt Katie. But everything she seems to have said has been a lie and like easy lies to discredit.

So with all this new evidence, the detectives get a search warrant to go to Janika's stepdad house. And this all happened so fast, it was only, it's less than 24 hours after Katie's body's found. They go in that house and immediately they got the crime scene investigators in there. And ooh, the kitchen looks like where this shit went down. There's blood on the refrigerator.

They spraying aluminum all the shit lighting up like a Christmas tree. It's given, tried to clean up, but you can't clean up. Under one of the kitchen cabinets, there was a nine millimeter bullet casing. Inside the refrigerator, there was a half eaten Subway sandwich.

Now this half-eaten Subway sandwich is a clue because they got surveillance footage from Subway of Katie in Subway ordering a sandwich for her outfit. And now there's Subway in Jonica's fridge. We taking that sandwich. We gonna test that sandwich. They look in the trash. There's a Subway wrapper. They also find a black duffel bag. And in this black duffel bag, there's a 9mm gun.

And there's a journal in Jonica's bedroom. They look in this journal and it's not looking good for Jonica. Because in this journal, there's a list of names under like this hit list of some sorts. And guess whose name is listed? Katie's. The Katie who she don't know, ain't never seen before. They said by looking in the notebook, it seems like she's got a lot of animosity towards Katie. It also seems like this was a plan.

So they take all these clues and they send them in for testing. These clues are telling a story. One, that sandwich was confirmed to be the sandwich that Katie had. Her DNA was on the Subway wrapper and her DNA was on the sandwich. So that puts her in that house. That puts that sandwich to be hers. And it's lining up with her having Subway for lunch. Two, they sent that gun off for ballistics.

And that gun was confirmed to be the murder weapon. You want to know something very interesting that I heard? That Janika voluntarily submitted her hands to a gun residue test in the

The test was lost. I heard that too. Now, the last bit of a hole in Jonica's story is that they took DNA samples from all over that house, from the gun, from the trash can, and not a single piece of DNA evidence could be traced back to my mom or Basie. Jonica's DNA was found on the pistol, which is not necessarily the smoking gun because...

It is her pistol, but it's also the murder weapon. So it kind of is a smoking gun. Katie's funeral was held on January 24th, 2009 at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. In the meantime, Janika was arrested. They picked her up from her mama's house. They said that she was cold. She kind of moved like a robot. She really seemed sad or anything like that. They said that she was dead in the eyes.

And they brought her down and they said, listen, you got one more time to talk to us. Let me ask you a few questions. And she looked them dead in the eyes and she said, I want a lawyer. And the detective said, and that's the last time we spoke to her. I mean, you do what you got to do. That's what it is. That's what they made it seem like it was a bad thing. But like, you know how I feel. Lawyer. What's my name? My name is Lawyer, please.

Now, detectives no longer could talk to Janika, but they had a lot of information and they had a lot of evidence. So they were able to put the story together that they had some sort of sexual relationship. They were able to piece the story together with these journal entries that Janika was extremely jealous of Katie on.

Or at least Katie did something like mess with Johnnika's baby daddy that really pissed her off. And they still claim to believe that Katie was down giving Johnnika some head before she got shot. Which is like, if that is true, wild. Talk about ways that I do not want to go out. I mean. Once she was read her rights, she was charged with first degree murder. They didn't give her an offer for anything else.

They said, no, ma'am, you're not going to get voluntary manslaughter. You're not going to get the possibility of anything else. We're not even going to give you a plea deal, girl. You're going to have to take this charge. And they didn't. She had no bond. And then she sat in jail until she was able to.

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rocket slash sisters. Now the trial didn't last very long. Like we said, they didn't offer her a plea deal. So they made her sit through the trial and she didn't say anything, but the prosecution, they had plenty of witnesses. They even said in the court, like,

You might as well all go home because this is about to be a slam dunk, which I really do hate for prosecution to say things like that in the courtroom, even if you're telling the truth. Like, it's a little rude. It's not tasteful. Like, have some tact about yourself. Let's go through the law the way that we're supposed to. Fine for their lives.

You know, like, you don't have to say that. While they were going through all of the evidence, what a lot of people were noticing was that John was not acting the way that you should be acting. Obviously, she kept saying that she was innocent and claiming that she knew nothing that happened to Katie. But she also, while seeing all this evidence, while people were literally pointing her out, she was laughing at

more than once in court and I'm not sure if it was like a ha ha ha ha or if it was like a nervous laugh or if it was just like a these motherfuckers think they know what they talk about they don't but either way people noticed that you were being pretty disrespectful in the courtroom even Katie's cousin was like I kept looking at her and I was just like something is wrong with that child like she's really like some screws are not in tightly and

Because of how much evidence was laid out, the trial really didn't last very long. And the jury went out and they came back within an hour to find Jonica guilty of first degree murder. And you know, first degree murder in the state of Florida, baby, you can kiss your life goodbye.

And at the sentencing, she still people tried to confront her. She shrugged. She laughed in their face. It was like she didn't care about Katie's family that was sitting there telling this girl how she impacted them because in her mind, she didn't do shit because she was found guilty on the first degree. She was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. And Katie's sister said, honestly, she wished that there was a little bit more. At the end of the day, Katie,

Jonica can call and talk to her kids. Katie's kids, they have nothing. And she feels like life in prison is honestly too easy for Jonica. Jonica did, of course, file an appeal in 2016, but it was denied. In her appeal, she said that she had ineffective counsel.

She said that it was unfair to use testimony from Basie because he's a convicted felon. And like, how can you put that as a trusted source against me who's never been in any trouble? She also stated that it was unfair for them to lose the gunshot residue test that probably could have helped her case. With all this, they still didn't want to hear it. Still too much against you, girl. Denied. We don't think anything you had to say

would have changed the outcome of this case, so we're going to leave it at denied. So she is currently serving her sentence, her life sentence, at the Lyle Correctional Institution in Ocala, Florida. Her natural born life. Mm-hmm. Since Johnica's appeals were denied, she has had...

A few people acting on her behalf, you know, advocating for her release. Somebody made a Twitter page for her and the bio reads, quote, clemency for Jonica. She was wrongly charged with a crime she did not commit. There is no evidence that Jonica was at the crime scene when the crime occurred. Girl, that's like the only evidence that's missing, but you got it. I'm gonna let you go. I just, yeah, I just want to also point out that there are no tweets from that account. Mm-hmm.

There was a GoFundMe set up for her. It has since been deactivated. Not sure how much money she raised. The campaign read, quote, Voluntary gun residue test work, quote,

lost and never mentioned during the hearing. This young black woman was the victim of not only racism, but political gain on behalf of the prosecution, who stated, quote, the defense needs to go home because we got this in the bag, end quote, before the hearing even began. And as soon as the jury was entering the courtroom.

which I'm sure she probably feels like tainted the jury a little bit. But this thing about the gunshot residue is not backed up by any official articles, just a GoFundMe. And now, Jonika, she has to live her life away from her child that she has with Billy. And Katie's kids, you know, like she said, they don't get her mother. They said her daughter stole her mama face. Looks just like her. Her daughter was her youngest daughter.

Her son was older, maybe like eight-ish or something. But mom's gone. Nobody can fix that. It's devastating. And Jonica is just sitting there doing her little TV appearances, not really saying shit. All Jonica is really saying is this don't make sense for it to be me. They keep basing it off. It could have been anybody. She says they basing it off a theory that she was messing with Billy.

And I got jealous of Billie. How am I being mad over a man that ain't my man? We was not together. That was not my boyfriend. So why would I be killing over him? But she also said in another interview that Billie really cared for her and she felt that. She said Billie with what?

really care for her I mean I think you can really care for somebody and also not be with them like you know when people be like that's the mother of my child I'm always gonna love her as the mother of my child you know what I mean and so he could have truly cared for her in that capacity and that is the story of Janika Johnson all right y'all it's time for well I'm not black I'm OG I didn't do it but if I did this is how I would have got away with it

I ain't do it, but if I did, if you're going to make a plan, baby, you need to make a full plan. And the plan shouldn't be that the body stays there for somebody else to find it. Girl, what? Like, just in the backyard? And then the trash can was out in front, which meant it was trash day.

So maybe, maybe even if you had wheeled it back. But see, the trash cans wasn't even like this 2009. Right now the truck pick it up, but back in 2009, the drivers were still wheeling that shit over there to seen it. Yeah, I don't know what the plan was, girl. I ain't do it, but if I did, I would have gotten some way to record when Billy butt-dodged you. So I had something to confront him about, even if it was just like...

tighten up yeah don't comment with this bullshit tighten up i do it but if i did you murdering somebody with your kids in the house we doing that still i ain't do it but if i did it really felt like you were scrambling for an alibi at the last minute maybe have this pre-arranged so it's not giving so suspicious i think she forgot to figure out where the car was gonna go i think that's the part that

They really fucked her up. And so it was like, get rid of the body, get rid of the car, get rid of the body, get rid of the car. And you really should have got rid of the body first. I ain't do it, but if I did, if you ain't got no license and you ain't got no car and you are outside of the state of New York, you have more things to worry about. That's the only place acceptable. That's the only place acceptable to not have a driver's license. And me consider you grown. People make it work. I hear Philly has a good transit system.

I hear D.C. has a good transit system. Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. If you are outside of New York, grown as hell with no license, you have more things to worry about. I ain't do it, but if I did, wouldn't choose a gun. So very messy. So easy to tie back. Yeah, especially if you was going to sneak her from behind, girl, put a plastic bag on her and suffocate that girl. And then maybe if you had put her in the trunk of her own car...

But y'all both know it. You and Basie know y'all was driving it. So by the time they got to Basie, he was going to say she did it. Whatever it is, she did it. I don't know. I don't think I got any more. All right. Parole or no parole? No parole. It's giving lie. I can't find the truth that she's told. And she sounds very convincing.

She sounds very convincing. It is the list. When she says it's not her, when she was like, that's not my man. It's convincing me. You were convinced? Just the way that she speaks. Her face got red, but not a tear came down. No, no, no, no, no. That when she cried about them. Okay, let's break this down. When they said somebody died at your house, the way she cried, it did not give I was shocked.

It was giving either how close am I to getting caught or maybe she felt remorse about killing somebody after the fact and was dealing with those emotions. But it wasn't giving, oh, my God, somebody died. It gave like this was not new information. And then she tried to play it off. Is my stepdad, my family OK? Yeah, they're fine. But she didn't seem surprised when they said somebody died at your house today. Two.

I just, I think she had like a cap or something on. And this might be a little dated. Again, this happened in 2009. And I feel like the girls used to wash their hair and blow dry their hair back then. But these days, her hair would have had to been blown out for a hair appointment. So I feel like it should have been very easy to rule that theory out. Because if she was coming to get your hair done, then your hair should have been prepped.

But I mean, it's probably black. Yeah, it's 2009. And she probably was telling her been been your head over. I think there's still certain people in my world that I go to and I'd be like, shampoo my hair real quick. Let me go down to the kitchen. They'll shampoo it. It's actually $15. It used to just come with service, you know? No, that's why you that's why you have people that do hair, but they don't do hair like Katie. That's me. That's why you found the people. And so I don't think that I don't.

think that her hair was going to be prepped. We don't know what the style was. She could have been just about to do a quick silk press or something like that. But I'm not too surprised about her hair not being done. Because she wasn't over there. Katie thought she was over there to do some hair. But...

Janika knew that no hair was going to be done. But she needed to sell it then. Janika said that she didn't know the girl. And that was another one. Back to I ain't do it, but if I did, girl, it is quite obvious that you know the girl. And other people know that you know the girl. Why lie about not knowing the girl? That's the biggest red flag that I see is that y'all have phone conversations. Yeah, she didn't understand phone records. You know what I mean? Go back to that part. Because, girl, why are we lying about...

things that could be easily proven but I say she's a good liar like even like the police were like okay this girl's telling this story it sounds plausible you you hang out with these drug dealers and all this stuff like oh maybe somebody did circle back and then just everything is just falling short falling short falling short and it's giving lie and then you're not clearing up the lie you're not offering any information except for that's crazy why would I do that

And I'm going to need a little something more to explain why you felt the need to lie in the first place if you're innocent. Because if you're guilty, then it makes sense. But if you're innocent, all these lies, all these lies don't make sense. So you can stay there until you got something better to say. Yep. Yeah, no parole for me because you had a list. What? No, baby. You had a kill list. I can't let you out.

Because you got some jobs to finish. All righty. That's the end of the show. Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed the show, please leave us a review. Five stars, a written review, saying that we're amazing. Send us to your home, girl, and say, hey, listen. Listen to the show or we're not going to be friends anymore. Listen to this episode so that we can discuss or we are not friends anymore. Put your friendship on the line for us. Let us know it's real.

Let's go ahead and read some of the reviews that we have. This one says, absolutely amazing. Man, I absolutely love y'all podcast. I'm a true crime junkie and I love anything done by our people. Keep being black and beautiful, ladies. Thank you. Black until I die. It's the only thing I can do. Right what they say? All I can do is stay black and die. That's right. This one says, Heather Mack, I just listened to this episode and saw that she was deported to the USA and sentenced to 26 years in prison.

Thank you. Just, I hope everybody remembers that that episode is so old that it came out before Heather Mack was sent back to America. But if you want to see the updates on her, Google her. Mm-mm.

Thank you so much for listening to our show. Thank you. If you want to keep up with us, please do so. Sisters Who Kill, Sisters Who Kill Pod, Sisters Who Kill Podcast. You can follow Taz on Instagram at underscore and I'm Taz. You can follow me on Instagram at marah.themagnificent.

You will see us next Friday. Get some merch. Shop. Get a hat. Get a sweatshirt. Get something. Anything. Get something that you don't need. Anything. Please. Buy it. Shop. I don't think we have any announcements. Anything else from you, friend? Talk to us. We talk back. Bye. Bye.