Dr. Timothy Keller
Dr. Timothy Keller 认为,新闻周刊提出的价值观真空问题,其答案并非简单地回到传统价值观,而是需要更深刻的理解。他从圣经,特别是诗篇19篇出发,阐述了三个核心观点:第一,所谓的道德价值观必须基于普遍的道德绝对真理,而非主观的个人感受或社会期望。他批判了价值澄清教育中将道德与个人喜好等同的错误,并以说谎为例,指出只有基于上帝的真理才能有效地建立道德价值观。第二,顺服上帝的道德绝对真理并非奴役,而是解放。他用麻雀、北极熊和企业家等例子说明,真正的自由存在于恰当的限制之中,只有在上帝律法的环境中,人才能获得真正的自由和生命力。第三,上帝的律法会毁灭你,除非它在你的生活中扮演了正确的角色。他指出,律法的第一个作用是让你意识到自己是罪人,这并非坏事,因为基督教是为道德失败者而设的。律法的第二个作用是让你看到耶稣为你所做的一切,他为我们成就了律法所要求的一切。律法的第三个作用是让你明白如何使上帝喜悦,这并非为了获得奖赏,而是为了与上帝建立更亲密的关系,体验到给予上帝喜悦的快乐。总而言之,Keller 博士认为,圣经的答案并非简单地回到传统价值观,而是要认识到上帝的律法是建立在道德绝对真理之上的,顺服律法并非奴役而是解放,并且律法在我们的生活中应该扮演三个重要的角色:让我们认识到自身的罪性,让我们看到耶稣的救赎,以及让我们明白如何使上帝喜悦。

Deep Dive

The sermon introduces the concept of a values vacuum in society and explores the biblical answer to this issue, emphasizing the depth and sophistication of the biblical response.

Shownotes Transcript

A Newsweek cover story said that after a 30-year spree, our entire society is waking up with a monstrous hangover, facing a values vacuum. It said that we realize unlimited personal freedom is not the way to build a society, but now we face the question of whose values we should use.

If you think the Bible’s answer to the values vacuum is simply “Let’s get back to traditional values,” you don’t understand how penetrating and nuanced and sophisticated the biblical answer is. 

What is the biblical answer to the search for values? Psalm 19 tells us three things: 1) so-called “moral values” must be based on universal moral absolutes, 2) submission to God’s moral absolutes do not enslave—they liberate, and 3) God’s moral absolutes will destroy you unless they have assumed the right role in your life.

This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on October 17, 1993. Series: Modern Problems; Ancient Solutions. Scripture: Psalm 19.

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