Timothy Keller
作为一名基督徒,救赎不仅意味着罪得赦免,更意味着被上帝收养成为祂的儿子,获得合法身份的转变。这种转变不仅是客观存在的,更需要通过圣灵的工作,使我们能够主观地体验到这种身份带来的归属感和安全感。 圣灵的工作与耶稣基督的工作相辅相成。耶稣基督通过祂的牺牲,为我们赢得了成为上帝儿子的合法身份(客观事实);而圣灵则进入我们的内心,使我们能够体验到这种身份带来的喜乐和平安(主观体验)。这两种体验缺一不可。 许多基督徒虽然在理智上明白自己是上帝的儿女,但却缺乏这种身份带来的深刻体验。他们可能仍然感到不配、不安全,甚至对自己的身份产生怀疑。这是因为他们没有充分领受圣灵的工作,没有体验到上帝的爱和接纳。 圣灵的工作会带来深刻的激情和感受,使我们在祷告中更加亲近上帝,并获得极大的确信和安全感。这种确信感会改变我们对自身意义的理解,使我们不再感到渺小和无助,而是知道自己被上帝所爱、所珍视。 要体验到这种身份,我们需要默想耶稣基督的作为,并赞美上帝的恩典。通过持续的祷告和对圣经的研读,圣灵会引导我们,使我们能够感受到上帝的爱,并体验到作为上帝儿女的喜乐和平安。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the promise of the experience of adoption as described in Galatians, focusing on the roles of the Son and the Spirit in granting both the legal status and the subjective experience of sonship.

Shownotes Transcript

As a new Christian, I thought of salvation as taking things off of me: that my sins were taken off. But at the very same moment, there’s another part of that legal transaction: something is put on me. I’m adopted as God’s own son.

Galatians tells us that because we’re legally adopted, we have an agent—it’s the Spirit. The Spirit is sent not into the world but into our hearts. And the Spirit comes to give not the objective status, which we already have, but the subjective experience of sonship.

Let’s break it into three things: 1) what is promised, 2) what it’s like, and 3) how it comes.

This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on February 8, 1998. Series: Galatians: New Freedom, New Family. Scripture: Galatians 3:26-4:7.

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