#religion&spirituality#religious studies People
Dr. Timothy Keller
@Dr. Timothy Keller : 圣诞节的核心意义在于上帝道成肉身,耶稣基督不仅是神,更是完全真实地成为人,与我们分享人性。这与传统的道德主义宗教截然不同,如果我们真正理解耶稣基督的人性,我们的生活将会改变。 这包含三个方面:第一,上帝关心物质世界,他不仅关心灵魂,也关心那些正在摧毁我们血肉之躯的事物。这在圣经中上帝的三个形象(创造、道成肉身、复活)中都有体现。与其他宗教不同,基督教认为物质世界并非虚幻或低级,上帝参与了物质世界的创造、进入和救赎。因此,基督徒不应被动地对待贫困、痛苦和疾病等问题,而应积极参与到改善物质世界的行动中。 第二,上帝理解人类的痛苦,因为耶稣基督也经历过各种各样的痛苦,包括身体上的痛苦、情感上的痛苦和精神上的痛苦。他完全为人,也经历过痛苦,这使他能够理解和帮助我们。如果我们否认耶稣基督的人性,就等于否认了他对我们痛苦的理解。 第三,上帝渴望与我们建立关系,他想要朋友、兄弟姐妹和儿女。因此,他道成肉身,成为一个婴儿,使我们可以亲近他,体验他的爱和同在。耶稣基督的牺牲打破了人与上帝之间的隔阂,使上帝的同在不再是毁灭性的,而是可以带来净化和更新的。如果我们只注重道德生活,而没有感受到上帝的爱,就错过了圣诞节的真正意义。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the central message of Christmas according to Dr. Timothy Keller?

The central message of Christmas is that God became flesh and blood, fully sharing in our humanity to redeem both the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

Why does Dr. Keller argue that understanding Jesus' humanity is crucial?

Understanding Jesus' humanity leads to a different way of living, as it reveals God's concern for the physical, knowledge of sorrow, and desire for relational connection.

What three things does the Christmas story teach us about God?

The Christmas story teaches that God has a concern for the physical, a knowledge of sorrow, and a desire for relational connection.

How does Christianity differ from other religions in its view of matter?

Christianity uniquely teaches that God created and will redeem matter, viewing it as integral to both creation and redemption, unlike other religions that see matter as unreal or inferior.

What does the resurrection of Jesus signify about God's intentions for the future?

The resurrection signifies that God's future redemption includes both new bodies and a new earth, showing His concern for the physical alongside the spiritual.

Why should Christians be active in addressing social issues like poverty and pain?

Christians should be active because God, through the incarnation and death of Jesus, demonstrated a deep concern for physical suffering and the marring of His creation.

How does Jesus' experience of suffering benefit believers?

Jesus' suffering allows Him to empathize with believers, offering help and understanding as a faithful and merciful high priest who has faced every form of temptation and sorrow.

What does it mean for Jesus to be fully human?

Being fully human means Jesus experienced physical pain, emotional sorrow, and every form of human suffering, allowing Him to fully understand and relate to our experiences.

Why is the relational aspect important in the Christmas story?

The relational aspect is important because God desires to be close to humanity, not just as a ruler but as a friend and brother, breaking down barriers through the incarnation.

How does the presence of God differ for Moses and for believers in Jesus?

For Moses, God's presence was destructive due to His holiness, but for believers in Jesus, God's presence is purifying and life-giving because of Christ's sacrifice.

Shownotes Transcript

The meaning of Christmas is that God got flesh and blood. In Jesus Christ the holy and transcendent God became really and fully and truly human. He shared in our humanity.

I submit to you that the traditional, moralistic religion has completely forgotten this whole idea. In fact, I submit to you that if you and I really undertstood the fact that Jesus Christ shares in our humanity, we’d live differently. 

What does that teach us about God? It teaches us three things: 1) God has a concern for the physical, 2) God has a knowledge of the sorrowful, and 3) God desires the relational.

This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on December 18, 1994. Series: The Nature of Faith. Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18.

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