cover of episode #135 - We The People

#135 - We The People

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The Quiz

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Chad Pergram
Chad Pergram: 本期节目主要围绕五个问题展开,涵盖了美国宪法、世界人口、冰球运动、阵亡将士纪念日以及欧洲最高建筑等多个方面。首先,第一个问题考察的是美国宪法第一条第一款的内容,即联邦政府的立法部门;第二个问题是关于世界人口数量的,答案大约是80亿;第三个问题涉及冰球运动员韦恩·格雷茨基,即使去除其所有进球,他仍然是NHL历史得分王;第四个问题是关于阵亡将士纪念日,该节日在1971年被国会确立为联邦假日;最后一个问题是关于欧洲最高建筑的,答案是位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。通过这五个问题,节目以轻松问答的形式,向听众普及了相关的知识。 Chad Pergram: 本期节目以轻松问答的形式,向听众普及了多个领域的知识,包括美国宪法、世界人口、体育、节日和建筑等。节目中涉及的知识点相对独立,但都属于常识性问题,适合大众参与。节目主持人Chad Pergram以清晰简洁的语言,向听众解释了每个问题的答案,并穿插了一些幽默的元素,使节目更具趣味性。同时,节目也体现了主持人对这些知识点的了解和掌握,展现了其专业素养。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hello, everyone. I'm Chad Pergram, and it's time to take the quiz. ♪

This is the quiz. History, pop culture, science, sports, civics. How much do you know? Let's find out. Five days a week, it's five questions in less than five minutes. We ask people on the streets of New York City to play along. Let's see how you do. Question one. Article one, section one of the United States Constitution focuses on which branch of the federal government?

I don't know anything about it, but I want to say judicial. Congress. If you guessed Congress, you would be correct. That's something I tend to know something about here on Capitol Hill. Question two. Rounded to the nearest billion, how many people currently live on planet Earth? Seven. Six. Eight billion. Seven.

There are roughly 8 billion people on the planet. So how are you doing so far? Two for two? One for two? If you're one for two, you're better than any baseball Hall of Famer. But don't worry about it. Let's just keep going here. On to question three. This is not a baseball question. This is a hockey question.

Wayne Gretzky is the all-time points leader in NHL history. If you took away all of Gretzky's goals, who would lead the NHL in points? I don't know. I feel like I should. Matt Barzal. I can only think of Jack Hughes right now, but I know that's not right. Now that's sort of a trick question because it would still be

Wayne Gretzky. Question four. Though commemorated in different ways dating back to the mid-1800s, Memorial Day was standardized by Congress as a federal holiday in what year? 1940. 1864. 1870. The year was 1971. Play, share, listen. Question five is next.

From the Fox News Podcasts Network. I'm Ben Domenech, Fox News contributor and editor of the daily newsletter. And I'm inviting you to join a conversation every week. It's the Ben Domenech Podcast. Subscribe and listen now by going to Now, this is the big moment you've all been waiting for. Bigger than all of Wayne Gretzky's goals and points here. Question five. What is the tallest building in Europe? Eiffel Tower. Is it Big Ben?

Eiffel Tower? I don't know. I don't know. Not quite. The tallest building in Europe is the Lacta Center in St. Petersburg, Russia. So, how'd you do on the quiz? Good? Great? That's okay.

You can always try again tomorrow. Take the quiz every weekday at Then come back here to see how you did. You can watch and listen as I cover Congress here on the Fox News Rundown podcast. I'm Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Perkley, and thank you for taking the quiz.

Take the quiz at Play, share, listen. Five questions, five minutes, five days a week. The Fox True Crime Podcast presents Crimes on Campus. Sharing chilling stories of scandal, corruption, and murder. New episodes available every Tuesday this month. Listen and follow at