cover of episode #102 - Curtain Call

#102 - Curtain Call

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The Quiz

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Ben Verlander
本期播客节目主持人Ben Verlander主持了一个每日小测验,内容涵盖了历史、流行文化、科学和体育等多个领域的知识。测验包含五个问题,每个问题都涉及不同的主题,例如芝加哥小熊队的主场、防晒霜上的SPF含义、林肯遇刺时观看的戏剧、诺曼底登陆的滩头以及1994年卢旺达遇刺总统的名字。通过这些问题,主持人旨在测试听众的知识面,并提供一些历史和文化背景知识。测验问题难度适中,既有容易回答的问题,也有需要一定知识储备才能回答的问题,这使得测验更具挑战性和趣味性。 测验的答案在节目中逐一揭晓,主持人还会对一些问题的背景进行简要的介绍,例如二战诺曼底登陆和卢旺达大屠杀等历史事件。总的来说,这个小测验是一个轻松愉快且寓教于乐的节目环节,能够在娱乐的同时提升听众的知识水平。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hi everyone, I'm Ben Verlander, Fox Sports MLB analyst and the host of the Flippin' Bats podcast. And it's time to take the quiz. This is the quiz. History, pop culture, science, sports, civics. How much do you know? Let's find out. Let's find out.

Five days a week, it's five questions in less than five minutes. We ask people on the streets of New York City to play along. Let's see how you do. All right, question one. What is the name of the stadium that the Chicago Cubs play in? The Cubs Stadium. Wrigley Field. That's right, Wrigley Field. Question two. What does the SPF on sunscreen stand for? Sun Protection Formula.

Sun protective factor. The answer is sun protection factor. On to question three. On April 14th, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated while attending a play at the Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. What play was he watching? Oh my God, I feel like I know this, but I don't know what it is. Hamlet. Hamlet.

I know who shot him. That would be our American cousin. Question four. On June 6, 1944, Allied troops from the U.S., the U.K., and Canada landed on the beaches of Normandy, France during the D-Day invasions of World War II. What were the names of the beaches the American troops landed on? Normandy Beach. Normandy. Only beach I know is Myrtle Beach. I don't have a clue.

The answer is Utah Beach and Omaha Beach. Play, share, listen. Question five is next. The Fox True Crime Podcast presents Crimes on Campus. Sharing chilling stories of scandal, corruption, and murder. New episodes available every Tuesday this month. Listen and follow at All right, question five.

In response to the assassination of the president of Rwanda in 1994, armed Hutu militias committed a brutal genocide against the minority Tutsi. What was the name of the assassinated president? George Washington. No clue. No idea. Trump. And the answer is Juvenal Habia Ramana. How do you do on the quiz?

Pretty good? Not so great? Either way, you can always try again tomorrow. Take the quiz every weekday at Then come back here to see how you did. I'm Ben Verlander, and thank you for taking the quiz.

Take the quiz at Play, share, listen. Five questions, five minutes, five days a week.