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Will electric vehicle sales ever catch up?

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The Excerpt

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Duncan Wood
Duncan Wood: 美国电动汽车制造商面临诸多挑战,包括中国汽车工业的领先地位、获取电动汽车电池材料(锂、钴、镍、锰等关键矿物和稀土元素)的困难、以及消费者需求不足。中国通过低价倾销和政府补贴等手段在电动汽车市场占据主导地位,而美国在电池技术和消费者价格方面仍处于追赶阶段。此外,美国电动汽车供应链依赖于北美(美国、加拿大和墨西哥)的合作,但中国在关键矿物加工和精炼方面拥有垄断地位。 为促进电动汽车发展,美国政府采取了税收抵免等激励措施,并对来自中国的电动汽车征收关税,但这些措施并未完全奏效。消费者对电动汽车的高昂价格、续航里程焦虑和长期可靠性等问题仍有担忧。充电网络建设缓慢也阻碍了电动汽车的普及,尤其是在农村地区。 燃油车与电动汽车的利润率差异也是一个重要因素。虽然《通货膨胀削减法案》旨在降低电动汽车的生产成本,但要实现盈利仍面临挑战。美国需要在电池技术和供应链方面进行创新,才能在与中国的竞争中占据优势。 Dana Taylor: 作为主持人,Dana Taylor主要负责引导访谈,提出问题,并对Duncan Wood的观点进行总结和梳理。她没有表达个人观点,而是通过提问来引导Duncan Wood阐述其对电动汽车市场现状和未来发展的看法。

Deep Dive

The discussion explores the current state of electric vehicle (EV) sales and the challenges in reaching the 2030 goal set by the Biden administration, including high prices and supply chain issues.

Shownotes Transcript

Sales for electric vehicles in the U.S. and worldwide will reach their highest levels ever this year. But a big sticking point remains. Even with tax incentives and rebates, the price for EVs is still thousands of dollars higher than their gas-guzzling cousins. The Biden administration set 2030 as the goal for when half of all new vehicles sold would be electric powered. The question is, can we get there? Duncan Wood, vice president for strategy & new initiatives at the Wilson Center, a non-profit thinktank, joins The Excerpt to talk about the possibilities and what it will take for this growing market to mature.

Episode Transcript available here)

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