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Fox Sports Update - NCAA Selection Sunday Arrives

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Fox Sports Update

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Frank Lanza
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :今天是NCAA锦标赛选拔日,我们将了解哪些球队将参加2025年男子篮球锦标赛。在联盟锦标赛结束后,三月疯狂的比赛正在进行中,我们将找出究竟谁将参加比赛。NCAA选拔委员会将于今晚(周四)开始公布比赛分组。在当天早些时候,我们将看到常青藤联盟、A-10联盟、SEC联盟、AAC联盟和大十联盟锦标赛的剩余比赛。谁将成为一号种子?顶级种子又是谁?谁被冷落了?这些只是众多问题中的一部分。敬请关注。我们还将在美国东部时间晚上8点公布女子NCAA锦标赛的入选名单。 播音员:今天NBA和NHL都有多场比赛。NBA中,联盟战绩最佳的克利夫兰骑士队将主场迎战奥兰多魔术队。与此同时,凯文·杜兰特和菲尼克斯太阳队将在洛杉矶对阵勒布朗·詹姆斯和湖人队的其他球员。在NHL中,今天下午有七场比赛。然而,赛程的亮点是达拉斯星队在百事中心对阵科罗拉多雪崩队。这场比赛标志着尼科·斯特纳重返丹佛。他在1月份被雪崩队交易到卡罗来纳州,然后在交易截止日期前被交易到达拉斯,在那里他签署了一份长期合同。在今天的NASCAR赛道上,是Pennzoil 400。比赛在拉斯维加斯赛车场举行。您可以在美国东部时间下午3点30分在FS1收看比赛。 @Frank Lanza :您可以通过Apple、Spotify或您下载喜爱的播客的任何地方下载Fox Sports播客。您可以通过Fox Sports应用程序和FoxSports.com获取更多信息。

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Get an expert now at Only available with TurboTax Live Full Service. See guaranteed details at slash guarantees. Fox Sports Update. Selection Sunday is finally here. With March Madness in full swing following the completion of the conference tournaments, we'll find out just who's going dancing. The NCAA Selection Committee will release the brackets tonight beginning Thursday.

at 6 p.m. Eastern time. Earlier in the day, we'll get the remaining conference championships in the Ivy League, the A-10, the SEC, the AAC, and the Big Ten tournaments. Who will the number one seeds be? What about the top overall seed? Who got snubbed? Some of the many questions. Stay tuned. We will also get the women's NCAA tournament selections at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

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There are eight games on the hardwood of the NBA, the team with the best record in the league, the Cleveland Cavaliers play host to the Orlando Magic. Meanwhile, Kevin Durant and the Phoenix Suns are in Los Angeles against Luka LeBron and the rest of the Lakers. In the NHL, there are seven games on the ice this afternoon. The highlight of the schedule, though, the Dallas Stars skating in Denver at Ball Arena against the Colorado Avalanche.

The game marks the return of Nico Ratnan to Denver. He was traded to Carolina by the Avalanche back in January before being flipped at the trade deadline to Dallas, where he signed a long-term deal. On the NASCAR track this afternoon, it's the Pennzoil 400. That's at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. You can catch the race at 3.30 p.m. Eastern time on FS1.

And you can download the Fox Sports Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you download your favorite podcasts. I'm Frank Lanza. Get more on the Fox Sports app and It is time to take the quiz. It's five questions in less than five minutes. We ask people on the streets of New York City to play along. Let's see how you do. Take the quiz every day at Then come back here to see how you did. Thank you for taking the quiz.