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Fox Sports Update - Iowa Hawkeyes New Coach

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@新闻播报员 : 弗兰·麦卡弗里在执教爱荷华大学男子篮球队15个赛季后离任。他是该校队史胜场数最多的教练,带领球队七次进入NCAA锦标赛,四次晋级第一轮。但是,球队最近一个赛季的战绩为17胜16负,是七年来胜场数最少的一个赛季。学校在麦卡弗里被逐出爱荷华州与伊利诺伊州的大十赛后宣布了这一消息。 新闻播报员: 在NFL方面,@迈尔斯·加勒特 在二月份初要求离开克利夫兰,但一个月后,布朗队却给了他联盟历史上非四分卫球员的最高薪水。在今天与媒体的谈话中,这位四次入选全明星阵容的球员表示,他不后悔公开提出交易请求。 新闻播报员: 卡里姆·亨特将回到堪萨斯城。据多方报道,亨特在2024赛季初加入球队后,又与酋长队签下了一份为期一年的合同。他在堪萨斯城以728码和7次达阵领跑球队。 新闻播报员: 在NBA方面,湖人队将缺少他们两大巨星,他们将努力结束三连败。卢卡·东契奇将缺席今晚与掘金队的比赛,而湖人队已经无法使用勒布朗·詹姆斯了。在詹姆斯周六对阵波士顿凯尔特人队时腹股沟受伤之前,洛杉矶队已经取得了八连胜。 迈尔斯·加勒特: 我认为公开提出交易请求帮助球队进行了必要的艰难对话,我的初衷是为了球队胜利,而不是金钱。虽然布朗队过去八个赛季只两次进入季后赛,并且有六个赛季的战绩是负的,但我相信球迷们会看到我的心意是好的。 @安妮 : 我患有癌症,但我仍然坚持跑步,并为癌症研究机构筹款。跑步对我来说是一种恩赐,尤其是在我身患癌症的情况下。我正在参加由美国银行赞助的波士顿马拉松比赛,为达纳-法伯癌症研究所筹款,为像我一样的人提供机会,即使患有癌症也能在生活中茁壮成长。

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Fox Sports Update. Iowa men's basketball is making a change. After 15 seasons in Iowa City, Fran McCaffrey is out as head coach of the Hawkeyes. The school announced the move today, the day after McCaffrey was ejected from Iowa's loss to Illinois in the Big Ten tournament.

McCaffrey is the school's all-time wins leader and led the Hawkeyes to the NCAA tournament seven times, advancing past the first round on four occasions. But the Hawkeyes are coming off a 17-16 campaign, their fewest amount of wins in seven years.

In the NFL, Miles Garrett asked out of Cleveland at the beginning of February, but a month later, the Browns made him the highest paid non-quarterback in league history. When speaking with the media today, the four-time All-Pro said he doesn't regret going public with his trade request. I had some frustration and, you know,

I feel like that helped us grow and have conversations that were difficult but needed to be had. That was courtesy of the Browns. Following the request, Garrett voiced his frustration on Radio Row in the week leading up to the Super Bowl, and he was asked today how he thinks the fans will view him now that he's back in Cleveland. I think the fans will see that my heart's in the right place. It's never been about money. It's always been about winning, and that's where my frustration lies.

In Garrett's eight seasons, the Browns have made the playoffs just twice and have had six losing seasons. I was never really a runner. The way I see running is a gift, especially when you have stage four cancer. I'm Anne. I'm running the Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America. I run for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to give people like me a chance to thrive in life, even with cancer.

Join Bank of America in helping Ann's cause. Give if you can at B-F-A dot com slash support Ann. What would you like the power to do? References to charitable organizations is not an endorsement by Bank of America Corporation. Copyright 2025. In other NFL news, Kareem Hunt is returning to Kansas City. According to multiple reports, Hunt is back with the Chiefs on a one-year contract after joining the team early in the 2024 season. He led Kansas City in rushing with 728 yards and seven touchdowns.

And in the NBA, the Lakers will be without their two biggest stars as they look to snap a three-game losing streak. Luka Doncic has been ruled out for tonight's matchup with the Nuggets, but the Lakers already without the services of LeBron James. L.A. had won eight straight before James injured his groin against the Boston Celtics on Saturday.

You can listen and follow the Fox Sports Podcast at wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Joe Morgan. Get more on the Fox Sports app and I'm Dana Perino. This week on Perino on Politics, I'm joined by the founder of the Stewart Group, Don Stewart, to discuss insights on President Trump's latest projects. Available now on or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.