cover of episode Chapter 29: The Heart of a King

Chapter 29: The Heart of a King

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Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans

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Dr. Tony Evans
Dr. Tony Evans: 本集讲述了大卫晚年面对的挑战,包括身份危机、饥荒、战争和人口普查等,以及他最终的悔改。他从神话般的人物转变为一个真实的人,展现了人性的复杂和上帝的恩典。 大卫晚年,面对衰老和王位带来的重压,经历了身份的迷茫。他不再是那个勇猛的战士,而是饱经沧桑的君王。他与以实比·便挪伯的战斗,象征着他与过去自我的对抗,也预示着他将卸下战士的重担。 然而,大卫的错误也显而易见。他违背摩西律法进行人口普查,试图通过人口数量来衡量自己的伟大,这暴露了他内心的不安和对世俗权力的渴望。这导致了瘟疫的降临,也使他认识到自己的罪过。 最终,大卫在悔改中找到了真正的平安。他承认自己的错误,并恳求上帝惩罚自己而不是百姓。他展现了真正的王者之心,那就是对上帝的敬畏和对百姓的爱。 基遍人的首领:基遍人因扫罗的罪孽而遭受苦难,他们要求以七个扫罗的后裔的性命来偿还血债。他们的要求体现了他们对公正的渴望,也反映了旧约时代血债血偿的观念。 大卫:大卫在晚年经历了诸多挑战,但他始终在与上帝的关系中寻求指引和力量。他面对饥荒,寻求上帝的旨意,并最终为扫罗的罪孽承担责任。他与以实比·便挪伯的战斗,展现了他虽然年老体弱,但依然勇敢无畏的精神。然而,他的人口普查行为也暴露了他内心的不安和对世俗权力的渴望。最终,他认识到自己的错误,并向上帝悔改,展现了他谦卑和悔改的心。 亚比筛:亚比筛在与以实比·便挪伯的战斗中救了大卫,体现了他对大卫的忠诚和对国家的责任感。 迦得先知:迦得先知传达了上帝的旨意,给了大卫三个选择作为惩罚,体现了上帝的公正和慈爱。

Deep Dive

David seeks God's wisdom to understand the cause of the prolonged famine, discovering it stems from Saul's blood guilt against the Gibeonites.

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone. The new is here. 2 Corinthians 5.17 Thank you, God, that in Christ I am a brand new creation. The old has gone. Old thinking, old habits, old attitudes and behaviors. It's gone forever. You have set me free from my past, free from my failures and mistakes.

free from any obstacles that would stand in my way. Hallelujah! I am forgiven, I am free, and I am ready, Lord, for anything and everything you have for me. I am ready to do great things for you and for your kingdom. Now is the time. This is my moment in history. This is when I give everything I have and everything I am to live the life you have called me to.

to accomplish amazing things in your power and for your glory. I declare today that I will not let anything stop me. I will not let anyone discourage me, and I will keep my eyes on the prize and press on until I achieve victory. Lord, remind me as I pursue the goals and dreams you've given me that the success I seek is not for me, not for my own sake.

My success is meant to be a beacon of hope, a sign or signal, a light that draws others to you. May they too become new creations and be made new in you. In Jesus' name, amen. Stay tuned to immerse yourself in the greatest stories ever told from's podcast, Heroes in the Bible.

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Please be sure to follow the podcast on Apple or Spotify so you get the newest episodes right as they come out. Welcome to The Epic Adventure of David, a story of honor, battle, jealousy, darkness, friendship, love, scandal, and murder. While most people know of David the myth, few know about David the man. In this episode, the aging David suffers an identity crisis. Through famines, political unrest, wars, and broken promises, David feels himself losing control.

Loss of control is not always a bad thing. When our fragile lives are shaken up, it can draw us closer to the Lord. In this episode, David wrestles with that process. He struggles with the loss of his youthful strength and the weight of the crown is heavy on his head. Even as David's bones become brittle and his voice loses its volume, we still get glimpses into his remaining inner strength.

In this episode, David deals with famines, broken covenants, and a mounting Philistine attack. Although he makes some mistakes, we will be comforted to hear David's honest and courageous heart. Before we dive into the episode, we will have a prelude, a story taken from another time when the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness. The people had multiplied. The victories under Joshua had made them feared in the ancient world.

They made a covenant under false pretenses, but it was a covenant all the same. This episode will remind us that God is serious about keeping promises. He holds his people accountable to their word. We are reaching the end of our hero's journey. We only have two episodes left. Let's enjoy this time together with episode 29, The Heart of a King.

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Brought to you by State Farm. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Prelude to chapter 29. The Israelite slaves had been freed from the clutches of Egypt. By the mighty power of their Lord, the Egyptians were crushed, and all who sought to harm the children of God were vanquished. The Israelites walked with the grace of God before them. In every battle, the Lord upheld them. In every storm, the Lord covered them.

By night the Lord guided them, and when they were hungry, the Lord fed them. After forty years in the wilderness, being upheld only by the mercy of God, it was time for the Israelites to take the land promised to them. They had grown massive in number, and the smaller kingdoms of the east feared them greatly. Among those small nations was Gibeon. They had heard of God's mighty fist toppling down the walls of Jericho and trembled. The Gibeonites were afraid of Israel.

They were great in number and had the military leadership of Joshua. We do not stand a chance against Israel. They said, If they choose to storm our gates, we will be consumed in a matter of seconds. The elders were stirred greatly. They knew they needed to gain the favor of the Israelites. However, they did not want to be seen as threats. So the inhabitants of Gibeon acted on their cunning.

Men of Israel! Please, show your servant's grace. Not a step further. Who are you?

And why have you come into our camp? The Gibeonites raised their hands in the air and bent down in submission. Please do not harm us. We have come from a distant country. Please make a covenant with us so we might dwell together in peace. How are we supposed to know you aren't dwellers of this land and out to kill us? Joshua replied with his sword still directed at them. Please, we are at your service. They said, We are from a distant country.

And we heard a report of your God and what he did in Egypt. So the elders of our land sent us to you, so that we might dwell with you and make a covenant with you. If you do not believe us, just look at our supplies. Our bread was warm when we left, but now it is dry and crumbly.

Look at our clothes. They are tattered and worn from a long journey. Joshua turned to his commanders. They retreated for a time to discuss what to do, but they did not inquire of the Lord. They worked off of instinct and their own knowledge, a mistake they would later regret. Joshua went back and said, We will make peace with you. Stay here, and we will make a covenant to protect you in exchange for your service. So the Israelites and the Gibeonites made an unbreakable covenant.

Israel was now bound to care for and protect the Gibeonites, despite their deception. When the truth about the Gibeonites came to light, the people were enraged, but Joshua was confused. Why did you deceive us like this? Before you were your own small nation, independent and free. But now you are servants, woodcutters, and drawers of water. Why sacrifice your freedom to be here? Because we know God has given you all of this land to inhabit.

You outnumber us a hundred to one, and if you desired to conquer us, we would have no chance to defend ourselves. We choose to live as your servants rather than die as your enemies. But if you see fit to destroy us anyways, do it. We are at your mercy. Joshua was taken back by the Gibeonites' honesty. He sympathized with their situation. He shook his head and said, Now, we have made a covenant with you. As the Lord lives, the people of Israel will not harm the Gibeonites.

you will be more than servants, but less than brothers. Our people may quarrel at times, but rest assured that you will be protected under us." So the Gibeonites served the Israelites until they inhabited the land. For years they coexisted in harmony, mutually benefiting from each other, until King Saul came to the throne. Chapter 29: The Heart of a King Cursed was the ground of Israel. Blighted by famine for three years, the people were beginning to starve.

King David gripped the edge of his balcony, deep in thought regarding the sorry state of his nation. His hands shook in the cold. He was getting old, and his bones ached. He was now over the age of 60, and not sure how much more tragedy his old heart could handle. "What shall I do?" he whispered into the cold night. "Lord, why is this happening?" He sought the wisdom of God. Famines were a common occurrence and a natural dip in the rhythm of life.

However, it was not common for a famine to last more than two years. The reserves were running low, and David feared for God's people. So he stayed up all night, seeking God and inquiring for answers. David was at a loss and knew the Lord was their only hope. The frigid night air filled the king's lungs. The stars peppered the night sky, and David could feel the still and quiet voice of God. "Blood guilt," he whispered. The king's eyes were shut, desperately trying to listen.

There is blood guilt on Saul and on his house. That is why there is famine. David perked up. Who is Saul wrong to warrant such a famine? How can it be made right? God spoke, saying, During the reign of Saul, he ravaged the dwellings of the Gibeonites and slaughtered members of the family, thus breaking the ancient promise made.

between them and Israel. It all made sense now. David remembered hearing long ago that Saul had taken the sword to the Gibeonites, slaughtering their men and a few of their children. Saul, in his nationalistic zeal, persecuted the Gibeonites and left them even more poor than before. God desired justice for them. David sighed and lifted his head to the heavens. "I will make this right," he whispered, "but I do not like what may come of it."

The next morning, David called for the leaders of the Gibeonites to visit his home. The elders wore traditional Gibeonite clothing. He noticed the frowns on their faces and how they wore their sorrow for all to see. He gathered them around his table. There, they enjoyed wine and a few figs. However, there was nothing lavish for the king to offer. The famine had affected even him. He placed his hands on the table inside. My friends, he began, the memory of Saul's crimes against you

The elders were taken back by David's sincerity. His aged voice was gentle and sweet.

Their chief leaned over the table and looked the king in the eyes. "There is no gold or silver that can bring back our people, King David," he said. "Nor is there any land that will satisfy the desires of our hearts." "What then?" David replied in a frustrated voice. "Do we allow the people of Israel to starve? Would you rather I just kill them now?" "Not at all, my king," the chief said. "Far be it from us to put any of your people to death. However,

There is blood that was spilled, and blood is required. David winced. He hated revenge. He thought it was beneath God's people to hold grudges. However, he understood that when a covenant is broken, blood is required to reconcile. "What shall I do for you?" David asked calmly. The chief rose to his feet and said, Saul is the one who consumed us, destroyed us, and ensured that we had no home in Israel. He owes us a debt.

He is dead, David replied. So who shall pay this debt? Seven of his descendants, he said plainly. Give us seven male descendants of Saul, so that we might hang them for their grandfather's crimes. It is the only way we will be satisfied. We will hang them before the Lord, and then it shall be over. David paused for a long while. There were several descendants of Saul still alive, mostly illegitimate children and grandchildren from concubines.

If they had done nothing wrong, the crime was their father's, not theirs. It was yet another example of the generational turmoil caused by the sins of a father. David considered his own sins and how his children would be forever blighted with bloodshed because of them. The king sighed and replied, "I will give them to you. I will find seven of Saul's descendants and bring them before you." The elders bowed their heads and left.

When the door closed, David buried his face in his hands. Life was more simple when he fled from Saul in the wilderness. There were enemies to be vanquished and villages to be saved. He knew who his enemies were, and they deserved to die. Now, life was more complicated as a king. No one was merely an enemy, and no one was merely an ally. All was blurred and confused. There was a knock at David's door. "Come in," he said in a weary voice.

Benaiah entered the room and bowed. However, the king did not turn to him. He was gazing into the fire, watching its light slowly fade as the coals turned to ash. Thank you for coming, Benaiah, David said. His face was still facing the flickering light. I'm afraid I need to ask you to do something for the kingdom, something that may seem cruel. David looked down, unwilling to make eye contact. Benaiah took a deep breath and replied.

"I am at your service until the very end, King David. What would you have me do?" There was a long pause. "Find me seven remaining descendants of Saul," he commanded. "I know there are some who were born to Rizpah, his concubine. There are others born from Merab, Saul's daughter. Find them and give them over to the Gibeonites." Benaiah was silent. He had questions, but he also had faith in his king.

Is there anything else? He asked solemnly. Spare me, Phibisheth, Jonathan's son. I shall not break the covenant I made with Jonathan. Broken covenants are how we got into this mess. Benaiah bowed and left the room. The door closed, and David finally let the tears out. He leaned over his seat, weeping over the fading flames.

The clouds covered the morning sun, and fog rolled in from the west, slithering through the forest leading up to the mountain. The Gibeonites marched up the mountain with seven of Saul's descendants behind them bound in rope. There were no trumpets of victory or loud processions of praise, only a silent and ominous hike up the mountain. They reached the summit, and there stood a tree that was darker and more foreboding than the others. Its branches were jagged, thick, and stretched over the earth below.

No light broke through its leaves, leaving everything below covered in darkness. The elders tied nooses around the men's necks, then threw the ropes over the branches. The men struggled and yelled to be free, but the Gibeonites remained silent. The cries of the sons of Saul dissipated into the wilderness. No one could hear their screams. No one would come to their aid. The nooses were secured around their necks, and platforms were erected underneath the branches to keep the men standing.

The elders looked up at the sons of Saul and said, "Blood for blood." And with those words, they removed the platform supporting them one by one. The descendants wiggled and swung in place, gasping for breath until finally losing air. The seven descendants perished together in the shadows, and the Gibeonite blood was avenged. It was hardly a victory for King David. The constant bloodshed and revenge weighed heavily on his soul.

For nearly 40 years he had reigned as king, and the accumulated lives that had been slain by him or his men were uncountable. He understood why the Lord would not allow him to build the temple. His hands were stained with the blood of many enemies and even some friends. David longed for relief, and he prayed for peace within his soul. He looked out the large window of his room overlooking the horizon. The clouds were still heavy in the sky, hovering over the blighted land.

As the winds began to pick up and the new rains began to fall, David strummed his lyre and played a new tune. His voice was not as smooth as it once was. It was soft like worn-in leather, but still just as beautiful to the Lord. You visit the earth and water it. You enrich the ground below. The river of God is filled with water, ready to overflow. Your water forrows abundantly.

Settling its ridges, you soften the earth with showers and bless it as it grows. You crown the year with bounty and your love overflow. The pastures of your wilderness stretches forevermore. The hills gird themselves in joy and it is you they adore.

The meadows clothe themselves with flocks abundantly. The valleys are filled with their grain. They shout for joy and sing together for your gracious summer rain. There was great mourning from the family of Saul from the loss of their sons. David could not bring them back, nor could he console the family. However, there was one final act David could do to honor the king and his son.

He mounted his horse and left with a few of his men. The rain continued to pour abundantly, refreshing the scorched earth below. They had gone long without rain, and the entire nation was outside celebrating the faithfulness of God. David continued to ride, not taking time to stop or eat. He rode from Jerusalem to Jabesh-Gilead. He rode through the city, ignoring the onlookers watching him pass. Finally, he came to a small cave carved out of a hill on the outskirts of the city.

He dismounted and approached the tomb. A stone was placed in front of the cave. He and his men pushed the stone away, feet sliding in the mud. David knelt down and looked inside, lying in the small opening were the bones of Saul and Jonathan. Their bodies had been mocked by the Philistines, and their corpses had hung for months in the hot sun. "They never received a proper burial," David whispered. He had his servants wrap the bones in cloth and strap them to their horses.

They rode back to the land of Benjamin and prepared the ceremony. Saul, Jonathan, and their seven descendants were brought to the homeland of Saul and buried in the tomb of Kish, his father. The stormy skies opened up for a moment, allowing for a brief ray of sunlight to shine down. David turned his cheek to the sky. The reassuring presence of God was upon him. God had responded to the faithfulness of David. God was going to heal the land and would continually uphold his chosen king.

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In Orlando, anything is possible if you can imagine it. Plan your escape today and save at That's for everything you need for an amazing getaway. Peace was elusive for the kingdom of Israel. Every few years, another large nation would mount an attack against them. David, even in his aging years, was on high alert for the safety of God's people.

In the many years since David's victory over Achish, the Philistine nation had quietly prepared itself for another attack. David welcomed the challenge, knowing that the Lord would provide victory. He gathered his men and marched with them to face the horde of uncircumcised fiends. As they marched, David could feel the discomfort of age creeping up on him. His armor weighed heavier on his shoulders, and his steps dragged more than they did in his youth.

Abishai took notice of this and made sure to stay close to the king. They had finally made it to the place of meeting. David stood in front of his army, postured opposite of the Philistines a couple hundred yards away. The jagged and rocky valley between them would serve as the battleground. This was David's sacred space. This is where he truly felt like the king of Israel.

David unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the enemy. His hand shook as he held up the sword. These Philistines have been a plague to our people for generations. Let us remind them that we are a people protected and empowered by the God of all creation. The army yelled behind him, fueled by their king's passion. The Philistines roared on the other side, banging on their shields and swaying to the beat of a drum. David knew this ritual.

He recognized it from years ago when he was just a boy. The horde scoffed and spat in Israel's direction. Then, the army parted to make room. From the middle of the Philistine ranks emerged a giant, Ish-Bi-Beanob. He was the infamous descendant of the giants of old, a remnant of Goliath's tribe. Flashbacks of Goliath rushed in David's mind. His massive frame, his thundering roar, and his look of complete hatred.

His spear weighed 300 shekels in bronze and hung on his back. His armor was hewn from the fires of Gath, made of steel and refined bronze. His sword was the size of a man's abdomen and hung securely on his belt, ready to be used at any moment. David's heart began to pound heavily. "I will remind them of my name, Giant Slayer," he whispered to himself. His sword was still held up, his hand trembling in place.

David turned to his men and said, For the glory of our God and the love of our nation! And as he yelled this, the king burst forward with all his might. The old king ran towards the enemy without regard to who was behind him.

The children of Israel followed and quickly caught up to him. The two armies clashed against one another. Blood poured out onto the jagged rocks below, and the screams of young men could be heard for miles. David was thrilled to be back in battle, although his body ached. Two Philistines came at him, but David toppled them with two swift swipes of his blade. Three more Philistines approached, and David fought them tooth and nail, slowly gaining the advantage with his superior swordsmanship.

He kept his foundation low and slashed to their legs while keeping his shield open. Then, like a bolt of lightning striking from above, David was hit and thrown in the air. He landed on his back and the air flew out of his lungs. David gasped and tried to regain his composure. He looked up and tried to focus. His vision was blurry.

but he could make out the massive frame of Ishbaa Binab running towards him. The giant yelled as he ran forward. He launched his spear at David. He ducked, but the spear grazed his shoulder and tore his armor. He screamed in pain but had no time to tend to it. The giant was close to striking.

David held up his shield just in time to block Y'shaibian's first blow. He felt his elbow crack under the pressure, and his arm gave out. David screamed and slashed at the giant's ankles, but he was quickly met with a kick to the side. The king was sent flying through the air again, landing in a pile of rocks.

The giant was filled with bloodthirsty rage. He roared like a ravenous lion and leapt forward at David again. This time, David jumped forward and deflected the giant's sword. He parried the next attack, attempting to slash the giant in the stomach. However, every time David attacked, he grew weaker and his head became heavy with lack of oxygen, and his entire body burned from the uproar.

The giant swung down with his sword, and David blocked it again with his shield. He stumbled onto the ground and lifted his shield again to block another strike. The giant was like a hammer, swinging down constantly on David's broken body. This is the end, David thought to himself. This is where I fall. The giant swung his sword to the side, and David's shield was knocked off his arm.

But David would not give up. He threw his body at the giant trying to knock him down. But the giant grabbed hold of his throat and began to squeeze. David felt the life slowly leaving his body. He didn't have the strength to struggle. His body hung limp as the giant clapped down on his throat. Ishbaibinam brought his sword in close and placed the tip on David's armor.

"I'm going to kill you now, giant slayer," he said. "Your name will forever be tainted by this moment." Hispibina cocked his shoulder back to drive the sword into David.

But his movement was interrupted by a swift slash to the calf. Ish-Bai-Binam shot. He dropped David to the ground and turned around. As his head turned, Abishai delivered a punch to the jaw, knocking the giant down. Ish-Bai-Binam stood up and left at Abishai, and the two fought among the sharp rocks. David crawled out of the way, watching his young commander fight to protect him.

Abishai still had the flame of youth burning within him. He ferociously stepped forward, keeping the giant on his heels. His sword would swipe and his shield would strike, continually keeping the giant backing away. He backed him near a pile of large stones stacked higher than the giant's head. Ishbain Binab was frustrated and threw his sword downward at Abishai. He dodged it, leapt onto one of the stones, then launched off it to strike the giant from above.

His sword drove downwards through the giant's shoulder and into his heart. Abishai fell with the giant onto the ground and rolled away. He stood up and braced himself for another strike, but the giant lay lifeless in the dirt. Abishai immediately took his sword out of the giant and ran back to David. "Are you alright, my king?" he shouted. David shook his head and winced in pain. "I am not sure." David tried to get up, but his body was too exhausted.

Abishai lifted him up onto his shoulders and ran for safety. He finally laid him down behind a few stones, and the two of them watched Joab and the others overwhelm the Philistines. The army of Israel had once again been saved by the faithfulness of the Lord. David steadied his breathing and propped himself up. "Thank you, Abishai," he whispered. Abishai turned to him and smiled. "You shall no longer go out with us into battle.

If you die, the flame of Israel will be snuffed out. David nodded in agreement. He was unable to finish his final war. The young men trained up by him would go on to slay their own giants. David was no longer a warrior. The thought echoed in his mind. If I do not have the thrill of battle or the ministry of the sword, what do I have? He limped onto his balcony, still feeling the lingering pain of his near-death experience against Ish-Bi-Beenab.

He held his ribs and winced. He looked out onto the great city of Jerusalem, the city of David. Perhaps one of his greatest victories was claiming this city. He breathed in deeply and considered his legacy. If he was not a warrior, then how was he to measure himself as a king? The enemy began to creep into his mind and whisper words of insecurity. David felt the temptation many kings felt, the temptation to be known as great.

If he could not measure his greatness through conquest or battle, he wanted to measure it by the people who dwelled within his nation. It was out of this misplaced identity that David had the idea for a census. A census was clearly forbidden in the Law of Moses, especially without some sort of ransom. If David counted the people, he would be expressing ownership over them. Moses warned that plagues and pestilence could be sent as a result.

And as David knew, they were not ultimately his people anyways. They were the Lord's. Yet the king still had within him a burning desire to be validated as king. He wanted to measure his greatness. So he sent for Joab. The old and grizzled commander of Israel stepped into the presence of the king. David propped himself up and said, Go through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and number the people. I desire to know how my country has grown.

and how many able men have been added to our ranks. I want the world to know how large we are." Joab tilted his head to the side and peered at the king. He cleared his throat and spoke softly, saying, "My king, it is my prayer that God adds to the people a hundred times as many as there are now, and I pray you live long enough to see this country multiply beyond all imagination." Joab paused and contemplated how to ask his question.

Why would this delight you? Are you not content with what the Lord has provided thus far? The king shrugged off Joab's question. I am king, Joab. I desire to know how many men I am commanding. Joab did not protest again. He bowed his head and left the room. He gathered the commanders of the Lord's armies and sent them far across the country. They crossed the Jordan to Aror, from Aror to Gad.

from Gad to Yazer, from Yazer to Gilead, and from Gilead to Kadesh. They crossed the entire country, passing through all the tribes, villages, and cities. Not one able-bodied man was left uncounted. Joab finally returned to the king and gave him the count of 800,000 valiant men from Israel and 500,000 from Judah.

The word pleased the king. However, the act of insecurity and blatant disobedience did not go unnoticed by the Lord. A reckoning would be required of him. One morning, David perused the law of the Lord. He meditated on its statutes and took in its commands.

However, he was cut to the heart when he stumbled upon a word from Moses, saying, When you take the census of the children of Israel for their number, then every man shall give a ransom for himself to the Lord when you number them, that there may be no plague among them when you number them. The king's heart began to pound heavily. He realized the sin he had committed, and he was struck with conviction. David knelt before the Lord and said, I have sinned greatly, O Lord.

Please take away my iniquity, for I have acted foolishly. David's prayer, as honest as it was, did not blot out the consequences stored up for him. Early the next morning, David walked among the garden, still reeling over his failure. His anxious thoughts kept him from enjoying the newly bloomed flowers and freshly grown saplings. He walked the gardens, distracted and consumed with his own guilt, until finally passing by the olive trees.

Underneath a tree stood the prophet Gad. He was an old man, more wrinkled and weathered than David. The king knew that his presence did not signal good fortune. Gad had brought a word from the Lord. David was silent as he approached him. He knelt down before him and awaited the word from the Lord. Gad placed a hand on his shoulder and said, Thus says the Lord, three things I offer you as penance. Choose one of them that I may act.

Gad held out three fingers and said, "One, three years of famine shall blight the land. Two, you will flee for three months while your enemies pursue you. And three, there shall be three days' pestilence in the land." Gad paused and looked down at David. "Consider which you shall choose." David's heart sank as he considered his options.

He shook his head in shame and lifted his hands to heaven. This is too much for my heart to bear. Let the Lord do as he wills, for I know his mercy endures forever. However, I ask this, that I not fall by the sword or by the hands of men. And so it was by David's word. The Lord sent a pestilence on Israel the next morning. Sickness and death scoured the earth like a flood.

The great nation that the king basked over was diminished by 70,000 in just a matter of three days. David regretted ever counting the people. They were not his. They were the Lord's. And this was a gross reminder of that. On the third day, David opened his arms to heaven and yelled to God, Behold, I have sinned. Look at me and my iniquity. I have done wickedly in your sight. But these poor sheep, what have they done?

They are innocent. Please, Lord, put your hand against me instead. Kill me and wipe out my household. Leave the people alone. David built an altar for the Lord and made a sacrifice for the sins he committed against the Lord. He prayed and sought the heart of the Lord. David embraced the struggle in his relationship with God. He leaned into the difficulty and engaged in the darker parts of his heart.

Although he stumbled, sinned, and fell continually, he continued to repent. Even in his old age, he never dug his heels deeper into his own pride. He lifted his voice in repentance. He made his sacrifice, and he continued in faith. This was the heart that God saw in the small shepherd boy so long ago, a heart that was after the heart of the Lord, a heart of a king.

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Something David has not had to deal with yet is famines, hunger, and poverty. He has been a man of war for so long that the other aspects of governance have not been on the forefront of his mind that we know of. The length of his famine comes as a surprise to David. And since he is attuned to the voice of God, he receives insight. God is withholding his blessings since there is still unpaid debt for what Saul did to the Gibeonites.

It is up to David to correct the mistakes made by his predecessor. This is an important thing to consider. The consequences of our sin do not disappear when we die. What we have done can sometimes live beyond us and affect the next generation. Saul's mistake caused suffering for Israel decades after his death.

David, who is getting older, needs to consider this seriously. His decisions will affect his son Solomon, and Solomon's decisions will affect his son Rehoboam. The success of our children can be undermined by our poor decisions. So we ought to seriously consider what we are passing down as a heritage. David does what he needs to do. When covenants are broken, blood is required.

This is why sacrifices were made for the people's sins and why the blood of Jesus covers our sin. When a promise made before God or to God is severed, it must be taken seriously. David doesn't take any pleasure in giving up the descendants of Saul, but he does so because being the king requires sacrifice.

David is someone with firm convictions and a black and white view of righteousness, and it must be exhausting for him to constantly live in this gray area between what's right and what's wrong. David pined after the simpler times in the wilderness. There were enemies to be vanquished and villages to be saved. He knew who his enemies were, and they deserved to die. Now, life was more complicated as a king.

No one was merely an enemy and no one was merely an ally. All were blurred and confused. This is a sad reality that comes with the complex life of a king. Life becomes less black and white and David is tired with the nuance. David was a man of war and a man of war can have trouble when he isn't certain who the enemy is. The battlefield was less nuanced. The enemy is on one side and you are on the other.

David drew a lot of comfort from the fact that he knew who the enemy was. In this episode, the enemy was another giant, Ish-bannab. His features resembled Goliath, calling us back to episode 6, when David was just a shepherd. The presence of another giant is purposefully placed in this story. The aged David is face-to-face with the same foe that thrust him into prominence. Being the giant slayer is what made him great.

And if he can still defeat a giant in battle, that means David can still be great. The battle initially goes well, but it becomes apparent that David is outmatched against Ish-be-benab. He is nearly killed, but Abishah comes to the rescue. Abishah is now a giant slayer, and David has a hard time coming to terms with his defeat. We all deal with crisis of identity in different ways.

Some people change the way they dress. Others look for a new job. Some people take radical measures like move cities, end relationships, or change names. David is going through his own identity crisis. He is wrestling with his legacy and what he will be known for. If he is no longer the giant slayer, then who is he?

This would have been a perfect time for David to seek God and be reassured of his calling. However, David looks elsewhere for validation. He disobeys the law of Moses and enacts a census. You may be wondering why that was so wrong. Well, to have a census back then was to declare ownership over the people, and they were not David's to own. But David desperately wanted to measure his greatness based on how many people were in his kingdom.

The people of Israel are punished, and David begs the Lord to punish him instead. He reveals the true heart of a king at the end of the episode, repenting before God and accepting responsibility for his mistakes. The end of the episode is a beautiful homage to David's relationship with God. It says, David embraced the struggle in his relationship with God. He leaned into the difficulty and engaged in the darker parts of his heart.

Although he stumbled, sinned, and fell continually, he continued to repent. Even in his old age, he never dug his heels deeper into his own pride. As we age, we can become more set in our ways, immovable in our opinions and habits. David was a wonderful example of someone who grew softer and more correctable as he reached the end of his life. May we all be so faithful to end even more humbly than we began.

In our next episode, the end finally comes for David, and we end our series with a glimmer of hope. But that hope is not in whoever succeeds David as king. We know better by now. The hope we find is in the promised successor to David's throne. Only this descendant will exchange his throne for a cross.

Join us next time for our final episode, The Death of a Hero. For more inspiring stories, daily prayers, and wisdom to last a lifetime, go to And to expand your Heroes in the Bible journey, download the Heroes of the Faith devotional at forward slash heroes.

Follow the podcast on Apple or Spotify to get the newest episodes right as they come out and always be inspired by the Bible. God bless.

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