cover of episode Chapter 02: Long Live the King

Chapter 02: Long Live the King

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Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans

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Tony Evans博士
Tony Evans博士:本集讲述了以色列第一位国王扫罗的崛起,以及他面临的巨大挑战。扫罗在雅比斯之战中展现了卓越的军事才能和领导力,带领以色列军队取得了胜利,赢得了民众的赞扬和拥戴。然而,撒母耳在扫罗的加冕典礼上,以暴风雨的景象预示了扫罗未来的命运,并告诫以色列人不要忘记上帝,不要让骄傲蒙蔽了双眼。扫罗的成功是建立在民众对他的盲目崇拜之上,这预示着潜在的危险。他能否抵挡住权力的诱惑,能否始终保持谦卑和敬畏上帝的心,将决定他最终的命运。本集通过扫罗的经历,探讨了权力、信仰、以及人类本性的复杂性。 Tony Evans博士:扫罗的形象代表了人类试图在忽略上帝真正力量的同时显得强大,尽管他展现出力量和勇气,但这源于浅薄。扫罗的胜利是暂时的,因为他代表的是人类试图取代上帝的努力,而这注定是失败的。撒母耳的预言和警告,预示着扫罗和以色列的未来充满了不确定性。以色列人对扫罗的盲目崇拜,如同他们先祖对金牛犊的崇拜一样,是一种对可见之物的崇拜,取代了对不可见上帝的信赖。这反映了人类内心的弱点和对权力的渴望,以及对上帝的背离。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a prayer reflecting on the power of the Holy Spirit and the privilege of being a witness to God's love and transformative power.

Shownotes Transcript

Chapter 02 of Heroes in the Bible: David) with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by  1 Samuel 11-13.

**Long Live the King **- The armies of Israel - led by their first King, Saul - ride furiously to the defense of the people of Jabesh. After a glorious victory, the people praise Saul, but will the praise corrupt his vulnerable heart?

Today's opening prayer is inspired by Acts 1:8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.

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