cover of episode Anna Simpson, Your Story is Your Power, with Linda Kreter

Anna Simpson, Your Story is Your Power, with Linda Kreter

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anna Simpson
Linda Kreter
Anna Simpson: 我出生在乌克兰一个贫困的家庭,从小就缺乏物质资源,但心中一直渴望拥有更美好的生活。12岁时,我立志要去美国生活,并为此付诸行动。21岁时,我成功移居美国,虽然过程充满挑战,但我从未放弃。我的故事并非一帆风顺的‘从贫穷到富有’,而是一个不断努力,不断追求梦想的历程。我希望通过分享我的故事,激励更多人相信自己,勇敢追逐梦想,并找到属于自己的人生价值。我的新书《你的故事就是你的力量》详细讲述了我的经历和感悟。 在分享故事的过程中,我发现,故事不仅仅是个人经历的记录,更是连接人与人之间心灵的桥梁。它能够帮助人们建立联系,增进理解,并以积极的方式影响他人。故事可以应用于各种场合,从日常的交谈到商业演讲,都能发挥其独特的魅力。在当今社会,人们越来越渴望真挚的连接,而故事恰恰能够满足这种需求。 在商业领域,故事可以帮助人们更好地展现个人品牌,提升服务价值,并在市场中脱颖而出。清晰、引人入胜的故事才能更好地打动人心,而清晰度来自于不断的分享和反馈。通过与听众互动,不断调整和完善故事,才能最终找到最有效的表达方式。 我的祖母对我的影响至深。她虽然经历了战争和贫困,却始终保持乐观向上的态度,并鼓励我和妹妹追求梦想,不畏惧挑战。她的教诲和榜样,成为了我人生道路上的指明灯。 Linda Kreter: 作为节目的主持人,我认同Anna Simpson分享的观点。故事是人与人之间建立联系的重要工具,它能够帮助人们更好地理解彼此,增进感情。在当今社会,人与人之间的沟通越来越重要,而故事恰恰能够弥补人与人之间情感交流的不足。 在商业领域,故事能够帮助人们更好地展现个人魅力,提升个人品牌。一个好的故事,能够让听众产生共鸣,从而更容易接受你的观点和服务。 此外,故事也能够应用于各种场合,例如家长会、筹款活动等。通过分享故事,能够让更多人了解你的想法,并支持你的事业。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the concept of storytelling as a powerful tool for personal connection and communication, emphasizing its role in everyday interactions.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to Wise Health for Women Radio with Linda Prater. Women are pressed daily to give more, learn more, and be more, often at the expense of mind, body, or spirit. Each week with intriguing guests and topics, we'll bring you fresh ways to view your limited time, encouraging a shift to new, healthier perspectives. Wise Health for Women Radio, helping women thrive. And now here's your host, Linda Prater.

Good morning and welcome to Wise Health for Women Radio. I'm Linda Crater and I am so pleased to bring you a wonderful mentor and friend of mine to talk about stories, the place of stories in our lives. If you've ever connected with someone at a restaurant or just met someone, isn't it interesting how you can connect right away with a point of either difference or a point of commonality and

but you tell stories to each other. I liken this to being at an airport and you suddenly strike up a conversation with the person standing in the very long line with you. And you come away with a smile, an understanding, and a little bit of a connection.

So we're going to be talking to Anna Simpson today about the fact that everyone has a story. Everyone has a journey. But do you know what to do with your story? Do you know how to share your story? Would you like to learn how to be a great storyteller and make better connections, greater communication efforts?

and clarity in what is important to you, because really, authenticity is everything these days. So I'm going to let Anna talk about her story, her new book, which is called Your Story is Your Power. And Anna, welcome to our program.

Thank you, Linda. I'm so excited to be here. It's a great privilege to have this discussion about one of my favorite topics, stories, and connecting with people because that's where it's at. Like you have rightly pointed out that it's the part that connects us as human beings.

Stories is the vehicle that opens our hearts and souls and helps us communicate and build those connections and influence others in a positive way. So I'm excited about this discussion. It's going to be great fun. And yes, I'm excited because I've recently published my new book called Your Story is Your Power. You have a good story. Right.

You have a very interesting story that's unlike so many that I know. And I'll say again, everyone has a story. So don't compare your stories, but recognize the power in them. But Anna has a great one. So tell your story, Anna. Yes, thank you, Linda. Well, I was born in Ukraine in abject poverty.

Just to give you some ideas, some details, the house I grew up in didn't have a bathroom or toilet or running water for that matter. We didn't have two pennies to rub together. And it was tough. Our family, mom and dad, loved us very much, my sister and I. But it was pretty difficult to...

to have the hardships of not having much. There were times when we didn't have enough food. Thankfully, we had a garden with vegetables and fruits. We had all homegrown food. And we had also chickens and turkeys. And that helps us survive. But yogurts, bananas, chocolates, those were luxury items reserved for special occasions.

So it was, I come from very humble beginnings.

But there was something within me that wanted more. Intuitively, Linda, I knew that the world was a much bigger and better place. And I started looking for the key to unlock that bigger world. I had no idea what that was. And to be very clear, I did not have the language at that time. That was just like kind of intuitive knowing some sort of...

seeking. But when I was 12 years old, my dream crystallized in my mind and it manifested itself in this bold claim that I said to my mom. I said, mom, when I grow up, I want to live in America. As if I was from another planet, as if I went mad.

And she said, it's impossible, honey. People like us don't go anywhere. And partly she was right because, I mean, like I said, we didn't have two pennies to rub together. How on earth was I going to make it happen? But from that young age, I realized that if you have a dream and if you believe it's possible for you to bring it to life, you will find a way. You will start attracting the resources.

And a long story short, I describe that journey in my book. At the age of 21, I moved to America. I landed in JFK, New York. Now, was the journey easy? Not at all. Was it challenging? Absolutely. Was it rewarding? 100%. And I would not change it for anything.

And yes, so that was like my big message that I started sharing when I was already in America and I discovered my gift for public speaking.

And storytelling. And I had no idea how my message and my stories of poverty and struggles of a Ukrainian girl being humiliated at school for wearing old, poor clothing and not having enough food to eat, how it would resonate with an abundant society, with society.

You know, it's the land of opportunities. We are talking about America. I have a question. What was your first impression of America after dreaming about it for all those years? That's a good question, Linda. So I read in books that the streets in America were paved with gold. I mean, we all know this story. And...

And I had high hopes for it. And when I landed in JFK, New York, I stepped off the plane, went through immigration. I was on fire. I still remember that day today. Every smell, every detail, some people. It was just amazing dream coming true. But very soon enough, I realized that the streets in America will not pay good gold anymore.

And the streets of my life were not paved at all. I was expected to pave them. And I always say, because I'm a public speaker as well, and I share that story on different, I've shared it on different stages in America and in the UK and Europe and South America, that very soon enough, I realized that

Although I was in the land of opportunities none of those opportunities were handed to me I had to work hard for it. I had to pave my way from the bottom up and I'm not saying that I became a millionaire I became I made a lot of money, but I have found myself my gift and

and my message to share with others, to inspire them, to help them realize that they too can inspire others because our stories are amazing. Now, you don't have to have a story like mine.

from rags to riches, even though my story is not from rags to riches, but I live it. It's getting there. Well, yeah, when I'm, thank you. I'm actually, I'm very grateful for being very comfortable right now in life. And I have so many things to be grateful for, but other people also have their stories and,

And when they learn the methodology and the framework of how to express their stories in a clear and powerful way,

they differentiate themselves in the marketplace and they inspire others because stories is not just about connecting. It's also a tool to stand out on the marketplace. So what would you tell someone who says, well, you know, they say everybody has a book in them. They say everybody has a story. But, you know, my story is ordinary, right?

How do you address the self-esteem or the awareness of that person initially so that they're open and receptive to taking a different view of their life story? Yes, that's a very common answer that I hear a lot.

And I have had multiple conversations with a lot of people who usually start the call saying, Anna, just to be clear, my story is, and like you said, Linda, exact words is pretty ordinary. I don't have any drama to salvation, any of those like before and after moments, cancer survivor story, just none of that.

I've had a few people who had those dramatic stories to tell, which is beautiful. But, you know, after we go through the process of unpacking their story, their life journey, there is nothing ordinary about their path. It's just not aware that what they have experienced, what they have overcome,

What they have transformed within them has value to other people. And if they accept that part, that they have something to say, the process becomes just flows. It becomes easy and natural when they give themselves permission that I have had a journey. I have walked this path called life.

And I have something to share. Now, the tricky part becomes when people don't know who's going to be listening. Like, oh, who's going to listen to my story? Who's my audience? And that's where, you know, I take them on this journey of defining their audience because we need more stories these days.

And yes, sure enough, you probably won't connect if we are talking about the business setting. You won't connect with everybody. And you don't have to. But you will connect with those people who need to hear your message and your story most. You know, I think a lot of people, I didn't mean to interrupt you. I apologize. I think a lot of people think that only speakers need to know how to tell a story.

And I would venture to say that that is not where stories are best used. I would venture to say that communication with other people, new people you meet at church, new people you meet in the grocery store line, at the airport, as I said, waiting in line, just making connection is so important, especially after the pandemic when everybody was greatly affected.

and behind masks, and you couldn't see people's expressions. And it really, stories help us to connect just with everybody else because we are not an island. We were not meant to be living alone and isolated. And so stories, even snippets of stories, help us to connect with other people. Wouldn't you say that's a bigger audience in terms of

sharing with people a little bit of you and they share a little bit of them and you have a wonderful connection. You don't need to be a speaker. No, no, not at all. Yes, I'm glad that you addressed it, Linda, because stories is such a versatile tool that you could utilize in so many different ways. And especially now, like you said, that

You know, the world we live in and the emergence and growth of AI, people need genuine and authentic connection now more than ever. And that's how you connect with people's hearts because AI will never replicate heart-to-heart connection. Okay.

You don't have to have a proper stage to share your keynote or your polished presentation. That's what I'm talking about.

You can share your story in so many different ways, like you said, from connecting with people in public places to, you know, I usually teach people how to incorporate story in their business setting. So a story could be just one liner that's spot on.

an idea, gives an insight but it's something that comes from inside and people are just sharing their true authentic self and when you share your authentic self, people connect with that

Have you had the conversations where you struck up a conversation with someone and it goes back and forth and back and forth and you're like, that's a wonderful person. I wish I knew and lived closer to them because we could be great friends. Believe me, both people walk away from that encounter so happy.

So human, because as you say, AI is not going to take the place of that. And robotic responses don't get any emotions going. So a good, genuine, authentic conversation, even if it's 30 seconds long, can leave you with a glow. And we need more glowing. We need more sparkle.

That's it. Yes. Put some magic on someone's day. I mean, you don't have to be a motivational speaker like we have touched upon it earlier. You don't have to be an influencer. You don't have to have the huge following to influence other people. You can just be yourself. And if you want, I mean, you can build up your following. You can influence people you connect with.

But it's about making this world a better place. Ultimately, you know, it's about making this world a better place. And I think in the context of what I do, stories is the answer because that connects people at a heart level. At the heart level is the key point here.

I think that, you know, you can talk to people. Have you ever been around a big corporate business table and people are afraid to express themselves because they're afraid of being judged or they may have a contrary opinion and they just may be fearful of

of expressing their ideas. And that kind of environment is very stifled and stifling in business. And it's why new ideas don't get introduced if people are fearful to talk. So I believe we can change people one connection at a time so that there is more open conversation. We don't need to have right and wrong conversations.

we can have differences of opinion that we work through. And stories are a good way to say, that's an interesting point. This happened to me. And would the same thing have happened to you? So I've got a question for you along those lines. You are a twin. Your sister is a twin. Would she have a same or similar story as you?

- Yeah, well actually she's not my twin. We have five years, almost five years difference. - Oh, my mistake, okay. You look so much alike. - We do look alike, we are sisters. But it's interesting that you've asked this question because she lives in Abu Dhabi and she has a fantastic career with Etihad Airways. And I think she was following my footsteps

When she she didn't go she didn't come to the land of opportunities, but she wanted more out of life and Now that we are talking like family I I cannot help but mention my grandmother because she was a big Encourager she was the one who supported my dream while everybody else was

ridiculed and mocked it with the best intentions. I'm not saying that my mom ridiculed my dream, but she just wanted to protect me from future disappointment. But my grandmother was my rock. And because I'm an older sister, I took those ideas and those messages like you can do it to heart and

And I was paving my future way based on those ideas and those beliefs. And my sister, she was also influenced by our grandmother, but she was following my example. So I'm pretty sure she would have a story to say that, yes, you can make it happen. Like you are not...

You can change your life. You can transform your circumstances. It doesn't matter where you come from. It only matters where you are going and what you are doing about it. So we are both hardworking people. That's very true. That's very true. And isn't it wonderful that you had your grandmother there as your...

cheering column. I mean, how wonderful to have that differential, which was actually probably good for your parents because they could do the protecting part and she could do the dream on part. And so it's kind of a great combination.

Yes, yes, she was a great, fantastic lady and I'll always remember her as my biggest teacher, my biggest inspiration. And she was a teacher of the Ukrainian language. She was a very aware woman and she survived. I mean, I talk about hardships and poverty of life, but my grandmother survived.

had unimaginable struggle like she survived the second world war the persecution of nazis and then the communist movement famine i mean it just it's it's even for me hard to imagine what she had to go through but she persevered and she persisted and

Her life is not the one like from rags to witches, but she managed to realize herself through having an amazing family and inspiring her granddaughters. And I give all the credit to her because she inspired me. I love that.

I love that. So she gave you the value from her life experience and told you not to settle for limits, but to reach. That's it. It was almost like she was living her dream of freedom, democracy and paving your own life through me.

Because if you know the history during the communist regime, there was no freedom whatsoever. And the people in those times did not have any rights practically. So she was instilling those messages to my sister and I from a very young age that you could do better in life. Do not settle.

just reach, shoot for the moon. And even if you fail, you will be among the stars. She didn't say exactly the same words, but that was the idea that she was always sharing with us. So thank you, Granny. If you hear me up there, she's no longer with us. I'm sure she's extremely proud of you and watches you daily. Do you feel as though

These experiences helped you to gain clarity on where you wanted to take yourself. Because a lot of people have dreams, but they don't have the means, the intentions, the desires, the persistence. And I'm not critical of any of those things because life can get in the way. Do you feel like the clarity came from being told you can do it?

Because they've proven in schools that if you teach children from a point of view of you are capable, you are wildly capable, that they rise to a different level than those who say, well, you know, do your best. You're probably a C student. I mean, expectations help to build the future, good or bad.

Yes, yes. I believe that my granny was, she is the answer. And she is, like I said, she was my big inspiration, giving me those powerful messages. To be honest with you, Linda, I never had, I mean, it might sound harsh, but that's my experience and that's my story. I don't have pleasant memories of my teachers at school.

Because I was shy, because I was very timid and quiet, I never, I was afraid to speak up. Ironically, now, you know, I'm a public speaker and I share my story in stages. But when I was a child, it was very difficult for me to speak up. And a lot of teachers just gave me that label that, you know what, you're not that smart. Mm-hmm.

They didn't say it explicitly. Some actually did, but it was the attitude. And I, all because I was shy and I didn't want to ask. I, I was afraid to ask a question if I didn't understand something. I was thinking, well, I'll figure it out, but I couldn't. And I just

I was embarrassed and perhaps even ashamed and plus because we were poor so it was constantly picked by other kids. I was a little bit bullied verbally and it was a tough place. So having a granny, my personal teacher, she didn't homeschool us or anything like that, but planting those messages, you could do better than this. You have potential.

You can achieve greatness were those seeds that were planted in my subconscious mind that eventually grew and paved my way to where I am now. So as you look at what you are doing, messages are so important to be clear.

intentional, but they're also, it's very important these days to make it compelling, inspiring, not always, but sometimes uplifting. And being able to express yourself in a clear manner can get you very far in life. Absolutely, 100%. I always say that it's not enough to just have something to say.

You need to say something that people would want to hear. And that's where clarity comes into play. You have to be crystal clear in your message, what exactly you are trying to say, what point you are making, why the people you are addressing need to listen to them and how it's going to elevate their life.

These are the questions that will help you craft your story better. I mean, you can share your origin story. You can share the transformation before and after story. And like I said, it doesn't have to be something dramatic.

but it's got to be very clear. What is it that you are saying and why does it matter and who is listening? Now, a lot of people struggle with that because, well, their message is not that crystal clear. It's not that compelling. And they try to figure it out on their own. And as I always say, like, it's kind of like you

You can't see yourself in the picture if you are the one in the frame. So you either need someone to guide you through the process and also you need the audience to test that message. How does it resonate? What do people respond to?

Because clarity comes from engagement. The more you engage in crafting your story, in sharing it and listening to the feedback and how it resonates, the more clear you become what it is that you are saying.

A lot of people are not willing to go through that process of discovery because sometimes it's a little bit, even though stories are inspirational, but figuring out what exactly you want to say.

might take a little bit of digging because and a lot of people are not really used to sharing, you know, powerful, compelling stories. And now I'm talking about the business setting. So stories help elevate, you know, your personal brand, the service you provide and how you stand out, how you position yourself in the market.

Well, it's funny you say the business, but I also say this stands for moms who are going to speak at the PTA, organizational people who are working together for fundraisers. It can really be used anywhere, but making a common situation and making it unique is a gift and it can be

taught, honed and made better. Yes, absolutely. The whole thing is that we need to have a lot of communication and when we have connection with people the messages do get through a lot better. I want to make sure that people know where to find out more information about you

And you're all over social media, but also you have a wonderful website that explains more of your story and your book and all of that. And you go to Anna-Simpson, S-I-M-P-S-O-N dot com.

And there are social media links and she has some marvelous Instagram stories recently that talk about why storytelling is so vitally important to getting your message across no matter what you do. What have I missed, Anna? We have just about a minute left.

I think that's about it. Stories help build better connections. Stories help you stand out. Stories help you differentiate yourself. And stories help you become better humans. I also think stories make us more likeable. And I always laugh when speakers are told to be funny. Well, if you're naturally funny in a conversation, that works for you.

But stories are a great way to connect. So, Anna, thank you so much. I will put the link to your book in our show notes. And I'm so glad we got this opportunity to speak today. We've been waiting a long time to get together to do this. So I'm very grateful for your time today. And don't forget, your story is your power by Anna Simpson. Thank you. Thank you.

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