cover of episode Breaking Ground: How are fiber-optic cables made?

Breaking Ground: How are fiber-optic cables made?

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Kai Risdahl
Pat Jacoby
Kai Risdahl: 本节目探讨了美国政府投资420亿美元用于扩展高速互联网接入的计划,以及光纤制造和供应链建设的细节。该计划旨在将高速互联网连接到每个美国家庭,并促进美国光纤制造业的发展。 该计划面临的挑战包括在偏远地区铺设光纤的投资回报率低,以及需要确保光纤产品符合联邦制造标准。节目中采访了Prismian公司的高管和工厂员工,详细介绍了光纤和光缆的制造过程,以及质量控制和测试流程。 Prismian公司是美国仅有的三家符合联邦标准的光纤和光缆制造商之一,其在北卡罗来纳州的工厂是全球唯一一家同时生产光纤和光缆的工厂。该工厂每年生产超过1200万英里的光纤,并正在为BEAD项目的实施做准备,计划扩大生产规模和招聘员工。 Pat Jacoby: 作为Prismian公司北美数字解决方案高级副总裁,Pat Jacoby介绍了光纤制造的基本过程,从加热玻璃管到拉伸成细如发丝的光纤。他强调了美国光纤制造业的重要性,以及联邦资金对该行业发展的重要作用。他指出,在偏远地区铺设光纤的投资回报率低,这使得政府的投资成为必要。 Jacoby还解释了为什么光纤是高速互联网的最佳选择,因为它更易于扩展且寿命更长。他指出,只有三家美国公司能够生产符合联邦标准的光纤,这突显了美国光纤制造业的稀缺性以及政府支持的重要性。 Mark Smith: 作为Prismian公司克莱蒙特工厂的光纤选择和客户服务经理,Mark Smith详细介绍了光纤的制造过程,从高纯度的二氧化硅砂开始,经过高温熔融和拉伸,最终形成细如发丝的光纤。他解释了每个步骤的细节,包括使用等离子体熔炉、精确控制温度和直径等。 Smith还展示了光纤的最终产品,以及如何将其缠绕在线轴上。他强调了光纤制造过程的精密性和对环境控制的要求,以确保产品质量。 Angel: 作为Prismian公司克莱蒙特工厂的OTBR操作员,Angel介绍了光纤生产完成后进行的质量测试过程。她解释了如何测量光纤的衰减和长度,以及如何检测光纤中的缺陷。 Angel还展示了如何连接光纤,以及如何确保光纤的信号传输质量。她分享了自己的工作经验,以及如何从行政助理转型为高科技领域的专业人员。 Tracy Everkesh: 作为Prismian公司克莱蒙特工厂的厂长,Tracy Everkesh介绍了光缆的制造过程,以及如何将光纤包裹在塑料管中,并添加保护层,以使其能够在各种环境条件下工作。他解释了不同类型光缆的用途,以及如何根据不同的应用场景选择合适的材料和工艺。 Everkesh还介绍了工厂的生产规模和未来发展计划,以及如何为BEAD项目的实施做准备。他强调了光纤技术的未来发展前景,以及光纤网络建设对美国经济发展的重要性。 Stuart Parvis: 作为Prismian公司克莱蒙特工厂的运营经理,Stuart Parvis介绍了光缆生产线的运作方式,以及如何将光纤包裹在塑料管中,并添加保护层,以使其能够在各种环境条件下工作。他解释了不同步骤的细节,包括缓冲、成缆和护套等。 Parvis还介绍了工厂的安全措施,以及如何确保员工的安全。他强调了光缆生产过程的复杂性和对精度的要求,以及如何确保产品质量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the U.S. prioritizing fiber-optic cables for high-speed internet expansion?

Fiber internet is more scalable, has a longer lifespan than traditional cable, and is considered future-proof. The federal government also mandates that BEAD funds are spent on American-made fiber.

How many companies in the U.S. currently produce fiber-optic cables meeting federal standards?

There are only three: Prismian, Corning, and Comscope.

What is the primary challenge in expanding fiber-optic internet to rural areas?

The return on investment is low for running a single fiber line miles into the countryside to connect one household, making it financially unviable for private industry.

How is fiber-optic cable made?

A two-inch glass tube is heated with gases to create a larger tube, which is then drawn down into a thin strand of glass about the size of a human hair.

What is the size of the largest spool of fiber-optic cable at the Prismian plant?

The largest spools can hold up to 500 kilometers (300+ miles) of fiber.

Why is quality testing crucial in fiber-optic cable production?

Testing ensures the glass won't break in the field, the data travels perfectly through the fiber, and there are no defects that could disrupt connectivity.

What protective measures are taken to ensure fiber-optic cables can withstand real-world conditions?

The fiber is wrapped in plastic tubes, reinforced with Tevlar (used in bulletproof vests), and can be flame-rated for extreme environments like nuclear power stations.

How much federal funding is allocated for expanding high-speed internet access in the U.S.?

$42 billion through the BEAD program.

What is the lifespan of fiber-optic cables produced at the Prismian plant?

They are designed to survive outdoors for decades.

How many miles of fiber does the Prismian plant produce annually?

Over 12 million miles per year.

Shownotes Transcript

Bringing high-speed internet access to every U.S. household is one goal of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. To do that, we’re gonna need a lot more fiber-optic cables. Per the Build America Buy America Act, the $42 billion in federal funding designated for expanding high-speed internet access has to be spent on American-made cables and the optical fibers that make them up. So in this episode, we’ll visit a factory in Claremont, North Carolina, to see how they’re made and learn why the U.S. wants fiber prioritized over other ways to connect to the internet.