Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a solo edition of The Money Mondays. Remember, you can visit us at Check out a lot of things that are going on there. Every Monday at 4 p.m. PST, I actually go live on Zoom. I teach for about 40 minutes and I do live Q&A. There's a lot of members that are in there. 100% of the money that it costs, the investment that it costs, actually goes to charity. We...
We then spend all of that money right here at the wild jungle where we are parked. There are 209 animals here at the wild jungle. They are very hungry. We spend around $140,000 a month to upkeep this ranch at wild jungle. You can check out all across social media at wild jungle, W Y L D. Okay, let's dive right into it. Typically the topic is how to make money, how to invest money, how to give it away to charity. There's no guests here today because our dear friend Trevor is about to fly around the planet. Where are you going Trevor?
He's going to Africa. Tarzan's in Africa, so I've been missing him for weeks. He's coming back and then Trevor's freaking leaving. So I'm going to be here doing a solo podcast for you guys. And I'm going to walk you through real life what just happened the last week and what's coming up the next week during only my second week of being a daddy. So I get asked nonstop, am I going to cut back on travel?
The answer is yes and no. I am turning down certain things, but there are certain things that are already part of my world, that are part of my operation, and I'm going to incorporate Ariana Ocean, that's the name of the baby, I'm going to incorporate Ariana Ocean to go with me when she can. Obviously, right this second, she cannot, but in general, I'm going to try to incorporate her because my goal with her
is to have fun with it and bring in women into business, live events, and investing. And so you're going to see her sometimes on podcast episodes, sometimes on stage, backstage, interviewing other people. Next Sunday, she's actually doing her very first podcast. She's getting interviewed by Jen Gottlieb. Jen Gottlieb has a huge PR firm, exited that company, speaks around the country, and she actually did my PR for years. Used to get me in like Rolling Stones and all these cool publications. So she decided it'd be fun to interview Ariana Ocean
Obviously I'll be there so I'll be the one talking mostly since right now Ariana doesn't even say "Goo Goo Gaga" yet. She's only like 16 days old. But anyways, so let me dive in how I structured the whirlwind and what I'm doing.
So first of all, I am cutting back, but my travel is more efficient and more aggressive, meaning I am now just like teleporting somewhere and teleporting back, teleport there, teleport back. And so I'm avoiding overnights if I can. If I do have to stay overnight, obviously on East Coast and in the Midwest, I have to stay overnight. I will teleport right back the next day. So let's walk through a real life situation. Last weekend was the 100 million mastermind experience. This group has been around for five years. The members pay $100,000 for the year.
And there are one-on-one coaching clients that also pay $100,000 except they wire their $100,000 directly to a charity. I give them three charity options. They get to wire that $100,000 for their one-on-one coaching with me directly to a charity of their choice of those three.
And so I combined the one-on-one coaching clients with the hundred million mastermind members so they could all network with each other. And I threw an experience last week. It was supposed to be in St. Louis because originally we were planning St. Louis since Kevin Hart was performing in St. Louis for two days. I was going to try to go over to Andy for sellers to first form headquarters, bring Kevin Hart there, do a bunch of cool stuff. However, the baby was supposed to come out August 17th. She decided to come out July 24th, three weeks early. So yeah,
That's fantastic. I'm happy that she's here. I got to see her early. However, that changed a lot of plans. And so we moved things around and I'd already moved the 100 million mastermind to Los Angeles for safety reasons. Obviously in case Erica was going to give birth, I could drive right over from Los Angeles. Okay. So the 100 million mastermind took place. Our opening night, we took over Katsuya, did some masterminding there. The next day in the morning, we went to a 300,000 square foot warehouse and
Why did we do that? The concept of 100 Million Mastermind and what I was trying to incorporate into this mastermind in general is to do what's called behind the scenes. I was taking the behind the scenes of businesses that I'm either partnered with, spend money with, or an investor in.
So we went to this massive clothing warehouse owned by Vared and that warehouse manufactures 92 different licenses from leather jackets, t-shirts, everything between. And they're one of the biggest manufacturers for Fanatics and a lot of those type of brands that are out there, especially custom leather jackets. They're amazing.
That's called J.H. Designs. And so we went to visit the 300,000 square foot warehouse. We went behind the scenes. And as soon as we left there, and by the way, the mastermind members don't know where they're going. I like to add elements of surprise. We then drive over to Target and I make all the members and the one-on-one coaching clients buy as much as they can at Target. So we load up carts full of supplies and we loaded up a big limo bus, shuttle bus with the supplies because our 10 year anniversary of Target.
The back-to-school supply drive for Trina's Kids Foundation was at Hubble Studio. And so I got to incorporate the charity. Every time I throw a Mastermind Weekend, that Saturday, the second day, I always do a charity event. It just happened to be, it fell in place that this charity event was already happening. And obviously, I helped start Trina's Kids Foundation with the founder, Vince Ritchie, who's been on this podcast before, a decade ago.
Going on 11 years for the toy drive. And so we went to Target, bought up, I don't even know how many carts, dozens of carts of supplies, showed up rolling deep to Hubble Studio and unloaded all these back to school supplies for the 400 families that were waiting outside. And then gave the extra supplies to other schools and other organizations.
Then we went to another building at Hubble Studio and for six hours we did masterminding. We did speeches. So I had members that were speaking. We did breakout sessions. We did fireside chats. And the reason I'm explaining this to you is that you might want to go to a mastermind. You might want to throw a mastermind. You might want to research what is a mastermind? Why should I do those things? The reason for a mastermind isn't necessarily the instructors or what you learn. That's part of it.
but it's only one part of it. The networking with other people in your niche category or in your realm of business or in the same world that you're in is very powerful. Why? Most entrepreneurs feel like they're on an island by themselves.
Things are hard. And as you grow your business, you get to 500,000, 1 million, 2 million, 5 million, 10 million. That sounds fantastic. But your friend group, it's really hard for them to relate. They don't understand necessarily. Obviously, you might have some friends understand, but a lot of your friend group might not understand because they're working. They're making 40 grand a year, 60 grand a year, 100 grand a year, 500 grand a year, whatever their, you know, whatever their salaries or whatever their job is, or maybe they're an entrepreneur as well.
But when you start to scale and you start to do millions of dollars in sales, a lot of your friends won't understand when you talk about staff and payroll and inventory and shipping problems and lawsuits and accounting and taxes and all the problems and headaches that come along with being a business owner. And so you feel a bit like you're on an island.
And don't have anyone to talk to. And when things go bad or they get hard, which they always do, by the way, no matter what company you have, no matter what industry you're in, no matter how rich and cool you think someone is, they have problems. They have headaches. They have lawsuits. They have situations. They have staff that tries to leave them and start competing companies. Their ads don't work. Their shipping didn't happen. Products got stuck in China. So many things happen no matter what, just to be clear. So you are not alone in the sense that it's happening to you.
but it's hard to talk to people about it because it may not be relatable. That's why masterminds are powerful. Being in a room with other people that are in your world or in your caliber of business, talking to them once a week on Zoom as a group, going and meeting with them once a quarter in person would be great. Masterminds are powerful. So Saturday night, we did six hours of that. And then at the end, I brought in a hypnotist named Marcel Klein, who you saw here on one of the episodes recently, and he blew us away.
There's a lot of people that are high level business entrepreneurs, obviously doing 10 million, 50 million, 100 million, 200 million dollars in sales that were in the room that didn't believe that they could be hypnotized or didn't believe that hypnosis is real at all. They found out real fast how real it is and how real it was and how raw it was. And it was so interesting. It was so fascinating. You can check out Marcel's podcast. It is really interesting. And we posted a couple of clips from his hypnosis session of the Mastermind members. But wow, it was magical. OK, Sunday morning.
Bright and early we went to Rumble Boxing. Why did I take them to Rumble Boxing on Sunset Boulevard? Because I bought 50% of that location. Now when I talk about investing, and sometimes you hear me say, "How scalable is it?" Well, Rumble Boxing in an individual location is not that scalable. There's only so many hours, so many sessions, so many classes, so many members. There is a maximum. And it can't be 24 hours a day, right? I wish it could, but it can't. And so, what we can only do is maximize X amount of hours for the classes,
add other food and beverage products supplement companies so there could be first form supplements there there could be blk water there there could be glow water there there could be icon meals there those things are there by the way i'm not saying good they are there to help increase sales so you open the refrigerator then you see cram nutrition from michael chandler then you see blk water which we raised millions of dollars for from my elevator syndicate group
Then you see Glowwater, which our friend Kev, who owns a $200 million toy company. It's his company, so we're just helping him out because he always donates toys to us. You see what I'm doing? I went into a business like Rumble Boxing and just wanted to scale that location and add more ancillary sales. So X amount of members go there. They can only train for 45 minutes to an hour, however long the class is. There's only so many hours in the day. How can I get them to spend more money on things that they want or need? And so food, supplements, beverages, etc.,
And so from a scalability perspective, I can only take a business that's doing, let's call it a million, two million bucks a year. I can only scale it another one or two million a year. I can't make it do five, $10 million a year. It's just one location with X amount of hours. And I don't want to raise the prices that are crazy. However, I love it. If I can find a business that is doing low six figures and get it to the mid six figures, that's fantastic. That's called a base hit. I do not need every investment to become the next Uber, the next billion dollar thing.
Sometimes I want that when I say, is this investment scalable? How scalable is it? Well, if I was selling the Money Mondays pillows, sure, there's seven or eight billion people around the world. I could probably sell a lot of pillows, hopefully. And it's infinite as far as how many pillows, because lots of people need them. They need to use them more than once. They buy them, they recycle them, they wash them, they throw them away. That is something that is scalable pillows because of the commodity that it is.
But X amount of sessions at Rumble Boxing on Sunset Boulevard, that is capped out. That is maxed out. So it's only scalable from that. Does that make sense? Am I explaining that? And I want you to think about that because when you're hearing me talk about investing, which you're going to always hear me talk about it because it's so important for you to think about and do, even if you can invest $100, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $50,000, whatever is coming before you.
It is the most important thing in our society to be learning about investing, learning about our taxes, learning about accounting to set us up forever because inflation, it is on fire. It is going hard eight or 9% a year. You've got to be making at least five to 10% a year just to fight with inflation. Cause you might've been like, wow, Dan, I'm cool. I saved up a hundred thousand dollars. That's great. You're ahead of most of our population by far. You're in the top percentile. If you saved up a hundred grand in your piggy bank. However,
In 2025, your 100 grand spends like 91,000. 2026, your 100,000 spends like 82,000. And then 73. This is not a theory. It's not political. It's just math.
Think about when you grew up, how much was a cheeseburger? How much was a gas station? How much are bread? How much is milk? How much is muffins, et cetera? How much do you spend on your car, your clothes, parking valet? Remember when valet was five, 10 bucks. Now it's 25 and 30 and 35 and 40. Remember when it was parking in the parking lot was 20, 20 bucks, 18 bucks. And now it's freaking 35, $40. I don't even know how people can afford it at LAX, the price range. And so
You need your money working for you. So as you hear me talk about investments, think about what might fit for you and really research that category. Okay.
So I took them to Rumble Boxing. They got to see it. I then explained the behind the scenes and I showed them, hey, look, this is why we added a cold plan. This is why we're adding this sauna here so we can add extra services and charge more for this, this and this. Here's where we added food and beverage. Here's where we're adding first form supplements. So I was explaining to them the behind the scenes of that business after they took the class. Then we walked down the street to Next Health. Next Health, you heard they were on our podcast also last month.
That's Kevin. And with that company, next up, they already have five locations. They raised a ton of capital and they're going to go scale to over 50 locations. So I wanted them to see, I wanted the members to see the behind the scenes of a health facility because you can have all the money in the world, but if you get sick, nobody cares, especially not you. Outside of the money you need to pay for the medical related things, you would give it all up if you found out you had some bad disease. We watched it happen. Just last week, less than last week, days ago, one of my dear friends,
He was with his four kids on vacation and just dropped dead in his 40s. He has an amazing company. All of us loved him. We all talked to him. He's one of the best energies in the world. Everyone's posting about him and he's not going to see it. And those four kids are not going to see him. And that's always going to be forever with them because of the way he passed away. Why is that? Why am I saying that story? If you don't have your health, none of the money matters. None of it.
And so it's important to think about companies like Next Health. And so I went there to show them behind the scenes and wherever you are in the country or in the world, start thinking about your health and what's going on in your world, get checkups, et cetera. Okay. We left Next Health. Boom. Go back to the hotel, change up. And now we go to Gravitas.
Gravitas is the 28,000 square foot private membership club on Camden Street in Beverly Hills. My best friend, Brandon Steven, we've been friends for many, many, many years. He decided to spend a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of energy in three years building every single detail to make this place immaculate.
So Brandon Steven owns a whole bunch of car dealerships. I think he's got like 18, 19, 20 car dealerships. Who knows with him because he's always buying and building more car dealerships. And him and his brother have like 50 or 60 or 70 gyms that are huge, like 200,000 square foot gyms. So he's taking capital from some of his other businesses and decided to do this absolutely immaculate luxury restaurant membership club in Beverly Hills and opening late night hours as well.
Because Beverly Hills doesn't really have that at all. And so it's very interesting. It's gonna be opening up next month And I'm excited to see that I'll be throwing some events there. I'll be eating there a lot. I'll be inviting you guys there We'll be talking about it more but Brandon Steven decided to build this place He hired Seth Glassman as the general manager who has some great experience and they are putting together an amazing operation And so you'll see that coming up on my social you can check out gravitas gra VIT as
Okay, and you can apply for membership there. Membership is $5,500 for the year and it's around $2,500 or $2,800 depending up front. There's also like another option that you could do it longer. You could add a husband and wife or business partner. You could go for like the crazy, like the cool $100,000 version of it or you can have like a lifetime membership. There's a lot of cool options. You can check out the Gravitas website if you'd like to apply and then Brandon Stevens, Seth Glassman and their crew will overlook that for you.
so we went there showed them that behind the scenes and then i surprised the members after we did a tour of this building of gravitas that's almost done we walked over to chipriani and took over the whole back second of chipriani one of my favorite italian restaurants and i surprised them with also one of my dearest i call my best friend the godfather to baby ariana ocean his name is david maizel david maizel is the founder of marvel studios
This is the butterfly effect that literally changed the world when you think about it. Because all of us, every single person all over the world has watched a Marvel movie like Iron Man, The Avengers, Incredible Hulk, Thor, etc. So when you research him, if you want to check out David Meiseau, the sheer notion of him going to this comic book company, this strong company that he believed in, that he liked, he had a great career going on, and he's like, why don't we...
make a 150 million dollar movie called iron man i mean i don't want to ruin the rest of the story i'm going to bring david on to a podcast and so i interviewed him there for the 100 million mastermind members and the one-on-one coaching clients and we went through the process of coming up with the idea of like i'm going to make you know this massive movie called iron man
Spend well over 100 million dollars back then think about that It's like was it 16 17 18 years ago and then that led to changing the whole planet because of Incredible Hulk Thor Captain America Avengers Avengers 2 Avengers Endgame etc and so
He's been one of my dearest friends for many years, and so I was excited to have him interview there because he rarely does interviews. I'm hoping to start getting him to speak at some events this year because the time has come. He just did a whole deal with Scooter Braun. They have a comic book company. They launched the cool NFT. They launched the comic book series, and it's just fun to watch. That's called Ecos, E-K-O-S. So you should check out Ecos, Ecos Genesis to be exact.
Check out Ecos Genesis. It's brought to you by the founder of Marvel Studios. So, you know, it's going to be amazing and it looks fantastic. And, you know, Scooter Braun, a lot of interesting characters behind it to make this thing work. And so you can see the realm of what I was trying to do.
Behind the scenes show them businesses show them high-scaled rumble boxing show them to learn from someone like, you know multi had a four billion dollar exit which ended becoming like worth eight or nine or ten billion dollars because of The Disney stock to buy Marvel crazy amazing deal and so they got to see behind the scenes of people's brain Businesses a private membership club, etc So then got to go I rushed back home to go see Ariana and Erica but a bing but a boom and then Wednesday had to go to Houston, Texas and
That night, threw a dinner with Dave Meltzer. Dave Meltzer, obviously you've seen him on our podcast. He'll be on the podcast multiple times every single year. We went to the same high school together. Obviously not the same year. But we went to Patrick Henry.
He was the head of Lee Steinberg, the sports agency for years that they based the movie Jerry Maguire on. And so we throw dinners together pretty often throughout the year, sometimes every other week, every other month, et cetera. He throws them all the time, but I co-host with him. So we did a fancy dinner and we had Eddie Wilson, Chris Jarvis, and a bunch of interesting business guys up on stage. A guy with like a $7 billion beverage distribution company that we interviewed up there and a professional skater that has a bunch of
world records and so did this dinner super cool network with everybody in houston texas boom go check out the venue for the next day aspire tour aspire tours every three to four weeks around the country this one is in houston texas we average two to three thousand people per city this one had an amazing lineup you may have seen me posting pictures with damon john marcus simones
Kevin O'Leary. We had Kendra Scott there and a bunch of great speakers. I'm probably forgetting a couple because there were so many all in one day. It was very action packed. Andrew Cordell and Eddie Wilson are the co-founders of Aspire Tour. I came into the business six months later when they already had six events under their belt. Now I think there's been like 17 or 18 and around every three to four weeks. So if you're listening, the next one is September 5th. You can go to September 5th.
in Phoenix, Arizona. That's got a really cool lineup, like Gronk and some other cool Shark Tank guys are going to be there.
October 23rd, we'll be in Chicago. And then we're looking at venues for Nashville, Washington DC, etc. Las Vegas. So I'll be talking about that. So I went to Houston, Texas to do the Aspire Tour. That was a lot of fun. Immediately the same night, teleported to Dallas, Texas. Thursday night. So remember, I went Wednesday to Houston through dinner with Dave Meltzer. Thousands of people for Aspire Tour. Same night, Roger and I, Roger is at Content CEO. Roger and I teleport to Dallas, Texas.
do a dinner there. Next morning, I meet with Veena Jetty. Veena Jetty, she's done over $1 billion in real estate transactions. And so I had breakfast with her for a couple hours and just talked through everything regarding her real estate and what's going on in her world, understanding the market because she's so smart. So look up Veena Jetty, V-E-E-N-A Jetty, J-E-T-T-I. So I had breakfast with Veena, immediately jumped back in the car and boom, I'm on the way over an hour to the warehouse to this multi-billionaire.
named Terry LaCour. Terry built 1 million square foot of warehouse space. He's got three different buildings, 600,000, one's like a quarter million, one's like 150,000. So collectively, 1 million square feet between his three warehouses. And he's manufacturing for like Capri Sun, Sunny Delight. He makes 10X Health for Grant Cardone.
He made Patrick, but David's brand. And so he's making protein supplements, skincare, so many interesting products and a lot of consumable products. And he's also shipping those products. Why did I go there? Well, I've been there once or twice a month, the whole summer because Terry, the core brought on a longtime friend named Nick Sarnicola. Nick Sarnicola was a,
huge in the multi-level marketing space with a brand called by Salas and He traveled the world and with the Rina's and speaking etc and built up this brand to be doing a zillion dollars in sales And so he calls this new company. They're working on called the last dance brought together the last dance which is Nick put together an all-star team Terry brought in some great executives and
and decided that they're going to put all their energy together to create this new company called Shoply. S-H-O-P-L-Y. Shoply. You're going to see me posting about Shoply. You're going to see a lot of people posting about Shoply because of the concept of what it is. Imagine merging Amazon, TikTok shop, anywhere in the world.
Influencers, moms at home, pretty much anyone can sell products online, earn commissions from it. And they can bring brands that they know, especially if you're in different countries, that's really interesting because you might be the exclusive on it or you might know a whole bunch of brands onto the platform and earn residuals from that as well.
But it's backed by this guy who's got, like I said, a million square foot warehouse, huge businesses. He owns 10 different companies that are doing serious revenue. And so being backed by that gentleman, Terry, having Nick Sarnicola, who is very well known in the space, he's done an amazing job building other brands in the past. And now he's calling this the last dance. And so I said, yes, I've been speaking at their events for months now in Dallas at their warehouse. And so Friday in the afternoon, I spoke there and said,
It was great. We had over 250, almost 300 people from all different business categories flying internationally. Japan, Philippines, Germany, Sweden, etc. Fly in to learn about Shoply. And so you're going to hear about Shoply quite often. The launch is August 15th. The soft launch is August 15th. And then you'll see it all over the place coming up soon. So right around when this podcast comes out, you will see a brand called Shoply.
There's nothing for you to do yet. Obviously, you can message me if you want to go into Shopley, but you're going to hear about a lot. And so I like to tell people I did the same thing when Clubhouse happened. I did the same thing with a lot of different apps or businesses happen. I can tell you when something's going to be big. I try to see in advance because I'm immersed in the space. And I can also tell you if they're going to fade away.
like Clubhouse did, because Clubhouse had a very simple solution to what they could have done, especially with all that capital, and they just wouldn't listen, they wouldn't do it. And unfortunately, one of the hottest, biggest apps of all time faded away, mostly due to ego, because they wouldn't do the very basic things that they could have done, which is pay the talent to host a radio show, like radio. Imagine paying Kevin Hart to be every Sunday at 2 o'clock. Clubhouse would have been amazing. Snoop Dogg's every Sunday at 3 o'clock.
this person's average Sunday at four o'clock and make it feel like that, then people could run communities. They would have been posting about on social media nonstop and you could have filled up dozens and dozens of shows per hour from sports, makeup, hair, skincare, fitness, all different categories of real estate, investing, et cetera, have them in dedicated hours, pay those people because you had so much funding, but unfortunately they didn't and Clubhouse is no longer. But with some company like Shoply,
When you're backed by a zillionaire with a million square foot warehouse, you're backed by and led by a gentleman who's got so much energy, charisma, and sales results over the years, and he brought in some other impressive characters that have also done 20, 30 years in the game. That's why you're going to hear about Shoplee a lot. Okay.
Then right now, as soon as I'm done, I am actually driving to see my family to introduce Ariana Ocean to the rest of the family that hasn't met her yet because she is tiny. And so typically you're supposed to wait 30, 60, 90 days depending on the health of the baby. And so no one's going to be allowed to touch her. But she's going to meet the family right now in a couple hours. But then tomorrow in the morning, I'm meeting with one of the heads of Zara. Zara is...
Typically, number three, number five, richest brand in the world, richest person in the world. Unfortunately, the founder of Zara passed away years ago. But that brand is massive. You've seen Zara all over the world. That brand is billions of billions, not just billions, tens of billions, if not hundreds. It's just a big company. So meeting with the head executives there,
And my friend Alex, who's big in the tech space, and he makes like those cool screens that go into high-end stores or into like fitness stores, supplement stores, where you can look at the screen and interact with it and know about what clothing you should wear, the sizing, the product, everything about it. And so I'm excited to meet with Zara, obviously.
It'd be great if I could work with them. If not, I like to learn about brands and teach brands and talk to them because Elevator Studio, my social media agency over the years, we've done brand campaigns for Fashion Nova, Pretty Little Thing, Boohoo, Nasty Gal, so many female fashion brands and DraftKings, Postmates, Lyft, Oracle, BET Television, et cetera, for four, five, six, seven years at a time, first form, alcohol brands, Disney, et cetera. So Elevator Studio, my social media agency,
um has over 3 500 influencers that we've w9 that we paid and not counting all the celebrities and talent um and so i'm excited to interact with them again whether i get that deal or not that's a very massive company that takes time i'm just being always very blunt with you guys about my behind the scenes in my world i will then see david the founder marvel studios and head downtown to vcon because garyvee is the third day of his third time throwing this massive event called vcon v-e-e-c-o-n
So I want to go there to support him, go there and interact, network with everyone. It's exciting because there's so many brands that are there, so many speakers that are there, so many movers and shakers that are there. So I'm excited to go to VCon and always support Gary.
the following week ty lopez is back so you're listening to this on monday this weekend you might have seen ads everywhere because ty lopez spends more on ads than pretty much anybody especially for personal brand and he's running ads for an influencer party i've never seen that done before it's super cool to watch so many people have been sending me screenshots that ty is throwing a mansion party in beverly hills and they're getting ads for it so people can apply to attend that but he added in
A VIP dinner Friday night, he added in a mastermind Saturday morning until 2:30 PM. And then after that, it turned into a party at this big new massive mansion that he has in Beverly Hills. The very next day,
Bada bing, bada boom, Ariana Ocean will be on her very first podcast with Jen Gottlieb at Hubble Studios. I'm very excited for that. And so I wanted to walk you through my behind the scenes, my reality, all the moving parts that you might hear about in my world, how I try to incorporate my businesses, my investments, and my baby into everything that I'm doing, whether it's helping charity, helping companies, giving advice to brands, teaching, talking, etc. I try to incorporate all my worlds together.
So that when people say, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. That's not true. Let's just be really clear that I don't know where that saying came from. I don't know why people agree with it or believe it. I love what I do, but it's still a lot of work. Let's just be really clear. Still a lot of work. Lawyers, taxes, accountants, zillions of emails, 800 texts a day, 200 emails a day.
payroll vendors shipping departments employees this person doesn't like this person this person changed that this person wants a refund this person needs to ship that there this didn't happen your flight got delayed work is work so just because I love it doesn't mean it's not work however tying other things in my world to my work man it gives me the drive that every morning every day every night no matter what time I'm in it and I love it
And so I can love my work, but it's still work. And so just because you love what you do doesn't mean it's not work. And if it doesn't feel like work because you're not working, that means you're not working because you're not getting a lot done. And so I just overwork because I enjoy it. I enjoy the game of it. I don't get burned out by it. That's why you hear me talking morning, noon, and night about all these different events, masterminds, aspire tours.
shop Lee podcast books sales operation black site so many things cars and coffee ever bowl there's so many things in my world but I love the game and I have that driving force I tie in as much as I can into everything there ever Bowl brought their bowls over to the mastermind cars and coffee had a booth at the mastermind right like I incorporate my businesses my events my brands etc into my world to make it really fun so I appreciate you guys listening as you know I
It's really important for you. If you can, it helps us a lot. Leaving a review, especially on iTunes and the other platforms, Spotify helps us a lot with the rankings. We've been staying in the top two to four. I think it's like 77 weeks or 80 weeks in a row. Now I've got to find out the number in the entrepreneur category and the business category that all comes from you guys. So if you can share it, share it on your stories, tweet about it, Facebook, it all helps.
That's all I ever ask. If you notice, I haven't been reading anything. It's been a year and a half. I'm not reading any ads for you guys. I'm not opposed to having like a big brand deal, but I don't want to sit here and read like go to the Like that's not what I'm here for.
The podcast is important to me. Our listen-through rate is 93%, right? We keep these episodes to 40 minutes with a 93% listen-through rate, which is staggering compared to most podcasts, how long people typically listen to it. And so that's why I'm trying to avoid ads at all costs. And with that being said, if you can help us, keep sharing, keep commenting, keep liking, keep listening. Visit us at and we'll see you guys next Monday.