cover of episode Steve Weatherford & Brad Castleberry Get Real About MONEY | E6

Steve Weatherford & Brad Castleberry Get Real About MONEY | E6

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The Money Mondays

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brad Castleberry
Mike (Tarzan)
Steve Weatherford
Steve Weatherford: 他分享了大多数NFL球员在职业生涯结束后面临财务困境的严峻现实,强调了财务规划和成熟度的重要性,并鼓励人们公开讨论金钱话题。他还分享了自己在财务管理上的经验教训,以及如何通过与有经验的朋友交流来避免错误。他认为,人生的意义在于人际关系和与上帝的关系,而不是金钱。 Brad Castleberry: 他分享了自己在健身领域的经验,以及如何通过坚持自我,不理会他人看法来获得成功。他强调了健身的基本功,例如姿势和身体力学的重要性,并鼓励人们投资于自己的身心健康。他还谈到了男性应该承担起照顾孩子的责任,以及如何通过积极的人际关系来获得支持和鼓励。 Mike (Tarzan): 他讲述了自己对动物的热爱以及如何通过动物保护工作来帮助他人。他分享了野生丛林动物保护区的建设和运营情况,以及如何通过与朋友和合作伙伴的合作来实现目标。他认为对动物的付出是无价的,并鼓励人们参与动物保护工作。 Dan Fleyshman: 他分享了自己对金钱的看法,以及如何通过公开讨论金钱话题来帮助人们更好地管理财务。他鼓励人们参与慈善活动,并分享了如何通过简单的行动来帮助他人。他认为,如果将注意力放在帮助他人上,最终受益的将是所有人。

Deep Dive

Discusses the high rate of financial failure among NFL players and the misconception about their earnings.

Shownotes Transcript


- Man, there's a really scary statistic for me. Thank God I made it over the hump, but 79% of NFL guys are either broke or divorced within two years. 79, dude. Because most people, here's the deal, most people think NFL guys made millions and millions and millions. Oh, you played for eight years? Oh, you probably made at least 40 million.

buddy, you know, like there's only like 5% of the roster that makes 95% of the money.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Money Mondays. We have the most special edition ever. We are 1,000 pounds of meat out here. Hey, after you listen to this podcast, you're going to go straight to the gym. You're going to be eating lean chicken for the rest of your life after hearing what we have for you today. We have a Super Bowl champion here. We have a fitness trainer, a personal influencer with millions and millions of followers. We have the most famous animal influencer of the planet with over 200 million views a month.

and I get to ask a bunch of questions. Please welcome Mr. Steve Weatherford, Brad Kessler, and the real Tarzan. Let's go. Let's go. All right, guys. So what we're going to do here on the Money Mondays, we talk about three topics and three topics only. How do people make money? How do they invest money? How do they give it away to charity? So first off, we're going to do two-minute bios with each of you guys, and then we're going to get straight to the money. Steve Weatherford, start us off. Two-minute bio. Well...

I've just turned 40 years old. Dan and I have been friends for about five years now. I've been married for 16 years. I've got six kids. I played in the NFL for 10 years.

This is the first time that I've ever done a four-man podcast or done it from inside of an RV or met Mike. Brad and I have lifted weights alongside of each other for a while. And things that I'm passionate about is my family. I love fitness. And

And I just love getting excellent at things. You know, for a while it was the NFL and then I got really into entrepreneurship. And then I felt like God really got a hold of me four years ago. And now I've just been on this spiritual vision quest with him and building deep and meaningful relationships with you because I have made enough money to realize that.

a whole lot more of it's not going to like shift or change my circumstance or my purpose but here's the deal you freaking need money to make things happen and to make people's dreams come true so to end my bio i would just love to honor you man you have been such a great friend not just to me but this rv that we're in on this farm that we're on i watched you for five years and i know you've been doing it for a lot longer than that but i've been watching you make people's dreams come true um

not just like on podcasts like this, but making people's dreams come true. Cause I've seen Dan Fleshman fly to three different cities in one day, just to show up for his friends and never get paid a dollar. He's blessing you. And I know you know this Mike, but he's blessing you in a major way and making your dreams come true.

And that's just the type of guy that he is. But that's what this farm really represents is I don't believe that Dan is going to have to like go out and make people's dreams come true anymore. It's cool that this, this RV will do that because that's your heart for people. You want to make it easy, but this is, this farm is going to be a place where people can come to sit with the wise man and he'll help them, their dreams come true without a ton of grind, but it would just be that wisdom and that experience and the price that he's paid. So I know that was more than two minutes, but I just, I,

You're a great friend. Thank you, Steve. Amen. Yeah, thanks. All right, Brad Castleberry, tell us the story. Yeah, I'm born and raised in San Diego, just raised by my mom. I have two kids. They're beautiful. They've made me who I am.

I just work hard every day. I just, honestly, just the ups and downs of life have like kind of really shown me who I am and what people need. People need to just be around positive people. They need to be like doing what they love to do. A lot of people get lost, I guess, in the life, try to lose themselves.

And I feel like there's not really many men out there, like supporting people, like patting people on the back. It's like a pat on the back does a lot to a man. And a lot of people are missing that. And that's like something I feel like I want to do to people, make them feel good, give them hope. I stress out. I get all messed up in my mind too. I'm just like a lot of people. And to show people like that's just life, man. Life is going to hit you like crazy.

where you like don't know it's coming and you gotta just keep working hard little steps and another thing is just like fitness and health like I've done it my whole life and I feel like that's one thing that's really helped me uh

You kind of lose your body, you start losing your mind. But yeah, so like, honestly, just working out has really kept me going, my kids. And now I'm here with you guys. And honestly, like when we met, like now with you, like ran into you, like all the new, like all this is just like meant to be. So just for me, where I'm at, where I'm going is just, I want to help more people with what I've gone through and what I've experienced. So yeah,

Fitness has helped me do that. And now I coach people, train them and help them be better. That's kind of where I'm at. And to teach my kids that honestly, like men should be taking care of their kids and leading them in the right direction. Be there when they need them. And that's something that I feel in this world is kind of forgotten. There's a lot of men out there that leave their kids. If you're a man, don't leave your kids. You got to take care of them. And I have a daughter. I'm like the man in her life.

So I'm just proud of them and I'm proud that I've become the man I am without having a father in my life. And so like it's one thing I had to teach myself and what I would always what I never wanted to do and leave my kids behind. So like not having a father, it made me do the complete opposite of like sticking there with my kids. So, yeah, a lot of people like make that excuse like, oh, I didn't have a father. Now I didn't know how to be a father. It's a choice. So I made the right choice. I'm changing the opposite of what I had. So.

Yeah. That's a little bit of who I am and where I'm going. Love that, man. And to our co-host, the real Tarzan, give us a 60 second bite. I'm from Rhode Island, a small state in the United States. You guys know I love animals. Animals my whole life.

I travel 25 countries, I have a couple million followers on social media, but... - More than a couple. - Let's just be quick. - He did a video last week that got 105 million views. - Oh, shit. - 135 million views. - Sorry, I didn't look today. - Check the sound scan. - I was head of the zoo club in my high school from freshman year to senior year.

Yeah, man. That's about it. We have our own nonprofit. We have Animal Sanctuary here in Temecula. We just moved over from Miami and we work with different nonprofits around the world. And yeah, man, we got much more to go, much more to come. So this RV motorhome typically drives to people's houses. We'll go pull up to Dan Bilzerian's house and go pull up to this lady's house and we'll show up.

But right now we're actually sitting on the 26 acre ranch nicknamed the wild jungle w y l d. That's what tarzan's been building here There's over 85 animals and growing. We rescue a lot of the animals We buy some of them and we rescue the 95 of them So you guys are going to visit us. We're in san diego right there in the temecula area All right, guys, let's get straight to the money. Steve weatherford brad castleberry. Got some serious questions for you. All right So we go through three things. How do you make money? How do you invest money? How do you give it away to charity?

If someone wants to get into professional sports, there's a very, very, very tiny percentage of people that go from college athlete to NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.,

what do you think the difference is in mindset against someone, because I don't think it's the body. I mean, there's a lot of amazing specimens that are out there. And if you line up 100 college athletes, there's not going to be that much difference in 4.6 versus 4.4 40-yard dash, right? I think it's the mindset. What do you think is the difference between an amateur, college athlete, and one of those NFL players? Yeah, I would say...

So Dan, what I'm hearing you say is like, what's the difference between good and great, really, really great amateur and a, and a real pro. Yeah. And I feel like this, maybe this answer can serve those guys that don't play sports that are listening to this for money. It's grit because the size of the athletes and in major college, like big tennis, where I played, I played university of Illinois, the size of those athletes at that,

at that level and the size of them in the NFL is about the same. Their speed, right? Their speed of play is different, but it's a grittiness, right? Because it takes great athleticism and great abilities to get a shot in the NFL, but it really takes a lot of grit to stay because a lot of people don't realize for the NFL, for example,

The majority of the contracts, like the 95% of the contracts aren't guaranteed. Like my signing bonus was guaranteed, but I remember calling my dad. You were speaking a lot to father. So I'll speak to this. I remember calling my dad and honor my dad. He was a great dad, but I remember calling him and telling him like, Hey, I like, I made the team. And I remember him before we, you know, he said, you know, congrats. I'm proud of you. It's like, Hey, remember this job's only week to week.

And so pretty for the majority of my career, my job was week to week. So people would like celebrate you on Sundays, but they don't realize that your wife is at home fasting. And every time that you punt and she's in the stadium, she puts her head between her lap and she's like, please, God, please, God, please, God, you know, it's really stressful. You know, but I believe that a lot of people that aren't athletes can really connect with how

High pressure situations, and I'll share the statistic that I was going to share as a context for it, is once you make the NFL, like I did as an undrafted free agent, and I'll compare me to first rounders, there are more undrafted free agents that have a 10-year NFL career than first rounders that have a 10-year NFL career. Those are the greatest pedigree athletes of the world.

Walking the planet, the best athletes around the USA track and field team, they're in the NBA and in the NFL. You see Tyreek Hill. Oh, my God. That's that's the context for you. The greatest speed and the greatest athletes that we have are guys like LeBron James and Tyreek Hill. And they're not running track. And I say those things to say, what's the difference between those high pedigree animals? Right. And I say that in an honor because I wish I was like that. I'm close. Right. But I'm not that.

Those guys, less of those guys have a 10-year NFL career than guys like me.

and it's grit like he doesn't get to where he's at dan and you don't get to where you're at because you're really smart and you are so smart and you're so good with people you've got grit man you've had so many people betray you and backstab you and steal from you like hey i've seen some of it but i just would assume because you're so generous and you open your world to people so i say those things to say if you didn't have grit cuz i wouldn't be sitting here right now but if i didn't have grit

I wouldn't be sitting here right now. If you didn't have grit, you wouldn't be sitting there. When you put that first video of people making fun of you, Mike, what's this black dude doing talking about animals, shocking Steve Irwin, right? I'm sure you saw all that stuff. That you had grit, Mike. That's why you're sitting at the table with Kings. That's why I afforded myself an opportunity to sit here with Kings. Number one ingredient, man, grit.

So I don't know if that answered your question. No, it's going to be a great highlight. I love it. I want to rewatch it myself. Brad Castleberry. There are a lot of personal trainers, fitness influencers, people in supplement space. How does someone stand out to get millions of followers like you? How does it work? Like you said, great. It's like I say, be a man, like stay in your lane. It's very similar. It's just like a mindset. Yeah.

Man, you're always going to come across like a lot of people are always the number one thing. I feel like people would stop in themselves is like they care about the opinion of others, honestly. So if you want to really stand out, you've got to stop caring what people think. Like to be original, you got to be yourself. So like in Instagram or social media, you want to be yourself. Everyone is original, but they start following other people and then they forget who they are. So if you want to like to be somebody like be yourself, like and for me, like fitness, like,

It's like really personal to me, like fitness. I've been doing this like since I was so young. It's like in my blood. It's in my mind. I'm like and I see everyone like how they are. And that's like why I'm doing what I do. It's like a meant to be thing because it's about posture, how you stand. It's how you move the mechanics of your body. All those little things is what creates who you are.

So like for me, like I feel like most people in the fitness world don't even talk about that stuff. It's like skinny or fat. When it's like skinny or fat, you don't even stand right.

you don't walk right. You don't have good posture. So it's like the basics to me is like the ABCs, like how you stand, how you walk, like how you position yourself. And then that's like, we're talking about athletes. Like a lot of these athletes can be better athletes if they just knew the better stance and body mechanics of their selves, not just working, it's how you work. So I feel like a lot of people in the fitness world,

have no clue what they're even doing with the basics. They think it's just bench pressing and pull downs. No, it's how you do the bench press, how you set your body up, how you do the pull down. So I just feel that if you're trying to like really build a proper, I'm all about sculpting a body. And like in the end of the day, you won't look good when you're naked. You want to look good like when you look in the mirror at yourself. So it's like if you can't hold yourself right, you're not going to get the right look.

So it's like, you're like, I want to look like that guy over there, but you're standing all awkward, but you're doing the same workouts. You're not going to ever get to look at, look like that. So I just feel like in the fitness world, the number one thing I feel is wrong is the basic information of understanding the fundamentals of how to build a body and how to position it. And I feel like almost, it's like, no one even talks about it. Like they're like, Oh, you gotta. So for me, I've gone through so many different styles of like,

uh training uh chiropractics and like massage therapists and all these different things so i've been able to like kind of formulate that into my own little program of like what i think is correct and everyone says like they're i'm just like this no you're like that with your habits and your day like what you've come from or how you were raised and

So, uh, like what I do is just, uh, like, I want people to understand they needed like step a little further back than just saying like fat or skinny, but like, like,

Standing right is the most important. Your posture. It's like... That's just something that I just feel is like a lost thing in the fitness world. And I just want people to know that that's the most important thing. It's the ABCs to me. Before you go and want to get skinny or fat, you can have the best looking body and not even be really skinny. It's the shape. So I feel...

Yeah, fitness is that to me. Like, so that's a really personal to me. It's like, that's what I want to share with the world is the ABCs. I call them how you stand posture and then you go build a body. But I feel like, yeah, that's just kind of where I see where people in the fitness world. And if you want to create like yourself, like you got to start with that.

So Steve, the Money Mondays, the concept of it was a lot of us grew up, almost all of us grew up thinking that it's rude to talk about money. Our parents thought it was rude. We can't talk about salary. Can't say that. Can't talk about like what you make or what you spend on rent or how much you pay for your car. You couldn't talk about it. It was literally rude. And the concept and the goal of the Money Mondays is to make it rude to not talk about money.

I think a lot of the reasons there's credit deficits and the reason that people go bankrupt, the reason that 85% of NFL and NBA players go bankrupt within five years of leaving the league, like statistics like that are insane. And it hurts actually. Like I watched,

household name athletes have to borrow 20 grand when they had... Well, you've watched your friends do that, Dan. $40 million contract. You've watched your friends do that over and over and over. And I think it stems from we never had talks about money. We didn't talk about how to save up money, how to invest. We didn't do those things. Why do you think so many professional athletes, musicians, etc. make a ton of money, but it bleeds away? It's maturity. You know, um...

I think, sure, you get more mature when you talk about things, right? But I think it's just overall maturity. Like for me, I was very thankful that

When I got into the league, I was making the least amount that I was going to make when I was in the NFL. But when I came in the league was when you were friends with Ricky Williams. That was like you're a homeboy. Remember when he got into the league and he had that contract with Master P? I paid $9. I know you wish you could go back knowing what you know now and you would make his life different. What is that? It's experience. With experience, you get what? You get maturity.

So now that you know what you know, that's what this show is for. It's for you to bring up the maturity of other people because of the experiences of your life and the experiences of the other people that you're going to have on here. So to kind of go back to your context, you said 85%. Man, there's a really scary statistic for me. Thank God I made it over the hump. But 79% of NFL guys are either broke or divorced within two years. Oh, my God.

79, dude. Because most people, here's the deal. Most people think NFL guys made millions and millions and millions. Oh, you played for eight years? Oh, you probably made at least 40 million. Right.

You know, like there's only like 5% of the roster that makes 95% of the money, you know, but here's the deal from my maturity kind of coming back to my story. And then I'll land the plane and it was, um, let Brad share, uh,

I made the larger amounts, like the $3 million signing bonuses that God blessed us with. That came when I was in my seventh year, right? I'd already married, I had some kids, I had some maturity, I had already made some mistakes and bought the stupid watches, jacked my truck ups on 40s and then traded it in a year later 'cause it drives like crap and my wife can't get in. Like I've made all those mistakes.

And I'm sure I blew a couple hundred grand, but it's like, I'm so thankful that I wasn't like Ricky and,

And, hey, sign a bad contract. But what if you're like Reggie Bush and you get into the NFL and you sign a $62 million contract and you get all of your money in the first two years and you make mistakes with it because you're thinking to yourself, Mike, I'll probably be making money like this forever. This will never happen to you. But what if YouTube shut off tomorrow? Yeah.

You know, in the name of Jesus, that'll never happen. But I'm saying things like that can happen, you know, and people just they just think things are just going to keep raining down. And you're a businessman. You've seen some of your businesses that you thought were positioned to sell for freaking hundred million. And a year later, you can't get somebody to take the inventory. So I think a lot of that comes with maturity. And it says in Scripture, you know,

That with with many counsel comes much wisdom. And so like when I was with Dan on the car ride last night, I was asking him questions about his relationship and taking interest in his life. But I knew at some point if I had an opportunity, I was going to ask him for some business wisdom. When I asked you about the company that I invested in, the telehealth company, that's just absolutely blowing up. And I'm like, dude, we're at critical mass. Could I get some wisdom?

Because I don't want to make more mistakes than I have when I have a friend like this, Mike. And you shouldn't either. And Brad, neither should I, man. We should just be. And I say that to honor you. And I know you don't have all the answers, but you have taken so many more shots than me. So like if I can come in here and Dan could adjust my elbow and allow me to invest and protect myself, maybe I'm investing in the same thing.

But maybe Dan allows me to put a clause in so when my partner freaks out and gets a divorce, my business doesn't go to the floor. Right? So I'll end the play there. But yeah, I would just say maturity, man. Brad, so normally we ask about investing money. I want to ask about investing into your body. How much money does it take to invest into Brad Castleberry? I've always wondered that. Man, this guy is taking a lap. That's freaking genius. Yeah.

It's a lot of time too, just time. Well, I spend like a thousand dollars a week at that. I don't feed them. I'm talking about all my kids too. My whole entire class comes from that. You don't need that much. But eating healthy does cost more money. And it does. Having your kids, I feed my kids very well.

And then I got supplements, protein supplements, shakes, shakes. I honestly, I do a lot of solid meals, but yeah, like investing in your body is like everything. It's just as much as important as finding, like if you have a whole bank account full of money and you don't have a body that is to match, right?

Like, I don't agree with that. Like you're gotta, you gotta have, you have one life, but you gotta look good. You gotta feel good. You gotta be able to have mobility. Like, so you gotta invest just as much into your body, yourself, your body and your mind. Like as you do financially. So it's like, I think it's just the balance of both. If, if I had to choose what I would choose money or my body, I'd probably choose my body because

Because it's the most important thing. Yeah. Like, cause I feel like I'm, I want to help people with that. So as I can help people with my knowledge and teaching them through myself, when I'm walking around, I just inspire people and they see me and I think they just want to be better by the presence of me where I think sometimes I like that's more powerful than seeing a Lamborghini drive by. Yeah.

Because it's a individual. It's like, what are we with nothing? What are we? Who are we? And like, so at the end of the day, like you got to invest in your body, got to invest in your mind. You got to invest in your friends around you. You have to like it's accountability partners. So for me, I always just want people to look around. Who do you have around you? Get rid of the dead weight and have people like because you want to be like I said, pat it on the back. So if you're hanging out with people that don't pat you on the back.

Like that's not like, that's an investment that you're like, you have the wrong investment partners around you because we all need that support. It's like, you just keep complimenting all of us. You know what I mean? That makes us all feel good. So then we're going to go. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. So then we're going to continue to strive to be able to do more, but you got to have money to like, everyone has a different gift.

They do. So we all have different gifts. So like, yeah, I just think you got to invest in your, it costs a lot for this, but it's a lifetime of information that's created this. And now I want to give it back to everyone else because it's like, I've been able to

Yeah, I was working out since I was six years old, seven years old. We can tell. So it would be wrong for me to not want to help people with any information. Like where people like you're saying, like they're afraid to talk about money. When it was like, that's wrong. People, if you have that knowledge and that information, why not share it? Because why should somebody make a mistake that you made? You should teach them how not to make that mistake. Yeah, absolutely.

So I think that's an important thing that we're all talking about is just like share the knowledge, share the wealth. And we all have different wealth to share. Absolutely. So Tarzan, we've invested millions of dollars since moving here this summer into the wild jungle. Can you explain why, how, what is the wild jungle and why have you dedicated your life to animals?

Well, animals saved my life, you know. When I was a kid, I had a great childhood growing up, you know, and I lost my pops like when I was 14. And, you know, I didn't really have anything going mentally for myself, emotionally. And I was going down a dark, you know, a dark path. And I didn't like, it was like a piece of me died too, you know, almost my whole self died. And I didn't have any

I really didn't want to live no more, you know? And the only thing I could look forward to was the small interactions I had with animals. And I was like, man, I could live for that, you know? And then those animals brought back the feeling of being a human again, even though I'm hanging out with animals. And then it brought back me to my family and mentally with my brothers and stuff like that. So that's when I became, you know, like,

I wouldn't say a servant, but I basically live for animals, you know, and I do serve them. I do serve. You can't have two masters. I serve God, you know, but I do serve animals in the sense of thankfulness, you know, and there's no people ask me all the time. How much does it cost to feed this or how much is that source cost? And I say, bro, it's priceless.

You know, there's a, you know, we talk about investing in ourselves, investing our money, you know, but I like to invest in something that can't do anything for me, which is an animal, you know, and in a sense, they do everything for me, you know, so.

It's cool. It's having partners like Dan and friends around the world that support what we do and people that come visit us or book events and they see how happy our animals are. It brings such a joy to us, you know. And Wild Jungle is just getting started, man. You know, we got big plans. You know, we have 30 acres already now, 85 plus animals. We're growing every week. We're rescuing animals. We're feeding them the top quality food, you know. And it's a beautiful thing, man.

I can't picture anything else happening. We had our first Komodo Dragon Tour today. We got that 50 people go...

swim with the swimming type of lizard, you know, and it's first, you know, set first, it was the first warm day in months here. It's been raining and snowing here. So, so it was, it was, it was cool for me to see lizard swim, but it was cool for me to watch 50 people enjoy a lizard swimming in a big, huge pond for the first time, you know, and it's a lot of hard work and, you know, sacrifice and finances and,

Is it going to work? We don't know, but it's working, man. And we can't thank nothing but God and thank our friends for supporting us. It's a blessing. Mike's deep. He's a deep thinker. Not just an animal, man. Glad you're in here, man. Thank you, brother. Steve, I'm going to ask you more of an emotionally deep question. Okay. When I say that money is the root of all evil, what do you think of it?

It's the love of money is the root of all evil. So I feel like that's a misconception that a lot of people have is money is not the root of all evil. It's the love of money. And you said that you can't serve two masters. I served one master for my whole life. Like I...

I know I don't have that much time to spend, but I'm sure we can all relate with like something happened to us too when we were a kid that we didn't deserve. Right. So because of that, I thought that I needed to earn my way into like my father's attention or earn my way into be worthiness or earn my way into like that thing that happened to me that I didn't deserve, like nobody knowing about it. And so my life became all about results and,

So I grew up in church and I knew about God and I actually gave my life to Jesus when I was 11. But six months after that, something happened. And so I decided that, well, if God let that happen, I don't know if God is real. And if he is, why would he let that happen? And so I went all in with results. And so what I'm hearing, the theme of being in this RV is relationships. When

When your dad wasn't there for you, you found relationships and animals because animals can't reject you. Animals can't leave you. And animals will always love you back. Like I said this with you, Dan, in the car on the way down there. It's like, man, I love my wife so much, but I love dogs, too. You know, because you can lock your wife in the trunk of a car and you can lock a dog in there. And I would never do this, but you can leave for three hours and unlock the trunk.

and your wife will leave you and that dog is happy to see you so like Mike I totally like I get your heart man but to your question bring me back and I'm going to land the fight money is the root of all evil so too masters and so like maybe I wasn't

um, worshiping money, but I was worshiping results, like getting the trophy. And then it went from getting the trophy to getting the notoriety and from the notoriety went to getting the money. Right. And then for the money, it was like, well, then I get the money and like, oh, is more of this going to change this? And then more of it didn't change this. And then I realized like my life is not about

And my life is not even about religion. My life is about relationships and my life is about relationship with God. And that to me, like flipped everything on its head. And I feel like my personality changed when God gave me that revelation. So I know that was like, it was a deep question. So there's a deep answer.

So for the last segment, the last 10 minutes or so, all of our episodes are 40 minutes because the average workout is 45 minutes and the average commute is 45 minutes. So we make our podcast 40. So you have two minutes to put on your headphones, two minutes to take them off. Let's take one moment, count to 10 that we have left to realize how intentional and how strategic Dane is, not for the outcome or the benefit of him, but for every single person. He has this RV to make it easier on people like us.

He makes sure that the length of the show is perfect for what most people will be doing when they consume his content. You are an unbelievable person. You have made your life about other people. Yes. It's incredible. But look at the empire that is around you.

If you make things about other people, the butterfly effect is everyone wins and then all these other people start to win. That actually goes into the last segment, which is about charity. So we like to talk about how do you make money? How do you invest money? How do you give some of it away to charity? So I like the butterfly effect of charity.

My charities I don't really raise money for. The model citizen fund I've had for a decade. We make backpacks for the homeless with 150 emergency supply items inside. Half of it's food and beverages, the other half is like a poncho, a watch, sleeping bag, things to help people get through. We give out millions and millions and millions and millions of items to homeless. We also do it for teen abuse shelters, women abuse shelters, et cetera. But I really rarely raise money for that outside of like some charity poker tournaments for fun as an excuse to get everybody together.

Because what I want people to do is do their own backpacks for the homeless. You don't need my backpacks, really. You can buy my backpacks if you want to, but you can make your own backpacks. You can fill up with supplies.

You can get a Ziploc bag and put in 10 or 20 supplies. You don't need 150 items. I have the exact list on the Momma's Citizen Fund's website, so you can see exactly what we put in. I studied for over a year and a half asking the military and homeless, what would they need if I dropped them off in the desert? That's how we came up with that curated list. But you can go do it yourself and go get a Ziploc bag and fill it up with your kids, your friends, your family, neighbors, etc. The concept of the charity is so people can replicate it.

Every year with Trina's Kids Foundation, we bring 400 Latin families to Hubble Studio in downtown LA for the last eight years and nine years for the toy drive. We do a report card day, we do a back to school day. The kids bring their report cards, we give them out prizes, shoes, fresh haircuts, backpack supplies, etc. Then they come back and do the same thing when it's back to school time. They see a food drive,

You can do a Thanksgiving food drive, and you can do a Thanksgiving food drive, and you can do a Thanksgiving food drive. I need you to donate some money. Not because I have some money. It's because I want you to do it. That's the whole point of the Thanksgiving food drive. I want to show people how easy it is to do charity.

It takes texting, social media, rallying your friends together, and a location. That's it. You don't need to raise millions of dollars. You get your friends together, you get your strangers together, you get people in your local community to show up to a warehouse, an office building, etc., and say, we're doing Thanksgiving food drive, you don't even have a dollar. You need to have a cell phone. It needn't be annoying, like text, call, show up at people's offices and houses, say, hey, November 23rd, we're doing Thanksgiving food drive, and everybody bring turkeys and cranberry sauce and whatever.

The toy drive. Nine years ago, it was like eight of us sitting on the floor putting boxes together of toys to give out to these couple hundred kids.

Then it was 14 of us. Then it was 22 of us. And then this December, we broke the Guinness World Records for the largest toy drive in history. Nice. That didn't involve rice. It compounded over time and energy of texting and calling and social media and Facebooking because people are always like, oh, you shouldn't post about charity. I post about charity so that we can replicate it. I don't need a patent back from you. I don't need a patent back from strangers on social media. I need you to go do charity. We're trying to make it look as easy as possible and show them step by step how to do it. So...

My question is for you guys, what charities do you like? What do you, what are you passionate about? And not only the money part of it, but what is it that people could do to get themselves involved in charity to figure out what type of charities they would like?

I know that we have a limited time in the show, so I'm going to let Brad go and then we'll, whatever time is left over. I think it's a lot of time. I think people can give time and go give back to like kids. A lot of people have very, very bad. So like, if you can just go and just be nice and go show up boys and girls club, if you think that you have something to give like advice, I'm a father. I think these kids need to have a father figure and,

And I think a lot of people just think it's like that, that all those things help. But at the end of the day, if you don't have all those things, like you don't have to give something, you can give your time. And then I think that's really meaningful. And like people will,

And then, yeah, I think that's what people should do. It's like, you don't have all those means of what we're talking about, both those backpacks, the turkeys, like that's all like good and great too. But I feel like you can just give your time. You'll show up places and charity is an everyday thing to me.

I give charity every day. I go to Costco and I uplift the sample ladies. You know what I mean? Because they're there. They're people. So you can give your charity on a daily basis.

Like, and I think that's very powerful because we're out in a daily, we're out in the life. So you can, you can give yourself every day. It doesn't need to be once a year. It can be daily charity that then I love doing that. I love to smile at people, open the doors for people and, and,

today's day it shocks people right when you do you're nice to them but it makes the biggest difference in their life you could they could be wanting to kill themselves and you go and like ask them how they're doing or give them a compliment honestly that's probably not going to change their mindset you can just and that's charity that's just giving back so um yeah just give your time and just smile at people and uh we can all do that all day every day like i said pat on the back that's what we need and that takes you even further because then you can go and

do more and then they'll like well oh man that guy changed my life like why do you even say hi to me you know what i mean because you're somebody because we're all somebody probably

Tarzan, how do you choose what animal organizations you get involved in? Because more than the money part, you're bringing them hundreds of months eyeballs. How do you choose what organizations you're willing to play with? We'll talk about dogs today. A couple episodes we talked about dogs. You should talk about dogs. Dogs. I love dogs, man. I grew up with dogs. Dogs was the first animal that I had an interaction with coming home from the hospital. And I grew up

Very, very close. You guys see my dog, show you how it walks around and big shoes, pit bull, sweetest thing you can ever meet. You know, and every year I try to do at least five to 10 dogs. You know, I have different vets I go to, different friends. And, you know, I pay just random dogs vet bills. You know, I'll go to the shelter and say, yo, I mean, I got an extra couple thousand bucks. Whatever dog needs at home, whatever dog needs a surgery, whatever dog needs to be set, like take care of them.

You know, I go travel. People don't know this, but I bring a dewormer with me and I deworm stray dogs. You know, I get some food, seven dogs that don't have medication. So, you know, just little things like that, you know, and I'm just giving out advice, helping people with their dogs. I've done community service work with Humane Society, going there, cleaning poop, you know, walking dogs, just trying to help out, you know, and I post about it. But 95% of the time I don't post about it because it's just something I love to do.

You know, and it's been inherited in my family to be around dogs. So it's just something I give back to my grandparents and my dad and my mom and them that show they love animals. Like, yeah, what are you doing? I'm a dog show that call you back. Like, that's my boy. And that's, you know, it's that pat on the back right there. You know, it makes my family proud. It makes me happy, you know, as a human. Steve, last question. We're in a time of chaos in 2023. The media, the news, everything.

TV is telling us we're in a recession. Banks are closing down. The stock market's going crazy. Crypto's up and down. People feel like it's chaos if you turn on the news. If you don't turn on the news, it's nice outside. People are nice. We have a real nice life. And I look at a lot of times the few bad things that happen in the world, and then you do the math, there's 8 billion humans. It's terrible that there's a school shooting. Man, there's 8 billion humans. So one bad kid out of

7.9999 billion people that are good today. There are other times of chaos. How can people stay calm and focused? I would give this question to Mike, but Mike already knows. It's like when that tragedy happened for Mike, he wanted a relationship. He wanted a connection. He wanted to be protected. And I feel like that's, if you look at it, and I just read a statistic over the go down, that out of every four suicides, three of them are male.

Why? Because it's almost tough to struggle alone. So Mike didn't have somebody like a replacement dad to like pull him in and say, hey, tell me these thoughts that you're thinking right now and tell me your insecurities. And the same for you, Brad. Like I'm hearing you say that you didn't have a dad. I mean, I had a dad and I still struggled.

Right. So everybody that's listening to this, whether you had like the best dad ever, he was still inadequate in some way. And so when things are chaotic, I think it's really important to be around people who value what you value and people who have the fruit that you want in their life. Right. Like.

You kind of mentioned about relationships and the people around and how it's important to get a pat on the back and encouragement. That's really kind of essentially the same wisdom that he shared is the same wisdom that I'm sharing in chaos. Like if my business, my supplement company, if it starts to hit a nosedive because of

supply chain or something you know who I'm calling I'm calling you you know I'm calling our friend Joel I'm calling my buddies who have sold 100 million dollar supplement companies and I'm like yeah right I'm like grinding to try to make it from seven to eight figures right well like I feel like if you have wisdom and you have the right relationships we don't need to struggle in business alone we need to struggle emotionally alone we don't need to struggle spiritually alone

And this last thing I'll share, and I feel like this is wisdom for business, for relationship, for marriage is if you don't know the next what in life, maybe you need to stop pursuing the what and pursue the who. Because my mentor, Keith Kraft says, alignments determine your assignments. And really another way of saying that is the who you do life with ultimately will determine the what. So when you entered Dan's life and he invited you into his world,

he's absolutely going to change what your life is and what you do with your life because of the food that you're with. So the encouragement would be if you feel like your marriage or your finances or like your mental is in chaos, you need to get around a different poop. And most of the people, maybe that's just one person.

Last question for Brad Castleberry. Someone's listening to the Money Mondays. They wake up and it's Tuesday morning, it's 7 a.m., and they just don't feel like it. What do they do?

But honestly, he clears his throat. You got to maybe yell out loud and say you got to pump yourself up because it's like you are the only person that's going to really get yourself up. So a lot of times for me, I scream out loud. I flex myself and I'm like, let's go. You got to be your own person that's going to pat yourself on the back at the end of the day. We're men. Be a man. Toughen up.

Like too many weak people out there, too many people making excuses. You need to go get it. You got to like, like nothing's going to be handed to you. Like people want things to be handed to them today's day. Like nothing's going to get handed to you. You got to go out there and get it. You got to ask for it. You got to just, you got to teach yourself things. You got to learn things. You got to evolve. You got to try things. You got to fail.

Like we're talking about just like all those learning things. I mean, what we want to share, but it's like people got to do that themselves. Not just the people that were like, you can't just learn a failure through somebody else's failure. Almost. You got to like, if

If you've never experienced failing, like, I feel bad for you. Like, you're not even trying. So you've got to try things. Like, step it up. So, like, if you're going to wake up, like, don't be afraid to fail. That's all it is. Like, people worry too much about, like, that. And it's just like, wake up. Be a man. Be a person. Like, that's what makes us humans is that we just got to wake up. Sun goes up, you got to get up. And so man up. Stop being weak. Sun's up, get up. Jim! Let's go!

Ladies and gentlemen, you've just listened to 1000 pounds of wisdom.

- Game day. - So we have Steve Weatherford, Brad Castleberry, the real Tarzan. We only have one favorite request. Since all of us grew up thinking it's rude to talk about money, we need your help to make people realize it's rude to not talk about money. Share the podcast, like and subscribe, let your friends know about it. It's free, we just want people to listen on any platform, YouTube, Spotify, Apple, iTunes, wherever the heck you are, share it for us please. We want more people to talk about money so we can make this a better country and a better world. Thank you, we'll see you soon. - Let's go.