cover of episode Book Review: Robert Caro on 50 Years of ‘The Power Broker’

Book Review: Robert Caro on 50 Years of ‘The Power Broker’

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Gilbert Cruz
Robert Caro
Robert Caro: 本书的持久影响力源于人们对权力的兴趣,特别是对不受约束权力的兴趣,以及对权力来源的探究。罗伯特·摩西的权力并非来自选举,而是通过操纵制度和人际关系获得的,这引发了人们对权力运作机制的思考。本书中关于权力来源的阐述至今仍具有现实意义,许多读者从中学习到权力的运作方式,以及如何避免权力被滥用。 Robert Caro: 在民主制度下,为了获得权力,人们可能不得不隐藏自己的真实想法。罗伯特·摩西的例子说明了权力如何塑造城市和人们的生活,以及权力背后隐藏的复杂性。即使是伟大建筑师的作品,也并非都能永久存在,但它们的影响力可能依然持久。作者的写作过程需要深入研究和反复思考,以理解事件的本质和人物的动机。缓慢而细致的写作过程对于创作高质量作品至关重要,有助于避免粗心大意和遗漏重要细节。 Robert Caro: 作者的采访过程既耗时又需要技巧,旨在获得尽可能详尽的信息,并将其融入到文学作品中。在采访过程中,作者会反复追问,以获取更深入的信息,即使这可能会让受访者感到不耐烦。作者的写作也注重文学性,包括文风、节奏和词汇的选择,以增强作品的感染力。 Gilbert Cruz: 本书的持久影响力源于其对权力的深刻探讨,以及对权力运作机制的揭示。权力既可能腐蚀也可能净化,但它总是会揭示人的本质。作者的写作过程严谨细致,体现了其对历史和人物的深刻理解。作者和编辑之间的激烈争论促进了作品的改进,而作者的妻子则在写作过程中提供了重要的支持和帮助。现代人物的传记写作面临着资料获取的挑战,因为数字化的信息更容易被操控或遗漏。作者的采访技巧高超,能够从受访者口中获取关键信息。

Deep Dive

Robert Caro discusses the enduring legacy of "The Power Broker" and how Robert Moses held power for 44 years, shaping New York City and its surrounding areas despite never being elected to public office.
  • Robert Moses held unelected power for 44 years.
  • Moses shaped New York City despite lacking electoral mandate.
  • "The Power Broker" explores how Moses acquired and wielded his influence.

Shownotes Transcript

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To help make the pitch here, I wanted to share an episode from our friends at the “Book Review” podcast. It’s hosted by Gilbert Cruz, the editor of The Times’s Book Review section. And I thought you might enjoy this particular episode with Robert Caro about his book “The Power Broker.” It came out 50 years ago, and it’s still one of the most influential books in politics and policy circles — for better or for worse. In this conversation they dig into why that is and what to make of the book’s legacy. I hope you enjoy it. 

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