cover of episode True Urban Legends: Candyman, with Ashley Flowers

True Urban Legends: Candyman, with Ashley Flowers

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Ashley Flowers
Ashley Flowers在本期播客中探讨了Candyman都市传说及其背后的真实故事——Ruthie Mae McCoy的谋杀案。该案件发生在芝加哥的ABLA住房项目,Ruthie Mae McCoy在自己的公寓中被枪杀,凶手通过浴室镜子的隐藏通道进入公寓。案件调查中存在诸多疑点,包括延迟的警务响应、无法打开公寓门、前后矛盾的证词等,最终凶手未被绳之以法。Ashley Flowers详细描述了案件经过,并分析了案件中反映出的社会问题,例如ABLA住房项目的糟糕治安、居民对执法部门的不信任以及社会对弱势群体的漠视。她指出,Ruthie Mae McCoy的谋杀案并非孤立事件,而是ABLA住房项目长期存在暴力犯罪的缩影。此外,她还探讨了Candyman电影与Ruthie Mae McCoy谋杀案之间的联系,指出电影的创作灵感可能源于该案件,并借此反映了种族和社会不公问题。总而言之,本期播客揭示了Candyman都市传说背后的真实故事,并引发了人们对社会公平正义的思考。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Candyman legend gain popularity?

It gained popularity after the 1992 Hollywood film, which was partly based on a short story by Clive Barker and a real-life crime.

Why might the police have initially treated Ruthie Mae McCoy's call as a disturbance rather than a break-in?

The dispatcher reported it as a disturbance with a neighbor, possibly due to misunderstanding the severity of the situation.

Why did the police not immediately break down Ruthie Mae McCoy's door when they arrived?

They waited for more officers and a key from the building's manager, which turned out to be the wrong key.

Why did the police leave Ruthie Mae McCoy's apartment without further investigation?

Neighbors' statements and the lack of immediate action swayed them, despite multiple calls reporting gunshots.

Why did Ruthie Mae McCoy's neighbors stay silent about the incident?

They feared retaliation from the killers who might still be in the building and distrusted the police.

Why did the Chicago Housing Authority not address the issue of easy access through medicine cabinets?

They often waited until someone died before taking action, and even Ruthie's death did not prompt immediate change.

Why did Ruthie Mae McCoy's murder remain unresolved?

Despite two trials, there was not enough evidence to convict the suspects, leading to their acquittal.

Why did Ruthie Mae McCoy become a target for her killers?

Her improved financial situation and plans to move out of public housing likely made her a target.

Why did John Malkovich contact reporter Steve Boguera?

Malkovich thought the story of Ruthie Mae McCoy's murder could be adapted into a movie.

Why does Candyman target people who don't believe in him?

The reasons are unclear, possibly related to the violence that led to his and Ruthie's deaths.

The episode introduces a series on true urban legends, focusing on the story behind the Candyman legend, and warns about the content's sensitive nature.
  • Urban legends often blur the line between reality and fiction.
  • Candyman is a vengeful spirit who appears when his name is repeated five times in a mirror.
  • The episode will explore the true story that inspired the Candyman legend.

Shownotes Transcript

Say Candyman’s name five times in a mirror and you’ll summon his vengeful spirit, then he’ll slaughter you with his hook. That’s how the urban legend goes anyway. It was directly inspired by a short story, a series of Hollywood films, and some suspect…a real-life crime. Don’t believe a killer can come through your bathroom mirror? Tell that to Ruthie Mae McCoy.

Ashley Flowers — creator of hit podcasts like Crime Junkie) and The Deck Investigates), and author of #1 New York Times bestseller All Good People Here — takes over as guest host for this Halloween special. For more gripping true crime stories, listen to Crime Junkie, and follow Crime Junkie on Instagram @crimejunkiepodcast) for even more exclusive content.

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