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What are you supposed to be, grilled cheese? That's what I said! You said cheeseburger. No! Yes, you did, guys. She said it. You're grilled cheese. Um, you know what I am. I'm Beige on Toast! I'm Beige on Toast! You know what I am? Beige on Toast! You know who I am?
- Spring roll, man. - Spring roll. - Spring roll right here. - That's my friend over there, spring roll. - And what we got over here, Samara? - I'm beans on toast, that's my friend. - Samara? God damn, you're scary, Samara. - Well, cover your face up more. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, now that looks good. - Yeah. - Nice, ooh. - Are you Steve Aoki? I can't tell. - I'm Samara. - What are you doing? Okay, okay. - That looks rad.
Are you going to trick or treat? You still trick or treat, don't you? Yeah, it's always fun. Do you trick or treat? What? Do you trick or treat? Dude, I haven't trick or treated. I don't really remember the last time. We should go.
Is it legal? Yeah. For us to trick or treat? I've never seen adults do it. Let me tell you something. We can only treat. No tricking out of you, bud. Oh, I love tricking. You can't be tricking in them streets. Only treats, Mike. Only treats, boo. Ding dong, beans on toast. Ding dong, beans on toast. Here we go with beans on toast. Honestly. When you do this, I do it.
You know who we're fans of? Arsenal Football Club. We're the gooners. Ding dong, beans on toast. Oh my God, you're on fire today. Love it. I love it. Honestly, best costume I've ever had. This rivals when I was a kid, I was...
What is it? Wait, no, no, no. Andy. No, Andy. Raggedy Ann and Andy. Look up that. My mom made me wear this one time. You didn't choose that? Your parents did. My mother put me as Raggedy Andy from Raggedy Ann and Andy. She didn't need to do much.
- What did you just say? - Yeah, what'd you say, man? - You think I got a triangle nose? Is that what you're trying to say, dude? I got a big red triangle nose? You know who these two guys are. You know who they are? - I know who it is. - Who? - Let me guess. - Wait, let her guess. - I get to guess too. - Yeah, who do you think Fancy and Carlos are? - What? Can I have clues? - Yeah, they're wearing the costume. That's the clue.
I think Andres is a city porg. You know what I mean? Like a porg got off that planet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then got a job in the city. Yeah.
Do you not know who they are? Dude, this is such a great opportunity. I know what it is. What are they? Bert and Ernie. That's right. Because they're gay. Whoa, that laugh, dude. Pretty close. No, dude, they're the Menendez brothers. Oh, they are? Yeah. Oh, wow. They're good. Is it Lyle and Eric? Which one's which? Eric's the handsome one. Eric is the handsome one, so neither of you. So you're both Lyle. Just two Lyles. And then McCone is Hannibal Lecter.
I don't know. What are you doing? I just wanted to muffle her. What did you want to do? All these years, you still can't get a joke out. I wanted to muffle him. Get it out, idiot. What is it? Muffle him. Muffle him. I wanted to muffle him.