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Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractible. This episode, Mechanic Mark has tingling cheeks but still makes the deadline, so wants to know his pals' red-eye moments. Witless Wade wants a bald mobile, has boffing dogs, insomnia, and gets wired editing for a vacation. Back to the show.
Back when Bob gets scam-spammed and shirks contractual duties for McD's and Cod. From roller chairs to Pokemon Blue. It's time for All Nighter. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.
Ah, he's not the intro. That's a bold move. Oh, you know me. I'm a bold man. You know who else is bold? Me. I've not had hair forever.
Oh, no. The view listeners of this podcast, welcome to another incredible episode of Distractible. And it's incredible because I'm here. Unlike those other episodes. I wasn't there. That was an artificial recreation of me. Mark's been checked out for years. Shh. Mark's been here. No, it's all Mark. Don't worry. I...
I am hosting today's episode. If you've never listened to Distractible 4, welcome. This is quite a first episode to come into. I think, anyway. I don't know. I'm kind of building on the stakes of this. But how it works is I judge a topic of my choosing, and these unwilling participants, Bob and Wade, who are contractually obligated to be here, have to play my game of mischief and wonder.
And then I'll pick a winner based on the points that I assign. I have my, my, you guys get a post-its today. Hey, that's pretty good. How are you guys doing? Oh, so good. Guys, have you ever seen those ads online that are like, is your chair not rolled very good on your carpet? Put rollerblade wheels on it and then it'll roll real good. I want them. That's great. I did it. Look. Ah!
I forgot my headphone cable is approximately three feet long. I think I still plugged it. It's fine. Anyway, look. Wow, man, that's crazy. Whoa, you're really moving in your chair. Me too, man. I got a really cheap set of rollerblade wheel upgrade. My chair rolls good now, which is delightful. Mine too. That sounds smooth.
It's the world's squeakiest chair. I fucking hate it. I got one of those plastic like floor mats to roll my chair on and my green screen rests on the very back of it. So whenever I roll backwards, it kind of sounds like in a construction site if you like hear someone step out
on the ledge of the metal pillar as I scoot back, and it's kind of a terrifying noise. What construction site are you talking about? Who's stepping on ledge? What kind of pirate ship construction site? They're walking the metal plank? You know, the action movie construction site rickety metal pillar noise? The big metal wampa? What? I'm so lost. I thought I was gonna... You know, when the crane holds the metal and they step on it, it's like...
I know exactly... Oh, that's not a wumpa wumpa noise. No, no, it's a... I'm... No, you're losing me again. I thought I found you. You know, when the stormy seas on the construction site, they're rocking the ship back and forth. What was the point of that? Okay.
because he's got roller blades and I've got roller death. Oh, back to you. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Good. Anyway, my chair rolls real good and I love it now. That's great. I don't know what ads you're referring to. You're getting so targeted. I get targeted for office supply ads. I don't know. It's not like a lot, but I've never seen the thing where they're like, put these wheels on your chair and it'll roll real smooth. And then it's like an office chair. Never seen that. Not once.
That's fair. I think people tweeting the word bald at me has made it to where I only get hair loss ads. I think the fact that I look at Twitter and it's just like, wow, Wade is bald, bald, bald, bald. It's like that everything's like, oh, he keeps looking at these bald messages. Maybe he needs some hair. Well, what do people tweet at me then? Crypto scam?
Do you get nothing of a crypto scam? I get so many crypto scams, guys. Half of my entire Twitter, everything when I go on that app is just some crypto scam or Web 3.0 NFT, whatever bullshit scam thing. And it's like, neat. I'll be sure to click on that. Oh, yeah.
I got some travel ad, a car ad. I don't like car ads. I love cars. Actually, a lot of car ads. Wait, no. Why? Let me know if you find a good one. Someone is still looking in this group. I thought you had one ordered. Well, we've got one on wait, but that's more for Molly. I still need one. Ah.
Can't you just get a Corvette then or something? If Molly's getting a big people mover? I could just leave and go probably buy a car, but like, I want to figure out which one I want. You know what you should buy?
I was trying to think of something funny, but there are no bald cars. Wait, are there hairy cars? I don't know. I was trying to figure out if there was... Eh, it's nothing. What movie was the Shaggin' Wagon where it was like a dog? Was it called the Shaggin' Wagon? Are you talking about the dog truck that they drive in Dumb and Dumber? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've not seen that since I was very young, so it's like I barely remember, but
Yeah, man, this is hilarious because it's like so far this whole puck is everyone just forgetting their train of thought halfway through, but not in the same way where it's like, oh, it's distractible. I didn't forget wheels, the office chair. I'm on point here. I never know what's going on. Neither do I. Anything else you guys would like to bring up at this juncture of the episode?
Sleep's important after not sleeping well for like a week, which maybe everyone in this call can relate to a bit. One with a baby, one with a movie baby, me with myself being the baby. Man, I love sleep and God, it's been hard to come by the last like three weeks. Wow. This is crazy because Wade just got himself the segue point. Ding, ding.
My brainwaves and yours are meshing. I like that gesture, but I don't want to say that I liked it. So today's episode is not about sleep necessarily. It's actually about the lack thereof, but a specific way. We're going to talk about all-nighters, right? The experiences that have called for them and when they have been necessary in your life and what for. Because last night, well actually yesterday, have we done this episode?
You guys are looking at me like I might have done. I don't think so. We've talked about sleep and stuff in a couple of ways, but I don't think we've done this specific thing. I was just honestly thinking of what I was going to talk about already.
Cool. Well, I'll tell a story first while you guys think of that. Because the past few weeks, I have been missing. In the past, I've done campaigns like, you know, Markiplier isn't real when I've gone away. This one was so short notice and so rapid, I just had to like dive into 100% or else I wouldn't have the chance again. And so I've been prepping, you know, the movie for a while. And I was prepping at this time to submit a version of it somewhere. I won't say where, but, you know, prepping.
prepping, packaging. So I was doing a lot of that myself. And long story short, it culminated to
yesterday. God, this was just yesterday. So I had only slept like an hour the night before and then four hours the night before that. So the night that I stayed up until like 8 a.m., it got to 8 a.m. and I was like, okay, I'll just try to get like an hour of sleep, but I better wake up. So I set like five alarms on my phone and then I set the oven timer because I didn't trust my phone anymore because you can't trust the alarms on it. And let me tell you, that oven alarm worked because I just, I woke up with like, the house is on fire. Oh, God.
Like I thought it was a fire alarm going off. But last night was even crazier because I had got it done, but where I am is kind of bad internet. So it wasn't able to upload very fast. But I had planned ahead and I was like, okay, I'll just, you know, I'll let it go and I'll start this. But then I realized I uploaded the wrong version of it.
Completely wrong. Very broken version. Just complete not what I wanted to show. So I stopped that and then I looked at the clock. And thankfully the deadline was not midnight where I was, but midnight one time zone away from where I was. So there I am at just past midnight here. I am calling around and there's someone here that was on the crew of the show, a
that Ana had connected with, Ima has like fast internet, fiber internet. Mm.
Ima lives 40 minutes away. Holy Christ. I do the math and it's like, okay, it is just past minute. I have less than an hour before the deadline closes. I literally ripped all the cables out of my laptop. That's why setting up took a little bit for today because I had ripped everything out of my laptop and I was like, I have to go immediately now. And I threw everything in my backpack. I made sure I had the right file. I double made sure. And then I
I went on the road and I literally do because I don't speed ever. So I drove like three over, but then I was like, I'm pushing it. Whoa.
Oh, this is the most important deadline of my life. Sixty six and a sixty five. That's good. You're a good boy, man. You should never speed. I don't know what it is. I can't speed no matter what. Like if I am in a hurry, it's just like I'm gripping the steering wheel tighter while I have cruise control locked.
to 68. It's like, old ladies are like honking, going around, giving you the bird. You're like, I'm in a hurry. Yeah, but it's, I don't know. It's just the way it is, but I get there and there's 20 minutes left. And so, uh,
the upload takes no time at all because it's like five or okay it's uploaded but then to submit it is a different process and I didn't realize you had to write a synopsis fill out the cat the like the main crew fill out the director writer and the main actor you have to fill this out and I put me me me
It's just like, this seems weird. And so I wrote like a little synopsis and it was 11.59. 11.59 when I hit submit and it went through. It just, it was like squeaked by just at the last second. I was so, so happy. And I was so grateful that there was the internet there. And I had pulled so many, what I would still consider all-nighters, even if you take like a nap.
I worked through the night just to like plow as much as I can, get an hour of sleep there four hours a night before. And it was worth it. It was very much worth it. And it's one of those things where it's like, yeah, it sucks to go through it. But I think there's like this, this response for the human brain where it's like, if you have a need, you know, Oh,
All other needs do go away. You can't pretend yourself into that mode, but once you're in that mode, it's like, shit, I gotta get done. Whether it's like adrenaline or just like this kind of urgency. Yeah, I would love to hear about you guys' all-nighters or any kind of like time.
based deadline based things that needed all of your willpower, whether it worked out or not. Do they have to be successfully productive all nighter? No, no, no. They can be a total failure. It could be no good reason at all. Like I've got it. I told about the other all nighter that I played Sonic Adventures 2 and my friends, my brother and his friend didn't believe me that I stayed up all night. So it's like it could be nothing.
The only time I've done all-nighters where I had a thing I needed to turn in was law school. I can summarize how I probably did four or five of these, where it was like the next day a thing was due at the beginning of class or whatever.
all of them went the same way and all of them were something like okay it's 9 30 p.m the night before it's due i've started on it but it's nowhere near done if i pull an all-nighter i've got 13 and a half hours before i need to be in that classroom handing in this or or sending the email so that it's time stamped before the the cutoff time got 13 and a half hours
I probably got a little time for some video games.
And proceed to play approximately eight to ten hours of video games. And then it gets to like six in the morning and I'm like, okay, gotta stop screwing around, guys. Need to focus. You know what I really need right now? I'm gonna run to McDonald's and get some breakfast real quick. I can't focus. I thought you were gonna say, I can't focus till we get a dub, guys. Let's literally lock in. No, I'm done with the video games. But it's way too early and I just pulled it off.
nighter. I deserve some breakfast. I'm just going to go to McDonald's and pick up a quick snack and a little caffeine. If you get home, sit down, McDonald's bag on the desk. Okay. Just a couple hours left. I can't work and eat at the same time. I'll just watch like one episode of something while I eat this McDonald's. And then I work on my project for 45 minutes, shit out the crappiest brief I've ever written in my life, turn it in, boom, B minus. Nailed it. Well,
45 minutes that's still more time for video games yeah man you had 15 minutes left yeah no i i i as i'm sitting there like all right well it takes 18 minutes to get to school from walking out the front door and i have like 36 minutes i don't even have to leave for like an entire round of pub g or whatever that was no i'm not i'm not a good i was not a good student
at all. I don't know how I got away with... What's funny is one of those all-nighters was for a thing in my contracts, one of my contracts courses that I took. In that class, I got a book award, which is an award they give out every semester to the people who get the highest grade in the class. Oh. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know what kind of special brain powers I have, but they make me horrendously irresponsible. And somehow I still get by with like...
I mostly get Bs in school, regardless of how terrible of a student I am. No idea how that worked, couldn't tell you. Don't be like me, kids. Do your homework, get some sleep. - I think that more people are probably like that than would ever admit it. All these success gurus and whatnot that say like, "I just gotta get up at 4:00 AM and go to work out."
No excuses. Da, da, da. And it's like, sure, they do that maybe, but it's like, they don't fill every single day with nothing but work. Even me, like here in the past three weeks, some of these days, I just like, I would go in there and I would move lights. I moved lights for eight hours straight because I was like, ah, let's tweak it. Ah, let's tweak it. Ah.
Let me tweak it. I think it was better before. Let me go back. Well, that's not what it was before. And I was like, it's like doing nothing. Spinning your wheels is like such a God. You're that SpongeBob meme where he sits down to write. He's like, it's just a huge ornate T. Because in the edit.
I was doing this one thing in the edit where I was like, I get so locked in, like, I can do something cool here. And I tried to make these two shots match cut to each other. I do that a lot. It just wasn't working. But I was like, let me try something else. Let me try that again. Let me move one frame here. Let me use smooth cut. No, cross it off. Let me cut out...
That shape, put it on. And I hours, hours on this stupid thing that no one's going to ever care about. God, I'd like to brag that I'm a good editor and I think I am, but sometimes I'm just my own worst enemy in editing. Nice segue because editing is one of the things I stayed up. I've got a few, I'm not set all night that often. Usually whenever I get together with friends, it'd be like, dude, let's pull it all night. We're going to play video games, watch stuff. And then like by 3am, everyone but me is passed out. And I'm like, what?
even my idea to do this shit why am I the only one awake so that I'd cave in but before a PAX one year I was recording oh god what was the name of the game I always forget the name of the game it was a horror game popular Craven Manor it was Craven Manor Settlers of Catan Settlers of Catan Craven Manor
Oh, okay. I think I've told this story, but like we had to leave for a flight. I think at 615 in the morning, we had to leave at 615 to get to the airport. And I finished recording. Oh God, it had to be like 530 AM. And I was like, okay, edit process thumbnail. I've got 45 minutes. Shit. I haven't packed. I can pack while it's rendering. And we were out the door at 617. But let me tell you that recording session, every death, I was like, dude, if I die one more time, we're not going to make our flight.
It was high pressure, high stakes recording of like, I gotta finish. I know I'm close to the end of the game. I can't die again. And worst thumbnail, probably worst editing job I've ever done where it was like, cut this out. Intro, outro, good. There's probably nothing I need to do in the middle. Render that shit. It's just...
I doubt I said a slur in there. It's probably fine. Yeah, I don't think so. Not today. How long are my videos usually? 48 minutes? That's probably right. I think that was still back in my, like, trying to cap at 15 days. I don't remember. It's been a while, but... Did I remember getting to the airport? Like, the adrenaline of, like, getting that done. It was like, I was wide awake. Then, like, halfway through the drive to the airport, my body is like, Kill me. Like, what? Oh, God, Molly, I'm tired.
hit me really hard about halfway there then like you know we had to fly there i don't remember if it was boston or seattle but like one of those two maybe i mean i guess there was one in san antonio back in the day too so i remember like falling asleep on the plane for like you know half an hour or whatever and then we got there and like friends want to meet up for lunch and then dinner and it was like yeah we could do whatever y'all want to do today meanwhile i'm just like looking at our hotel like a tear running down my face like bed bed no it's great to see you guys bed
bed. Oh man, it's crazy because when I woke up from that nap, like the hour that I got sleep, it was death. Like I woke up and I was like, there's no way I can do anything. But I was clawing myself out of my couch bed just because it's a bowl, right? So I put two couches together. So I have to crawl out of there and I fall. I don't know why I'm picturing like a lattice like Dutch or like an apple pie where you're crawling out of the crust of your bed. Yeah.
The bunk couch? Are you talking about the bunk couch? No. So it's like, and I thought, I thought like, I was just like, there's no way I need more sleep. I can't do this. Oh no, I'm not going to hit it. And then I had coffee delivered. So I like, so I had, this is the first time I've ever felt coffee instantly help because I woke up starting from my mouth. I swear to God, I don't know how to explain it.
As soon as I felt my cheeks start tingling in there and I was like, my body must just be absorbing it from my cheeks or mouth or something. And then I just started and then I was like, I can do this. I've never had that effect with caffeine before in my life. Like I drink caffeine every day, but it's just like that. It was it was a rescue then because there was no way there was no way, man. And then I was fine the whole day. I was shocked.
You know, another time I tried all-nighters was actually when we lived together, Mark. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
My freshman year of college, I went to college for music education and I played tuba. And for anyone who doesn't know, the way that works is my major was education. So a lot of my classes were like pedagogical classes. Like here's how they teach you how to sing so that you can teach, you know, beginning singers and all this sort of stuff. But also you have to still be in the studio that all the performance majors are in. And you have to...
still be reasonably good at your instrument. You don't just get to be a useless piece of shit on your instrument and become a teacher of music. And so I was in the studio and I was class was fine and school was fine, but I was struggling with the performance part because I'd never really played as a tuba player. I'd never really done a lot of solo stuff. I was always just in the band or in the, in the back of the jazz band or whatever. And I had no like virtuosity whatsoever.
I, if you recall, Mark, because we were in the dorm together, my freshman year of college, I also played a lot of Modern Warfare. Call of Duty 4 was relatively fresh. You brought a TV. I brought an Xbox 360 and I played so much Call of Duty. I literally, Mark was asleep three and a half feet away from me on our very safe bunk bed.
And I'm sitting in the middle of our dorm room, clacking away on COD 4 for just hours every night. And eventually, like I wasn't getting better at tuba enough. And I was like, you know what? I stay up like so late just playing video games and stuff. What if instead I practiced my instrument? And so instead of playing Call of Duty, there was a stretch where I would just go over to the practice rooms and get get set up.
And some people did that, but not a lot. Practice rooms during the day are like bustling, busy. Like you have to wait for a room. You have to really...
fight and not in the middle of the night no no one was that insane except for like i was hoping you were doing this in the dorm room you're like well mark doesn't wake up to call a dude dude so mark was the only person on the first four floors of our entire dorm that was like not a music major basically because we were in the ccm dorm they did not tolerate that shit
And no one, except for singers, because singers are singers and they just do it whenever the fuck they please. No instrumentalist would like get their instrument out in the dorms because you would immediately just get in trouble because it was obnoxious. But the practice rooms are open 24 hours a day. All you do is scan your school ID and go in there and practice. Fine. I did not get any better at tuba from playing tuba. There are some things because it's like you're saying, right? Like you reach that point at the all nighter where you're just like, oh, God.
Gotta keep going. It turns out that's not a good way to get better at a performing art. Like you can force yourself to do things, but you're not, you're not in a good mental space to be like, Oh, the tone of that note was a little bright. I should really do some long tones and work on keeping my, my tongue down and my throat open and really try and round out. Like in the middle of the night, I was just like, push the buttons, blow the thing. Yeah.
You know what doesn't make good music? Playing like a half-asleep robot person all through the night. No.
Yeah. So that was an experiment in, well, if I'm not going to sleep anyway, what if I didn't, it doesn't work. I should have just kept playing Call of Duty because then at least I would have had fun and maybe practice during the day. I mean, not that I didn't practice during the day. Honestly, I just lack some, some fundamental aspects of what makes a really good classical musician. I was a very, very good funk and jazz musician because I have really strong rhythm and that was my favorite thing anyway.
I didn't want to play in an orchestra. Get out of here, stinky orchestra. I think that subconscious like thought process there affects everything that we do. Like it really is like, even if your foremind is just like, I want to do this. I got to do the thing. If you're, if your hind mind isn't in, you know, rhythm with what you're thinking, it's, it's not going to work. And I think like, that's where all nighters are great when there is that urgency, because for me it's like, sometimes, you know, my,
my hindbrain in there is like, I can fiddle. I could, I could, I got to prep for the next thing. So I just like, it's so hot in there. So I'm like, I'll plan how to stay cool when I do this thing. So I spent a whole day like getting ice chests and coolers and shit like that. But when it's all together, it's, it's, it's amazing. And when those moments happen, they're just like really, really special.
you know when they don't happen whenever you think you've got the most brilliant plan in the world and it's everything is wrong with it uh we went to the vet years ago i think it was like 2018 i think it was the year we got our dogs what plan do you have at the vet oh trust me there's a plan i know how to cure animals we're like okay we gotta drive to minnesota and presley gets car sick
So what if we tell them this and they give us like some doggy melatonin or something, help them just relax, sleep on the drive. They're like, yes, here. I'm like, great. Don't pay attention. We take the meds. We're like, awesome. This is going to be great. And then I'm like, what if Molly? Listen, what if on top of this?
we drive at night because I'm like a night person, like 11 o'clock. I'm like, whoa, I'm awake. So we drive at night when the dogs are tired anyway and they sleep and you and I, we can stay awake till like four or 5am easy. I can stay awake till 7am easy. So we drive to Minnesota. We leave at like 10pm. We get there, you know, 10am. It's about a 12 hour drive and the last three or four hours be a little tough, but like we'll make it whatever. So we give the dogs their medicine and, uh, we leave the, we leave Cincinnati. We
We get to Indianapolis. In the backseat in the crate, we hear, I'm not going to mimic it for the sake of the audience, but we hear that sound of a dog getting ready to hurl. And I'm like, oh God. Well, first part of the plan, failure. I thought, why isn't he asleep? Doesn't melatonin mean you never wake up to anything ever? God, I hope not.
Well, it turns out they didn't give us doggy sleep medicine. They gave us doggy anxiety medicine. Like, oh, your dog's just very anxious. The problem is their anxiety. Like, no, he gets car sick. That's because of their anxiety. No, please just help him sleep. Relax. He's very, very anxiety. So we're like, why the hell did you give us anxiety meds? We thought it would help.
He's very anxiety. You might want to examine which vet you're taking your dogs to. Yeah, well, we did actually. But we get to Indianapolis, which is an hour and a half from Cincinnati, which is not 12 hours away. So I'm thinking to myself, I'm doing the math. I'm like, OK, now the dogs are in a crate swirling in their own puke. We have
11 and a half, we have 10 and a half hours left of this drive. We gotta try to like clean out the crate. So we pull over, start trying to clean out the crate, puts a delay, get back on the road. We brought some extra towels just in case, hit the road. We get like an hour further in and Molly and I are like, oh God, I'm tired. I forgot driving puts me to sleep. It's like the one thing that actually makes me tired. Oh, this is a horrible mistake.
We can't go back now. We gotta keep going. We're almost two and a half hours away from home. We couldn't possibly turn back. So like every, I swear every hour and a half, the dogs almost on cue would get sick. We'd have to stop and clean out the crate. We drive.
Molly and I are switching every hour and a half because we just cannot stay awake. We're like, we're so tired. It takes us an extra like two or three hours to get there. And by the time it's like 1 p.m. and we're pulling in, we pull in. I think we stay with her sister. I remember it's like getting out of the car. We're just like.
Okay, we got to clean the dogs to go to bed. They're like, hi, how are you guys? We're like, we got to clean out the crate and go to bed. She looked at me and I thought she was actually going to kill me. And she's like, we are never doing a night drive like that ever again. I don't care if someone died. We're not doing it.
And I was like, you're right, honey. Dude, I don't know if I've ever been more miserable than like the last six hours of that drive just knowing there was more dog vomit. Dogs are miserable. We're miserable. And I'm like, I'm a night person, I swear. As I'm like trying not to nod at the wheel. It was a really terrible all night idea. You know, the answer was right in front of you all along. The vet gave you anxiety meds. It just sounds like you were stressed.
We should have taken them. Yeah. How many dog anxiety meds are people good for there? You're at least four dogs of a person. Yeah, probably four. The dogs were like 10 pounds. I was about 220. So I just take 22 times the amount that the dogs take. Slug down the whole thing. Probably fine.
Sorry, Molly, no anxiety for you. How bad could it be to be even less anxious? What could go wrong? And I'm sure dog meds are the same as people meds, just a lower dose. You know, we could solve this problem. You know, Airbnb, right? What if we built
a bigger Airbnb building with like multiple rooms in it, right? Not what I thought you were going for. What did you say? I don't know why, but in my head I was like, ah, he's gonna make a like an Irish accent joke and be like, what if it's Caribbean B? Oh,
I don't know why. I'm just really disappointed that's not what happened. Why wasn't it me? Because it's like car B&B, but it rhymes with Airbnb. Car B&B. Yeah, Mark, why didn't you think about that? Why didn't you think of that? The most obvious answer. You're right. I'm so stupid. God, no. Fine. Say your stupid thing you were going to say or whatever. I already said it. It's like I was making a joke of it.
only hotels existed. Oh, I see. Yeah, you got to find one that takes dogs. It's the middle of the night. What do you want us to do? Look at our phones? There's tons. I've driven all over. There's tons of hotels that take dogs. Oh, God, we didn't have time for that. We were almost there. I can't. I can't actually contest to that. A test contest. No, a test to that as well. I drove cross country with Lexi and I didn't have reservations and I just
whenever it got to be time to stop i sort of googled and was like yeah these four hotels all accept pets let's do this we're already like a third of the way there might as well just finish it we're already like halfway there might as well just finish it only 10 more hours of driving what could go wrong no we had it they got sick once they're not gonna get sick again they got another system they're fine dude late night driving is such a trap i was always a late night person and speaking more about college where i went to school was a
about two hours away from my parents' house. And so like, and I had a car at school for several of the years I was in college. So I would drive myself home to like visit them for holidays or on the weekends. But it was always that thing where it was like, well, if I just, if I just go later, it'll be like after rush hour, right? And if I just go even later, there'll be no one on the roads. There won't be a soul out there. I can just make the drive, no traffic, no delays. It'll be perfect. And I somehow, I always ended up driving,
that that relatively short two hour drive, like at like, I would leave at one in the morning and get to my parents' house at like three ish. And I had, there were definitely some times where I overestimated how I, how good I was at driving in the middle of the night. And like halfway there, I would be like, Oh man,
Oh, and there was one time where I actually was like, I felt like I might fall asleep on the road. And I straight up just pulled over into like a truck stop and slept in my car for an hour because I was like, this is probably not safe. And I just is not a modern, you know, like a fancy 2024 car with it has like auto stopping or I had an old piece of crap.
that only worked most of the time at best and would not do anything to save my ass if I fell asleep while driving it. It's awful. Driving overnight is always sounds like a good idea to me too. It's always a bad idea. It was even worse with two of us. Well, it was good, but we had two of us to switch off. But like,
Whenever it's just you, you can like roll down the window, crank the air, turn the volume up. With two of us, with one of us like needing to sleep, it was like, well, I can't turn the radio on. All I need is to sleep. I can't hum. I can't do anything to stay awake. I'm just going to stay awake because I've got willpower.
No. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being so afraid you're going to fall asleep while cruising down the highway that you roll down all the windows, crank the music up as loud as you can, and you're singing Bohemian Rhapsody at full blast while you still feel like you'd rather just die in the ditch as you fall asleep on the side of the road. Looking like a zombie, just like, Is this a real life? Ha ha ha!
There is one particular stretch of road coming from Cincinnati to LA that goes like through Colorado going into Nevada, I believe, or wherever it is. There's Junction City is the other end of it. And there's a mountain pass in there. Have you ever been on that road? I don't think I, I only did that drive once. I don't think that's the way I went. I went through like Salt Lake City. I think I was further south than that maybe. It's kind of a road that's like closed during the winter or you can't go through it if you don't have chains, right? So that's, that's one of the stressful things. If they say you can't,
You need chains. You need chains. Like there's chain up areas going up and down. That drive is stressful during the day because these mountains, the way they are is they look like they're over your car. They're so tall and they're so vertical and they just look like this. And you're like, huh, that looks like any rock could fall at any moment. And I swear to God, when I was driving, when we were driving, I was in the passenger seat. I look up like, man, man, I wonder how often they fall. I saw one like just right there. Yeah.
And it's like this winding, like two lane highway with like a guardrail and a divider. And it's just like these winding turns and people are taking them like 55 and I don't speed, but everyone else is. And it starts later in the day. We've driven that at night. That shit...
That shit's fucking terrifying. Because if there is any light from the moon or something like that, you can just see the outlines of these jagged mountains. It's like mouths opening up around you. And then all of a sudden the moon, it's gone because the mountain just...
It's terrifying at night. Dude, I hate that so much. I having lived in North Carolina and had family in Ohio, we drove that drive quite a bit for because we lived down there for like six or seven years. And in in like West Virginia and Virginia, you drive through the mountains and
there are a bunch of stretches of that drive where there's just you're cutting it's not like the one you're describing but you are cutting through mountains and there's stretches where clearly there have been rock slides or whatever and rocks come down and land and the signs that like every stretch where that happens there's a sign that's like caution falling rocks and every time i see one of those signs it makes me so fucking mad because it's like just do i don't know maybe other people work differently
what does that help me with? What does that prepare me for? Like if I'm cruising down the highway at 70 and, and I see the sign and then had a half hour later, a rock comes falling down. I'm like, Oh, this is what they prepared me for. No matter what sign you put, if there's a rock falling into the highway, my reaction is, Oh,
And so the sign just like reminds you to be anxious the whole time. Doesn't it doesn't do anything to help. And my my even less favorite sign is there are some stretches where it's like caution falling rocks were rock mitigation techniques in effect or something like that, where it's like we put up some nets.
Clearly that doesn't work either. Fuck you guys. Like you put up some nylon ripstop nets for a three ton boulder. That's going to come crashing down the side of this mountain. Mock 30 into the side of my car. That's hilarious because like in LA, there's this one highway that goes right around this mountain. It's very tight. I think it's,
I don't know, the five to the 101, very Californians. But it has this mountain that has falling rocks on it. And there was a fence there. There was. One day, we get, like, you hear on the news, like, this highway off-ramp is closed because there's a rock in it. And the picture is just like the rock plowed through this fence. Like, just, it wasn't even there. It was like...
I hope I'm remembering that right because there must be a picture out there of this where it's just like, and it's like this lane's just closed. And I think about that because I'm like, yeah, you're right. If I look up, what am I going to watch out for it? I'm just going to see it coming. I'm just going to watch it as it's getting me. I'd rather not know. That's when you bring your butterfly net so you can catch them. All right. Net right here. I got it.
got it what they should do is treat mountains like roller coaster hills and just have you go straight up but let's like well the car can't go that it's like well you build a little track that hooks to your car pulls you up and you go wow straight down no you do it you do it like uh like those ski lifts where you don't it's not a ride-on lift but you roll your window down and there's a little rope with bars hanging off of it and you sort of pull up next to it and you grab the bar and then you hold on and it pulls you up the mountain with your car
Yeah, you just like your car helps. But then, you know, you just hold on and pulls your whatever. It makes sense. But your car neutral is grab a rope and hold on. Oh, you know what? If we're talking about drives, I don't know if I've complained about this on the show before, since we're talking about it. Another another hilarious feature of the drive between North Carolina and Ohio is there's a stretch. I don't know what happened, but there's a stretch in West Virginia where the road is like it's through mountains still. But it's like a like the ground is on. I don't know how to say it. The ground moves a lot.
I don't know if it's like Sandy or if there's like earthquake activity or what, but like, and that fucks with roads, right? Even if it's only a slight shift, if the ground isn't like really stable roads will, you know, get all wonky and crack and whatever. And there's a stretch where there are multiple points where there are big signs that, that are like, look out, there's a dip. There's a big,
dip in the road and like three out of four of the signs you see the sign and you're like oh and then right after the sign you're kind of like and you're like whoa that was a big dip but there's one where I swear to fucking god there's no dip and it's just a prank like you see it's a huge sign that's like caution dip in the road and you're like yeah
Who's that at? No? There's the dip in the room? It's gonna chase us down! I don't know. It's like a prank. I swear to God, it's like a prank. The highway department of transportation or whatever pulled Kizil. There's nothing. But then you spend the next five, ten minutes, you're like, dip? I get like that with railroad crossings. There are some railroad crossings that you hit and it's just like, oh, I barely felt the thing. And there's other ones that you hit and even if you're going slow, you're like, holy shit! No,
No matter what you do, like you can go flying over some, but it's like smooth as butter and other railroads. It's like they made that as fucking jank as shit to make sure that you get your ass rocked no matter how slow you hit it. God, that actually, you just reminded me of a moment I had last night that I had forgotten about involving something like that. I'm driving along and I hear what I think is an avalanche.
There's no mountains near me. It's those Texas avalanches. I know, right? But it sounds like an earthquake or something. Something is rumbling and it's getting louder. And I'm just driving. It's not even a highway. It's like a side road and something is getting louder and louder and closer.
And I'm so tired. But I know I can get home, but I'm just like, what the fuck is happening? Is this it? Is this dying? Is this death? And it sounds like it's coming from behind me. And then I'm like, okay, is it like a big vehicle? But I'm on the rightmost lane. And I'm like, there's no one passing me on the right. I look over and there's a train.
literally like speed, like perfectly matching my speed. And it's just like, it was the most cinematic thing I've ever seen in my life. I just look over and it's this train that looks like it's frozen in the air because it's just going the same speed I am. It looks so static. My brain took a few seconds to jar it out of like, oh, it's we're both going forward.
That was it. But I thought I was dying. I thought... Yeah, that'd be wild. I've never experienced that with a train. Yeah, I thought there was like a volcano erupting and this was it, you know? Texas is finally being sucked into hell. But it was so great because it just reminded me how beautiful... Like in those mountains where I was driving, one of the prettiest things we ever... We had a similar experience where this train was going the exact same speed and we were rounding a corner and this train popped out of a tunnel at the exact same time. It was...
beautiful train trains. I get why people get obsessed with trains because they are just like magnificent machines. I love big machines. They're so cool. And trains are just like, I get it. I totally understand the obsession. Some people can have with them because that like mechanical whales, they burst up through the dirt. Yeah. Kind of, kind of the lights on the front, especially at night because the lights are just like a big,
beaming light and it looks so different from anything else you've ever seen and it's moving it's just oh this is cool and then I died now have you guys ever done so railroad crossings change right they sort of get worse over time generally speaking they get more bumpy because stuff
the pavement breaks down or whatever. Have you ever had this thing where like, you know, this railroad crossing is like a smooth one in your head. You're like, ah, I don't have to slow down for this. This is a good one. But also it's possibly been a little while since you've gone over it. There's one near where we live now where I don't know why I didn't put this together, but we finally moved back to Ohio. Right. And we live in Cincinnati and I know I've this area I've spent a lot of time in a decade ago ish.
And so there's this one where I know this railroad crossing really well. You cross all the time. You go up and down the street very frequently. It took me a long, like an embarrassing long, long time to relearn that it's a fucking nightmare now. It used to be one where you could just cruise over it. It was perfectly smooth. And the first time I was driving somewhere and I was going in my head, I was like,
ah yeah this one's chill we go and it's you that thing where you go over it and it's just like and you're for a second you're like holy fuck did i break the whole car what the hell and it took me like several terrifying explosion bump festivals before i remembered like oh yeah it's been a decade that's not as smooth like it used to be when i was a child the year before you ever do that
No. I mean, I've hit them like that. Yeah, because you see like the car in front of you is like a Hummer or something. It's like an all-terrain vehicle and it like just cruises over full speed. You're like, dude, Civic can do what a Hummer does. And then it does not. How many Hummers have you driven? I also watched a person that was like...
Ah, the warning things are going off. Well, it's like a yellow light. That means you go faster. And they didn't get stuck on the track, but they did get hit by the thing that comes down. And unlike in GTA, that does not just snap. It was like on their car.
And she like, I think it was a lady driver. She could not get out of, she was just stuck there. Like part of her car just like hit with that thing until like the train passed and then it lifted up. Like you could tell it damaged her car pretty good. Oh my God. Yeah. Those things don't really mess around. They seem like they're not a big deal in like movies and stuff. Cause they just blow out of the way and they will stop you.
i'm going i've seen more than one video of people trying to get out like a like a secure parking area and there's like barriers at the end of it's like i'll drive faster they just crash faster they just yeah they cave more of their car in half like it's those things are very strong turns out they're not made of cardboard like they are in gta i try to think of their all-nighter type stuff i mean obviously with the baby i've done some involuntary all-nighters but that's a whole different thing
And it's okay if you're delirious as long as you're doing the correct things for the baby. So this is fine. I only had one other all-nighter thing I remembered. And I think I've told the story before where we stayed up all night playing Diablo. My friend and I, then we caught a raccoon in a net after cutting down most of my mom's tree in her front yard. What the fuck? What?
Is that why that completely unhinged behavior happened? Because you literally didn't sleep and then you were like delirious and decided that was a good idea? I don't know. We just like, we were super into it. We were like close to beating Nightmare Difficulty or something on the original Diablo. Oh, with the game. I thought you were super into getting the raccoon. I was like, why are you so excited? Super into this raccoon. No, no, no. We were
We were super into playing Diablo. We were like, dude, we're going to finish it. And we didn't know what we were doing. So like we didn't do stats or write it. So our builds were all like absolutely fucking terrible. We were like, oh yeah, we're going to get there. Took a lot longer than we thought, but we beat it. And then it was like 7 a.m. And I don't, I don't remember how we even saw it, but like we looked out and there was just a raccoon in the front yard. And my friend was like, we could catch that. And I was like,
Yes! Of course! It all makes sense! Destiny has called our name! It is time! And the raccoon ran up a fucking tree. We were like, well, little does it know that's where its grave will be because it can't go anywhere from there. Get the ladder! Get the tree trimmer! Get the net! Get the
dog crate. We've got this. I'm shocked you have all these supplies. Like, this is a very specific kit. Why did your mom keep a raccoon catching kit in the garage? That's her mistake, really. Well, it was a fishing net, and it turns out eventually the raccoon could have squeezed through the holes in that, so we had to be quick. I had to be quick because my friend had to leave for church. Apparently it was a Saturday night because my friend had to leave for church at the... Well, you're not going to leave that job undone. At the apex of our...
of four hours of work he was gonna leave and I was like you piece of shit I'll finish it myself and I did I'm gonna catch a squirrel without you and I'm gonna keep the whole squirrel you're not gonna get your share or nothing you said finish it did you did you eat the raccoon did you no we kept it for like six hours then released it oh okay all right I was like you kept it I'm like where
In the dog crate for like six hours. And the thing was not happy. That was the most miserable raccoon. And my mom's tree, dude, it was a big tree. Dumb kids were like, trees will regrow their limbs. We can cut them all off. We fucked that tree hard, man. Why did you want this raccoon so bad? Because we were stupid and teenage boys. And we just wanted to prove we could do it.
having been a teenage boy this is still a story where part of me is kind of like i don't know man this was mild for my friend group this was a mild decision we did some questionable stuff but i don't know about that man this one was a mild decision that had very little consequence except for the poor fucking tree and the terrorized raccoon did you at least feed it we tried was
Wasn't into it? No, it just wanted to sit in the corner and hiss and spit and be very angry at us. That doesn't make sense. It should be grateful. We saved it from that tree by cutting down the limb it was standing on. How high up was this limb? 10, 12 feet. Ha!
We were on a ladder to cut it down, and then whenever the tree limb fell, and I was like, oh shit, it can run now! And I went running after it with the net, and I literally dove on the ground with the net to catch it. This story never, never isn't funny. I just can't... I don't remember this story at all. When did you sail this? It's very Beverly fucking Hillbilly stupid shit. He definitely told this before, because I remember it, but... Yeah, that was the no sleep. Then my mom comes out at like...
I don't know, nine in the morning and like steps out. Like she had like a little, we had like a little fake balcony front porch thing. It's like, you'd go out and stand there, but there was no room to actually do anything. So it was just kind of cause,
cosmetic i remember her stepping out there like a cup of coffee and a cigarette and she's like the fuck are you doing and we're like catch the raccoon mom and she was like she mumbled something under her breath probably it's too early for this shit or like what you know who knows but didn't see her again until we caught it and then she's she just looked at the tree did the raccoon go immediately into the tree so for four straight hours you guys were just slowly dismantling this tree while the raccoon watched you yes man that is some that's some fucked up torture right there yeah
I mean, yeah, from the raccoon's perspective, this is the most terrifying several hours of its existence. That is horrifying. Meanwhile, we're like, oh, we're going to get you, you little shit. I have
I have one. It's not a very interesting story. Did you guys ever do like Christmas all nighters? There was a point in life and I had, I had a friend who lived across the street. We were, we were really into like scheming around Christmas for no real reason. Cause we didn't really do anything. But one year, uh,
I think I had gotten some of those walkie talkies, like the short range walkie talkies from from our bedrooms across the street from each other. We could talk to each other and we sort of like pulled an all nighter, like staying up, talking back and forth about what what sounds we heard going on in the house and listening to like the Santa tracker.
on the radio type thing and like oh santa tracker i was like sanity tracker wow santa tracker yeah i need to take my sanity pills it was just a in retrospect a really weird decision but we were just like screwing around and didn't want to sleep because we were excited about christmas and presents and stuff
He's technically an all-nighter. I think he fell asleep at some point. He was a bitch. All of our friends were bitches, man. They were always ones like, all-nighter tonight, boys. Get the soda. Get the chocolate chips. Get the Doritos. We're doing it. What? Then like 2 a.m., they're like...
And I'm wide awake, fucking wired. The chocolate chips? Yeah, we ate just chocolate chips for some reason. I get it. I understand. Were they semi-sweet or were they milk chocolate chocolate chips, though? They were bitter, pure cocoa. They were like the yellow Nestle bag that you use for making cookies. Yeah, there are lots of varieties of that.
I was 12, man. I don't remember. All right. Well, if they were semi-sweet, then you're all insane and that's a terrible thing. But I'll let it pass. I'll let it pass. They were always out by like one or two in the morning. And then I was like, I'll do it myself, you fucks. And then like 6 a.m. would hit. I'm like, I'm going down. I'd be out. I'm trying to remember what my first all-nighter was. I think I remember it. And I don't think I've told you guys about this one. So my dad...
after my parents got divorced, was dating around. And at the time, thinking about it, I didn't realize what was even happening at the time. So he would go, so one time we were over at someone's place and we were going to be there. I didn't know at the time, but we're going to be there overnight because my dad didn't run, but he had us, couldn't afford a babysitter. So we were along with, I guess, that whoever this person's house was, I don't even remember, some lady.
And she had a computer and she had Starcraft on it. And it had like just came out. And I think I'm almost positive that I just stayed up all night playing that because I remember playing it. And I can hear the music like of the game of the ambient music of Starcraft going on. And I remember playing it at night. And then the next thing I know, there's light coming out of like the windows. And I look over and I'm like, what? What?
What the hell? And then people come down the stairs and my dad comes out of the stairs and then I, no memory of anything after that. I think it was so tired, but I didn't even realize that I was tired. I think that's the first all-nighter I ever pulled and it was completely incidental. The first time I ever played StarCraft. Holy shit. Oh,
I didn't have a computer that could play it until around the time Brood War came out. And I remember when I got to go and pick up a copy of Brood War that came with the original disc so you could install StarCraft in the... Holy crap, that game hit so hard back then. Yeah.
I had that experience with Red Alert 2. When Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 came out. Man, that was a good one too. For me, like with StarCraft, the thing that mesmerized me about it wasn't just like the music and the ambience was cool and the graphics were cool and whatnot. It was the way the Zerg creep worked. The ground for the Zerg. I was obsessed with it. I couldn't understand anything. I was looking at it all the time. I'm like, it's so weird. What do you have to build on that? It's so strange. And I was fascinated by it.
by it. Good times. Anyway, any more all-nighters? No, but you reminded me of one where my dad was dating and I didn't stay up all night playing video games, but the girl he was dating had like two sons that were like, I don't know, five or six years older than me. Maybe even older, maybe like 10 years older than me. And I had a pet mouse at the time and they took me to a store and they bought me two new like mouse cages that you could connect and build like a big
mouse mansion that's nice i remember thinking like i was so fucking cool because i had like the three mouse cages i mean that is fun until you have to clean them turns out that sucks that's how pets are that's a lot of that's a lot of poop in the little tunnels you got to clean out but still that was very nice of them yeah it was i have no idea why they did it unless they were like let's appease this little shit so he'll leave us alone i
I thought you were gonna say that they killed your mother or something. Yeah, I thought it was gonna be a way worse story. They had no reason, like, you know, their mom's dating some guy who's bringing his, like, fucking kids, and it's like, they were just really cool. They play, like, I bought my PlayStation up one time, and they, like, played video games with me. They bought me those cases. Like, they were really nice. Oh, that's so nice. That's so sweet. I'll give you some nice older, not bros, but, you know. Potential. Could've been, yeah. My dad had just stuck around instead of dying, that son of a bitch. He took my brothers away. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Discovering games at other people's houses is such a, it's like such a strong childhood memory for me there. One time specifically I was at, it was family. Actually, it was like my cousin's house. They had a PS2 and I think they had the original Max Payne PS2 game and I'd never played it. And,
I just remember like we showed up and it was one of those things where it's like a family party, lots of family together. And we're usually, you know, I go make I'm supposed to make the rounds and say hi to everyone. I remember that time we showed up. I hung out a little bit. And then at one point, my cousin was like, hey, check this out and turned on the Max Payne on the PS2. And all I remember is sitting in the front room of that house playing that game forever until like six hours later, my parents walked in and were like, there you are. It's time to go. And I was like, wait, I'm not done.
What day is it? And then, yeah, like that, that experience of like, just like, cause I'd ever owned PlayStations. We were a Nintendo house. So every time I went somewhere and someone had like a Sega Genesis or PS1 or PS2 or something like there was just a whole universe opened up or if someone had a PC, God damn, my neighbor across the street had like a PC that had could play
play games we could handle some stuff god the joy of just someone turning something on and you're like i didn't even know this was possible that's how the pokemon blue was there was a kid on the bus who he lived one street over from me but he was playing pokemon blue i remember sitting by him on the bus i was watching him play it and i'd played like sega
Genesis, I played like Lion King, some PGA Tour games, Sonic, basically all games that you would play and you'd either lose or have to leave so you'd turn it off and start over next time. But he saved his progress and like I could watch his progress. Every day on the bus, I was like, I remember watching him grind. I was like, dude, this game is so complex. There's so much to do. You can save it and just come back to it tomorrow.
And every day I was just so intrigued. I was like, dude, I hope he beats the gym today. I was just so it was like one of my first let's play experience of like multi episodes. Like every day I was like, oh, I'm feeling sick, but I'm not going to stay home from school. I'll miss the gym. I got to get on the bus and watch him beat the gym leader today. I was just so fucking excited to watch him play Pokemon Blue on the Game Boy. Oh, God, that was the best.
the best. I watched in my buddy's basement the entire franchise. I watched him play TimeSplitters on the GameCube. God, those were some times, man. Just laying there. Some of those were probably all-nighters. Some of those were probably like, sun came up next morning. Eventually, we got kicked out because they had to go to church or whatever and I walked home and fell asleep. But man,
the excitement of watching someone else play a game and slowly like the progression so good final fantasy 10 i watched my friend play final fantasy 10 it was like all summer because it's such a long grindy game that's a good one for that there's a whole another line of memory anyway uh yeah mark all nighters they're great some especially the ones that are involuntary planned ones not so much involuntary ones are just magical yeah
The only one that was like, uh, naturally happened was that Diablo raccoon night for me. The other ones were all great ideas that were not. It went so well. I can see why. All right. I'm calling it here. Uh, let's see. What do we got? Wade, you have pirate construction site. I still don't know what you're imagining there. The beam held by a crane, like ricketing in the wind. Oh,
Oh, I know what you mean. You're talking about the I-beam that's strung by a rope. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And when it swings towards the camera, it makes a specific... It's like the metal and rope sound. Creaking. I can't creak. My bones do, but my mouth won't. My mouth don't creak.
All right, so you get the Pirate Conspiracy. Segway point, Kraven, kill me. Very anxiety, dogs. You got your butterfly net. Doesn't has... Destiny has called. What was that for? Oh, the raccoon, whenever he looked out and saw it. Ha ha!
Nice older bros. And then Pokemon points watch plays. Like, that's a one. Bob, you got roller blade. Oh, the chair. Right. Oh, yeah, that's right. I got some time for video games. You sure do?
You got two points because late night tuba, just really funny. And then push the buttons, blow the thing. Like, I want that on a shirt. That's a great slogan. Night driving, anxiety rocks, falling rocks, and then max pain. Max pain reference. You got that. Which if I did my math right, you want one, two, three, four. We have a tie. No.
A very, an actual tie that I wasn't paying attention to the point when I was doing it. There was a lot of good stuff today, which means that we have the wheel. What percentage is the bad part at? I think it's an eight. Isn't the bad part for Mark? Yeah, it's for me. I mean, it's kind of for all of us, but it's aimed at Mark because he's the host this time. Yes. I've got a good feeling, Bob. This is the time. The wheel will favor you. Oh, no.
I think I have a strong advantage on this roll. Boom. Wheel. Oh, boy. Bob Wade punishment. That punishment wedge is bigger than I would have hoped for it to look. This just makes it look weird because the camera auto- Are you holding a- Yeah, it's my light. I'm trying to make it look all dramatic and scary, but the camera auto-exposes and just looks weird. Kara, stop. Don't make me look weird. Come on, camera, please. Here we go. Three, two, one.
Oh, man. Doesn't get much closer than that. Be glad it's not 10%. That's what happened like the first time we spun it. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Congratulations, Bob. Yeah! This is worse. Wheels out here just fucking with you, Mark. Right. So, Bob, congratulations. You have won. Please give your winner speech. I did it. This was a fun one. It's probably just like nostalgia goggles, or I don't know what you call it, but getting to talk about the video games, watching your friends play video games in childhood.
I love that memory of doing that. And I was never the kid who played them. I was always a watcher. I loved watching. I would talk about that forever. This was a great episode, Mark. Oh, dear. Best topic we've had in a while. I loved it. I won because I loved it. And I loved it because I won. Can't beat that logic. Wade, you had equivalent points, so this is barely losing, all up to the wheel. Yeah, I also really enjoyed this episode. I don't know what we're doing, but... Sorry, look...
I have a hood on my lens and it was dusty and I couldn't stop. I couldn't leave it. It's dusty. Here's like Mark. Great idea. There's a special treat. If you go watch the video, go to the end. Well, I too thought it was a great episode. I had fun talking about sleep and all the different things and whatever have you. So great memories, video game stuff. Thank you, Mark. Bob, well, when, well, wind.
Good episode. All right. Well, thank you very much, everyone, for participating. Everyone at home, if you've had all-nighters, hope they were productive. They very rarely are, but when they are... It's magical.
So thank you for listening and or watching. We have merch, distractible store. Yes? Yeah. Accept no substitutes. Follow all of us at our various social animals. I'm Mark Blyer of MiceCream and LordMinion777 or Minion777. This has been Distractible. Follow or we'll get you. Did you say social animals? Yes. Podcast out.