cover of episode 201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201

201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201

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AI Deep Dive Transcript
AJ Buckley
Brandon Herrera
Donut Operator
Eli Doubletap
Tyler Gray
@Tyler Grey : 我在播客中分享的军事秘密视频之所以受欢迎,是因为标题和带有三角洲标志的图片吸引了大量中国观众的注意力。每年SHOT Show都会有大量中国公民来拍照,这让我很震惊,因为他们可以复制美国枪支行业的新产品。我在2013或2014年的IWA展会上亲眼目睹了中国公民公然复制枪支设计的情况。我们在SHOT Show上故意用反共的言论来戏弄中国YouTuber,结果他们删除了照片。美国与中国实际上处于冷战状态,但我们却允许中国公民来拍摄我们最新的产品。 关于Glock,除了生产手枪外,他们还销售马匹精液,这在欧洲非常成功。Glock公司最初是生产刀具的,Gaston Glock最初使用塑料制造枪支滑套的想法被认为是疯狂的,但最终成功了。任何事情都是可能的,只要有人敢于尝试。Glock手枪的设计理念是简化射击训练,提高射击效率,将保险装置集成到扳机中,以减少误操作。Glock手枪的设计目标是军警人员,其简化的训练流程是其在执法部门普及的原因之一。枪支公司会进行召回,但Sig Sauer P320手枪存在已知的走火问题,这是一个普遍存在的问题。Glock手枪具有三重保险机制,不易走火。Glock公司拒绝在其手枪上安装手动保险装置,导致其失去了军用手枪合同。 关于政府机构,我曾在阿富汗和伊拉克亲眼目睹政府浪费纳税人的钱财,这让我感到非常愤怒。政府的浪费是无法估量的,我亲眼见过装有数百万美元现金的飞机,这些钱的用途我完全不知道。加拿大和加州的衰落让我感到担忧,特别是加州在过去20年里发生的巨大变化。我在洛杉矶拍摄时,亲眼目睹了该市的安全问题和犯罪率的上升。 关于阴谋论,我认为Fortnite游戏是为了让移民做好应对边境执法的准备而设计的。普京利用高级俄罗斯Arma 3玩家模拟入侵乌克兰,这最终没有按照计划进行。政府经常浪费资金,例如向乌克兰提供的资金就存在大量缺失。 关于我的个人经历,我在2008年访问了伊拉克,参观了萨达姆的宫殿,并乘坐黑鹰直升机时,由于直升机突然下降,我吓得尿裤子了。我在伊拉克的经历让我印象深刻,包括在科威特空军基地看到TGI Fridays和星巴克,以及美国军队在海外部署的可移动汉堡王餐厅。美国在二战中拥有专门制造冰淇淋的军舰,以及向前线士兵运送巧克力蛋糕的故事显示了其强大的后勤能力。 @AJ Buckley : 我在都柏林出生,六岁时移居温哥华,并在那里开始了我的演艺生涯。我在好莱坞的早期经历非常艰难,我甚至一度露宿街头,经济窘迫。我在好莱坞的演艺生涯起起伏伏,曾一度经济窘迫。我在《CSI:纽约》中与加里·西尼斯合作了九季,他是一位非常慷慨的人,做了很多慈善事业,他创立的基金会非常高效,所有资金都用于帮助退伍军人。加里·西尼斯帮助我于2008年访问了伊拉克,参观了萨达姆的宫殿。我在伊拉克的经历让我印象深刻,包括乘坐黑鹰直升机时,由于直升机突然下降,我吓得尿裤子了,以及在科威特空军基地看到TGI Fridays和星巴克,以及美国军队在海外部署的可移动汉堡王餐厅。我在《CSI:纽约》中饰演的角色是一个口吃且紧张的电脑专家,我的表演得到了导演的认可,我的角色需要背诵很多复杂的医学术语。加里·西尼斯在表演中会长时间注视对方演员,这让我感到紧张,但他只是在表演中投入角色。 为了拍摄《海豹突击队》和《自杀小队》,我做出了很多牺牲,包括辞去工作和改变生活方式。为了追求梦想,即使面临风险,也要大胆尝试,即使失败了,也要继续追求梦想。在决定是否接受《海豹突击队》的演出时,制片人不断给我发短信。《自杀小队》电影的剪辑版本与拍摄版本有很大不同,《自杀小队》电影中有一个场景是我扮演的角色,但很多台词都被剪掉了。为了拍摄《自杀小队》,我做出了一个重大的生活决定,包括改变我的恋爱关系。 关于我的个人生活,我是在拉斯维加斯的一个派对上穿着西装跳进热水浴缸认识我妻子的,这听起来很疯狂,但这就是事实。我和我的妻子结婚后一直很幸福,我们有两个六岁的双胞胎儿子和一个十一岁的女儿。我和Tyler Gray在《海豹突击队》的宣传活动中发生了一件有趣的事情,我的宣传视频中全是他的镜头,而不是我的。 关于我的政治观点,我曾竞选国会议员,虽然没有成功,但这段经历让我对政治有了更深入的了解。 @Eli Doubletap : 我认为应该为创伤性脑损伤颁发紫心勋章,因为这也会造成伤害。 @Brandon Herrera : 每个人都会获得紫心勋章,因为每个人都会受伤。 @Donut Operator : Glock公司除了生产手枪外,还销售马匹精液,这在欧洲非常成功。Glock公司最初是生产刀具的,Gaston Glock最初使用塑料制造枪支滑套的想法被认为是疯狂的,但最终成功了。任何事情都是可能的,只要有人敢于尝试。Glock手枪的设计理念是简化射击训练,提高射击效率,将保险装置集成到扳机中,以减少误操作。Glock手枪的设计目标是军警人员,其简化的训练流程是其在执法部门普及的原因之一。枪支公司会进行召回,但Sig Sauer P320手枪存在已知的走火问题,这是一个普遍存在的问题。Glock手枪具有三重保险机制,不易走火。Glock公司拒绝在其手枪上安装手动保险装置,导致其失去了军用手枪合同。许多Glock手枪的竞争对手都模仿了Glock手枪的设计。 关于政府机构,政府的浪费是无法估量的,我亲眼见过装有数百万美元现金的飞机,这些钱的用途我完全不知道。关于阴谋论,我认为Fortnite游戏是为了让移民做好应对边境执法的准备而设计的。政府经常浪费资金,例如向乌克兰提供的资金就存在大量缺失。 关于我的个人经历,我在洛杉矶拍摄时,亲眼目睹了该市的安全问题和犯罪率的上升,以及他们改变法律允许1000美元以下盗窃行为后发生的事情。我竞选国会议员,虽然没有成功,但这段经历让我对政治有了更深入的了解。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What you've just heard is one of the many deaths from the monkey. The new major motion picture from Osgood Perkins, Stephen King, and James Wan. Experience it in theaters everywhere this Friday. Because everybody dies, and that's life. Let's have some fun.

Hollywood stories. How many kids in that basement?

Say hi to Eli. He's racially ambiguous. Brandon, his hair is fucking fabulous. Donut, a dark joke disposition. There's a fat electrician. Welcome to Unsubscribe. What's up, man? Yeah, I'm going to love this. Hold on. He's got to get his can opener. Three, two, one.

Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribed Podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Doubletap, Fat Electrician, AJ Buckley, Tyler Gray, Brandon Herrera, myself, Donut Operator. Thank you so much for being here. We just drank a lot before this. No, never. We're professionals. Yeah, we totally didn't just film the demo leaving episode right before this. We didn't drive no big deal. Drink six beers and do a shot about it. Yeah.

I know. I was like, oh, this is going to be a fun one. That was a Godspeed for both of you. We're going to be passed out halfway through the episode. How do you guys feel about Karl Marx? No, I'm just kidding. No, seriously. AJ and Tyler, what are you guys doing in town, man? Oh, wait. Did you open this? Yes. Oh, he just opened it. Five seconds ago. Did he say all our names? No, it's a TBI for sure.

I said our names. Hold on. I'm going to put a second Purple Heart on your license plate. That's gone already. I was like, Cody's still going to do the introduction. It's like Eli's brain is like an extra sketch.

Is that the Mandela Effect? He did the whole thing! He did everything! Talking to Elo is like watching the movie Momento. It's funny because I remember thinking, wow, Cody nailed that intro. That was a good intro. Cody's intro is done. Yeah, tattoo that. Cody's intro is done. I just wrote the note for him.

We opened the cans, right? When I did my opener? Yeah. Cans are open. We did that. We all silently agreed to gaslight Eli into thinking we've done the intro, but we actually didn't. That was a good time. Go ahead. Okay. I was like, oh, see, now. Hi, everyone. Welcome. Dude, I didn't know. No, we did it 100% in the realm of possibilities. Eli, we did the intro.

You literally just gaslit him that you were gaslighting him. Join the military. Oh, honey, you love being gaslit. I'm so glad you can't get a purple heart from TBI, which 100% should be a thing. Is that still a thing?

They were talking about it for a while. I don't know if they did that. They were talking about it for a while. It was one of the, Freddy brought that up. He's like, why don't they get Purple Hearts for that? I was like, that is actually a really good idea. I'll tell you why they don't, because everyone would get one. You'd come out and be like, I don't remember anything. They're like, well, Purple Hearts. To be fair, that's like World War II. They're like, man, so many people are getting shot. We need to change the criteria for Purple Hearts. Yeah.

Because everybody would have one. They're like, dude, you shot twice. It's like, well, you still got hurt. That still counts, I feel like. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so we have Tyler's back. Our boy Tyler. Hello, hello. Thanks for having me. Fucking reigning king of the top episodes on Hounsum. That's shocking to me. What did you guys film to have the reigning episode? What did you guys do the first time? Oh, Tyler casually was like, you guys ever seen a CQB AT-4?

And we're, uh, what? It's like Thermobaric RPGs or whatever you guys are talking about. That was cool as shit. And Tyler was like, well, you didn't have one? It's like, yes. Yeah, that's why our face is like... That's not the technical term. That was our joke term for it was the CQB-84, which is actually a really cool design. It's got a water thing of water in the back. So it basically...

goes off and the counter charge blows back water. It's a pretty sweet design. That's pretty fucking neat. Every 11 Bravo has used one. I forget this short. The shock on his face when a medic from the National Guard never got given a CKV. No, I'll tell you exactly why that episode did well.

It was because he put the title, Military Secrets? Question mark, question mark. That's where it came from. With the Delta logo. Yeah, with the Delta logo. So 80% of the views are from China. Oh my God, the Delta guy gonna spill all the secrets. You guys see any of those fucking pictures?

at SHOT Show now? Dude, every year. It blows me away that's even allowed. Oh, yeah. You guys are going to have no... What did you say? I didn't hear. So they're going to kick out Eli Duckworth for making Glock horse cum jokes at SHOT Show. But they'll allow like 80,000 Chinese nationals to show up and take pictures of all the new products from the American gun industry. Like you straight up will have

Chinese nationals all over the show floor. Like taking pictures. There was one dude this year that had a 3D scanner. No way. Like brazen. Dude, this is a true story. So I got invited to go run a booth. This is 2013, 14, I don't know. At IWA. Do you guys know what IWA is? Yep. IWA is like the German SHOT Show.

And it was a very advanced pistol that I was at the booth for and it was pretty cool. It's a pretty revolutionary design. Anyways, I was there. What was it? Well, it...

At the time, it was the Strike 1, the Arsenal Strike 1, which has a revolutionary feature, but they screwed up a lot of things. The pistol's been, now it's being made by, I think a friend of mine actually bought the rights to it. But anyways, it's a very revolutionary design if you look at the way the gun works. It's got a low, low, Borax. Borax is very, actually the lowest there is. Anyways, and the way it's got a locking, a rotating locking block. It's a pretty cool, pretty unique design.

And so I'm working at the booth and I'm like showing how it works. I got my little spiel. This dude comes up, obviously Chinese. How could you tell? So I've been quite extensively throughout Asia. I've been around Asia. I'm pretty good at wrecking. I can tell the difference. I put it this way. I can tell the difference between Hong Kongese and mainland Chinese. So I'm pretty good.

I'm pretty skilled. So you're like super racist. I'm super good. What exactly are you? I want to call you a slur. So I'm like looking at this guy. I'm like, this is definitely mainland Chinese. This is not even Hong Kongese. And...

And basically, dude, he busts out this camera and just starts taking photos. And I mean taking it apart photos. And I came over and I was like, he didn't even speak English enough to tell me what he was doing. And I literally had to get security to get him away. But he was going around just taking guns apart and just taking every 400 images of photos so they can recreate it. Just so next year we can see the same pistol at the Holosun booth.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. You did the joke with the ones that wanted your photo. Well, so yeah. It's the one that Nick made us tell last year. The story where we had some Chinese YouTubers that came up to us at SHOT Show and they wanted to take a picture. And as a joke, we're all like tipped as hell. So we go in for the photo and right as they're taking the picture, we go, fuck communism. Fuck communism.

And the guy taking the photo goes deadpan and takes the SD card out of the f***ing camera. Oh my god. So we probably got f***ing beheaded. Dude. You guys are savage. Yeah, it's the only time I've seen, like, they took the card out of the camera. Oh, wow. But this year, the joke was, every time we'd see a group of Chinese nationals, like, I'm just f***ing sick of it at this point. It's like, you guys are like, we're basically in a Cold War with f***ing China at this point, and we're just allowing their people to come in and take f***ing pictures of all our new shit. Like, that's... Come on. Are we trying? Yeah.

No, the answer is no. We would just come up and we see a group of them walking by or trying to take pictures of shit and we'd just lean in next to their camera and go, Tiananmen Square. Can we... East, or what is it? What do we call them? West Taiwan. They really like it when you call them that. I just got back from Taiwan. I was literally there in December, actually. You go everywhere. I...

Yeah, I've been around recently. I hate traveling, but I love it too. I know by the time you're calling me, it's like 2 in the morning. I'm like, I was asleep. I was like, why is it midday for me? Weird. I know. We were in Australia and New Zealand. We were trying to connect and get stuff. It was a nightmare. It was horrible. Yeah, it was a nightmare. I feel like we brushed over something that I feel like I need more information on.

kick out a shot coat shot show for some horse come by what are you familiar with glock i've heard of a little bit yes so they primarily make their income manufacturing in georgia yeah no like what product oh uh see a dark block firearms yeah oh yeah would you would you guess the other product that they're known for selling

I guess it's horse cum? Equine semen. Correct. What? Yeah. Yeah. That's a full ass thing. What? Yeah. What? What?

There's a lot of money, man. Glock sells pistols and cum. They don't like it when you joke about it for some reason. Legitimately, that's a really higher tier thing in Europe where they're just like, oh yeah, well you've made millions and millions of dollars. I guess obviously you're going to get into the racehorse game. Oh, racehorse game. So they legitimately have a fucking like...

equestrian center of Glock. That's not right. That's weird. Guns and Cums. It's the good horsey guy. I can't wait to make my new rap group, Guns and Cums. That's crazy. Glock started actually by making knives. Yep.

Really? Oh, shit. Yeah. So interesting story. They first made knives. They still make the Glock knife, but on the Glock knife is a plastic handle that's injection molded. And that's why Gaston Glock's experience with plastic came from making those knives and the plastic scabbards. He was like, I know plastics well. I'm pretty sure I could make a gun out of it. And the interesting thing I'll say about this with the firearms industry or every industry is, you

When Gaston Glock was like, "Hey, I think I can make a slide out of plastic." Everyone was like, "That's insane. A frame has to be metal. Plastic frames will never work." It just goes to show you and Gaston Glock's like, "I've been working with plastics for quite a few years. I think you're wrong." And then boom, now everyone. It's like innovation. I'm going to tell you right now, here's a fact about a product. Anything is possible.

Period. Anything is possible. And anytime any industry in the gun industry is excessively bad at it, and the movie industry is the same, they go, oh, that can't possibly work. And then someone goes, I think it can. They do it. It works. And then everyone goes, let's all do that. Every fucking brand now, to include brands that made only metal frames, are making plastic frames. But it started with Gaston Glock all because he...

was just like, I think I can do that. Every time you go to SHOT Show and there's a new Glock killer, it looks exactly like a Glock. Oh, it's exactly the same. It's like a striker-fired pistol. It's like, yeah, no shit. That's like, he came up with that in 1983. Good work. Yeah.

Congrats, you're half a century behind. You guys laughed, but Sig figured out how to make them shoot themselves. He's a real innovator here. Their collaboration with Isaac Newton. That was a P320 joke, how they just have a tendency to go off on their own. Really? The Taurus was having that issue. The Taurus-Bretta copy. It was in Brazil. They threw it on the ground. Oh my god.

Oh, wow. The 320. Yeah. So for Fat Pew's, me and Pewview's show, we're doing a P320 versus a Glock 19. And we're going to use blanks, obviously, but we're going to have the loaded gun and we're going to see what it takes to actually make them go off by dropping them. And I've just, I already, we have a, we have a,

grain silo that's like four stories high that we're already going to go and throw the Glock and the P320 off of while they're loaded to see if they go off. I guarantee you I can overhand a Glock in a brick wall as hard as I can. A Glock has three drop safeties built inside of it. It's impossible to make a Glock go off on accident. It's very well designed that way.

God, I have so many questions. Well, what a lot of people don't know is that it's illegal to import. I believe this is correct. It's illegal to import a pistol that doesn't at least have one safety or like a certain amount of redundancies on the safety. Probably, yeah. That makes sense. I know Glock has three the way the pistol is designed. What's...

That's why it's stupid that Glock lost the contract for the new service pistol to whatever they named the P320. It's the same fucking M17. So, like, M17 beat it out for the military contract for the sole reason that Glock refused to put a manual safety on a Glock because it's just fucking quadruple overkill. You know, I mean...

So I'll tell you another Glock story because I'm a gun nerd. You've handled one. People are going to learn something. So Glock, here's the interesting thing. And this is why Glock is Glock is because the reason that he made a Glock was because at that time, again, this is the late 70s, early 80s. And he looked at it and you had two pistols. You had a revolver and you had an automatic gun.

All automatics, I mean, all, right? There's exceptions to everything. But most, the vast majority of semi-automatics had a manual safety. And there were massive statistics on how many times somebody drew and didn't remember to take off the manual safety and therefore didn't fire around and were killed. So Gaston Glock, being the genius he was, he's like...

Now that didn't exist for a revolver. You pull out a double action revolver for it, pull the trigger, it fires. So he's like, now who was using revolvers at the time? Cops. Glock wanted to make a gun for the military and law enforcement.

So he's like, I want a gun that's semi-automatic, but when you pull it out, it just fires. You don't have to manually train to put off a safety. So he was like, well, why don't I put the safety into the trigger? And he did that so that you could just pull and worry about shooting, not have to extra train. So really the Glock was designed to reduce the amount of training it took to fire a service

weapon in combat or that's why sig is ahead of everybody and being innovators because you don't even have to pull them out what if you don't even know

But the last part of that is the reason that the Glock replaced specifically the Glock replaced Double action revolvers for law enforcement is because it was the same in training you pull it out you pull the trigger at five

fires there wasn't a need to retrain a department in semi-automatics to replace their revolvers and that's why Glock I mean one of the reasons Glock is so prevalent in law enforcement do gun companies do they do recalls then if there's if there's an issue with yeah yeah so is that a recalled gun then Glock no no for the sake for the sake uh there's been a couple they also have I mean it's not like a Jeep

Take your gun to the gunsmith. Rotate it apart. It has happened. Oh, we fixed it. Blah, blah, blah. All the recent ones are like, I've seen the videos where it's like a cop just like

literally talking to somebody and his gun just goes off. What? What the fuck? In the holster. Completely holstered gun and he's like talking and it's just like security cam footage and the gun just goes off and Glock is like... Are you sure that wasn't a pager? He re-holstered that the wrong way. Sorry, Sig. Sig is like he re-holstered that the wrong way. Whoa. Glock, my bad. Gaston, God rest his name, would never let that fly. But it is...

security footage of it sitting in a holster and going off dropping going off like and then people trying to prove it doesn't go off when they drop it and it going oh no yeah oh yeah the whole thing and then they're like uh send those back in if you want we'll fix it if you want it's just like a known thing now that happens and like all sig fanboys are just like okay with it it's pretty funny

I don't dislike Sig. I have a couple other guns. It's a perfectly acceptable gun, but let's just not...

Pretend like that's not a prevalent issue. Yeah, I mean you have two options You have the company's still trying to perfect firearms and you have the company that perfected firearms decades ago and has moved on to horse come Do you take a shower and still smell bad do you suffer from thigh folds do you know how to play Magic the Gathering

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New customers get $5 off the starter pack with our exclusive code. Unsub. That equates to over 40% off your starter pack using special code. Unsub at Boost your confidence from head to toe with Mando. AJ, what is your background in everything? I was born in Dublin. Hey. Hey. Damn it, show's not here.

Yeah, I left Ireland when I was six and went to Vancouver, Canada. I was in Canada until I was 17. Then I booked a movie in Vancouver. It brought me down to L.A. And then just, yeah, my career just sort of started there. I always wanted to be an actor and stuff since I was five. That was the only thing I ever wanted to do. That's awesome.

Yeah, I went down to Los Angeles and went out for an audition when I was there. I got an agent and ended up booking the first job there. And then it was, it wasn't that, I mean, I ended up. Sorry, what, like a year-ish? This was 1982. Yeah, 82. This was 2000.

2001 okay 2000 yeah 2001 2002. um and then uh i think he had a bit of a dry spell lived on my car for about a year and a half because i was too old to play like a cop to

Too old to play high school and too young to play copper. I had peach fuzz. I just started to shave. And then it kind of went through this really sort of rough spell. I got messed up with the wrong people and everything. Hollywood's like this pretty flower that just eats you alive and wants you to send you home. So then I just...

I was like, should I go home and get a nine to five, which is nothing wrong with nine to five, but I was like, no, fuck it. I'll just, you know. - Canada was the issue, not the nine to five job. - Canada was cool back then. But yeah, and then-- - The future 50 for a state. - Yeah, and then I was, it was probably 2007 when things sort of turned around again. I was at like $32.95 to my name. I still have it. I got the bank receipt from Wells Fargo that day. And I got a call, I booked CSI New York

It was at the time when the CSI New York was the third of the franchise that came out. And then I booked a series regular on that. And then my sort of life changed forever. Yeah, with Gary Sinise was the star of that. I did nine seasons of that with Gary. I don't know if you guys have ever met Gary or ever had him on the show. Dude.

He's a rad dude, though. Honestly, he is the greatest. I really mean this. There's not many human beings on this planet that I just... He is the most selfless human being ever. He would do things during CSI New York that there was no cameras there. He would help build houses. He would just do things out of his own pocket.

And just, and it was never cameras. He just, the amount of stuff that he's done to the veteran community and then how the foundation is run, the Gary Sweeney Foundation, and that all the money goes to the people. Like you'd actually see in the amount of how, just everything that he's done and what he represents.

He's sort of the gold standard, I feel, of foundations. Did all of that, like, kind of come from the Lieutenant Dan role? Yeah. He was really... He comes from a military family. And, yeah, but the Lieutenant Dan role really did that. And he started the Lieutenant Dan band. And then...

I mean, every other weekend he's at a hospital or he's at some event or he's at some things. So when we got sealed to him, I called him up and was like, hey, how do I really get involved in this? Actually, in 2008, he sent me. I was like, I want to go overseas. So he sent me 2008. I went over to Iraq. And, dude, it was crazy. I had no fucking clue. You went in 2008? Right when you guys were doing the push to Afghanistan. Yeah.

Yeah. That was still the search too early. I stayed at Camp Liberty at Saddam's Palace there. Yeah. I think the three-star general was like General Jacoby, I think his name was. That was early 2008? Yeah, yeah. No shit.

And, uh, but it was, it was crazy. Like I went there to, we pull up, we flew into Kuwait and then we took a C-17 to Delta FOB. And I'll never forget this, like flying in and they, the guy didn't like, we all had like a person that was with us. Um, like, uh,

team guy or whatever, like, this is your buddy. And I was like, oh, wide-eyed. And this guy's like, oh, fuck, I got this idiot. That's so wild. Dude, you're going into a cop. Like, this is Serge, all right? This is not. That's what's more wild to me. I'm like, oh, man. No clue.

And the guy's like, he's like, are you scared to play? I'm like, no, I'm good. I'm fired up. This is great. He's like, okay. He's like, just get ready. He's going to get weird. I'm like, why? And just as he said that, it did that like strategic dive down to land. Below radar. Map of the Earth, baby. I was like, oh my.

It's like aliens and it's like, you know, he's like on the drop ship. Yeah. So we went and stayed. We flew into Dunstapop and then we Blackhawked to Camp Liberty and we stayed there. We were there for...

15 days and then we would go out each day to different fobs and hang for a day or two at the fob some days we got there would be a sandstorm and we'd have to stay but it was awesome like it was a real really cool thing I mean one of the days going over solder city we I will never this is like true story I

literally pissed my pants like literally pissed my fucking pants in front of a bunch of people i was so scared i'm such and we're going over in the blackhawk and we had like blackhawks and there's some apaches and we're going over and i guess whatever happened they picked up that there's some radar something was on it and our blackhawk like turns and fucking flares start going and i don't know what's happened on but everything went quiet on the comms and these were

They were firing shit. Dude, I pissed myself. I was like, I thought, and I had like a campfire, like a tour, like, oh my God. I mean, fair enough. I'd never heard a 50 Cal go off before. Like, this is way before SEAL team. So I'd never, I didn't know what the hell. And then it was crazy when we landed.

The kid that shot the gun, he watched the show. He's like, can I get a picture with you? Well, he had that Halo-looking mask on. Yeah, the big one. And this was way before Halo, but it was just... I was just like, oh, shit. Yeah, of course. And he took it off. And this kid was younger than me. He had some peach fuzz. And I was like, this motherfucker had balls of steel while I was sitting in the back pissing my pants. And then I also got... On my first Blackhawk ride, I went to the right side in the back seat. So that air was like... Just eating the...

It was pretty painful. I thought this will end at some point. It was like 30 minutes later. I was like, God. When you get off in Kuwait...

Yeah, how hot it is. Oh, and we saw a smell so we we went to the return There's the air force in the world the air force base there in Kuwait is where they had a staying at but but I couldn't believe like we only landed they had us like a Convoy which now from the show? Like where we'd have like the lead vehicle then we'd be in the middle and and they just wouldn't stop for anything I was just like oh my god fucking this is nuts like just I'm just going through all things like see passing camels on the road and they pull you this hotel and there's a

TGI Friday in a Starbucks, I'm like, what the fuck? He did say it was an Air Force base. Wow, a movie theater and a pool. What? It reminds me of, I don't know if you've ever brought this up in a video. No, I think you have. The deployable Burger King. The deployable Burger King? Yeah. Oh, yeah. America has a deployable Burger King that can be anywhere in the world in 24 hours. That's what we refer to as a tactical athlete.

semi-trailer that you can pull out of a C-130 and it's a fully operational Burger King. Somebody's getting money for that behind the scenes. There's still, every once in a while on a road trip, I'll stop and get a Whopper. Everyone's on a bad road trip, you get a Whopper. Whoppers are still f***ed.

They'll eat, they'll, you'll shit your pants after, but it's, it's worth it. Just a fucking Whopper or the chicken sandwich. I'll go for it. Could you imagine being an enemy of America? Being like, oh, I haven't had food in a little while. Supply lines are weak and then America pulls a...

Burger King out of a plane. It's like, oh shit. The king walks out in his costume. And he burgers out to troops. Europeans have to look at that and think that's the most American shit ever. I think I started to bring this up and got interrupted in a previous podcast, but you don't know the chocolate cake story, do you, from World War II? What?

I know the ice cream story. I don't know the chocolate cake. Yeah, there's the ice cream ships. That was with Japan. That was like when Japan realized we were fucked is when they found out we had entire naval vessels whose whole job was to make ice cream for the Navy in World War II. That's pretty dope. He's a historian. On the German front, I haven't read the actual...

Because I can't read German, but allegedly there's like a German officer that they interviewed and they were like, so like, yeah, when did when did you realize the war was over? And he's like, we intercepted American mail and like in the mail on the front lines, somebody had shipped him a chocolate cake and it was still good.

And he's like, that's when we realized that the American logistics is going to win this war no matter what. We're fucked. They just got a fucking chocolate cake to the front lines from the other side of the planet before it got bad. In the 40s. Yeah, in the 40s. Wow, yeah. How was it when you started doing that? That is a wild experience. That's awesome you went through that experience. You signed up for that? You're like, I want to do this. I really wanted to go. I'd seen the Gary Sinise...

the Lieutenant Bay, he would throw a concert every year for the entire CBS lot that we're in. Actually, the crazy thing is when we filmed CSI New York at CBS Radford, it ended up being the same studio that we filmed Seal Team at. So like five years, six years later, came back at the same stage. We were on stage three for nine seasons for CSI. I don't think you ever told me that, which is crazy. And then stage 23, we were on that stage for seven seasons. So that studio became like a second home. But

Gary Sheets would throw a big fucking party for them and I met a bunch of guys and was hearing the stories and again it was very fresh it was like you know and it was there was how far into like your professional acting career are you at this time when you went over this is my first real like CSI New York changed my life completely like how many years into that oh I'd be so

I got my first gig on the X-Files, like season one of the X-Files. AJ's been in a ton of stuff. And he looks, I can say this, he looks, I had worked with AJ for probably a year. And then he starts posting clips of stuff he's done. I'm like, I know, like I remember that episode.

That was you? He's like Gary Oldman. He looks completely different in each role. Like completely. Doesn't even look like himself right now. Like multiple. Dude, he could show you the role he did on... Entourage? Yeah, Entourage. You did Entourage? Dude, he didn't just... Oh, shit. Yeah, like, give me the coke.

That's him. He starts posting stuff. I'm like, I didn't even know that was you. Yeah, dude, he crushed it. He looks very different in each role. I mean, in CSI New York, he's a nerd. He's literally a computer nerd. I was a forensic pathologist. But I remember the day when they were testing me out for it, and I'm

super dyslexic and I have real trouble reading anything. Oh, you'll get along with all of us. And so I have to hear fucking everything to memorize it. So the day that they wanted to test me for the show, they had me come because they were going through lab texts. I was just there to drive the story. I would show up on page nine. I'm out on page 33, 34 unless they let me out of the lab, which was only three times and every girl I had got murdered.

So it was a sad case. So but the first word I had to say, and it was with Gary Sinise, and I knew that this is my test, like, it's a filmy down thing. And so and usually I have like, you'd have like a day or two with the lines to memorize it. They were just like, come down to the set. Here's your stuff. Go. So I see this big monologue stuff. I'm like, Oh, please, God, this like, make my brain work.

So for some reason, when the first word was methoxydiisopropyl triptamine, and that was the word was like that, which is basically, yes. I remember every single big thing.

on that show because it would haunt me. So I get through this, start doing the scene and I'm flubbing over the stuff and I'm just, I'm totally sweating and I keep hitting over like thermals and all this other stuff and the director calls cut and I think, all right, they're going to, I'm done. And the showrunner

Pambese is like, she's like, she's yelling from behind the mask. She's like, keep whatever that choice you're doing of playing them really nervous. It's hysterical. Keep doing that. We love that. I'm like, oh my God. That was on purpose. She totally thought of this coming in and doing this like,

He was like this bumbling, mumbling guy. I'm a method actor. That's a bit. I'm so good. I can make myself sweat. The character's name was Mac. Mac, Mac. So then the writer started to write me mumbling.

and bumbling through the things as they were, we love this dude, great choice. And I was like, it wasn't until like years later, like I'd done, I'm like, guys, I would actually shit my pants. And they're like, what? I'm like, no, this is not a character. Like I'm still, when you give me big words, I'm really terrified. And Gary, and Gary, years there, I was telling you this story. Gary,

I had such admiration for him for everything he did on stage as Steppenwolf and like, you know, he's in Forrest Gump and Ted Tan. So as an actor, he was just somebody that I really admired. But he had this thing that in the scenes, his character would just stare at you and just like really just stare. Yeah, just he looked pissed off all the time. And I'm getting in my own head. I'm like, fuck, I hate Gary. Gary fucking hates me. Gary seems to hate me. So I'm thinking this in my head while I'm doing the scene and then it's just making it worse.

And I'd always be like, see, I'm like, Gary, I'd stay out of his way and stuff. And I told him later, I'm like, dude, I was, he's like, what? He's like, you were, I'm like, I thought he was like, no, man, he's like, I was just, I was just in the scene looking at you. He was like, and in my mind, I'm thinking this character, Adam's an idiot, you know, but I know you're not a real idiot, AJ. I'm like, oh,

Thanks, Gary. Just your character. But let me say, AJ, you really sold it. I mean, really sold it. But that show was a massive game changer. So, AJ. Save on Cox Internet when you add Cox Mobile and get fiber-powered Internet at home and unbeatable 5G reliability on the go.

So whether you're playing a game at home or attending one live, you can do more without spending more. Learn how to save at slash internet. Cox internet is connected to the premises via coaxial cable. Cox mobile runs on the network with unbeatable 5g reliability as measured by UCLA LLC in the U S two H 2023 results may vary, not an endorsement of the restrictions apply. You know, I'll tell this story. So when I show up on the show, I'm sorry, I'm still team. Um,

So they're like, hey, can you, they called me up on like a Wednesday and they're like, hey, can you be in New Orleans on Friday? You know, for, I think it was six weeks. And I was like, oh shit, man. You know, like I, and I had to move a lot of stuff around at that time. I literally, I actually quit a job to go work on San Diego, which is a whole story in itself. But yeah.

Dude, they're hitting me up for like, I'm figuring out my life. Like I got to, I literally quit a really good job to go do this, which was a huge risk by the way. Um, which I'll just tell that story very quickly because I think it's important. Um, I got called, I wanted to work in Hollywood and you know, I, when I got the, I got a big movie when they called for squad, they're like, Hey, can you leave? Which one? The first one. First one. I'm so sorry. Um, Oh dude, it was actually awesome. The, they,

So I'm friends with David who directed it. I mean, what we shot was an awesome movie. What was edited was not an awesome movie. That's what I hear. Yeah, but I'm telling you right now, I was there for six months filming. What we shot was awesome. A very good movie. What was edited... What was shot was not a comedy.

What do you mean? The studio can fuck up a good production. I know it's shocking, but... No way. You've stressed it so many times. What was shot was a lot of good stuff. I mean, dude, they could have edited an entire movie of just Joker and Harley Quinn. Like, they had enough footage to just do an entire movie with them. And I was actually... So there's actually a scene, by the way, that I'm in that you don't know it, but the scene where the Joker goes into Harley Quinn's...

Harley Quinn's cell. There's a guy that opens, excuse me, the door. I like the tail end of the movie. Yeah. It's a very, I think it's actually the last scene where there's a guy in a gas mask. He opens the door for a Joker. Joker goes in and then he guards the door. That's me wearing a gas mask. I couldn't, I had to have a gas mask because I'm actually in the movie as a good guy. So I couldn't also be a bad guy. But anyways, I just did that.

Anyways, dude, there was a lot of dialogue in that scene that disappeared. But that scene was shot for like an hour on screen and it's 30 seconds in the movie. Anyways, when I got that job offer, call me up, hey, six months in Toronto, can you leave in three days? And I'm like, yeah.

So it was a big life decision. I'm like, this is the direction I want to go. So I dropped everything and made some pretty serious ramifications to the relationship I was in at the time. And it was like, this is the direction I want to go. And I left and I got, I ended up technically getting SEAL team that call directly from that.

SEAL Team happens and again, I get a call, "Can you leave in a couple of days for six weeks?" I had a really good job at the time and I was just like, "Man, I got to try." I got to try. And so I quit that job and ended up going. My whole point is, dude, if something is what you want to do in life, no matter how good what you have is,

you gotta reach for the thing that you wanna do. And I can tell you it was those two decisions were the debatably two of the best decisions I've made in my life was letting go of what I had to try and grab on to what I want. - Everyone at this table.

I know everyone here agrees with that, but I want to say it to the audience because if those decision points come up in your life, go. Just go. It's going to be scary as fuck. It's going to be scary. Don't think too hard. Go. Reach out towards what you want. And you can definitely fail. You could fail.

it up. Yeah. But you'll never regret it. No, no, you can fuck it up. But when that opportunity comes up again, try it again. So the story I was going to tell is dude, during that decision time, when I'm like, I'm trying to like, I'm like making major changes to my life. I'm getting a text twice a

day from the damn producer going hey AJ Buckley really wants to talk to you he's ready to go he's looking for a military guy he's really high can you take him shooting I'm like dude I haven't even agreed to do the fucking job yet and they're just like man he's ready to go I literally got 10 or 12 texts before I even agreed to fly I was making my bathtub coming up out of my bathtub

Oh, yeah. He's like doing breathing exercises in his tub. It was bananas. But I show up, man. And yeah, AJ and I just started rocking and rolling. Yeah, we hit it off. Yeah, we hit it off. What was like, you're like, okay, I'm done. X, Y, and Z flew over. Pissed myself flying in. Yeah.

Blackhawk and now working with Tyler. Well, crazy thing. So I started watching a bunch of different shows and I watched the selection, which that he did with, um, what was it? History Channel or whatever? Or, um,

Was it History? It was like what that Fox show is. No, no, no. It was History Channel. Sorry. It was like what that Fox show is now. What is it called? Special Forces. Special Forces. So it's the – it was the Special Forces one. But theirs was like the first one. So I was watching it. It was like me and my wife were like, oh, this Tyler guy. So I literally when I first met him, oh, you're Tyler Gray. He actually knew who I was. I was like, what? The fuck did you do from that show? So I was already fanboying. And then we – I just like – I wanted to –

I didn't grow up shooting guns really. I shot like a handgun. You already said you're from Canada. It was out there. We had UK first. So then I was with you on the ship that we were out there shooting when the first night I shot the 249. Also, I'm aware of how many Irish people I pissed off by saying that. I didn't want to bring it up and make it more awkward. For those who don't know, that was a dig. Hard

owner of this is she is from Ireland and moved here two years ago. I looked around, she wasn't there and then I felt like a dipshit. That's right, yeah. I was like, where's she? Where's she from? Ireland. Her and her husband moved here three years ago from Ireland. Dude, if you ever get a chance to go to Ireland, I highly recommend it. She's from the white part of Ireland. You guys should go do a podcast there. laughter laughter laughter

100%. Graph shows. You should definitely go to Ireland, though. It is... You will get to the countryside and just rent a car and do the coast. It'll be by far one of the best trips you've ever had in your life. Really? Yeah, you guys should go do a fucking podcast there. How long is the drive for the coast? Around... You could do it... From here to Ireland? No. No. I can't still Ireland. Like, what'd you get there? I think you could do it in...

Like, are you stopping or not stopping? Whatever. No stopping. You could do the entire coast and it'd be a good trip, like 10 days and stop, like a bed and breakfast and have a day or two here. Like, but awesome. Like, just, like the village, you go to these tiny little villages and it's right out of a fucking

storybook but you just like the Irish people are so welcome they just open the door like as soon as you meet them they'll like invite you to like you can stay at their house like they'll give the shirt off the back to you there's a Guinness yeah like Guinness is a whole you'll learn the true proper way to pour a pint of Guinness and the Guinness here and the Guinness there taste a hundred percent different like my mother used to pour the doctors used to prescribe Guinness

for the kids. I love this country. If they were lower in iron, the doctor would say, I'll just pour some Guinness in his porridge. Did you just say porridge? I believe so. Trout, introduce yourself. This is our boy, Connor King Trout. Where did the other guy go?

Hi everyone, Ozempic Cody here. Historytism. You know in the cans of Guinness, there's that little ball at the bottom for keeping the foam right, like it's on tap?

That was the invention of the year in 1999. - Was it really? - You wanna know what it beat out from second place? - What? - The internet. - The internet. - No way.

That is awesome. I still want to know why that helps you if you're low in iron. So, well, the doctors, the Guinness would be delivered with, when the milkman would come around and they would drop off Guinness and milk. The Guinness man? Mom's banging the Guinness man. I look a lot like the Guinness man. But yeah, they would pour Guinness on our

our oatmeal. And, uh, and then like, I always remember like my, like when we were sick, never had that before. We were sick. We would have whiskey, like hot water, whiskey and sugar. And they'd wrap us up in a blanket, kind of like a hot toddy, hot toddy. But then we'd be like four years old. And like, that's why they call it a hot toddy. It's a hot toddy. Yeah.

Literally wrap a hot towel around their head and give them alcohol. It's a hot toddler. There you go. He's so docile. But next time you have it, get it and pour it. The proper time to drink it, if you get like a quarter, right, and you hold the pint glass, and when you first pour it, you'll hit it. It'll have like a tunk, tunk, tunk sound to it. And when it's ready to drink, it'll go tink, tink, tink. Everything just sort of settles in it.

So, and one of the things I'll teach is like when you're over in Ireland, when everybody's pint glass is about here, order the round. Cause everybody, every, you don't buy ever a drink for yourself. You buy for the table you're at. It's just very rude. If you have cigarettes, you throw them in the tape, in the middle of the table. Like it's just a very community based thing. And so if you see sitting down at a table, you, you buy around for everyone, but don't order it down here. Cause a proper pint of Guinness takes like 5%.

five or so minutes for it to settle and pour out the thing. So if you're the idiot at the table that doesn't know and it's your round and you miss things then everybody's waiting and then you're that guy. So you sort of gauge it halfway through everyone's there and comes around and if you have 10 pints of Guinness like you're full but there's less calories in the Guinness than there is in a Coors Light. What? This gave me anxiety about drinking in Ireland. I'm like painted in gold.

I remember taking my cousin to, we were in Mexico, he came to visit, and in Ireland, when you ask him if it's a good time, you say, how's the crack?

so how's the crack so you would say how's the crack so if you're out on a night we were actually crack like crack like the crack it's very different question yeah so we were in mexico my cousin kept saying people downtown san antonio they asked the same question how's the crack and people that like people are looking like what and i'm like dude you can't say that we're gonna

Throwing a gill. And so, of course, you have a few pints of me. Hey, how you doing? How's the crack? And then fucking, like, everyone would turn to you. Like, it's like a, it's a weird segue. It's like, everyone's having like tequila and something. My cousin would be randomly like, how's the crack? And everyone would stop and be like, what the fuck is this guy doing about? It's like a hick.

I've heard show and Dave say that before. It's like, what's the bullshit? Yeah, what's going on? What's cracking? What's shaking? Yeah, so what's cracking? But when someone says it late night at a club or walking up to someone, how's the crack? He's saying to anyone. He would say it to everybody. Me and Trout were just talking about Irishmen going to Mexico last night at 3 in the morning. Oh, no. During the Spanish-American War? Mm-hmm.

There was a bunch of Irish people. This is a random conversation. Anything historical is actually not random. Because of him. You literally, am I correct in saying you literally have a degree in history? No, I just read constantly. He's got an intense historical knowledge. Autism. Try to. Autism.

During the Mexican-American War, there was a bunch of Irish guys that came over and they basically got drafted to get their citizenship in exchange. And so they had entire brigades of just straight up Irish dudes that were getting their citizenship and fighting in the Mexican-American War. There's a guy. What is his name? He's a famous gunfighter. He was one of them. He's my favorite. I got to remember what his name is.

Oh my God, I'm going to look it up. But he got drafted. I think he volunteered actually for the American War. He was Irish and he became this like, I think it's... I'm going to look it up. Go ahead. Sorry. No, you guys go ahead. Anyways, all these Irish dudes were in a unit together. It's like they're all from Ireland getting their American citizenship or whatever. And they go down and start fighting the Mexicans. And after a little while, they're like...

Wait, is this history? No, this is real life. The great American pastime. I'm sorry, I didn't know if this was current or historical. I got confused. I was like, wait a minute, are we talking about today? History repeats itself. I still want you to tell your Fortnite. All these Irish dudes get over there and they're like, you guys are Catholic too?

Fuck, tortillas are awesome. They literally ended up switching sides and sort of fighting for Mexico. Oh, you see it? And the Mexican-American war, and there was like a huge Irish population in Mexico because of it. Actually, there is, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's why. Holy shit. What year is this?

Mexican-American War, 1800s. It's around the Civil War. It's close to the Civil War. Oh, wow. Robert E. Lee, I think, was a colonel in the American military during the Mexican-American War. It's just after the Civil War, isn't it? It's just before. Oh, just before. Late 40s, early 50s?

I think so. Something like that. I'm going to find that dude's story. I wonder if there's anybody named Jesus O'Neal down there or something like that. Patrick Rodriguez. Mario O'Brien. I got Mexican gingers. Oh, actually, well...

Canelo. There you go. Canelo. Literally. So as Brandon wants me to tell you my conspiracy theory. So you know how like a lot of military games were actually like kind of secretly covertly aided by the government for like making the army seem cool or like we're going to make Arma so they know damn near how to pilot a drone out of the gate when they get to training. Shit like that. They made an entire, dude, when I enlisted there was an entire first the army game.

Yeah, exactly. So I have a theory. I think Fortnite was invented for ice. Please elaborate. If ice busts in to deport a bunch of Mexicans and they just start building structures really fast so you can't get to them. They want to be prepared. You've got to know how to combat that.

Just picturing my people. We're here! How is that physically possible? Are you harboring enemies of the states beneath the floorboards? This, or did the enemies of the state just make this f***ing house? If they were under the floorboard, you'd f***ing know. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.

You know that Putin had the world class, or not world class, but the highest category of Russian Arma 3 players simulate the invasion of Ukraine. I did hear about that, I think. Oh, I did not know that. How'd that go? Not according to plan. Turns out expensive. What do you mean you want me to program tanks from World War II in the modern warfare game? I

I remember everybody was just like, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. Oh, Russia's going into Ukraine. It's not going to happen. We saw the headline. They're like, Russia just moved up a shitload of blood reserves to the Ukrainian border of like blood donation, like blood bags like that. And we're like, oh, yeah.

It's probably going to happen. It was like a couple days after that headline. Did you see that? There was a headline I saw yesterday where Zelensky was saying that they've only received 78 million of the 100...

Oh sorry, 78 billion of the 178 billion that we've said. They don't know where, they never received... Oh yeah, they're casually missing 58% of it. Yeah, they're missing $100 million. $100 million. It's also a crazy way of saying thank you. Yeah, I was just like, what? It's a fucking bad day to be a Twin Tower. I was like, what the fuck? The government accidentally gets me. I'm going to pee. Great exit.

The government can accidentally give me 50%. I'm like, you know what? Thank you. That is crazy. It was during the Biden administration at some point they said like, oh yeah, well, we accidentally gave Ukraine $5 billion more than we meant to. It's like, well, what the fuck? But you're not due to get it back? I mean, dude, anyone who's dealt with the IRS, it's like, you know, you're like, hey, you guys, it's like, it...

The government waste is unfathomable. It's like the military. Tyler, what would you know about it?

That's the thing. It's like, I always tell people, I'm like, dude, look, you can say what you want, but I work for the government. Like I know how absolutely insane it is. I've flown on planes with millions of dollars of cash that were just freaking a handout that going where I have no idea. It's crazy to me. And it's, dude, it's, it's, it's,

The stuff I'm talking about. So that episode that we did with the... Yeah, I said it when we were on the plane. Remember I said I was like... What a fucking crazy thing to say. I was like, I never flew with this much money, but remember you and I were talking about it. But my point being is just what I saw personally, not what I've heard or heard secondhand, let alone thirdhand, just what I've seen personally in Afghanistan and Iraq, it's the craziest. It's just...

We hand out money like it's water. It's crazy, crazy, crazy. And I mean, it's, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. And, uh, you know, I am very happy with, you know, somebody coming in, uh,

to reduce the absolute waste because it's taxpayer money and that's not okay. Somebody that's had to actually run a business and make a profit for a couple decades and know how to do it, that'd be cool. If I have to hear one more person that can't spell the word tariff have an emotional crisis about tariffs, I'm going to lose my-

But whatever, what we do with that Canada or Mexico, Nick? That's the new meme. Somebody replied to my fucking tweet about the tariff thing. I was just like, man, it feels like Trudeau's just doing as much fucking damage as he can before he leaves. Somebody's like, I don't want to be too harsh with my words here, but I just, I feel like if we keep going this way with American-Canadian relations, we won't be there when you need us. And I'm just like,

Not that we haven't been on the same side on a bunch of stuff, but like, was he, need is a strong word. Was he speaking from the Canadian perspective? Yes. Yeah. Oh, that changes things. Yeah. Like, Mexicans are pissed. Yeah. With Trudeau and Canada, it's changed like so, so much. I used to love going back to Vancouver, working there, doing all this stuff. But like, even just like,

Just to see... Vancouver, just for reference, Vancouver's fucking wild. If you live there, cost of living is insane. It's the most expensive city in the world. Dude, it used to be so beautiful. People cannot get into the market. Young people cannot buy houses. The rent is... Everything about it is... When you go film there...

And just to go get like, you always know because you have your per diem what they give you when you show up to film. And you'll go, oh, go stock up the fridge. And you will go to like a regular, like they have a Safeway up there. You'll go to a regular Safeway, which is like a grocery store. One pack of cigarettes. For a hundred bucks Canadian, you will get maybe five items, tops. And it is not good. And beer markup is like, you're paying almost triple even.

I remember being a kid and buying books. I'll just give you an example. You buy a book or a toy. At least when I was younger, it was always like this. Everything you buy had an actual price tag on it. The only price tag was cost.

And then C, Canadian. I just remember being a kid and being like, well, I'm glad I don't live there. Like everything's 20% more. Imagine having to pay in CAD. And the sad thing is like, Canadians are awesome. They're great people. They're like, they love their sport. They love their hockey. They just, they're very patriotic people, but it's, it's been really sad just to see what like bad management can do in there. And just how,

There's no way that they can get out of the position that they're in. Every time I get upset with Canada, I see immediate footage of farmers from Canada blowing manure onto government buildings. I'm like, never mind. I have confidence in these people. The trucker thing was bad.

That was crazy. Those guys, the Canadians are awesome. They are awesome. And that whole thing, what they ended up doing to the truckers afterward, they were freezing their bank accounts and stuff. That was just such overreach. I mean, Trudeau is on tape saying, when somebody asks, what's one of your favorite countries? And he says, China. He says that on an interview. You're like, what? Why would anybody...

compare Canada you know I feel like it's the same as the United States where like you have people in the rural Canadians are fucking dope oh yeah awesome people that live in the fake world that is a big city yeah and they think they know how the world works it's like homie you live in a fucking illusion how he feels about Canada is exactly the way I feel about California

I grew up in California. I was born and raised in California. And California in the 80s and the 90s for that matter was fucking rad, dude. California was awesome. The California I grew up in. I grew up in Bakersfield, though, by the way. Bakersfield, California is basically if Bakersfield, California switched places with Austin, Texas, the United States would make sense. More sense.

Because it's true. You mean little LA? Dude, Bakersfield is the country music capital other than Nashville.

So it's like Bakersfield, Buck Owens, Dwight Yoakam, all those things. So it's like Bakersfield was like Texas and California. The oil industry was one of the main reasons why. But I used to go to the Long's Drugstore and there was a pistol counter from here to the wall. It was huge. It was just a very different place. And just seeing what California has become in the last...

20 years is just... It's honestly sad. Yeah, I mean, we left five years ago. Four and a half, five years ago. And just to see what... California and that whole Los Angeles, it's such...

Great memories for me because it gave me the start of my career. I remember I have so many moments in my life that were life-changing moments as a young man in that area. And then just when you go back, even when we're filming, when I flew back the last couple of seasons, and just to see, because you get an Airbnb or whatever it is, and you would just... There was so many years when I was living out of my car, I didn't feel like...

Unsafe. Unsafe. You feel unsafe at all times. There's just an edge that comes over you where you're like... Do we used to film... A lot of people don't know this, but I'll tell you. It's a fact. We filmed a third, which is a lot. We filmed 130-something episodes of SEAL Team. Debatably, a third of those were filmed in downtown LA, which you wouldn't expect. But we filmed about a third of those in downtown LA. And dude, we filmed in so...

Bad areas like we filmed in an alley where they like throwing shit on us. Oh, yeah Literal human. It was it was crazy I mean we've seen quite a lot of things but dude we'd film in areas that you know security would have to ask where you you know to the car it was that bad and Dude downtown was just out of control. We had a guy in a tent. I remember Max. I were in a tent He's just pounding his bishop good shit. Just


I mean, Max is a good-looking guy. He's a good-looking dude. I get it. I get it, buddy. I get it. With you on film going for the first time to LA. Oh, okay. Without any of the cameras. I was like, you caught on. There's cameras in the unsum house. No founding of the Bishop. It's a different show. Going to LA for the first time. And your reactions of Hunter Street and downtown LA. It's a fucking dump, man. Oh, yeah. It was never like that. That's one street from... What's the... Rodeo...

Skid Row. Skid Row. And not the 80s band. No. Much better. Great band. 18 and Life, classic. Dog eating a rat. It was, yeah, people, you get the zombies, the fucking fentanyl zombie.

Oh, yeah. But you see what happened in San Francisco? Have you guys been to San Francisco before? I have, but I'm not going back. I'm going only two months. I shot a series up in San Francisco, and it was...

It looked like... It did. It just looked like an old video game that you play. You know, like... Oh my god! All the needles falling out of the person. You gotta get Narc in...

Eli, you need Narc as an arcade game in here. Oh yeah, that's a good arcade game to put in the background. You like shoot him and the freaking money and drugs are falling on him. I think there's an actual app. Oh, I know. I think there's an actual app that they have where people have actually shit and you can put... Yeah, you can track. It's literally like, it's glowing. It's just one big pile of like dots where people...

We took Cody's girlfriend to LA because we did a movie premiere six months ago or some shit like that. And she thought we were kidding. But it's like we were in LA walking the street for maybe 10 minutes. We were just like, oh, first human shit. And she's just like...

No, no, we weren't exaggerating. It's literally that bad. Dude, everything changed. I mean, look, it was on a decline, but dude, COVID is when everything, hard, hard change. I mean, it changed overnight, you know. Most small mom and pops shut down. It was like 70%. Dude, we had a bunch of friends that lost, like generational restaurants that

were just gone within a month. But I mean, the homeless stuff was out of control. But again, it wasn't that, you know, suddenly the restaurant owners are on the street. It was that what they were tolerating. And I'll tell you the craziest thing. And again, people can say whatever they want. I was there. I saw it. I was there when they changed. I think you had already left.

I was there when they changed the law to allow the under $1,000 theft. Oh, yes. I was there. Oh, yeah. And I think it was in Albertsons. Don't quote me on that. But I think it was in Albertsons in...

What was the name of the area I lived in? Studio City. So it was in Albertsons and Studio City on the corner of Ventura. Albertsons is like a grocery store? Yeah, yeah. It's Safeway. Same. Normal grocery store. Not super cheap. Not high end. Just a normal grocery store. So they just changed the law. I was there. And again, I'm not exaggerating what I'm about to say. Dude, you just see person after person come in.

Grab a handful of food and just straight walk out. Not even run, just walk out. Dude, not run, not even be, I mean, chill as a cucumber. Grab a freaking, grab a thing of food and just walk out. And I remember... When the game tips off, the NBA action is just beginning on FanDuel, America's number one sportsbook. Because FanDuel is your home for NBA live betting, however you want to play. Now is the perfect time to join. Make every moment more with FanDuel, official sports betting partner of the NBA.

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I wanted to like hurt them. You know what I mean? Then you'll get arrested. Then you'll get arrested. And it was like this weird struggle that I had where I wanted to do them physical harm, which by the way, I know is not the correct to re, you know, action to somebody just stealing food, but like, it's fair to be angry when you live your whole life following the rules and then you see somebody brazenly break it with no consequences. Yeah. I mean, honestly, if they would have grabbed it and like did some effort running, I'd be like, okay,

You're going to become a vigilante riding the New York subway. I do. And I just, it was really frustrating. And what's crazy is at the time they had like one security guard and then over time, you know, within six months they had six security

You know, because they couldn't... You couldn't, as a person, stop... And a guy tried to pass this law in California, which, to be fair, I do understand what his thing was. He didn't want... It was a law which got a lot of shit, but I actually agree with the guy's intent, even though it was a horrible idea. But his intent was to pass a law so that

bosses wouldn't force employees that weren't security people to stop theft, which made it, it was like, but he went about it in a very stupid way, which was it made it like illegal for non-security people to stop theft, which was a horrible idea. But again, I, I do, uh,

when stupid, you know, politicians, you know, I look at the intent. There's none of those. Yeah. I'm like, okay, I see what a hot take. So that one, I'm like, okay, I see the intent. You know, it's, it wasn't a ridiculous intent, but it's ridiculous in how it's going to freaking famously road to heaven paved with good intentions. Exactly. Exactly. And so, you know, it's just like, dude, my, you know, in the past I used to, uh,

In the early 2000s, I used to have to go to Portland. Dude, Portland used to be a beautiful, beautiful city. I used to race there. Oh, dude, it's done. Great. It's done. Not since 2010 was the last time I was in Portland. It's been a long-ass time. We'll not go. Post-2020, done. Infected with homeless. Well, I mean, during the Summer of Love, I remember a lot of that was based out of Portland. A lot of the people that were throwing...

I eat these and shit. Well, they would go in and they would just find a house that somebody wasn't in. Squatters. And they would just take it and they wouldn't. And the people would come back and they couldn't get them out of the house. They would just move in and there was nothing they could find.

dude to get them out of the house i was like what damn it now i need what is that guy's name i will say it was one of the it was a twitch channel that popped off i forget he's an asian dude and a squatter tried to take over his house bro that was one of the most hilarious things i have ever seen because she wouldn't move out and he's like okay fine he just invites twitch people to come he sets up alarms so if you do donations or subscribe blair's music oh dude

to her room because he's like, fine, we'll all live here. Because he can't legally evict her. So it's like, oh, well, let's have fun with it. So he's calling the cops and he's like, I just gotta walk this floor and he's just hitting her door with the mop. The cops show up, they're like, are you? He's like, I was just, she pushed something under the door. I was just cleaning my house. And the cops are like, God,

Fair enough. Dude, they would not touch it. But she's the one that would call the cops 12 times a day. You know the cops thought it was hilarious. Oh, yeah. They would show up every day. That dude made thousands of dollars because then it started bringing in hundreds of thousands of views and donations on the minute. That is a dude taking lemons and making lemonade right there. Good on you. A million.

millions of people. I won't rent out property in California because the laws are so disproportionately weighted to the tenants. We lived across in Redondo Beach, right across from the Redondo Beach Police Department. And because of the show, the cops had recognized us. Literally across the street. It was literally right there. And so I became good buddies with a lot of cops. And

there was this law that was passed. It was like no bail, no jail. So they were arresting the same... What? Hold the fuck? Like you don't have to post... No bail usually means jail. Yeah. So if you can't have bail, you're out? No, you just... You basically go in. You didn't have to... They take you down to think. They take a picture. Oh, you don't need to post bail nor are you going to jail. They would...

They catch a guy getting arrested. It's basically catch and release. They bring him down to the thing. They take his picture and let him out. And four hours later, the same cop is picking up the same dude again, break it into another house. So you can arrest him like four times a night. If you want to see some fun videos. So I live currently. That's insanity. I live currently in Orange County. Look it up. It's insanity. It's called catch and release. So if you want to look up...

That's catch-all news. I'm more confused than anything. The cops are like, the cops are saying we're so frustrated because we're literally picking up the same person and when they're taking the picture, they're flipping off the camera. It's the same thing on the phone.

southern border right now like yeah like well hopefully not anymore but a second ago you just saw it all the time like i talked to a lot of those two rocco on the show talked about like vincent vargas on the show was like yeah dude yeah yeah his book is amazing dude he would say he's like you what you can't touch them and if they cross you you can't touch them and then it's a it's you get in trouble if you

Because if you touch him and then they leave your custody or they go back or whatever, that's a federal investigation. So they let them pass and Rocky was like, yeah, we're literally just like... He's a great dude. Oh, I love Rocky. He's in Texas, yeah. Isn't he? Well, he used to be Border Patrol. Dude, when we were in Columbia, this is a true story, when we were in Columbia filming, which was in spring, right? April? Yeah, April. April.

just so happened which like what are the odds we're in we're in columbia filming and it just so i start seeing these dudes and i'm like

like you know same recognized same like i'm like i'm like these aren't normal gringos these are federales right and i just start seeing these guys i'm like dude these guys are in government you know i mean i could just tell so we finally approached them turns out that while we happen to be in columbia the whole cast is at this hotel they're having this and i mean we're talking fbi dea

Every three-letter agency. NSA. All the guys that were there at JanSex. They're all there. Yeah.

They're all there. Who said that? They're having a, what's it called? They're having a conference to basically try and figure out what to do with the border. And this is in, again, this is, this is in April. So it's like, there's stuff on the news, but like no one knows, you know, it hadn't really all come out yet. And I just went up to him. I was like, Hey dudes, you know, I, I,

You sniffed him out. Yeah, and I started talking to him. I'm like, hey, no shit. What's going on right now? Legitimately. And they're like, bro, this is what's... Forget all the politics and everything. This is what is happening. And basically, they're like... And it was... Sorry, let me be clear. We're in Colombia. We're not in Mexico. We're in Colombia. Yeah.

And what it was, because through the Colombian channel and through everything, it was the cartels were bringing all this, not just drugs, but actual terrorists through. And that's what the conference was, was trying to figure out a solution. And there was probably also talking about the Venezuelan gangs at that time. And he was just like, this is what's happening. And so I was like, okay, it's officially happening.

uh, officially going on, not unofficially. It's weird too, how much like you do not hear about it in mainstream news, but like the amount of people that you are for sure confirmed terrorists caught on the border. And that's what they told me in April. So like I knew then from, you know, the horse's mouth, they're like, this is what is actually happening. It's not being reported. You know, here's why, blah, blah, blah. And it was, it was really interesting. It's eyeopening on how much is not.

You know how most government people, like FBR, they always downplay, like, oh, it's not that bad or whatever. This dude, point blank, was like, it's so bad right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, oh, when somebody says it like that. And we weren't talking like politics. We were just talking, you know, bros, you know? Yeah, it was...

I'll only tell you an FBI story, by the way. I don't think I told this one last time. No, I didn't even know part of this of your life. Tyler has a lot of different stories. Tyler's just a regular infantry dude. It's crazy he got to do something like that. With the CQB AT-4. No, I want to be regular infantry. I happen to be at the FBI Academy.

And for, I don't know, like, I don't know. Is there a decent amount of time? Three weeks. 25. Just hanging out. So this is before. This is during. I don't know.

I was doing some training stuff there. Not secrets. Details, not important. I was training. I was on vacation. Nothing secret or ninja. It's a long explanation to explain it. And so anyways, I was there at the FBI Academy and they had a graduation happening at the FBI Academy.

So I go to the FBI or I go to the, um, I was at the Academy and they're doing, I forget why I was there, but it was at night and it's like they had their graduation and now it's literally they're like after party for the, all these new FBI agents. And there's like, you know, 50 of them. I don't know. And dude, they're doing karaoke.

And like, I just sat there and they're like getting hammered and doing FBI agent karaoke, all brand new agents. And I'm just like watching them get up and do karaoke. And I'm like,

I'm never going to be able to take the FBI seriously. I'm just watching them all hammered, like fucking slobbering all over each other. My graduation was... What specifically is FBI agent karaoke? I remember the songs, but I just remember seeing like all these like...

I just remember like, I'm like my, my image of the agency is like forever ruined by watching these just drunk agents. I mean, it was like 10 years ago. You guys remember that video of the guy from the wedding reception, the FBI, the back flip and his gun falls out. Oh yeah. And then he goes to grab it and accidentally fires. I forgot about that. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot about that. He got in trouble. Oh,

I'll tell you another FBI story. Cause it's really funny. I think, I don't think I told this last time, but this is a true FBI story. There's a lot of times. Well, this one's great. So I was, I was with a good buddy of mine, Jack Osborne.

And I was... We just talked about music. We were just talking about Jack. Jack's a great dude. We were literally on... Like two hours ago. Two hours ago because Jack text demo that he wanted...

Demo to wish happy birthday to Ozzy Osbourne. And so Demo was like, oh, got it. And they stacked up pallets of water and Demo ran through it. He's like, yeah, we sent it. And then 10 minutes later, Ozzy sent a video back. Ozzy sent a video back. Like, fuck it, whatever. Dude, Ozzy's a maniac. Do you want to tell the Mars Rover thing? Oh, okay. Yeah, I will tell it. What the fuck?

What's happening? Let me tell you an FBI agent story about my friend Ozzy Osbourne that involves an astronaut. I'll tell them both quickly. No, take your time! Please elaborate in f***ing detail. I don't know if you've looked at the duration of the watch time of this podcast so far, but we got time. Okay.

So Jack's like, Hey dude. And I'd been friends with Jack. Actually, Jack and I were roommates. I've moved into his guest house for like a year and a half and great at his guest house. Great, great, great shooter too. Great guy. Great guy. I mean, dude, Jack can tell you some stories. I mean, Jack was, you know, partying at like 14 years old on sunset with Paris Hilton. And dude, he's got some crazy stories. Uh,

He put it this way. He was in rehab at 18. Literally in rehab at 18. Legend. So Jack's like, hey, dude, you want to come guard Ozzy? My dad and I, for the show that they were doing called The World Detour, which I don't know if you ever saw it. It was a great show on Nat Geo, I believe. Don't quote me on it. Maybe Discovery. I don't remember. And basically, it was just them doing... It's just Jack and Ozzy driving around, basically doing...

history and kind of doing cool stuff. I don't know how else to describe it. And Ozzy, by the way, Ozzy is a huge military history fanatic, by the way. Ozzy loves military history. I remember showing up one time, Ozzy opens the door, and he's like, I'm watching Vietnam. That's a good impersonation. He's like, I'm watching Vietnam. He's like, I'm watching Vietnamination.

and we go inside and Jack and I watch freaking Vietnam in HD for like four hours with Ozzy and like he knew his stuff but anyways so I was like sure dude I'll come and you know I was doing bodyguarding at the time I'd come too so now I'm bodyguarding I'm bodyguarding Jack dude like

So you should absolutely have Jack on the show. He can tell you stories. A hundred percent. Blow your mind. Jack and Ozzie, more than welcome on. White Sabbath. So, so basically freaking the, the,

I'll tell the Mars one because it's pretty crazy. So the guy who ran... Stop. Just go. What's it called? Houston. Houston, we have a problem. NASA. The guy who ran NASA at Houston, I guess, was a huge Black Sabbath fan. So somehow they got in contact. I thought you were going to say Nazi. But he's based in that. Operation Paperclip was a mother...

That's more on the covert. So, then your name's, uh, Working Convention Center is active. So he invites Ozzy and Jack to Houston to the NASA, you know, whatever the space center, I think it's called the NASA Space Center down there. Basically, carte blanche. Dude, do whatever you want and film it. So they do all kinds of stuff. We got a great tour. Jack and I literally talked to an astronaut for like two hours. It was awesome. It was a great, I learned a lot. One of the things they had Ozzy do

was drive the Mars rover. And I'm not joking. They put Ozzy Osbourne in control of the Mars rover. On Mars? No. Sort of. Oh, no, no. It's here, right? So basically... I didn't know if it was just like remotely piloted. No, no, no. It's like there was some shit on the castle. That's a sweet joke. So, by the way, this is... Do you think you're able to say that?

You're joking right now, but you're not strong. I believe it was called the Mars Rover. If it wasn't, then... That's an emphasis. Yeah, but it's this vehicle built for Mars. It's not a... It's a drivable... It's actually more like... And we can look it up on the episode, or you guys can't, but it's basically the Mars truck. It was a truck designed for Mars when humans are there.

Oh, okay. So not like the Curiosity. No, no, no. Not Curiosity. I think they called it the Mars Lode. You didn't drive it. Yeah, but it's actually like an SUV, Mars SUV. I forget what the name was. And they basically had built, you know, outside, they'd built this, you know,

four football field size area that had red dust and rocks and it looks like Mars. And obviously, you know, they built it. So they put Ozzy in there. Now the best part is I'm staying, I'm not in the vehicle. In the vehicle is like the guy who knew the vehicle the best, Ozzy and Jack, right? They're all mic'd up. We're, you know, 200 yards away. And they said they could go over anything. And I'm standing with like...

six engineer straight up nerds from NASA, right? That like built the thing and the producer and, you know, a couple other people. And we're listening, we can hear everything. And it's like, yeah, so this vehicle is incapable of getting stuck.

And the business, we called it sports shopping. And that's the thing is this whole sequence was like it was planned. I was there. Dude, this sequence was not planned. They were like, it's like the unsinkable Molly Brown. This vehicle cannot get stuck, etc. It's got six wheels. Each one's independent suspension. Each one has its own front and reverse. And they just are going on about how...

how would an engineering marvel this vehicle is, right? And so I can just picture Ozzy's like, hmm, okay. Challenge accepted, right? And these engineers are like whispering, yeah, yeah, he's gonna, you know, there's nothing. It's unstoppable. It's the best thing ever. And they're just whispering in the background. And that guy drives around a little bit. Then they give the controls for Ozzy. I shit you not.

for whatever fucking reason, these guys put in this area a rock as big as this fucking table. Just in the middle of the fucking thing. Now, Ozzy starts driving about 100 yards away from it. How fast does this thing go? I don't know.

Not fast, but not slow. It's like maybe 15 miles an hour. Bicycle speed. Fast enough for you to know where this is going. I'm watching it drive and it just occurs to me he's going to head straight for that fucking rock.

Right. Now it's also pretty obvious to me that no one had ever headed straight for that rock. Right. It's there as like, Hey, that's an obstacle. Obviously drive around. Right. No one's like that, that,

rock is not there for you to drive it's obviously that everyone goes around it you would obviously go around it well you tell Ozzy that thing can go over anything he's gonna freaking go over anything so he's driving straight at it and it occurs to me I'm like oh shit this is not gonna work out well the engineers in behind me as it gets about 50 yards away are like he's not no no and I'm like oh yes he is dude he hits that thing straight on

It starts going up and you just start hearing the whispering. Oh, it'll be fine. Yeah. Oh, this is going to take that. No one's ever went over that before. Yeah, but it's designed for it. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he freaking goes up on it and then he gets on top of it and then nothing. And dude, the panic starts very slowly. It's like one engineer going, it'll be off in a second.

It'll be off in a few seconds, right? And it just starts building. And like over the course of a minute, you just hear these engineers go from like absolute confidence to absolute panic. They're like, oh my God, you're like, no way did he like, and by the way, I'm missing a piece I should have said in the beginning. In the beginning, it, I forget how much,

But it was like a crazy amount of money, like $5 billion that they had spent on this vehicle. It was an insane amount of money. It was an obscene amount of money, right? Dude, these guys just start freaking out. He's on it for, you know, I don't know. I just have to watch the episode. He's on it for like $2 million.

two minutes and ain't moving at all. And it's this huge boulder. It looks ridiculous. It's just like balanced on top of it. Meanwhile, one of the Doge guys is watching this podcast. Just like...

Mars truck. No go. Right? And so long story short, they finally freaking, you know, he has to give control over it to the engineer. And that guy like adjusts the pressure, deflates the timing. It literally was on there for like three minutes. And finally he got it off. But dude, like Ozzy stuck the Mars freaking rover. No doubt about it. I watched it happen. It was a great episode, dude. You got to see it.

So the FBI story real quick. I like how it was a secondary. Yeah, well, that was all in buildup, right? All right, so the FBI story is we're at the FBI. So somehow Jack and the producers convinced them to go to the FBI.

Again, random. So I'm at the FBI Academy again. This is what, like Quantico? Yeah, Quantico, yeah. We found out when you're friends with certain people. Yeah, you can go anywhere. We're all choice here. Redacted, redacted. Redacted. We're at the FBI Academy and they're doing all this different stuff. They showed some history stuff, the guns, all this.

And now we're at the, which is pretty famous, which is the FBI's quote unquote Hogan's alley, right? So it's like their little tactical training portion, which is very world renowned, right? And so their shooting instructor starts, or this guy starts doing this briefing and he's like, yeah, so, you know, this is our Hogan's alley. Basically they were showing like the FBI's training process, right?

And they start saying like, okay, so this is our Hogan Sally. It's very famous. And this is like the hardest part of the shooting call for the FBI, which, which is true. Um, or at least I'm told. And then he, and then he's like, you know, and this is our lead shooting instructor. Now here's a huge mistake that he made. He's like, this is our leading shooting instructor. He is the best shooter at the FBI. Like he's the lead shooting instructor. Nobody could beat him. He's just amazing.

And I'm like... Then Ozzy Osbourne beat him. No, so then they go... So then he goes... You're not for off. So then they go... So then they go... You know, who here... Now we're going to do a little bit of training. Who here wants to volunteer? Well, it's Jack and Ozzy are the only two people on the show. So Ozzy's like, Jack...

I want to shoot the big gun. It was pretty obvious to me that no one on the show briefed the FBI that Jack is a great shooter. Oh, really? He's a really good shooter. I've shot with Jack a million times. In fact, Jack and I, that's how we met. We met shooting on the range. So Jack is a really legit shooter. He's also really good at jujitsu, right? So...

And to give reference, when you're a decent shot, how many rounds have you probably shot in your... Me? Yeah. Oh, I...

I don't know. I literally used to shoot a thousand rounds a day. That's no joke. When it was free. That is the big indicator. For a time period of his life, it was a thousand rounds a day. I used to shoot a thousand rounds a day. That's true. To be fair, I'd rather spend the money as a taxpayer making sure you can train with free ammo than five billion dollars on a truck that gets knocked over. No!

I love Crazy Train.

If they were smart over the episode, they should have played Crazy Train over the freaking thing. They could have got the license. So basically, it was obvious to me that no one told the FBI that Jack is a really good shooter. So Jack's like, I'll do it. And I mean, dude, if you could have seen the... It's on camera, but the FBI, the agent that was the shooting instructor, dude, he was just so...

So confident. You know what I mean? Like, oh, this Hollywood, you know, music royalty rich kid. I'm going to smoke this guy. He's like...

So they get Sims pistols, Sims Glocks, right? And they're doing four... Again, I got to watch the episode. I don't remember exactly, but I'm sitting there... Oh, here's a critical part. For the sake of the audience, Simunition, like Sim pistols. Oh, yeah, sorry. So it's a... I believe they were using Glock 19s, if I remember correctly, using... It was either Sims or FTX for its workforce. I don't remember. But it's basically shooting a paint...

a plastic paint bullet for lack of a term. So the gun is fucking hurt. And they hurt more than a handball. They do hurt. But they function, it's a real gun, just has a Sims barrel and obviously Sims bullets, right? And which have a generally a, well, it's a unique casing, but it's a plastic bullet with paint in the plastic. And, or a variation depending on the brand. So,

They get the guy and I'm with the lead producer and I just like see this and I just saw, I based everything. First of all, I knew how good Jack was, but I saw the FBI dude, his overconfidence. And I just went to the producer and I go, mark my words, Jack's going to beat this guy. And they set up four drills and I don't even remember what they are. They do the first one. Dude, out of four drills, again, you know, clock the show for accuracy. From what I remember of the four drills,

Jack won, I believe, three out of the four votes.

And the one, if I'm not mistaken, that the FBI agent won, he cheated. You're so mad. How'd he cheat?

He shot Jack. I'm trying to remember, but he did something that wasn't in the rules. I don't remember what it was, but it was like, I don't remember what it was. But I just remember watching it and being like, that wasn't in the rules, right? But this, again, the one he won, after he lost, then he started getting panicking and worried, and then he started cheating. But the other part is, the other best part is, one of the four drills, I think on one of the ones he lost, the FBI agent shot the cameraman. Oh, wow.

With Sims, with the Sims bullet. Pulled a regular alley-pull. Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Rusty? Oh, my God. Did he shoot the cameraman? Miss Jack went wide and shot the cameraman.

Super easy when you have it done. Jack crushed him in the drills. And again, I don't even remember exactly what they are, but Jack crushed him. And I was just like, dude, this guy had no idea what he was getting into. Dude, Jack trains a lot. So it was pretty funny. But that was my... I mean, look, man, it comes down to, it's like, you know, you're talking law enforcement, federal law enforcement, you know, anywhere in my experience, it's like, dude,

You got to be humble and just because you got three letters behind your name or just because you were at a certain unit or agency or whatever dude, it doesn't make you better than anyone else. You know what I mean? Every case, every person, every situation is unique and individual and dude, there are good people in, you know, the higher you get to in the more prestigious units or three letter places, um,

the less bad people there are, but there's still bad people. There's good people and bad people at every unit, every agency, whatever. And just because you're in a place that maybe has an elite name or title or image, it doesn't make you better than everyone else. And anyone can beat you and there's someone always better. The vast majority of the friends or the people that I've met that have been part of those tier one units and stuff like that, there are some exceptions, don't get me wrong, but those are usually the most laid back

Chill guys. They don't have a bunch of shit to prove. Yeah. Well, it's... You'd never know. Yeah, I mean, I know, you know, one of my best friends. I mean, dude, he is the baddest dude in the world. He's done everything. And... That's a...

You guys would have no idea. He's just the most chill, non, you know, it's, it's the, the, the people that you think are, um, uh, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the best among us are the people that you never expect. Warrior's heart owner. Like,

Tom's a machine. Dude, Tom is one of the most unassuming humans you will ever, ever meet. And you're like, and then you talk to him and you're like, oh yeah, mom. I had

the last time I was here. With who? We got done filming one podcast and you're like, yeah, we're going to go to the pre-range day party for like 30 minutes and we're going to come back and film a podcast with Terry. And I was like, okay, dope, who's Terry? And he's like, oh, it's that guy right over there that was like watching the whole previous podcast. And I was like, okay, dope, nice to meet you, Terry, blah, blah, blah, I come over here.

who the fuck is Terry? And he's like, Oh, he's the guy that saved captain Phillips. Oh, chill. Like we hung out with him for the entire day. Didn't know a damn thing. Like, obviously you could tell like from the look of the guy, it's like, okay, he's been there and done some shit, but like, he'd never be the one to tell you. No, Tom, Tom, Tom is that way. I mean, I was in, you know, in, uh, we were in the same, uh,

Military. Well, yeah. When you break it down, we were in, you know, a smaller unit together is what I'm trying to say. We high-fived each other in the hallway. Well, we were, you know, a lot of guys, you know, you don't see because you're on opposite, you know, places and you just never see them. But Tom, I, you know, I was with, um,

and he was much closer than other people were. So I saw firsthand, I mean, he's just, he's the baddest dude out there. And again, you would never expect it in a conversation with him, but he's, he's, he's a machine. I did, to be honest though, if I'm being perfectly honest, while I was there,

I thought Tom was like, this guy's way too chill. Dude, Tom is. You know what I mean? Yeah, I was like, honestly, I remember back then thinking, man, why is this? And dude, I was young fucking, I was a young moron. But I just remember like, how is this guy so stoic? I remember thinking that back then. And then when I was at Warrior's Heart and I was actually talking to Tom and I kind of talked to him about it, then I was like, dude, I didn't know

Cause I didn't, I'm like, I didn't know that you got sober. Like I think in the early two thousands, if I'm not mistaken. So I'm like, I didn't know that about you. And that would have, to me, that kind of solved that stoicism mystery of that time. Like he had already gone through so much personal development, so much personal growth. He was already on like another Zen level. I hadn't even, not only was I not there, I hadn't even like, I hadn't even been an asshole yet.

before i mean like i still had to become an asshole and then achieve you know some level of personal growth he he would already been through the whole thing so yeah he's he's a great dude he's a super cool dude with you like aj with your side what was one of the stories like probably you've heard tyler or another person tell where you're like jesus fuck what the um man there's i mean there's there was can i say this real quick though okay

You got to understand. He tells me stories. Like it's not me saying stories that I'm like, that he's like, Oh, that's crazy. Combat story. I hear his Hollywood stories, bro.

And I'm like, that's the craziest shit I've ever heard. My stories are stupid compared to his story. Tell us what I fucking Hollywood stories. How many kids in that basement? No way. How much for hot dogs? Oh, burn. No. Once on Tom Cruise.

$20,000 coat rack from Wayfair and got a coat rack. He was so pissed. Those daddy parties were crazy, bro. He basically lived entourage.

Oh, no. Am I wrong? No, it was a crazy. It was a crazy dude. House in the Hills, you know, eight chicks in the like, like a single man's dream. Like, dude, he has the craziest stories you've ever heard, ever heard. And that's why I like he didn't geek out to my stories. I geeked out to his stories. I'm like, that's so cool. I remember when I remember when I met my wife. Oh, dude, I say, please tell this story. I said, I was I was listening.

Because I knew she was going to be the one. I was like, listen, it's probably probably going to hear a lot of things. I think people are going to say stuff and various different stories happened and I go, I just want you to know all of them are true.

She was like everything and then we're gonna tell that story. Well, yeah, then she goes to goes there was this one girl or there's a somebody was saying there was like Yeah, what time AJ? I came out at a party with just a hat on his his hammer and was walking around and

And she looks at me and I go, that's true, babe. I did that. And she was like, well, that sounds like my husband. Would you tell at least a version of your meeting your wife story? Oh, yeah, yeah. That's easy. Dude, this is...

This story defines age. We got the hat on the hammer story. This story defines age. So, I just wanted to, well, the hat on the hammer, I just wanted to see if I could carry a Stetson and walk into a room and I accomplished the mission. I love Connor's face right now. Connor's like, I'm like, come on. What he's not saying is it was a small Stetson. Yeah, it was, yeah, one of those ones they put on monkeys. No, it was that Turk Ferguson hat. Yeah,

Hey! I'm Terry Ferguson. But no, when I was in Vegas, I hadn't really slept the night before and I was going to my buddy, my friend's... What's that? Why not? Just gambling. We literally...

It'd be like, we just went to bed last week at like six in the morning from gambling. And so it went right to the, I was wearing a suit from the night before because we had some other dinner thing that we went to. It wasn't really that I'd wear suits a lot, but I just had been wearing it and I was like, fuck it. We're going over to this. It was at Wet, that Wet Club at WGN. Wet Republic. Wet Republic. So I was like,

I was with my buddy. I'm like, let's just go to the actual pool. I'm like, let's not go back to the room. I was at another hotel. I'm like, I'll just buy shorts there. So we stopped by a store, grabbed some short stuff, show up to the thing. The party's going. And as I walk in, I see this smoke show in the hot tub in a yellow bikini. And I'm like, oh, my God, that girl is so hot. And I am in that zone of like zero fucks.

You're a machine at the you're like in the zone. My eyes are bloodshot, but I just saw her and I was like talking to her. So the waitress was going by. I grabbed like two Coronas. I jumped in the hot tub, fully dressed in my suit, like shoes, everything got in beside her. And she turns around. She's like, what the fuck? She's like, why are you wearing a suit in the hot tub? I'm like, why are you wearing a bikini? Yeah.

And I handed her a beer and I ended up marrying her. And then we were together pretty much ever since. That was my entrance. And truthfully, if I had not done that, I don't think I'd had the balls to go up or catch her attention. She was like, okay. So that's how I met my wife. I haven't

I've told my kids that story. I've told them a very different story. One day they'll hear that. How old are your kids? I've got twin boys that are six. I turn seven next month. Yeah, that's a little young for that. My daughter's 11. So, yes. They get the Disney version right now. Twice.

The Disney version versus the original German fairy tale. Nice. I see what you do there. I have a funny story with Tyler. So when, when you go do the show, when it, when it, after it gets picked up, so we shoot a pilot, you don't know if it's going to get picked up. So you go away for like a month. Very rarely do pilots get picked up. Yeah. It's super rare. And we knew that we had, had like a good shot, but you didn't know there was all sorts of things. And it was like, it was, it was,

all this thing like it does the audience want to there was three other shows military shows that were coming out that year so

We finally get picked up. We head to Radio City Music Hall where they do the announcement. Back then, it was called the Upfronts. And all of the fucking press show up there, like all the press from around the world. And the studio has a day where they introduce the cast to the world, right? Huge announcement. This is stuff you dream about as an actor. When I was on CSI New York, I was number eight on the call sheet. So I never got to go on the trips. It was basically one, two, three, and four.

That would go, or it'd be one and two. So this is my very first, you know, 25 years in the industry at the time or 22 years in the industry. I was part of this and I was like, oh, shit.

this is like and i remember even like reading i got emotional like this is like wow this is finally happening get to radio music studio and um i remember less moonves who was the president of cbs at the time walk by he's like aj good to have you back i was like dude you remembered my name i'm like holy this moment is like couldn't get better so they have us there an hour early for a tech rehearsal just to walk through so the cameras catch us all that tell us how it's going to go because it's live and all the people are there so i'm like this is great you have my publicist with me

Oh, high-fiving. And like Dave Boreanaz goes out and Dave Boreanaz, blah, blah, blah. Did you get from Bones? Yeah, he's the lead on the show. So, and they said when you walk out, you hit this mark, audience and press, it's like the photo line, take, you know, there's a thousand pictures, all the camera crew, you sort of wave to them and then there's the audience of all the press. And you turn around and there's like a 15-foot,

with like action shots of you from the show. Yeah, that's fucking cool. 15 by freaking 100 feet. So radio studio music called Beatles played there, Led Zeppelin, everybody. So I walk out and this is rehearsal and I do the thing and they're saying there's gonna be pictures here. Now turn, look at yourself up there and I look up and I'm like, hold on a second.

I'm like, ma'am, just so you know, that's not me. That's Tyler Gray. And they're like, who? Same shit. There's a two-minute action reel. Not one of them is me. It's all him. And I'm like, none of those are me. And it says, A.J. Buckley. It's all him. Every single thing.

That's genuinely very funny. He's the other beauty head guy. What about when you waited for an actor and the action reel is nothing but you and your name? Here's the best part. So my partner's like, we have to fix this. They're like, okay, we'll try to do it. And they come back, we don't have enough time.

but we just have to be able to fix it. I'm like, so I'm going to go out on my biggest moment of care and it's fucking Tyler Gray? It says over, and they're like, sorry, it's nothing. So I literally introduced the world and they're like, there's this video of literally, I walk in, AJ Buckley, and it's like, Tyler, that was it. That was like, I called him. He's like, you motherfucker.

I was like, what? He's like, what? Yeah, it's great. There's been many times where people have asked me. Yeah, yeah. We're twin brothers. We are actually born in the same year. But they also say, to be perfectly honest with you, dude, I honestly... I told them yesterday. I literally didn't know. I thought... This is a true story. No joke. I thought Donut's real name was Brandon Herrera.

i had no idea it was two people i had no idea i just you know i don't i'm not a good defense they were literally wearing the same shirt today i like social media like i just didn't know i i never i don't usually i'm very bad at youtube and all that stuff i i just didn't know and then when you told me i was like oh

That makes so much sense. Two different guys. Well, I had never seen you guys in the same place at the same time. Just saying. Fair enough. Like on a podcast. Yeah, well, I'd only met him. I'd like seen you once in passing. I'd seen, literally met him once in passing. And I mean, it just wasn't a long enough conversation where I really like...

you know, clocked. I never saw it, frankly, but like, we get it so much in public. Like, just like, oh, are you brothers? Or like, oh, like that sort of thing. Like people at SHOT Show. SHOT Show, there was literally SHOT Show. We've told it before, but it was a guy walking past Brandon, Brandon, Cody, guy walking

and says, hey, to Cody, like, hey, I appreciate you. Appreciate all you do in Texas and blah, blah. And I like, cause he said like, he shouted like, Brandon, Brandon, and walked past me. And I'm just like, I just hang back. This is hilarious. Selfie turns, looks at Brandon, like,

He said, oh, f***. That's great. That's awesome. That's funny. Cody gives me the challenge coin. He's like, I believe he meant to give this to you. Wow. God, he must have felt like a f***ing asshole. Pretty much just like me.

That's hilarious. It's funny to me. Like we just fucking leaned into it, man. It's like, what else can you do? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we kind of the same with him and I, we didn't really see it. And then it happened quite a few times where people would like, you know,

Call me AJ or vice versa. And then, like he said, we just started going with it and introducing ourselves as twin brothers. Cody's gone a step farther. He just has started to accept it. Like when people think that... Oh, he owns it. Yeah. It's like, oh, hey, Brandon. He's like, yes, I am. And we'll have a full conversation answering questions for me. Jeez. You guys are pretty...

I mean, but you do different things. But I guess you're together sometimes on similar things. My favorite is still somebody at SHOT Show. Him thinking he was Brandon. Somebody thought I was Brandon. In front of Brandon! This is the first time we were all like this. Slightly different. He looks very Herrera-ish. The far more Aryan tattooed guy. Thank you, thank you. My son loves you. I love what you do for Texas. And at that moment we were like,

She thinks he's bitch. Us three are having this conversation on the side more like, yeah, she does. I have to ask just because I don't know. I'm literally not saying this jokingly. What do you do for Texas? So I ran for Congress.

Oh, no shit. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. San Antonio to El Paso, that district. Awesome. So just big in like the two way politics and just like the conservative politics in general. Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Was it your first run? Yeah. Yeah. I never, never gotten into politics ever before. I ran against the incumbent here in, uh, that's a rough one, but he put it in a runoff. It was a, it's a district where it's like, it's a Republican district. Like a Republican is going to win in this district. Um,

But I primaried him. We passed the primary. So in Texas, it's a runoff state. So if you get below 50%, you're put into a special election with the people that came in first and second. So I forced him into a runoff election where he outspent me 10 to 1 to try to keep his job. How much? We still were within 1%.

About how much money was spent? I don't know, 12 million, roughly. Wow. You have to slander me in the town I live in. You're like, okay, how about this? Next year, you give me eight and we'll call it a deal. That's cold. I just won't run. A crime. Can't do that. Less. Bribery. Brandon's like, I'm not.

Some of the funniest political ads you've ever seen in your life are against him. Cody has a mailer that got sent out to everybody in the district of a cartoon with Brandon's real face on it of a dude wearing an enormous cowboy hat. Brandon Herrera's all hat, no cattle hat.

That's the whole nailer. It was so f***ing funny. They're so bad. Oh, and some of them were so funny. Like, there was one where it's like, Brennan Herrera doesn't understand Texas because he's not blah, blah, blah. Like, a bunch of, like, crazy shit. But it ended the ad with some of the clips from my YouTube, like, years ago where I was doing a skit. And it's me wearing, like, the Coke dealer shades. Like...

With like my face full of white powder. They literally included that at the end of the ad. I'm like, this is actually so funny. That's good. Yeah, it's good. That's the sign in there. Let's go Brandon. Let's go Brandon. And now he's currently in consideration to be the new head of the ATF. Are you serious? Uh...

So the story about that, RFK had a website that he put up right after Trump won. It was Make America Healthy Again. But it was nominees for the people, where people could nominate their own, basically for people they thought would be good for certain cabinet positions. I had nothing to do with this, but somebody threw my name in for director of the ATF, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

It got more votes than any other single nominee on the entire website. Wow. Really? And it became a legitimate conversation for a minute. Wow, that would be awesome. For a minute? Though the thing I said at SHOT Show, I've...

had to come up with a canned line it's going to be a really funny story when I can tell it okay I like it that's fair yeah it's a weird thing I'm sure you guys yeah that's fair then I got bored and made Tony the most dishonest politician oh my god I actually made a joke I just realized that I made a joke on the interwebs about this and I just didn't realize it was you

Somebody had, I didn't even put it together with you, but it was like, I realized now it was like Brandon Herrera for ATF director. And then I...

I had, this is probably when I hadn't, I was confused on, and then I looked at it. I love that guy's cop videos. I'm really YouTube. I don't, I never watch YouTube. So I'm just so bad at like, but so anyways, then I went to your page and I'm like, oh, that's obviously a joke. This guy's, you know, huge. So then I went back and I posted, yeah, it would be awesome on his first day that he makes himself unemployed. Yeah. Basically saying abolish the ETF on, you know, you know,

I thought it was a good joke. I thought it was funny. I thought I was joking, but I was just stating the obvious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. On his first day, he makes himself unemployed. That's the end goal. Yeah, that's funny. I mean, you know, it's like... I mean, you'd never have a director of the FAA who fucking hates airplanes. Yeah.

Who's the interim guy? So Stephen Dettelbach just resigned. They don't have... So the ATF is a weird case where like the last two decades, there I think has been more time where there wasn't an actual confirmed director than the times that there was. So like it's been a lot of acting directors, but not a lot of actual like Senate confirmed directors.

I mean, dude, the ATF, I, you know, I've had an interesting experience with the ATF. Like, you know, I've been interviewed by them twice on actually three times, but on just like random stuff with, it's just crazy what,

someone says something and the ATF is like, "Hey, what's the deal with this?" And you're like, "What? I don't even know what you're talking about." But what's interesting to me about the ATF is each time I've had to talk to them, in my experience with them, as long as you're just... It's like dealing with cops. You're like, "Hey, dude, this is what it is." They've been really cool every time I've had to deal with them, but that's also because I'm

I'm not doing anything wrong. And I just, you know, tell them, you know, I'm able to be very honest, but in my experience, and I think it's probably what you're, what you're getting at. It's like, it, it matters more where they're from. Cause like an ATF field agent, uh,

from Hawaii or New Jersey is going to behave way different than one from Tennessee or Texas. Because all of my field agents, anybody I've ever had do my interviews or whatever, they've always been rad as fuck. I've been lucky. I've been the same. I've had a good experience when I've dealt with them. In my experience, the ATF...

It just comes down to anything with the government. As long as you're paying your vig to the government, you can do what you want. As soon as you freaking try and go around them, that's when they ask you. Punishable by fine means legal for a fee. There you go. My dealings with ATF, they've been cool with me, and I've had really cool agents. It's just like...

But again, it's scary because you know that if you get the wrong experience, dude, they can put the hammer down on you for things that really are... You know what I mean? To justify their budget or whatever the fuck. It's a scary situation to deal with them, even if you're not doing anything wrong, because you know the power they have. And that is where I think...

As a government, if you're not doing anything wrong, you as a person shouldn't have that fear. That's my opinion. You know what I mean? If I'm not doing anything wrong, I shouldn't have the fear that, and I don't care who it is, federal law enforcement, law enforcement, if I'm not doing anything wrong, I shouldn't have any fear. And the fact that we do in our current society because of the amount of power they have and what they can do, I think that needs to change in my opinion.

And I hate that because of politics. You get the Janet Reno's, the Bill Clinton administration, like that sort of thing where like even with Waco, it's like he could make the argument. It's like, yeah, we probably should have talked to this guy a while ago. But he even said it like in the VHS tapes, like the David Koresh. He's like, I go jogging every morning. I have a good relationship with the sheriff. You could have talked to me at any point. Why did this become a siege where you have to fucking bake 20 kids alive? Like that's absurd. Dude.

I mean, I've watched quite a lot on Waco. I mean, you know, or do you know that they had an undercover agent? I've heard that. No, it's, I mean, it's a fact. That's a fact. Well, an undercover or a CI? No, an undercover. A straight up undercover. They had an undercover agent in the church building.

So, dude, I mean, and two from the things I've read, I wasn't there. I actually had a friend that was an ATF agent at Waco. And dude, he told me some bananas stuff about just a bunch of things about how crazy that situation was. I can only imagine. Dude, I mean, just stuff that he told me. I was like, that is unbelievable. But the point being is, you know, in that agent's defense from what I read and watched,

you know, he himself was like, dude, what are we doing? You know what I mean? He's like, people don't know how crazy it was. It is like people are shooting machine guns from a helicopter into a church. The whole situation is bananas. And the more you learn about it, the more bananas it, it, it is. The first time I learned about the ATF, I did a show called Narcos. And, uh,

drop that i didn't even know you were a narco season one of narcos he played pablo so did i but uh when we first got the script and we started my cast that was the story of how the atf

was formed their interrogation of their investigation of pablo and and then they got one of the guys that um that boyd holbrook played um that was like their first big mission where they're flying over and getting

The, like, reconnaissance stuff. Reconnaissance sort of stuff. But going over there and meeting some of the original players in Colombia. Because we filmed in... Medellin. We filmed all over, but we were in... Medellin? The other one. Cali? Bogota. Bogota. Which, I don't know if you guys have ever been to Bogota before. It is... I can't sleep there. It's like at the altitude, every time I lay down, it's just like... Higher than Denver.

Awesome, awesome place. But the guy... Oh, no. Yeah, true. Does it involve a hat? No. There was no hat. Oh, no. Oh, that's worse. But yeah, it was crazy how, like, what...

What that whole the whole time of that agency and what they sort of went through and what they were up against with with Pablo in the trade you tell me ATF or yeah ATF Okay, the DA is I'm gonna go yeah. I didn't know ATF was involved. Yeah ATF was involved because this would have been what mid 80s. Yeah Late 80s by the time the ATF had to fight the hippos. Ah Fair yes

This is like the, yeah, it was probably all branches. I think it was like a whole, from what I was, and I could be shitting the bed on this, but from what I was, this is like one of the first big missions of that entire team. But to see the people on the ground and what happened there and like just the technology from where they were then to what everybody has now, like with those planes that would go over. Dude, surveillance as a whole took off during that time. That was when we learned about it. Yeah, they were flying over.

With these planes and just sort of picking up and listening to people based on the sound of their voice. Yeah, which is fucking crazy dude I'll tell you I'll tell you a Columbia Pablo story. So When I was in well, first of all, who are you guys? So when I went to well first of all when we filmed in Colombia for SEAL team we filmed in one of now granted when I say one of Pablo Escobar's

like houses, dude, he probably had 200 houses. You know, that guy was a billionaire. So they turned his plane into an Airbnb. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. But we stayed, we, we filmed in one of them. But anyways, when I was in, um,

When I was in Medellin, my buddy and I at the time were like, dude, let's go check out some Pablo Escobar shit. So we went to his gravesite. We went to the neighborhood where he dealt drugs, which is not a place to go today. Let me tell you, that was a bad idea. Wild. Yeah, it was really dangerous. And then we went all over the place. Let me go to the place where somebody who dealt drugs could get so powerful

He became his own government. It was really dangerous. Brad, I don't think we fit in here. Yeah, it was really dangerous. But anyways, we ended up going to, we like paid this guy like a bunch of money and was just like, you know, there was no Ubers taxi app. We're basically like, take us where Pablo was killed.

That was like what we said. And he was like, okay. So we go to this place and then we were like, we got let out. Spoiler alert, I'm on season two. And he was wrong. And then we're literally with broken Spanish. We're like, where did Pablo get killed? And dude, we probably asked 10 people and they're like, you know, finally we get to the spot. Right. And I look up and I'm,

And this is the house. Now, first of all, the house that he was killed on no longer exists. And it's been, I don't know if the whole house was torn down. I don't remember. But the exact spot is different, right? And so I looked up images and I was, you know, matching it and everything. And we figured out we're standing across from where he was killed. And I'm there. Now, I was a sniper for years, right? And I'm there and I'm like looking at this house and I'm looking at the image back in 90, whatever it was, three, whatever, or two years.

And I'm like, I'm like looking at it, I'm looking at it. And then I'm reading the account of like how he died and I'm looking at the location and then I look around and I'm like, this doesn't fit. Like this just doesn't fit. There's no way he was killed by the way the account says, because I'm standing here looking at it. I'm looking at the train. I have also been to Dealey Plaza.

So basically I'm there and I'm like, I'm like looking around. I'm like this, there's no way the official account. And so anyways, I called somebody that would be in the know and they were like, they were like, yeah, like,

What do you notice? And I'm like, well, there's no way for a person to shoot from to do what he said. And they're like, so what's the only option? And I'm like, and I said something and he goes...

You don't need to ask any more questions. And I was like, okay. So I'll just say without explaining it. If you go there and you look and you read the official account, you'll put together, there's only... Yeah, we're going to totally do that. I'm not going to explain it. I'm not going to explain it. I'm just saying you'll figure out...

what must have happened if you go there because the terrain just...

the terrain doesn't support the official account. I said I've also been to Dealey Plaza. Well, that's going to be coming out soon. I'm excited for that. You missed a golden opportunity when you were on the phone. Next question, did JFK's head really just do that? So first of all, or not first, but second of all, like

Dude, I read this thing recently about JFK and I'm like, there's no way that's true. And I look it up and it is true. It's like, I didn't know his brain was missing from the National Archives. Yeah, that was weird. I was like, what? What? Yeah, dude. That was like a legit thing. His brain was stolen from the National Archives. Look it up. Some guy who signed his fucking guest name as CIA. He's like, John Smith agent...

Oh, John. But dude, look it up. His brain was basically went missing from the National Archives. Out of the back of a Lincoln. Lyndon Baines Smithson stole his brain. But you know what I'm saying? When...

My point that I'm making is, you know, the conspiracy of JFK. I mean, you hear this from years. And yet I never heard about the missing brain. I'm like, dude, that's a big piece of the puzzle that supports the fact that something happened that we don't know of. Are we going to get into the JFK thing right now? Well, I think we're already in there, buddy. All right. I think when he said JFK brain, it opened the conversation. Do we really want to get into it? I mean, look, I'll say this. I'll say this about it. When I watched a recent...

When I watched a recent, I don't remember the name of this documentary, but I watched a documentary on, on JFK. Again, this was like three years ago and it makes a case on who killed him. And I was like, yeah, it makes a case on who killed him. It's a pretty solid case, dude. Like which one? It's the one that base, it doesn't say it, but it, it basically details his connection to the mob.

basically says the mob put him in office basically explains the connection with JFK and the mob to Cuba yeah talks about the Bay of Pigs and like that whole thing the narrative that they like I'm like okay a bunch of pissed off CIA boys that got well well see but see that's the thing is it it it basically says look the CIA was pissed the mob was pissed the

The crazy connection that I thought was pretty damning, and this was just my personal feeling on it, was the guy that killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and again, if I'm wrong, don't quote me, was a straight-up mob hitman. Yes. Like, not debatably, not conspiracy theory-esque, like...

cut and dry a mob hitman. So then you go... You didn't know that, Eli? No. Dude, like, that's not a conspiracy theory. That's just a known fact. That is a known fact. That is a known fact that the guy who killed Lee Harvey Oswald was a mob hitman. Fact. So once you put all those facts together, you go, okay, dude, like...

There's a lot more, in my mind, it was a lot more of a clearer picture where you just started. I believe the mob helped him get elected.

Oh, dude, I absolutely believe that. What is it that his wife said to his wife? She said, I want them to see what they've done to Jack. She wouldn't take off her dress. I remember seeing him like, why would she say something like that? Who's what they've done? Who are they? What they? And then you got LBJ and the governor. Because she wouldn't take the blood off. She wore the dress, everything on her. Fucking good on her.

They're on Air Force One and LBJ and I can't remember his name, but they're throwing each other the fucking OK and wanking at each other. Dude, that's... See, that's another part where you're like, whoa. You don't know this? No, I don't know this. I've done zero. The only thing I know about the JFK assassination is that it didn't happen the way they said it did. There's like four theories that I'm like, oh, those...

All kind of hold their own water a little bit, but the official story is so bad. This has nothing to do with cameras. I mean, dude, again, though, as a sniper, dude, every time sniper stuff comes up in the media, I know enough to... Did you fart? Yeah. But I know... The hatred in your voice. I know enough to like...

You know, I know enough to comment, you know what I mean? Like when the secret service happened stuff, I was like, oh my dear God. You know, I just... Yeah. You have a decent understanding. Yeah. You know, I did it for, you know, almost five years. Like, you know, I know long range or...

that job, you know, not, I know well enough to... I hate how much you now believe shit. It sounds like you're... Joe Shmoff, you do like, I watch a couple videos. I shot 10 rounds. No, I mean, but it was a job I liked a lot. So, you know, I studied it pretty in depth. And...

I remember years ago, like when I first started, I just remember thinking about like Lee Harvey Oswald, you know, like the, for lack of a better term, the logistics. I don't know if that's the right word of those shots. And it just, with everything at the time and the rounds and the timing. And I remember shooting a bolt rifle at the time and just being like, dude,

Either this dude, and I don't mean, you know, look, he's a session, but I mean, technically I'm like, either this dude was a savage, like just really technically proficient or the story is not true. You know? And I, and I'm just saying that was my takeaway from doing the logistics of, and then looking at the, the, the angle and the freaking distance and the moving target speed. And I'm like,

I'm not buying it. I mean, even the governor. Is that all still standing where, in Dallas? It was in Dallas, right? Yeah. Yeah, Dallas. Do they have it all marked out still? Like, can you see where? No, no, because they got rid of one of the buildings, I believe. Well, no, they still have the, like, they mark it in the street. There's like a little, like, tape. I thought something changed, though, that, if I'm not mistaken, something changed. And the reason I'm saying that is I think something changed that

And again, I could be wrong, but I thought something changed so that they couldn't recreate it perfectly. So the book repository is still there. And it's funny because they have a plaque there on it where it's like a thing. No matter how many times they replace it, people still carve out with knives, allegedly. They're like, we're Lee Harvey Oswald, allegedly. It's like fucking... Yeah. Yeah.

But, yeah, there's a lot of shit about that that's just kind of fucking sideways. What's on your level of proficiency and still saying, it's like, man, that is, I would have trouble with that fucking, or could you replicate that for yourself where you're like, I can do it, but maybe like one out of ten times? I, from what, again, it's been a while, I don't remember. Because there's two perfect shots, right?

From what I remember, and again, it's been a long time, but again, there was that one point where I looked at the data and then was like, oh, let me try and replicate this. And again, obviously, I wasn't in the same location. I wasn't at the same distance. But I just remember at the time looking at everything and thinking,

I don't think I could do it. Like, you know what I mean? I remember being pretty good at that time and thinking, I don't think I could pull this off. And again, from what I remember, I remember thinking maybe in perfect conditions, maybe after a couple rehearsals, you know, if it was like a competition. And not hitting anybody up.

But I remember at the time thinking... Well, he did hit the governor. That was the thing. The governor even was throwing shade on the official story. He's like, that didn't happen that way. Oh, really? One of the two guys who got shot was like, that's not... It was almost like the governor was the girl that Puff Daddy shot in the face. So allegedly two, but supposedly three.

Yeah. And how different is the bolt action back then to like a bolt action? There's something else. If I'm not mistaken, Lee Harvey Oswald, I think he was left-handed.

Really? There was something weird that... Was he using a lefty rifle? No, I'm trying to remember, but there was some factor. Again, I don't remember what it was, but there was some additional factor of him manipulating the gun. I don't remember what it is. I shot a bolt-action gun left-handed. What the fuck? No, it's way weirder because Oswald was right-handed but had a left master eye and shot from the left shoulder. Oh, that's...

That's what it was. There you go. Weird. That's what it was. So if you're right-hand dominant, if you're right-handed, you will still train right-eyed dominant, especially sniper positioning. He had LBJ whispering in his right ear. He shot right-handed still with the left shoulder? No, he's shooting what he's doing. Right shoulder, left.

Right-handed left shoulder left eye. Oh, I hate that. So personally, personally, so this is now what I remember. That's what's being said. I'm pretty confident. I could be wrong here. They didn't see him fucking shooting. I'm pretty confident that if he was left eye dominant, I'm pretty confident he shot it left-handed, which means he would have to manipulate the bolt. This was what I recreated. He would have to manipulate the bolt to

Over the scope, racket left-handed, which I used to shoot a bolt. This is why I remember it. I used to shoot a bolt gun left-handed because I'm left-eyed dominant. So that's why I remember he was the same as me. And I remember thinking, dude, shooting a...

bolt action, a right hand bolt action left-handed adds quite a bit of effort. Not only does it add a ton of effort to go over the bolt and rack the bolt, so that adds a ton of time, but much more importantly, if you are right-handed shooting a bolt gun, you can fire, right? And you just go from the trigger up, back, down. You really don't break or move your position very much. So it allows you to stay, boom,

Boom. Left-handed now, you're going, boom. You have to break completely off the scope. Right?

rack it and then come in and completely completely reacquire your target for the speed of the follow up there's no freaking there's no way he did it and again that's that was the part that I was like there's no way no I heard one thing that I found out after I made my that's your thumbnail right there in my opinion

After I made my JFK video, I was made aware of the book. JFK secrets? Question mark. Tyler K. JFK secrets? Question mark. Two fake sales disprove the JFK narrative.

Operator comes clean on the JFK assassination. LBJ did it, confirmed. Question mark. Here, not a clickbait, not a sexual. The FBI will come to my door again. And they're like...

fuck you watching karaoke. It's literally just like the meme of like you look through the little like porthole and it's cash patel. I think on that note, Trav's gonna close us out but before Trav closes us out, where do we find you beautiful sons of bitches on social media and TV? I'm just at AJ Buckley. Just at AJ Buckley and Instagram is probably the best way and then our new Two Fake Seals is a the

Two Fake Seals. The one thing I meant to ask about before we started the podcast. Two Fake Seals, our new podcast and show that we just started releasing, which is basically about, it's just AJ and I. The genesis of the show was when the China Blues over...

house in South Carolina and my neighbors they kept calling the chain balloons you see from the backyard with so that my neighbors were all the Chinese guys holy shit he's holding a hat

But we, uh, the neighbors kept calling me going like, AJ, what, what, what do we do? What's, what's going to happen? I'm like, dude, I don't know, man. I'm an actor. I don't assume because I play Sonny Quinn and I'm a Texan on the show that I have all the answers and people generally will in our neighborhood will still call me or in general, like what, what's going to happen? I'm like, I don't know, dude, I sit in the trailer. I wear makeup. I have a stunt double. I'll drink a latte. Like I'm not the

It's going down the run into your house and like, what are we doing? That's another show. A full-on another TV show. An up-class neighborhood where an actor that played a Navy SEAL becomes the badass. I think it's called Galaxy Quest. Which is a great underrated film. Fantastic. When we came back and I was like talking to Tyler, I'm like, dude, you should put the post-SEAL team, we should have

you actually taking me out into the real world and because you're you know been a survivalist reading books in this and prepping and stuff since you were like 10 years old I'm like and we'll just go across and you fucking teach me how to do all this shit and we'll stop off and talk to preppers and you know learn just

Just learned shit along the way. And then Ty was like, we should call it Two Fake Seals. I'm like, fuck yeah. And then we Googled it. Such a good name. And then we ended up working with Ford and Total Off-Road. And they're building the big – we actually pick up the Big Richard in Baton Rouge. Yeah, two days here. Yeah, so we go pick it up, drive the truck, the Tremor to Total Off-Road in South Carolina. They're going to do a big build on it, and it will be a mobile podcast. And we'll be driving around. So we'll come through here again with it.

Yeah. We're going to have like the toy trailer that we'll pull in. That'll be the studio. That'll be the studio and the Little Richard. And then you'll have the build that they're doing on some of the stuff that the early. It's crazy. So it's going to be cool. And then at the end of each season, we'll raffle off the Big Richard. That'll be Richard. Big Richard 2.0. So and really like the whole Overland community and stuff. I really love it. Off grid, Overland. Self-reliance based. We just, we basically want to freaking. Do shit.

Yeah, but we want to take the prepper. Dude, I've been a survivalist nerd since I was a little kid. Gun fanatic and I've always been that guy. And COVID changed things because COVID, it was like, oh, you were a weird survivalist prepper person. Now we're cool. Just like, dude, I was a Star Wars nerd when it wasn't cool. Guess who has totally paper retard. Yeah.

I had, I shit you not, I probably had a hundred thousand rounds in my garage. I got a thousand guns. I mean, crazy. And then I'm like sitting there and I'm like, toilet paper.

Didn't see this coming. Yeah, like I have everything but I didn't stop Yeah, I mean true I like a hundred thousand rounds means you have your neighbors toilet But it was just the point is I do you give me your toilet paper? We can call you Guess who's king of toilet paper now?

What am I going to eat in the apocalypse? Your food. I was like, Todd, when we were just discussing ideas of the show, I'm like, well, what were we doing? He's like, no one's going to go out to the woods, so I'm going to teach you how to survive in the city. I'm like, well, we do. He goes, we're taking over a fucking Walmart. That Walmart is going to be ours. I was like, hell yeah. Survival situation? I'm like, dude, I'll take over a Walmart. I'll be the first.

King of War. A solid concrete building with three entries? Dude, I can hold that. I can hold that with my homies. And then, dude, do you want cereal?

- You're not gonna have a thousand dollar shopping list. - Count Chocula, you know? So it was just one of those things where people now know it fires. I mean, dude,

part of la burned down so the point being is what people thought was impossible they're now seeing dude anything can happen so just that mentality you're no longer the weird prepper people realize that anything can happen at any time and i think people are ready to start listening how to take care of care of themselves and not be in a position where they constantly have to rely on other

Let alone the government. Take away the doom and gloom from it and really play into the comedy of it. If they're laughing, they're listening. Have fun with it. Not make it so serious. That's the show. Have fun. Take the piss out of me while I make a complete ass of myself and do that. Even today where we're talking about how fun it's going to be just to go do shit.

that we want to go do like and go you know kind of like what you guys yeah that's what you guys really inspiring to create you know create you know monetize your hobbies and just take what we like doing we're doing the show because it's what we like doing we like that space we like learning new products great companies great people and and that's what the show is and then sort of through the pov of me learning the stuff on the way will we have that sort of as the viewer will be through my eyes learning how to fucking survive in the real world

Great idea. It's a fun idea. We're psyched. Really, really excited to do it. Honestly, thank you so much for having us. You guys are legends in this space. It's really awesome to get to meet you all and be here with you. We're legends. You guys have the best stories.

We're still playing, man. You ever heard of this guy called Ronald Reagan? We're like, oh, fuck. But yeah, on that note, you know, check us out at TwoFakeSeals on Instagram and

then my Tyler A. Gray at Instagram or on Instagram, whatever. And again, as AJ said, thanks so much for having us guys. And it's absolutely awesome to, to come onto the show. You guys are crushing it and we really appreciate you having us. Any day. It's been a genuine pleasure to have you guys. This has been fun as fuck. Awesome. Thanks guys. JFK? Question mark, question mark, question mark. He was the driver. So you guys, let's start wrapping up.

Thank you so much for joining us on the unsubscribe podcast. I was joined today by Mr. Eli Double Tap, Mr. Fat Electrician, Mr. AJ Buckley. Thank you. Sorry. Mr. Tyler Gray. We got... Donut Harare. Donut Harare. Donut Harare.

Brandon. Brandon Herrera. Brandon Herrera. There it is. Thank you. Thank you for coming. And I, as always, am Donut Operator or King Crowd, depending on who you ask. Thank you for joining us. It was Zempic Donut. Thank you guys so much for coming out. No, thanks. Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. Boom! Good stuff.

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