cover of episode 200 - Demo Matt's Last Episode ft. Demolition Ranch | Unsubscribe Podcast 200

200 - Demo Matt's Last Episode ft. Demolition Ranch | Unsubscribe Podcast 200

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#comedian interview#entertainment industry insights#tv&film#podcast creation journey#youtube burnout#youtube content strategy#parenting challenges#parenting practices and challenges#warrior ethos#professional transition#assassination attempt#parenting insights#freedom and autonomy People
Brandon Herrera
Demolition Ranch
Donut Operator
Eli Doubletap
The Fat Electrician
@Demolition Ranch : 我已经完成了在YouTube上的目标,现在想更多地关注家庭和个人生活。我希望找到新的动力,摆脱社交媒体的束缚,过上更正常的生活。虽然我对枪支的热情有所减退,但我仍然感谢YouTube带给我的一切,包括与大家建立的联系。未来,我可能会尝试烤肉或研究历史,但目前还没有明确的计划。 @Donut Operator : 我们非常感谢Demolition Ranch为社区所做的一切,他让枪支文化变得更加平易近人。他的贡献不仅仅是娱乐,更在于为枪支安全和合法使用奠定了基础。 @Brandon Herrera : Demolition Ranch以独特的方式推广了第二修正案,他的影响力是不可否认的。他的视频让更多人了解枪支,并以一种轻松幽默的方式传递了相关知识。 @The Fat Electrician : Demolition Ranch让枪支变得有趣,他的贡献不容忽视。他以一种平易近人的方式推广了第二修正案,让更多人了解枪支文化。 @Eli Doubletap : Demolition Ranch的离开对我们来说是一个损失,但他为我们树立了榜样。我们感谢他为社区所做的一切,并祝愿他在未来的道路上一切顺利。

Deep Dive

Demolition Ranch announces his retirement from YouTube after 15 years. He reflects on his accomplishments, the impact on his family, and his desire to explore new passions outside of the platform. He expresses excitement for the future but also acknowledges some apprehension about what lies ahead.
  • Demolition Ranch's departure from YouTube
  • Reasons for leaving include achieving goals, family time, and desire for personal growth
  • Concerns about the impact of YouTube on family life

Shownotes Transcript


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Demolition Ranch could have been over before it ever started if that truck would have broke down on the way. This is sucking Matt's butt ass now. Poor guy's off demo. We're all going to get canceled and Matt's going to have to come out of retirement like Fat Thor and save all of us. To the New York Times, the demolition is a cult. That's the note he's going to go out on. Yeah!

Say hi to Eli. He's racially ambiguous. Brandon, his hair is fucking fabulous. Donut, a dark joke disposition. And there's a fat electrician. Welcome to Unsubscribe.

Hey everyone, we just wanted to say a giant, giant thank you for 200 episodes. I know I haven't been there for all 200 episodes, but I'm genuinely privileged to have been here as long as I have. And frankly, I'm only here to just make sure that Eli doesn't cry this time. Don't do it. Get back in there, Tia.

It has been a privilege to be able to experience 200 episodes with y'all and to see where this started and where it is today. We're just truly blessed to have all you rallying behind us to make this possible from the live shows to each week and then the thousands of DMs that we get daily. Thank you for everything you guys have provided for us and we are so humbled and appreciative of it.

When my best friend started this podcast out of Cody's kitchen, I never would have imagined it would have gotten here. And I'm just, like I said, privileged to be a part of it. And I'm so fucking thankful for all of you. And I'm looking forward to where it goes in the future. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Keep doing amazing things. Enjoy this episode. It was a blast to have Matt on for one more time. And it's sad to know that we're going to shoot him after this is done. It's the hard part. That's why we're sad. It's like putting down the family dog, but you know what? Somebody's going to do it.

Thank you guys so much. Enjoy the episode.

We doing the damn thing? Hi everyone, welcome to the unsubscribed podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Doubletap, fat electrician, demolition ranch himself, Brandon Herrera, and myself, Donut Operator. Thank you so much for being here. Rip headphones users. Ah, fuck off. Also, this is episode 200. This is episode 200? Is this really? Yeah, fuck yeah. Crazy. Wait, we did put out 199? That's crazy. 199 is this week. Wait, Saturdays? Yes. And then this one's gonna be next.

This is 200? Thanks guys. I mean, we gotta decide. Do we want to push this 199 or 200? 200. This is 200. This feels like 200 energy right now. I fucking like it. And you're gonna get drunk. You're already drunk. I'm already drunk. I sipped this. No, we're just really happy to have Demolition Ranch here today because as you all know, he just announced his departure from YouTube. Yeah. And this is, that means this is for sure my last unsubscribed podcast ever. Well,

That you know of. It's definitely the last. It's the last one he remembers. I get drugged. I'm just like... We've got to make him an abolitionist. We're in a puppeteer match. I retired from YouTube and I like killing kittens. This is a sad one for me.

I think for everyone. Yeah, I mean for everyone because you've helped all of us so much, man, with your platform. Good. We absolutely love you for everything you've done for our community. That's awesome to hear. And I've had a lot of people reaching out with similar sentiments. And it's weird. It is like something we just kind of decided to do recently. And it's very scary and sad and...

Weird, but like overall I'm pretty excited about it. I'm pretty excited about moving to the next phase and not being Worried about the next video anymore and that kind of thing number one. Yeah numbers I'm just not gonna care and the way you the way you said it really like man I just really want to figure out who I am without YouTube Yeah that I think that kind of hit all of us a little hard where it's like fuck man I don't yeah, I don't even know it's weird because yeah YouTube

Was me for like 15 years like almost Are you gonna get into history or smoking meat? Those are your two options? I just actually started smoking meat. So it's probably gonna be that I met a guy this morning. He just wanted to have coffee like sit down. He's a guy that retired He said three years ago. He like he retired so he saw my video and he's like it's kind of a

an acquaintance I know. And he sent me a text and he's like, man, I'm proud of you. And, uh, you know, if you want, I'd love to go sit with you and have coffee. So I went and had coffee with him. And, uh, he was kind of asking what my plan was. And I was like, I don't have a plan. Like, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna kind of sit around and see what happens. He was like, that's perfect. He's like, that's what you need to do. A plan will come to you. Uh, you know, stuff to do will come to you. Work will come to you.

and you'll figure it out. Don't try to figure it out before it happens. - Oh my God, we're all gonna get canceled and Matt's gonna have to come out of retirement like fat Thor and save all of us. It's gonna be awesome. - Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna retire for a while until you guys need me again. - We're like, "Do you need any McPhee?" - I don't associate with them.

Yeah, whenever y'all are down, I'm just gonna come out of retirement to kick you. He comes out of retirement on the side of YouTube.

Now that they all got cancelled, I'm back, bitches. Let's go. No, seriously, dude. A lot of us took a... We looked up to you. We don't need any more. Acknowledge. We all...

Fuck you. Yeah, fat Thor. A lot of our career was just looking up to you and just looking at what you did and just going off the basis of what you were doing in your videos. I mean, I did that to a bunch of other channels too. I had so many idols on YouTube because I love YouTube. I think it's so cool. I loved...

I love the whole process of like growing the channel and there were so many channels that I like aspired to be like, and so I kind of modeled little parts of my videos like them. And, and so, yeah, it's, it's cool that I think I've done that for a lot of people too. Like, you know, cause we all had like the FPS Russia's and stuff like that when we first started. Yep. And I mean, it's crazy. I think we talked about it on the podcast the other day, but just like the fact that FPS Russia at one point was like a top seven or eight YouTube channel on YouTube period. Yep. Yeah. It's like, man,

The closest thing we have to that now is you. Yeah. And it's a cool end of a chapter, though. I'm proud of you, man. Thanks. It's awesome. Thanks. I appreciate it. For your vlog channel specifically, you had Atwood. That's someone you looked up to. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, he was one for sure. Yeah. That's awesome. And I looked up to you for my vlog channel. Yep.

And you helped me out so much, man. Sorry, I'm just, this is sucking Matt's dick podcast. I like, we got the title of the Tepperbox version. Four guys suck off demo. We get some views. We get the couch photo. But it's all of us. Demo standing behind us. Eight feet tall. We couldn't do it. It's just a shadow of a dick and it's just like the Willem Dafoe.

What was one of the determining factors? 2024, did you have a feeling, hey, leading up to this, I'm probably going to retire next year? No, not really. We kind of figured it would be eventually. You know, there's like...

I don't know. It's like I accomplished all the goals that I ever wanted to accomplish and then kept going for five years after that. So it's just kind of like, why am I still doing this? But really, recently, it's kind of hit us that our kids are all getting very old. And I'm realizing they're going to leave soon. And I'm just like, this is weird.

we have made all the money I need to make from YouTube. Like, it's like, we don't need more money. We don't need hundreds of dollars. I've made hundreds. My bank account has hundreds of dollars. I don't need more fame, you know? So I was just like, I'm just going to like take a break. And I'm not saying it's impossible that I won't come back in a,

two three four years in a podcast let's say with your friends yeah maybe it could happen it's possible right now i think it's not i think i'm like maybe done forever um but i just decided yeah i'm just gonna cold turkey quit in a couple months like wind everything down and then just stop which actually is is weird that that we said a couple months and then it like we looked at it i was like oh that ends right on april 1st no one's ever gonna believe us that we're actually really funny

I was like, we said that at the end of this month. We're like, yeah, two months. It's like, shit, that's April 1st. We just had a business convo about anything happening on April 1st. It's the worst. I'm going to make my last video on April 1st. It's actually really good. You're going to be like, wait a minute. Or reverse psychology it. Drop a video on April 1st saying, I'm still doing YouTube. That's what I said. And then never upload again.

That's what I said. I changed my mind, guys. I'm back, baby. We'll be back tomorrow. We're going to take a one-week break. We'll be back. And then just never come back. And people are like, I don't understand what's happening. The meme of the kid waiting next to the door, like, waiting to prank my dad when he comes home. Date 379. That's how it ends. Guys, I'll be right back. I need to go get some milk. Water will never return. That's pretty good.

Just gonna go down to the gas station, get some scratchers. I'll be back in five. That's how it should end. My gun tube dad never showed back up. He went to get some cigs. So it just, what was the, was there any determining factor or was it just waking up one day and be like, yo, I just want to, you know what?

I'm tired. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's been, I would say it's been a couple years where I've like been slowing down, you know, and being like, I'm not as driven to do this anymore as I used to be. But yeah, as far as announcing it, um, no, it really was just like all of a sudden, just kind of a, a realization that I don't really know why I'm here anymore, you know?

And it's still fun. I think they call that depression. Yeah, I think it might be it too. Not in life in general. But it's still fun for me, but I'm just not driven to do it anymore. And I want to find... I like being driven, you know? And I want to find what drives me now. You want to be hungry. Yeah, but I think I have to stop doing this completely to figure out...

what drives me now. And so it's like, it's that it's my family. It's just wanting to also just be normal, you know, not be a social media person anymore to not worry about what's happening on Instagram or Twitter or any of those things.

I want to just step away and maybe just detox from it for a while. And maybe I'll come back in two years and be like, oh, I feel refreshed. Fuck, no you won't. I think I'll probably be done. That is a hellscape. I never want to go back. I think I just want to be a normal guy. Yeah, it's weird. Because it's also really fun to not be normal. It's fun for companies to send you places and you get to go do cool things. And that's so cool. It's cool to go to SHOT Show when companies pay your way and you get to go to a cool hotel and do all that kind of stuff. But

Yeah, like you, I've been to SHOT Show a ton. I don't want to go anymore. It's exhausting. I'll treat you like shit for free. That's what you're looking for. Like the first four years of fire, man. What a friend. That is a service I can provide. I feel like you've done that before, though, like where you've kind of gotten into the car stuff. Where you're like, all right, you know, I'm still doing the gun shit, but like I want to find something else. Because you really do, like people don't understand, like,

We are so jaded to guns now. Yeah. Well, and I've been half-assing Demolition Ranch for five years. You know, like, I feel like... Sponsors love that. Yeah. Like, we still do it because it's still... There's an aspect that's really fun, of course. And I do still like guns. I still like getting them. But it was hard to think of videos every single week. And so, like, my crew, you know, started hiring people to help me. And, like...

I felt weird like I wasn't devoting everything to a whole video, you know? And so it was kind of weird. Like I feel like that's sort of half-assing it, even though I still had, you know, people helping it, the videos were better with people helping too, but it, it wasn't all me anymore. So I feel like that's kind of been me sort of slipping out of demolition ranch for a while where you still get a video, but you know, it's not just me alone in the woods grinding out this video.

Me alone in the woods grinding. There's a certain magic that is lost after a while that you just can't really get back. It's been going down for me for a while where I'm just like, yeah, I just don't... I'm not obsessed with it anymore like I was eight years ago. Yeah, but I don't know. Maybe you'll get... I don't know because I totally understand where you're coming from and it's awesome for you to just take a step back and you're like, I don't need this and I want to watch my kids grow up. I think that's commendable, but...

I also know how guys like us are wired and I'm wondering if you're going to get bored. I am worried about that. My wife is worried about that. She's like, what are you going to do? Like you're, you're going to need that, you know, release. You need that creative outlet. And for working 18 hours a day for 15 years, you think you're just going to shut it off for an extended period of time. I'm going to learn how to knit or something. I don't know. Demolition knitting. Can I just shit on people real quick? Sure. On your behalf. Sure. Yeah.

People who say he doesn't add to the Second Amendment community, you're retarded. You're absolutely retarded. I'm here for this. He made guns fun for everyone. Get him, Cody. He made the Second Amendment fun. And to say he's never contributed to the 2A community, you're retarded. You're a dumb piece of shit. It's not only that. It's like he made it approachable to a degree. No offense, Brandon, but none of the rest of us do it. I mean, look at how I...

appear and like you with like the jokes you make and everything else is like, Oh, this dude's legitimately just like a good family man. Dad. Well, I talked to him about that because he's obviously very political about his two way stuff. Like his videos are all political. And we were talking about the difference in what we both do and,

And it is something like, I'm also not a super political person. Like, I don't want to talk about politics. I mean, I look at it like combined arms. Yeah. Where it's like, all right, there's air support, there's artillery, there's infantrymen. It's like, well, he sucks hand to hand. Well, that's cool. I still need him to fucking call down a...

fire on that even if you're one of those guys who is like demolition ranch should have done more you know i think that's where those and it's it's i think a loud minority of people that think that i'm anti 2a because i didn't do more but aren't they the loudest even if you're yeah even if you're the guy who said it was a soft pitch i knew somebody was gonna take it i didn't even hear that

Even if you are one of the guys. Demo Ranch's take on movie theaters. Cancel me. I don't care. If you think I should have done more, I just don't know how you couldn't step back and be like, well, it wasn't a net negative. It was still a net positive. You're still making gun content. You're still making it easy access for someone who doesn't know anything about guns to not feel like, well, this guy's super political and all pro-gun and he's scary. I'm just like, I'm going to go out and shoot these things and it's going to be funny.

We talked about it on the PSR podcast where I'm like, man, you need the demo ranches, the John Wicks, the call of duties. Like that's the very beginning of the funnel. Cause like if you just hammer fist people with the constitution, it's like, are you correct? Yes. But,

like you need to get people hit, like warm them up. Yeah. A little bit of foreplay before you just slap them with the cost. Are you saying demos the foreplay? Yeah. It's just like, it's also being like the infrastructure with how big you were, like the things that other people were able to accomplish. Cause you enabled them to like last range day, you probably don't even know this, but there was like,

some pretty big people from YouTube that showed up and I was like escorting them around range day. And like within 20 minutes, they'd never shot a gun in their life. And they had shot in pistols, rifles, machine guns. And one of them was like,

I feel really safe. This is not what I was expecting at all when I came here. Everybody is so nice. And like everybody's being very professional and like safe with all these guns and stuff. I'll be so pissed if as soon as I leave YouTube, it gets really easy for gun coopers. You can just come back. $200 CPMs, everything plugs in. I'm out of retirement. I'm back. I'm back.

well i was talking to the people that you're talking about i was talking to him too and i'm like you thought we were just a bunch of dumb fucking rednecks who like go out and just like bang bang bang bang bang yeah fun which fair half true and we're smart rednecks that go bang bang bang yeah we go bang bang this is dangerous but they were like you guys are so safe and like this was the best time we ever had

It's like, yeah, yeah, that's what we do. And you paved the way for that. And like, can't appreciate you enough, buddy. I helped pay the way. Plenty of people helped pave the way there. It wasn't just me. It didn't feel that way when I was standing on your range. Yeah. Those are scary. Hey, Brandon, you ever wake up in your bed feeling like you just fought in a war?

All clear? Yeah, what do you ask? You ever wake up and feel like you slept in a sauna? Yeah, I believe that's called night sweats. Means you got a trash mattress, Brandon. Why are we talking like Macho Man Randy Savage? Because today we're talking about our premier sponsorship, GhostMed mattresses are built with cooling technology.

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Ooh, yeah. And you know what, brother? They don't just sell mattresses. They have bases, pillows, sheets, the whole empanada. Just pick your mattress and grab them.

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unsubscribe use code unsubscribe i'll show up under your bed and make ghost noises until you do go now i just want to reiterate none of this was in the script i don't know we started talking like

But is it you, you have, everyone here has a story with you. Like your first, the AR. And even then it was like, you had me on the AR video to go against ARs versus AK guys. And that's how that circle started. Did you say AR gays? It was, it was a bit of a, he said AR gays versus AK guys.

Probably didn't slip. I remember a bunch of people hitting me up saying like, dude, Demo Ranch just stole your video. It's because I stole his video. And I had the complete opposite take. I was like, fucking just starting out on YouTube, I maybe had like, I don't know, 30,000, 40,000 subs. And I was like, fucking Demo Ranch just stole my video. That's so...

cool because like you mentioned me at the end of it everything i'm like i stole this video i gave him credit and then i invited him out to make a video so i felt like that was a good trade i think we talked about that on the podcast that we just filmed yesterday it was it was it was kind of fun just to see the the early days of bunker and like just everything as you were still like kind of kicking off a lot of the infrastructure that you've you've managed to build over the last what five six years yeah it's been crazy yeah the last six years have been a big change

I think Matt accidentally hooked me up the first time I was on Demolition Ranch. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not. It was me and you and admin all competing to win your L.A. And I've never gotten a free gun before in my entire life. And he's like, all right, here's the challenges. We've got to try to shoot guns while we're getting shocked. And I'm like, fuck, I got this. I've been shocked plenty. I've been completely.

I was like, there's no way I'm beating administrative results in shooting. It's not going to happen. Like, I'm all right, but this is his job. And then he's like, we're getting shocked while we do it. And I was like, oh, fuck, I might win this.

And you did. And man, admin wanted that gun so bad. You didn't seem to care. What gun was it? It was just an LMT. It was a .308. It was just an LMT. It was just a .308 LMT with a badass scope on it. I was like, I want this really bad. Aaron wanted it so bad. And he was actually kind of pissed at the end of the episode. He didn't get it.

And then we got to do jujitsu together. For three seconds. I was like, what did you just put me in? That's going to be your title on a business card if we ever do those. Just like, the fat electrician, head pretzel maker. If I could snip any three seconds from my entire YouTube career, it was when I went like this and me and Matt shook hands before the match. And, okay, go. And Matt goes...

you're not even scared. It means he's done it once or twice. He was like, I'm a purple belt. And I was like, cool. I'm not any belt. I don't even know what that means. I would have been terrified at the slow hat reverse. What did we tie? You and I tied. And so the, it was like, yeah, we had a tiebreaker win in wrestling. And you're like, I'm a purple belt. I was like, well, let's fucking go. I guess you're going to win.

The first time I came out, we shot each other with less than lethal weapons. That was a good video. What year was that? I don't know. Was that 2018, 19? We both looked like babies, so maybe. Yeah. You just came down in Texas, but we just moved there. He hadn't moved yet. I hadn't moved yet. He hit me up, and he was like, hey, dude, you want to come shoot less than lethal weapons at each other? I said, fuck yeah, dude. Game Listener Ranch wants me to do that? Hell yeah, I'm coming.

What was the one thing you didn't want to do again? You're like, I will not be pepper sprayed, I think was your thing. Yeah, that was one of the things. But the bolo. Oh, bolo wrap. That was the worst. You shot me with the bolo wrap. It had these little fish hooks that would fly around you and wrap you up and then hook into your skin. And the company was like, yeah, y'all can shoot each other with this, but don't be running while you do it. And we were like, oh, that would have been so cool. Shoot them and it wraps their legs up and knocks them over. But it's because if you're doing that, it would just rip your skin open.

Yeah, because it was a blank 38 that projected it, right? I don't remember. Was it? Yeah, it was like a... Normal bolos just have balls at the end of town. Dude, this is like...

And the wire cord. Yeah, Kevlar line. Kevlar line. Out of a gun? With fish hooks on the end of it. It looks like... That sounds as demo range as it gets. It looks like a cell phone almost. It was made for cops. And so it's a less than lethal. And you just shoot it. And it'll wrap up arms or legs or whatever. But it just goes... And hooks on you. And then fish hooks go in your skin. That's got to be horrible when you hit him in the neck. And it just...

And it's like, yeah, you can't get them. Like they, they hook in your skin, like fish hooks. They're in you. And I mean, we had to like pull them out of our skin. You had to take pliers and get them out of my skin. It's hard to cut. And it's Kevlar line. And it's crazy. Yeah. That was gnarly. They were cool. We had the taser guys there too. Yeah. And the water cannon. Yeah. Oh, the water cannon was gnarly. There was nothing funner than having a friend that's like, yeah, I have these houses that are full of mold and we have to rip them down. I was like, oh,

Can we do the meme? Can we shoot him? Can we do the meme? For when the big gun is for when the enemy's hiding behind my enemy's refrigerator? And then we went out and did that fucking video. Shot a house. Yeah. And it actually went through...

All of them. Surprisingly, a lot of lower calibers. Like, 9mm was enough to go through one exterior wall, a fridge, and penetrate a human. Oh, yeah. So then everything else is just like, I mean, well, let's see what the lower calibers do now. What was the basis of that video that you guys did together? It's that meme. You know the meme, like the Desert Eagle, for when the burglar's hiding behind your neighbor's refrigerator? Yeah, it says, 50 cal for when the burglar's hiding behind the fridge in your neighbor's house. And it's like...

Supposed to be like it goes through everything, which bullets apparently do. 9mm does that, actually. Full metal jacket. Yeah. People don't realize walls are not thick. Full metal jacket. I read through the comments on that video all the Europeans just shitting on American construction methods. While they're sweating and 27 people die every time you guys have a heat wave because you can't install air conditioners. Side eye to show that it's fucking aggressive. Jesus Christ.

I watched that happen. Jamie, pull that shit back. We just get done shooting through this house with seven different calibers of guns, and I was like, yeah. Good thing you guys shut the gas off, and Matt's like, yeah. Yeah, we did. We were shooting a different house out on that property, so I guess we should have learned. We were shooting a different house out there, and we hear...

And we're like, "Oh no." It smells like eggs! We thought we hit a gas line. I was like, "I didn't think there was gas in this house." And we start freaking out. Oh god, it was just the squatter. We realized it was just an air conditioner. Why is he hissing? There's like compressed gases in there. Freon? Yeah, like Freon. And it was hissing and I was like, "Oh my gosh, this house is about to explode." Crackheads do weird shit when you shoot them, man. I don't know. Trust me, I do. It's like a corner raccoon. Corner raccoon. This is a gross bam. Oh no!

holy shit so moral of the story we've done a lot of crazy shit together the past 10 years yeah it's been a long time that's crazy better part of a decade yeah when did you move here

Shit five years ago. Yeah, yeah, but I was coming out here and hanging out Yeah, you don't even make videos for four years. Yeah, can you stay with me you live you and John live with me for like two weeks? Yeah, yeah, I live with the life I forgot about that. Yeah, fuck. Yeah, it was totally like 20 like a year after that or a couple weeks Oh, yeah, it was pretty 20 20 some it was the big winter freeze the snowpocalypse apocalypse here and

You were there for that, remember? Oh, yeah. We were staying at our buddy's house. Yeah, and then Brian pulls up during the snowpocalypse in his truck. He's like, what the hell? I moved my entire life, like my girlfriend at the time, everything. Like, we moved across the country. Like, Texas, where it's hot. And we took a wrong turn. Because I was already, like, I was already spending months at a time in Texas just hanging out with you guys or, like, doing work shit or whatever. I'm like, I'm just moving to San Antonio.

And yeah, we get to Houston and the snow starts to fall. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Houston snow is crazy. That's insane. You're right next to the ocean, the Gulf of America. The Gulf of America. Freezing. Well, he got here when no one had food. No one had power. No restaurants were open. No grocery stores were open. Gas stations. You're moving your entire life. You don't have a fridge. You don't have food. I think we went to a Buc-ee's and I'm just like, load up on everything calorie dense because it might be a minute. Yeah.

And you pulled up. I don't know if we can keep this brain. It's your choice. But I just liked, then you had a conversation for an hour about it. It's not safe to drive. Yeah. Somebody had wanted to go home. And I was like, I don't know how to explain this to you. Like, I'm like, we can't, that's not an option right now. He was just sliding down the road like this. He's like, is that good enough? Are we good? I'm like,

Brandon walked back in. He's like, yeah, we're not making it. His first night in Texas, we're in a two, three bedroom home. And there's probably what? Like 15 adults in there? Yeah. Because it was the only house that had power at the time because it was on the hospital grid. Yep. That he fed us.

It was just like Gushers. Slenderman. No, no, no. It was like just Gushers. I made a pot roast for everyone. That was so fucking funny, man. That was like... It's like Von Kien's like, oh, we're all going to eat each other. You guys are all sitting there like, all right, who's going to be the first one to eat one of Batty's lizards?

I look back and I was like, those were such good times. None of us knew what the fuck was going on, man.

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Also, another one of the first times I came down, we killed Goldie.

Yeah, the van. Yeah, the minivan. Yeah, we bought this minivan. We painted it gold, and it turned out to just be the best running thing ever. We couldn't kill it. We just kept making videos with Goldie. It was like a Hilux. Yeah, it was like a Hilux. Yeah, but we made videos forever with it, and then finally it was kind of getting pretty beat up because we were just riding it into trees. You tied it to what? We were in that little reservoir? We didn't tie it to anything. We tied the steering wheel turned a little bit.

Oh really? And it was just doing circles. We put a brick on the pedal and just let it go around in circles and we ran back and we're like, ah! And we're just like, well let's just shoot it with different calibers and see what happens. That was the first time my son came down too. Because remember John was just like, yeah, just kill it. Kentucky was there and I can't remember if it was him or Batty, one of them two shot a 50 BMG incendiary at it.

And then the van lit on fire. And we're like, oh my gosh, if this thing burns all these trees. We kind of have to stop the van now. So we were like, well, how do we put it out? And I had this one little faucet, but no hose. So we just had buckets and we'd fill it up and go dump it into water. Water's not great at putting out gasoline, by the way. So we're like trying and we somehow did get it to go out. Yeah, that was the first time my son experienced Texas. And he's like...

This is what Matt does? These guys are crazy. It's like, yeah, yeah, this is it. We just shoot the minivan going in circles. Pretty good introduction. That sums up Demolition Ranch.

Do you ever think about when your kids get out in the real world and they're just not surrounded by our group? My kids are not surrounded by our group. That's for the best. I don't bring my kids around. Have you guys ever hung out with my kids? Rarely. I've never even met his kids.

I keep my kids far away from our group. I've only met Mer one time. Whenever I was like, especially when I was coming to visit or anything, like before I lived here.

And we'd stay at the YouTuber's suite. Yes. And just waking up the next morning, I'm like, I'm used to hanging out with all the guys, whatever, all this degenerate shit. And then walking into your kitchen as your kids are getting ready to go to school and there's pancakes out and whatnot, I'm like, I feel like...

like a horrible that's what was so hard about being like living this YouTube life is I'd have people come in and they'd spend the night because we had this little separate apartment that was just we really just bought that house we thought it was cool there was like an apartment in it so people could come in and make videos but

guys who don't have kids, they stay up till three in the morning and I have to get up at six in the morning to like feed kids and take them to school. And so it's like, I would be like so worn out cause I'm waking up so early. And then like the people, not, not you guys in particular, but some guys like wouldn't wake, actually donut probably wouldn't wake up until like,

That's for you. Noon, I'll drink it. You're having one bush light with me before you retire. I'll do it. May I have a bush light too? Oh, yeah. Yeah, but they wouldn't wake up until like noon. We can't start making videos until 2. And then I got to pick up kids from school at 4.30. And I'm like, this is not working for our little day. But yeah, it's hard figuring out that stuff.

Family life plus YouTube life. You can make it work. It's just challenging. It was like that in the political world too. Cause it was like, I had to like drive four hours to West Texas to do events or whatever. So I'm like, I'm doing all the YouTuber life, but I still have to wake up at six o'clock in the morning to go start my day with a four hour drive. Yeah. Like that was,

The juxtaposition of doing what we do and doing anything else a functional adult does is very difficult. Everybody wonders why I haven't moved to Texas yet. It's because it makes it really easy to not have to fight that battle. Have a normal home life. Last night at the bar, I was like, I gotta go, guys. I'm gonna go get this. Well, I was like, you guys staying here? You missed some really funny shit. Bro, it got aggressive after you left. We almost got in a fight. With who?

An 80s action movie villain. Literally, bear in mind, we stayed up till 3 in the morning the night prior watching both versions of Roadhouse. And then we almost got in a bar fight the next night. I feel like that was completely not our fault. We were sitting there minding our own business and a woman that apparently was 40, based on what she said, and recently divorced that she said five more times, came up and was hitting on some of us. And...

uh, you know, we were polite or whatever. And we were like, yeah, cool. Blah, blah, blah. And she talked for like five, 10 minutes and then like, like standing over our table while we're just trying to hang out. We're talking. I was like, Oh,

Vodka? You guys... How did you know she offered to buy us vodka? I was there. Oh, for the first part? You were there for the second part. The first part, I was like, yeah, I was like, vodka, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, well, I gotta use the restroom real quick. And I went and fucking shit because I had cheese. When I came back, they weren't there. I was like, no.

So she went and was like making out with some other dude that she went and found at the bar for a while, very aggressively, like licking tongues. Like they were getting kicked out of the bar. It was aggressive. And then as they were leaving together, she stopped at our table again and was like saying hi again. You have three exits to make up your mind. Yeah. Was her phrasing. And then...

The dude that she had left with has already walked out and he comes back in like two minutes later and he's got like a Hawaiian shirt with like the bottom two buttons done. Like his whole chest is out and he's got one of those like Colgate flosser picks in his mouth and he's chewing on it like a 1980s cool guy with a toothpick. It's like, you coming with me or you staying with these boys? Gintrout looks around like, did that just f***ing happen? We all did like just the sunglasses off like...

Not saying we're hot shit, but this is a bold table to...

have that attitude with it gross man any table of three grown men by yourself to walk up and be like these boys is insane you have this 250 pound gorilla right here you're gonna call him a boy with brandon and fucking trowel sitting there that's important also he's like i'm getting late at night and then the girl's like oh yeah i forgot about you i'm cursed at you i

I don't know how to say this, but like this guy doesn't look like one of us. Like it's just a very mid skinny white guy. We're just like, he doesn't 1980s tough guy at a bar. And we just got done watching roadhouse. It was like, and in the back of my mind, I was like, all of us can post bail. This is like, man, I just wanted to go home. There's some mug shots that won't be good for my career. And there's some that would, and this is one that might be pretty cool. Um,

They work for Trump. Just saying. He sold a lot of shirts, man. It's kind of my thing. I just remember them being shit wrecked when they approached and then... It didn't get better. I didn't figure that. I'm like, ooh, okay, I'm out.

I'm sorry. Okay, I dadded that one. I went home last night. You were out for that part. Yeah, I was like, I want to go see my son. You guys went out and almost got into a fucking bar fight with a 1980s villain. You would have been so pissed if we got in a bar fight without you. I know, that would have been horrible.

i was asleep her drunk friend comes i've never seen a man so openly displaying his wedding ring and i was like okay how are you sitting i was sitting like this with your wedding ring because she was like standing above me so i was like this listening to the conversation and her friend walks up like this guy's trying to show off his wedding ring and i was like

Yes. No, but also yes. I'm just in a defensive posture because I don't know you and you're hovering over me. Because I'm uncomfortable and you're dressed like Han Solo in January. Like,

That is pretty funny. Don't talk shit about the white weed in Houston. Oh my God. She did say that. She, she literally, she was so drunk. She's like, I did. I did. After we just watched her make out with a dude at the bar. I went home at nine, 10 by the way. This all happened over the course of 30 more minutes. I shouldn't be doing this. I just got back from church from worship and,

And she's like, I go to a black church. They call me the White Whitney Houston. And I'm trying. I had to get up and go to the bathroom. I was laughing so hard. God, she's trying really hard. Damn. 30 more minutes. Damn. That should have stayed longer. Sounds like you guys were not picking up what she was putting down. I don't think we wanted to pick up what she was putting down. NPC behavior, dude.

What was the random encounters from GTA? What is strangers and freaks? It was like, oh, fuck. All right. This is entertaining. Hey, Brandon. Yes, Eli. When you think of businesses that are just crushing it. Bonker. On sub. What's the first thing to enter your mind? That's easy, Eli. A good child labor law attorney. Huh? Eli, I said Shopify. What did you hear? Actually, it was the overlooked secret behind the business. Like I said, Shopify. Oh, okay.

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Head over to slash unsubpod to upgrade your selling today. slash unsubpod. All lowercase. We've talked about this. I don't know about you. With Cody, it is. Did you ever have that thought process? It's like, hey, I'm retiring. At any point before that, it was like, I'm going to hand it off to my kids.

Me? Yeah. Were you ever in that thought process? Sorry, I was still thinking about the fight last night. I honestly don't know if I want my kids to do this. I don't know. Someone did ask me if I would ever sell the channel. I was like, no, I don't think so. I guess everything is for sale. 200 million? Yeah, if it's a crazy amount, I can't say that I would really stand strong on that. There's a big sentimental part of it where it's like,

I want it because it's something I created. It was my baby for so long. Yeah, that's your legacy. It's something that I loved. And so I want it for me, but then it's also like, what if in 20 years I want to be Hickok45 on the internet, still making videos? Or what if I want to let one of my kids go ahead and take it over and have Demolition Ranch come back if YouTube is still a thing in 20 years? Or 500 years?

five years, 10 years, whatever it is, you know, it's an interesting perspective. Cause like if you, if one of your kids approached you, let's say in like two, three years, like they're a little older and said, dad, I want to do YouTube. What would your advice? Like what, what's your take? Two, three years is too soon. There's still still, they're not old enough yet, but if they're in their twenties, yeah. If they're in their twenties and they want to do that, like, yeah, go for it. I don't care. I mean,

We're the first generation of YouTubers, dude. What do you do with that channel? Right. And if YouTube is still a thing, we also would have the first multi-generational on YouTube. Now you have actors who their parents were actors. The

Charlie Sheens, you know? - Every business that you start, especially a family business, it is, I've started this, this is what I'm doing. I'm gonna pass this off, you take care of it. This is the first one where it's like, I don't fucking know. 'Cause it is scary. You're like, I don't know if you wanna, this is a lot of responsibility. - When they're in their 20s, I think it's great. They're old enough to make their own decisions and everything.

And so I would be totally fine with that in their 20s. But yeah, there's so many like Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, like the scars, the scars, guards, guards. And yeah, like that. That's great. You know, their dads obviously helped them get there or whatever. And so if that is how YouTube is, that is kind of cool. And so I kind of like it. We all say like, oh, you know, if YouTube is still a thing, like it blows my mind to think about it. But like YouTube currently is.

20 years old yeah it's it's it's like my whole career i just watch your fucking face change it's true though everyone is like yeah but it's it's it's something that like my whole career i've thought you know especially i was a vet for the first you know thank you for your service we pass it off to you

But yeah, I was a veterinarian. I held on to that because I was like well YouTube is it's new It may just disappear any day so I don't want to count on that as my career And so I did that for a long time until like I was making way more money on YouTube and I was like, okay It's it's more fun. It's more flexible. I can do it whenever I feel like it and now it's way more profitable so I guess I'm gonna do more YouTube than veterinary work and Where was I going with this?

Oh, yeah. So then we kept using it as just YouTube may disappear at any time. I knew like, okay, two years from now, YouTube might not be here. But now that it's been going for 20 years, it's like, what if this is still here in 20 more years? What if YouTube is like a lifelong career, which it looks like it could be. I think it's the new Hollywood. I think it's replacing. You still have the 15 minutes of fame, you know? Because like, I don't think I'll be here in 10 years. Like on YouTube, like in the same place. Like I...

I don't think I got that in me. Like, I don't think that's a thing that any of us, like, 10 years from now, I'm like, I...

This has an expiration date. We just don't know what it is. You'll be a different person in 10 years. It's similar, but you're going to change in that amount of time. I don't know. It's weird. People keep getting shot, so I'm going to be around forever. Well, you've got job security. Assholes never die. I mean, your entire channel is watching assholes die. Cody, same. How many subscribers did you get on Vet Ranch?

Uh, 4 million or something. I'm, I think. Yeah. Yeah. That was doing good. Yeah, it was. YouTube is what killed that. So YouTube made it to where blood, you know, like if there's blood, you can't make money on it anymore. Yeah. Even if you're like taking care of a.

And mine was not gratuitous blood. It was like, I'm showing how a surgery works. Because you even censored it too. I tried censoring it and really the censoring took away what I loved about Vet Ranch, which was I could take... My dad is a veterinarian and so I got to go in the clinic as a little kid and watch these crazy surgeries. I'm sitting there at the edge of the table watching these crazy surgeries and

And I was like, that was cool as a kid to see because not many kids get to see that kind of stuff. And so I thought that ranch is cool because I can show kids across the world what it looks like to take out a bladder stone or what it looks like when a dog eats this and you have to cut its stomach open and pull it out.

But then YouTube came through five years later and just made it to where you can't make any money on it. It was like, those videos were really expensive and really hard to make. They took a month of me like following these dogs throughout their recovery or whatever. But because it's educational, you can still watch some gay dude nair his asshole on YouTube.

Can you watch that? Yes. Yeah. It's a whole thing. Oh, God. Boobs. Do not pull it up, Chase. Chase, do it solid, man. Straight up boobs are against the rules unless you're holding a baby and you claim it has anything to do with breastfeeding, which is a whole other level of

Disgusting. Because there's all these women like on Instagram and YouTube reels and everything where it's like blatantly promoting OnlyFans while holding an infant. And I was like, that's fucked up. Have you seen the even, I don't know if it's weird or not, but where they have a fake baby? The dolls? Yes! What the hell? What? Like, not to get on my old man's soapbox. Now it's gonna be on y'all's algorithm too. Matt's sitting over here trying to show kids that like, yeah, blood is a thing. Yeah, it's real life. Taking care of dogs is a thing. Yeah. This is a f-

thing that happens in your life real skills yeah real like like teaching young people like this is

Part of life and they fucked you and we were doing it. We were it was all homeless dogs So we were like net positive we're helping out, you know, it's almost like charity work It was I mean I was getting paid for it So it wasn't charity work for me But like we're doing net net positive stuff, which was really cool And then they cut basically all funding for it and I was like well I can't spend a month working on these videos that I'm not gonna make any money on it well now I'm gonna lose money on every one of them and so it was hard and just kind of took the took the

the fun of making them. I tried censoring and then you couldn't show anything. They just felt lame and then I wasn't making money on them. Would you ever go back to it? Just as a thing now that you're retired, you're going to go back to veterinary work? That is one of the options that I think may happen is go back and just be a regular veterinarian again.

which is a weird thing to think about. I'm going to have to get a hurt dog to get you back on unsub. Yes. I know what I have to do. I just don't know if I have the strength to do it. The opening episode is like, dog, I'm sorry. We have to summon Matt. And the screen goes black. It's like the meme with the black guy crying with the gun. Jesus. Yeah, that's on the table. It's weird.

Your family still owns the practice, right? Yeah. My sister-in-law purchased the practice from me. I knew you sold it. I didn't know you sold it to family. That's cool. That's actually like, hey, this might be... What is the other one other than that one? Have you had any other options for yourself where you're like, this sounds fun. Like what I might do? Maybe I'll just become a rancher.

Just like have cattle and just, no, I really don't have any plans, but like I might, I might do nothing like that for a while. Like I'm just going to like, I need to put up some fence. I'm just going to do old man shit for a while. Like I really, I don't know. Matt's going hardcore Yellowstone. It sounds awesome. I'm going to sell all my vehicles and just ride a horse to town. If you see the guy on the horse, that's me.

Dude, I got my thousand videos in. Can I come Yellowstone with you? Yes. Okay. I'll just be a ranch hand. All my friends are Yellowstuning. Literally right off the sunset. Yellowstuner. Yeah, okay, guy that just recently ran for office. You're not doing it, too. Fuck you, man. That was a very poignant example. In the show, he won. I'll be...

So I guess like, I'll be honest. Like I didn't, I came in so late. I never really looked up to you as like the content creation side, but like the cool part for me, it was one of the first times I ever came to town and we were talking and you were like, I flew in Friday night and I was flying out Monday morning. And I was like,

Hey, you want to get together, do whatever. And you're like, Oh, sorry, man. My weekends are for family. Yeah. Like that was super cool to me. Just like, so I look up. That's why I told you, you want to do this podcast yesterday, which was a Sunday. And I said, no, I said I had stuff going on. I didn't.

I was just hanging with family. Smart. I love it. So I don't look up to you as a content creator, but like, I look up to you as like, okay, I got little tiny kids right now. So it's like, how the do I navigate doing this while also trying to be a good dad? He thinks you're a shit content creator. Yeah. No, you're, you're, you're kind of dog shit, especially when I'm in it. Um,

But no, so like the, the cool part to me is like seeing how you manage that and then hearing that. So I guess, do you have any advice for it? Cause like I'm constantly struggling with like, I had a, like a rougher childhood than I think my kids are going to have. So in the back of my brain, I'm like, how do I traumatize this kid enough? So he's funny and I'd want to hang out with them, but also he doesn't.

Hate me. Yeah. I had a good childhood, like, you know, great parents who love me and supported me and everything. So I didn't have that, but, uh, I still want to give that to my kids. And, and I think, I think I have, I think, you know, as, as a YouTuber, you have a lot of freedom to hang out with your kids all the time. Um, but what I've started realizing is that I also have a freedom. I also have the freedom to hang out with my kids more than I do. And so I just want to make sure, like, there's been times when I felt guilty about like, you know,

For instance, my daughter's birthday is right around SHOT Show. I've literally missed the actual day of her birthday because it was SHOT Show. And I was like, this is the one thing that I got to do this year. And

And I feel guilty about that, even though we celebrate her birthday two days before or whatever, you know, but that's the advice. Don't fuck my wife nine months from SHOT Show. That's the kind of stuff that I'm like, I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to have to like be like, well, it's just two days before. It's not a big deal, you know, and I'm there for my kids all the time. But like, I want to be like.

to where they never can be like, yeah, dad missed my birthday every year because SHOT Show was around that time. But no, I'm not a perfect father at all. And I'm not aspiring to be a perfect father at all. But yeah, I just, I don't know. I think in a few years, I mean, I have seven and a half more years where my kids are in the house.

And I'm like, I want to have no regrets this last seven and a half years that I literally did every single thing. I went to every single game, and I took them to school every time they needed me to take them to school. That's my plan. I think a lot of people, Cody, you're feeling that too. When they hit 18, 19, 20, they hopefully...

We'll move out. You're going to see him maybe once a month, depending on how it gets less and less. And then that's the life part of it. Does John have his driver's license yet? No. He's 15. Yeah, we're working on getting his learner's permit right now. My wife's brother, his son just turned 16, and I didn't realize this. He said he didn't realize this. Whenever he turned 16, he was like, he's gone way more than he used to be. He's like, I thought...

I thought we'd see him for like the next couple of years. And then he was going to move out. He's like, now that he has a driver's license, like he goes to school in the morning on his own. And then he comes home, like, you know, they have a curfew or whatever on a weekday has to be home by eight o'clock or whatever. You know, he's like, we don't see him until eight. He hangs out with his friends. He goes to basketball practice. And he was like, I feel like he's already half moved out at 16 years old. And I'm like, that's crazy. Like, cause he like, you kind of want that. Yeah, for sure. You want them to start getting that independence and that freedom. Yeah. Well, I'm trying to teach John right now. I'm, I'm,

because I'm like, hey, dude, when you get out in the real world, you're not going to be around the Demo Ranch, the fucking Fat Electricians, the Eli, the Brandon Herrera, the Post Malone's, like all the people that we fucking we're around. That's not a normal thing.

That's not a normal thing. You're not going to go out to eat every day. You're not buying your lunch. Everyone's going to split the action. I'll take my check, please. Thank you. Yeah. We're not going out to brunch, dude. Like, and it's hard trying to impress on him. Like, this is not a normal life. We do this because, you know, we've, we've scratched and we've worked our way up in the world the past, like 10 years. The kids don't see that. Cause that, that was the, what were we just talking about? Where I'm like, man, I, I,

I am so much more relaxed now than I ever was in my early life. I set my twenties on fire to get here. Yep. Yeah. And people don't see that, especially kids. So I can only imagine. Yeah. Matt's working 18 hours a day. All of us, we're just working 18 hours a day trying to get this shit started and we're at a comfortable place right now. But like, how do you tell a kid this is not normal life?

Like, this is not what happened. He's just going to have culture shock when he finally moves out. Yeah, he's going to have to get, like, roommates and, you know, live in an apartment. And, like, yeah, it's wild. Eat ramen six days a week. Yep. You can't go out and eat every day. You can't go out and drink. And, like, you're going to have to manage your money, bubba.

It's a shock. They're like, fuck, dude, what the fuck is this? This life sucks. I'm moving back to my dad. Get out! No! Well, that's what I'm telling you. That's weird. The code doesn't work. Yeah, I'm like, dude, I'm not going to be here forever, buddy. I'm not going to fucking pay for your meals or your apartment or your car or any of this.

So yeah, it's a weird life, bud. Is that hard for you? Or are you like, Hey, my kids are pretty set up. They're squared away. Um, no, my kids, we have a very normal home life. Like we have, I don't know if y'all know, but we don't hang out with y'all ever. Dude.

Dude, I know. The Jewish Testament, we've hung out like twice as fast, like bringing our kiddos over. And I was like, oh, this is so nice. And then we're leaving by like 8 p.m. Yeah. That was so lovely. We have a very normal home life for the kids. We have a bunch of non-YouTube families, not because of you guys, but just because we want our kids. Yes.

It's compartmentalized. There's two of them here. I'm not going to say which ones, but the brown ones. We were talking about it last night on the podcast with Clayton Vanessa and how they're like, every time you throw a house party and the YouTubers and the normal friends are invited, they're like the intermediary where the doctors are like, how do I talk to all the guys with tattoos that drank too much? It's like your birthday party. I was just like, I'm going to invite everybody.

Everyone I know. It was so good. It was all my YouTube friends and all of my church friends.

Half the room is fucking sweater vests and glasses and the other half is doing shots from an AT-4. I was like, man, these are all the people I love in the world. I'm just going to invite freaking everyone here. It's going to be awesome. And it was. I had the best time ever. But there were two groups there. It was a school dance where it was like the girls and the boys were split up. But it was funny seeing JT was there and he found my Air Force buddy and they just start talking about Air Force stuff the whole time. People started connecting. It was hilarious and I loved it.

I know how to talk about that, Azdak.

What caliber is that? But yeah, we had an AT-4 rocket tube. We put a beer bong in it. And we called it the Beerzooka. And it was awesome. I think all of us pulled from it. Yeah. I mean, I got my accountant friends to take Beerzookas. We had my family doctor Beerzooka-ing. It was awesome. The dichotomy of man. Like, what the fuck?

It felt like having split personalities. It's like Spartacus where all the wealthy Romans are throwing a party and they bring in the gladiators. It's like a sideshow. Yeah. The workers are here. You can tell who's on YouTube because all those guys have sleeves. Hand tattoos are a good sign. Not a lawyer.

Hey. That's what I talked about that, like getting like neck tattoos or something. Cause it's like, just so you know, we're never going back to a job. That was my commitment when I got the, I'm never going back. That's why I get hand tattoos now. I'm not doing that again. I've become too confrontational. Never not work for myself ever again. Like that. You just can't.

It was like worst case scenario. I'm going to open up my own electrician shop and I'm still going to work for myself. Oddly enough, when the power's out, you don't care how many tattoos the guy has. It shows up to turn the lights back on. Although I did see a guy in Vegas who really made that commitment, like harder than I've ever seen. I passed him in the grocery store, had fucking SS rooms tattooed on his neck. Like, man, that guy better be self-employed or he's just not employed. He's a roofer. Works for the gas company.

He's a train engineer. Oh, Cody. Everyone's like, I'm going to pee. Awesome. Do you have to pee? I actually do have to pee, but you guys are gonna be so lonely without me. No, we'll go pee too. I actually have to pee. I'm drinking more than I usually do. I was like, oh, I don't drink. I had a water bottle before this and now I'm like, yeah, I gotta pee. Now we get asked the fun questions like, what was the worst moment in all of demo history?

We talked about one, which I might be. That's probably what I'll bring up again. But your perspective is quite nice on the subject. Let's do it. What is it? Oh, we're going. Yeah, it's already fucking rolling. We don't hit pause. Yeah. I mean, well, I don't know. Maybe it just feels like the worst moment because it was the most recent. But yeah, it was the Trump shooting.

Eyeballs on it. Yeah. Well, I mean, it really was like, I don't want to be associated with this, but for some reason I'm associated with it. And so it's... Hey, that was my worst moment too. Why was that your worst moment? Because I had just taken a loan out against my house and spent a significant amount of money to buy into your company. And literally 36 hours later, I was like, oh no, I'm going to lose my house. Well, that was so my...

one of my like really good friends is an attorney. And so we do all like our contracts through him and he calls me and he's like, Hey, I talked to one of my like big attorney friends and he was like, you could get the, actually the first thing he goes, he said, Hey, are all of your guns legal? And I was like,

And he goes, oh, good, good, good, good. I was like, why? Good, good. This is like the first call. Everything's happening. You're like, what? Yeah, my attorney friend calls me. It was like two days later or something. We have been watching the news. Why you pause? Yeah, and he was like, yeah. Oh, he said, good. And I was like, why? And he goes, well, because you're probably going to get a warrant and come like...

look through all your stuff. And I'm like, why? And he's like, just because it's a big like nation worldwide, you know, thing. And they're going to want to make sure that you don't have any involvement with it. I was like, cause he wore my t-shirt. He's like, he's just saying they might. And I'm like, well, that's going to fucking suck. Just to preface the conversation. If you guys haven't seen you, we talked about it with Clinton Jenna last night. Like,

There was a person who shot at the sitting president and was wearing one of Matt's shirts. The star of Beavis and Butthead. Yeah. Well, and he was wearing one of the shirts that, like, our most popular shirt, the one I've worn the most, like a gray shirt that just says Demolition. Demolition. We have sold so many of that shirts, so many of those shirts. All you guys have had one of those shirts. And, like, immediately after, I think we all did videos, like, in that shirt, just out of solidarity. Like, well...

I mean, and we, like, I was going over to one of my buddies' houses that night. Salary for you, for the record. Just throwing that out there, because, uh... Brandon, sabotaging future Brandon again. Politics, bring it out, mate. Feel the need to clarify. I just, like, Brandon realizing. Oh, dang it. Well, that's going to get clipped out of context. No.

No, I was going over to a guy's house that night just to hang out. And he was like, man, did you hear about this Trump shooting? And I was like, no. And he tells me, yeah, some guy took a shot at Trump. And I was like, that's crazy. And that's all we knew. And then two hours later, my brother texts me. And he's like...

have you seen this? And sends me a screenshot. He was the first one that let me know, Drew. Drewski let you know? Yeah, Drewski. He was the first one that let me know. He sends me, he's like, have you seen this? And I was like, that's not real. Where'd you get that? Where'd you get that picture? And he's like, it's the one they're showing. And I look it up and I'm like, that is for sure one of my shirts. I didn't believe it at first. Yeah, I was like, there's no way. That's insane. And it was insane. And it happened. And it's crazy. But yeah, it sucked. The news is talking about

The guy's name and Trump and me. And your militia. Yeah, my militia. The militia. This alt-right militia. Yeah, of course, the biggest 2A YouTubers in the world. This militia. Fuck journalists, man. Mm-hmm.

We don't bully them enough. They don't go to heaven. I did talk to the FBI. They did call, like, weeks later. It was, like, months later. It was, like, two months later. They called. They never did an investigation. I never got a warrant. They never looked through anything. I think someone probably was like, that doesn't make any sense. That's stupid. But the FBI did reach out just to, like, chat. And they said, well, you know, like...

The guy was, like, looking through your videos, like, to learn how to, like, shoot guns and stuff. And I went, wait, what? I was like, what do you mean? Do you know that? Because no one's ever told me that before. And she goes, well, no, I was just saying maybe that's what happened. I was like, so why did you say that? And she was like, I...

I love you, but of all the gun YouTubers, looking at how to shoot guns efficiently is not what I would go to your channel for. But that's what she said, and I was like, why did you say that? And she was like, oh, I don't know. I mean, it was just like, I just thought maybe. I was like, did someone say that they found that out? Like, I don't know. She was like, no, I'm not on the case. I have no idea. And I was like, okay.

Did he wear a can of beans to stop a bullet? That's what they would wear if they watched your video. What did you say? I just wore a can of beans on my chest to stop a round if he shot me. That's a demo, dude. Watch the alarm.

So, like, I would like to say we're all professional shooters here. In Brandon's video, how hard was it to recreate just shooting the ear? Yeah, well, because you had those, like, leftist conspiracy theories where it's like, oh, well, it was planned. He just wanted to get nicked in the ear or whatever. Insane. Literally impossible. Like, not like, it's a hard shot. It's...

literally not possible to predict. You did it from 10 feet away and you had to do it, what, three times? Because you're talking about MOA, so it's like one inch at 100 yards. He was shooting at like 150 yards. The gun he was using... Wind, all these variations! The gun he was using is like...

maybe like three MOA, two MOA, the dot he's using, two extra MOA, like all these things on top of it. He's putting it on a sloped roof on a mag. He didn't have a tripod or anything, right? I mean, he's on those scary sloped roofs. He's balancing on a mag while he's stressed. Cause he knows people are yelling at him from the ground. Like,

I accidentally killed that poor dude in the audience. But stacking what you're saying, it is. If a machine is precision shooting with that weapon, that optic, there's five inch variation every single shot. And that's being gracious. Yeah, if you were a fucking computer...

Like, if you were a Terminator level shooter and doing the best possible no human error. Literally the error in the machinery and the physics. Is bigger than your head. It's an impossible shot to fake. It was just so f***ing stupid. You get all these people that don't know jack shit about guns that start going on their soapbox. And then you get people on Twitter just clipping the slow-mo footage being like, a YouTuber proved that it was a fake shot. Yeah, and I was like, what the f***?

Even that video, remember I said it was like, you should use a piece of ham for the ear because people are going to see the ballistic gel ripple. That was one of my things I said during that video. I was like, ah, they're going to see the ripple and be like, see, it's fake and sure as shit.

Dipshits. Ear tissues, cartilage, completely different. Cartilage, a little bit different density than human skin. You don't hate journalists enough. Yeah, dude, you get these fucking journalists who have never done any kind of shooting, which we saw from people we've had off the range before. Never done any type of shooting, and they're like, no, it's fake. This is all fake. What was the part where you were like, oh, this is...

It's not going to be that bad. It was two weeks later, I think. I was actually pretty stressed for two weeks. I don't want to be associated with that. That sucks. Someone died. Also, it was just a bad deal all around. But it was two weeks later, and everyone just forgot about it. We had reporters coming to my house. We had reporters...

to your house? - The second and third assassination attempt really helped you out. - We had someone come into our house, we had people calling, reporters calling my phone and sending us messages and calling our work line and all these people bugging us until I put out the video that literally just said,

Yeah, we didn't know him. I don't support this. I don't have a militia. I've never talked to him. We don't want this. And I was like, he literally just bought a shirt online. He didn't come to our store. We shipped it to him. And then everyone stopped talking to us, but they were still talking about us a little bit.

And then like two weeks later, the world forgot about it and they went on to the next thing. It was literally two weeks and no one talked about it anymore. I don't know if I ever told you this. I had reporters that I knew, like had people that I had coordinated with from the campaign that were calling me about that getting comment.

and shit like that. - Yeah. - It was a media frenzy. - The reason, yeah, they were doing that because they had no information. They were interested in me because they had no information. It was like, this is a guy, he was this old, here's his name, and he was wearing a Demolition Ranch shirt. So they were like, that's our only lead. We have to call Matt. Really, if you think about it, we got no information on the guy. We still don't know motive, right?

I don't know if they ever came out with like, why, why he did it. Incel looking head ass. I don't know. Yeah. And so that was all they had. And then they, they, sorry, was that, I don't know. He could have fucking touch grass and talk to women a little bit more. And then he probably wouldn't have done that. You know, Shinzo Abe type shit on that Shinzo Abe grind set. Yeah. I loved all the memes that were like Shinzo, like curving the bullet, the bullet, like shit like that. It was just like Donaldson duck. I don't know. I, I,

Come on. That's the... Oh, my soapbox. My dad's soapbox again. That's the problem with youth right now. What did Shinzo say? Touch grass, fucking go out in the sunlight. Talk to girls in real life. Yeah, talk to girls. What'd they do? They fucking killed him. Touch of grass, eat her ass. Shinzo Abe. It's like, talk to real women, touch grass. And they're like, the Japanese youth was like, it's easier to kill you.

They shot him. We always say like two weeks on the internet and like just shut the fuck up for two weeks or do a really good message. And you're like, Hey, yeah, you don't, you don't fucking talk about it. Like, cause I went through that a couple of years ago. He did. He did. And then I got, I got banned for it off Twitch for, I think two weeks.

But what I did was not address it. Yeah, I mean, I never knew that. I didn't do anything wrong, so I'm not going to apologize for my words. And I texted you. I was like, do not apologize. Just fucking two weeks is going to be gone. And then...

That's the shit that kills me, though, is people don't understand context matters. Because you weren't saying it in the context of you were trying to put someone down or it wasn't a hate crime. You were making a joke to a friend. That fucking matters to me. It was to my gay girlfriend. Yeah.

Sad. Notorious trans woman. The girl my best friend.

But in a gay way. Like what you were saying, dude. When it comes down to it, just don't address it because the people that make the headlines are just pieces of shit. We almost didn't. We thought, do we need to do this? I feel like I just need to at least tell people I don't know him. I don't know anything about him. He just bought a shirt. It had to be a mixed bag seeing how many views that video got so quick. Yeah, the CPMs are probably...

He was like, I'm gonna do a second video. What's weird is, yeah, like, it was definitely bad. We didn't want that. But then, like, views are fun. So, like, it was... I was like... I was like, yikes. Yeah.

I hope this never happens again. Matt dabbled in the dark side of the first. Lord, why do you give me this? I was like, this is the toughest battle. Two of his strongest YouTubers. I was like, God, I don't like it. But like, look how many views I got. That's crazy. We went ahead and never talked about it again. I was telling him. I think we were talking about it yesterday where like you just sent that message to like all of our group chat.

There's like all the YouTubers, I guess, in this group. And you're just like sent the picture of the shirt. And you're like, Chad, am I cooked? I was cooked for a couple weeks and then everyone forgot about it. So it was perfect. I mean, you didn't do anything fucking wrong. I know. That's what it was. I was worried it would just kill everything and everybody would, you know.

I don't know. I don't really know what I thought would happen. Like, just the time sink, if I had to go through an FBI investigation, would have sucked. And just the stress of that. I mean, a president being shot is a thing that hasn't happened in our lifetime. Right, yeah. Like, what is the rule book for that? Right, yeah. I had no idea what to worry about, but I was worried about it. And, yeah, it turned out for me...

in the end. It was just a weird time. Well, the other thing is like, if you were like some crazy person that was like anti-gun, anti-Trump, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, it's like, and you wanted to like make guns look bad and you got on the internet, like Google biggest gun influencer, like you're definitely one of the names that popped up. So like it would make sense to buy your shirt if you were trying to. Or if you're just trying to blend into a crowd of Trump people. Right. There's so many things and like,

I think I said it the other day. We don't know what's going through this kid's head other than 300 Win Mags. There's no way to know. Which, by the way, that gun is fucking awesome. I think there's some controversy that that wasn't the one that was actually used. They said it might have been a SWAT sniper that was using .308.

But the Secret Service 300 Win Mag is dope as fuck. Yeah, which one did you buy to make that video with? It was a $15,000 gun. It better have been the one. Which one did you buy first? Well, it was the Accuracy International one. And then I texted it to Eli. I was like, yeah, I just bought this to make it because I bought it from Eurooptic. And I'm like, oh, shit. Perfect. They've got that one in stock. Awesome. And Eli's like, did you mean to buy the left-handed version? Oh, my God.

The gun alone, not the optic, it's like $11,000. I was like, fuck. And how are you going to sell that? Luckily, Euro Optic, shout out, they have awesome customer service. I was able to get them on the phone super quick and they swapped out the order. I was lucky that you didn't realize that when you got it. That would have been rough. Or he's coming over the gun this way.

Speaking of bunker obligatory bunkers not going anywhere, right? True. Yes. Okay, good. I didn't think about that in the first video that I didn't address that. It was like, so it's bunker gone too. And I'm like, Oh no, no, no. Hey, bunker's fine. Everything's fine. How many influencers do you guys have now? If I can ask that a little over 70, 70, 70. Yeah.

Yeah, it's cranking. Paving the way for everybody else. T-shirt company you started in your garage. Isn't that crazy? Genius move. It literally feels like the new Avengers where you're like Captain America walking off into the sunset. You give your shield to a black guy and now you got all these other people that... You give your shield to Coleon? That would be so fucking funny. Coleon, hit me up. And then he gets on and says that Captain America doesn't represent America. That was so fucking stupid. I just...

Have you seen that? No. The dude that's playing Captain America did an interview where he's like, yeah, I don't think that Captain America really represents America to me. That's Chris Evans? No, the guy replacing him, Anthony Mackie. There's a lot of things I think Captain America can represent, and I don't think America is one of them. I'm like, it's literally one of the two words. It's his last name.

He's old lady America's son. America, captain. John C. America. Come on, dude. Those colors, they mean nothing? Everything? The shield? No. The outfit? No. All right. Whatever. Whatever, homie. Bunker's sticking around. That's good. No change there. It's going to keep getting bigger, I think.

What is your, you were in the YouTube game for 15, 16 years? I started, I actually looked this up. I started in 2007, which was 18 years ago, but I was just like, I was dinking around on it. I was in eighth grade. No big deal. Yeah. I was, I was in Iraq. I was, I was in college. I was in seventh grade. Eli, I was getting shot at for free college. And then I never went to. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.

I did a one-on-one interview with Eli just about me or whatever. And I was like, yeah, I have like, I have like two associates degrees or whatever. I had no idea you had a college education. I was like, it's an associate's degree. It's not that, it's not that big of a deal. I didn't even graduate high school. It's a huge deal. And I was like, you should go back to GEDs, GED classes, but pull up in your McLaren. That would be fucking hilarious. Yeah.

I'm just resuming an old save. Checkpoint. My character's maxed out. Do you know that? Just like, Eli pulls up to community college to take entrepreneurship in his McLaren. A glowing orange legendary item.

Dude, we talked about it for a while, just doing the ASVABs between the group. I still want to do that. I'm game. What does ASVAB stand for? Vocational, whatever the fuck. It's an IQ test slash SAT to figure out what job you take in the military. Yeah, to get in the military. And so we talked about all of us should take the ASVAB and just see what our scores are at now.

You're going to be great. What is it? Is it testing over stuff you learned in school? Or is it just how you feel? It's a mix of stuff. It's like a mix of an SAT test and a general IQ test. When I took mine, I remember there being...

diagrams of like pulleys and levers and it would be like if we turned pulley a what would be the outcome of the lever at c or whatever it's like aptitude yeah i think there's even questions in there about like and i've never taken it but like i've heard like shit like the difference between like phillips and flathead screwdrivers yeah and like general life shit for for us it's easy as shit

But then a lot of people... But Eli pulls up in his McLaren to take it. I leave the podcast to go become a part of the Patriot Missile Program. So 17 or 18 years. Oh, yeah. We got way off that. I know. I love it. Yeah, I started just dinking around 18 years ago.

What was your first video? It's like me and I had a 95 Corvette and me and my college buddies would take our cars to the drag strip and just like drive around or we did some drifting at this little elementary school across the street from my house. It's really cool that you didn't watch his video where he talks about all this. Yeah. And so it was like that was literally just shitty videos. I'm a terrible friend. My face wasn't on it. I didn't talk. It was just someone filmed my car as I did a drag and that was it.

Those are my videos. They're terrible. I was just uploading for my friends to see. Was your big thing that blew you up, was it the shotgun shell thing? It was a bunch of little things. Also, if you would have watched my video, you would know. Yeah, yeah. I don't watch your show. Thanks, dude. Also, you guys are wearing the exact same thing right now. I just backed you up, man. What the fuck? I know, but I just noticed again. Pearl Snap, green shirt. At least it's not the same brand.

We do that occasionally. We don't coordinate it. This was Saturday? Oh my gosh. How do y'all do that? Intuition. I feel like, would it be more gay to text you and be like, green shirt today? The amount of times you text me where you're just like, by the way, I'm wearing green. I'm like, that's cool. Never mind. But no, we had a bunch of little videos that went viral. Like,

Over the years and so everyone would just knock me up another level basically because the one that got me on you when it was like I think was like 2008 2009 it was the shotgun show. Yes. What are some of the other ones though? So the one before that was was a baby deer playing with a with my family's dog we called it dog versus deer and My sister my very 2007. Yes. That's all you had to title things back then my brother found this baby deer not clickbait gone sexual

Emotional. My brother brought this baby deer home. My little sister raised it, bottle fed it, raised it with our family dog. They just played all the time. She recorded it one time. Super cute. I was like, let me put that on my YouTube channel. I put it on there. It went viral. It went on Ellen DeGeneres. It went on

Really? Anderson Cooper. It went on like mainstream TV. So all the gays loved it. Yes. Which was crazy back then to get on mainstream TV. And so we got, you know, a lot of views from that. And that was the first time I ever made money on YouTube. I was like, this is crazy. How much money? We have the same story then. That video made me $3,000 total.

Which at that time was fucking... It made $700 in one night. Like literally I woke... I was making cents every... Because back then AdSense was like update in the morning. So every time I woke up at 6 o'clock to go to vet school, I would see how much money I made.

And it would say like 13 cents, 16 cents. Like it was always just cents. And then I put that video up and then one day I wake up and it says $793. I'm like, what the shit? Like I, I was like, there's no way. And so anyway, over a few years, it made like $3,000 total. But yeah, I kept making videos. And then a couple of years later I made custom homemade shotgun shells just for fun. And it went viral. And like the big gun YouTube channels at the time, I rec veteran and Funker or five 30, like,

reposted it and like shared it which was crazy to me and then I had a

I had another viral video and then another viral video. And just like every time I would just bump up a level and get a new wave of subscribers. And I know and love Eric from Ivy, but it's very, very funny for you to be talking about him. Like all the big, big guys, you of all people. Yeah. But he was, he was so much bigger than me. Like I remember bunker and Eric and military arms channel and those were Richard, Richard Ryan.

Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah, Richard. They were all huge, and I was tiny. And it was like, I remember the first time 22 Plinkster invited me to Tennessee. That was the first person I ever collabed with was 22 Plinkster. And I started talking with him, and he was like, yeah, come up. And I was like, okay. So I took my first YouTube paid trip. Like, not they didn't pay for it. I paid for it. But it was like, I'm paying for a work trip. This is cool. And I went to Tennessee.

And he got Hickok to come up too, which Hickok was giant both in stature and in YouTube views.

Yeah, he's like a fucking transformer when you stand next to him. Yeah, so I'm sitting there. Hickok's like 6'5". He's like 7'. No, he's like 6'8", I think. Same height as you. Yeah, same as me. His son is a foot an inch tall. He's like 6'9", which is what I am. You can see them on a crowd. Like if you're at a YouTube range day kind of thing. Big dudes. But yeah, I'm sitting there eating pizza with 22 Plinkster in his house, and someone just walks in the door, and he hadn't told me that Hickok was coming over. I was like...

Hickok is here. And I had like 60,000 subscribers at this time. Who's that bending under the door? Yeah. So it was, it was really cool for me to see these big guys that, you know, later we passed up, but like, I remember them all when they were huge. And I, I just looked up to him. No shit. Cause I remember when you came on the corridor shoot, you were even excited.

Because Freddie was there? Yeah. Yeah. Freddie was one of those channels that I watched a ton. Yeah. If you're an OG YouTuber like Freddie was. It was so cool to see, you know, Sam and Nico and all those guys that I had watched forever. Yep. And they used one frame of your face. And I was in there being a second. What? What?

I was there all day to get my four seconds. Yeah. What? What was this? What was the reloads? Oh, reload three. Reloaded three. Tactical reloads three. This is so funny to me because I'm two degrees removed because like they look up to you and like I looked up to them and Cody was the first one that I ever collabed with on YouTube when he brought me on on subs. So it's just like different era now. I'm watching my dad talk about my grandpa. Yeah.

It's a very incestuous community now that I think about it. I'm watching dad and grandpa right now. It's very exciting to me. So happy. I'm on my deathbed right now.

You're the kid coming in and you're just like, "Grandpa's weird. I don't want to be here. I want to go play Game Boy." "I'm gonna die already getting a selfie." "I'm gonna haunt you on episode 300." They're telling all these stories I've never heard before and I'm like, "Oh, fucking Grandpa was way cooler than I thought he was." "Grandpa used to be cool."

Like, my dad's cool to me, but he learned all that shit from Grandpa? Awesome. Who convinced you to do long form? Cody. Thank you. And it's the best decision that, like, I think you've ever made. Do you know why you have 45-minute Fat Electrician videos?

Because it was your first trip down, I think. No, it was a while later that he really talked me into doing long form. I'll never forget just how it all started. Cody hit me up on Instagram. Hey, friend. I was like, hey, what's up? And he goes, you want to come on my podcast? Sure. And that was it. And now I'm here. So it's kind of crazy for me. But I remember having that. We had that conversation over at the wing joint.

I don't remember where the fuck that like, you guys bullied me into doing long form content. A hundred percent. And then now, now the main YouTube channel I watch is you fat files. Like I, I love your main channel, but fat files is so good. Like listening about Costco and like Chick-fil-A and all this shit. It's so good. Firearms direct club. I didn't think anybody would. Yeah. Also pepper box exclusive. I did a whole video on firearms direct club. Um,

Some crazy person got involved, yeah. And what's crazy is I haven't watched any of those fat files. I don't know what my grandson's doing. I don't care. This is just YouTube generation sitting at this table. It is really funny. But do you remember the first thing you said when you were pushing back on the long form? No. I do. Who's going to watch me that long?

This is true. Isn't that crazy? Well, it was weird because like the only... So it was like Cody bullying me for like a couple of months about it. Like a couple of trips down to Unsub when I was still just a guest.

And then that was like in the back of my mind the whole time. And then we went and my wife gave birth to my second son, Cash. And I was like, fuck, I don't have a video plan. Like I don't have my little three to five minute video with a joke every four seconds planned out. And I don't have time to do it because I've just like been helping my wife who just gave birth the entire time. Like she's so needy. And I was like, fuck.

I like so selfish. She was like, you know, you're there for like a couple of days when your wife gives birth or whatever, like a day or two after, like before and after the fact. And I was like sitting there and whenever I wasn't like helping, I was like looking up shit on a Cassius clay. The guy that we like named my kid after, and I was learning more. I was like, Oh, this guy's.

dope so I was like fuck it I'm just gonna try a long form video where I go over this guy's whole life and we'll see if it goes and it was like my best performing video ever brilliant dude the Cassius Clay video is awesome man and then I was like oh

Oh, I should do that more. I would listen to any video you made on any topic. And I think we tested that yesterday. I think I gave you an idea and you were just like, Oh, tell me more. I was like, I'll watch the video when you make a fucking eight hour breakdown of that company.

That's so funny. There's been comments in my YouTube. I don't read all the guy. I try to, but there's so goddamn many. But you always open up Studio and you can see the top 10 most recent comments or whatever. I've just seen so many videos where I could literally watch this guy talk about paint drying for some reason. And I was like, all right, well, I guess. When are you going to do Delta Guy?

Which one? Fucking nerd. The nerd dude. Dangerous name. Billy Wah? No, famous glasses. Oh, Mike Vining? Mike Vining. He's on the list. He's on the short list. I think that's who I'm going to dig into next after I'm working on a big Billy Wah video. And then after that, it would probably be him.

Oh, yeah. Billy Wah was like OG Delta boy back in the day. He wanted to be a paratrooper during World War II, but he was like 12, so they wouldn't let him join. So he joined for the Korean War when he was 17 and ended up becoming a Delta guy by sheer chance. How do you find info on these people? A lot of them have written books or there's books written about them and there's declassified documents by this point. He has forbidden knowledge, which means he has to read information.

Yeah, it's horrible. But he was operational for 50 plus years. And like his he started in Korea and his final mission was tracking down Osama bin Laden in the Middle East when he was in his 70s. Also known as what they knew him at the time was CIA asset Tim Osmond.

That's an inside joke. I don't even get it. I'm on the outside. I know it. It happened. We're three levels deep into the conspiracies thing. That's not an introductory level conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy when it's objectively true. This is also true. 50 or 60. How many years was he? Over 50 years he was operational, but he was operational into his 70s.

I did four. He has an interview in his, he has an interview. He passed away last year, but he has an interview from two or three years ago where he's well into the twilight of his life. And I forget who did the interview is fairly big person.

And he was literally talking about, he tracked down Osama bin Laden on several occasions. And on one of them, he was in the room with Osama bin Laden, but he didn't have a weapon on him. And he like talks about in detail in his nineties as a 90 year old man talking about back in the day when he was 70 being like debating, debating with himself on if he was going to try to kill Osama bin Laden with a pencil because it's all he had. And he was heavily considering it. Kills him with a pencil.

The towers fall anyway. Brandon Hussein over here. Congratulations on your nine nams. I'm just trying to make Nick laugh at this point is all. This is the same dude that caught the jackal.

Yeah, so he caught the jackal. And if you don't know, the jackal was a... There are movies about him. The jackal is legitimately probably the closest living embodiment to a Bond villain that we've had ever. He was in... I think he was in Egypt and he just went down to one of the markets in Egypt and like

That's the f***ing jackal! And like called up his contacts and then he like scouted and spied on the dude and figured out like, oh, this guy goes to the doctor every week for some injectable medicine that he needs. And they like...

staged the whole thing where like the doctor's office got cleared out and CIA operatives went in and were the doctors and the nurses and his medicine that he got injected with knocked him out and he just woke up on a plane in handcuffs on his way to France really awkward when you just fucking roofie a random Egyptian guy who looks like the

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a carpenter. The guy was in the Jackal from 1975 or the 70s was an active assassin doing high profile missions which is more insane. No one could catch this dude. And then Humbo just ran into him. They were looking for him for years and he just bumped into him in an Egyptian market. Synchronicity, bud.

Bad for one. Yeah, yeah. For the one person. I'm like, hey! What was your favorite moments in your entire career of YouTube? You have to have a couple of them. Yeah, I have a bunch. It's fun when videos go viral. Like, I remember when Custom Homemade Shotgun Shells took off. Like, that was crazy. That was when, like, the Dog vs. Deer, I didn't try to make that one take off. That one just, like, surprised me. I was like, what the heck is this? And it was fun, but, like,

Then I tried Demolition Ranch. I was trying to like make gun content and like it took off and gun channel started sharing it. And I like, that was when I finally broke into the world where it's like gun people that I watch are sharing this video. And that was like super cool. But then, yeah, there were other highs along the way. Like when we,

Donut and I bent barrels and like that video was like really neat it took off don't it didn't bend them I bent him and he just came to the video this bear hands But it was like little things like that like whenever like we first collab with all you guys It's always fun like meeting y'all and doing something in the internet, you know loves it They're like I've been watching both you guys forever and it's so cool to see y'all come together So yeah, there's there's been a bunch of like highs like that where we make a video that just takes off and the comments I'll tell you you're awesome. It feels so

I love the alternative to where people are like, dude, I love your content. You should collab with Demo Ranch. Yeah, we should do that. For the ninth time? We should do that sometime. Wow.

What was your top three? One of these days, Trout will meet Cody. Top three favorite moments of the last 15 years. YouTube related. YouTube related. Oh, Burst was cool. That was a cool one. He's a cool guy. Yeah, he's super fun. Monster. That is what's cool about YouTube is you get to meet all these people that you've watched on video and you get to figure out which ones are real and which ones are fake.

putting on over versus one of the realest dudes ever like that's just who he is he's just who were some of the ones who were putting on you're retiring i'm not gonna say it not gonna say it uh but i know the one well it's hard it's hard too dude because like you've been around and met so many cool ass people it's hard to nail down just like a certain like two or three yeah

Well, we've gotten to do cool stuff that normal people don't get to do. You know, get invited to cool things and getting flown all over the place and like got to fly on a private jet with guns, which was cool one time. Like that kind of stuff is like so insane to me. And so that was those are some cool moments where I just felt like, man, this doesn't make any sense. I don't know how I'm making money doing this.

Imposter syndrome. Yeah. Imposter syndrome. A hundred percent. Private jets real quick. Imposter syndrome. I feel like I've had that like my whole career. Like, I hope no one figures out that I'm actually a normal guy. Like,

Like, yeah, I have all these subscribers. I hope they don't realize that I'm just a normal guy and they're all going to be like, oh, this guy's actually kind of lame. I think we've all battled with that at some point. You have to, yeah. Unless you're a total narcissist. And we're all just a little bit of a narcissist, but varying degrees. I don't know. It's just like grown up, what, poor as shit, and then just like suddenly you're hanging out with all the...

Cool people we get to hang out with every day. You're going to experience a little bit of imposter syndrome. Even in DC the other day for the inauguration, like I walk into like a party I was invited to and I get flashbanged. The first people I'm dead serious. The first humans I see are like Charlie Kirk, the Speaker of the House, like three senators. And I'm just like, I am in the wrong room. Yeah. Like how'd I get here? This makes no fucking sense. Never felt that before.

Mine was Salt Lake City the first time I went out with you guys for the Zydex event. I was like, hey, did you want to go to the club with Chuck Liddell with us? I was like, yeah. It's like the guy from...

Like Chuck Liddell, the guy from the Egg Science commercials I watched on Spike TV. Yeah, I do, actually. That was me last year when Chuck Liddell came to my property. Junior Dos Santos was there. Goldberg was there. The same one? Undertaker was there. I was like, these guys are all just standing on my land at this big thing we did. This is insane. Dude, I went up...

I've like, I've never walked up at one of those events because I don't want to be lame asking for autographs. And the only time I've asked for like an autograph and a picture from somebody was Undertaker. I walked up and was like, you were on my backpack for like seven years. It's really cool to see you. And in person, he's based as hell. He's cool as fuck. All those guys are Goldberg. Like Goldberg is like, again, Bill is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. But

all the same age kind of like within a decade and he's been a giant part of probably most of our lives you're like

Fucking Goldberg. And he's so fucking nice. Call me Bill, please. Yeah, Goldberg. It's like being around people like that. What did he do? He played for Georgia, and then he played professional football, and then he got into doing the wrestling thing. Then he was on the longest yard with Natalie. Yeah, we make silly YouTube videos. So just being around dudes like that. And then he was Jewish Santa. Holy shit. Yeah, he was Jewish Santa. Well, it's just like being around dudes like that. It's like, holy shit.

What did I do right? Yeah, it doesn't feel like that's how we should be, but they're all normal. That's what I've learned, too, is everyone's normal. Everyone is a person. What? I don't know. Everyone's normal? Everyone. Okay, how about not everyone's normal? Everyone is a human being. Yeah. Except for communists. No one's special. That's what I meant by that. 90% of the actors, YouTubers, whatever, you get that 10% that you're just like, dude, that guy's a f***ing animal. What the f***? Yep. That's true.

Eli, Eli, tell us, tell, come on. You gotta, you gotta have a celebrity you met and you're like, this person's fucking weird. Crazy. Yeah. Like a crazy person.

Because you were in the game long before we were. Because you did the History Channel show. You did all your stuff before. You ever met anyone? Arnold was the only one, but super nice, too. Schwarzenegger? Yeah, but meeting him was the weirdest. I didn't even know that ever happened. Yeah, I didn't know that one either. Okay. Chase, pull it up. That photo's that way. Oh, fuck you. That was me moving to L.A. and within three months, like, hey, you're going to VFX supervise on a commercial.

Cool. Sounds good. Boom. Show up reading script. And it's for a British company. I'm like, Oh, okay. What is it? Okay. There's a fucking lizard of some kind or something. I got it. Got it. And Arnold Schwarzenegger is like, Oh, it's just going to VFX like Arnold or something like that. And then Arnold rolls up, walks up to the director is like, yo, what? Like,

We have actually Arnold Arnold. He's like, oh yeah, that is part of this. So you're just going to be talking to him like blah, blah, blah. Cool. Did my job the entire day. Got to watch how Hollywood interacted with a dude to that level. And then got to see a completely different level. Like, you look like my housekeeper. You mow my yards. No, it's a little bit more threatening if you know the story of his housekeeper. Yeah.

But it was like, they don't even have a, they have standards. They have everything. And then a stylist on set for specifically him on that scene to trim his hair proper. I was like, you got to do a black face for bodybuilders. Just right. And then walking up and I was like, Hey man, can I get a,

His security got along with... They were all soldiers, like, previous. So it got along with them. And then I was like, hey, can I ask him for a photo at the end of the day? Because no one... That's a big no-no a lot of times. He's like, oh, yeah, actually, yeah, fucking do it, bro. Went and said, hey, man. Straight up got nervous on that one. Hey, can I have a photo? He's like, yeah, come here, bro. I was like, look what you do with the troops. They snapped it for me and went about my business. That's cool. Wild, wild. But normal...

I don't know. I got lucky. I got surrounded by a great group of dudes for who I've met and for the most part not too many shit bags. I think mine's Nico for sure.

Because I was off the internet for like 10 years straight, like doing electrical shit and college. Yeah. And like when I first got on TikTok, like Nico was by far and away the biggest military content creator on TikTok. So he was like massive. And then we met him in Salt Lake City and you guys were there. And I was like on edge about it. I was like, I don't think I'm going to like Nico Ortiz. Like, we're not going to get along. He's not going to like me, whatever, whatever. And...

I remember the second I fell in love with Nico Ortiz because I remember there was a bunch of college frat kids at the pool table and you had already went and set your quarters down to play next, which is like the international symbol for like, I have next. And they were trying to cut you in line. And Cody was like,

fairly aggressive. Cody was sitting there stewing about the potential of these college kids cutting him in line. And Nico was also not stewing, but he was very alert. And I walked up to Nico and was like, what's going on? And he goes, oh, I think Cody's about to get in a fight. And if that happens, I'm double leg drop kicking that guy first. And I was like, I fucking love Nico. Like...

It was because, like, in his content, I was like, man, I wasn't sure I was going to get along with him. I was like, man, I don't know. Like, it seems like his personality, like, based on his personality online, I'm like, man, I don't know if we're going to vibe. And he's, like, the nicest human who has ever lived. And I literally, he was one of those guys where I felt embarrassed that I thought I wouldn't like him. Sam, you prejudged. Sam. When we invited him on the first charity stream, he didn't.

Killed on the charity stream. He raised the second most, I think. And again, it was, I did not know about the TikTok shit. So I just went off, invited him off of Twitch, which was like 150 live viewership. And then his YouTube was at like 50,000. Text him on IG. He's like, hey man, Bob, love what you're doing. Here, hit me up. And he's like, well, hey, I don't give my number out. Call this number instead. It's mine. I was like, who the fuck's this dude? He has like 150 viewers. That's so cool.

And then I got on the phone. We're talking. I was like, so what's your main thing? He's like, TikTok. I was like, oh, what are you on TikTok? He's like, three million. I was like, I'm so sorry, bro. I was way off. Now this explains a lot more. Came down, raised the second most amount of money for veterans and just a good dude. He had a blast. I was like, okay, this is a homie for life. No, Nico Ortiz is like such a solid fucking guy.

Dude, he's crazy on the internet, but you guys seriously follow him. Nico Ortiz is f***ing awesome. And he'll tell it to you like it is, too. Where he's like, he's not worried about your feelings. Where he's just like, oh yeah. Like, ah, I was worried I fucked this up. He's like, well, you did. You know, like, but that's cool. We got it. We got it. We're good. We're going to work past that. He's like, but you did fuck it up.

Well, he called me and Brandon one day and he's like, you want to go to this bare knuckle fight up in... No, it was the Jake Paul fight. Was it the Jake Paul one? I think it was Jake Paul. Which one? I went to one of those. Yeah, we went. It was the one we saw in Evan Haverhill. I went to the one in Ohio. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was in Dallas, I think.

i don't remember where it was i don't know nico nico's awesome though he invited himself to this fight and it was like good tickets i can't remember if it was nico or jake that was telling me the story about hanging out with chuck liddell in las vegas where like they're like you don't understand chuck liddell owns las vegas and like i don't know how much of this i can like say so i'm gonna censor like the casino name but he's like chuck was driving and we went to behind xyz casino and he pulled up

shrubs, like a wall of shrubs by the sidewalk. But the sidewalk had a cutout and he called a phone number and then the fucking shrubs opened. And he's like, and then he drove his car up

in and it's like a cul-de-sac of mansions hidden behind XYZ casino and we hung out in this house a little bit with some people I don't know who they are and then Chuck's like let's go to this casino and they walk through every security guard knew who he was and just like nodded and opened velvet ropes and then we went on the roof and a helicopter picked us up and took us to a different casino Jesus Christ I

I don't know. Maybe we all just got lucky with the people we surround ourselves with, but we do know some cool people that are so down to earth. Chuck is one of those guys who's just like... He's probably the chillest legit celebrity I've ever met. Oh, for sure. He doesn't give a fuck, dude. No, he's awesome. He's rad. There's some stories in Key West I can't tell you guys right now. I can't tell half my Chuck stories, dude.

But he's so fucking nice. The imposter syndrome when you're just like, I cannot believe this is happening right now. The majority of our life now. I'm here for this. You go into dial-up mode. You're like...

I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating. He's the one that kept me out of the fucking fight that one night. He went up and told the college kids. He's like, this is Cody's table. Weird they gave up on that one. Weird it was Cody's table after that. Also, kind of mad. I mean, just throw it out there. If I got in a bar fight with Chuck Liddell, that would be bucket list.

I think we said that because we were all chatting because this was like an ordeal that happened over the course of 10 minutes. It's like we're all just like having side conversations with like, all right, well, we're about to throw down. And you're like, yeah, but we're about to throw down with Chuck Liddell. That's pretty fucking cool, actually. I'm going to win. Chuck walks up to Cody. He's like, Cody, it's your table. Cody's like, they called you gay.

Or even just like, so like I was very new at the time when we went to Salt Lake City. Like that was my first outing literally other than coming to Unsub, which at the time was in Batty's.

dining room or living room or whatever the fuck and like we were at that restaurant and chuck's like i got a buddy that owns a nightclub you guys want to go well yes we go and like this nightclub is packed and then like eight security guards literally do this and just compact to the crowd and cordoned off this little area like for us with some couches and like put red velvet ropes up and i was like this is wild and then like

People start coming back from the kitchen holding coffee tables and the coffee tables were covered with like appetizers and booze, like just pre-poured shots and beers and just like setting them by the table. And I was like, what the fuck is happening right now? It's crazy that Chuck Liddell being somewhere just makes the restaurant owner, the bar owner like so excited because like Chuck Liddell is there. So everything's free for Chuck because he makes all the other dudes want to come hang out at that bar.

This is wild. You have that level of getting... Like Chuck, I couldn't even imagine Tom Cruise could call. Oh, yeah. He could call any restaurant, mom, pop, whatever. He's like, hey, Tom Cruise wants to eat here right now. They're like, definitely. Heading in right. Also, specifically with Chuck, all of the bouncers know who he is for obvious reasons. Yeah, they all watch that.

So they just think it's cool just to them. Yeah. When we did the range day after party at that bar. All the bouncers want to get in a bar fight with Chuck Liddell also. I'm on Chuck Liddell and the staff's team. I get home team advantage anywhere I go with Chuck. Which was basically after the range day.

What was one of the craziest SHOT Show experiences? I think all of us have. That's probably our most wild experiences. How were you going there? I walked through some casinos with Chuck Liddell. That was weird. Actually, on the floor of SHOT Show, Donald Trump Jr. was there, and I went with him.

So we had all the Secret Service guys around us. It was just me and a couple guys and Donald Trump Jr. And I'm just like, I didn't really know him. I was just following him through. We were all going to the same place. And we walked through a whole SHOT Show to go to Zach Brown's booth. And I was like, this is the weirdest shit ever. I have Secret Service walking around. They were around me so that I could go with Donald Trump Jr. to Zach Brown's booth. And I was like, what is happening right now? This is so weird. It feels like Mad Libs. Yeah. This doesn't make sense. You're adding all those weird things in.

Clint was there. We're having this event. Not event. It was like a lock-in at Bunker. We were like, let's all go to the Bunker, just the boys. We're all going to just drink and hang out. A lock-in like it's church? It is that. It was after the Christmas.

Yeah, we weren't that. We have had lock-ins. We just spin that. Let's all get drunk, read scripture, and make t-shirts. We get drunk and bring air mattresses to Bunker, and we just party until it's late, and then we all sleep on the floor and go home. To the New York Times, the demolition is a cult. Yeah, that's true. But this time, we had a Christmas parade. We put lights all over my 5-ton. We drove through Christmas parade, and then we're like, hey, everyone just come back. We're going to party at Bunker. So we're hanging out at Bunker, and JT texts me, and he's like,

Hey, uh, Zach Osborne wants your number or something. And I'm like, cool. I mean, Jack Osborne wants your number. So I'm like, cool. So I started talking to Jack Osborne. He's like, Hey, it's my dad, Ozzy Osborne's birthday. And he like, I thought it'd be cool if you'd say happy birthday. I was like, Oh my God. Like,

Ozzy Osbourne once like needs a birthday congratulations from me and So we were like well, let's do this big and I have the 510 We're at the bunker and I was like Clint What do we have here that we could smash and Clint's like well? We got a couple pallets of like water and I was like pile it up Let's go and so we're in the parking lot and I like boosted launched this giant 20,000 pound truck through this giant pile of water bottles and it goes everywhere and I'm like happy birthday Ozzy love you, man, and we send that off and

And then like 10 minutes later, Ozzy Osbourne sends us a video message back. And it was like, Demolition Ranch, I love your show. I thought it was going to be, how did you get this number? But he sends us this video and he says, he goes, thank you. He's a little old and a little spacey, but he's like, thank you for the birthday. Congratulations. And he's like, I love your show. Demolition. And like me and Clint and all of the Bunker Bros are there. We're just like,

Yeah! It was like the coolest thing ever. And then we just partied hard the rest of the night. Crazy train. Yeah. I didn't know this at all. It was so cool. And it looked like it was the best thing that ever happened. We just partied so hard the rest of the night. That kind of stuff is all I needed to just feel on top of the world. That's all I listened to in high school. It was like Black Sabbath. Let's go. That's fucking wild. It was so cool.

I'm gonna show my grandkids that video someday. What are we doing? Did you ever post it? No, I never posted it. I've never talked about it online. That one was for me. But now that I'm quitting, everyone can have it. Jake, pull it up. That was one that was just a personal one that I thought was so cool.

Awesome. I didn't even know about that. No, I've literally never showed anybody. How was that, like, seeing that? It was crazy. We still say, happy birthday, congratulations. That's where he laughed so hard when he said it. Happy birthday, congratulations. Demolition. Demolition, I love your show. It's my kind of show. It was crazy. Yeah, like, being in this world, you realize, like,

how like y'all can't go anywhere without being recognized right and in the grand scheme of like fame you're not that famous right like it's still just a small youtube thing but then freaking the guy who invented heavy metal music the prince of darkness the prince of darkness the bat fighter that ran over a pallet full of water like that's a cool freaking experience like

I'll send it to y'all. It was fun. That's fucking wild. The closer you get to the top, the smaller the world gets, and it's really creepy. That's wild. That is the part I'm like... But imagine how guys like Brad Pitt feel. Oh, yeah. Like, can he ever go to Olive Garden?

can he go anywhere i was telling someone out this this week i actually used brad pitt because he's like he's one of the most popular dudes ever i was like yeah like i get noticed a lot you guys get noticed a lot when you're out in the real world can you imagine what a top tier a-list celeb gets noticed but then i was like what if you're shaquille o'neal you're a top tier guy but also you just look different you're giant like you're gonna get noticed anyway because like who's that seven foot person over there and you're like oh it's

Freaking Shaq. He's worldwide renowned and he just looks different than the average person. Like, that guy can never go anywhere. Yeah. You can't have a normal night where you just go on a date. He didn't go to that fucking gun buyback. I forgot about that. Yeah. His own gun buyback, right? We all went to Dallas because it was like Shaq's gun buyback. We're just like, where the fuck's Shaq? It's nice and warm, not rainy and cold the entire time. We're just getting pissed on the whole time. It's cold as shit.

That was a core memory, though. I enjoyed that with you boys. That was fun. It would have been better if you heard Eli just like, where's my giant black man? Sounds like an Eli thing. If you guys didn't see that video, that was a fun one. It's on Brandon's channel. Did y'all do two of those buybacks? We did one in San Antonio because we're crashing gun buybacks trying to buy guns from people. The first one went really good in San Antonio and then we went to Dallas to do another one because the video did so fucking well.

And it was the one that Shaq sponsored. And we were all just like, Dallas? Dallas. Dallas. And then we went and it was just like 30 degrees and pouring rain. Like misting, misting rain. And the cops kick y'all out pretty quick too, right? Y'all can't stay there. So it's all of us just walking around, just freezing our asses off trying to buy guns.

It made for some good stories. We didn't buy, I don't think we bought that. But we did get to talk to a bunch of people who did and like got some good prices on shit. Like the most crazy part was the, like the pre 86. There was one Uzi, right? That was in San Antonio, San Antonio. Yeah. A transferable Uzi new in the box. Still in the styrofoam.

They were giving it away at a gun buyback? A machine gun. For $100. Did they sell it? It was in a 40, right? She was like, this is in my husband's closet. But she actually sold it? For like $100. To the police. Can they take a transferable machine gun without paperwork? They can take anything. Crazy.

i legally i don't need i actually said thirty thousand thirty thousand dollars minimum on a good day i have one that i bought seven years ago and i paid 15 for it um but it's a junkie one it's not like a name brand one so we shot that in dallas when we flew yeah yeah you were there with the helicopter oh yeah shit the triarch you guys did a drive-by with a plane

Yes. Remember? Because it didn't run very well. No. I just remember outside the gas station with the propane tanks. Yeah. Smoking. Oh, gosh. That sounds like we had a full-on booze. We were talking about the helicopter event. Yeah. Brandon, you were there or not there for the propane? I wasn't there for the propane. I was there for the... Who was smoking on top of the propane tank? Alex Zedra, Leon Lush.

It was at Lush? I think it was Leon. It was probably Leon. Yeah, because we're all... Do you know this, Nick? This is the first time I've ever heard of Brandon. Trust me, Leon Lush would be smoking on top of a brand new thing. This was the first ever time hanging out with Brandon. This is the first time we really met, Matt. Really? Yeah. It was a Triarch helicopter shooting event. Do they still make guns? I rode up with you. I don't know. We rode up together. We did? Yeah.

Remember? I don't remember, obviously. Oh, no, that's right. Yes. I was like, oh, you're back. It's because I was on the way and I drove to your house. I was like, man, I should have not drove to your house because it was on the way. I went the opposite way. That was probably the first time we really hung out a ton. And I bet I was like, oh, it's going to suck being in the car with this guy for so long. But you're obviously very easy to talk to. I was very starstruck that one because I think it was one of our first times like really hanging out, hanging out.

I had never met you before. And like, I'm like,

Eli's older has been in the industry for like longer than I have so I'm just like I don't know what I'm doing here That's a perfect example of something that we got to do just because we're youtubers We got to just for free get in helicopters and shoot guns out of them like I've never done that before that was crazy Oh, that was the first time you talked about snapping puppies necks. Did I do that? What? No No, that was the first time that's where the joke comes from where you said I've killed so many puppies Yeah, and a dinny's or something

That's probably true. Yeah. That's the note he's going to go out on. Giddy up. So we're all staying at like a hotel next to this gas station and we go up to the gas station

And I can't remember who it was was smoking next to the propane tank. Was it Leon? It's 100% Leon. He was smoking cigarettes next to the propane tank. And we're like, wouldn't it be funny if that blew up and we all just died and what they find? I took this a little bit to realize what he was ashing in. And then when it clicked, we're like, huh. He's ashing in a propane tank? Dude, it was the little cage that he had next to the propane tank. Yeah, someone was just like, that's propane. And we're all like, eesh.

And it's also like 11, 12 at night and we're smoking cigarettes behind a 7-Eleven. We're in the dark. There's no lights. He was wearing the baby mask. Remember? Yep. Yep. I forgot about that. For some reason, they had these like life-size baby masks in the... I don't remember that at all.

in the gas station so we're like if this blew up they're gonna find a fucking baby mask on a grown man uh that was a that was a wild time holy and none of us had pants on it was crazy yeah dude we were just dicks out that was this awesome that was the same trip that uh we missed our flight because i did like an impromptu fan meetup that night in fort worth and me and delance had to

I was so broke at the time, I literally couldn't afford to change my flight. I just, it fucked up. So we, like the only thing that my debit card could physically run was the deposit for a rental car.

And so me and the Lance drove 20 goddamn hours home. Yeah. Because we could only afford one day. Between us, we could afford a one-day rental and just enough gas between our two cards. Yeah. We just cannonball run. We cannonball runned it because the card would decline the next day. There was not enough money for a second day. There was a lot of, just for people, it is taking those risks where you're like, fuck, I got to. Because in your head, it's still, it's like, options? I'm grinding.

That was 18? That was six years ago, man. That's crazy. Yeah. Fuck. Six years ago, I was too broke for a plane ticket. God, I forgot about that. When I was grinding, I wanted to buy an...

FN FS 2000. I thought that is a cool gun. I want one of those. I think it'll do good on YouTube. It was $1,600. I found a guy in Austin. I was currently in college station. It's like a two hour drive. So I was like, I'm going to drive over there and buy this gun. I talked the guy down to $1,600. And as I was driving, I had an old pickup at the time. And I was like,

if this truck breaks down, like I was going to spend all of my money on this FS 2000. And I was like, this truck breaks down. Like I can't buy the FS 2000 anymore. Um,

Demolition Ranch could have been over before it ever started if that truck would have broke down on the way. Because I would have been like, now I got to get a tow truck. There goes $1,000. And I'm going to just head back home and not have a gun. And I would have no gun to start the channel with and start making videos with. That's a terrifying part. Have you had any of that? No.

i'd have to think about it not off the top of my head he's been rich forever silver spoon kid yeah no in the dream like i had like mine started when i had already had one kid

So like I had a kid, he was like four months old and then I tore my pack and was off work and I couldn't be an electrician. So I was like delivering door dash in a sling, trying to make money. And then like years before you remember, that guy brought me some food. One time I brought me my groceries. You were still on a ring cam.

Nightmare, one rotation, you get your fucking DoorDash and you open the door like, Today we're gonna talk about... Today you're micro-dosing Wikipedia.

No, it's like I did that. So like I was very like I worked way longer than I probably could have as a full time electrician, like running jobs. And then it finally like came to a head when me and my boss, who I'm still like great friends with, I stopped buying bullshit with him all the time. But he like pulled me in his office like you got to work this weekend. I was like, I can't. I got to make YouTube videos. And he's like, no.

You're going to have to decide if you want to be a YouTube guy or an electrician guy. And I was like, so frustrated. If you're going to put me in that ultimatum, I have to go with whichever one pays me more. And he was like, so confident. And he's like, I'm going to assume that would be me. And I go, you'd be. And he goes,

I guess I'll see you on Monday. All right. Sounds good. And then I worked for like six more months. So the first thing I asked you, Nick, what you do. Yeah. Yeah. Cody picks me up from the airport. My first sub episode. I had no idea. I was just like trying to text you guys. Like I just landed at the airport. What do I do? I don't even have an address to Uber to or anything. And Cody was the first person that texts me back, picks me up in his Raptor like 20 minutes later after I've been standing out front of the airport. I hop in. No.

idea who cody is i hadn't watched your content yet it was just like my fans berated me in the comment section you need to go on the unsub podcast was i even on that episode he probably just thought no no i don't think yeah because you weren't a host yet yeah it was the og unsub hosts and me and i was only on a third of the episodes yeah cody picks me up in his raptor and there's just that awkward 15 seconds it feels like forever and cody's like so what do you do and i was like

I'm an electrician. He goes, fuck, I'm retarded. Yeah, Clint asked you that, right? Yeah, first tour of the bunker. It's like, so what'd you do before YouTube? He just looked at me and went, I was an electrician. Jenna did something similar. We're talking about, I was talking with Jenna about Kentucky Ballistics, and she goes, where's he from? I was like, I'm

So many people have done that before. They're just like, oh yeah, Kentucky Ballistics. He's in Texas, right? Sometimes. Maybe. I'll give you a hint where he really lives. Dude, Matt.

Thank you so much for everything you've done for the entire community. It's been an amazing episode. You don't even have to plug yourself this time, which is fucking weird. Unsubscribe, bitches. To celebrate? I don't care. What are we doing? We have you a shot of Fireball. We have to do one, too. Yeah, where are y'all's shots of Fireball? I don't know. I think this is leftover from... What do you want to shoot, Matt? Excuse me. I'll do one with you. I don't. I want to drive home today. Oh, okay. I'll buy you the Uber. You're fine. See? Then I have to come back and get my truck.

For the 300th episode. I was going to say, I was like... That's true. Alright. Do we want to do a shot? I feel like we have to. It's episode 200. That's true. Man, that's great. And Eli said, I think off camera, that I was on episode 100. And you'll be on episode 300. Lord willing. I won't. It's going to happen. Pendleton? Oh, it's Middleton. We're shooting...

Probably shooting something that shouldn't be shot, but whatever. Very rare on the blow. That is not enough. A leprechaun made that. We also have leprechaun on the show. Oh, yeah. Shell, like, to what degree do you guys believe in leprechauns over there? What do you mean? Jesus. Oh, okay. Eli, those are fucking double man pours. Are they? Those are baby shots. Those are not. You have to pour four. Divide it up, Eli. Come on. Wait, why are you doing four, not five? Four, not five.

Oh, you're doing Fireball, aren't you? Oh, no, I'm gonna do that. He's like, I don't want fucking Fireball. I wanna be cool like all the boys. Your obsession with Fireball has always been entertaining to me. Fireball's good, dude. Oh, fuck you, dude. You definitely were an Aggie. Hey, Fireball, hit me up and sponsor me. Oh, wait, I'm quitting. Don't do it. Offer him $10 million. Sponsor the Sanders. I know all day I've wanted to be like, what's your next move? Oh, wait, oh, wait. What do you got cooking on the channel? My family. Oh,

That close? That's close. Just hand them out. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Man, it's been a good ride, boys. I'm glad you're all part of it. End of an era, buddy. This is weird. Right? So weird. This is a weird-ass feeling. For real, it's a weird-ass feeling. I feel like you're dying, but you still live 20 minutes down the road. Yeah. It's crazy. I feel kind of like that, too. Dude, thank you so much for everything. You've given YouTube community, us, like, we've been in...

Each one of us has been in a video, so thank you so much for that. Exposing us to your community and vice versa. You've just been a true pleasure to work with, with everything you've done. From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you so goddamn much. Eli said community. Well, genuinely, though, it's been a privilege to know you. Yeah. Thank you, man. Thanks, boys. What was that?

That was like the Titanic thing with the musicians, you know? That was really smooth. Holy shit. It's been a privilege playing with you tonight. Thank you so much. We'll go down with the show. I love we say shit like that. Seriously, we'll still hang out. I still want to hang out. Something tells me you've got a lot more free time coming up. We live 20 minutes from each other. We're like, we'll never see you again. The camera pans dark in a gunshot. I don't know, dude. End of an era, man. It's weird.

Yeah. Pretty weird. I'm excited to see what you guys do, though. Tear it up, boys. Tear it up. All right. We'll leave it to the next generation. Yeah. This guy? A grandson? I'm trying. I'm trying.

Cody, close this out. I'm sad. I know. It's hard to say. I'm like, this is an actual hard one. This is a weird feeling. This is the saddest I've been on fucking the podcast. I was like, oh, this sucks. Thank you guys for joining the Unsubscribe podcast. I was joined today by Eli Doubletap, Nick Fed Electrician, Demolition Ranch, Brandon Herrera, myself, Donut Operator. Thank you so much for being here. Wait. Oh, no.

I thought we were about to wrestle. I know, I was like, what are you doing? Oh no. What are we doing with the gauntlet? We've assembled the infinity slurs. Go ahead and close this. We have to collect them all? No, you gotta don it. We've collected them for you. You get to don it and do the snap to end out your career.

Only me and Brandon disappear. You put it on and then... Say the end word. Hold on, I'll get you the Burger King crown too. Who's on the plane? As they say, do not go quietly into the good night.

Yeah, I might as well create some drama before I leave, right? Let's get on the news again. Say your favorite letter really loudly with like seven periods after it and we'll close it out. Love you all. Love you guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

We just forget. You know.