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Hey, are you upset you missed out on the live show tour? Well, don't be because we still have one show left to do. Brandon, where is that show at? Beautiful, Las Vegas. During what week? During the week of SHOT Show. So this will be our last show of the tour on January 20th at the Venetian Theater. And this one will be a double feature with the Gundys. So if you buy your ticket, it gets you access to both the Gundys and the unsubscribed live show. Two tickets for the price of one. So come hang out, have a blast, and then have a little SHOT Show experience too, right, Brandon?
In fact, I would say the best part of SHOT Show. The drinking and hanging out. Literally, the only part we care for anymore. So if you want to get the chance to hang out with some of your favorite people in the gun sphere, and also just have a fucking good time and see one of our live shows, go check out the tickets. They're available down in the description. Yay! Come check us out! This is going to be chaos, and I love it. Probably. It's the host versus guests. I can be seen and not heard. It's okay. I'm scared. Brandon's son, stop talking. Brandon's son.
Everyone ready? We really do have like a Captain America Civil War thing going on. Everyone on the count of three, ready? Get that drink up. Oh shit. Three, two, one. Sweet. You gonna be donut this time? I can. You want me to be? Yeah. Be donut for me. What is it? I don't know about that.
Hi, everybody. Welcome to the Unsubscribe podcast. Today, we are joined by several of my good friends, Eli Doubletap, Fat Electrician Nick, my father, Brandon Herrera, me, my friend, OompaVille, also known as Caleb, and TikTok. Don't iPod. The Chinese spy. Sorry, sorry. Also, my barber. Yes.
That's what's going to be a TikTok barber. I'm leaving. It's all right. We've got you in the thumbnail already. You can go.
She could lose all of our subscriber counts combined and never notice. Ow. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, here with some friends. I already had my episode. I feel like I'm a pirate. I'm intruding. So Eli, someone take over so I can talk to you. We'll just go from there. I'm scared. Yeah. Everyone's here for the range day. Brandon and Cody and...
Matt put on a fantastic range day. Then everybody died. That's the only thing I care about. Everybody had a good time and more importantly, nobody got shot. So next year, I see this as an absolute win. Definitely. It was a fantastic time. Thank you all very much. It was awesome. Very well done. Every time I meet new people, get to hang out with cool guys. So I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. That's a, I do it for you.
And the flyer were like, man, 80 million subscribers across all channels. Chris takes up 95%. But I'm just the TikTok barber. Call me Chris. Because you needed an introduction. It's been so long. Yeah. When were we here last time?
January 3rd. Was it January? It's been almost a year. Oddly specific. If he nailed that date, I'm going to be shocked. I guarantee you. It was. We drove in the second. It was the third. Damn. Damn. My son also has that super. It is four hours and 13 minutes to drive there, daddy. I'm like, cool.
Dope my son. That's crazy. I don't remember asking How you guys got in yesterday or two days ago two days ago And then did you have a blast? Yeah. Yeah huge firearm. You love fire. I love guns There's guns everywhere. Actually when we first met I cleaned them up
before she came over for the first time. Yeah. It's like presentation guns. Yes, exactly. I maybe had some smaller ones. I put some smaller, more fun-looking ones, like I have a little Beretta Bobcat with a little suppressor on it. I left that out. It's funny. Yeah, it's funny. I was just a mere little Canadian coming down. And I was like, oh, guns.
Oh, guns there. That's crazy. But then I, you know, I kind of felt it out for the first little bit. And then I was like, okay, she's cool. And then he showed me his closet. And then I showed him my closet. My room. Your pleasure room. My pleasure room. My cedar room. It's like the room with just guns. It's full of guns. How was that the first time? It was crazy. I thought it was like, that's where all the guns in America were. There were so many. Is this legal? She said that a lot. That's the first time I talked to you was when you walked into his...
factory. Yeah. And like, she was just like, yeah. Yeah. I need a shower. What the fuck is happening? I need a shower before going back to Canada or I'm going to get arrested. Yeah. I need my Kevlar cardigan. Yeah. It was, uh, yeah, it's crazy, but now I'm used to it. I'm used to them now. You've been, you moved here how long ago? Uh, April. April. Congrats. Are you American yet? Or is it, we're in the process of green card, but soon. Soon it will be process. Yeah.
She said process. She's kidding. Eli, do you have your green card yet? I am about to get it. Good. Awesome. I still have to do another tour and then I can get it. Oh, hey, we did the reverse Oreo thing again. Anyways. You guys moved down. I wanted to talk about...
How is it now, like, living down here in Texas? You got, like, you just got thrown into the mix. Oh, yeah. No, it's great. It's great. I feel free. I feel freedom. I'm just basking in it constantly. No, it's actually crazy. And, like, all the tax shit, it's great.
I'm still going through that process. I hate it. Process. I'm still going through that. I'm still going to pay a bunch of money to Canada until I can officially be American. But
I'll reap the rewards soon, which will be great. How mad does that make you? On your side, we're like, you've already paid taxes on that. Now you have to pay more taxes on the taxes? Yeah. Because it is 40. It's like an exit tax. Yeah, there's a lot. Oh, it's... Well, we have an idea. So what I'm trying to get her to do, and her tax team is not a big fan of this, is... And I've actually sought this around with a couple of local money guys, a couple of moguls.
We're gonna get her to go back to Canada and we're going to get her to liquidate all our assets. She just sold a house up there. Liquidate all the assets, take all our liquid money, buy gold and then put it on, wear it.
And then cross the border. And then never go back. And they do that a lot, though. You're gonna have to do a lot of squats and farmer's carries to prep for that. Gold, you know, gold, things like gold. Yeah. I figured it might work. You're just walking through. I figured it might work. I figured. I think. You're like the wife of some white-collar criminal that goes to the airport with 18 watches on the other side. Exactly.
Only it's Caleb. Caleb's the wife. He has gold duct tape to his chest. How does it feel to be a trophy husband? This is how we do it in Virginia. Trophy husband. Walks across the border covered in gold. I need to claim asylum. Yeah.
Don't tell anyone, but Justin Trudeau kind of wants my shit. Governor Trudeau. Governor Trudeau. Yeah, Governor Trudeau. Yeah, it's a bitch. It's a bitch of a transition. Hey, but now you're down here living the dream. Yep. Fucking loving it. Truly. Everything's so much cheaper down here, too. Like, just food and everything. It's crazy. Housing's great. Housing, just all around. Yep. That's crazy. Yep. It's great. Going on to you. You had...
Crazy month. You've had like the video game launch, your candy's still crushing it, but then the Mr. Beast interview. My brain is broken because I heard you say candy crushing it.
And I'm like, a mogus candy crush. I'm like, I need to be put down. That sentence was candy crush. Mr. Beast, completely unreadable. That sentence would kill a Victorian child. How was that? Like, how much prep did you go into? Uh, I'm not a big prep guy, to be honest. Same. I like winging it. Uh,
Or like whatever I can fit in sort of like a day is what I'll do and then I try not to think about the next step because if I do, I just get super stressed out, even more so. And...
Yeah, it was just a lot pretty much. It was so short notice. It was also everything was so short notice. Same day. Even if I wanted to prep there was like not a lot of with the game was like a lot of prep that was I've been working on that for like a year basically and then The candy stuff obviously takes up a lot of time But the Beast interview was like last minute. Hours. Did he reach out to you or did you reach out to him? Yes, initially he reached out to me. Okay. Yes.
And then you knew when he was flying in essentially? Yeah, so the morning of he told me that he might come in the day, that evening, and then called me as he was boarding a flight like a couple hours later. So I didn't know if he was going to come that day or not. That's power. And then wait till you hear this. We live in central Texas. The nearest airport's two hours away. He lands and I'm like, we got two hours. He shows up in 15 minutes.
So he landed at like a local... He flew to a fucking private, like a small airport. Because he has a private jet. What? Allegedly. There's a joke I heard. Have you heard the name of his jet? Internally. I'm pretty sure I can make this joke. Pretty sure. They've got bigger things to worry about. They used to call it Mr. Beast and 10 Others.
Because if it ever went down, that's the only thing anybody would know. Mr. Beast in 10 hours. Yeah, no negative stuff in that one's going on at all. That's pretty good. That's real. Oh. Oh, it's so sad. Oh, no. Oh, it's so sad. But it's hilarious, yeah. That is funny. That is the way the world works. It is. Yeah.
That's real. That's what I said. I was like, that's too real. Honestly. That was us on the podcast tour where I was like, oh yeah, this, let me see, who's it? Yeah, Donut Operator and 92 others. Speaking of how the world works, at the bar last night, you told me a story of buying your house and how you got it in a way the world's not supposed to work.
Yeah, I uh... Basically. Basically. Legal theft. Basically. Unfair. I still feel indebted. So I have a really awesome house. And I shouldn't have a really awesome house. And the way that I got a really awesome house was that I was gonna buy a normal house well within my means.
Uh, and I put an offer in on this insane house because I knew the guy was going through a situation, a divorce, if you will. Um, and I was like, this could, you know, this could be potentially interesting. This is like, and I had no idea who the guy was, whatever. Um, and I'm looking at other houses. I go and see that house. It's crazy. I'm like, all right, I'll put a offer in. But with the caveat, I told my realtor that, you know,
I don't mean this as disrespect, but this is what I'm comfortable paying for this place. I know it's worth substantially more. I know that it's a steal. And like, you know, I don't really care if it's a no, I totally understand. Or like if there's a renegotiation or whatever. This is what I can pay. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And like, it's not out of disrespect, just to be clear. And we accepted the offer. And the reason was to...
So his wife got less money in the divorce. I got so lucky. I got so lucky. What was like the proportion of like, if he was asking a hundred percent, what percentage did you offer? I would say probably if you're talking about build price,
maybe 18%. Oh my God. If you're talking about realistic market value in the area, all things considered. At the time? At the time, 47%. Oh, okay. Yeah. But still, this house is huge. It's like ridiculous. It's insane. If you rent the price, you'd be like,
What? Yeah, it's crazy. And it's like a steal. That's the kind of guy that's like, I can always build more shit. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. He's like a very well-off... I can buy another house. I can never... And he's also... He's also a genius. Yeah. He's also a genius.
And just so cool. And I've kept in contact with him. Like, I was worried that it, you know, would be seen as like this massive thing of disrespect. Yeah. But in reality, it was just like, I don't fucking care. I mean, like, it's just a house. Just say no, I'll be fine. Do you got any more wives you want to break off with? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, he's really cool, though. He's a very good dude. I'm still in contact with him. That's awesome. Interesting. I'd say you are. Yeah. He's an interesting fellow. See if he has any more divorces. I know. I'm waiting. It's going to be a search function on Zello. Is he Mormon by chance? That'd be really convenient. No hair on him, too. He's got so many hair. Just liquidating properties and all over. Yeah.
Just getting that email. It's like, yeah, we'll take the offer. You're like... What was that like when your realtor messaged you or called you? I was like, he accepted. I was pretty surprised, to be honest. And then I was like, what's the property tax is going to be? Because it's like a big house. But it's still...
So reasonable. I mean it doesn't make sense to sell it or get rid of it He took me to see the house the first time and I remember being like this is stupid It's all me how much you paid for it. I'm like I hate you What about second house yeah
Second house. Second house. Yeah, that was another thing is I only offered it because I had people living with me at the time. So it only makes sense with like...
if you have five people that want to live in one spot because it's laid out like a compound. It's like a gigantic compound. It's shaped like a dick too. That's convenient. It's actually shaped like a penis. It is. Did you tell them about the mural? Oh yeah. There's a actually I feel like I should probably show you guys that. Yeah probably. Yes.
See if I can find it really quickly. I posted it on Facebook. I love putting Chris in like podcast interviews. Be like, well, tell them about the penis wall. Yeah, I don't care. Oh, there's a legit mural. I lived it. Oh, it's a penis wall. Yeah, I had to go in that house for the first time I ever met him. And he's like, this is my penis mural. And I was like...
Good thing you hid all the guns. I had to walk through this. The guns might be offensive. Also, stare at my dick ball. Take mine from the penis mural. Just got it complete. For context of this merch, for context of this picture, I thought it'd be funny to post a picture of me with some kind of material thing and flex and just be like, I'm so blessed. You know, like that type of photo. So he's wearing my merch. I'm wearing her merch.
Sitting, feeling and looking blessed. Those are actual... Those are dripping drops. That's a Baroque. Is it weird to say that that's tasteful? It is tasteful. I'm an artist. I paint, so I actually was like, this is really well done. Yeah, it's very well done. I appreciate it. As far as dick walls go. Describing this, these are...
There's a white and a black dick with balls and wings. And wings. Yeah. And dripping. I don't... But as part of the landscape... I just like their... They look sad. Yeah. The best way to put this, I think, is if I saw that on the wall of an Asian restaurant, I would never take a second look at it. Yeah, with a fish tank of koi. Right? Normal. Yeah, that's the thing, right? Yeah, fits right in. Are you sure? Or did you have to send it to him? Yeah, you guys can all add me as a friend on Facebook. Thanks. That's where that photo lives.
I'll send it to you. Cut the cock out. No, pixelate him. Yeah. I'm just like, how do you explain when you put your guns up and they're like, ah, my penis wall. Honestly, I'm just like, check this out. And then he just explained the lore. And I was like, then it worked. Have you explained on the podcast you two met?
Yeah, I think so. I think the last one. The last one, huh? Do Farmers Only? Yeah, Christian Mingle. Yeah, Christian Mingle. That's funny. Yeah, tell the tales all the time. Craigslist classifieds. Yeah, that's more accurate.
It was a mail order website. He was aiming for Asia, but Canada close enough. Canadian refugees. Hey, don't talk about that. Snow Mexicans. Snow Mexicans want to save money on taxes. That's what I was going through. She was in front of the mural like, tax money, tax money. Look past it. Look past it.
Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, it was interesting though. We, I messaged her. She followed me and I immediately was like, what's up? Like five minutes later. Like the moment. I'm not one for, a lot of people, they like to, they play this game of like, you gotta let it sit. You gotta let it sit or whatever. I don't do that at all. It was like, I don't really care. Yeah. You know?
They showed me the DMs. It's so funny because she's like, he's like, hi. And she's like, oh, I like your stuff. And he's like, fly down. What?
Maybe three. And a pink pic. And a pink pic, yeah. Fly down your feet and be like, "Ha! What is going on right now?" One with the sock, one without. For reference. It was like buying a horse. Let me check the teeth.
Exactly. Left foot? Yeah. Oh, do you need a place to live? Yeah. Exactly, yeah. Pretty much. I know I have a really good tax guy. Let's get this gold idea. You've got to try it. And I said, tell me more. Tell me more, mustache man. It's just a long talk. Yeah. It was really short. You don't know each other. It was really short, and I moved down with it, like, in no time.
Like for real. And that's not like me at all. You have to pay for your own health care now. I just felt right. You have to pay for your own health care now. Dude, it's not even a thing up there. It's all, it's a con. I've never actually got to talk to somebody that like, I've just heard opinions from people that are anonymous on the internet. Like, is it shitty? If I need an MRI, I gotta wait like 10 months to get it. Have you considered? Yeah.
Yeah. Heavily. It's legal. The sincerity in your eyes was alarming. Sorry, I had a lot of flashbacks. It was like a Rolodex, like...
Give her one of your purple hearts. Is that one of your... It's okay. I'll just have this purple white cloth instead. Ten months is the VA. That is on par. Yeah, it's just crazy. Oh, that other one was funded by the government? Weird. Yeah, if you want to go into the ER, like, I've broken, like, 13 bones, but every time I did...
I would have to wait almost a day or even like to the next day to see a doctor, to see a doctor. Because there's people going in there for like a cold. Because you can't. Because it doesn't cost money. So it's like, it's flawed in a lot of ways. And if you get other, if you do anything private, you still have to pay for it.
How do you break 13 bones? I was reckless. Reckless. She was very reckless. Extremely reckless. I would like surf on top of golf carts and like go really fast downhills on skateboards and stuff. If we ever have a child, it will be... It will need a pad. It literally will need a pad. It will. It will. Yeah. I just won't tell them about those things.
until they're older. The child? Yeah. Well, it's like genetic. Oh. Yeah. It's like the rabbits and the hawk.
Yeah, but I'll be there with him or her to help them not make the same mistakes I did. That was way too much assumed knowledge. I told her about it. It's nature versus nurture. There's actually nature is more dominant than nurture. I like his explanation. I've told her. Yeah, she knows. She don't need to know. We're not going on a podcast. I feel like it was like the hawk.
There's like a study about rabbits and hawks. I forget how it goes from top to bottom, but at some point the rabbits were not afraid of hawks. Then a hawk killed one. And then from then on, the generations that never even were exposed to a hawk, say 18 generations went by, they showed a hawk fly over and they had the same reaction. So it's like epigenetics. Yeah. That was a gross paraphrasing. I'm sure it's different, but that's the general idea. Yeah.
So you two trying to harm yourself as children, you think that takes 18 generations to breathe out. I think it's irrelevant. That's how long it takes. The child's going to hurt himself. All right. Yeah. 18 rabid generations might be different. It's true. I think he's saying that their kids will be fine in the year 2587.
Solid gene. I'm fine. Me, I'm fine. Only three concussions, 13 broken bones, many sprains and tears. You're getting less. It was 14 a minute ago. No, I corrected my, it was 13. 13, I broke it.
She's healing. She's healed some. Some hairline still. It's the Canadian healthcare system. 15 broken bones. How can you handle 14 broken bones? We'll need to schedule out for those 13 broken bones. I've been brainwashed.
But yeah, we'll be fine. Canada is awesome though. You do love Canada. I know. I love Canada. There's a lot of, it's beautiful. Yeah. British Columbia is like the most beautiful place in the world. I've been to a lot of places and it's, but Texas has its charm. Like it has like, like the sunsets and I mean, I'm excited to go to Canada. She's, she's, she's spoken very highly of it. Obviously. Have you never been? I've never been. Okay. I don't have a passport.
He doesn't, yeah, he doesn't have a passport. I just had to get one. That's such a crazy concept for a Canadian, because we go, we always go to the States, but go around the world. But so many Americans, especially in the South, they don't have passports. And that's really weird. They don't. We got everything. What do we need? I get it. Like, I understand, because I came across to come to the States all the time, because there's a lot to do here. Whereas in Canada, you got that, like, bottom third passport.
That's livable. It's like 60 miles. And you can't go up only for like camping or hunting or something. When we went to Buffalo in New York, we were like five miles from the Canadian border. Yeah. That's where Uncle Dijon literally walked across to come to our show. He walked across the bridge. Oh, no way. Yeah, like seven degree weather while it's snowing. That's really funny. My thought was like, this is...
right up on Canada at the warmest part of Canada. Yes. Yes. It's cold. How the fuck do you guys live there? Yeah. It's really cold. Like, it'll be so nice not to shovel snow for months. Like, it's beautiful to look at. I love snow. But we have, you know, wake up really early in the morning to get out to still go to school because we don't get snowed out of school unless it's, like, insane. So, yeah. I like Four Seasons, but it's been sweet living down here. And honestly...
Like, I get, like, depression, like, seasonal depression. The sun absolutely contributes to better mental health. Because I already suffered with depression, but my God, like, does it help to be in the sun? Like, it's crazy. Statistic, like, Washington has the highest. Yeah.
Yes. Because of. Absolutely. The 280 days. And even just having your windows open. Yeah. Just having your windows open and the sun being there, it's like, it just so, it's so much better. Even from Virginia. Yeah. It's just the sun, the sky is so much, it's just so much larger. You're just exposed to light. Yeah. More. Yeah. How come all the brighter places don't have bad taxes? Yeah.
People are happier, so they don't feel the need to impose their evil will on their representatives. More vitamin D. Everyone's half-alone. Oh, you cured everything, son. Yeah, it's crazy. So when you did your, go back to Mr. Beast, you did Mr. Beast, you had two hours to prep, apparently.
So, yeah, I mean, so he came... I forget exactly what time it was. I haven't thought about it a lot. It was your game launch day. It was the game launch day. No, it wasn't the launch day. Game announcement day, demo launch day. I had left his house less than 24 hours before. Yeah, we were filming for a week before that as well. So we spent like five days, I think, hanging out, filming, stuff like that. Behind on work. I leave, he's like, I launched the game, and then he's got a few hours. Yes. So it was like...
And I just made the commitment to, like, I had a list of questions and stuff, and I was just like, all right, what am I going to do? Say no.
Of course not. Yeah. I need more time, Mr. Beast. Yeah. We're doing this thing. Just fucking load it up. Oh, he's here already. Okay. And that included setting up the cameras and everything. Like, we had to, like, set everything up. Yeah. Yeah. And he got there at, like, 9 p.m., I think. Somewhere in there. 8.30 or 9, something like that. And then they filmed till, like, 11. Something like that. And then we, yeah, I don't know. And it was over till, like, 2 or 3 in the morning. And then he...
Fucking flew away into the cover of darkness. He just flew away. His smoke bomb disappeared. Yeah, it was crazy. He had a driver, and the driver was like nine feet tall and bald. Fucking cryptid. He hires cryptids. Did Mr. Beast just got picked up by the judge? That's fucking wild. It was crazy, though. Oh, no. Chris Tyson.
You can't say that. You can totally say that. It's like a father-son joke. Maybe it made the connection at the same point in time. Oh, no. It's a character from Blood Meridian. Oh, I know. I know the judge. Eli knows. He's just being nice. Great villain. Yeah, Mr. Beast walked out of the house, took off his shirt, and his bat wings came out. Great villain. Little ****.
A little bit, yeah. The judge. The judge is terrified. Really keep this on the rails. Yeah, like, Mr. Beast, I actually, I don't, so I've never had a bad interaction with Jimmy. Like, he seemed like
You've done multiple things with him. I've actually, I've mentioned it a few times on the podcast. I don't know if you knew this, but like I did a bunch of stuff with him, like starting back in like 2019. And then like the Canon videos and stuff like that. And a little couple behind the scenes stuff. Like some made it to YouTube, some didn't. But I've always had a good relationship with his team and they've always been really good to me. And like, I've never had an issue with them.
But I feel like Jimmy's priorities, he's very much buried into how do I make this the best thing it can be? How do I make the best product? How do I grow the best? And then I feel like all the PR stuff that happens and all the people that fuck shit up left and right are just like an annoyance to him. It's like, damn it. Why are you, why are you fucking with me?
With my vision of what this can be. Yeah, definitely. That's exactly. Yeah, his pillars of the things, like just a quick read would be that I got from doing the interview would be his pillars of like what he cares for and understands and like genuinely prioritizes and would even consider there being something wrong or whatever are going to be things that are within his control 100%. Yeah. Data, YouTube.
thumbnail. That's what he cares about. Like obsessively. Obsessively. Like his, all of his pillars, like up into, even to his morals potentially. You know, all of that stuff is just,
Just cordoned off into one just YouTube hyper-focused thing. Which he's really good at. Yes, very good at it. He's just a guy. Clearly. People forget he's just a guy. He literally is just a guy. A younger guy that is running, not a small team. You are known more than A-list celebrities at that point. And then you have all, everyone wants YouTube to fail no matter where you are.
The bigger you are, that's what they want. So it's like us, we'll have like our coworkers or employees, but then it starts branching out, especially at that size. Yeah. You lose control over stuff, which he, I mean, took, took the blame for a lot of the stuff, you know, it is under his control.
in his company. So fair enough. But yeah, I think, I mean, at the end of the day, it's like, of course, if you're, I kept saying that he was the guy. So it's like, if any, you should just expect it that like, if you are naive enough to believe that you are not going to be criticized massively for everything you do it. And when you're at that level, then you deserve more criticism. Mm.
You're gonna have to get used to PR like you you are the guy with everything to gain everything to lose So like you deserve to be criticized maximally you have to be transparent with everything the second you do you're like I cured a thousand blind people and the Internet's like yeah, fuck you dog. You're like, okay. Okay. This is a new yeah I'm here. That's why Christ because I tried to help people. Yeah XYZ. Oh people just hate you to hate a lot
Yeah, and that's like we're not meant to handle that either as people and he I don't think he was he was used to it either because he has just just gotten praise praise praise praise praise and then he got to this point where people were like and It came kind of during the philanthropy philanthropy stuff Which is interesting like all the hate and stuff. Yeah Well, I mean a lot of it started before that as well but the but the philanthropy like he said in the in the video that if he did he was convinced if he didn't do
As much of his, if he did less philanthropy, he would get less hate, which is very ironic. You said he was convinced that if he did less philanthropy, he would get less hate? Yes. A lot of his, like people are, you know, because he's pedestalling himself. He's making himself the moral arbiter, whether or not he wants to be that guy. And yeah, I mean, to me, it makes sense. Like the amount of, if I was him, I would expect even more criticism.
And hopefully critical thought wins in the end, but... Well... It might. You know, if he really... The critical thought, it's like the amount of people that are mad are a very small amount of people. Comparatively, yeah. It's always a vocal minority of people that want to tear people down. But even then, I would say that the people who want to tear people down, there's always almost some level of truth to it. And it's like, that's how you grow, is by...
Acknowledging the level of truth even if it's difficult to see because like your instinct is to know what not want to be I'm fine. I don't do your shit out of curiosity because this is leading somewhere Do you guys read any of your comments? Like do you read I do? Okay
I always know I was just gonna say I can't remember the last comment I read I don't think really okay I don't think so I find that there's two different philosophies where people like either read all their comments or they fucking read none of it I've always even though I've known that it's like bad for mental health for a lot of reasons like I read I try to read a lot because I try to figure out even if I think you're wrong and I don't agree with your take I
I want to know what that perception is. Yeah. Cause I want to know like, if you hate me, why? Yeah. I think it's invaluable. Yeah. Like that's, that's market research right there. It is.
It is, though. I hate to put it that way, but like... That's interesting, yeah. It's certainly smart to... I think my issue is sometimes I get a bit too in my head about it. Yeah. A bit like all... Like every now and then you'll scroll and you'll see one that's like, I hate you, I hope you die. And it's like, wow, great critical feedback. Thank you. Yeah. Pen. But then like... I do that. I do that sometimes. I do too. Yeah, that's funny. And then you just get shit on for the next two years. He only answers like the people that are like... He's like... Thank you.
It was really funny with the Mr. B stuff. Anyone who was like, like mean to you on Twitter, you would reply with a picture of you just as an old man. Just stressed. I'm so sorry. I literally... I'm sorry. Your old man bit is so funny. They didn't think it was funny. Because a lot of the criticism of the Mr. B stuff...
They're going to get it. A lot of the, so the video has like, I think it's 96% like to dislike ratio. So it's still really good. Yeah. You know, like to dislike. And the people who are commenting negatively are most likely hitting the like. You hit the like before you comment, generally speaking. It's like, cause you're, you're compelled to comment something. Yeah. And like that level of like being compelled to do that. There's a few steps in between. So it was received overall well, but,
But most of the criticism, most of it, genuinely most of it, I feel like was valid. So when people were criticizing me, I was like, well, there's nothing I can even say to this. Like, you're right. What was the... What am I supposed to say? What was the criticism you think was valid? That it was unprepared. Okay. Yeah, I would say that that's perfectly valid. Unprepared or underprepared. You had two hours, weird. Yeah, I mean, it makes sense as to why, but that is still valid criticism.
Yeah, it is. And it is, but it is that weird part. Cause you also, it was like, Oh, well you didn't like, you weren't hard enough on it during the interview, which is like, you get to choose how you want to interview people. And I think a lot of people forget that. It's like,
These are the creators over here. We are providing this to entertain and also because we like to do it. But also, everyone's going to have a different style to approach it. And I mean, I would never. We've never been hard on anyone. No. Even sometimes they deserve it. We bully them. But it's still a jest and everyone has a past. There's also a thing that people don't understand online when they comment stuff like that where it's like, all right, if you're. It's very different to leave comments on something.
Like, these are my criticisms of that person. It's a different thing to look someone in the fucking eye. Yes. It's totally different. Completely different. We have a non-confrontational, most people do anyway, like a little bit of like a non-confrontational vibe where it's like, all right, I want to press you, but I don't want to start a fight. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think that's valid. And I think that, um, I mean, that's generally how I approach things. I do wish that I would have asked more questions as well for talking, you know, more, more valid criticism. I missed some questions, but I called him the next day because there were some that I missed, but, uh,
yeah, I mean, if I could do it again, I, it probably wouldn't, if I didn't like have the context that I have now and I had more time to prepare, I can't promise that it would be any better to be honest, just because I don't think I would have approached it much differently. Yeah. But knowing now, uh, you know, I have a lot of,
Cards that I could play now for interviews that I've learned literally from the criticism. So yeah, it was no negatives whatsoever It was awesome all around positive. He's being way too humble I'm very proud of him as a friend just because that was that was like the YouTube event for a long time And it's like he had the opportunity for it. He had a couple hours and he was like bring it on. Yeah Stress to be like hi, you know this giant thing. Mr. Beast hasn't talked about yes. Hey, I
You got the spotlight, my friend. Yeah. You're talking about one of the biggest internet events, period, of one of the most famous people on Earth. You have less than a Marvel movie to prepare. Yeah. No, like... Yeah. Starting now. What was your favorite? You're...
It was weird because I wasn't really nervous for it much. I was excited more than anything, which is odd because I'm like a... I mean, up until pretty much this year, I feel like I've been the most just anxious person. And I haven't done a lot of things because of it. And I've just lived my life in a way that I wouldn't consider to be optimum in some senses. What do you think changed?
I don't know. It's hard to tell. She's helped. She's helped. Like, absolutely. Never mind. As you were right knuckling her leg? Yeah. She's like Pocket Ginger. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what did it. Yeah, actually. My Pocket Ginger really helps. I might have something to do with it, though.
I seriously thought that was a bit the first time you did it. No, it's not. People keep thinking that. You don't have to know. He gnaws on ginger. I do, really. Look, it's fresh, too. And now I'm totally into it, too. I mean, it helps a lot. Sure. With what? Nausea. Because we both have bad stomachs, so if you just take a little notch off it.
Little nip. I'll take a little bit of ginger. Yeah, we should all take a little nip of ginger. I will say on that point, for the time he had and everything happened, he did a phenomenal job. I appreciate that, Isaiah. No, it was like being there and watching it, it was...
It was so stressful. She was texting us as it was going on. I was, yeah. She was like, help, help, help, help. But it's hard, too, because I feel like he knew this, but a lot of people that were going to tune in and watch that didn't maybe necessarily know Caleb. And he's a jokester, like jokes in every other sentence. So I think it was hard for him because he wanted to just be himself and like...
But it was so so it came off I feel like because I know him so well and I think it came off as that he was just wait show Mouth-smelling salts. Yeah, I had a No, I had one instant regret cuz after it I was like, oh fuck this feels like I was unprepared and I wasn't trying to be funny Yeah
Yeah. At least I should have been funnier. I should have at least tried to be more funny. Because there were so many things where he would say something and I'm like... I can see the... Fuck! Say it! This is serious! I watched him implode from inside. Every time I was like, and there's... Oh no, he can't. He can't choke. Because this is supposed to be serious. Screams internally. So he has to push back everything that he's ever been.
He couldn't take the jam. Oh, he couldn't take the jam? He's out. Oh, shit. It was a little too much, too quick. I started chewing. No, it's a lot. It's a lot. And you gotta take the jam. No, no, for sure. I just took a bigger one. Go ahead. This one is half the size of what he did. Ah.
You're gonna let everyone else on the podcast do it, not you. Right here. I've been quietly wondering what he's had in that fanny pack for three days. That and money. He's got ginger and money. I literally did, yeah. And receipt paper for BPAs and microplastics. Do I swallow this or just chew on it? Yeah, go swallow. Do you like spicy stuff? Chew on it. Here.
Then you'll be fine. You'll be fine. I chewed mine all the way up. I do a bite and then lip. Bite and then lip. I love it. I just chew it. Yeah, I'm used to it now. Yeah, I'm so used to it. It wakes me up. Makes me salivate. And then I love to drink spicy Dr. Pepper immediately after. I'm turning into him. It has a kick. Yeah, no. You know what kind of doctor Dr. Pepper is? This is a good match, dude. He's a physician. Really? Yeah. Anyways. Oh, God.
All right. Guess I know that now. Same kind as Dr. Phil. But yeah, it was cool, though. It was an interesting moment. Dude, that's, I mean, that is, I was super proud. I think we talked like the day before, and you're like, oh, fuck, this is how, or I just did this. I was like, congrats, man. That's wild.
wild. Yeah, it was unexpected. Especially after you're launching your video game. Yeah, that was way more important to me. I'm also very much so just very good at prioritizing things from a meaning perspective. When I'm spending time on and how into it I'm getting and how much apathy I'm approaching it with, whenever I get into a new project or do something, there's always a certain level of just...
like armor I go into it up with to prevent myself from being stressed. So that could be why I'm less anxious is I've gotten really good at that over the last year. But with the YouTube stuff, with YouTube stuff, what would it be?
I feel stressed all the time. I mean, I'm still stressed. I'm just not like having a panic attack. No, I was saying that I haven't helped you through stress. That's what I was saying. Not me. I feel like I chewed a Zin. It wakes you up. You're like, not to take it off what you were talking about, Ginger. You're good.
There are a few times where I'd be tired and stuff. He's like, try this. And it's like, I've got another three hours in me right now. Let's go. That's straight up. I can't think of a better comparison. That's an oral smelling salt. That's fucking good. I love it so much. It's true. It's like, dude, 32, 17. Once they started talking about ginger, loved it.
I wish I could relay to the audience like a 4D experience. My God. Go to your local grocery store, get some raw ginger. Get organic. Get organic. And the smaller the root, the better. Yeah. The denser the skin, the smaller the root. Yeah.
That's what I tell her. I know. Someone would be able to pull something out of that. Yeah. But I was really upset. Back to the... What were we talking about? You're stressing me out. I'm so sorry. No, it's fine. The Mr. Beast telling you how to prepare the game coming out at the same time. Yeah, the game coming out. Oh, yeah. Approaching... Like, the game thing is just so meaningful and so cool and so much fun. And then YouTube videos are YouTube videos. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Which is cool because you have an infrastructure. Like, I can just tell from, like, conversations we've had and also, like...
You can tell, like, from creator to creator, like, you have an infrastructure for the YouTube videos to make that an easy, like, kind of like a seamless process. Yeah, absolutely. A video game, that's something that is so...
Like, you don't have any experience with that? No. It's so new. It's totally new. That's got to be scary. Yeah, and I've also, like, committed to being a part of it. Yeah. And, like, actually... Like, I've learned to code again. I already knew how to program, but, like, I haven't done it in years. And, like, I'm in C Sharp making shit in Unity, which is so cool and so much fun. And, like, some of the prototypes and stuff that we're putting in the game that we've put in the demo are things that I've, like...
made little prototypes of in my own small world in Unity to show to actual tech people with 30 years of experience or 20 years of experience or 10 years of experience who can take that and then just improve it. You launched, it's on Wishlist, Black Pine on Steam. And then you guys have, who is the entire team?
you have a lot of content creators with it, right? Plus yourself? It's just me. I'm the only content creator. No shit. And everyone else is just a developer or artist or designer or tech guy, yeah. You had a video come up on that today, right? Oh, yesterday. I played it. Yeah, I played it on stream just to be like, this is fun. You gave it a one out of ten, right? Yeah, yeah, for sure. You were just shitting on it.
on it the entire time. I appreciate it. The truth about black funnels. The funnels mean life. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
I should have had him play it. This is actually Mr. Beast's game. You can tell because they interviewed each other. It's the red threads. No pun intended. Genuinely unintentional. I made a video playing it and a live stream and then uploaded a highlight reel of it and stuff. Caleb is the only content creator making Blackpaw.
I just played it. Yeah, there's another content creators on. But it's cool, though. It's good. It's like a horror-themed game? Yeah, it's a horror game. Okay, cool. It's like a... My favorite games of the last couple years that I've played the most with my friends have all been like Phasmophobia or Lethal Company or...
Galactic or just four player. You go in, you get stuff, you take it out. You go in, you get stuff. Like Helldivers. Exactly. That exact same kind of you're in a group with your friends and you're doing things. You're working towards something. There's like a lot of lore involved as well, which is really cool. Yeah.
cool. Yeah, the main difference is we're trying to build a pretty interesting world along with it as well. That's the cool part. I've found myself get sucked into Cyberpunk, Red Dead. I love story-driven games, but I also enjoy games where you can go in with your voice for
four dudes like it's like the magical squad size where you just like you hang out with friends that maybe you don't talk to all the time exactly do some cool stuff literally the best time to do it that's the only time I talk like Freddy or any of the core like yeah it is during video games Darnell yeah I forgot about calling him Darnell I was like hey and then he just carries us through everything
I was like, oh, okay. That's, thank you. He just played Red Dead, just finished Red Dead a month ago. I, dude, I took so long. I beat it the first time this year. Got Brandon and I was like, just get past the snow part. It sucks. You guys are already, like it took you that long to do Red Dead 2? Yeah. So I played it like four years ago and I hated it. I never got out of the mountains. I was like, this is like horse walking simulator. Yeah.
I don't understand it. That's really funny. And then I got into it like three or four months ago and got obsessed. Because I love story-driven stuff like that. And it is probably one of the best universes. The characters are amazing. I just did a Red Dead video. I think it's dropping today. I love that game so much. It's okay, girl. I hope they make a show.
That'd be sick. You know who said he would be down to play Arthur Morgan? Who? I think it was Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Oh, man. Yes. Yeah. He's great. Yeah. I feel like he'd be better as Dutch.
Yeah. I think it would be a perfect touch. I think so. It sucks because, I mean, that would be really awesome, but man, it's like the guys who played those, who did the performance capture, who performed those characters, they did such a fucking good job that it would almost suck to see them not, like Roger Clark is who did Arthur Morgan. It would suck to see him not be...
He should be Arthur Morgan. Yeah, it's like a different, obviously a different beast. And like what you're talking about, the amount of people that I know that disliked the game when it first came out. Because it's just, instead of everything happening within 40 seconds, you have a new beat. Something to get you in the game further. And a new character that everyone, I didn't realize how pissed people were about that. That game was really bold in terms of that. In terms of not really...
catering to the upcoming attention span. Yeah. It's legendary. It's so frustrating too because it's like I wish I could just like mind meld people like all the thing about the game but it's a 90 hour western. Literally. Which it absolutely is. What a smart idea to make John be a
a background character for the first four acts of the game. Yeah. So then come back as like the reckless kid who now has something to lose because he loves Abigail and he loves his son that he's decided to take responsibility for. And Arthur, who's come to the character conclusion of I don't have a lot longer to live, sees them and says, that's all that matters now. Yeah.
And then like, literally passing the hat off. What a brilliant way to write a book. Yeah, I forced her to play it this year. Did you cry too? Oh, I was like, this is amazing. I almost cried. Like, I love movies and all that, but I was like, this is like the best movie I've ever watched in my life. Red Dead Spoilers. Yeah. Yeah, true. It's funny, like my employees the last couple of days, because obviously I've been kind of bad off, they've just been saying, I'm walking around, alright, make way, black lung. I'm just kidding.
tuberculosis it's a hell of a thing son tuberculosis I like a not set note like the very end of like the epilogue to the game where you're playing as John and you go you get to the mountaintop find a mic and stuff and then those guys come out and it's like it's always you John he's like it's always me and then boop
The name of the song and the end mission being called American Venom. Oh my gosh. It's crazy. 10 out of 10. If you haven't played it, again, you cannot stress. Play it. That's one of the reasons, too, that video games are so cool. There's just no... I've never felt any way close to...
about a movie that I have about, like there's good movies, but Red Dead Redemption 2 specifically is so good that it is impossible to explain to people. You cannot articulate it. It's like you just need to experience it. The only time I was getting like texts at two in the morning, because that's when I knew your girl was out of town because it was brand new, like two in the morning, she's like, man.
That was one of the hardest scenes to watch. And Red's like, I'm asleep. I have to wake up and pull it out. I'm like, yeah. It's like 2 o'clock in the morning. I'm like, I just put my horse down. Yeah. Yeah. It's fucked up.
Have you played it yet, Nick? No, I'm just playing League of Legends being a complete degenerate because I hate myself. You should feel bad about that one. I do feel bad, actually. It's great. Did you see the one where it was like the meme I think I sent you this morning? Where it's like they were obviously doing something for a stage play, but it was like you have the big crates for the old-fashioned dresses, but they were doing it for a play and they had six kids underneath it and one dude walking around with the crate and they were just like
all walking underneath it. It's like when you pass a million subscribers as a Minecraft YouTuber. That's awesome. Yeah. That's how I feel about League of Legends. That's fair. Do you like Arcane too? I hate it. Figures. I hate the animation. Really? Yeah, I do not like the animation style. I don't like it. I like it a lot. It's so beautiful. It's the most groundbreaking animation I've ever seen. I hate it.
I'm sure it's great. I'm sure it's a terrific storyline. Do not like the animation. I can't do it. I'm sorry. It's wild. That was the first time I was like, this is anime now. I kind of know what you're talking about. It might be a good story, but it's hard on the eyes. Are we doing... Is it real life? Is it CGI? Or is it fucking cartoons? It's hybrid. Everyone's like, this is a bad take. Really? You also think King of the Hill is anime. It is. Objectively. Terrible. It's 100% objective.
What do they call that animation? Is it cel shading? They did something new with League of Legends. Sorry, Arcane. No, that's all right. I think everybody's got their opinion. I totally know what you mean, though. It took me a couple episodes because I was just like, everybody was talking about it when it first came out, and I was like, I'll watch it. That was the nice way of saying it. And then the story and the characters, they did a really good job. Thank you. Thank you very much.
That was a very political way of saying, you're entitled to be wrong. Yeah, exactly. You're stupid, but it's true. Yeah, for sure. No, it's just like, you know how a big movie will have a 30-second intro cartoon? Like Hellboy has the intro cartoon where they're telling the little background story for 30, 45 seconds where it's like a really jarring animation? It's that, but that's the whole show to me. Yeah. I don't know. I don't like it. Did you see the cut that they did for China?
China. I didn't see that. That was wild. They literally reanimated certain scenes to remove gay stuff. To make it more palatable to Asian audiences. Even World of Warcraft. They have principles until it's time to sell to China. You remember the Black Panther and Star Wars stuff, right? On the original poster for the first Marvel Black Panther movie where it's T'Challa, Chadwick Boseman. It was the
in the United States was him with the mask off and the suit on. And then in China they had the mask on. In Star Wars they took Finn off the poster. They made him very small. They downsized Finn and stuff. Weird. Well, we have principles about things unless there's money involved. Or we have principles in America. Exactly. Or the Warcraft that got rid of all these skeletons and
Like, they have completely different dungeons or models for it because I think skeletons or something is not allowed to be shown. It scares them too bad. What's that? It scares them too bad. Yeah. Skeletons. That's the line. But yeah, it's completely... They're too spooky. Yeah. It's too fucking scary, dude. Shit, man. You guys seen Scary Movie 2? Scary Movie, yeah. We were just watching all the scary movies. I'm so sorry. Skeleton in that movie scared the shit out of me.
It's like moving around like this. It's like a fake skeleton. It's like the worst looking thing ever. Uh oh. They actually were. No. How goes the candy company? You're fucking crushing with it. Dude, I love. We've talked about it so many times when you're not around. It's just how motivating you are all the time. Yeah, dude, he's so successful. That's right.
You built an entire candy company that is now expanding into even bigger spaces, and then you just launched the Chews or the Gummies, right? Lil' Guys. Yeah, Lil' Guys. Lil' Guys, yeah. Today we're launching a flavor that is lemon, cherry, watermelon, peach. Yeah. And it's called Yellow Snow. But it's all yellow, so. And it's all yellow. And the bag is a snowman who is covered with piss. But it's delicious. It's pretty awesome. It's very good. It's like this.
Doesn't actually taste like piss. There's no piss in it. No. But it's called yellow snow. You almost had me. Yeah. There's one drop. Ew! It's like the golden ticket one. Exactly. Ammonia?
Yeah, it smells like chicken broth. Those little guys are dangerous because the strips I can be like, I'm going to take two to my room and be done. The little guys are like, the bag's empty. They're good, yeah. They're really good. But it's going really well. It's just rad because of how much adversity was involved in the company early on and you just move past it and you're just fucking killing it. I appreciate it. Yeah, it's still obviously a challenge, but the...
The team is all just like, yeah, it's easy now. We got it. Even if it's like insurmountable. Yeah. They're just like, we can do it.
It's just nice to be in a position where you're constantly sold out of everything. It's still a problem, but it's a good problem to have as a business owner. Now we're getting a bit better with that. We're able to produce more, which is great. Yeah, with the little guys, we can make substantially more of them. Yeah, so that we actually have stuff in store almost all the time now. Are you still doing it all in-house? Yeah, still all in-house, still all direct to consumer. Yeah, and we're going to outsource our fulfillment soon as well. And now we'll get the turnarounds for orders ready.
higher better because we're fulfilling from like a small town in central texas yeah it's like a by default you're slower um but we're there's a company in houston that's going to drive to us every week to get our new flavors awesome yeah that's like a hard commitment huge to get uh but they're going to do that and then you're getting more machines up and running so you can produce yeah yeah we're trying to build a warehouse soon or a bigger one so we can get more candy so we can
It's like that perfect. It's that brain where it's like, I like YouTube. Also want to do candy. Video game sounds really good right now. The ultimate big candy. Oh, hey, Mr. Beast is calling.
Because my ginger! I get to take off school every day. Chris, trim me. But I need to do it in two minutes and then you want me to get up and leave. Yeah, she takes so long. He's got a head of hair. He's got more hair than meat on his head. He's got a lot of hair. I always say, in order to be successful in this business, to a large degree, you have to have some combination of functional autism and ADHD. Yeah.
Like it's all of us. It's really interesting. It feels like the Shane Gillis thing. It nicked me. Maybe not 100%, but it's there. Last time I was down, we took an autism test and Caleb passed with flying colors. Killed it. That's also why he's the most successful out of them. Did I tell you about my shop employees? Me and all my shop guys took an autism test. We were all like, handshake, none of you guys can cheat.
We all did the same autism test. I came in second somehow next to the guy who has a literal autism diagnosis. Same. At the live shows, fans were like, thank you for what you do. I have autism too. And they shake my hand. I'm like, yeah.
Is this a well-known thing? Thank you so much. I'm also retarded. And it's genetic. Thank God. Caleb is like violently...
We're at bunker and we we just got a new Argentinian
our barbecue guy. So good. And he came out and he was like making food just for all the bunker employees as like an intro to, so they could all get to know him. Don't know why he kept calling it schnitzel, but. Bro. No. No.
That's funny. It was so good. Like, we were eating it, and he takes one bite of an empanada and goes, bro, I'm gonna start fucking punching people. Dude. I was just like, I'm all in. And he goes, bro, they've got empanadas. I'll punch you in the face. They were so good. I was sad for you. They didn't have any. Bummer.
They're delicious. When he likes something, he likes it. But no, Caleb is violently inspirational. Because every time I hang out with him, I'm like, man, I could be doing so much more. Dude, try living with him, dude. Oh, I could imagine. I feel like I'm failing everything. Yeah, because you're doing so bad at TikTok. Yeah, awesome. Cover of Rolling Stones, right? Cover of, no, dude. You were in Rolling Stones. No, no.
No, it was just like- Two Australias subscribed to you, right? Two? Yeah. It was what? Clarify. No, no, it was just like a, it was a little thing. It was a little thing. In Rolling Stones. Yeah, but like- Yeah, continue to downplay it. Yeah, and Forbes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay, so- Sure, I made the 30 under 30, but- Yeah. It's a blurb. They're giving it away to anybody. You know what? You're right. Both of them-
Or violently inspirational. Because anytime I hang out, I'm like, there's so much more I could be doing. Like, they're so far beyond the game. Like everyone else I know. No, we push each other a lot. It's awesome. Physically. Yeah. Mentally. Physically. Help.
Every morning we wake up. That explains the satchel full of herbs you need to walk around with 24-7. To help strengthen my function. Chris, we're going to San Antonio to the Bernie Range Day. Yeah.
Carry me! You make her walk? It's a long piggyback. He's like the fucking Witcher. He's definitely a Jax hero. He's a medieval medic. Wow. Hold on. You've been shot. Here's some ginger. I'll render aid. He does.
Man, you're a bitch under the weather. It's like living with a wizard. It's great. A wizard making medicine. My joke forever is that he's curing autism.
Just so you know, southern American wizards are a little different than the Canadian ones. Yeah, it's different. I'm not a wizard. I'm an alchemist. He's an alchemist. You're a grand alchemist. No. No. My ghost costume is leaving this place.
See you on Tuesday night. We talk about it's just being so thankful to be surrounded by like all these individuals as a friend group because it is no one's failing because we push each other and when you feel like such a piece of shit and you're like you see where they're going and you're like I gotta do way better in life. I
Oh, he launched candy and now video game. Okay. Well, I got shoes. Unsub needs to step it up, guys. I just sell t-shirts. Well,
Now, you guys are the same way. It's a privilege to know these two, and it's a privilege to know you all as well, just seeing people excel that far. It's crazy. It's crazy how far you can go with this platform. I feel like we just have so much opportunity in front of us that it's hard to pick a direction. Yeah, exactly. We see all the different directions you can go, and you guys are breaking the mold. I think that's why we focus on that a little bit, because you broke the mold in such a unique way, especially video games and candy. It's like...
We just sell shirts and all the other shit that we do, like a podcast, whatnot. It's pretty normal. But you're just finding new and exciting ways to bring your passion into the fold. Yeah, that's definitely the main reason I would do any of that stuff, just because it's all stuff that I really enjoy. But to be fair, we don't have a video game yet. Yeah. Okay, well, when does it come out? Wish list, hopefully. Yeah, you can wish list it. Hopefully before May. Okay.
Okay, so... We'll see. That's pretty close. Yeah, it's really close. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. But it's not gonna launch... You have a video game, like this guy. I can play it. There is a demo out right now. There is a demo. But you have a video game. The demo is for the purpose of feedback. I hate this guy. If I have a gun, but everybody else isn't allowed to shoot my f***ing gun...
I've got a gun. I've got a gun. It's called the AK-50. Yeah, it's true. That's fair.
Like real talk, how do you feel about it? Like the way that it's going so far in development and whatnot, like are you happy with it and like you're good with the direction? I love it. Good. Yeah, absolutely. Especially popping the demo out and getting to see people's feedbacks and the things that they are thinking of are the things that we're questioning as to whether or not – like the negative criticism are things that we've already got.
under control to an extent. And then the things that they love are things that we're like, I wonder if this is going to work. So it's cool. It's really cool seeing the validation from both sides. And then people who know who I am playing it, their feedback versus people who are just on Steam playing it and seeing their feedback. It's really interesting. Overall, I feel no respite.
Even releasing the demo, making a video game, I'm not even 10% of it. And it is so much work and preparation and planning. Easily the most difficult thing I've ever been involved in by a factor of 10. What is your involvement in your day-to-day as far as the video game stuff? What is it that you're in control of?
So day to day, we have directors conversations on a daily basis. On a busy week, let's say. Because some weeks are less busy. I don't know how you keep doing that, by the way. He's in on it, dude. Because I'm a man, Dad. Oh, fuck off. That's what I thought. Just take a nibble. You don't have to put the whole thing in. Like, graze your teeth on it. Heard that one before. Scoutmaster Kevin. No, you didn't.
Just a little. Yeah, like actually. You don't have to put it. You can just bite off a tiny bit. Do it. Yeah. That's way better. Yeah, that's a lot too. Whip it. All right, Scoutmaster. Go.
So a stand-up talk to everybody See what everybody's gonna be working on figure out I work as the executive producer so I have a producer that reports to me and then that proof like basically everything through the week that's done in our sprints, which is like
basically the goal of the week that everyone keeps track of and there's you know cards we use Jira as our our management software to like keep track of what's going on it's these cool little cards it's really interesting and
At the end of the week, all the decisions, everything that's going in the game, I'm sort of going through making sure that it's fitting our vision. And then throughout the week, we'll have meetings just kind of formulating different things, putting more thought into certain things, talking with tech. What do we need? Do we need more time? How does this feel? What bugs are we looking at? Because if you think about a game, there's art, design, and tech. And the tech part of it is...
probably the biggest part, but without, because you have to build your systems to be able to even design anything and you have to be able to build your systems before you can even put art in. Um, so it's like, it's really easy to get blocked. Um, and like if one team is doing something, chances are another team can't do anything because they haven't finished what they're doing yet. So like figuring out how to solve those problems, um, which are just forever problems that you can't solve logistics logistically. Yeah. It really is a logistical, uh,
It's a logistical nightmare, making a video game. It really is. Because I saw some of that stuff when S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 released recently, where people are falling out of the map. They're having game-breaking bugs a little bit. From what I hear, it's a great game. I've played probably two, three hours of it so far.
But like they're getting to places where the devs are now trying to patch things where they're like there's 80 different ways, 80,000 different ways to approach this problem. Absolutely. And five of them have you falling out of the universe forever. So it's like, fuck, we need to figure out how to solve these. Yeah, I have a new respect for...
Games because even if your game is good and your tech is good and your systems are good is the engine good You know does the engine need to be patched because that's a huge thing as well Like are you are you? Stable are is your all the 50 systems that are a part of you walking a quarter mile on the map and picking stuff up and Just playing you know normal simple ass game are all those 50 systems all working together Do they work together the same way each time?
is the game laggy when you work one way is it performant and that like there is an unlimited amount of problems that you always have to solve we had to figure that out with Pepperbox because like we found out there was a glitch at one point where it's like alright we have an iPhone open with the Pepperbox app it's that shit we leave it until the iPhone goes to hibernate and we open it up and now it's blacked out like the screen's black like there's so many little bugs that you're like why the fuck would you
I don't know, but somebody will. Absolutely. And that's, we, I'm assuming you have a very kind audience too, where they are, we are blessed with the pepper box and all y'all because it is, Hey, this is broken or Hey, we have this issue and we'll fix it within a week. But we are very big on it's like, Hey, what do you want to see implemented in this? And then every month we try to update and it's like, Hey, we listened to y'all. Here you go. What do you think? Okay. Thumbs up. Now, what is your level of like doing what you're doing?
How much respect do you have for Hideo Kojima where you see that dude level? Yeah, it's on another level. I need the engine. I'm going to learn coding. I'm going to learn music. I want to do this. I'll learn it and make the game do that during Metal Gear Solid. Yeah, that is the biggest thing is how humbling all this stuff is and then how many challenges there are too because it's like you can do that. If there's a tech system, I can learn how it works and then potentially lend help to that.
Some things are just so complicated it would take years to learn, obviously. But with the way things work now, most stuff is not overtly complicated. So people like that are humbling. And just in general, like your average designer, like there's so much work that goes into video games. It's insane. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, the Herculean effort that Red Dead Redemption 2 was to make, how good it was from the user experience, I just can't, like the devs have to like, I mean, you could die after that. The legacy...
Being able to contribute to that is insane. How much meaning and like entertaining you provide people. To build so many layers of like foundation and before you even touch story writing, characters, actors, art design. You gotta have the game. But then you build the whole game and then you get to that and then you build all that and it's like an
orchestra it all comes together in such a moment to where Arthur spoilers Arthur dies on the rock as may I stand unshaken plays comes over the mountain it's like the number of people who put their souls into it to make that happen for the player it's overwhelming unless you got the other ending
yeah you played low honor no I had the good one that's why I texted her and I was like cause I didn't know I got good and then I was like oh what's the other ending I was like oh god oh yeah he gets brained I was like yeah you're like do you have the elk or the wolf I was like the owner of this book did you have the elk or the wolf yeah
Do you see a deer? Okay, you're all right. Do that level of just like music. And then it is on that next level of game development. It's like, hey, we'll do hunting creatures and cooking. They did go a little far in a couple places. It's like, I shouldn't have to scrub my left arm and then my right arm. Like certain times, it's like, all right, you're going a
fucking far here. They were bold with that stuff because all that's a choice. They know that... You can get fat or skinny or just average. They know that people are going to probably play it more
There it's gonna be more broadly appealing if those things are simpler and people will be less frustrated and they'll be less bored because like all this stuff's like there's I mean there's it would be foolish to assume there's not you know millions upon millions of dollars into researching the Players attention and how it folds through the game like as people play you go into a boredom zone and then you pull them out of the one zone and then you Challenge them and then you get them bored again and you check like that's how games work and
To be able to do stuff like what you're talking about and you still beat the game in spite of that? Yeah. It's so... Like, I just... I would love to talk to those people and just learn about that. Because... Rockstar doesn't miss. It's crazy. And it's like... It's fucked up. If we have another Red Dead game, it's probably going to come out by the time my kids are three. But like...
Take your time. If that's the product you make, take as long as you need. Those are the right developers, too. When you see that, it's why I do it. I'll praise Kojima if you read about Kojima's
childhood and then how he got into the space of gaming. And the only reason he worked with Konami was like, oh, well, I didn't want to disappoint my mom. My family was big into movies and cinemas. My dad died when I was young. So we'd still, but as a family, we would watch movies every once a week or we'd watch it multiple times a week, but go to the theater. Dad died. Mom was like, hey, make sure you continue this for your dad.
he went to Konami because it was the only company at the time that had publicly traded. And that's what they like for honor. It was like, oh, this will make my parents proud and my mom proud. So I'll do this.
And then I'll start this little crazy thing, Metal Gear, and I'll start developing. And I'll work for, I forget the first game, and then he was underneath somebody. And then he's like, I want to add this. Well, you can't do that. Why? Well, they don't have that coded. Okay. Did what you did, just learn coding. He's like, there, now we have sneaking mechanics. And they're like, what the fuck? And I didn't realize how far he went, like, outside the box on certain things until I saw some breakdowns. Because I never played the Metal Gear games, but, like,
That's why I went to war and have PTSD. Well, that is such a funny takeaway from Metal Gear. I know, dude. I have that. To get to the end and be like, military good? Good. Meanwhile, Raytheon's over here like, I am a tool. It's the worst takeaway. Yeah, you finish Metal Gear 3 and you're like, and he did a good thing shooting her. Right. Traitor. God. I know. It's the shit like, but like the mind reading.
Where it's like, they would read your memory card to know what other games you've played. That's fucking wild for the time. That's like, you know, a little invasive, but in the same conversation as those people, it's just not even like, that's just, Hideo Kojima is like a god, essentially a deity in the gaming world.
So it's a different thing. And it all came from like, I just like movies. And then he's just hyper focused on video game development, story writing.
And he continues. And now I love, he's a rock star of the video. Like there is no other video, maybe like three directors in the video game space that your, their names are known. And then he is one of them. He's just at the top. Like movie. I don't think there's anybody that has a, there's studios, but there's no singular person that has a bigger name than him. I don't think. Yeah.
The only other guy is a guy who is not known for being awesome. He's known for being cool. Caleb's favorite person in the world. Todd Howard. Oh, well. We've got to toss his name into the hat. He is known quite well, but... He has a cardboard cutout of Todd Howard. I have a cardboard cutout of Todd Howard. It scares me every day. He hasn't... Yeah, yeah. He's...
He's a... Let him watch. He's a... Oh, God. Stop nodding to that. Yeah, you just turn Todd Howard around. Yeah. Can we leave Todd in the gun closet? Yeah.
I love Todd. Apparently! Yeah, he's pretty cool. He's pretty cool. Every time anyone goes into my garage, they're like, Oh! He's in the garage. Am I making you proud, Todd? He's in the garage. He's in the garage and there's like a window into the garage, into his office, and you can just see Todd through his buff.
It's really funny because you can just slowly shut the blinds. Todd has his hand up. Caleb's like, it's not funny. He's my mentor. We talk a lot. No, he's a bit of a goober, right? It's more of a joke. It's in jest. I do love them. I love, obviously, all the Elder Scrolls games, but they are good because they're kind of, like, poopy.
They're good because you can just break them and there's chaos. They're not good because it's this insanely hyper polished story that's so beautiful. They're good because it's a sandbox and you can just be the person you want to be. The bugs are kind of the future. Exactly. First microtransactions. Horse Armor. Oh, no shit. We were talking about this a couple days ago. That was literally the first game to have microtransactions. A forerunner.
Thank you, Todd. Yeah, as now a game developer. Thank God. Thank you, Todd. Going to charge $20 for the RV skins and black pie. I'm going to bring what I've learned from YouTube right into the video game industry. In Todd we trust.
I'm going to let people super chat in the game. You're going to be able to give me super chats in the game. It's just rude. No, I'm just kidding. There's the doctor disrespect joke. I'm not going to make it up. Yeah, but it's been extremely humbling, though. I have nothing but respect for people in the world. And, you know, hopefully we can make something fun.
I can do that. I can't wait. He works at it literally 24-7. Even when we go to sit down and watch movies, he'll have his laptop and his little cushion laptop holder thing. My Zen cushion. He'll be working on how to develop, do something to put into the game in terms of whether it's coding or whether it's actually making...
the little guy move it's pretty fun to watch yeah it's a shout out to everyone at the table or like anyone that's succeeding it is for everyone back there you don't realize how much effort and work people put into each little project from youtube to reviews to hey i want to do this new venture
As you're saying, you're like, man, it's awesome to see my spouse. He's fucking crushing it every minute. It is like 10, 12 at night. It doesn't matter. Midnight, he's still working. Yesterday, we were still at the bar. At the range, I have text from him. He's like, hey, we got to meet this guy for a business talk. We walk into the woods.
good business. We just walked into the woods, had a conversation. Awesome. And in the evening you're like, Hey, we got this bar sidebars. Everyone's like doing business and figuring stuff out. Same for you. It's like, it's like everything's so awesome to see. And the people out there, I wish that's always the takeaway. It's like, if you think the guys, it's like, it's an easy life. The level of work everyone does is sitting at this table is
You only see like 1% of it. And then it is till two in the morning. You're filming your videos at somebody else's studio. You're like, hey, I'm on vacation. Still doing a video. Well, I think it's nice to have a choice too. Where it's like you can rest on your laurels if we want. We all have a pretty good life. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, like you can't really bitch about it. But if you want to do more, we're lucky enough to be in a position where if we want to work harder, that work will go towards something. Yes. Yeah.
Yeah, that's why me and Jay Wolfer at IHOP at 4 a.m. We were working very hard. To stay awake. Honestly, I was trying not to get kicked at IHOP. Oh, yeah. So you have a story with Leon, I believe. Bro. Wait, what? I found this in the backseat. You did not. What is it? Oh, it's a meat stick. Oh, no. A meat stick? Oh, Christ. Bro. The audience right now is like, what, what, what, what, what? Leon Lush. Oh, no.
We're fucked up at IHOP at 4 a.m. And he's like, dude, I was so hungover today, I thought I died. And he's like, I got off the plane and it was like 2 and my hotel wasn't open yet. And rather than texting any of my 50 friends in town, I decided to go to Topgolf by myself and drink four IPAs. At 2? At 2.
Oh. This is not yesterday, but day before. Day before range day. So he's at Topgolf drinking IPAs by himself. And he goes to the hotel room, drops off his bag, and then goes to the hotel bar and apparently meets a large Samoan man. And they shared, I believe he said 19 Modellos between the two of them. And then he went to the pre-range party at that place we go. And apparently it got also...
very drunk there. And he's like, I don't really know what happened. I just remember it was three in the morning and they asked me to leave and then they locked the door and I couldn't get an Uber to pick me up because this is pretty far out of the city. And I was just standing there cold in a t-shirt in 30 degree weather. But, you know, it's fine. He's a big guy. He didn't call any of us? No. He eventually got a Lyft to come pick him up and drove him back to the hotel room just completely fucking smashed. And he's like,
And then I just, I went up to the little counter and I bought a Slim Jim and ate it to not be hungover the next day and went to bed. Like, hangover cure. One Slim Jim.
19 grams of protein and 1200 milligrams of salt. That's gonna help hydrate. He said he was so f***ed up he woke up at 7 in a panic because he thought he slept through range day. Stumbled out of his hotel room wearing a dirty t-shirt and his boxers and ate the continental breakfast in his boxers in the hotel room. Oh my gosh.
I love that guy. He's great. God chooses unconventional warriors sometimes. I know. An unconventional war means it's unconventional warriors. And my God, do we have special forces? I just picture him talking to the host. I don't want to be hung over, Mara. Yeah. Gah! He walks out. That'll do it.
We're good now. We're good. But you said you were trying not to get arrested last night? We were fucking... We were obnoxious in IHOP. Hell yeah. We were laughing so hard, drunk at that Leon explaining that story. That was last night? At 4 a.m. I will say, Nick is the dude that wakes up before everyone. And today, it was like, I got a text from you. It was like 9.15. You're like, I'm up. I'm like, huh. Hmm.
This explains it way better. Oh yeah. No, I, we were, I didn't go to bed till like five. Oh, it's breakfast food by the way. It was awesome. It was good. It was breakfast. What do you want from me? Nothing. It's drunk. We went to IHOP. Okay. I'm innocent. I've got, I've got J wall. Here it was. Nothing good happens after midnight and the bar closed every time it's me and J wolf closed down the bar at the post range day party. And then we go to IHOP the last like three range days in a row.
And I don't mind closing down the bar and being drunk because, like, I have J-Wolf. Like, what's the way? That motherfucker will tuck me in. Like, I don't care. J-Wolf is 7'1", by the way. That's crazy. I was looking at him, like, getting drinks. I was like, he's taller than the fridge. Just walk behind him real quick. I'm going to be...
I know. Come on, Chris. That's what I like about it. They're just gonna see a shadow fall over the group. It's like Hagrid. Harry Potter. Wow. Jesus Christ! Wow. Wait, Chris, get in there. I'll take my boot off. Yeah. It makes me taller. Oh, wow. I just like a little...
Jared was the only dude I give hugs and I feel good. I'm like, hi, tits. There was one time I remember, I think it was a shot show of like 2021, maybe 2022. We went to, so every place in Vegas serves alcohol, like pretty much everywhere.
We went to the the IHOP or the Denny's right next to the Venetian and it was like with me you Caleb Francis Caleb Francis Cody like just everybody together and we are like that was the closest I think I've ever been to pissing myself in public. I Was laughing my ass off. Do you know can't so hard? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, great guy, right? Yeah Amazing when you get him shit, right one of the most organically funny people
He's very funny, yeah. Just hysterical. You couldn't even begin to describe him.
He's just giving commercials for it. He's just doing Caleb. Threatening to beat people's kids with a baseball bat. Well, it's an advantage. We'll kill your kids. But he's the jolly green giant, so everybody's like, all right. I'm actually concerned that Caleb might be my guardian angel. Really? Every time I get shit wrecked, like overly drunk, I wake up and I was like...
I went too hard last. This was a mistake. Within 45 minutes, Caleb Francis apparates out of nowhere with fucking breakfast burritos. It happened at Rangedat. Is the mysterious stranger perk? I swear to God, 100%. I'm glad you got that. Hold on, pause. He just texted me this.
there's no that's me what is that no party foul last night may i have things uh last night i had two sandwiches i was like uh i didn't drink that much i was like i don't want to get drunk i hate hangovers and i'm 40. so caleb i like walk outside as caleb's going inside i'm like hey do you want this he's stumbling i was like hey do you want this he's like whose is it i was like
It's mine. Would you like some food? What is it? It's a sandwich. He's like, yes, please. I'm so shit, right? He takes a bite and he's like,
He hugs me and then he texts me. He's like, God sent me an angel. That's why I was like, holy shit. That was unprompted. It was the exact same thing. I pulled up to range day and like, I pull up and then I like, only person I see is Caleb with his truck in the tailgate down. And I'm not shitting you, four grocery bags.
full of breakfast burritos. And he's like, you want some breakfast burritos? They're really good. They're from Maria's Tacos. It's like really good. It's the best...
Breakfast burrito I've ever had in my life. I just pictured a shitty meme format of just Caleb Francis standing over you. Get us. Get us. Hey, you want some breakfast burritos? They're real good. God sends his drunkest angels to his hungriest soldiers. Wow. Ah, yes. Psalms 23. It's a wicked 23. It's not 10. It's not a quote. Okay, I'm shitting it.
Now, Miss Chris, we talked, I think, last night. I was like, I'm loving your content. She has made the rotation of I'm going to bed. We'll put on Creepcast. We'll put on Oopa. We'll put on me. We'll put on none of my friends here. I hang out with them too much. And now you're in that rotation. You are fucking killing the game. Thank you. You've done it in the past, but now you're just reinvigorated with it. Yeah. I really like the deep dive content. Honestly, I just like it a lot.
more and he was the one that motivated me to do it I was like because I was mostly doing just like bullshit I mean like entertainment stuff like comedy but I can mix that into the you know how much it hurts when you you beat all of us numbers wise and then you call it you call it bullshit you know
That's, uh... I guess it's just like that. I will cry myself to sleep. That's fine. Not that you need to educate people for it not to be bullshit, but I feel like I get to learn stuff, so it feels more meaningful for me to do it. So, yeah. Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean that like that. Because I think last time you were on the podcast, though, I think we were... Yeah, I know she meant it. She meant it. She said it. I know. I know.
I think last time we were on, you were talking about how much you were hoping to expand into your long-form stuff more. And I'm glad to see it's going well. Yes. Yeah. It's been going really well. It's been going really well. And I've been doing more traditional stuff, too. I shot a movie in July, and we did post-production and...
If you did post-production in like two and a half months and then we... That's really fast. Yeah, it is really too fast. Sorry? How long is the runtime? 77 minutes. Oh shit, that's really fast. It's a feature, yeah. And we did it all ourselves and then we went on tour with it. We did like six screenings around the States and...
And then, yeah, it got really good response. And now we're just in the distribution phase of it. So hopefully it'll be distributed soon. I'm really irritated by people that go through all that effort to make a movie and then go on tour with it to several places. It's just really...
I know, right? It's a lame kind of thing to do, man. Taking a podcast, maybe. Yeah. With his little faces. It's the gayest thing possible. Yeah, it's awful. It's terrible. Two and a half month turnaround is crazy. Movies are an endeavor. I don't think people realize that level of endeavor. Because when you're like, oh, we'll just do quick skits or a funny insert. When you're scripting, shot listing, box doing, it is crazy.
Time. Yeah. You're looking at a good day, maybe six pages, three to six. The nice thing with what I did and why it went so fast or why we could do it so fast, and this is the reason why I wanted to do it, was because it was found footage. And I wrote it around this time last year. What's it called? And then we kind of kept, sorry? What's it called? It's called House on Eden.
Yeah. I have a trailer for it on my YouTube. It's called Billy Goat Bow Hunt. Look up that, she lied. No, don't do that. Put that up. Oh, sorry. Me. You were showing me. That's just a really fun video. Don't look that up. That was an intrusive thought. Just pull that down. You should look that up. I feel like it's almost harder to not come off cringe. It's kind of hard. Oh, yeah. It was. Yeah. So that was the whole thing with me.
me not wanting it to be cringe. And with it, I was, I was the writer and director and one of the main cast members as well. And producer. I just wanted to wear all the hats and just see, um, but I didn't write a concrete script. I just wrote beats kind of like how Blair witch did. They just wrote, okay, this needs to go to this place. This needs to go to this place, do that. So we just took, uh,
Like a bunch of takes tried to be as organic as possible knowing where it would go. Yeah. And I feel like as a creator, you already know those beats. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So I wrote a whole, like I wrote it all out and we, I mean, had discussions between, it was just me and two other people basically. Um, and then we would wake up and then we would, uh, we would shoot usually all afternoon, all night. And then we wake up the next morning, cut whatever we shot. So we shot it in seven days, um,
So, we cut it and shot it in seven days. Is it all one location? No, it's multiple locations. Oh shit, that's harder too. Yeah, it was multiple locations too. Writing on the fly when you have beats. That's how Gladiator was done. Most people don't know that. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, Gladiator was a completely different script and how it was written, everything was done on the fly. Yeah, they changed it on the fly. Interesting. It was really cool. Yeah.
It's wild when you find it. Like the first one. Yes. Like when they're whittling those little figures and he bears them at the end. He's like, that was. Oh, we can close it out with that.
Everything was done on the fly. Like they had two storylines and like, eh, and then they went in and done everything else on the fly. Yeah. It's not the gladiator. It's not gladiator by any means, but some inspiration from stuff like that. Like I was just like, I knew how it would end. I had like a few different endings and we kind of just, we had a couple different ones and we went with a specific one after we cut it and edit it. And we sent it off to like there, we did a lot of practical effects and
It's horror. But some BFX, so once it came back. But you did Practical. Oh yeah, I love Practical. We had some really cool prosthetics. The thing? Creature Kid made us some prosthetics. So cool. So we so far compared it to John Carpenter, Gladiator. She's the least amount of guy I need. You're so good at this. It's not that good.
There's a big worm. She said it on the record. It's that good. There's a big worm in it. There's a big worm. She got Timothy Chalamet. Four Oscars? Yeah, I think so. Yeah.
I hosted the party. I've known both of you for a while, but I had no idea all the shit that you guys were into. And I can probably say you're the most creative couple I've ever ran into, and it's insane. You know how when two ugly people have a really hot kid? Your kid's going to be like an accountant. It'll be the next president of the world. What is the average day? Your kids are going to suck, by the way.
by the way. LAUGHTER
You guys are awesome. Don't reproduce. Which one's his follow-up to? You ever see a really hot kid? I know, I was like, where is this going? That's the doctor disrespecting us. Damn it. Jesus Christ. He's learning social skills today. Oh, no, it's good. He's in his ABA class. I'm not the worst this time. I want to see the movie so bad, but you wouldn't let me watch it early, so I guess I have to wait. I will not watch it.
watching in front of you, dude. Is it finished now? Yeah, yeah. It's fully finished. How are you planning to distribute it? So right now, we're talking to a couple different distributors. One is Shudder, if you know what Shudder is. So they're wanting to buy it, but all of them are really predatory. So there's a chance I might just self-distribute it. Not to YouTube, but maybe in like, you know,
Kind of like Andrew Schultz did with his one comedy special. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Potentially. It'd be cool to have it live on a streaming service or something, but we'll see. Rockajum, I can put you in contact with Freddie. They're doing that again. They just did that and they're about to do it again. Oh, cool. Freddie Wong, the old YouTube people back in the day, he's still doing it. He's doing an action kung fu flick right now. I'm super excited because Freddie is now 40 years old.
But he's finally doing a Jackie Chan role. Cool. And he's doing all the stunts in it myself. And he's actually training, training for it. I'm like, oh, this is awesome. But if you need help with that, they just did it again. Sure. They have that world down to, because predatory agencies are great. Yeah, yeah. Thank God for lawyers, but still. It's also something like you've poured so much time and effort into. It's like, I want it to be able to be seen by the casual audience. Exactly. Like, I want somebody to be able to fire up their.
You know, Roku. Yeah, I want it to be accessible. So that would be ideal. But at the end of the day, I really just wanted to see if I could just make a movie. And I did. Are you happy with it? Cool. Yeah. I mean, I've seen it a thousand times. I hate that movie now.
movie now. I hate it. No, seriously. And watching yourself, like, I can't watch my own YouTube videos, let alone every take of me for 77 minutes. My favorite thing to do is be at a party and put up one of his videos. Oh, it's awful. Oh, I hate you. It's awful. I hate you for it every time. I saw this really cool Nick video. Yeah. Well, it was different when I was, like, new to the friend group and not very big yet, and you were just like, oh, you don't know Fat Electrician? Here, let me play his greatest hits on fucking repeat. I have a video of you in Utah. Yeah, and
I remember. I was there. Him on the smart TV, like his most recent video, because I like your content. You make good stuff. But he's just sitting there like in a chair on the left side. Yeah, I can't stand hearing my own voice. Does anyone watch your own content? No. I do. No. I mean, I watch it before it goes out. I swear, I'm not kidding.
I'll watch it back. We watch it back. Yeah. No, I mean like I will be like idle and then like, oh, here's a video I did from a year ago. How did I sound then? What was that like? Oh, that's fair. I don't do that. That's fair. Yeah, it's too critical. I would never do that. It's the weird flip because I will never read comments, but I will listen to myself and analyze my own stuff. Interesting. You know better than everyone else.
Yeah, I was gonna say there's some psychological thing that's... Do you masturbate? In the mirror? Like in general or like just, you know, Freudian, are you the subject? Only if I'm crying. Okay. Got it. I'll watch my stuff like in a critical mind where I'm like, all right, what did I fuck up and what could I do better? I hate watching it in front of people. Yes. Which is why it's very funny to me, but... I hate this. Nick.
Separate. Yeah. You know what I don't like? This. I should do it to other people. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I know it's awful. Like being in the theater with people and me being in the middle of the theater watching myself, I'm like, I want to leave so bad. But I needed to hear the reactions because I needed to know what they thought of the movie. At least you're not in a social setting. Yes. Like at least you're not like in a living room. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I couldn't stand. But it's still, yeah, it was still very strange. And I'm also like,
It's funny because I'm me in the movie, but I'm also not. Like, I am acting in the movie, and I'm just not myself in, like, the worst way. So, like, maybe people will think I'm like this. I don't want to give too much away. You're still playing a character. Yes, exactly. But it'll be hard for – because I wanted it to transition from seems like a YouTube video but goes completely haywire, and it's clearly a movie. So I wanted to break that so people will be, like, fully in it, especially my audience. Yeah.
But then people who are watching it that don't know who I am will still. Hasn't really been done that much. Is that one that's for me? That concept, I'm not sure if that's ever really been. That's a really good one.
Thanks. Thanks. I was like, this could shoot me in the back. I don't know. We'll see. Good fucking concept. How was it for you, like, in your theater tour? Because I know you weren't as heavily involved. You were in the movie for maybe 20 seconds. Yeah, I wrote it. I co-wrote it with Evan. How was it watching the reactions, I guess? I loved it. Because the whole time I would sit in the back.
Because each show is like, oh, you can go to the green room. It's like, no. And I would like sit in the back of the theater. And when like big moments would happen, I would like watch people. Like the scene, the movie's out now, the hive reveal. That was so dope. The tendrils down and stuff. Every theater would be like, okay, what's everyone going to do? And at every theater, people were like, and I was like, yes. Yeah, that's awesome. That's a cool feeling. That is a cool feeling. How long did that CGI shot take? Gosh, oh my gosh, dude. That was the cum shot of the movie. Okay, so...
That took... Thank you. That took... I like it. That was one of our first things we came up with. Because it's like we need an end event. We need a place that this map ends at. So that was kind of our monster. And we knew it was going to be like a special effects. So I was nervous about it the whole time. Our special effects guy, Majid, took budget cuts. Worked way longer than he should have. He really came through for us. He worked on that...
alone for at least a couple months. Built the whole thing out inside of a render, like a render farm. And then he took people's heads modeled. I'm actually one of the heads. I think that was modeled. No shit. Yeah, like did a bunch of different heads on it and then had it move like tendrils coming down the bottom of it. It's the pilot who was hooked up into it and his skeletons in there because he's been rotting away with the machine still on and stuff. It took months to build that out. But,
oh my gosh, I was so happy with how it looked in the end. It was so well done. I would love to put this praise on your movie, but you haven't let us see it yet. Yeah, me too. Let's play it right now. Just kidding. No, no thanks. 77 minutes. We love it. I'll give you the CP to CP. I think that's called a copyright claim. She's like, no podcast now. We posted it first. YouTube thinks we own it. There you go.
She was telling me something about the script. Again, I still haven't seen the movie, but she was telling me something about the script, just like some of the character arcs, themes she's working with and stuff like that. And I'm stoked to see it because it's very creative. It's very cool. The movie is not just about the concept she mentioned. The concept she mentioned is the framework for a very interesting story with cool themes that pull from a lot of different aspects of horror culture and stuff. Everything she's told me about is spectacular.
Appreciate it, man. Yeah. This is the only frame I'll be nice to you. Yeah. I was like, this is happening. I'm glad it's recording. No, I appreciate that. Yeah. TikTok crushed it. Yeah. She's a great director. Good job, TikTok. She's all right. It's all right. Yeah.
No, it's basically just a nod to all my favorite horror movies too. Like it's nothing new necessarily. I need a top three. But. Oh, top three horror? Yeah. Oh, I have no idea. But I'll say the horror movies that like it gives nods to. There's like 15, but a couple of them are like Hereditary. The Thing with like the prosthetic stuff. And probably like maybe like Shot Wise. Yeah.
The shining or like midsummer? I said Billy Goat Bohunt. He says all these things and he says Billy Goat Bohunt twice. I'm sorry. Sorry, babe. I said the thing. She's got excellent taste in movies and film.
If you haven't watched it, it's hereditary. One of the most terrifying mind fucks of a movie in the last ever period. Yeah. That was one of the only movies I think I've ever, like, as an adult, said, like, out loud, like, oh, fuck. Yeah. And the witch, also. During the moment. That's a... Yeah. Yeah. So, and that's all, like, either it's, like, a shot, either it's a line delivery or, like, so it's all just... There's little Easter eggs through it, and then it's all based off of, like, loose... Oh, my God.
like biblical folklore or jewish folklore that's like it's yeah there's a lot of lore to it as well
I'm just looking at how autistic everyone at the table is. Like, you are balancing that 8-6 round in between your little phone holder. You are under the tip. Don't even pretend like you weren't doing it. Had the little fucking spike from your Starbucks cup that you are currently putting through your wedding band. Playing with, like, shut up! We're in good company. Good company. Table of puzzle pieces. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm lining my drinks up per usual. Like, this is out of order. This will always be on the straight line, by the way. That is so symmetrical. Yeah, I will always have it on the fucking straight line. We're in good company. Why are we broken? We're in good company right now. That's nice. Dude, that is amazing. Again, fucking...
Yeah, no, it's fine. Congrats to that. When does it come out? I don't know yet. How long do you think the contracts are going to take or do you have a time frame at all? Well, if I do it myself, weeks from now. Weeks from now, probably. Because I want it out as soon as possible because I'm tired of waiting. Like, that's a struggle with YouTube is that we can make something and then post it, like, the next day. Whereas a movie, it's like, if I go with Shudder, then they're like, oh, we can, like, put it in festivals and then it can come out in, like, the spring. And I'm like, that sucks. That sucks.
Like, just get it out now. The festival thing, that seems just kind of weird. For me, it wouldn't. It's kind of, I mean, it's, I get it. But since I have an audience already, it doesn't necessarily make sense. So we'll see. Yeah, if you're like an independent studio or something. But for you, you already have so many people willing to watch. Exactly. Exactly. So we'll see. We'll see. Keep you posted. Keep you posted. Well, I'm excited. I'm excited for that. Thanks, man.
With your new content, what is one of the most fucked up stories where you're like, what? The ever-living fuck? Because you're going like Green River Killer lately. You're doing like the top female serial killers. Yeah. All these deep... And I've been... I went to...
the one semester of community college i did was at green river community college oh really yeah interesting yeah interesting so i knew all that laura was like oh yeah that's right there i mean it's all up but i'd say like one that uh or i was just talking to isaiah about this last night is the the one of the most recent ones the john bonnet one it's like the ones where i don't know that one there's so much
controversy around it and so much conspiracy but it's so obvious he doesn't know that one yeah that's that's interesting do you know John Benet Ramsey yes the little yeah 1996 that like plagued my childhood yeah 1996 I have no idea little girl little girl you were just break it down for us call me 1996 yeah I was a year old yeah so
Everyone here was, God, I'm old. So it was 1996, December. There's very affluent family in California. They had a daughter, very beautiful little girl who was in pageants and everything. And again, very affluent family. And then one day she got kidnapped by
And then the parents were looking for her. And then she ended up getting found in her home when the police came over because there was a ransom note left by the people that kidnapped her. And then they ended up finding the little girl in the parents' basement killed. So it was all like...
did the kidnappers kill him and did they write the ransom note? But then the ransom note was written on the mother's notebook with her pen with very similar writing to the mom's handwriting. So it's like a darker balloon boy kind of thing. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. And then the amount of ransom, which was $118,000, was the bonus that the husband had got a month earlier. It's all very strange. And then she has a brother...
who had outbursts and he was like the last one seen. So there's a bunch of conspiracy. Nobody ever got charged for it is the point.
So the family never got charged. Nobody got charged. So there is a dead child. There's a dead child. Nobody got charged. Nobody got charged. Well, there was never... Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. No, you can... There was never... Oh my God, a crossover episode? Yeah. Yeah. All of this came like out over the course of a long period of time. Because initially it was police get a phone call, parents freaked out, our daughter's been kidnapped, here's a ransom note, they start an investigation.
In the basement of the house, the police find a locked door. No, the dad found it. Yeah, sorry. The dad found a locked door. They open up the door. Daughter's been tied up and killed. The dad finds the daughter. Yes. And picks her up and brings her upstairs. So he taints the whole crime scene. Yes, correct. Finds a locked door that he didn't know about? Yeah, so the basement door was locked from the inside.
There's no other way to get into that basement besides this one window that has been broken. But that window was broken weeks and weeks before, which the dad knew about. Weeks before the crime. Weeks before this all happened, which he told the police about. But also the window had cobwebs all over it and dust all over it. So if there was somebody, a kidnapper that came in, that would have been not fair. The idea is, at least initially, that a killer kidnapped the girl,
either like was going to tie her up or get her back later. At some point, the girl accidentally died. Killer panics, leaves the body in the basement, locks the door behind him, crawls out the window. There's like footsteps leading away too, right? There was a suitcase. No, there was no, there wasn't any footsteps. I mean, I mean, not to say the person who might've done it. Oh yeah. It was like posed, right? That was the idea. Yeah. And then there was a suitcase under the window to make it look like somebody got up. Stepped up. Yeah. And this is just for reference. This is like Nash.
so officially the narrative was okay this girl's been kidnapped we have to find who or
was an attempted kidnapping we have to find who killed her and then information starts getting kind of wonky and investigators kind of start looking towards the family and stuff but there's never enough to make that to publicly make that assumption right it's always just kind of fishy the details around it so no one ever got charged because there's never enough evidence that way
And even then, even if you look at that evidence and think that the family was culpable in some way, it's still not like they definitely did it. It's still like, well, maybe they covered up something else that happened maybe or maybe this or maybe that. It's just so many theories. And you said a Netflix documentary just came out. Yeah, yeah. That's why. That actually brings me to something I also really wanted to talk about with you guys. Yeah.
I was having this conversation with somebody and I don't know where I sit on it. But I'm starting to think that maybe Netflix has too much power with some of these things because of the Menendez Brothers series that just came out. Because it's like, man, the court of public opinion is now completely controlled by Netflix. Yeah. The way that they present the information. They try to be balanced. I kind of see that.
but my god like different cases like this can be swayed so much to the degree that they're now getting another balance what's crazy is when you find i thought because i never read about it and then i was like oh i'll watch that i was like man these guys got real fucked over and then you read it and then you're like and they're they it's weird because it is like how did they get to that point where they're like this is what we need to do was it that side but then it is also like yeah
It's just so much speculation. It's just, it's what, yeah, it's yeah. Cause Netflix, I did like the, here's the Menendez documentary and here's like all the research and like, like everything involved, like actual.
actually. And they didn't match really that well. That was like the whole thing is the narrative was pushed towards the, the sons being victims, which maybe they are like, I don't know. And I can't say, I know I can just present information. It's a better story for sure. It's better story. And that's why it's on Netflix as a, as a limited series. And same as the John Bonet thing, they pushed the narrative of sympathy towards the parents rather than like the public and
is like very against the parents usually which I'm not either way I'm again I'm just like here's the information that's pretty weird think what you want with that that's all I can say about it Menendez brothers were even they said it's like well I didn't we didn't
touch each other or anything and they're like that's them like no that betrayed us wrong and you're like when the the netflix documentary came out and the one guy was like why did you devote 60 minutes to saying i was gay i'm not dude also amazing shot that push in don't care out of everything out of cinema that was that one take you you even were like bro yeah it's
Like, they had a one-hour... Was it 40 minutes? It was like 30, 40 minutes, something like that. Single take. Have you seen that? No, I've not. It's a one-hour single take. It's like a prison interview kind of thing. And it's like... It's crazy. It's all acting, but like, it is one singular slow push in. Yeah. Yeah.
Between two characters. There's no cut. I love that. And it's not boring. We were just watching a movie where it's, or we were watching Midnight Mass. Oh, no. And they do a lot of that. That's a fucking good show, dude. And I'm like, I love the one takes. I love that show. They give me so much pleasure. I love it. It's such cinematic masturbation, but it's so good. Yeah. Yeah, no, great show. Like, without the whole case, the Menendez show is actually pretty good. Yeah. What was the one movie with the long one take? I think you haven't watched it yet. Which one? Action Sequence.
1917? Yeah, 1917 had one. That is a great movie with amazing hidden cuts, but it was where children aren't being born anymore. Oh, uh, uh, uh, Children of Men. That one take is... Talk about in the car, when the shoot happens and the camera's rotating the whole time during the car chase. Well, no, when he walks into the restaurant and then that entire thing's into it. Oh, that one where the bomb goes off? Yeah. I haven't seen that. I'll
Incredible film. Oh my gosh. Children of Men's and Alzheimer's. Not to spoil it for them, but the scene at the end holding up the... Oh, dude. Oh my gosh. It is a practical effect. These are practical explosions. It's like a 15-minute one-take.
one tank. Who's the lead in it? Is it Colin Farrell? No, Clive. Clive. Clive Bundy. Clive Bundy. Goatman. Billy Goat Ranch. Didn't he get a standoff with the federal government? I believe he did. 2012, yeah. Sorry, I just...
Yeah. Go on about that. The audience is like, I'm intrigued about this standoff with the federal government. Have you met her already? What is it? Google the Billy Bob Bundy ranch? Google Clive Bundy, Billy Goat Bow Hunt. Make sure you put a comma. Clive Owen. Clive Owen. Sorry, I derailed that. I was like, wait, now I have to figure that one out. And what's his face? Michael Caine's in it and stuff like that. Michael Caine.
Batman, don't mind me, Mr. Wayne. Mr. Wayne, I know why people go out at night wearing black leather. I do not approve, Mr. Wayne. God, I love my friend. We're all retarded. Everyone's retarded at this table. I just thought that was kind of an interesting tangent because it's like you have like
You have Netflix documentaries that portray the actual facts and then you have the what makes for a good cinematic experience. Yeah. And it's not always the same thing, which is a little scary when it's like that's enough to push the public perception to a degree where these people are getting another hearing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. It's not for me to say that that's wrong, but like... It's a weird line because it's like there's been times in the past where people have been exonerated because of information that's been pushed out by just people in the past, right? Yeah. Um...
Like USS Indianapolis, the captain forever was blamed for you. This is up your wheelhouse. Captain was blamed forever for the McVeigh. Captain McVeigh was blamed for the sinking of the boat. And then it started with a seventh graders science project.
about how the ship couldn't have dodged the torpedoes. And then that started to work its way up in national news. The Navy looked at it again and then exonerated the memory of McVeigh. I love how 7th graders can do it. Military. One of the people who came forward...
He's guilty. One of the people who came forward to exonerate him in the hearings that followed was the Japanese submarine captain who fired the missiles.
You know, I think I did hear some of that. Came forward to say that Captain McVeigh could not have dodged the missiles just based on the time that he, the captain, fired them and that it was not the captain of the Indianapolis' fault that the ship was hit. And that was a huge testimony and getting him exonerated so much so that the surviving members of the USS Indianapolis began to invite the Japanese submarine captain to their meetings after that. That is dope. I know a guy who, his...
uh, father, what, or his wife's father was, um, one of the people on the India, Indianapolis, one of the survivors. And for a long time, uh, he just carried a lot of hate towards Japanese because, you know, time during the war and all that stuff. And he was like there at that trial when the Japanese captain did that. And that did away with all of it. Like,
There it is. The level of Portland was the one bombing, right? There was that one solo Japanese bomber that dropped. It was West Coast. I think it was Portland. The firebomb kites. Yeah. They tried to blow them across. Air channels. It was one dude, though, that actually did it. And then he gave his sword to...
to the families there's an actual in portland or wherever that actually i thought it was when they were trying to uh there is the fire bombs yeah they were trying to blow fire bombs across wind channels to land on the west coast is that the one you're i think i think is that that's what you're talking about right and they like the government i don't think it was some dude like covered it up playing ace imperials during the navy i actually think there's one dude that actually did a bombing in portland
Or something about it. Now I look really stupid. It's great. You're doing great. It's like I take your son. It's just a podcast. Everyone loves it right now. You're not derailing anything. There's actually one where somebody, there was a Japanese pilot that made it stateside, dropped bombs or a firebomb or did one thing.
flew back home and then he came back apologized for it gave his sword to the family that was injured is like one of the only injuries stateside like actual stateside that happened gave his sword apologize and now he still comes back to the united states like they honor him for that yeah
There's a wild fucking World War II story. But I didn't mean to derail that hard. No, I wasn't. Talking about the exoneration, you have cases like that where it's like, oh, an individual bringing out information years later can make a difference in a good way. Then you get into the question of like, okay, well now you have these billion dollar companies that are profiteering off of certain narratives. So even though hypothetically maybe information could be used...
to get good info out and exonerate people. Because there's a profit motive, they may not always do that. They saw that making a murderer did well, and they're like, what can we make into making a murderer? Yeah, it really stemmed from that. I wish Rich was here to get his perspective for an actual detective perspective.
Because the amount of like, you know there's still information that hasn't been released to the public about it that like Netflix doesn't have. And it's like, well, maybe that doesn't seem weird if you had all the information that those cops had. Yeah. Yeah. It almost like shouldn't be allowed unless you have all the information. Censorship! I have an idea. Yeah.
It's hard to say because it's like you should be able to make whatever media you want. However, it's like when that starts to affect things within the actual judicial system, it's like, well, we're entering a weird gray area. You could do like the Quentin Tarantino thing with like the Hollywood movie. He did like that.
Manson thing but he just went his own way like it's a movie it's a movie he's playing off of history but making it his own it's like but they're like no this is what happened it's a weird gray area why the towers were asking for it
Jesus. I'm making a Netflix special. Look at what they were wearing. I know. But what were they wearing? No, I don't know. It's a strange vibe. Two resemblable people. Oh, okay.
Nobu Fujita was the only Japanese aviator to bomb America, like Portland. There's your video. There you go, Nick. You didn't know about that. Yeah. Yeah. History segment. Interesting. Go ahead. I was like, am I? Write that down. Go ahead.
I'll make that up in my head. I was like, I'm best friends with this. I know. Yeah, because in my understanding, it was literally just the one firebomb. That was the only, like, United States civilian kills, right? Yeah. And they buried it in the newspapers? Yeah, they, like, hid it. It was like a family on a picnic that got hit by one of those manless kite bombs. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's horrible. That's horrible. That's not funny at all.
It's uh... You know why he's being me right here? Why did you leave, cut, chase, track to his camera? He's being me right here. And then track back to when you're still laughing. I don't care if it's in a cut. Come back. What the fuck? That's disgusting. Disgusting behavior.
You got fuckin' Oop over here. Can't condone it. I need my ginger. This one needs you in the other conversation. Let's just say I love my game today. You have three hours to part with us. It's a nice sunny day. You're out on a picnic. Kid's like, oh! And it's like, isn't it a lovely day, honey? That sun is really close. Oh my god.
I love how we're like one family. Unforgivable. Hiroshima, like the pilots of the Inouye. Yeah, really. It's like,
The picnic makes it so much funnier. Oh, no. Funnier is not the soul. That's the name of the episode. Wendigoon doubles down. I will take that from a lot of people. I will not take that from you. You're both like this. All of us are disgusted. He's laughing. Just because the concept...
Because the concept of a picnic is to leave your home to go to somewhere more nice. And you planned for it. You planned for days. Nobody goes on a picnic and they're not like, "Hey, let's go on a picnic." So you're saying they were asking for it? Like last week? No, it's just a horrible, horrible tur--
This porridge is too hot. And by horrible, I mean, when she says horrible, I say hilarious because the idea is we're gonna go to somewhere lovely and tranquil and they got firebombed by the Japanese.
Say thank you. I get it. No, I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. There's no precedence for that. There's no like, we're going to go out today, look out for a missile strike. And suddenly nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. It's like a sentence you'd never hear. It's like, one day I went on a picnic and got... Yeah, exactly. I got you. Also, it's a kite. How slow is it moving? It was a kite? Oh.
On fire? Yeah. *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *Line* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* *Log* LG* LG* LG* L
He screams for three minutes straight. Oh no. How big was the kite? Big enough to carry the bomb across the ocean. Wait, what do you mean it's worse?
In 1945, a Japanese balloon bomb killed six Americans. Five of them were children. Oh. No! Dead kids, Isaiah. Hilarious. No! Hold on, excuse me. I've been waiting years for this. Oh, that just read! That's way worse! Elsie Mitchell almost didn't go on the picnic that sunny day in Oregon. She had baked a chocolate cake the night before in anticipation for their outing. See, I told you it was pl- Is something funny, Isaiah? I wonder if it was a chocolate lava cake.
Just the concept of like Miss Frizzle with a bunch of kids. A cheesy field trip with the frizz? No way! You can't read that.
You can't read that. What? Not after all the laughing. Read it, read it. No, not after the laughter. Give it to me. This is my job. Please stop. Which part? Cue the Creepcast music. Which part? You can pick it up wherever you'd like. Chocolate cake. Or is this really called? 26 year old...
This couldn't get any worse.
As they set out for nearby... You better be... You got a one-way ticket downstairs. Gerhard Mountain in southern Oregon against a scenic backdrop far removed from the war raging across the Pacific. Mitchell and five other children will become the first and only civilians to die by enemy weapons on the United States mainland during World War II. As a concept...
Thank you! It's still funny. Thank you! It's like a smiling Frisbee. We're gonna go to the party. You're patting him! And the flaming kite comes down. I understand. Like, it is so insane. They're holding a cake. It is so- A pregnant woman with a reverend with five beautiful kids. Sunday school kids. Yes. What? And they're holding a cake and a flaming Japanese kite comes down from heaven. And they-
And they hold still! They're looking at it in wonderment. It's like that Jim Carrey bit where he's just like pretending to be, uh, who is it? Jimmy... The Grinch?
Jimmy Stewart Jimmy Stewart and he's like he's like Jimmy Stewart can make anything wonderful Do you guys know Jimmy Stewart is a really old actor from like it's a wonderful life And he's like he's like he could make an atomic bomb look like like it was wonderful. He's like
Oh, look at that. Look at that. That mushroom cloud. It could just melt your face off. And it's just like... Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's beautiful. And then your uncle, President Truman, saw that newspaper clipping. Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Look, all I'm saying is all
All of that was me because I'm an evil person. Chris was laughing because she was disgusted by how funny I thought it was. Thank you, Isaiah. Caleb and I are the bad ones. No, he's not walking out of this one. On the red thread, it is a running bet. This is my thing. It is a running bet that if he has to read about a woman dying, he can't control himself with laughter. It's a coping mechanism. He gets...
He gets nervous. It's like he starts doing this. Yeah, I can't help it. I can't help it. It'll be like... We can't let it up. It'll be like... We're going to talk about the murder. Caleb, and you can hear the snickering.
And he'll get to the details and he just dies out of the film. It's so horrible that he needs to laugh. There was the Monkey Man episode. Oh my god. That was pretty funny. That's what set it off. That was the start of the end. Because it was about... First off, Red Thread. Yeah. Oh yeah, me and him do a podcast with Jackson Clark called The Red Thread where we do conspiracy theories, true crime, cryptids, just all kinds of weird stuff where we break it down. Holy shit, Charlie's here.
I replaced him. He's a permanent guest. He's a permanent guest. In one of the episodes, we covered the Monkey Man of New Delhi.
And it was about in New Delhi India a bunch of people said that they saw it dang it You're affecting me a bunch of people saw the monkey man Which was a monkey that had like its head opened up and had like experiments done on it So it's like a surgery dome around its head or whatever and it was gonna kill people So there would just be crowds and any of like the powerpuff girls mojo-jojo. Yeah Oh wait, what what you're sorry? Um
This was like the 70s? Was it the 70s? I thought it was the early 2000s. It might have been like 90s, 2000s. Okay, yeah. It might have been more recent. I can't remember. But it got to the point where people would be like, it's the monkey man, and there would be stampedes of people. Mass hysteria. Just running, screaming, shouting. There were people who would come to the police saying they were cut up and scratched by it in their sleep. IT centers were down for hours. Yeah, exactly. Okay.
And then Caleb had to read a part about a woman that died. The only death. The only death in it. The only death that was a result of the monkey man was a, I think this is correct. Was she pregnant? No, I think she was either pregnant or holding a child. It was something. She died. Did she have a chocolate cake? She died. She fell down the steps, right? She fell down steps? Yeah. Yeah.
The only death attributed to the monkey man was a woman who died falling down the steps. And he could not stop laughing. It's just funny because it's, uh... No, no, no. It's funny because it's this mass hysteria event that's taken hold of this town and these people are so, like, this guy got whooped, he got his ass beat by the monkey man and he's got, like, wounds on his body. And then the only death...
'Cause it took hold of a town of like, I don't even know how many people I'll fucking say. New Delhi. New Delhi. That's like one of the biggest cities in the world. Yeah, like it's just mass hysteria and the only death caused by the monkey man was someone tripping and falling. Is it 'cause of the mass hysteria? Like were they running? Yeah.
Yeah, people are running and she went over like a three-story staircase or something like that. And he couldn't quit laughing just because of the absurdity of it. So now, anytime we get to a description of like a woman dying or a sensitive event, he's going, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, which makes it funny to him. It's the equivalent of like being in school and the teacher's like, no one laughed. And you look over at your friend and he's like... Well, you guys... You're watching like the...
movie the Helen Keller like what what and like all your friends are trying out to like exactly yeah yeah they also set it up really badly now yeah like I'm I'm pretty good now because I'm aware of it but they purposefully purposely set things up
I don't know what you're talking about. You're intentionally scooting farther away. I don't know what you're talking about. They set me up to fail. No. There will be a part, and by set him up to fail, we mean do his job. And by the way, it isn't just, it isn't just the women, it's anybody dying, really. Anything horribly uncomfortable. It's not just women, thank God.
Also children. Also children. Can't forget the children. Now, we will, me and Jackson will structure where I read set up, he reads suspects, and it's like, now, for the murder, Caleb, you haven't read yet, I think it's your time to take the document. I'm the most respectful member of the group. Yeah, for sure. Good job.
Good job, buddy. We will grant you a seat as guest, but not part of the council. You're given a seat of the council, but not the rank of Jedi Master. You're given a seat of the table, but not the rank of host. Exactly. We got there eventually. Thanks, Sam.
Like, just people, like, freaking out about something is... Hysteria. Like, I don't know if hysteria is the right word, but, like, so... When you go through, like, electrician school, you have to do this, like, whole section on fire and how a building has to be built now from all the different shit we've learned. And you have to go through and read all these, like, historic cases of, like, in Chicago, there was a theater, and it was the first night it was open, and...
There was this massive fire and the doors automatically shut like fire doors are supposed to, but they fucked up and there wasn't really a protocol at the time. So these doors swung shut this way and all the people tried to run out and were pushing into the people at the doors and everybody dies because everybody is freaking out and nobody could just be like, hey, back up so I can open the door. And so it's like the whole world is built around like, yeah.
basically controlling people like cattle because now you have to have the doors open this way and they can't have a knob. They have to have those push bars and all this crazy shit. I think those are some of the biggest mass cash events in the United States where you have like somebody just tosses in like an oily rag and
And because the doors are built the way they are and like you have public, you know, just the mass hysteria. Freaking out. Like I think there's a nightclub in New York or something. That was like 150 deaths. Yeah. Crazy shit. That was the one that was on video, right? Yep. Whereas during the concert you can see the smoke start to billow up. And then they also had the insulation that lit on
fire. And it fell down on everyone. And they're like, oh, we can't use it. I think it was, it was over a hundred people. I think that one, if you were a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. It was, that's when they found out insulation was like, like, uh,
That should probably be fireproof. We should fix that. The thing that every house in the country is lined with, the super flammable styrofoam. We should probably do something about that, yeah. It's a conspiracy from Big Fire. Yeah, I remember something about that club. I like you. That was a good joke. Big smoke, Big Fire, Big Smoke. I like it. It's simple. I can tell he likes it. If it's really, really good, he'll go...
That's funny. Yeah, that's funny. And then I come out of bed, like, happy that night. Like, it's bullshit, I didn't know. It wouldn't be a laugh. It's funny. It's a point. I don't know if I ever heard you laugh. I was just gonna talk about people dying in a fire. I was actually gonna ask you, uh... Like a hearty laugh, not like a friendly laugh. Yeah. Like a, oh, that's funny. Like a real, like, belly laugh. His loud laugh is like, it's like, ha-ha! That's what he does. It's like his brain's like... Did you say, whoa? Yeah.
That's what he sounds like. It's his loudest laugh. His brain's like, I'm going to get this out now. Let me... Alright, thank God. It's like a sneeze. What is the most terrifying biblically accurate angel to you? I have that wrote down. I'm glad that had a smooth segue. Chase, hard cut to that. Um...
So there's not that many angels explicitly described in biblical canon. There's ones that are mentioned in like
canon and stuff like that. I think Metatron, which sounds like the Transformer. Metatron, I believe... I always get it wrong. It's either extra beliefs within Catholicism, but I'm pretty sure it might be Judaism. Anyway, he's mentioned as the one who keeps record of the souls allowed into heaven. The scribe of God kind of thing. Pretty much. I've seen Supernatural. Gosh, I can't stand it. No.
He's described as, what is it? It's like the creature of a thousand tongues or something like that. It keeps the record, keeps all memory things. So that one's like a freak image. As far as actual biblical depictions, it has to be the Ophanim, Ophilim or whatever. They're called thrones a lot.
The wheels within wheels. It comes from one description in the book of Ezekiel when Ezekiel is effectively being summoned to be a prophet of God and he makes his way to the river and he sees a creature appear in the clouds that he describes as
wheels within wheels and on the wheels are eyes that are viewing him and the wheels gyroscope within shapes and that on the wheels are eyes and that it's it has this great fire and these wings that sprout off of it and it says it is larger than a mountain and that when it speaks it speaks with thunder and fire so that's pretty mighty now
I think, my opinion is, there's a lot of like, Catholicism does this a lot. They take the angels. That's terrifying. Oh yeah. There's like paintings of it. It's really cool. I know it's kind of a meme, but it's like when they first introduce themselves as a human, it's always, be not afraid. Yeah. Cool. Let me see you. I love the meme where it's like, it's that biblically accurate angel, and then it's the Chad face. Like, be not afraid. This is literally the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my life.
I think it's like, so the Catholics do it a lot to where there are specific kinds of angels mentioned. Cause there's other weird kinds mentioned. There's the seraphim, uh, that come up a lot. Uh, they're mentioned in the book of Isaiah. Uh,
It is these creatures that are said to have like, they have two wings that cover their head and two wings that cover their feet and two wings that come out, they're covered in eyes. And that's the ones that come to Isaiah whenever he's commissioned to be the prophet says they leap coals of fire in his mouth. Then there's like the cherubs, which are mentioned as these creatures that have like the head of a bull, the head of an eagle, the head of like animalistic features within the wing. So there's a lot of stuff like that.
And in Catholicism, I say Catholicism like it's just in. In a lot of Christian beliefs, it is like tiered almost. It's like, yes, if they are a throne, it is one specific angel that is a throne. And if they are a seraph, there's one specific that's a seraph, right? And I think one of the reasons for that is because like in Revelations, there's a lot of mention of like around the throne of God, there are the seraphs, seraphim and the cherubim and stuff like that. So...
Maybe that could be true, but what I also think is possible is that these angels aren't really... They existed before we did, right? So...
I don't think they have to be relegated to one form. I think maybe they can just be things at different times. Like Michael's mentioned as the archangel who will eventually, you know, destroy to do not make a supernatural reference that will eventually. I wasn't thinking about it. Yes, you were. No, I was not. Michael that will fight Lucifer. I will not take this from my son. Okay. Michael that will eventually fight Lucifer. Um, Lucifer. Yeah. Lucifer. Thank you. Lucifer. Yeah.
Now I got it wrong. I said Lufasur, you said Lucifer. Lucifer, thank you. You were correct. You gaslighted it. Ocifer? Lufasur. Lufasur, I swear to drunk I'm not God. That's funny. I swear to drunk I'm not God. Yes, that guy. I like that.
You have, like, descriptions of Michael and stuff like that who often... Most of the time that angels appear in the Bible, the person who's speaking to them doesn't know they're an angel at first. Or at least a lot of the time. You have, like, um...
The person that is speaking to the angel does not know that. Yes. Samuel's mother, Rachel, I believe. No, that's not her. Rebecca, I think. Samuel's mother didn't think she was going to have a child. Then a man appears before and says, you all will have a child. Do this, do that. And then in the course of talking to him, he steps into the fire and disappears. And they realize, oh, that was an angel. So that kind of thing happens a lot throughout the Bible. So they can appear as just people in normal form, right?
So it's not that I think there's angels that look exactly like people. I think what is more likely the case is the angels can change their form or how they look depending on what's needed. In that scenario, he might just have wanted to free Palestine. I can't wait to watch you guys fight. It's this class, bro. Creator Clash is going to be coming. It's a conversational thing. It might be this one.
You have like the different tool for different jobs. Like in Ezekiel's case, right? A lot of the prophecy that Ezekiel would end up delivering was very help brimstone and fire, right? It was Ezekiel going to the king. There's actually a part, I believe it's an Ezekiel where Ezekiel speaking to the king and directly calls him like thou art, basically thou art the devil. He looks at the king and says, thou were the anointed cherub who tempted man in Eden. So it's like,
In Ezekiel's case, it's like there's a very wicked rulership over you. You're going to have to preach hell hot, right? But in other cases, like Gideon, where he needed to secretly raise up an army, an angel appears before him and he can't tell it's an angel at first. Or no, he can tell it's an angel. That's where I think the first mention of be not afraid is. But it's just described as like, you know,
a person figure. And in other cases, like you have a case with Elijah, you have a case with Isaac where an angel appears in a voice, just like a still soft voice. And in those cases, the thing that they needed to do was much more subtle, much more personal, right? So I think it's just the right tool for the right job. If God needs a man to go forward and speak violence and wrath, you have the angel appear as a mountain that speaks with thunder and fire.
and if he needs to secretly raise up an army if he needs to change what he's doing it's a voice or a person um i don't necessarily think it has to be just angels are stuck in one form forever
I think it's just the right tool for the right job. I mean, you also have like Sodom and Gomorrah where the first thing, like the people of the town wanted to them immediately. Yes. Which is like bizarre. It's like you would think that. Yeah. So in that case, the two angels enter the town as people. Right. And the people attacking just assumed it was two people. Right. They didn't know it was angels. Obviously, the first course of action. But what were they doing there? It wasn't the brimstone and fire yet. It was the two angels going to Lot's house.
That was another. They weren't. The angels were going there to speak to Lot. They were not going there to speak to the people of the town. So to go speak to Lot, they appear again as people in a much more neutral, casual form. Then after that, the fire came. Yeah. But for that initial step, it was the peacefulness, the tool for the job, basically. It's like Caleb with the burritos. Basically. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
That was guys, thank you so fucking much for coming out first off. I feel like that's bad to end on this
Okay, fine, then you chop it. Oh, yeah, no, you're doing great. Are we done with your fucking phone list now? No, actually, I do have ghost stuff. Oh, okay. Oh, that's her alley. Oh, I still have more if we want. I can go down that road, too. Keep going. If we wait long enough, Caleb's going to bring us food. You want to talk about ghost stuff? Yeah, I'm down. I don't care. Yeah, if you want. I feel bad for keeping you guys, but... I have so much experience with ghosts.
We're not doing anything after this. We live here now. We could stay here until Sunday if you want. It's Friday. 48-hour podcast. Let's go. In that case, I'm going to leave. You're laughing. You noticed the palette of terabyte hard drives. Two terabytes. We got time.
Caleb I need you now. No, we're good. I'm good. No, that good good ghost stuff I know you guys are you on it you are you believer not a believer? I don't know. I want to see if ghosts are real. I want to see him I don't believe in them at all. He's good I would buy would if they showed them if it like there was some kind of evidence I believe I
What is, okay. What about Isaiah? I know, that's why I love this. Yeah, okay, yeah, sorry, I asked your question. You gotta pop some more of that. You just asked it, ready? You asked. Okay, do you believe in ghosts? That's not what I'm talking to them. I'll talk to you. Okay, do you believe in ghosts? What's your opinion on that? I don't know if I believe in ghosts. So the Bible says to be absent with the body is to be present with the Lord, right? Mm-hmm.
And I don't really think there's exceptions to that, at least none that are listed. Now I do believe in angels and demons, right? But one of the whole things that happened with Christ's crucifixion was we went from the age of law to the age of grace. So things like angels and demons don't happen as literally on earth anymore, right?
But there's this weird gray area in the Bible where it talks about spirits. Yeah. Right? It talks about spirits coming over people a lot. Like it talks about Saul, that a spirit entered his mind and made him hostile towards David. And it talks about spirits from like dark spirits that roam the earth, spirits to stay away from. I don't think it was Jesus, but somewhere in the New Testament, it says those who speak strange spirits find them. Something to that effect. So it's like, okay, well, that sounds something. And then,
There is one case in the Bible where, for a bad reason, the spirit or the soul, the ghost effectively, of someone who's dead comes back. And that's with Samuel. Are you familiar with the story of Saul going to the witch? Yeah. Yeah. So when Saul goes to the witch, I would explain this to you guys, but I'm not talking to you all for the rest. Thank you for bringing that back up. Yeah, you're welcome.
When Saul goes to see the- I'm sorry. Y'all talk to Eli, he's fine. Oh, fuck me then. He doesn't know about it. So, in the Bible-
There's this point when Saul wants to have David killed because he knows David is supposed to take the throne. So Saul gets upset. Thank you. That's the first time you've been thanked for leaving the podcast. In all 200 episodes. So Saul wants David dead because he knows David has the rightful heir to the throne, as God has said.
So Saul goes to a witch because Saul is so stuck in his mind that he should be king that he's like, oh, I'm going to go to a witch and summon the spirit of Samuel, the prophet.
And Samuel was a prophet for God who originally commissioned or anointed Saul to be king, but then Saul messed up. So Samuel moved on to David. But Saul is so stuck in his mind that he's like, no, I'm supposed to be king. Samuel will know that. Samuel will agree with me. So he goes to a witch and asks the witch to summon the soul of Samuel.
And it says that the spirit of Samuel appears. And I think the line that said it, it says he appears with spirits and says, why hast thou disquieted me? Which is like, why hast thou disturbed my son? Yeah.
And he basically lays it out to Saul, the spirit of Samuel does, and says, it's this whole thing about thou hast basically bit the hand that's fed you, thou hast gone against God. Thy soul and the souls of thy sons will be required.
And then the next day on the battlefield, Saul and his sons were killed. So Saul suffered serious damage for it, but that is an example in the Bible of a ghost showing up, right? It's interesting. It's interesting. Yeah. Wild. It's all interesting. It is. I don't know. Yeah, for me, I'm just curious. I'm just a curious little guy. I mean, he wants to have that experience or whatever. Yeah, I would like to. Like, I don't believe in them, you know? Like, I don't have faith that ghosts are real. Yeah.
It's not like a thing that I'm willing to disregard my experience and history and books and science and things like that. There are things I'm willing to disregard aspects of to have faith in those things or believe in those things, but not ghosts. If I saw one, I would believe in it. But it doesn't make my life better to believe in it or worse. Can I call out a nuclear grade non-answer on Isaiah's part?
Sure. Did you all hear something? Yes. A little pitter-patter. Everyone's shitting on Brandon now. Well, no, because you did bring up a very, that was a well-explained, I think, biblical answer, but with you personally, things you've experienced, because I think you've been to a lot of...
I guess, very haunted places and stuff like that. And you clearly have an interest with it, like Creepcast and everything. Is that something that you actually believe in, at least to some degree? Or... Um... I would love to be convinced, I think. Um... But...
I do believe in the supernatural. So do I. Yeah, and the afterlife and God and the devil and stuff like that. I firmly believe in the supernatural. I don't think I believe in the souls of people still walking the earth. Got it. Basically. And I don't even necessarily believe that demons or spirits or whatever...
Would present themselves in such a way like it's a cliche line from that usual suspects But the devil you know greatest trick convincing the world he didn't exist I have no idea why spirits or demons or whatever would show their hand like that and maybe in Individual circumstances like individual people who saw something maybe that is a spirit or ghost or ever I don't think there would ever be proof I don't think they that would ever happen in
Because if that ever were to happen, that ruins the game. That ruins the... What's the word I'm looking for? They're accomplishing their end goal in their absence. Yes, exactly. Because I've talked about it on the podcast before, but the devil's whole trick is to just make people not trust in God. He doesn't need to win. He just needs God to lose for individuals, right? If you prove the devil, then fuck.
Well, then by cause and effect, like I'm going to church now, right? That defeats the whole point. So I don't even think they would ever prove themselves in any substantial way. Again, maybe individually, like the Bible talks about possessions and stuff like that. And I believe in that to some degree, but I don't believe there'd ever be possessions to the point that it would out them.
Right? Or something like that? That was going to be my next question, if you believe in that. So, I believe in possessions. At least as mentioned in the New Testament and stuff like that. There's one case of...
The people, it's while Paul's preaching, and I want to say Antioch, I can't remember which church, but it's mentioned in the book of Acts, chapter 7, I think. A group of people who have heard of what Paul's doing in casting out spirits go to try to cast out a demon themselves. And so as they go to the person that is possessed and say they're going to cast him out, and says the demon looked up at them in the person and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?
effectively saying that they don't have any power in the spirit. They're nothing. I would shit my pants in that moment. That's a kidding. It says the person leaped at them and ripped their clothes from them and they walked from the house crippled and wounded. Jesus. Yeah. So it's like that's mentioned in the Bible, right? So that's be real to some degree. But again, in the modern age, I don't think they would show their hand that way because that defeats the purpose. If people can get possessed and they're evil, then like,
He loses, right? It's like, you know, that's bad. We don't want that to happen. Yeah. I never thought about that. That is like, hey, if we show that, that's why it can't be recorded. Because then the devil itself is losing. Because then everyone is on board like, oh, shit. Yeah, exactly. Okay. That's like the test. It's like either you have faith or you don't have faith based off of...
Jesus and everything that he did so I never really understood Satanism in general where they're like, all right well if you read the book and
That's why you decided to worship that guy. Typically, Satanism is like non, there's Luciferian Satanism, which is like the worship of that. But most Satanist stuff, like Anton LaVey and all that, is like, it's like hedonism. Yeah, I want to do what I want, and God's dead, and let's have a party. That's what most of it is. It's basically like atheism, but like,
Edgy atheism. Edgy atheism, exactly. It's not like a pentagram on the table and everybody's... But some are. Yeah, sometimes it is. I'm going to prove you how unimportant this is to me and I'm going to parody that. Exactly. And that's kind of the way... I mean...
you know, if you believe in it or not, like how the devil works. You know, it's convincing you that this is not real. So yeah, it's interesting. Nothing to worry about. Have fun, enjoy life and don't worry about what comes afterwards. Yeah, there's no repercussions. I think if possession still works in the, or if like that's still even part of the ploy, I think it would be people possessed who would never show any signs of it and perhaps put into, people put into places of influence for others and would never show any signs of it to anyone. I think that would be
would be the way that would happen for example a youtuber with just over four million subscribers doesn't doesn't the catholic church like have like i thought it was just like a b-tier opinion
What about Catholic Church? I was going to say, don't Catholic Church have like a... Sorry, I don't know. But they're like... Yeah, you wouldn't know about 4 million subscribers, would you? I don't. Jesus. I don't. I'm not bitter. Wow! Unsub family rival. Because they have like different geographical regions with, I think it's called a diocese. Doesn't each one have like a designated exorcist that has like special training or something? Did you grow up Catholic? No, Christian.
Jesus. Catholic is Christian. No, I know, but just like, not Catholic, but just overall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotcha. Just like your basic Christian. Out of context, that came off as very... That was really funny. Someone's like, that's a clip. No, I was a Christian. It's either Catholic or just like, I'm not a Baptist or Protestant. You just grew up broad Christian. Just broad Christian. That's what I meant.
Yes, I believe so. I don't know the specifics of it. But if I know right, because I know that the way it's broken up is you have like the Pope and then you have like the cardinals of different regions. And under those are bishops and then individual church priests, fathers, stuff like that. Somewhere in that chain, there are people trained in exorcism.
I don't know if that's like a bishop's position or some priest position. Like, I don't know what role that is in there. But somewhere on that hierarchy, yeah, there are people trained in it. Have you seen The Pope's Exorcist with Russell Crowe? Have you seen the movie? It's actually a really fun movie. You should watch it if you haven't seen it. It's on Netflix. The what? The Pope's Exorcist with Russell Crowe. No, I haven't seen it. It's an awesome movie. Did you watch it? Mm-hmm. That's good. I like it a lot. It's fun. It was really fun. Now, what are personal experiences, though? Like, you've probably had some. Well, the thing,
The thing is too, it's like- I don't know if you don't, so have you had any experiences with it? And then have you seen her experiences? Because I'm assuming you trust her. You're not like, you liar. Yeah. No, I don't think she's a liar. No. Yeah. For me, it's- You have a bold claim. She's legit. I understand that it's causation. If I put my scared self in a situation where I'm in a haunted place that's scary and it's dark-
any creak or any noise or any flash like I'm going I'm looking for ghosts. So I'm going to think that's a ghost I'm very willing to believe I'm exactly and I'm very I try to be very aware of that in those situations and then there's some situations where you know, we try to debunk it and we do like I'd say 99% of the time and then sometimes we just can't and I don't know what that means like maybe it means that
It was nothing and I would just wasn't able to debunk it or I experienced something. So that's just something I'm not, I don't say like a hundred percent. This is this, but I'm like, I heard a voice in front of me say something. I don't know what that means. Scared me. It was weird. And we caught it on camera, but I don't know. Like, I don't know. So, um,
It's very strange. But I'm very aware of, like, if you do put yourself in that situation, if you go hunting for Bigfoot and you see a... Psychology place. It's all psychology. It's like the human factor of, like, you hit what you aim at. Exactly. Like, if you're going for that, then you're going to find it. Exactly. Yeah. So when it comes to ghost hunting, I think for everyone, that's just what it is. When you catch something on camera, have you shown him and you're like, how do we...
I haven't sat down and actually gone through stuff with him like that. I think he would just be like... If no woman's dying, he doesn't care. Yeah, exactly. Is this funny or not? Because if it's not funny, I don't care. Yeah. And I'm totally... It's totally cool.
I'm the same, though. I would love it. Love for somebody to just walk up and be like, hey, I'm a ghost. What's up? How's it going? But I haven't had that happen. I think the whole gray area of spirits in the Bible, I think maybe some experience that happened may be the result of that. I don't know. And even if...
I tell people this all the time. Like, for example, I don't believe in aliens. I don't think aliens are real, right? Just really because, like, the Bible doesn't mention them. I don't know how they'd come up. But if aliens turned out to be real tomorrow, I wouldn't be like, oh, I guess God's not real. It would just be like, okay, I was incorrect in how I framed that. You'd have the Warhammer philosophy of only one of us was made in God's image, motherfucker. That's what I'm talking about. They're about to find out what that means. Yeah.
That's what I do to the geese at the local park near my house, too. Oh, that's a deep cut. I can't remember that one, but that came from somewhere. Yeah, it was a meme that was like me going to the local park about to let the geese know why I'm the one made in God's image. So... Xenocide. But... Xenophobe? I'm not afraid. I think that...
If aliens are real, it's like, oh, it's not that God's not real. It's just that I need to readjust my thinking. If tomorrow confident evidence came out that the spirits of the dead could be found, talked to, still exist, it wouldn't be like, well, I guess heaven and hell is not real and all that. It would just be like, okay, I just need to reframe my understanding of it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm under the same kind of frame. Yeah.
Which, if anything, that would prove it even further. Honestly, yeah. Because of the references you're talking about. It's like, oh, that's really interesting. There's also a lot of really interesting Old Testament stuff where people...
I don't know the way that they phrase certain things, especially older Old Testament stuff where like it implies the existence of other magic and things outside of God, which is really interesting, like sorcery and things like that, where it's like there's almost like an understanding of a supernatural element that doesn't really exist in the New Testament as much. Yeah, I think again, I think that comes back to Jesus because the whole thing was like we had to follow the law. Yeah, got to follow the rule and like the stuff laid out by the prophets. And then Jesus ended all that.
Jesus came to earth. He was the final sacrifice, the lamb of God. And with his death. No more fun magic. Exactly, yeah. Like actually. All that stuff that had to be done physically for you to happen is gone now. Like the temple was rent in half. Yes. It's because they all failed. There was already a flood. Yeah. We tried that twice. There was miracles happening. Still people weren't buying it. And we're like, okay, we're going to kill Jesus, bring him back to life. Now y'all need to...
Like, just believe. There's no more, like, our sins rely on the high priest. Yes. He is the mediator. Yeah, exactly. That's the meme going around about Judas. It's like, dude, even if you didn't believe he was the son of God, you're still clearly fucking with a very high-level wizard of some sort. Really very amazing. Bad call. Really bad call. Yes.
He's like, he's like standing around and watching the crippled guy get up. He's like, okay, well anyone could do that. Two fish, a thousand fish. Anybody can miscount. Oh, okay. You're telling me they brought empty baskets and started handing them out. Help me get a fish. Oh,
Okay. And no one reached in and realized that there was more blowfall all of a sudden. Easily explainable. Okay. Blood, water,
Wine and water. I hate that we always have the most intelligent conversation at the end of the podcast. Oh, I love it. They're not here anymore. It has to warm up. No, they're not here anymore. They left 40 minutes ago. They're dead right now. We warmed them up for the intelligent conversation. Conversation.
World Donut 2. Do you want to close this out? Yeah, I'll close this out. Thank you all so much for watching. Appreciate it. Thank you so much to everyone today. Thank you to Eli DoubleTap, Nick, the flat electrician, my father, who I'm not on speaking terms with at the moment, Caleb slash Umberville slash GameDeveloper slash Willy Wonka, and...
Call me Chris. Oh, wow. And also known as TikTok. Beautiful boy. Oompa, where can we find you and what projects are you guys doing right now? Just look up Oompaville. You can find me anywhere pretty much. But Black Pine is my game that's coming out hopefully soon. And Sour Dog GG is where you can get candy. Yeah, candies. Yeah. Wishlist it? Yeah, they can wishlist it if they want.
Force them. They will listen. Just play it. Play it, and if you like it, wishlist it. Yeah. Look at it. You guys are so much kinder to the audience than we are. I'm just kidding.
He might also be one of the extras on the plane. You know, the 10 others. Call me Chris and random people. Call me Chris or TikTok. And what is the name of your movie one more time? Oh, it's House on Eden. House on Eden. Yep. You can check out the trailer on my channel and hopefully it'll come out soon. When is this going to come out?
No idea. Okay, well. Sometime in the next month or two. It might be out now. If not, hopefully soon. A24, hit her up. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Yes. And where did we find you, Mr. Winslow? Oh, I've already done one of these. Okay, well, fuck me. So did the rest of us. I mean...
Every time. I mean, I feel bad doing the plug twice. You know what? Appalachian Rebuild Project. Go check it out. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. I'll shout that out. Thank you all so fucking much. Thank you. I appreciate y'all. Thank you. On that note, kisses. You're my love.
We'll be right back.
These are violent criminals, so they're not going to go down easy. ABC Tuesdays. Let's get this done. The Rookie is back. We have two new rookies starting today. Being a cop is stressful 24-7. Every year on the job is different. And Training Day. We have a serial killer at large. Never ends. The Rookie. All new Tuesdays on ABC and stream on Hulu.