cover of episode 189 - How Drones Changed The Future Of Warfare ft. Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 189

189 - How Drones Changed The Future Of Warfare ft. Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 189

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#experiences in conflict zones#social issues#cybersecurity#space exploration#cold war espionage#personal growth and resilience People
Brandon Herrera
Donut Operator
Eli Doubletap
Habitual Linecrosser
@Donut Operator 讲述了智能手表带来的困扰,以及他对军事生涯的反思。他认为,在军队中获得的奖项并不值得他付出的时间和精力,并对军队中的一些现象提出了批评。他还谈到了他对美国政府在处理无家可归者问题上的不满。 @Habitual Linecrosser 详细解释了爱国者导弹系统的工作原理,以及该系统曾误击落友军飞机的事件。他还分享了他自己在阿富汗和阿联酋服役期间的经历,以及他对反应装甲和各种军事装备的看法。他讲述了在阿富汗执行人道主义任务期间遇到的问题,以及他对美国政府在处理阿富汗难民问题上的批评。 @Brandon Herrera 分享了他对美国社会问题的看法,例如无家可归问题和城市犯罪。他还讲述了他个人在阿什维尔遇到的一个无家可归者的故事。 @Eli Doubletap 分享了他对军事训练和军事装备的看法,以及他对一些军事政策的批评。他还讲述了他与Post Malone和Tech N9ne的经历。

Deep Dive

导弹、无家可归者与军旅生涯的反思:一次Unsub Podcast深度访谈

最近参与了一期Unsub Podcast的录制,与Habitual Linecrosser(习惯性越线者)、Brandon Herrera和Eli Doubletap三位嘉宾进行了深入的探讨。这次访谈涵盖了军事技术、社会问题以及个人对军旅生涯的反思,内容丰富而发人深省。




Habitual Linecrosser详细解释了爱国者导弹系统的工作原理,以及该系统曾因误判而击落友军飞机的事件。他深入浅出地讲解了雷达系统如何识别目标,以及在恶劣天气条件下系统如何调整以确保命中精度。他还分享了在阿富汗和阿联酋服役期间的经历,包括在沙尘暴中被困以及在雨中维修设备的经历。他深入探讨了反应装甲技术,以及他对各种军事装备的看法。



Brandon Herrera分享了他对美国社会问题的看法,例如日益严重的无家可归问题和城市犯罪。他讲述了在阿什维尔亲身经历的事件:一个脸上纹满纹身的无家可归者骚扰他,后来该男子因用针袭击他人而被捕。这让他对社会治安和弱势群体管理的现状感到担忧。


Eli Doubletap分享了他对军事训练和军事装备的看法,以及他对一些军事政策的批评。他讲述了在军队中经历的严苛训练,以及他对某些过时或低效装备的不满。他还分享了他与Post Malone和Tech N9ne两位音乐人的有趣经历,展现了不同领域人士之间的交流与碰撞。


这次Podcast的录制,不仅仅是一次轻松的谈话,更是一次对军事技术、社会问题以及个人价值观的深度思考。我们探讨了军事技术的进步与局限,也反思了社会问题的复杂性和政府应对措施的不足。 通过这次访谈,我们希望能够引发更多人对这些问题的关注,并促使社会做出积极的改变。

Key Insights

Why did the military stop issuing large rucksacks?

They don't issue large rucksacks anymore because they're bad for people's backs.

What is reactive armor and how does it work?

Reactive armor is designed to defeat shape charges by using explosives in the armor to redirect and weaken the jet of liquid metal created by high explosives.

How does the Patriot missile system handle gale force winds?

The Patriot system widens the cone of where it can catch the missile if it's pushed sideways by gale force winds, ensuring the radar can still acquire and guide it.

What was the incident involving friendly pilots being shot down by Patriot missiles?

Friendly pilots were shot down because their aircraft didn't have identified friend or foe turned on, and their diving maneuvers towards the airfield were mistaken for enemy missiles by the Patriot system.

What are some innovations in military tech from DARPA?

DARPA has developed exoskeletons to help soldiers lift heavy loads, prosthetics for special forces to keep them in combat, and is working on exoskeletons for cannon crew members to lift 95-pound rounds.

What was Operation Anaconda and how did it play out?

Operation Anaconda was the first major engagement between U.S. forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan, involving a miscalculation of enemy forces and heavy fighting that lasted for 17 days with 200 missions a day, changing the topography of the Shikot River Valley.

What is the significance of the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993?

The Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 was a significant engagement where U.S. forces, despite being outnumbered and under resourced, fought valiantly, showcasing the resilience and combat effectiveness of American troops.

How did Post Malone's interaction with the podcast hosts go?

Post Malone invited the hosts to hang out in Austin, and they spent a night drinking, singing, and talking about guns, creating a memorable and chill environment.

What are some examples of overpricing in military procurement?

The U.S. government paid an 8,000% markup on soap dispensers for aircraft, and a Logitech computer mouse cost $748 instead of $7 at Staples.

What is the Pashtun Wali and why is it significant?

Pashtun Wali is a Pashtun code of honor that includes the duty to protect guests. It was notably upheld by an Afghan man who protected Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL, during the war in Afghanistan.

The conversation starts with anecdotes about smartwatches and their stress-monitoring features, leading to discussions about military experiences and the decision to leave the military.
  • Smartwatches provide stress level readings, but their suggestions are not always helpful.
  • Military service can lead to Stockholm Syndrome, making it difficult to leave despite negative aspects.
  • One of the hosts discusses the financial aspects of staying in the military versus retiring early.

Shownotes Transcript


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Oh, my God.

Are you recording now, Mr. P? Oh my god, put watch on backwards. Such an idiot. Oh, and then we pop. So stupid. I have a smart watch. It make me feel dumb. Okay, here we go. It tell me I need to calm down all the time. Especially when I record video about hypersonic. Three, two, one. Three, two, one. I am the most interesting man in the world.

That's how we're starting this. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribe podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Doubletap, the most interesting man in the world, habitual line crosser. Brandon Herrera and myself, Donut Operator. Thank you for tuning in. Welcome.

everyone and here's another episode for veterans month or whatever we're calling this brandon what are we calling this veterans month sounds nice okay we're calling it brandon's month just let the power flow through you

I'm still stuck on your smartwatch get up. You're just like, a smartwatch just tells me that I'm hyper tense all the time. It does. It's like, you need to calm down. I'm like, you need to shut the fuck up. It was supposed to make my life easier. Hey, you know what? I'm not hyper tense. You know what helps somebody who's having a panic attack? Being told digitally. You should calm down. Fuck.

I cannot count the number of meetings I've been in just sitting there listening to someone say something stupid. It's like, you need to calm down. I'm like, no f***ing shit. They need to shut up. No, what you need to do is just set like a sort of a ringer alarm for it where it's super loud. Anytime somebody says something dumb as f***. Ring. Super loud. Sorry, I'm stressed.

Fuck. Dude, I love it. Sorry. I have an allergy. It alerts me too. I'm allergic to dipshits. Maybe that'll get me fired quicker. Like I told my last class of students, they're just like, oh, you know, we can go say this. And this sounds like, I don't care. Fire me. Don't give a shit anymore. And like, it's funny because the place that I work at the academy, they straight up told us, they're like, look, no one's coming to replace you. You have to find your own replacement. I was like, so you could have just told me I can do whatever the fuck.

I want from the get-go because that's how I received it. It's like, you can't fire me because you can't find anyone to replace me. So I'm going to do what I want. I love how anti-military you went from who I'm finishing and retiring to. It's such a fast period turnaround. Like, oh yeah, there we go. You sound like, you sound like Jack black and school of rock where he's like, I'm going to take a nap. Y'all do what you fucking want. You know, what's funny is I nap like three days a week in my office, just close and lock the doors. And I got a couch in there. It's,

Awesome. No one's going to interrupt Big Sarge. No, man. Fuck, dude. This is the thing. After we had that episode where Nick and you and Tyler and everybody convinced me to part ways with the military and it came full circle. Sorry, nobody saw that episode. Yeah. The most watched one on the channel. I know. It's like the monster that's just like...

And after that, I like, I have this wall of like accolades. It has like my MSMs, my R-coms, like all the awards I've gotten from like being a battery trainer and all this other shit. And I walked past that one day and I looked at it and I was like, man, they took years off my life for like a $50 plaque for this job. Like I was just immediately pissed.

- I was doing the numbers. I think we talked about it. It's like doing the numbers of your retirement, how much is gonna be versus just like, hey, let's just focus on a couple, do those few years just dedicate to your work. - Yeah. - And the sheer difference you're like,

Okay, four years is not worth it. Four years? Yeah, yeah, definitely four years. And I mean, honestly, I look back now and I was like, why was I... It was like Stockholm Syndrome. That's what it was. The military's really good at Stockholm Syndrome. Like, it's not that bad. You're standing in the...

rain at three in the morning like you haven't eaten in 18 hours like this is this could be worse you know i could be living in la i don't know i mean that's fair you've been to la recently oh no never been i don't want to go you can't make me whatever you think it is yeah it's like poke reverse

Every once in a while, like every, probably every like year or so, I'll think in my head, like, you know what? There are nice parts about LA. The beaches are beautiful. The weather's nice. Like, you know what? Maybe if I've got a work reason to go back, I'll go back. And then I do. And then immediately I'm hit by the reality of like, just,

homeless dicks, shit on the street, smog. The world, the earth, when you're just flying around LAX, looks like it has cancer. It looks like the one movie, The Escape from LA. Yeah, there it is. The war zone down there. Snake Plissken's having fun. We're just going to rename it to Battlefield LA. Yeah, Brandon and I were in LA a couple months ago, and we took my girlfriend there, and she was like, there's no way there's human poop everywhere like you guys talk about. One of the first...

Streets we go down, there's just shit everywhere. One block from the hotel. Yeah, tent city. I just...

I, a lot of places are getting like that. My little sister, she got into a motorcycle accident. She lives up in Washington and my mom went up there to be with her. She's in rehab right now. She broke her pelvis, both hips, her wrists. Like she's, she's positive about the whole situation though. We're in Washington. Um, Everett, Washington. Oh yeah. Godspeed. Yeah. Cause he used to be up that way, right? Yeah. Ever. It's like the, it's where the four or five and the fit, whatever that they merge together. But it's that it's not a good, it used to be great. Yeah.

It used to be, and then... Yeah, my mom, she flew into SeaTac, Seattle, Tacoma, and she's like, Seattle is a f***ing cesspool. Like, it's bad. You know, human feces everywhere, tent city, homeless population. And then my little sister's like, yeah, some of the things that people are doing nowadays is apparently they're taking, like, rubber bands and they're, like, shooting needles at passersby. And I was like, I will go to prison. I will f***ing murder somebody. That sounds like... Dude, this is a place where...

It is. They have parking outside. There was a big issue with these RVs. They would buy an RV and just park it in a nice neighborhood just out front in front of the house. And you can't do anything about it. So you just have a homeless person or an RV tent. Well, that's par for the course. But the rubber band needle thing is like that's like worse than anything in the anarchist cookbook. I will dart straight. Yeah.

You got HIV? You got HIV now? I got you. Fucking. Oh, no. Pull it out. Genghis Khan came up. I assume it's just, like, homeless vagrants who already have HIV, so it's just like...

biological warfare you think you're better than me dude i the only like amount of rage i could ever compare to that and it's not even comparable but it's about as close as i've ever experienced the worst wake-up i've ever had in my entire military career i was at fort carson it was 29 below zero we were doing a platoon patrol base you're familiar with those you got like you and your buddies like a wedge sector of fire all that jazz meanwhile i had like

maybe three hours of sleep max because the the army um sleeping bag it'll keep you alive in that temperature it will not keep you comfortable like alive is the best you're gonna get and it snowed overnight and i had my the waterproof cover we call it a bivy cover on the sleeping bag and i remember i opened it and a foot of snow fell straight onto my face after freezing my balls off all night get like two hours of sleep instant rage zero to homicide i wouldn't kill everything

I was in Asheville, North Carolina, which is, if you know about Asheville, it's like the Los Angeles of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It's called the Portland of the East Coast. Yeah. It's kind of like the same type of people. And like, I was there one weekend, I was doing a vlog, like hanging out with my family. And there was just like homeless dude with all these tattoos over his face and all over his body. And he was just like flicking my camera off and he wouldn't stop doing that. And I'm like, Hey, back off a little bit, dude.

A week later, there's this big news article where this cat got stabbed with a bunch of needles, like over a dozen needles, and it died, of course. Yeah, obviously. And it was that dude. They put him on the newspapers and stuff. So when all this hurricane stuff happened, I was worried about all the residents down there, the floods and stuff. But one of the things in the back of my mind, I was like, really hope that fucking guy died. Yeah.

Well, the good news is people like that don't have a very long life expectancy. That's true. I'm glad... Hi, it's your boy. Long time viewer, first time caller. I'm glad that there's no miscommunication here. There are, in fact, people in this world who deserve to die. And there's...

Some people are like, no one deserves to die. Well, I can think of a few. I got a short list. It's the Bill Burr. It's like, all right, you could say it's bad, but no reason. Man, I forgot about any of the training that you do in the military. It's always that god-awful, god-awful in the coldest. You were in Korea? I'm just watching Eli skirt the monetization symbol right now. It's like...

We're getting close. Anyway, military training. I guess that was my fault, my bad. Back to the needle. Guess some people deserve to die. What are we talking about? My bad. I got too comfortable here. You're part of it. Are you taking off your boots?

Cody, what is the shit military thing you had to do? You were a sailor. I forgot about that. Yeah. I've never heard of Cody's like, this sucked. Well, we heard about the PSP. Oh, yeah. Never mind. That's some PTSD. No. I got cummies on my PSP.

I rewatched that episode we were on where you told that story about throwing the mattress out and everything. I was driving back from Houston, I think, and I was crying laughing. I was there. It was just a funny fucking story. Don't think about it. Let's come back to it. What was your rate in the Navy? I don't even know. That did a lot of shit. I was supposed to be an avionic electronic technician, and then I went to auxiliary security force and

on Norfolk Naval Base for over a year. And then I tried to be a SEAL and I went to a program called the NUG program, New Useless Guy. And I did that for a long time. My command forgot about me. So it was just like swimming, working out every day. And then I went to BUDS and BUDS didn't work out.

So my naval service was pretty subpar. Yeah. Dude, you got trapped in that thing that you love where it's like everyone forgets about you and you're like, I hope the government doesn't remember me. Because you would have retired. They would have just stayed there for 20 years. Your job was to swim in San Diego. How awful was that? Yeah.

It was pretty rad. He's like, never find me. Never find me. When we landed back to Iraq during mid-tour, it was a sandstorm. That was whiplash. No, it's going back. It is because you just get time off where you're just like, I hope this storm doesn't end. Because when you land, they have to fly you in helicopter to your station. They couldn't take off. So it's just a sandstorm, and I'm grounded for like...

I think it was 15 days where I'm supposed to be in combat. I was like, maybe the sandstorm just goes on for like two months. Your boy skirts two months of war. And then finally it cleared up. Like, hey, you're flying out. It's like, fuck. Okay. You know what's interesting is I've never been deployed to a place that had like that wall of sand, that sandstorm. So like I did Afghanistan and UAE and they both happened there.

But both times I was there, I was in RC South in Afghanistan, monsoon season. I remember standing in the guard tower, like begging the SOG, Sergeant of the Guard for my poncho. I had built an igloo out of ammo boxes trying to block the rain. And he like runs up the stairs and just throws it at me and runs back away. I'm freezing my balls off. But like that happened. And then in UAE, we had like our Patriot site,

and uh i don't know if you guys know this there's um aside from a sailboat the best known catcher of wind is the door of a patriot ecs i don't know if you know that and it was fucking pissing rain and it was it was blowing sideways and i remember i opened the door and there's like a pressure differential inside and outside the van and it caught the door and smashed my fingers in the door jam and then yanked my shoulder real hard and i i almost broke that

door i was out i was trying to punch the wind in the face let me put it to you that way like i was that fucking angry you're like the florida man they're shooting at the shotguns god damn it i'll take you hurricane

How do the missiles work in the f***ing hurricane? Or not the hurricane, the sand. Well, I assume you're not supposed to fire them in tornado winds. You shoot the hurricane with the missiles. We actually have a setting that... I was going to say, I guarantee they have... Because they wouldn't be like, well, the Iron Dame's going down. The missiles ain't going to stop them. Well, I assume, you know...

Tel Aviv doesn't get hit with many tornadoes. That's true. Sandstorms. I guess the easiest way to explain it, so we have a gale force authorization inside of our van. And what that does is...

So the missile has to know where it's going. So the radar has to tell it where it is. Like the missile knows where it is because it knows where it is and type shit. Yeah. Thank you for reciting that because I was going to. Of course. So the missile comes out. It's in the tism. You just have to do it. So missile comes out. Radar acquires missile. And there's an uplink downlink, right? And Gale Force winds as that missile comes out, it can shift left or right. So what it does is it opens that gate of where the missile passes through when the radar acquires it.

So if it comes out and it's pushed sideways, the radar knows where it is. So it just widens the cone of where it can catch it. Okay. This reminds me of that viral YouTube. The missile knows. Yeah, exactly. The missile knows where it is because the missile knows where it is not. We got to tell it all that. The missile's dumb as shit. Stupid missile. Are you ready, babe? Let's bring out Big Daddy. What a bad idea.

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This discount is specific to this podcast, so be sure to use code UNSUB at checkout. 100% off free shipping and get it fast with rush processing. Code UNSUB. That's fucking wild. So all radar does is go left. Yeah, go left, go right. And then one of our missiles, it's called going pit bull for anyone who ever works. So it attacks a toddler.

In the ocean. Yeah, that pit bull swims a mile out to sea to attack its drowning toddler. People are getting angry in the comment section. There's some guys who like radar guided missiles who's like, let him go.

Finish the pit bull thing. Pit bull owner. I can make those jokes. Fuck you. That's my race card. So one of our missiles, we got it in the hallway. And the other one, we... So the target doesn't know the missile is coming because we don't like paint it with anything special. It's called a track wall scan or track wall search. It depends where you read it. The radar just looks at the missile and looks at the target and tells the missile where to go. And then about...

Give or take. I mean, unclass is like about half a second before impact. The radar goes, you got it. And the missile goes, I got it. And just smokes it. Yeah. Oh, so it's like right up until the moment. So it's kind of like what the old like wire guided stuff used to do as soon as it like reached the end of the wire. It's like, all right, I know where I'm going from here and just pretty much. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not too experienced with wire guided stuff, but yeah, going pit bull. And, but that's why every pilot, including a couple of friendly ones have never survived a Patriot engagement.

Yeah, we shot down three friendly pilots. It wasn't me. I wasn't there. I hope not. Yeah, no, I didn't do it. That's the title of this episode. A British tornado and a van. And that news article. We'll find out something radically new about you. You're just like, yeah, so that's my PTSD. PTSD. Those poor children. Fuck, dude. Those pilots had no idea what the fuck was coming, but it looked cool. Jesus.

What was the situation on that, though? I'm really curious. So the way radar works is... We're all about to feel really bad about making those jokes now. So the way radar works is imagine you walk into a room and it's pitch black, and you have to figure out who is in there by their sound, how they move, and how they smell. That's kind of the way a radar works. So like...

If you're an enemy aircraft, you don't want me to know what you are. But if you're a friendly aircraft, oftentimes you have your identified friend or foe turned off and you don't want anyone to know what you are. Because that's the easiest way to go fuck up Saddam. That's what they were doing. So friendly aircraft went out, did a bombing run. They were on their way back in. I actually talked to one of his wingmen. One-on-one, I talked to his wingman. Juice was the guy that we killed in the American F-18. That was his call sign, Juice. And what they did... I loved his football career. Yeah.

You know, the whole wife situation. That's, you know... Well, you know, you can't win them all. Although he didn't in court, but... So back then, our radars couldn't tell us... Big fan of Broncos. Fuck. I love that. God damn it, we'll go back to that. Just the ridiculousness of that. Oh, man. So back then, our radars were good, but they're not as good as they are now. Like, I know a lot more information about somebody. We have...

Okay, I don't know how much of that I can say, but we know a lot about something flying through the air. And what they did is they dove towards the airfield. Now, what it is is it's a threshold of kinematic criteria, your altitude, how fast you're diving, length discrimination, all these other factors. And what the system did back then is said, that's an enemy missile. The system thought that the pilot diving towards the airfield was an enemy missile headed towards the airfield.

Um, and back then operators were trained that the system is smarter than you. If it recommends something, that's what it is. Now we know that the system is imperfect. So operators have to verify everything. Why did it make, uh, why did they dive toward the airfield? Honestly, I don't know. When I talked to the pilot, that was his wingman. He straight up admitted. He's like, we, we were instructed to dive towards the airfield. And he goes to this day. I have no idea why we did that.

That's very strange. Like random and telling at the same time. Yeah. He, he doesn't know why he explained that they use conspiracy from big missile, big missile, big missile go foosh and then guy go bye-bye. That's fucking crazy though. When it don't, because I'm, I'm assuming they knew that maneuver would maybe set it off beforehand or no.

This is a 2003 and not a lot was known about American Patriot. And back then pilots weren't really well instructed on, on air defense, like American air defense. They were taught a lot about the enemy, but then back then, we also didn't know too much about our friendly air capabilities. The guy came off of the USS Kitty Hawk, which is crazy because my brother served on the Kitty Hawk. It was an old carrier diesel carrier. And, uh, he, uh,

I've heard rumors that he actually successfully ejected and then drowned in the lake. Oh, shit. Don't know how true that is. I've heard rumors of it. I have no idea what the truth is there, but they did. But they kind of got us back. The Air Force got us back because...

There was a British tornado shot down, same situation. They dove towards the airfield and we smoked two British pilots. The F-18 dove towards the airfield, smoked an F-18. An F-16 actually saw the radar, picked up the radar. The radar knew it was an F-16. So it was like, hey, I'm going to leave it alone. The F-16 didn't know the radar was the radar. It came around behind it and smoked it with an anti-radiation missile. So yeah, they kind of got them back. Yeah.

Iraq 2003 was a wild place for air defense. Holy fuck. Wait, hold the fuck on. So he didn't know it was his own friendly. He just got pinged. So he was like, that's wild. He was like taking it out. Yeah, F-16s. And then you land, you're like, fucking took out a missile launcher. And they're like, that was yours. That was, yeah. So about that. How much is that? Those things are like $150 million a piece. Yeah, that's a...

But I mean, was it unmanned? So the radar itself is unmanned. So it's just smoked the radar. Yeah. No one died in it. That's a harder thing to explain. They actually got it back up and running in 24 hours. I talked to one of the guys that was out there. He's like, dude, if we would have moved that radar an inch, all the connectors would have came undone. Cause they were like, just held together with like bubble gum and like random wires they found. They're like, but we got it running.

So I was wondering, because you mentioned that there was talk that the guy had survived and drowned after ejecting. What's the missile payload like on that thing? Because I'm just thinking just the raw TBI force of a fighter.

rocket or excuse me a missile going off that close if it makes contact with your aircraft like that's gotta fuck you up it depends on the missile pack 3 Patriot advanced capability version 3 those are kinetic kill tip to tip that's the way they work yeah of course I had to make a tip to tip joke yep

Um, pack two, which is what he got hit with is a proximity kill. So as it approaches, it explodes like a shotgun shell through it. So there's a distance gap that could be anywhere. Yeah. Um, so I mean, it's a 16 foot missile moving at roughly unclassified mock for hitting with the kinetic energy of a freight train going off a 70 story building. So it's, it's a pretty hard hit. Like it's, yeah, it's a pretty hard hit.

Yeah, I was just trying to think of a scenario where the pilot, if there is an explosive on something like that, even if, I don't know, just how you survive that. Because, I mean, an explosive that close, even a low, much, much smaller payload of explosive. Well, he might have gotten lucky because it engaged him like a missile. So Patriot engages missiles different than we engage aircraft. When we engage aircraft for various reasons, not just lethality, and this is going to sound really war-crimey to anyone who's never heard it,

Go on. And I can say this because Lieutenant Commander Candeloro said that. Very good to point out the exact name. Go on. I'm going to say the exact name. It doesn't target the aircraft. We target the cockpit. It comes down on top of the cockpit. Why is that? Uh.

If you can say. I don't know if I can say. Okay, that's fine. Dude, that's one of those hard ones. It's like with certain weapons, it's not... You can't use it on enemy personnel, but you can use it on their armor system, their weapons. Remember we talked about this the other day? The chin strap? Yeah, I aimed at his...

comms gear the 50 cal is an anti-material weapon which is why i aimed for his ear pro when he was turned to the left yes aha the 50 i i love it the m2 was here the m2 is the just most perfect weapon system like everyone always asks me like what's your favorite weapon hlc like if i if you don't want me to pick between like

You know, handheld, crew serve, anything, M2 heavy barrel .50 caliber machine gun. It's just perfection in motion. Doctor. There we go. Doctor. If you have somebody who accurately headspaces and times that gun, it runs. I have a confession to tell you, and this may hurt your feelings a whole lot. Oh, dear. The newer versions we have in the Army. They do it themselves. Shove in, twist, done. That hurt my feelings. I know that. Oh, I'm sorry.

The hours I spent on stupid classes. And they fire better dirty. Don't ever clean your M2. You give it a quick wipe, some CLP, move on. They fire better dirty. You want a girl with some experience, you know? Oh, yeah, of course. Dude, once I heard that, I was like, get the fuck out of here. You just have to screw this in, and then it locks in, and then that's it.

Yep, like yeah, you don't do the three rotations out. Look at the window. Okay, it's good put in no I still know And you're doing all that dumb shit just for it to run right that and you really don't need to after well You don't need to do it every time after you you know your gun we're like, oh, okay That one that likes to be screwed in all the way and then you unscrew it three clicks out

out like if you know your gun you know what it likes that's right in the sweet spot yeah and you try to memorize that sweet spot you just make assembling and disassembling if i remember i mean it was 14 years ago i think my my truck's 50 was seven clicks yeah unless she was hot when she was hot it was five

Oh, thermal expansion. Motherfucker. You got a gun sitting on top of a truck at 120 degrees. It's going to expand. Well, dude, it is terrifying when you use those like the MGS system and then the thermals and how it compensates for like when you're driving at 60 miles per hour hitting bumps that the target doesn't move when you're aimed at something. It's like the vehicle is like going everywhere. And it's just like.

chicken head just gyroscope right onto your dog that's the same as an abrams just hold the cadillacs that gun will you could turn that tank in every different direction that gun's going to stay right where it's at and then you see the rounds just like boom boom boom boom and you just see explosions in the thermal like hey because those are the ones that they were they were doing the videos of the tanks firing after jumping a ramp and firing in midair because the gyroscopes were that good oh yeah did you notice if you pay real close attention to that video the tank is riding a little bit lower after that because the

those tanks have torsion bar suspension, just like Abrams. So they have a giant bar that's like this big that runs through the whole hull, and there's a wishbone on either end, and it twists the metal. That's the suspension on an Abrams main battle tank. And if you come down hard enough, you'll snap them motherfuckers, and you've got to pull everything apart. It's just like the old school Dukes of Hazzard, where it's like, yeah, it made the jump,

Didn't make the landing. They just rotate. There's a good commercial beat. After seven seasons, you got 300 cars sitting over there on the side that didn't make it. Yeah. I've never lost one of those. I've thrown track back when I was a tanker. I've thrown track. My lieutenant, he threw track hard enough, and I'd never seen this before. So in the track, there's cooling tubes that go all the way through it. And if you see an Abrams, like after it's been driving for a while, drive through water, the track will steam because those cooling tubes are so hot.

and he went to pivot steer his driver did and a cooling tube shot out and stuck in a tree like 50 meters away and the track just came apart i was like i have never seen some shit like that like i've never seen a cooling tube shot out it ejected straight out like it snapped and

I was just going to ask, is that bad for it to rapidly cool? Apparently, I guarantee somebody has died by that. The squad of guys that were pinned to that tree. Oh, no.

It's just all formation. The dude kebab in the pine tree. Just lower the tank. Sorry, I think a tank did it. I don't know what you're talking about. He just shot a cooling tube at us. God.

Dude, like tearing track off is for the people that don't know it. I've never had to deal with it. I've dealt with like changing a tire, a striker tire, and that's still got 200, 300 pounds or something. Honestly. So aside from the weight of the track itself, the Abrams has really, really cool tools and they work.

Most of the time we have these things called track jacks and what they are is they're a hook on both ends They weigh like 25 pounds and you put those around the cooling tubes when you're trying to close your track put one on the inside one on the outside and then the slave receptacle on the back of the tank you have an impact that plugs into that you And it pulls the track together and then you put on the end connector. It's actually pretty cool. Oh, it's just like my uncle. Um

When he was you know trying to change the the main springs in his car and his axles just like doing clamps on him Oh shit, yeah, just like staggering those and just like compressing it. That's that's working with a hand grenade Scary yeah, no he didn't live very long. I don't know why I can't imagine he may or may not have a strut like impacted so Sternum I don't like doing struts man Terrified it's just an act of hangar and I do like cinch it down like ratchet system you're like oh

What's the pressure rating on this thing? I don't want to be around this. There's some guys that are like, it's not that bad. And they have like a snap-on $700 wall-mounted compressor that they use. And I was like, yeah, if I had that, I wouldn't be nervous about them either. But I'm here with a ratchet strap and a prayer. What's fucking interesting, though, about the Abrams is how much you're not allowed to work on them. I didn't know that until some friends of mine that I talked to, like...

They used to run the Abrams back when the Marine Corps had those, but they didn't have the security clearance. Like if they needed to do something with the armor or something like that. Oh yeah. You can't, you can't fucking touch that. Cause that is so classified. Yeah. You tear open the armor. It's like you put a tarp over it and you called general dynamics. They come out with it. Like the engine and shit. That's all us. But yeah.

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Okay, so I didn't know that. I know it's like reactive armor plus everything else. Probably very bad for you, armor. So an average Abrams doesn't come with the reactive armor. That's part of the Tusk set. Tusk is tank urban survival kit. Okay.

My tank didn't have ERA, Explosive Reactive Armor, but the standard armor... Do you know what Reactive Armor is? Dude, it's fucking... I would love to have been in the pitch meeting for Reactive Armor. You just sit up and talk. So basically, people started penetrating tank armor with things like shape charges and whatnot. So you have an RPG-7 where basically the front cone of it is just copper. Of course, we'll do the Colin thing. Fucking, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. It's just liquefied by the high explosives, which then creates a jet of liquid metal that penetrates a hole and pushes explosive through that hole and into the cabin and, you know, fries everything. Cooks the guys inside. So reactive armor is the idea that how do we beat fire? Fire. So the armor on the tank explodes. Yeah.

the other way. Yeah. It's literally like it takes the explosion and go, oh, something's exploding, sets off the explosives in the armor to try to redirect and basically weaken that.

you know, jet of metal, which like, I would just love to have been in that pitch meeting where the guy's just like, I know how we beat that explosive that just hit our tank. What if we make tank explode? The other way. Hundreds of bricks of explosive with metal plates. That's the most American thing I've ever heard in my life, dude. It is brick, as they're saying, like it is, you have like stacks of just essentially C4 facing outwards. Like Claymore is just that.

That sounds like they're bringing in J.J. Abrams. How do we beat these explosives? Explosives. And linch flares. I don't even know which country came up with explosive reactive armor. It had to be us. I want to say it was us, but I see a lot more Russian tanks with it than I do American tanks. They probably adopted it afterwards. I think, was it T... Well, it would have been like the T-80s or 90s. When did that first come into play? I actually come to think of it...

That does sound like a very Russian thing. Now that you say it out loud. That's, yeah. We want armor that explodes outward. Here, we try on Igor first. It's almost like we have a... Shoot a breast. Like, imagine if it's reactive chest plates. Oh, God, yeah. Works very well for tank. Not very good for Raven. Dude, it's... We have a... At the Fort Sill Training Support Facility at the Air Defense Artillery location, they have...

I don't know what it's called exactly. It's a tracked Russian vehicle that has quad 20 millimeters on it. And it's like they're one of their anti-aircraft guns. I didn't realize how shitty Russian equipment is. Cause like right next to it is an M Bradley linebacker. It's an M six Bradley linebacker, which is a Bradley designed for anti-air instead of tow missiles. It's got stingers on it.

And you go over to the Bradley and you knock on it, it's like solid. Like it feels like you're knocking on concrete. It does not give. You go over to that Russian thing, it's like it's made of like rolled aluminum. It is just so just shitty. I'm like the survivability, that's awful. No wonder they think the Bradley's fucking amazing. It's not built for it. No, no.

People are replaceable in Russia. Remember that. Well, there is. And, you know, it sucks. But like every military has that is how much is the person worth versus the equipment and how what is the manufacturing capacity to replace the person versus the equipment? And that's unfortunately like the devil's arithmetic for certain things like that. I think the U.S. military, I remember reading somewhere and it could have changed is they value a human life like a soldier's life at around ninety thousand dollars.

which that's, I take that, you know, I'm good with that. Me being worth about 90 grand. I'll take it. I learned that in fight club. That's him. Brad, when Norton's talking about like the car manufacturing company, cause he's like works with insurance companies. He's like, well, if the, the cost of doing a recall is,

is more than just paying the family off that died in our cars. We just don't do a recall. Holy shit. That's a fight club. For a second, I thought Cody was talking about he joined a fight club. I was like, yeah. I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what? I was like, what?

Casualties. And you know that's got, that's a real thing. It is absolutely a real thing. 100%. Someone has to do that math. Also, I found out who made the first reactive explosive. Excuse me, reactive armor. Austria. Oh, excuse me, Australia. Huh. You know, Australia...

They get, hold on, they don't get the credit they're due. You know they also came up with the cardboard drones that are used in Ukraine right now? They made cardboard drones. They're like a couple hundred dollars a piece. They're full of explosive and they've been using the shit out of them on Russia. The Ukrainians have. Cardboard, like they come in a kit. Like you're putting together a model airplane. No shit. And it's just fly explosives. And they just made a cardboard. Made a cardboard. So I don't know what the returns are on a radar from cardboard, but like.

I mean if it's a couple hundred bucks to make they charge what? Even charging a grand for- They sell them in a pallet like flat box together and you just grab one and like dude it's so wild the Australians are like- That is like the devil's origami.

We can't pay these soldiers to do this. I got an idea. Okay, there's this elementary school right down the street. We just do arts and crafts once a week. We pay the kids. Make sure the crease is nice and tight, Betty. Whoever gets the most gets $10. You have kids racing to put these things together. Just drop the explosives on it and we're good. We'll be fine. You're getting a pizza party.

It's like the perfect weapon. We have designed the perfect system. Good effect on target, Alan. Apparently, they were trying to defeat Japanese 75mm hollow charge shells that were being used against allied tanks in the Pacific. At 40s, this happened? 1944.

Did not know that. I would have not guessed that. I would have guessed way later. Yeah. No, that was... I learned something new today. I learned something new today, too. And so did you, hopefully. Unless you're Nick. Nick probably knew this. No. You know what? I got something that Nick doesn't know. Oh. I learned about something recently. Because I do a lot of my research for my USA versus the world series. And I was doing research on... Me, me, me! Yeah, right? Yeah.

We're the reigning champions right now, just so everybody knows. Bought you by underdog. You want to make a bet on World War III? I sure as shit do. The over-under. So the Brits, I didn't know they had this. And I love that I get to use these words in succession together when I describe this.

I love the Stinger. Let me first start with saying that. I love the Stinger missile. It's a great shoulder-fired missile. It's a solid missile. I mean, it does good effect on target. They're affordable. I like it. I love it. But the Brits, they came out swinging. They have something called the HVM, and I love that I get to use these words. The HVM is a Mach 3.5 shoulder-fired missile that locks on and has three tail-stabilized explosive fragmentation darts inside of it.

What is it used for? Aircraft. Apparently you yeeted out of it Mach 3.5 and you can find pictures of it. It's got three metal explosive darts in it that are like this long. Are they like stagger stacked in it? No, they're all three together like this big around. Yeah. It's like a giant flechette that explodes. Do you turn me on, brother? That's metal as fuck, dude. I was reading about it. I was like,

Yeah, UK, that's what I'm talking about. Well, the real question is, did they give a thousand of them to a CIA operative named Tim Osman? I don't know how many of them they even have. If you don't know that joke, Google it. I'm going to be assassinated. Brandon died yesterday. You guys know that, right? You get that, right? I don't know that one. Oh, yeah, that was the CIA handle that we gave to Osama bin Laden back when he was working for us.

No shit. Yeah. Whole Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, all that. That's when Rocky 3 came out. Oh, I'm sorry. Rainbow 3. Was it Rainbow 3? I never noticed that. I have the dishka from that movie. You have the dishka from that movie? I have the rubber dishka from that movie. Oh, I was like, how the f*** have we never fired that thing? I was like, when? I've got a dishka, but I don't have the dishka from that movie. Okay. I was like... That dishka is actually hilarious because they had no idea what a dishka was or didn't have access to cloning it because it's during the

Cold War. So they just had a rubber replica made of an M2. And they just added the finned barrel with the big anti-aircraft sights and the muzzle brake and they're just like, good enough. Fucking nobody will know the difference. That looks like a dish gun. Government work. Good enough government work. Clap their hands off. I would very much like to see that someday. Come by the shop. When it's not flooded. Yeah, that's fair.

So let me preface this by stating that I thought long and hard about this and I didn't want to, like, it was a moral dilemma for me and I may have made like legitimately need whistleblower protection here. So not the podcast for that. I mean, we are good people.

You want me to leave it alone? No, you go. I don't care. We can. So I just want to know what the fuck. Something happened recently. We all end up dead. They kind of turned me. And now I'm like, all right, something's got to be said. So I don't know if you know this, but in Oklahoma city, two Afghan men who showed up during operation Afghan welcome or allies refuge or whatever they called it that week, uh,

Right. The people we brought in from Afghanistan, the 130,000 of them. Oh, this is right during the, um, the ending of, yes, but this is actually, yeah. Right. During the guess on a year. Uh, this is this year. Oh, really? Oh shit. Okay. I don't know what you were about to give us information on, but I'm like, Oklahoma city. I'm like, Oh,

Oh, no. So in Oklahoma City, they were. I was like, oh, shit. You really might need whistleblower protection. Yo. So these two guys were just arrested by the FBI because they were planning with ISIS-K, which is the ISIS that's in Afghanistan, to shoot up voting booths on voting day.

Oh, I saw that. Yeah. So that was this year. These guys, then you find out later on down the road, they weren't properly vetted. And here's the thing. I was in the G cell. I worked in the G3 during Operation Afghan Welcome at Task Force Pickett. I was privy to a lot of information. Now, during humanitarian missions, you understand that there's a lot of people that come in and there's a lot of diseases that come in. Like every other day, it was leishmaniasis, smallpox, like pick a disease aside from like pygmy.

Polio, it came through our borders. Just so you guys know. The part that I have a problem with is I was watching the United States government hemorrhage about a million dollars a week per base. There was seven bases doing this simultaneously. Okay? So there's that. Seven mil a week. Seven mil a week. We did this for six months straight.

And meanwhile, so this was at 35 million a year. Something like that. I have no idea. How is it? In this time, we found 27 weeks. They got full. They got free housing, free medical, free food, free everything, taking care of them by the U S government. But they didn't want to follow the rules. We, we paid contractors to clean the latrines. Excuse me. Yeah. We paid contractors to clean the latrines three times a day and they were still shitting on the ground next to the latrine. Okay.

So like, okay, I get it. There's some things they started making shanks and stealing from each other. Like there was a lot of bad shit that happened. But the problem that I have is we were there. A million dollars per week and there were seven of them. Seven bases. Yes. 28 weeks or 27 weeks times 7 million. 189 million. Yeah. Yeah. What the.

So that's how I know the government doesn't care about homelessness because if we could do that for 130,000 people at the drop of a hat, why can't we take care of our citizens that way? The problem I have is, and I was kicked out of this meeting. I was, well, I was assertively requested to leave this meeting. Now this goes to you in law enforcement and this goes to you as a prospective politician.

Every single day we were told, we were told every day that we were not allowed to stop them going anywhere, which is fine. Humanitarian thing. But then we would get notified about a couple of times a week of walk-offs, people who just walk off the base and never come back. And I was like, I asked the question, I said, Hey, we have customs and border patrol here. If they want to walk off the base and not go through the fingerprinting and processing background checks, everything else, uh,

Just have Customs and Border Patrol arrest them and send their asses back. Like, they don't want to follow the rules. They can leave.

I was told to leave that meeting because we had to allow them to walk off the base. So there's people here from Afghanistan who were allowed to walk off of those bases and were never vetted, never went through healthcare, never did anything. There's not many, but there are here. It would be just let them on and off with no. Like, you know, they would let them like leave, like completely leave and never come back. I have a, I have a story that's associated with that. Actually, it's something that I've, I've heard from, and I didn't know the context until just now when you told me,

was you know friends that I have that you know active duty that were told that basically like hey these guys are your responsibility you gotta like just basically put up with them for a while like you have these you know 20 dudes you gotta watch and whatnot and they were asking him like can we go to Walmart he's like no he's like but we need cell phone like the fuck you do

Yeah. And basically just telling them, like, no, sit down. Like, I'm not taking you to a Walmart. Like, I don't even like you here. I... That was... And this is while you were over there. This is... No, this is while I was in Virginia at Task Force Pickett. Yeah, here. And hearing everything. I was watching it all come in. Yeah, watching it all come in. And I was just like... And I bit my tongue. And hats off to the 2-6 Mew. The Marine Expeditionary Unit. The 2-6 Mew. Because those guys showed up and they were...

I don't know if Mew has ever done a humanitarian mission, but like I was in the G cell and they're like, yo, sorry, you need to go down there and tell the Marines to stop drawing ammo. We're like, they're drawing ammo. They had like convoys lined up. They're like, we need 50 Cal. We need five, five, six, seven, six, two. And I was like, guys, this is humanitarian. They're like, so we can't have bullets. So less 50 Cal. Got it. Less 50 Cal. More 240. They just got to make this humanitarian. Got it. Got it.

Yeah, the Marines. And then it was just, don't get me wrong. There was absolutely good people who came through our borders. There was absolutely people who wanted to go through the unprocessing, become an American citizen, you know, do everything the right way and get an opportunity here. So I would never want to- Which we love. Yeah. That's the thing. It's like everyone is on board for that thing.

thing because there was a lot of people that got fucked over they did help a lot of individuals yeah there's a lot of dudes they they risked their lives and their families lives yeah like to help us and then they still got fucked over in the long run like um oh who's the boy that got the terp yeah there's a couple of terps like and then the one dude that just saved um sniper guy chris kyle no oh

Jake Gyllenhaal? I was going to say, The Covenant? Oh, man. The other movie. Oh, you're talking about Lone Survivor. Lone Survivor. Marcus Luttrell. Marcus Luttrell. Yeah, Marcus. Oh, my God. Why the fuck, Mark? I forgot. I don't know why I forgot his name. I was like, are you talking about the Guy Ritchie movie? No.

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analysis right now by going to slash unsub. It takes 30 seconds. Go to slash unsub. Go now! What's interesting is I saw that movie after Afghanistan. Great movie, by the way. Highly recommend it. Wonderful movie. I'll never watch it again. I was like pouring sweat, like leaving the movie theater. And as fucked up as I could understand the Afghans, because they were actually speaking Pashtun in the movie. And that is the only...

instance of Pashtun Wali I have ever seen. A Pashtun Wali is pretty much like a Pashtun saying, I will protect you no matter what. And what he did for Marcus Luttrell is an example of Pashtun Wali. I've never seen it in any other example. That's the only example I've ever seen. Them actually following through. Yeah, them actually following through with Pashtun Wali. Sorry, little cultural thing, but yeah. No, that's really interesting. Yeah.

Your side story with Marcus Latrell. Who are we talking to? We're Marcus or who's Marcus's brother? Morgan. Morgan Latrell got on a plane with a guy. Yeah. And the guy was. Oh, yeah. You're talking about that. What? Oh, God. I didn't realize he was talking to Morgan, Marcus's twin brother, and was claiming to be Marcus Latrell. What? You didn't hear this? No. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

To be a fly on the wall, bro. And the guy was like, oh. And by the way, Morgan Luttrell is not a f***ing nobody either. Also, he looks just like him. Yeah, he's like identical twin in this dude. I thought this was Marcus Luttrell. Oh, f*** off. He's got a heavy scab of power. But yeah, it was like, oh, please tell me about Marcus. Tell me about yourself. Oh my God. Oh my f***ing God.

Dude, Stolen Valor is so fucking weird where it is that next degree. You're like, surely they're not going to... Oh my God, they're going this deep into that fantasy world. You know what's crazy? Oh, go ahead. No, no. What's crazy about it, and I've never really ran into somebody. Well, okay, there's one guy I knew who stole Valor. But like...

It's the guys who served like six months to three years who were like, you're a disgrace. They freak out. And the dudes who all did like 10, 15 years were like, you're an idiot and just roll out. It's all the guys who've been in a long time. It's like, you're stupid. I don't care. We've seen that one at the plane. That's the only time I can think about. Stand asternum.

What? Oh, what's the guy talking about stabbing people? Yeah. They taught me how to kill a man 16 ways. Cut a man's sternum. And you're like, this is weird for Brandon. I know it was for the live shows. The live shows. Oh, my God. Yeah. I just sat next to one of them. And I was like, I'm like, dude, I've spent a lot of my life around people that have actually done shit like that.

None of them talk that way. It's crazy, though. Not a single one. Like, dudes who have seen the worst, like, most abhorrent shit, like the Medal of Honor recipients are like the chillest. They're like super laid back. Because their bodies don't produce cortisol anymore. I mean, I've said it's really hard for...

Like stress levels are what you go through in life. And then that's your reset to your stress level. Your reset to your stress level. And then you go through that so many times. Medal of Honor recipients where it's like so f***ing like. You're like meh. Like mine takes a lot to like kick it off. But then I meet other guys and I'm like f*** dude. But they're all very just like meh. They're very just go with the flow. You see they don't quick to anger. Griff. Yeah. Like you're hearing Griff stories and you're like. Like that was the first time I was just watching Brian like.

Yeah, so that's just crazy dude like he's and he's just such a chill guy He's remarkably chill. He's talking about what what helicopter was it was a Blackhawk or is another Chinook I think Chinook Chinook landing on vertical mountain sides and it's like for they're jumping onto a they're using a like a fence to hop on right like a wooden fence or a shit concrete fence and

And they were just leveling it right there. And the blade is right next to the fence line or whatever. And just like hovering. Dude, Chinook pilots. Those guys. Like, this is the thing. Everyone looks at a Chinook and they're like, it's not as cool as an Apache. It's like, it's faster. It's...

More agile. You think it's a school bus with two rotors, but that thing. But they also crash a shitload more, right? He was saying, too, for every man that jumped on, they would have to fuel it dip for the weight. And so the pilots were so badass, they were accounting for every dude that jumped on it just to keep it stable for every guy to get on. And again, the rear rotor is one foot away from a stone wall. And he's like, yeah, they're loading up the second back because he's part of the second back. And they're hopping on. It's like...

you're like but just imagine the confidence of like yeah if that hits there probably everybody in here's dead we're good i know like that's it that's insane man like this well like uh i mean you see it sometimes in like the navy i don't know if they use the if it's called the chinook or something else in the navy but like where they put the belly of the the helicopter in the water and a boat just drives into the back you ever seen that shit that's

They drive the rowboats just like right into the back. Oh, so like SEAL teams are like just hopping. Yeah. Like the dude in the back is standing there in ankle deep water just like flagging them in, in a Chinook that's hovering. Yeah, dude, it's insane. Yeah. And the crew guys inside the helicopter jump to the side.

Ribboat just shoots up into it and they go boop off into the distance. That's as wild to me as that mindset of like all that and we're here. We're lucky enough to do this. And then I'm like, man, those dudes are doing that on the daily. And you're just like, fuck. I just like missiles. I ain't retarded. I ain't retarded. I just like rockets.

It's just wild. Yeah. So much respect for anyone's that do that. Cause I'm just like, God. And the shit that they're just like content with. It's, it's really interesting is have you ever, well, I mean, even, even all you guys, the stress that you're used to is like perspective to what job you've done. And my wife, I love the woman to death, but she does not handle like unknown very well. Well,

yeah i got you i got you but like when something's unknown she's like wigging out and she's like are you stressed at all and i was like i mean i am it's just this is what i do every day so it's just military the way it is like i never know what what the fuck is going to happen i walk into an office they're like we need this this and this done before you go home i'm like cool

All right. That's also why it's cool working with like the chill military influencers because they have like they are used to that because like a lot of the life that we live is, you know, you don't know what you're doing next week. Yeah. There's no way you can know. Like you just have to kind of go with the flow. That's why I think a lot of you guys are so good at it.

That might be it. Maybe that... We're broken. That's what he said, Eli. That's not what I said. I mean, yeah, but it's not what I said. Brandon's like, I didn't say that! Veterans are broken. He's like, no!

I'm gonna put that on my shirt and say, it's just gonna be a picture of Brandon says, vets are broken. You guys are good at dealing with the unknown. All right, CNN. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I did not say that. I did not say that. Who's that peck of wood down in town who blows the glass? Oh, shit.

You treat him like Jerry. You treat him like veterans. Here, I got something that'll lift your spirits because I always try and learn about new missiles when I come down here because it's always interesting to see Brandon's eyes get real wide like, what? What?

Like when Aegis shot that missile out of space last time. And so it's fair to assume that Uncle Sam has put nukes on everything. Literally everything. Nick talked about the shoulder fired one. What's that? The what the fuck is the name of it? Oh, God. The Davy Crockett. We put it in surface to air missiles like the Nike Hercules, the Nike Spartan, the Nike Zeus, and of course, the Sprint missile.

Pause. Cody, you know what David Crockett is? I have no idea. It is, think of Fallout, the shoulder rocket, the shoulder mounted. The fat man. The fat man. We made one of those in real life in the 60s. Oh, yeah. Oh, I remember. Okay, he did talk about this. I watched one of his videos. Yeah. It's not shoulder fired, but they shot it out of jeeps. Yeah. Oh, it's jeep ones. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Not shoulder fired, but it was a mount. They had to obviously made that, like Fallout had to have made that based off of the M28, M29 system.

Yeah, like it's fucking hefty, but it's- Yeah, it's wild that you're on- it's wild it's a man-made nuke launcher. Like that, when you say that statement. I love it. I think the thing about it is that you needed to fire it from the back of a jeep because you're not in the safe distance. No! No! You need to drive like a- Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

We've done air to surface. We've done bomb drops. We've done intercontinental ballistic missiles, long range ballistic missiles, but I just learned and I didn't know, which is really surprising because I'm the missile guy.

From 1967 until 1985, when it was in use, we had an air-to-air nuclear rocket, which was considered short-range air-to-air. It's called the Genie II. I did hear about it. You've heard of the Genie II? Yeah. I want to say Nick mentioned this. I don't know where I heard of it. It's a rocket. They strap to the bottom of a plane, and it's like, there's other planes, and you fire a nuke at them and just hightail it out. Because I think that's why we did the nuclear testing on whether or not an explosion would set off...

Another nuke is because that was our way of taking out like if there are planes coming to nuke the country Yeah, we would send it at them and just kind of nuke the area. Yeah, take them out of the air That was the theory with surface-to-air and yeah, I'd never heard of the genie somebody in my in my stream I was like hanging out there like have you heard of the genie - and I was like now let's see what this is You know, they tell me look up all sorts of stuff. It was like we made an air-to-air nuclear weapon. What the fuck?

DARPA, man. DARPA be DARPA. It's just a room full of engineers. Skunk works with more cocaine. That's all it is, dude. Dude, DARPA, we were talking with a Tejano Mexican space cowboy and he was talking about DARPA. Tejano space cowboy? Tejano Mexican. Whatever, same thing. Close enough. Brown space cowboy.

He, for the prosthetics, because he has a full prosthetic on his arm, he talked about DARPA as the first one to implement for all the special forces guys to keep them in combat. They're like, no, you don't have to get out here. We'll build you limbs that make you faster, stronger, or whatever. Dude, that's insane. They're on Fort Sill, the AIT guys who are going through 13 Bravo, which is the cannon crew member. They're the ones who throw...

eat the 90 pound rounds they're working they have a couple of models i don't know if they're fully functioning they're out there with exoskeletons that help them fucking lift 95 pound rounds and eat them all day which i mean don't get me wrong there's gonna be some vets who are like that's gonna make them weak and i'm like but it could make them faster yeah like edge of tomorrow shit yeah they got

Strange, man. We are in the future. Sorry, they are finally caring about their backs. Finally. Not service related.

You know the big rucksack we get? Like the big one, the large ruck? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, the big green or the big backpack? The big backpack one. Okay. Yeah, so the ruck that we get, I went to go to CIF because when I was going to go to another school, I had to draw gear. And I was like, hey, I need a large ruck. And they're like, we don't issue those no more because it's bad for people's back. I'm like, took you 15 fucking years. Yeah, they don't issue the large ruck anymore because it's too bad on your back. Alice?

After the Alice pack. Oh, yeah. Alice was still metal frame and then it went to the plastic frame. The plastic frame, yeah.

I forget what the frame's called, but wait, they don't... They don't issue them anymore because they're bad for your back. What do you carry now? They have a medium ruck, which is... Oh, it's money. Honestly, I love the damn thing. It's good for like an AG bag. It's good for like a radio bag. It's good for everything, man. Like Mystery Ranch? That shit's dope. Mystery Ranch? I'm not familiar. You know Mystery Ranch? Oh, that shit's like kind of higher end, but it's fucking nice. Don't like the tri-zip one? Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's part of theirs. I'm so pissed right now. Do you know how...

Much dick. The alice pack sucked. Cock. Walking. I can remember. I went to school on Fort Bragg, dude. That's all I had to carry books in. Your dad's like, I ain't buying you a backpack. I can remember.

This carries more books than one of those shitty Spider-Man backpacks. Dude, I can remember being in Afghanistan and you put the bag there, the ruck on the ground, you lay in it, buckle yourself in, and three of your buddies help stand you up because it's so f***ing heavy. Like, I can remember that. All right, we need to buy some of those new packs that I really want to just f*** around with them. The medium rucks? Let me see if I can find a picture. Dude, I've never heard of them. We got those originally. We got those medium rucks in Afghanistan and now they're standard issue. We just had giant...

ones that you'd have to pack dude i bet it's something that's in dark off right now whatever he's going to show us a hundred percent super comfortable medium ruck

Oh, that looks way better. Oh, like even how it's designed on the back. Yeah. God. It's partitioned and like, dude, it's money, man. Those are. And that can carry 35 pounds or your EIB would just feel way more comfortable beating this. These things. I mean, they got waist pack. Like, dude, they're really good. We use them. Those were our AG bags in Afghanistan because they issued them. And then when we got back from Afghanistan, like we're taking those back. And then we had the large rucks and now everyone's on the medium ruck.

So now you just get an assault pack and the medium ruck. You don't get the large ruck anymore. But you still don't have to deal with the military. At the end of the day, it's still military. You're like, sweet. Look, it sucks less. But it still sucks. Yeah. And that part hasn't changed. I see my buddies. They'll FaceTime me. Like I talked to Sergeant Major the other week. And then I've talked to first. My friends are first starting now. And like Sergeant Major, which is wild to have.

When I was in, everyone was like privates and specialists, and now they're first archers. If you just don't get caught long enough, you're fine. Yeah. That's really all it is. And my buddies are like, out in Korea, like shout out to Holly. He called me on the field in Korea, and he is as old as me. I was like, fuck that, dude. Dude, it's... You're 39. You're still having to wake up at 5 a.m., 6 a.m.,

get the privates out, like march with them. And you're out in the field for weeks. - I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning to make sure other grown men dress the same as me. - That's what I meant. My life ain't bad. That's how I always self reflect on that. I was like, you know what? Life ain't too shabby. - I straight up told my wife after I get out, I'm like, I will never watch another "Sunrise" ever again. And she's like, why not? And I was like, 'cause I've watched it every day for 15 years.

I'm so tired. It's the most tranquil thing it's not. They're just like, I hate that thing. Just warm up. Oh, now it's got thermoversion. It's going to get cold as fuck for like an hour. Standing out there like trying to grade a PT test where the ink in my pen is freezing. I'm just like, like this because like our PT uniform is made out of grocery bag or something.

Bullshit. It doesn't stop anything. By the way, everyone in the army is like, we need new barracks. The mold is getting bad. And Sergeant Major of the Army is like, new PT is coming in 2025. We've spent $2 billion. I love the military mindset on some of this shit, especially when it comes to military spending, because it's like, I'm all for cutting spending where it makes sense. But it's like, oh yeah, I want to make your life better. Here's a 20 cent pen. Buy

By the way, later today you're going to be firing a $175,000 rocket. Did you hear about Boeing? We don't have enough money to fix your knee. Here's a javelin missile to fire for training. Did you guys hear about Boeing? Someone audit part. Boeing's been in the news a lot. I am not

They just got, yeah, exactly. It cuts back your heads down. They just, somebody audited the U.S. government, which they always do, and found out that the U.S. government paid Boeing an 8,000% markup on soap dispensers for aircraft. Like the little, like you push with your hand, 8,000% increase on the price, which makes total sense because that's kind of like the standard markup for all military shit.

We have, in my system, we have a computer mouse, like a Logitech computer mouse. It costs like $7 at Staples. How much do you pay for it? $748. That's why I'm excited for what Elon was talking about, the Department of Government Efficiency. So Doge. Doge. But like little shit like that where it's like, that's weird because American Airlines who flies...

God knows how many flights every day figured soft soap is fine. Works just fine. What's the, there's a phrase for that for like, they've had it for like a hundred years of the military. It's like the $500 hammer or something like that. Oh, I don't know the phrase for it, but I've heard that a lot. Like you spend like a thousand dollars on a hammer and it's cause they, they filter all that supposedly to other pin, whatever we spent, like for NASA, it's like we spent millions of dollars.

to create a pen that writes in space where we could have just got a pencil. Or, you know, an iPad nowadays. Mytism took over on that one. There's actually a logical reason for that. I learned this. Did you know that? Please tell me a pencil versus... Yes. A pencil is made of graphite and lead. Graphite.

Graphite and lead, as you're riding with it, flakes off. In a zero-g environment, it's flammable and conductive. Very, very dangerous. So that's cool. Yeah, I learned about a highlighter. What about a highlighter? We're fucked. I was like, kill him. He's asking questions. He shouldn't be. Fuck.

I was just, I was assassinated by Boeing because I asked about a Sharpie. Dude, I know Elon's going to come up with something like, you know, a pin in space travel. He's going to call it the pin 15 or some shit like that. Of course, of course.

I guess, wasn't it Elon who like, he wanted to name, he had the Series S, the Series E, and then the X, but he couldn't do E because I think Mercedes had the Series E. I think it was Ford? E-Class probably. E-Class, yeah. Because, yeah, so. That's why it's the Series 3 now, so S3X, so yeah, because he's a grown man child. I love it. S3XY. Oh, I forgot about the Y. Yeah, so he's got the model S-E-X-Y, so sexy. I got to use the little air defender's room. I'll be right back. Yeah. Yeah.

dude i love it we got like dude this is my happiest month right now because it's like all the homies are coming in we got either before or after we're gonna have clint romache on which medal of honor recipient our homie like we're so fucking excited i've never met clinton person i know dude that's what i'm so excited we were like catching up today and he's just so stoked to be on this month he's like fuck yeah and he's just excited to hang out with everyone that's awesome i

I'm not... I always forget how much he hates the government until we hop on a phone. I'm like, this is a dude that he's allowed to feel however he wants towards things. It's that shirt. It's like...

I'm anti-government, but I work for the government. That whole thing. Have you seen the dudes that are hopping out of Bradleys with that t-shirt? Yeah. Yeah. It's our boy, right? Dude, something I've always wanted to see that I read in books back in the day is the only person that a president has to salute is a Medal of Honor recipient. I would love to see Clint in the same room with Trump or someone like that. They have to salute. They have to walk around with this bag.

He's such a good dude. He loves manual labor. He's up in North Dakota and he does public speaking and working with some non-profits for ones that make a difference. I would love to meet that guy. I'm sure he doesn't want to talk about everything that happened. He seems like a really cool dude.

Dude, him and Marcus Luttrell. Yeah. Oh, dude, all those guys are... You've met Marcus, right? I met Morgan. I don't know if I've... I don't think I've ever met Marcus in person. Yeah. Oh, well, no, we did.

Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah. In Charlotte. That's right. Yeah, Charlotte. I was like, wait. I was like, oh, fuck. Yeah, he was up there talking during that event. And we were just going through everything. We went out to some, like... Yeah, he was actually... He was really... He was a really kind dude. He likes to go over speaking time. But he was... Yeah. But he's just really motivating. Like, a really, like, down-to-earth dude. Like, I've seen some of his speeches and stuff. And he's, like, very direct, forward, like, motivating type guy. Like, I... You know what's interesting is...

I don't know how true it is. Secondhand story. So my squad leader, Staff Sergeant Casey Grukowiak, he passed away in Afghanistan. But...

before he passed away we were sitting there in in spin kolache it was the first time i ever had rounds whiz over top of my head it was a it was an american 50 cal believe it or not smart ass taliban got in between us and the vehicles on the road shot at the vehicles and then ran away and so they were shooting at us on the far side dude it sucks dude the sounds you're like i that was the first time i ever heard hisses and i i hit the dirt and casey he was

laughing at me. He's like, he's like, long, those weren't even fucking near you, man. Yeah, they're not. I don't care, bro. Um, Brad's like, what the fuck? But,

But I've experienced it in a much less stressful environment. But I know what it sounds like. I don't know what it feels like. But Sergeant G was part. So he was Ranger qualified. He was a former Ranger instructor as part of one of the Ranger bats. The dude, like I swear he had to pay doctors to be able to deploy with us because his back looked like a roadmap of LA. Like his spine was.

Dude, it was just destroyed. But he was... It's okay, dog. When he was a young private, apparently he was in the ranger bat that went to go find Marcus and all those other guys. Oh, shit. And he was the platoon that actually found... He was telling me about it. It was like some waterfall somewhere in Afghanistan. It was like a cave. They got some Afghan dude out of there. And they found a bunch of seal gear. And that's where they actually found Lieutenant Murphy.

was in there. That's what he told me. I don't know how true it is, but I was like, cause he was telling me when he got back, there's a, there's a book called a seal seal of honor or, um, it's, it's the one about, uh, Lieutenant Murphy, not Marcus. And, uh, he's like, dude, I was going through a bookstore like years later. And I saw that Lieutenant looking back at me from the bookshelf. And he's like, weirded me out, man. He's like, I had to buy the book. And he's like, I read through it. I read it too. It's, it's okay as a book. Like it's,

It goes over a lot of what the family experienced with Murphy's family before it really talks about what he experienced. So, yeah, I thought that was wild. But, yeah, he was killed in Afghanistan Monday, August 30, 2010. Oh, shit. And then they found all his... Like his gear, and I guess they found his body. I don't know if they found the other three guys in the team's body or just his. He didn't really elaborate on that. But, yeah, he was part of the ranger bat that went and found him. That's wild because that was just a shot.

Yeah. Just shit sandwich. And that's what happens a lot of the times you either have helicopter go down or mission and how they push towards an objective, getting rushed and the guys fighting back or Marcus's case, like all that he went through like on his own and then being taken care of. Yeah. However, that story plays out and you're just like, geez, he said that while they were there trying to find those guys, like, cause they had like a patrol base set up and they would go out in different directions and try and find them like every day. Yeah.

And that was the only safe place for like Chinooks and shit to get like resupply into them, ammo and everything. He goes, we got so used to like, as the sun would go down, the fog would roll in, the Taliban would hit us. He goes, we got so used to it. We had just pre-plots. We're like pre-plot alpha 001, 002, 003, 54 effect. And yeah, he's like, it got just so common. The Taliban pushing us when the sun went down and the fog rolled in. That's what you do when you read about like even what Clint went through and that episode

Amazing idea for a Ford operating base. In the valley? In the valley. Like, surrounded by all sides of this hill. So you're just like...

Ambush site one. When I read that and when I watched the movie, which I think they did a great job on the movie. I don't know how Clint feels about it. Call for fire on yourself. That man, that's a strictly American mentality. You look at the war in Ukraine and everywhere else. No one is like, okay, we're being overran. Let's attack. That is a strictly American thing. All right, we're being overran.

Give me two guys. We're going to go kill everybody. Let's do this. And Clint fucking did that. Like that's just it. It was a chesty puller. We're surrounded. They won't get away now. Yeah. And it's still it's like even on a what's a we are soldiers where they landed in that. It's like, what's all the guys like Russian broke, broken arrow, broken arrow. And then they.

Fight back because now they're like on equal fighting terms. You're like, y'all are psychopaths. A good kind of psychopath. Have you ever studied? Anyone ever studied Operation Anaconda?

No. So Operation Anaconda was the first major engagement between U.S. forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan. This was after, of course, the 12 Strong. Yeah, 12 Strong. Also wild. Yeah. They figured out that like a bunch of Al Qaeda and Taliban were in the Shikot River Valley and they were that leads directly into Pakistan. So their goal was it was like a hammer and anvil tactic is the Afghan army was supposed to cut them off from one direction and the Americans were supposed to push into them and just kill everybody so they couldn't fucking escape. Yeah.

They thought there was like 200 Taliban in the valley. Turns out there was like a thousand. And they had like artillery and mortars. They had a lot of shit. So the 10th Mountain lands in and just starts getting hit like from all directions. The Afghans being the Afghans abandoned the mission because they're cowards. Sorry.

Sorry, I'm just gonna call a spade a spade. And it's really weird. You see any other military in history experience something like that. They're like, we need to evac. We need to get the fuck out of here now. And the 10th Mountain was like, we're digging in and we're gonna kill them. They dropped so much ordinance. The topography of the Chi-Cot River Valley changed like crazy.

200 missions a day for 17 days straight. That was in one of the documentaries, wasn't it? I believe. I don't know if Operation Anaconda was in one. I don't remember. Just updating a topography map. It's like, wow, those don't go as high. There's also new craters everywhere. You're dropping like 500 pound J dams. Apparently they were carpet bombing with B-52s as well. Holy shit. They were getting ordnance. They were...

Putting in work. That's like the epitome of target-rich environment. That's what that is. Like, shooting all directions. Good. Just, like, it's wild. So how'd that end up playing out? Eventually, they gained fire superiority, and they started bounding up, and the Afghans came back, and some of the Al-Qaeda abandoned, like, they left, but most of the valley was completely wiped the f*** out. Like, all the caves were closed. Like, they had nothing left. They wiped out a shit ton of Taliban.

bomb them up. How much time did you spend in Afghanistan? I was there 2010 and 2011. So from June, July, 2010 to June, 2011, I did 11 months. Okay. That's when Iraq, Afghanistan was more popping off because Iraq war has been on the decline and then was

It was in 2014, I think ISIS started 12 to maybe 14. Yeah, I was part of that big push that President Obama wanted to do to finish the war in Afghanistan. So they just, like there was nowhere for us to stay. We just showed up and they're like, we're going to put a cop there. So we're like living in a school for like a week while the CBs are putting together a cop for us. Yeah, we did that a lot. I lived in an Afghan dude's house for seven months. Yeah, the video is on YouTube. You can look up Afghan cribs. Yeah.

I made a video called it's on YouTube. Welcome to my crib. Right here. This is where 30 guys sleep. We all shit here. This is my sugar daddy, Muhammad. Dude, I love it. Yeah.

In the video, like I'm walking through like pointing different stuff out and you see like a Bunsen burner on top of a propane tank. And literally four inches away is a bandolier of 40 millimeter high explosive grenades. Just four inches to the right. And I'm like, yeah, well, this is what it is. Right here we got on top kitchen. Grenades right behind it. And it's veterans. It's soldiers in war doing that video.

It was a good time, man. That was home for a while, man. Like we'd be sitting there and because we had no running water, no electricity, our bathroom was a hole in the ground. But like every three or four months for like an hour and a half, we would get electricity. Like we'd all be just chilling out playing cards with like, you know, a Bunsen burner or something. And all of a sudden there was a light in the compound that would come on and we'd be like, and just everyone scrambles to the chargers to like charge your cameras and your laptops and just try and charge everything. It's like, ah.

God, I don't miss it at all. Period. Ever. I'm glad that face is over, especially at my age. I'm like, nah. What I tell, it's interesting because I did that before I came over to ADA and a lot of my ADA soldiers, they're like, I wish I had those same experiences as you. The way I look at it is I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world, but

But I also don't wish him on my worst enemy. Like it was, you know, experiences may vary depending on where you are in the world at what time of the, you know, history. But yeah, you're thankful for it. You can learn from it without wanting to relive it. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody's like, you want to go back to Afghanistan? Nope. Like it's, it sucks though, because like, even for you as an Iraq war vet, um,

You see like World War II vets and Vietnam vets and they like take them back and they, you know, hey, we had an OP set up there and they're like pointing shit out. And we'll never be able to do that. Yeah, good. That'll never happen. For one, they landed in the first world country. There's a Starbucks on the corner of Normandy now. Like...

Dude, I will say what is wild. There's that. I forget the guy's name. He goes around and eat food. He has like the iron stomach. He goes to like even India. He ate everything that is offered to him on the street foods. He will eat it. Really cool YouTube channel. But he's like, he gets deathly ill sometimes. He voted Iraq and then watching his Iraq video because he went as of like a year ago to visit Iraq and interact with the people. Yeah.

And eat the food. And he put them as like some of the kindest people he's ever met. And then you see them like offering their shirt off the back because you did have Iraqis that would take care of you. And you showed up to their property. They like offer you tea and everything. And you're on edge because you're like, I don't know if he's playing. What side he's playing? Like blah, blah, blah.

Is he luring me in versus is he being nice? Yeah. And the dude, some of those dudes that were like the kindest people, you'd be like, they're like, no, neighborhood is good. Mr. Mr. It's all good. And you look, look outside and there's like 18 craters. We have a definition, a different definition of good, but I'm gonna listen to you. Like they offer you chai out. Like the ones that did drink the story, the Griff told the other day where he's just like the, the guy he was in with that ran the, the bed and breakfast, the coffee shop or whatever. He's like,

sir, you might want to stay for your coffee for an extra hour or so. And then he heard an IED go off right outside. Yeah. He's like, oh, you're good. Yeah. And that's the thing. We're going back there. It's watching that dude go back there. He's like, man, these people are amazing. You're going to eat the food versus when we were there. It's just like,

Like, ah, the fear of walking on that street. If you just dropped me off, I was like, like instant spike on. Every pile of trash makes you have a heart attack. You sound like a former Detroit police officer talking about going back for the pizza. You know what's funny is my brother is a cop in Detroit. This is very familiar. He's only had to get administrative leave once when he fired his weapon. Oh, really? Yeah.

I don't even know the circumstances of what exactly happened, but he like called my mom and was like, yeah, I got into a shootout. They got me on administrative leave for a couple of days until they figure out what the hell's going on. I guess, I guess every time an officer shoots in that department, like IA has to, I don't know, maybe you would know, like similar to every police force, do they have to investigate? It depends on the department, the agency and everything, man. Like sometimes you have a civilian oversight board that can decide whether you're shooting is good or not, which is weird.

Weird because they've never been cops before. So people who have no experience get to decide if you did the right thing. Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. That's dope. That's another reason Chicago has gone down hills because they have a civilian oversight board. That's insane. That's why cops in Chicago just like, they just fucking stay out of it now. They stop policing because it is that. They stop policing, dude. I mean, Cody has a good, I mean, you're going to know that best, but the idea of somebody telling you your job, it's no different than the rules of engagement or

Yeah. When it's like I've had weapons pointed at me and you're like, oh, they're not shooting, so I'm fine. Yeah. And I had to like program that in my mind. They're allowed to do this. That's hostile intent, not hostile acts. Yeah. And until they shoot, I cannot react or anything. I love that they made that such a big point of like Black Hawk Down. Where they talked about how bullshit the rules were. It wasn't an action movie. They made the point to say how bullshit it was.

The rules of engagement were in like, oh, well, the Clinton administration and their infinite wisdom has decided not to give us air support, not to give us anything for this mission. So good luck, boys. Yeah. And then it's like, oh, they're shooting at us. No, it's still a whiz.

Okay, now they're shooting at us because that sounded for there is a giant 800 skinnies with AKs coming out of the middle of the street. Not great. This or not, but they're not because they weren't getting fired at. You cannot fire back. I've been in many situations and you're just like, ah, I still get emotional. I still get emotional when I see Randall or Randall and sugar. Was it?

sugar uh gordon and or no randall sugar and the delta boy yeah the delta guys and that that whole like last stand they had like fuck man two landing and be like they're like you know that this means there's no support coming it's like yep we're good and then they're still like nope drop us off i'm like are you we need you to confirm over radio that you understand what you're placing yourself into we understand both of them but i will say their kdr is pretty

they ran out of ammo before they went fucking down so like their kill death ratio is and they did say one guy yeah that's what's crazy they saved one individual from that they ended up yeah they ended up finding was that michael durant was the name of the pilot they ended up finding him he had a broken back and some other got him set up mp5 if that's how that played out and then or that's how and michael uh talks about it's like mp5 and like i

protect ran out and then they just took him hostage one of my friends growing up his dad was one of the pilots during that operation that's that's man he had some fucking stories yeah dude it's wild like that mini bird would just well i think it was like 2 000 or 10 000 dead

We lost 20 or 22 American soldiers. Let's consult the nightmare. Consult the nightmare. 18 or 22. That's also like 75th. 75th is used to just... You hand them a shit sandwich and they're going to make it into a three-course meal. 75th, that's what they're built for. Point New Hawk is a perfect example of this. A surgical hammer is what they're called. As we said, it's like surgical hammers. Yeah.

So Battle of Mogadishu, 1993. American casualties and losses, 18 killed, 84 wounded. Okay. Enemy side, 200 killed, 700 wounded per Red Cross. 315 killed, including 133 SNA troops, 812 wounded per SNA. Other estimates, 300 to 700 killed.

that's a pretty good kill death ratio. I'm telling you, that's,

75th is there to put in work. They're not there to fucking play. When I came to Fort Carson, I can't remember the guy's name. If you guys remember his name, please let me know. It wasn't actually featured in the movie. He came down to Fort Carson and spoke to a bunch of us in an auditorium. Apparently, he was in Mogadishu and got separated from his unit and ran out of ammo and was going building to building trying to get back to his guys and apparently offed five or seven dudes with an E-tool.

Like, yeah. I don't know who this guy was, but it wasn't in the movie, and this guy was like, yeah, that's just what happened. He's like, I ran black on ammo, pulled out the E-tool, and I just started chopping my way back to my fucking guys. Chopped my way back. That's such a cool thing to say. Dude, that's just such a crazy thing to say off the cuff. Yeah. Just the action to be like, black on ammo.

we're putting the handle park of the tool on bolts like this so he's just like got it and the next guy's like hello just cracking i love that mindset of like obviously next step that's i i i don't know like i've never gotten formal like e-tool weapons training but does the 75th get e-tool weapons training like

I've fucked with bayonets in basic training and shit, but no one's ever been like, alright, you're gonna thwap this right in their coconut and kick them in the nuts. I have no idea. That's when your caveman brain kicks in. You're like, big object. What makes the grass grow? Blood, blood, blood grows hard and you have to do those dumps. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather knew how to do this, so we're gonna put this in the DNA. Okay.

Dude, that's like what was my biggest fear is like getting lost from your element and being by yourself at that time. Well, that would terrify the fuck out of me. Like,

I can't imagine that. I imagine you're just like, oh, anyone around me wants to kill me now. Like you have no idea and you had to make it back to your unit in the midst of gunfire and war and you have an E-tool. That's terrifying, but it's also probably the exact amount of adrenaline you need to cleave five people with an E-tool. Yeah. That's not even understanding your own strength. I guarantee that first thing you're like, oh!

Swing full force, like the head's like chopped. Just took a chunk of the skull off. Also, they're like 95 pounds. Yeah, that's fair.

Four died by heart attacks. Can you imagine, like, you go to your house and there's just, like, hacked up dead bodies and there's some just blood-covered American with a shovel just, like, all right, I'm going to leave. Open the door. Close the door. Yep. See you later. This is your house now? You walk in and then walk out and got it and drop it. Were none of those open? No.

These two weren't. Nice. And the two, they're empty. Party foul averted. Oh, Brandon, you ran into an issue today. Ooh, which part? Do you want to talk about that? Which part? Your shop flooding. Oh, God. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I wasn't going to talk about it, but I can. Like, it's, you know, really minor issue considering what we talked about today on the podcast. Fuck me. But yeah, no, the shop got flooded.

I mean, it's awesome not in minor. Yeah, we came back over the weekend. Our AC had a bunch of issues, and we just came into floor soup.

As it melted all the ceiling tiles and it just spilled out all over the goddamn floor. So I've been dealing with that. Was it just like one leak or do you even know? Or was it like the whole roof is fucked? I think it's the rocker switch or whatever is like the shutoff switch for the drip pan that turns off the AC unit if it's flooding. But the guns are okay, right? The guns are okay. Don't get me wrong. Yes, the guns are fine.

I would like to see the baby. Yeah, everything's good. But yeah, no, we, uh, we had floor soup when we walked in and, uh, yeah. So we had a tech come out and unfortunately I hope he's okay. It seems like he's okay. Uh,

He fell off the ladder. I'm sorry. But are the guns okay? The guns and the tech are okay. He apparently had to get taken away by EMS. He was bad. He fell, fell. How far did he fall? He wasn't on the roof or anything. He was just up in the ceiling. So thank fuck he didn't fall on asphalt or anything. What, did it slip? Don't know. I just get that phone call. I'm like...

Hello? I have like eight things going wrong in one particular day, and then I just get that call. I'm like, great. It's, yeah, okay. He was like a licensed, you know, guy, right? Who has insurance? Luckily, I don't own his AC company, and I don't own the building. I rent, so I'm good. All right. Yeah. Brad, that's right. I need you to sign this, sir. It just says, I don't own this. But I'm like, it's still, like, it sucks, but it's like, ah, well, whatever.

God dang. She'll have them on the next episode. The joys of people are like, oh, well, wow, you look so much older than how old you really are. I'm like, yeah, the joys of business ownership. Fucking stress. Fucking awesome. Thank you for that. Wow, you look so much older than your age. I don't know how to take that. I don't appreciate it, though.

I just got my first gray pube, so we're there. Years ago for me. I'm picking them out of the beard. Oh, fuck. Old gray bush over here. Old gray bush. Gandalf the gay. Gandalf the gay. My gray bush. I was kind of hoping the baldness would work its way down. My white pubes. That's called DHT, brother. Sorry, you're stuck with that for life. Oh, damn.

How wise are you? You killed Balrog, now you have white boobs.

Only my pubes turned white. Well, that won't be a problem with Manscaped that Chase just put in right now. Oh, we don't have that? Well, fuck me. I have tried to underhand. We're just starting using shouting out code. I've tried underhanding so many ads and they never work out. Like, never once. Even better. What are the betting odds on that? Brought to you by Underdog. Which we also don't have.

Maybe. Just having fun. We're just guessing. Let me tell you about this one betting website that used to code Donut at. I'm not cool enough to have promo codes. Yet. Yet. We're getting there. You will be. As long as you come and subscribe to Habitual Line Crosser. Come and then subscribe. Yes. Come and then subscribe. Dude, you guys, you got to hang out with Posty. Do you want to talk about that?

We don't have to. Oh, you guys got to hang out. Dude, he would have been the coolest guest to have on this fucking podcast, man. Well, yeah. Not the other thing. No, that's why it's just the Posty night. You guys got to hang out with Mr. Posty. How does that happen? He just hit you up one day, I think, on Instagram. Yeah. Yeah, Posty hit me up. And he's like, hey, dude, been watching you and Brandon's content for a while. You guys want to come hang out in Austin?

Am I going to say no to that? We would just randomly start talking to him at like 3 o'clock in the morning. You'd hit me up. You're like, hey, dude, Posty wants to FaceTime. Like,

I'm up. Dude, that's so cool. This is the thing. I'm not a huge fan of rap music in general. You know, teach their own. But I see the way he interacts with fans and everybody else, and he seems like just a genuine human. Dude, he is a sweetheart. The famous person that doesn't realize he's famous. That's awesome. Best way to describe him. He's like, I'm famous. What? Thank you. He realizes it. He just doesn't care. No, he's just so thankful for...

just on stage that's like the watching that show and then how he presents himself to his audience how much he truly cares it's fucking mind-blowing like that for the live show that motivated me for our own shit because i'm like that is a performer and that is that's the level that we should be at that is how you thank your audience that's how you present yourself to your audience is so awesome in between every single song he would stop and be like i've

love you guys so much i love everyone that's here and i appreciate everything you guys are doing for me like between every time every single ladies and gentlemen thank you so fucking much like that was everything like you and it wasn't just like thank you guys appreciate it it was like you could tell like he was like a couple times he's almost like choking up talking about it it's like he's just hearing this crowd response he's like thank you so much awesome and he's also a big gun guy so i mean that's right up y'all's alley he is an autistic gun guy really yeah dude he is a gun guy

Like, study level? Yeah. He was naming calibers I'd never heard of. That's awesome. Dead fucking serious. That happened. I peaced out of that conversation because he's talking to Brandon, and I'm like, I have no idea what he's talking about. Brandon was trying to keep up with him. We were also hammered. Very helpful. Very helpful. Straight up, like, the guy, one of the first conversations we had, he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you like gun shit? Here you go. And he shows me the picture of his AWP.

I'm like, what the fuck? I'm like, oh, you're in this to win this. Like, you're actually a gun guy. But no, he's just super rad, super chill. Everything you think you know on that degree. Like, yeah. Dude, that guy, like he, you know, what's funny is I think it was like two podcasts ago. I think it was you asking, like, who would you like to see on this podcast? I think you were just asking the cameras. And I was like,

man post malone like that dude would be awesome like he just he seems like he just wants to hang out like drink and just be chill with people definitely yeah we we hung out until like i think seven in the morning yeah we got back to the hotel yeah it was a good time man it was it was it was super chill environment like we went to the vip thing there was like 30 people there

And security came around like two in the morning, three in the morning. They're like, hey, everyone, you got to leave now. You got to leave now. Post is like, no, Brandon and Cody are staying.

And so we sat around with like maybe eight or nine people in a circle with us and the girls, his close friends, stuff like that. Yeah. And, and they, like, they threw on the DJ. There was from like country music rock and posted to sing in all the, like all this early nineties country music. We got to hear his voice sing that country music. We're like, this is another show. This is awesome. We were just all like, it was like an invisible campfire. We were just geeking out the whole time. DJ.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you were there, too. You got groped by him. Yeah. I'm so jealous. Why don't we get that? More of Post Malone.

grown men and less of Harvey Weinstein. Bring what we want. Fuck it. You hear me, Post? Less ditty parties, more posty parties.

I mean, it was rad, man. I'm so jealous, but I'm so happy for you guys at the same time. That's awesome. It's just good to actually know, like behind the scenes, he's the same fucking guy. That's dude. That's for sure. A hundred percent. I did do it. I will say, I love that musicians that, that are talented at that level. Cause that's what I'm washing up.

Does the same thing. They just sing. And it's beautiful to hear. You're like, I'm getting a private show with these pipes right here. And it is absolutely just astounding. You're just like, wow, okay, well. They're singing. It was just surreal because it really did feel like just hanging out with the boys. Because, I mean, it was like 3 o'clock in the morning. We're all just hammering.

hammered singing 90s country music around an invisible bonfire. It was like one of my favorite memories now. That was pretty cool. I think the closest I ever got to that is I repaired Tech N9ne's van years ago. I was like 17 years old. He came to Denver and my buddy Ray, I don't really talk to Ray no more, but anyways, Ray was opening for Tech N9ne and he called me and my dad was like a junk dealer. I mean, he has just a whole bunch of shit in our like huge acre lot. And he was like, hey man, you got a mirror? And I was like, yeah.

Yeah. What kind of mirror? He's like, well, like this, like takes a picture of a van that was like sideswiped in the mirrors ripped off. Like when it was a truck mirrors, I was like, yeah, let's do it. No problem, dude. And he's like, all right, I'm coming to get you. We went there. Look, I'll be honest with you. I had no idea what tech night looked like. I was like, there was like black dudes everywhere. And I was like, which one's tech night? Like, I'm sorry, man. Like I'd listened to him before, but I had no idea who the fuck he was.

What are you insinuating? Yeah, I'm sorry, man. I just jammed out to the music, bro. This dude came in. He was like six foot a thousand, like 700 pounds, enormous black dude. And apparently the backstage pass was like a sticker. And.

and gave me like the sticker and I repaired the van. And then he turned around and in his back was Tech N9ne. Tech is not very tall. He's not a big dude. He was like, I mean, I want to say he's like 5'7", 5'9". Like he's not a very big dude, but he's super thankful, super nice. He's like, you drink free, everything you want all night. I was like 17. I was like, fucking cool. Let's do it, dude. That's right. Like, that was awesome, bro. But yeah, that was the closest I've ever gotten anything like that. I never, I'm so jealous of you guys, but at the same time, I'm excited because the closest thing

Other than that, I've got two of my own personal concert. It was a homeless person screaming at the top of their lungs at like a street sign while I was waiting on a train. Sounds like Austin. We had to experience that a little bit. Oh yeah. God. It was, it was dude. That was funny. We walked backstage and your girl's like Rogan's behind us. Oh yeah. Yeah.

Because I was like, we were looking at him from far away. We were like, it might be Joe. Like the physique and everything like that. Yeah, it kind of looks like Joe Rogan. But like the last thing we want to do is like go to a VIP and just start bugging people. Hey man, picture? Yeah. Yeah.

but I'm sure literally our first interaction is I asked for a picture with you. Well, I fucking like, you know, we're in the same industry. Like I, I like, you know, I love you now. Thank you. But no, I like legitimately, it was just kind of weird. Cause it's like, as soon as I heard the voice, I'm like, Oh, that's Joe Rogan. What do, how do I act on this? I don't know what to do with my hands. When he first saw us, he's talking to everyone up there.

And he sees... Did you see when he noticed us? He saw us and he goes... No, I didn't see that. Wait, oh, what post? Posted that. Oh, I thought you were talking about Joe Rogan. No, no, no. He does this and looks at me. Yeah, okay, that I do remember. Like, no, I don't remember when Joe Rogan acted like a... No. What?

No, it was kind of funny because I didn't know if we were impeding on anything. Yeah, because we were trying to stay in our own little corner with everyone. There was a bunch of people out there. We were just like, we'll stay to ourselves and not run over and try to get a picture or anything. That's a wonderful time to be alive, though, that YouTubers are rubbing elbows with musicians. I mean, Joe Rogan, he's also...

I mean, he's a podcaster. I don't, but he started out as TV. I don't know where you would put it. He's a Jack of all trades. He's all over the place. Like each thing he does is just this touching gold and being at that spot of number one where you're like, Joe, we're coming for you. That's the goal. At least here, if we get two or the top five, we get put on seven, the top five,

I'm happy. Which, by the way, please rate us highly on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts. That really helps us a lot. Literally just reviews and five stars. If not, Eli and Brandon and Cody have all told me I cannot come back. Yeah, see? That's true. So if you want more misceltism, you got to fucking rate us high. If you want Northrop Grumman to assassinate us, don't. We're not going to have it. Well, I mean, for context, though, Posty is like 29.

Yeah. He said it on stage. He said he recently had a birthday or was it his birthday or something like that? I think he was just saying his age. I don't know. Cause the one time he was like, so I'm as a, like I'm 29 today and everybody thought it was his birthday. So I started singing. He's like, I didn't turn 29 today. As of today. That's a bad verbiage. Okay. Here it is.

Dude, I just love people. My thing is he grew up around YouTubers. He grew up in our... I mean, I'm fucking 28. So it's... Okay, no, you're older than me. I was going to say, I'm not the oldest person here, right? No, that's me. How old are you? I'm 37. Okay, yeah. I'm actually second youngest. I'm 34. Yeah, dude, it's a new wave too. I mean, you're looking at people...

when YouTube started up until like 2016, 17, everyone was watching YouTube videos on mobile. That was 95% of content of YouTube was consumed on mobiles. And now we're in this direction where it's like, like pre COVID 50, 50 is now like you have TV for long form. People are like pulling it up. I watch now like, but,

pop a meat or what a lot of those things on tv when we're eating now exactly that's your back that's your background music when you're just like cleaning or like cooking food or something you listen to our friends on the fucking tv and we never do think about that we went from computers you'd only watch it on a computer crazy idea to watch on a phone then it went strictly mobile and then you started targeting immobile and then guys remember this crazy time vertical you were called a retard if you felt vertical yeah like for the long time it's like you

- Idiot, you piece of shit. Why would you film vertical? And then that took off because of TikTok. - I was like, I don't want to talk about my vertical videos.

And now you're horizontal though. Now I'm horizontal. Yes. Yes. And now we're like, then now it's, it's, we're consumed on TV, which is a wild thing. People like put on you, you, the podcast for two hours and they're just like, it's the new TV. Like, cause you get to actually choose what you like. And it's aging up. Like our, our parents are now watching YouTube TV. Yeah. Well, I mean, the other thing is, it was also really strange to me. Cause like, you know, I, I started out with Tik TOK and, you know, Instagram reels and all sorts of, and

And then I got into YouTube and I was still doing the vertical and this beautiful human over here, I was, I was like a 90% solution. And then he's like, have you tried this? And I was like, fuck, let's do that. And now it works. So now we got the horizontal. And I remember after I posted the first video, I was so frustrated.

nervous to post that first video i didn't want to tell you i didn't want to tell anybody i was so like i was like it's a longer than i normally make i hope it's funny enough like i hope they enjoy the characters like i was and it wasn't and you failed immediately yeah of course and it fucking crushed and then i remember somebody like tagged me on twitter they had it on their like 65 inch tv and it was one of my characters and i was like

Dude, that felt so good. Like that was such a cool feeling. I was just like, God, that's awesome that I get to make people that happy. And which, can we talk about it now? Yeah. Where can people now find you? Oh, are we talking about that? Should I say it? I'm just, obviously we're not going to ask a second question.

I have an exclusive series along with all of my other long form videos coming to Pepperbox. And probably by the time this airs, it'll be there, won't it? Yeah. It's already on Pepperbox. We got you in the long form. Now you're tackling...

I love that once it's always, it's tight for Nick's. It's like long form. Once you taste the long form and then you're like, well, fuck the short. Yeah, it is like instantly. You're just like, boom, boom, boom, boom. I started like, and I got a little bit faster at it. And like, that's, I mean, ultimately it's, it's, it's time. Like that's, that's what I mean. If even with you guys, it's time. Cause like you all have editors and stuff like that. And I was like, I'm one of those, I have such a tism. I want to do it myself before I tell anybody else. And I think that Eli appreciates that.

And I like, I started figuring it out and I started getting faster at it. And I'm like, okay, now I can coach someone else how to do this. Once it starts doing well for me, it's free up more of my time. So that way I can do something else and create more. And like, but right now the army, Jesus.

Uncle Sam sucks. My asshole's all callous. It's all just... It's like my knuckles. It's just my knuckles. It's like elbow skin down there. If I were to skydive naked, I would whistle. Okay, let's pretend I'm like... Dude.

Does your new shirt do butthole callus? It's a metal. Yeah, just a butthole callus. I don't feel anything back there. That's what's... Oh, man.

The green weenie rarely comes lubed. Oh, dude, it never comes lubed. I'll be sitting there, minding my own business, answering emails, and here comes Uncle Sam with that fucking schlonger just bouncing around the fucking corner like, God damn it! I've never met somebody who's like, you know what? It's like Slenderman. It's just Uncle Sam. It's just Uncle Sam. It's like a cryptic Uncle Sam. A cryptic Uncle Sam in the woods in his pinstripe red and white suit.

Just General Millie. Just peeking out from trees. You'll see a silhouette of rolled sleeves and a top hat with a baseball bat hanging between his legs.

Fuck. We're going to have to get Nick crypted to fight Uncle Sam crypted, dude. Oh, God. Let him retire. Did you hear about Nick's crypted? No. Oh, God. Go on, Cuddy. Oh, no. So imagine.

Nick, going through the woods with just a wife beater on and nothing, like no pants, no underwear or anything. Full Winnie the Pooh. Yeah, just chasing you through the woods. Just shirt cocking it off. Winnie pooing it. Oh my God. I love like when women do that, it's like a flag over a conquered castle wearing your shirt. When men do it, it's like you're just a gay wizard.

I love the two images side by side. It's like cartoon drawings. It's like gay wizard, conquered castle, both inappropriate.

Like, holy shit. Well, brother, we're going to go to the after show. If you're down, everyone got 10 minutes. Of course I got 10 minutes. Let's close this bitch out. Cody. Thank you guys so much for joining the unsubscribed podcast. I was joined today by Eli Double Tap, habitual line crosser, Brandon Herrera, myself, Donovan. Please.

Please check out the Unsubscribe After Show on Patreon. We'll see you in a bit. Love you guys. Love you. Where do we find you? has a link to all of everywhere if you want to watch me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and now Pepperbox. Ding! Love you guys. See you in a few.

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