cover of episode 186 - Squirrel Murder, Veterans Day & World War 3 ft. HLC & Chris Cappy | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 186

186 - Squirrel Murder, Veterans Day & World War 3 ft. HLC & Chris Cappy | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 186

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#political discourse#geopolitical conflict#historical political intrigue#world war ii People
Brandon Herrera
Donut Operator
Eli Double Tap
Unsub播客拥有一个非常棒的听众社区,他们积极参与慈善捐款活动,已经筹集到4万美元,目标是20万美元。所有商品的全部或部分利润将捐赠给慈善机构。节目主持人对听众的积极参与表示感谢,并宣布了即将开始的播客巡演,其中San Diego站的票即将售罄。

Deep Dive

The episode kicks off with a discussion about Veterans Day and the best weapons for a zombie apocalypse.
  • Raised $40,000 for donation, aiming to hit $200,000.
  • 100% of profits from merchandise go to nonprofits.

Shownotes Transcript


Surprise, it's Veterans Day. What would be your ultimate zombie gun? Wait, there's Mexicans hiding in the water? How you doing? Hi there, I'm good. I want to know what race you are. I want to call you a slur. Whatever you're at in this video, just know that there's 20 minutes of missing redacted footage we legally cannot show you. This is the best podcast I've ever been on, man. Oh, Veterans Day. Oh, man, it's so good.

What? Holy crap. First off, this is hands down one of the best communities anyone could ask for. We have already raised $40,000 to donate. We're going to hit 200,000. I truly believe we're going to hit 200,000. So that is, clap. That is for all you out there, you amazing humans.

Just to reiterate, 100% of profit made on these, all of it is going back to these nonprofits. And everything else on our store, a percentage is also going towards those nonprofits. We are going to change so many freaking lives, and I am so freaking stoked.

You all are amazing. Thank you so damn much for everything you do. All of you out there, from Patreon to Reddit to YouTube, this community as a whole is amazing and we are truly blessed to have y'all part of it. Also this week, we are going on tour. So go check out tickets if you haven't.

Actually, San Diego might be the only one with like very limited tickets left. So go purchase some if you wanna come hang out. Everyone else, thank you so fricking much. We are so excited to meet each and every one of you. Can't wait for this tour to start. Cheers everyone. Double salute, love ya. - Ready? - Three, two, one. - So over me. - Oh, mine didn't even crack all the way. Hold on, I got it.

That scares me. I'm so wet. No, please don't. I need a tourniquet. Soaked. Cody? Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribe podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Double Tap, habitual line crosser, Chris Cappy with Task and Purpose, Brandon Herrera, and myself, Donut Operator. Thank you for tuning in. What's up, bitches? Happy Veterans Day.

Is this the Veterans Day episode? Yeah. Oh, fuck yeah. That's awesome. Oh. Happy Veterans Day. I'm glad that we're all veterans here. Yeah, everybody. I can't believe every single one of us is. Some more decorated than others. You just got a purple heart. Shut the fuck up. He's got two of them. A double. I wasn't supposed to be on this episode. I wasn't supposed to be on this episode. We all serve in different ways. How did you fucking...

convince me to go on two of these this is a trap door I wasn't told trap bitch is better than snack who was that it was Andy Andy Stumpf I think

Oh, yes, who was arguing? Yeah, it was on Twitter. Somebody was just like, oh, you should have double Purple Heart recipient Brandon Herrera on the podcast, blah, blah, blah. And he just replies, dead serious, what the fuck is a double Purple Heart recipient? And I'm like, guys, this is going too far. You have jumped the shark, and this is now becoming a problem.

So what did the last AI say you had? It said you had two purple hearts. I don't know, man. I think I saw a Legion of Merit in there as well. I think it probably is best at this point to just double down on it. Just actually steal Valor? Yes. Take all of the Valor. You like the fucking AI picture? No, it's pretty bad.

Oh yeah, dude. Chat GTP when it makes images of him. One of these days you'll know how to say GPT. GPT. You do it a different way every time. It's one of my favorite bits. PGT. Chat GPT. TTT. Chat TBI. It gives him dog tags no matter what. That's awesome. I love it so much. I never even wore dog tags. That's how you know it's fake. Because mine were in my boot.

Oh, no. Because if you get blown, that's... They want to know whose leg belongs to... Yep. Yep. That's actually true. We knew ours on the belt loop into the back pocket because if they get caught in any of the moving parts on the system, it'll like... And you're dead. It'll pull you in. Yeah. That was... Well, funny you say that because that was one of my favorite parts of... I think when Trump dropped the first Moab...

They're in Afghanistan. That was what they said. Judging off the pieces we found, it was approximately 126 people. I love it. Do what? There's a lot of paste. There's a lot of paste. Dude. It's like we've got 87 legs, 42 arms. What the fuck? What does Nick say? Like the US is the best at bad guy to baloney medicine or something like that? Yeah.

I mean, that makes sense. I helped call in an airstrike once. And the 30 mic mic from the AH-64 just turns them into pieces. And then one of the squads had to go out and pick those people up. And that's probably how that kind of number gets determined. They're like, we got this many legs.

We identified a dude by cutting his hand off, putting him in the hide system. Happy Veterans Day! Yeah! Hey! I found 76,000 pounds of bad guys. Based on the head and neck. You're measuring them in poundage? Yeah. But how many of them? Divided by 85 pounds apiece. Depends on how much they weigh. We'll do an average. This is fucking...

Yeah, it's VETERSDAY so we all get a... This is the big one put together. Should be... Everyone's already... Thank you for buying so many t-shirts. Holy shit. We got those numbers just as I was in the bathroom.

Y'all are kicking ass and taking names already. Yeah. Oh, we just announced that like today. Yeah. Like a couple of hours ago. I think we raised like $110,000 for autism charity. I did see that one. That was fucking amazing. I would love to, if we can smash that, a good goal would be to double that. I would love to see us do that. Cause we're working with some great veteran charities this month. Dude, I'm so excited. And just all, all across the board, you have all these amazing stories and then all the individuals that are coming, like even you guys just coming, uh,

Thank you for coming. I was like, I am bringing my share of autism to this, so... And I mean that. What flavor of autism does everyone here have? The retarded. Every video is about the military for some reason. I cannot figure out why. Military-tism, missile-tism, gun-tism.

Policedism? Brutality. That's called a kink. Play that level of Quake. I have the ism, guys. Autism? No, racism. It's like, no, Cody, no! Oh my, everyone fucks it up.

There's an ism. We've been called it. You do this. I do this. Those videos. He slowly lowers out of frame. He's like, oh, I'm sharing Cody's frame. How you doing, Chris? It's like, uh-oh.

oh yeah we can talk about that where that was yeah what you guys both of you shut the up and just let me roll with it both on paper box now we uh these are the new content creators for this amazing adventure that we are slowly figuring out as we go 700 videos holy no oh my god doctor

Doctor? Doctor? Doctor? Well, it is... It's kind of like the new Avengers, where, like, nobody cares, but, like, everybody remembers the old Avengers. It's all the Avengers that show up with, like, special education instead of powers. Yes! Watch out. We're good at it. No, it is... We are weaponized. Can I just say one thing? It is having a streaming service, like, where we have...

Task and Purpose coming aboard. Habitual line crosser. Now we're in this space where, trust us, we did not envision any of that this fast. And now we're here. Legitimately honored to have people like Task and Purpose and Eli on. I was waiting for it. I was like, is he going to? Okay. Well played. Well played. Had to. Sorry. Of course. Dude, it's wild to be there, especially how fast this is.

has... I just... For me, it's...

it's it's a privilege to be with you guys uh you know on that platform and i get it's a it's a good feeling because i get a little bit wider of a left or right limit than i can be as a creator yeah on that because of the the subscription you know requirements and stuff so it's it's really good there's so much crossover like we do those live streams yeah we do those again those are fun it's like people love it when they i get so many comments that people are

People are happy to see you and Ryan and Preston. So I'm stoked. It's wild, and it is a blessing to be able to provide that for everyone out there because it's still – we're learning as we go. The entire team is learning as we go, and now we're in this new territory where no one's been. Jake's like, well, we've had it here, but now we are well past that scale. And we're like, okay, well, now we're just –

Fucking a new territory and we're figuring out as we proceed. But thankfully to all of you, we're just listening back and forth, having those comms. So it's like, okay, what do you all want? Okay, we'll implement that. We'll figure stuff out.

And we are further than probably any of us has imagined at this point and how big we're growing. We're like, holy fuck. Well, it's one of those rare occasions that like actually unknown occasions that so as content creators, we listen to our following. Like that's what we do. You guys want this? Let me implement that. Like we pay attention and

And now you have control. Even when it's negative for your own fucking psyche, you listen to the comments. You listen, yeah. But now you guys, I mean, you're in control of a platform. So you can implement those on a higher level than you ever could before, which is fucking wonderful. So the viewers themselves have more control over the future of that platform than they even probably realize. Yeah. Yeah. Literally.

I don't like how much control they have. Like, fuck the viewers. And on that note, fascism. Fuck the viewers. Sometimes I put out a video and I'm like, you guys should like this. And they don't. And you don't know if you realize you're made to be ruled. What is that free will all about? Fucking love Christmas. Dude, all of us have been in this like, this is gonna kill- died. I hate-

Why? Why didn't you all like what I like? Sons of bitches. I spent so much time. I dive deep into China's intelligence agency and like only 500,000 of you watch it.

Hey, Fat Electrician, Habitual Line Crosser, and myself started a second podcast over on Pepperbox. Kind of consensual. Nick came up with that genius name. It's us reading military stories and reacting to them. Think Creepcast, but with us. It's a lot of laughs. And that will be up Monday on Pepperbox. And we'll have some clips on YouTube, too. I watch Cody's videos, and sometimes I get a little bit of a hard-on. And I don't know if that says something wrong about me. Sounds very military. No, it's, I mean...

It's a good breakdown of a good shot versus a bad shot. Like the circumstances. But then like when I just hear that whack, whack, whack, whack, like the quacking. The quacks of justice. Oh, I love it. It's so good. Yes, there's nothing wrong with that. I love it. Quacks of justice. I do like when you're with the Pepperbox side, when you started uploading the normal, people are like, oh, this does hit different without the quacks of justice and the blurries. It's a bit different now.

Now you see what we see every brunch. We're just like looking at each other and just show each other like fucking snuff films. Like, oh, hey, I'm looking at this for Darwin Awards. Like, oh, well, I'm looking at this police shooting. Does that ever like, how do you say, does that ever weigh on you when you watch that shit? So I make a lot of videos on like the war in Ukraine. And then after a couple of weeks and months of like watching Funker 550, sometimes it'll get to a point where I'm like,

I maybe need to like step away. Does it ever bother you or? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I, I was thinking about quitting at a thousand videos and Eli won't let me. I was like, Oh man,

Oh, yeah, you can quit. Yeah, just step away. This doesn't feel like a good question. You can't. Be ashamed, Cody. Be ashamed. Do not shame. Do not shame on subscribe. For giving us praise. That's exactly how I feel in the military. I've tried putting in my two weeks every day from like the past four years. I mean, dude, it fucking sucks watching that.

it all day because i just want to you know hang out with my kid my girlfriend and be happy right but anytime a cop has shot my videos i take my ad money and i just give it to them so i'm giving cops like 10 grand every single time they get shot my videos so you know just putting goodness into the world and letting that come back to me on top of that like what doesn't help is that like it's one thing to see something and everybody unanimously agrees like oh that's fucked up yeah but whenever there's discourse on twitter where there's

80% of the comment section is retards who know nothing about policing, know nothing about the law, talking about, well, that didn't have to... Jesus Christ. I can only imagine... Yeah, it sucks, man. We had... Oh, fuck. The one that came up this week again. It's the wedding party and they get into a brawl with the cops. I saw that! And the girl's trying to take the cop's gun, actively yanking at it for five seconds. He turns around and cocks her. And they're like, oh, well, he didn't have to do that.

I was like, no, she was trying to take his firearm from him. And he reacted. She pays taxes. Oh, yeah, that's true. That's her gun. I can relate to that because, okay, so I felt like when I was in Iraq, I felt a little bit like I was kind of a cop a bit because I was there during like...

the occupation phase of the of the war wasn't like the invasion phase so every time i would see people talk about anything having to do with the military i'm like you're making a judgment on someone who has to make a decision in like a split second and then now with the benefit of video and everything it's so easy to kind of like monday morning quarterback

what's happening so like i can relate to the the frustration wasn't it like last year they had their first uh ever gun cam like on the long gun and the officer he had a long gun it was the first time it had ever happened it was a officer involved shooting and they had a camera on the the rifle itself it's happened like a year ago i remember reading yeah um the one with the laptop there was a couple shot through there was green no not that one there was a it was a couple years ago uh it was a

Did something, shot at police and the officer had a gun cam on his pistol and he just lit this dude up. That's awesome. Oh, that's right. And the company, we met the company at SHOT Show two years ago and they're like, you're the reason our company is like doing so well right now. Really? Because that was my most watched video of all time. There's like 19 million views. Holy shit.

What's the size of a gun cam on a pistol? It's like gotta be tiny, right? Yeah, it looks like when you mount a flashlight underneath the barrel, it's like that size. It's like a bottom picket to anything, but it automatically records. It's like a GoPro or one of those fucking traffic cams where like 30 seconds on either side of you pulling the trigger. Yeah. Oh, wow. That's pretty cool. Skip this if you hate veterans. Wait, why the fuck did you cut to me?

We're happy to announce that Underdog is going above and beyond their sponsorship obligations to help us help veterans. Underdog is donating $5,000 to our Veteran Charity Month. So if you're looking to put money down on sports or the fights coming up, and you want your money to go towards somebody that supports veterans, try Underdog. And they'll match half your bet up to $500 with code UNSUM, which brings us to the fights.

Mike Tyson, the man, the myth, the legend, is fighting Jake Paul. Yeah, I don't think you have to really say who we're putting money on. It's Tyson. Tyson with the knockout. Iron Mike, baby, you got this. Look, I already got a win on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to another win on Friday. You know what I mean. 200 on Tyson. 200 on Tyson. Bro, you're going down. Go download Underdog and support them because they are supporting now us and a couple of veteran nonprofits. They really didn't have to do that, but we appreciate their support.

Have you seen the meme of the gun cam thing where they had like, they showed like a prototype or whatever it was. Maybe it was just the meme. It was like a revolver that had a, like an old flash photography style camera on the bottom of it. And it was like, oh, things that I've shot at. And it's like spider, deer, furry. Just like a furry doing that. Oh my God.

It's constantly arguing with people online. It's like the dude sitting on his couch who hasn't fucking walked a mile in 10 years and he's watching a UFC fight and he's like, I could have taken that guy. He's saying, well, you should have kicked him here. I would have shot him in the leg. That works really good. I would have shot him in the leg in the round.

It hit a femur. It went through the top. He wants Tom Bleaning. Yeah. It doesn't matter that they have an artery in the leg that easily bleed out from. What? The femoral, that takes a lot of time to bleed out from. Yeah, no, what, a minute? A minute flat or like 40 seconds? 40 seconds. Oh, man, the femoral. I think I talked about it in one of my videos, too. If you hit someone in the femur.

it explodes because there's so much muscle tension on it. It freaking does this. Oh yeah. Even if you break the femur, it doesn't have to be like shot in it. If you were just, you know, I don't know how there's like few ways to break the femur, but I don't know if you find a way to break it. Car accident. Yeah, exactly. Like you are done. Yeah. Cause when it snaps, it pulls, as you're saying, all those muscles are pulled in tight. It's just why a femur or on your, yeah, your femur, when it shatters, it can just slip and go up and then tear the artery. Cause,

Like, aside from the head, I think the second and third most bleedy parts of the body are the hip and the thigh. Yeah. Apparently, I was talking to a medic friend that, like, they're, like, getting shot in the abdomen, not really that scary. Like, you can lose a lot of intestine, and it takes you a while to bleed out. But they're, like, getting shot in the pelvis, get to a hospital. Pelvic bowl. You will die quickly. That's right. I think we were talking about it recently. It's like, you know, any wars that are fought in the future are going to be fought with plate carriers, so you should fucking shoot them in the pelvic bowl. Yeah. Oof.

Yeah, we'll do the trick really quick. The more you know. Yeah, like aiming center mass is a little bit less...

Like, it's protected. I mean, it's still going to fucking rock your world. Like, it's going to hurt. Take the wind out of you. Yeah, it's, I mean. I've seen videos of people, like, with a plate carrier, like, oh, that wasn't as bad, especially with modern tech, because it's not hitting your body. It has that plate and then the Kevlar behind it. We'll just wait until they find out about dick meta. Thank you, Tarkov.

Shot me. My unit we had cockpads as we called them and my buddy would always say that he had the biggest cockpad in the battalion. Did he just get an extra? Extra large just the cockpad. That's fucking hilarious. We hated those things. We still wore it. That is like we wouldn't wear Nick. We wouldn't wear the shoulder like that's stupid. Every dude I knew was like

Yeah, protect the ding-ding. When I was in... I don't know how police are with the protection meta, as you would call it, but when I was in Iraq, they went nuts. It was almost like an overbearing... The government turned into an overbearing parent where...

We had like shoulder pads. The dips and daps? Yes, the dips and the daps. Oh, fuck, dude. I hate it. Everything. We were afraid that somebody might like trip falling out of a striker or something. You know what I'm talking about? Dude, this is – They make Kevlar shoulder pads for your body. You look like a football player. It's stupid. And they went through that. We weren't at – that was during, as you were saying, the occupation or the – not the surge. It was right there. The gay part of the war. Yeah.

Yeah. I had the gay part of the war where it's like, I fired around paperwork and you're like, Oh, this sucks dick. So you, we went to Taji one time, like you mentioned Taji, you lived out in the cops. I was like, Oh,

Where's Tajia in Baghdad? It was like, so it's like 15 kilometers north of Baghdad. And then I lived on a little outpost that was like the size of a football field. Thank God Nick's not here.

What were you saying? Kilometers. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm just talking in communism speak right now. Just for my commie audience out there. Their benefit. But, I mean, that's like... In the military, we talk in terms of clicks and stuff. So...

I don't know how to translate to American speak, but yeah. So the outpost was about the size of like a football field. And then we had another outpost that was a chicken coop that we had converted into a barracks. That sounds very army. Yeah. Like it's your burn. You're burning your shit at that.

You got your JPA. Enjoy the salmonella from the chicken shit. Oh, yeah. A lot of dysentery. Exactly. But I forget what the question was, but that's the answer. We did a call for almost six months in Baghdad. So I always try to explain. I'm like, oh, we got to shower every 20 days or stuff like that. You're burning your shit. It doesn't register to people like that.

that lifestyle though, because it's... Well, my diet was Pop-Tarts and frozen meatball subs. And Rip It. And Rip... And so, happy Veterans Day. I know a lot of you out there are watching right now, and you know what this is. This is a Rip It. And this was what everybody drank on, like, if you had guard... We basically rotated between, it was like eight hours of guard tower duty, and then it was like eight hours of patrols, and then eight hours of you go on raids, and...

And so no weekends off. Yeah. No days off. Days off would suck. Days off would suck. That would be the worst because then you had to like stay busy. But you had to find a way to stay busy. But these rip-its kept me alive. And this is not a sponsorship. This is just I hope like only so I brought a bunch for everyone. But then I thought I was like people are going to feel weird if I take out like five rip-its.

So now there's only one for me, but don't drink if you're pregnant. I was thinking of the other one. It was the wild tiger, I think. Yeah, wild tigers, they'd have those overseas, too. Ribbits are just pure cancer, dude. But boy, do they wake you up. They do the trick. I mean, yeah, you probably have them. The first time you were in Iraq, you had them, right? Oh, fuck off.

what were you saying no i was gonna say chris what was your mos infantry okay so i was national guard infantry was nasty girl infantry so basically like i enlisted thinking that i would hate it and i was like i'll do three years in the guard and just deploy and get out and like that'll be it but i ended up loving it and it ended up being like he likes the sound a man makes when he takes his last breath how many how many appointments you go on just one okay yeah 15 months

nine month. Oh, you lucky. Yeah. And a three month, uh, uh, stateside. So it was like year away from home. But, uh, yeah, no, the guys that we ripped, the guys that were replaced was a 15 month tour. They were the 25th idea out of Hawaii. They were, it was like, you walked into, you know, that movie where everyone's going stir crazy. It's like a horror movie. And they've been in the cabin for 30 months. Is that the crazies?

Yeah, it was like walking into the middle of the crazies and these guys had they'd gone native They got a little bit like is that ways that racist Apocalypse now with the dudes they find the colonel and like everybody's just fucking like okay. Well, that's

that's honestly like every time I've had experience with either 25th ID which is surprising because they're out of Hawaii uh it's 25th is Hawaii right yes and then 173rd now it's now natives getting a little bit more racist those dudes are always like they're so I don't know how to explain it they're so numb to like everything they're just like you guys want to get shot at today

We're going to go over here. Guaranteed, we're going to get shot at. They're just so numb to everything. They're like, don't walk on that road. You'll die. But if you want to, go the f***ing head, dude. 15, 16 months in the same sector does that for real quick. You were second ID, right? Yeah, two ID. My grandpa was second ID. 16 months, and we lived out in a cob for like, hey, you're here. And that is it from four months until I went to Moctadilla. And then that was a new cob.

And then your exact same thing. But they had actually like cook food and everything. And then you have people that lived on base too. But that was for the most part, it was just three months or four months of out in sector rotate every 20 days. We had 20 day rotations back to base for a day and be like, Oh, shower, do everything. And then rotate back out.

so yeah that was when we would go back to the fob taji every 30 days and we would have showers once a week and we would rotate between the different jobs of like qrf guard tower duty and patrol patrol and it was just like a blur of and then also rotate between like this circadian shift of between day and night

um it sucked what a ball you know that's what's interesting like and i can kind of like identify with both you guys because granted i was a 19 kilo at the time but like all we did was walk everywhere we had no tanks in afghanistan so we were circumstantially just running patrols and running tower guard and it's interesting to like when i remember back people like you know is there is there things that like you don't really recall as much and i'm like there's entire days like maybe weeks that i don't remember because i was so fucking exhausted like i've been sitting there before like do we

did we go on a patrol today? And they're like, I think we did. Like, you have no idea where the fuck you went. It's like nobody remembers their Thursday at SHOT Show.

Oh, shooty, shooty, bang, bang. We just talked about this the other day. Shooty, drinky thing. Whatever we call it. Is that going to be our new shirt? The shooty, drinky thing? Yeah. It was that text of just Jake. He was like, when does this end? When does shooty, bang, bang thing end? Shooty, drinky, bang, bang convention. Shooty, drinky, bang, bang. Oh, it's just kind of that thing where you can only get so exhausted. Dude, that is. I'll admit, you know, SHOT Show is entirely self-inflicted, but.

Unless you work there, in which case. And we're working, but we also drink with all the work we do. And gamble. I feel bad for the people that have to man the booths because they're out there with us. Because for them, this is like their party time. They're out there drinking with us until 2 o'clock in the morning. They have to be manning the booths front and center at 6.30 in the morning and do the entire thing until 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock.

And then do it again. I'm like, dude, I don't. I'd rather shit my hands and clap. And the amount of just like extroversion that they have, that they can talk and shake that many hands and like say hi to that many people's.

It's truly impressive. They probably hate us when we do booth appearances. It's probably a relief, I'm hoping, for them. Maybe. Because everyone probably runs to you guys instead of swamping them. I don't know how it feels. I'm going to try this year. I'm going to go. It's your first SHOT Show? It's my first SHOT Show. Oh, shit! Yeah. Popping my SHOT Show shirt.

Welcome to the party, pal. It is a you think you know. It's like, ah, I'll be a dude. Especially the older we get, the harder. Those days are like...

I think this will be my 10th shot show or 11th. That's what I was going to say. Brandon's been doing this since he was 19. Before he could drink legally. Yeah. There's some fun stories about the black rifle stuff back in the day. You're like, oh, oh. I just want to be, I want to do this for a living one day. And like now I'm there, I'm like, oh, homie. You had no idea what was ahead. It's all good stuff. Well, a lot of good stuff. A lot of good stuff. It's a fun time. We get to hang out with everyone. We get to just.

Also not be extroverted if we are forced to that and then we interact with everyone and then we want to die afterwards You like does anybody here consider themselves an extrovert? No, no No, I'm a fucking hermit. Yeah, I I really I thought I was an extrovert until I went to my first and my first big-shot show where I like was popular by any means and then I remember having the conscious thought because it was 2019 I was like man, I think I'm just an introvert with a big battery and

So you can handle, yeah, because that's what they say is that if interacting with a ton of other people like gives you energy, then you're an extrovert. But if it kind of like each interaction just takes a little bit more, then you're an introvert. That's when I realized that wasn't me. But like, don't get me wrong. Like I'm insanely thankful of like all the audience we have and everything. Like it's super cool to make that much of an impact on people's lives. I'm sure you guys all get it.

Every introvert's secret fantasy is the idea of loving being around a lot of people, but just not being able to like... You're like, I wish that was me. Yeah, you're like... When you walk in that bathroom and close the door, it's like, okay. I think I'm dying. Man, Rich has it so nice. Angry cops get so much... Dude, the energy he gets from the crowd versus everyone at the table is like...

Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No one's charging each other. This is bad. Well, this charges us. Yes. Temporarily. That liquid courage, liquid peopling. That's what we'll call it. It's the fun time. Dude, okay. The rippets come in. When Cody started his crazy business of podcasting, you know what he didn't think?

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All lowercase. Go to slash unsubpod now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in. Go to slash unsubpod. Do we talk about you guys were arguing over there for zombies? Oh. So, well, I made the mistake of telling everybody that last night me and the girl were watching World War Z. And I forgot you had your... The movie's better than the book. That's what some say.

I heard Brad Pitt was really onto something. Brad Pitt versus zombies movie. I think it would have been a great movie if they didn't call it world war Z.

Yeah. That's what they basically wanted. They were like, let's make a zombie movie and let's steal this kind of, let's hijack this property just to make it, to glom onto their success. Yeah. Which is wild in this day and age. You'd be like, Hey, let's not do that and come up with something original and then it will do good. Uh, what's it called? Did the same thing. The giant monster movie.

The Pacific Rim? The first one that was handheld. Cloverfield? Oh, Cloverfield, yeah. And then even the last Cloverfield they did, they've done multiple where it was literally a horror movie and they're like, oh, just slap Cloverfield and we'll change the movie. What was that one with the Marines and the aliens came in? I felt that was more like World War Z than the World War Z movie was. You're talking about Battlefield LA? Yes. I felt like Battlefield LA was a pretty good movie. Right, that's what I'm saying. That was more like a World War Z movie.

than World War Z even was. Dude, all they had to do was take World War Z, turn it into a miniseries on HBO or something, and every chapter, that's an episode. Like an anthology. Yeah. Because every chapter is how one individual survived the zombie apocalypse. It's so good the way they jump around like that. I enjoyed the book.

Your arm is World War Z, right? Yeah, my entire sleeve on my left arm is World War Z. So you must have felt like it was an affront when they kind of sacrileged. The movies just kind of tore it apart. Because I feel as though HBO, when they saw how well...

I'm blanking on it. Walking Dead. Yes. No, no, the other one. The video game that they did. The first one was, I thought, very good. Last of Us? Last of Us. I thought the first series was actually pretty damn good. And it was because they basically just took the video game and they copied it. Yeah, and the second one's probably going to suck. The second video game sucked. But that first season was killer. And if they had just done the same thing as World War Z... No, Pedro, don't go golfing.

It's kind of like how the people who made the Borderlands movie could have just taken Borderlands 2 and made it a f***ing movie. Nah, put Kevin Hart in it and make it f***ing lame.

I love Borderlands. I was so fucking let down. Okay, so before I forget, the reason that I brought all that up, and let me just work it into here because I feel like a lot of people probably will know about this, is ConPlan 8888, which in the military, we have these things called ConPlans.

which are it's short for concept plan concept of a plan and they're basically kind of like contingency plans and so the army our tax money we pay a ton of money towards coming we pay bureaucrats to come up with all kinds of just crazy what-if scenarios and legitimately we pay like steve out there and carl to write out what would happen if a zombie attack happened so there is a actual you

plan, con plan, on zombie attack, how to fight a zombie attack. From the government to... I'm almost really quick. It's insane. And the only reason it was released was due to a FOIA request. Freedom of Information Act. Right, correct. For three years, it was secret. So people thought, hey, maybe this is like a disguised plan. Maybe it's a stand-in for like

how to actually do a martial law or like civil uh civil dissent um but it's like pages and pages and it talks about how to put down uh you know basically like a large a virus or you know so it would really do my heart good to know like if they just had like different plans where it's like

Fast movers, slow movers, 28 Days Later style zombies versus Walking Dead zombies. They just have all of those different plans put out. I'll text it to you right now. Do you know? Legitimately, the army points out, okay, here's how you fight fast movers. Here's how you fight slow movers. Here's how the government should respond. Con plan 8888. If you look it up, it's a PDF now because the government had to release it.

How much of it is... But I love his Maltdown videos. So to make it less like... ID88. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, Con... Oh. Yes. So to make it... To get rid of... Like, okay. So the boring idea of it is that it's just... They were... Okay. Your average infantryman does not want to listen to a briefing. And if you put up a bunch of slides about...

Hey, how do we invade Nigeria? That's boring. But if you put up slides on how to fight a zombie apocalypse, that's more exciting. So that's like the boring justification for why they made it. But I'll send it to you guys. It's wild. Well, what pisses me off is I literally just dropped a video, U.S. versus zombies, and I didn't know this existed. So now I, God damn it, I'm going to have to redo that. How much did we spend on that?

It was $38 million to write that up. Listen, I wrote the same thing in seventh grade, all right? Oh, fucking Max Brooks already wrote the thing about zombies. Your money, $38 million of your money went to

a plan to fight zombies. Do you remember what happened in World War Z, how they finally destroyed all the zombies? So what I liked was there was the Battle of New York, right? Or the Battle of Yorktown, Yonkers, which is just north of New York, yeah. And the zombies were like, their bodies were just piling up, and they had the Bradleys, and they had like... That was my favorite. To me, World War Z is all about the fact that how would...

modern military equipment fair against brain dead zombies, which was completely gone from the movie. It didn't work. Yeah. So they were just dropping like bombs and they just ended up being overrun because the more you kill, like just kind of adds to them. But how did it, how did it, I forget exactly how it ended. Okay. So the, the way that they finally like corralled every zombie and they finally were able to clean up the world is

is they got a bunch of like sharp shooters. They taught everyone to shoot for headshots and they had like basic infantry rifles. They had like M14s, like basic shit that will kill something in the brain in one hit. And they would blast like ACDC or they would blast metal music.

And so they would get in a square and just wait for all the zombies to come to the music and they would just pop them. And when you're, when you run out or you're, you're feeling fatigued, you would pass your rifle back to the dude behind you and they would come up. And so they would corral thousands of zombies around them and just destroy them all with headshots. And that's how they eventually solved it. It wasn't like super, uh,

amazing fucking expensive military equipment and just ended up being a dude with a rifle with like a 7.62 in it. It wasn't Brad Pitt. It was just an average infantryman. The thing that is like genius about that book is that they thought of that procedure. They thought of that like he has to pass the rifle to the next guy. Just that like granite level of how do you kill all these zombies was to me

That was the beauty of World War Z. The one thing in the book that really, and it was the only thing that popped into my head when you were talking about how they finally eliminated them. I think it was during the Battle of Yonkers. Might have been one of the other chapters. I love how we're talking about this like it's actual military. Obviously the Battle of Yonkers. We lost a lot of good men. The chaplain.

Going around like there was somebody who was bit reading in their final rights and then just putting a bullet in their head. Like that, dude, that's so fucking... That was one of the chapters too. Dude, that's wild, man. That's how chaplains get PTSD. Hey, you're going to execute people too. It's like, I signed up. What?

Yeah, there's a whole chapter about the chaplain going around and having to do that. Yeah, dude, like that's wild. That was the one thing that popped into my head as soon as you were talking about how they finally finished them off. I was like, how did they? And then I thought, chaplain. I was like, no, he didn't do it. Yeah.

It's a shit job right there. Dude, it's wild. That book, if you guys have never read it, like read it. Something we were talking about before the podcast started. That is fucking Mel Brooks' son who wrote that. Mel Brooks of Spaceballs. Yeah. Blazing Saddles. Blazing Saddles. He did. Wait, did he do that? I did not know that. Did he do it under a different name? No. No, Max Brooks. Max Brooks. Oh, that Brooks. Yeah, no one just connects the dots on that one. He's also, funny story, he's on an episode of Sons of Guns.

Where they do the ultimate zombie survival gun, which they end up being. It's like a Ruger 10-22 inside of a P90 chassis because it's fucking Sons of Guns, whatever. That didn't age well. Yeah, that didn't age well. No, no. What would be your ultimate zombie gun? Ooh.

I actually have a portion to go over everyone's weapon platform. Because you talked about the 416 and everyone taking it over. Let's start off with Brandon. Zombie survival weapon. Alright, Tism touch.

For me personally, like if infinite ammo or everything wasn't an issue, I'd say AK-105. Okay, but... It's my go-to. That is an issue, though, in a zombie apocalypse. What's the round that's most readily available in the United States? I have it like a decked out... You do have to worry about logistics. Decked out AK in 5.56 with quad rails and everything like that. I've got the whole thing. We're actually going to be releasing these guns pretty soon. But I basically built the perfect, in my mind, like American AK...

And so we're building a few of them. You guys are welcome to them if you'd like one. I would. Yeah. If. Scratch if. 14 and a half inch pin weld, fucking suppressor ready, everything like that. That's my gun. I'm now convinced. I'm like zombie apocalypse in the United States. That's what I want. 10.5 inch. I'll take it.

I'll do that just for you. You're going to get picky about a free gun? I don't agree with Brandon. I have a lot of guns. What? I just went to barrel like... What do you want? No, no, I just... Okay, so you're going to have the National Guard, you're going to have the Army, you're going to have the whole military out there dying, dropping weapons everywhere. It's going to be M4 platform.

So a basic AR platform, because you can pick up parts. If your gun breaks down, you can pick up a new one. 5.56 is going to be readily available everywhere. Well, that's what a 5.56 AK. I wouldn't do it with the AK platform, though. It's almost like we have a weapon design warehouse at our disposal.

Famous last words of Brandon's like I got bit! We had a... facility. Don't let me get bit, motherfucker! Now we have a shop we can't use. Oh no! Like, no, just cut his arm off! Now I'm still infected with one arm! Not that one!

We saved him. He has no arms. I love how your zombie apocalypse plan is let me get bit. I'm just talking worst case scenario. Worst case scenario, guys. Yeah, no arms. Little, little left. Bye.

That makes sense, though, because it is like AR, like bolt carriers, all the little shit where you're like, eh. It'll be laying everywhere. Well, I think it also depends on where you're at geographically. In the U.S., of course, AR or M4 style. But I'm just saying, like, let's say me in the military station overseas, the most world common round, 7.62x39, is AK round. And AKs are fucking everywhere because when the Soviet Union collapsed, they sold them to everybody. Yeah.

I guarantee it's the one time we go on a trip together, like the gang does Japan, and that's when that happens. And we're like, mother... Like we're stuck in a country with no guns. Luckily, one of us has already built the guns you can build in Japan. Yay! Chase, show how that turned out.

175 with grape shot. Tally-ho. I think I got to, I mean, I feel like I got to go belt fed though, personally. I think if I'm going to, yeah, if I'm, it depends. So what you said, you made a good point. It's like, okay, geographically is going to matter because are you in like a safe house or are you stuck in Japan? It's going to make a difference. But I feel like if I'm stuck in New Jersey where I'm at, probably want some kind of belt fed. Lots of belt feds in New Jersey. Yeah.

New Jersey is famous for their Belfast. Actually, Picatinny Arsenal. He's like Mark McTeen. Legitimately, yeah. But, so, if I had a choice, I'd probably go... I mean, XM250. The 250 would be dope. Is that the new one? Yeah. It's got the mitigating recoil. 338 Norma?

There's a version of it that's .338 Norma that I got to fire. That's the crazy one. That's the one you can just walk and shoot. You got to shoot that? Yeah. It's really nice because... I've fired a .50 cal. I've fired a M240. They say it's kind of between. They also say that the nice part about it is that the impulse is more like a straight push back. It feels like just... Instead of...

So I loved the three. Yeah, that's how I would put it. Yeah.

I hate I understood all of that. Everyone was still breaking down. We speak the same thing. That's fucking cool. Yeah, no, I've wanted to shoot one. There's a lot of those. I think the Ohio Ordinance has theirs too. I got to play with one, take it apart at SHOT Show last year. Oh, dude, it is dope. Because all it is is it is a 2024 version of the MG34.

Actually, we're on to something that I wanted to pick your brain about. And particularly, if I could. You are more than welcome. Let's go. I was going to say, before we get to that, can we ask what was his pew-pew? Oh, yeah. We're going to work down it. We're going to work down it. We got this. We're still on him. We got 3-3-8 LePool. Not LePool, but... I do want to know that. But also, I also want to know...

So I've been covering like the XM7 forever, the NGSW, then it was XM5. Like I wanted to know what your thoughts and what you, how did you like, 'cause I found it to be a bit of a bucking bronco. It was a lot.

But also I get that like the U.S. Army is going for a new doctrine thing. They're trying to hit out to like 800 meters. But from everyone I've talked to, they kind of feel as though hitting out that far is for like a regular soldier. That's a lot to ask to hit out to that distance. I mean, I don't know. Depending on the optic you give them and stuff like that. Right. Yeah. Hitting out to 800 yards for anybody who's never done it, that's not easy to do.

All of my issues with the XM7 or the, what do they call it? The Sig, I don't know, whatever. Yeah, Sig XM7. XM7. I have one in .308 and everybody's like, well, you fucking know what it is. You don't even have the real caliber. It's like .68 or .277 Fury.

All of my problems with that weapon platform have nothing to do with caliber. I understand why they chose the caliber they did. I get that. That makes perfect sense. The issues I have with it, I've showed in the video very clearly, like the over-insertion stop, lack of over-insertion stop, where it's like, okay, let's say you run the gun dry. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You're out. You're 20-round mag. You drop it. You throw in another magazine. You slap it in super hard because you're full of adrenaline. You're getting shot at, and you are shooting people. You slam it in.

and you try to send the bolt home and it jams because you've killed the gun because you've thrown the magazine in too hard to me massive fucking problem you know what we're trained in the military insert slap again to make sure it's set and

And now you're like with your video as a point out that is, you got to also add the like slap it on your head a couple of times to make sure your brain's working. I totally get that because I feel as though a lot of the jams on the M4 for a while there were also like polymer mag related. I don't know. I mean, I just remember they basically told us not to use P mags for a while on the M4s that we had for that.

for whatever reason, that it was just like jamming with them. I feel like they developed that over time. Like the new, the new gen P mags in five, five, six, I feel like are pretty good. Like that's like universally accepted as some of the better magazines right now. I could be wrong on that. That's just my understanding of it.

But no, no, on those, like there were so many issues, like even the handguard, like things that you wouldn't mount, like for example, a PEC 15 to like, like a laser designator or something that you would use under night vision. If you're using, you know, the advantages that the American military has, like we, we fuck at night. Sorry. That's just like our thing. We own the night. Like Afghanistan was the reason that I got comfortable in the dark. Like that's much more comfortable in the dark now.

The first time I ever put on white FOSS dual tube nods, I'm just like, oh, this is why we win wars. This is just shit. You put a laser designator on that handguard and it sways so much that it's like you can't use that to reliably zero. All these issues are adding up just in the one that they sent me, which, again, Sig, I'm very appreciative and I want to help, but like

I could never recommend that gun. So I had a crazy thing happen where I put out a video about basically the soldiers feedback on the XM7. And I went through kind of all the open source information on it. And you're basically reading like Joe's, your common Joe's feedback on, Hey, it's funny because you read stars and stripes, you read these different publications and all you're hearing is like, I love it. It's so powerful. Oh my God.

And then... I want to read that article. Oh my God. So I put out this video with like, it's about the soldier feedback. And then a bunch of dudes hit me up privately and they're messaging me saying like, what the fuck? Why did you cherry pick my comments? And I come to find out that like the PAOs...

in the military, the public affair officers are legitimately cutting out all of their negative feedback. Oh, yes. I believe it. I like, I genuinely believe that this Reddit post popped off when viral and people, this guy was like task and purpose. Chris Cappy's off asshole because he cherry picked all my comments. And I'm like, Oh,

All I know is what Stars and Stripes puts out. You're just like, this is what I had. But I totally get his point of view because if I saw that, I'd be like, what the f... Why are you only taking... So the PAO cut out all of his negative feedback. He said he had 10 minutes of...

He said he had 10 minutes of talking to the PAO about shit he hated and how it's like impossible to clean and this and that. Yeah. And you need a tool. You need a tool to take down the bulk carrier. I could go on and on about his complaints. He said the MOA on it was like, I feel like I'm probably getting too far into the weeds right now, but I'm about to wrap this up. No, this is...

There is no such thing as too much into the weeds. Now people are like, okay. So this guy, he was making fun of me so hard, but I had to like blast it out to everyone that I know and just say like, guys, read this because this guy has a point. And I kind of, I messed up. Like I should have dug deeper, but he's putting out all this stuff about, okay, it's a four MOA on this rifle, which, so he said every third, because it's so over gassed, like every third shot, it just wings. Yeah.

and just sent out the right he said the rest of it are like a two moa which for context the m4 is like a i think a four moa but probably like as a new they should depends on the standard issue ones i think yeah and it depends on how much you shot it and when's your last it is a lot of so i was just blown also not blown away because i'm like not that surprised that the government would do that but they just saw all of his complaints and they said hey uh

Let's cut that shit. So you're saying the government willingly withheld information about soldiers operating a piece of equipment so that way they could sell a specific weapon they wanted to and maintain a contract so somebody got some money. You're lying. I'm asking you a question right now. What? What?

What do you think is easier? What do you think is easier? Changing the military's decision on what product to buy or making a product sound good? That's fair. That's absolutely fair. We have two options here. Man, I love this. The gang shits on the XM7. Oh, my God. There's a lot of sick stuff I like. I just...

I am an XM7 enjoyer. I love it. But also at the same time, I wish I did if they sent me one. After the video I made for them, they have like... I can't say this, but... You're not getting one. I'll say it. They're not in a hurry to work with me right now. I'll take one to test out. I don't have anything against Sig. I really don't. I just... That thing in particular really kind of chapped my ass. Because there's so many other... If you try to use the charging handle on it, good luck.

I'll show you mine. It is so stiff, it's almost unusable. You have to use the left side charging handle, but the military's guidelines for what they needed in that program was they needed a standard charging handle in the back for whatever fucking reason. Just be...

The reason was because it was like, we don't want soldiers that are already used to this to change. So they have to have that and the front charging handle or side charging handle. Yep. Dude, I can't wait till the XM7 is filtered down to like the police force and we can finally see some, some donut operator videos with the XM7. Yeah. I can't wait till cops carry those.

See, that's wild. No, I don't know. I hit him with the first three shots, but the fourth one just went all wonky and hit the neighbor's dog. I don't know what the fuck happened. Hey, it's only... No, that's the ATF breakdown. Oops. Hey, Eli! What you doing?

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That's to learn more. So what about them squirrels and raccoons? Oh my god. Ah! Yes! Return them to dust. Oh, Jesus! No, no, no, no. Jesus Christ! Have you not heard about that? I don't know if we can talk about that. Tell me. Fucking peanut. Fred.

We talk about the acorn. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Then. Oh, Cody. Oh yeah. This is not a good, this is, I've been people fucked up on this one. This has been your neck of the woods. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I'm going to talk about this one, but we're trying to figure it out together. So seven years ago, a tick tock guy, uh,

social media influencer. He found a squirrel. Its mother died like little baby squirrel, nursed it back to health. And it's, it's been his baby for the past seven years. And because of the squirrel, he's been able to rescue hundreds of animals like through his charity that he does. Cause he posts videos of him hanging out with a squirrel, like jump on his shoulder, like jump on them. And he loves it.

New York, I can't remember the exact agency that came in, but NYDEC. NYDCE? NYDEC. D-E-C. They got a search warrant and came into his house and took the squirrel and the raccoon that he was helping with his charity and they euthanized them. So the whole return to the dust thing kind of... I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry. I was going a different direction. Yeah, no, you're good. What the actual... Yeah. Yeah, the...

And this was a famous, like the squirrel has a million followers. They came in and they ended that thing? They got a warrant. What the hell? And what was the reason? Because it was just not. Certain states. There were complaints about the squirrel. And he's like, the squirrel was indoors. Like it was in his house. It was just chilling with him.

This is like a homey squirrel. It would just hop on and walk around with it. So many videos. I've seen ferrets that are more walkable. Probably not allowed to own exotic animals. He was in the middle of getting the squirrel registered as an educational animal, but there were concerns about the spread of rabies between the raccoon and the squirrel. That was why they killed it, is because they had to check it for rabies, and the only way to check it for rabies is to cut into their brain.

So they had to kill it. They had to put it down to check for rabies that they didn't know existed. There'd only be a concern for rabies if one of the animals had been contacted by an animal that had been contacted for rabies. This is a government agency we're talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about. It might have rabies. Let's check. It was the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, which I'm sure they do a lot of good things, but that was...

Holy shit, dude. You're going to steal this squirrel from this dude's house who's never bit anyone or acted out of hand? That's huge on social. That's where I do not get how something like that goes through all those changing of hands and that high up where somebody's like, hey, this is going to happen. Just double check even a smidge. I'm like, hey, okay, this is a famous squirrel. What are the repercussions? What are the optimists? Four administrators and a judge signed off on that.

That's what I was reading in the article this morning. I was like, that's nuts, man. Dude, and then police set him and his wife outside their house for five hours while they searched their house. It's like, you're doing this to a guy that has a fucking squirrel who saved hundreds of animals?

Let's also put this disclaimer out. We all learned about this hours ago at time of recording, so it's like there's probably a lot of more information that's going to come out. I wouldn't assume it's good for the government, but this is based on very little knowledge we have right now. Dude, that's a politician in Brandon right there. He's like, guys, I'll cover my bases right now for everyone. You sound like me. Always wait for the context to come out. But this is one of those where it's like the scroll.

eight yeah i was like oh god yeah it was an evil squirrel i don't see the squirrel like yeah exactly a child or anything the chomo let him go it's nuclear it gets lots of punishment so if this squirrel should have someone yeah now it has to register itself

You know, it sounds like the beginning of John Wick. I'm just saying, like, you know, somebody fucked up a squirrel. That's how you make John Wick. That's how you create John Wick right there. I'm picturing American History X. They're just telling the squirrel to bite the curb. Oh, my God, dude.

Don't do it. I just heard it. Don't do it. Just in case you didn't know. The last thing you see is Edward Norton in his underwear and then a squirrel. Sweet. Every time I'm on this podcast, I'm like, this is the one that's going to get it. You guys just try to one-up it every single time. That was my first...

No, I'm saying that was my first nine episodes and it hasn't happened yet. What number are we on right now?

So what number did we release? 185. 185. Hey, look, we're still here. I talk about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict all the time, and I'm just waiting to get canceled. Dude, I have actually part of it is I wanted to talk about the North Korea shit, which is wild, and also that dealing with modern politics or at least wars and then the pushback and that flux you get from both sides because you're like,

You're just presenting information and you are still an asshole for doing it. Yeah, but I get off on it. This is why we get along. I have a question in that regard. In the very beginning of the Russian-Ukraine war, your videos were almost exclusively what I watched. Because when that first kicked off, in the first two weeks before we realized...

This is just going to be another forever war. I've seen this before. He never watches my videos, if that makes you feel better. I actually do now. Fuck you. I do now. Okay, USA versus XYZ. Yeah. I love it. We're getting there. Especially the Z. Oh, the Z. Yeah, fuck. I hate those people. I got to redo that one now. Thanks. But when it was first kicking off, I was watching a lot of your videos because it was very interesting to me. Because I'm looking around. I'm like, does anybody realize how close to World War III we are? This is...

This is a big deal. Dude, first of all, that means a lot because not to S your D too much, but love watching your videos on all. Big inspiration for a ton of the stuff that I did before that. I didn't know you knew who I was. That was kind of cool. Actually, one time I referenced you very briefly in a video as like a joke in a positive way. Could be negative longer. Yeah.

No, I'll send it to you. It was a good thing. It was a good thing. But... He just got used by Infowars. I was trying to... Yeah, check out our appearance on Infowars. We're on there now. Unless you're a globalist or an elitist... I'm telling you, get in the fucking frog's cage. 7876 will commence again if you don't watch Task and Purpose.

I love it. But so, so actually it's funny you bring that up because I feel as though I want to say like in the beginning of the war, so we all knew so little about what was happening and I got, I got so much wrong.

Interesting. Yeah, you know, I've learned so much since then about how to talk about conflicts at that scale because I have my experience of what Iraq was like, and we know what, like, coin operations and counterinsurgency is like, and it's such a different animal from, like, a high-intensity near-peer warfare, and it's a very different way you have to talk about it. And I realize now that, like, the war in Ukraine, it's so much better to talk about those things in terms of,

How the CIA actually talks about it or how the FSB talks about it in Russia, which is likelihoods. So it's more – I talk about things more like now saying –

So you hedge. Right, exactly. Legitimately. Well, you have to because even the top intelligence agencies hedge because they know that there's so many variables that go into a war of that scale that trying to predict them, it's almost more meaningful to say, hey, because North Korean soldiers are deploying to Kursk in Russia, it is –

likely that it will have an impact on the battle in Kursk. And so when I first saw the invasion of, uh, by Russia, I talked about things more in like an absolutist point of view. So I've learned a lot since then about like, yeah. And so, uh,

To me, I've always learned, my family always told me that talking about politics is impolite, and I agree. But my way around it now is talking about geopolitics is a little bit easier because American interests are the same kind of almost no matter who is in office. So at the channel, I talk about it from a point of view of

just American interests. Because that's what I kind of wanted to talk about a little bit because, and I'm sure the comment section will tell me I'm wrong if that is the case, but I feel like you come at it from a relative impartiality where like you don't, you're not playing left-right politics. You're just kind of like, hey, this is what's happening. They're here. They're here. Their best move is this, but they're probably going to do this.

And that's kind of your breakdowns. I try to be upfront about my bias. Okay, so we all, we're from like the same generation. I'm 35. Like we're all around that age, right? So we grew up with, excuse me, are we sniffing? Just the young ones. That's him. 28. Sniff the young ones. I,

You smell good. Thank you, buddy. Okay, the point of what I wanted to say real quick was just like,

I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh, listening to like, what do you call it? AM radio. And I loved it. And I felt as though I wished a little bit more that in the media, people would just be upfront about like where they're coming from, because I feel as though everyone has a bias and a point of view. So I've tried to approach it from, hey, I'm gonna put my cards on the table. Like here's, yes, I am.

pro-american but also i'm going to tell you racist yeah it's true that's true and you would be surprised how many people to ask your purpose is racist only against the one type hello new york times

You know. You know the time. Dormami. I've come to bargain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like short answer. I try to be impartial. We got to get in my back. Give us a minute. That got me. That one got me. I want to know what race you are. I want to call you a slur.

How do I insult you? I would like my slur to land, please. A second slur hits Tower 2. Oh, shit! Don't steal my job. No slur hit Tower 7. That's crazy. Can slurs burn through steel? We're not sure if a slur hit the Pentagon. I don't know.

Based on surveillance video. No slurs of it. Jesus Christ! Let's deviate this camera! He was making a very, very actual intellectual point. And I was like, Racism. Sorry. I apologize for that. We back? Yeah. I was saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My whole approach has been like,

So try to be as unbiased as possible because I feel like you reach more people that way because I think I hate preaching a little bit. I hate preaching to the choir sometimes. So, which is like a double-edged sword. It's like a Final Fantasy VII sword where... Buster sword. Fucking weirdos. Is that what this is? That's the dragon's blade. We used to have the buster sword. I want to touch it. Touch it. Can I? Yeah, touch it. Lick the tip.

That is the dragon slayer. Okay. Bigger than the buster sword. Yes. Um,

Anyway, I'm proud of you. You know the best of Soda. You misdirected yourself on that one. I forget where I was. I'm a couple of sips of rip it deep. But I will notice, like, I mean, don't get me wrong. My job is more of the comedy aspect. And I know where my place is in the scheme of all this is I make a joke about something using a little bit of facts, a little bit of artistic liberty. But I've noticed that a lot of people will see that and be like, well, what is he talking about? And then they go and they find your type of content.

or something along those lines where they're like, okay, now I'm educated on what's going on. So like mine, ultimately I just kind of filter in, but I've also realized that not so much just like your own individual bias, like, you know, America first or this, you know, whoever you promote, it's oftentimes your perspective can differ based off of like past experiences. So like my brain works in a tactical sense. So like tactically,

$200 billion, zero American lives to reduce 95% of Russia's pre-war military. That's a, that's a tactical decision. And that makes sense to me. But then there's people who look at it, let's say from a political perspective or like, you know, Americans are not, you know, they're struggling to get funding during hurricanes and stuff like that. And it, it kind of pits some of us against each other a little bit in that aspect, because I look at it through a tactical perspective. You know, you look at it maybe a little bit more political. You look at it through a law enforcement perspective or something. Yeah.

But that can also be a huge difference there. Anytime my perspective gets labeled political, I'm like, oh, no. I just thought it made sense. Yeah, no, actually, to your point, I've seen...

I know a lot about you guys and the viewership out there. I get YouTube sends us analytics and I've seen how... Are you becoming the Joker right now? I see. Do you like these analytics? I can see that... You want to know how I got these stats?

My analytics taste like iron. No, I've seen that our viewers are shared amongst everyone here. I've seen we share audience. YouTube tells us that. Oh, yeah. So it sends us through. Related channels. Yeah, there is like the, what do you call it? Like a filter through, basically. Yeah.

I share a lot with Nick, the fan electrician. I share a lot with him. I don't think I've ever seen Brandon's name pop up in my shared. It makes sense you guys are Brandon. Oh, yeah. Crossball Nation. If you don't know this, analytics will show you. It's like, hey, related channels. The host, because the other hosts are fucking killing it in life. It's like, oh, yeah. And then we use their names, their titles, their tags in...

our own section that also helps populate your algorithm to the point of um yeah like not to make it political but it's definitely true that uh aid to ukraine like so i'm i'm kind of forward i'm into it i feel it but at the same time i feel like people who pretend like it's not uh that there's no cost to it that like it doesn't take away from things in america like that's a little bit naive

you know, if you're going to spend a shitload on the military and you're going to spend on foreign aid, like,

It's going to take away from America. Friendly reminder, the United States gives more foreign aid to everybody else in the world than everybody else in the world combined every year. Right. Yes. We just gave a million to Vietnam. I don't know if you guys know that. Oh, yeah. For the hurricane. Yeah. That's something that like, and I'll put this out there as somebody from like an opposite perspective who doesn't like a lot of Ukraine funding and things like that. And like, yes, probably one of the best arguments I've ever heard in favor of that. It's like, okay, if we're spending so much on defense spending, it's to weaken our strategic enemies.

And if we can do that without spending any American lives, I totally understand. And not only that, but a lot of our weapon systems that we currently have built have been built with the idea of taking out the weapon systems that for the first time in human history are in play. And we can see how those weapon systems do against those like, you know, Russian tanks, Chinese, stuff like that. We have learned so much. Oh, yeah. And like,

while I don't agree with it necessarily to a degree of like, hey, let's not maybe spend half a trillion dollars doing that. I understand the argument. It makes sense to a degree. So let me reduce that argument even further because

Like, here's what I'll say about it is that it's so it's not even like a trillion. It's 26 billion that in terms of like cold, hard cash that we're sending to Ukraine over three years, it's 26 billion. But factoring in equipment and everything. Right. So then you have to factor in how much is the equipment cost, which is equipment that we were going to like.

get rid of anyway and offload anyway and it actually costs more to hang on to but I wouldn't even look at it in terms of like weakening the enemy because to me that's a weak argument like let's weaken the enemy that to me isn't even worth it that hurt all right I mean well no sorry I didn't mean I didn't mean this is my only thing that you argued is bullshit still the best part is all the different no yeah

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. No, no, you're good dude, I'm fucking with you. This is great, I love this. A couple of claws deep. To me, that sounds like somebody that is a homosexual. Yeah, that's alright. Wait, did you see my Grindr profile? Is that what's happening right now? I was wondering why my phone was going off. So far he hasn't seen any women on there, but he's holding it up. Turn left in two feet. Fuck.

No, but it is a good, you have like difference of opinion. You shaking your head no to what Brandon is saying is look, we're not killing each other crazy, but expand onto what you're talking about. Like break that down. So to me, it's more about to me, if I'm going to be honest with you guys right now, can I love it? I'm going to say that I don't mean this. Can I say that? I don't mean this, but like America is an empire.

It is an empire. We're an empire, guys. Like, we are a friggin' empire. We are everywhere. We have bases... 800 bases all over the world. We are an empire. And if... What happens to an empire when we...

When an empire retreats, when an empire is like, I'm done. I'm out. And so you look at the British Empire when they were unable to protect the Suez Canal. When you look at the Dutch Empire when they fell apart. When you look at the Ottoman Empire. Any empire that's unable to protect their foreign interests...

they fall apart and what happens to them after that is that their dollar their currency falls apart and their currency is usually like the reserve currency of the world and right now the dollar is the reserve currency so

My argument is that if we are an empire, which we are, I feel like we're an empire. If you let that fall apart, to me, I look at foreign aid like it is an insurance policy. It sucks to pay your car insurance. I hate paying my car insurance. But when I freaking, when I fucking, like, when I just, I need to get into the left lane and I just, I.

cut that guy off and i hit him and it wasn't my fault officer but this got real i didn't know i totaled my bmw and god damn it tammy i i just want to see my kids guys we are an empire okay and if we don't invest in this empire and it falls apart and the dollar dies we are in trouble can i counter that on top absolutely there's also a difference between uh an empire

Well, acknowledging that we are an empire versus what we should be doing. Should we be an empire? Should we be spending all this money in these foreign places versus should we be structuring our entire economy? And if we're going to be stealing money from the average American taxpayer...

to fund certain things is that where it should be going or should we be strengthening our own economy and establishing the dominance of the dollar through peace and trade versus through foreign interests that have nothing to do with us dude that's the multi-billion dollar question because you're absolutely right it's the this is what i think no one can prove which is that

What is more beneficial from the American interest point of view? Like, is it more – so we gain – I think we can agree. I think we both see the other side. I think we can agree that we gain a lot by having so many people dependent on us, for instance. Like, Europe is dependent on us for security. And we get a lot for that. Prove that a couple times.

Back-to-back champions. So, what I'm saying is we get a lot for that. We're able to use sanctions. We're able to use our money as a weapon. Our money is more powerful than a bomb. When we use our sanctions, we can kill more people with our sanctions than we can with a bunker buster. And Geneva bitches less about it than we do it. Looking at you, Canadians. We throw so much weight in the UN and we can just...

around, we do what we want, we're on top, holy shit! But then there's the other side of the argument which is like, would it be better? - I like Cappy. - This is like, 'cause you're breaking down both sides so well.

Love it. Do you do? So the other side of the argument is that so we benefit a lot from that We certainly benefit a lot from being the top dogs But the other side of the argument which is that you which are you what you're arguing for is that we would actually benefit more from Allocating that money differently, which I don't think you can prove like I don't think you can like if you're you're lying if you say you can prove one way or the other and

Because, okay, if we were to invest all that money in America instead, it would just change the game radically from how we've been doing it. So I can't, I, well, to be honest, I can't say. It's like you say you report on stuff now where it's like, well, it's most likely going to do this, but you don't know. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I will say from a historical sense, and again, I'm a student of history. I pay a lot of close attention to everything that happens in history.

And it sucks. Like, I totally agree with you. We don't want to pay all this goddamn money to keep everybody stable. We don't want to, we don't want to send all this aid. Like I would much rather, I am a huge person when it comes to like, take care of Americans. I'm huge on that. But I also understand like you guys are talking about taking care of Americans also means taking the fight to the enemy's front door before they come here. I also like, but historically, whenever we enter into isolationism, which is the early 1900s and again in the 1930s,

A world war broke out. Somebody pulled us in every single time the United States entered into isolationism. Like, we're going to just do our own thing? You guys fuck off. I'll also put this out there. When you're talking about empires, empires usually fail when they overexpand and they're unable to provide for their own. And that's why they collapse. That's why they retreat. That's why they pull back. Not because they voluntarily pulled back, but because they couldn't, but because they had problems at home. Yes. They couldn't financially...

afford the empire they built. So do you want to know what the greatest argument for me was? Actually, I saw, uh, it was a tweet that you made. Actually, Cody, you were talking about, okay, so I shouldn't say basically what it would really was about is, is like all these people from these hurricane, uh,

got victims of these hurricanes and like they're getting six, 750 bucks or something. I'm like, something is broken here. Obviously. Like if we're unable to provide for our own people, like no matter what benefit that we get from foreign aid and I'm for foreign aid, this is someone saying from the perspective of someone who's for like foreign aid, um, something is clearly broken if we're not also able to like provide for, um,

Americans. I did want to actually ask about that because I got caught up same tweet because people started tagging me in your tweet about your mom. And it's because I kind of took that hard stance about like, well, this is where the money is allocating. If you pay attention to the bills, like the vast majority of it goes right back into the US economy. Like we're paying ourselves for our own shit.

And I, and shout out to Zach, veteran with a sign. Love that dude. I called him and we had a long conversation. He's like, sometimes you don't see the forest through the trees. And I was like, what do you, and you know, I took a step back and I looked at all the facts and everything was coming out. And what I had, I got red pilled myself into is the federal government said that they were delivering this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, like they had a list of things that they were delivering to the American South.

But you know what I didn't listen to? Was the people who lived there and weren't getting it. That's where like... So I was like, hey, they're taken care of. They got all this shit. And that's when I backpedal. I'll straight up like, I don't normally apologize when it comes to social media, but I immediately backpedal. Like, look, I was wrong. I thought you guys were getting all of this that I saw and you're not. Like that's where...

Where I had to take a big step back, eat that humble pie and be like, okay, we fucked up. Something's fucked up. Eli, have you heard about Raycon's everyday E25 earbuds? Eli! Eli! You must have had the noise cancellation on. I did. I couldn't hear anything. Just like I wish I couldn't feel anything.

Oh, you mean these ones? Yeah. And I also thought, whoa, those are the same audio quality as the big guys, but for half the price. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on these little guys, do it. Plus they have a 32 hour battery life, meaning your days of raw dogging flights are over. And 10 minutes of charging yields you 90 minutes of battery. Wait, it has a quick charge function? That's what I just f***ed.

Also, Raycon just launched their updated models of the everyday earbuds, weatherproof and or sweat resistant. I actually use these over anything else just because they're tiny. Every freaking gym session. I use mine for everyday chores, like ignoring the SWAT team at my door. Their upgraded model will

blow you away. You're going to be asking yourself why you didn't check them out sooner. Raycon offers a 30-day happiness guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Call to action. Go to slash unsub to get 15% off of your order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 15% off and free shipping over at slash unsub. Well, Brandon, let me ask you, do you think that, okay, you made a great point. It was like when empires overextend,

Do you feel like maybe we're overextended at this point? I feel like when we can't afford to pay the interest on the debt we've already borrowed, we are hyperextending. And the people that are paying the price are the people that are paying the price of inflation, radical inflation. We're continuing to borrow money from our enemies. We are weakening ourselves. And the one thing that we have going on in the global economy is the...

The American dollar the USD and when you have things like bricks like alliances of you know Brazil Russia India China like our enemies are actively forming against us right now economically and The our number one priority is weakening the American dollar to pay for an empire. We can't afford I feel like that's an issue and I feel like we need to be spending that money here at home and cutting costs and and figuring out how we raise our like Start American growth all over again that

That to me is a bigger priority is figuring out how to grow American jobs. I feel like I'm back on the campaign trail right now and it's really giving me PTSD. I came for the cum and I stayed for the geopolitics. Let me interject one thing before you jump on that. This is conspiracy theory. I've stated this before, conspiracy theory. I have nothing to back this up, no facts. A lot of people are talking about World War III. Do you think right now it has already started just economically and not

I think it's been started since the end of World War II.

Alright. Financially speaking? Yeah, I'll prescribe to that. Not militarily, like financially speaking. Yeah, I was going to agree. I would even say militarily, especially with... So when North Koreans were deployed to Russia, that then tied in. Which we didn't even talk about that at all. I want to hear you fucking talk about this. So that tied in. The CIA believes that there's 13,000 North Koreans, which is the largest...

conventional deployment of troops to Europe. There's no historical precedent for it, really, when you look through history.

North Koreans or Asian troops on the European soil? There's really no... Remember the last time? This is the battle with Ukraine and Russia. Just to touch base, this is... Even in their pamphlets, as you're saying, they are now putting it in North Korean for hopefully to grab defectors. Like, hey, yo, what's up? If you come over here, you get three hots and a cot, we won't do anything. And North Korean soldiers know how fucking shit it is. So if they hear that, it's the idea. It's like, hey...

You surrender, we'll take care of you on this side. They put them on a cargo ship. They shipped them to Vladivostok. They put them on the longest railroad trains. I saw a comment on one of the videos I did, and it was like, these troops went from not...

seeing anywhere outside their country to suddenly being on the longest railroad track in the world. Well, maybe they're just backpacking to find themselves. That is a journey of self-discovery. Oh my God. Imagine the sisterhood of the traveling pants, North Korea. The sisterhood of the traveling XXXS pants. Oh my God.

This is an autistic episode. I love it so much. The prerequisite knowledge for half the jokes on this podcast. I'm so happy right now. They are so deep, these jokes. Then you need to be in. You need to be on the in. It's crazy seeing that, like,

Because I didn't even know that was going on. You brought that up recently and you were talking, how many defectors maybe have happened at this time? The interesting part is that already like Russians are complaining about how do we integrate these guys? We've only got three interpreters for every 30 of them. So what Ukraine is basically intercepting their...

their radio transmissions and they're already seeing what the Russians are saying the Russians are already like derogatorily referring to them as the Chinese they're already like not down with it because I remember when I was in Iraq like we had the Iraqi force with us and we didn't always refer to them politely

But my point is, no, but it's crazy, but we're not even like thinking about how crazy it is because it is involving the Pacific in the European conflict. And it's like, it's, so then at the same time, also the Middle East is popping off.

And it's kind of... So to the normie, to the regular war enjoy-or. Enjoy-or? That was really drawn out. Did you say that in British? Are you guys not from New York? You might look at that and think like we're in World War III. But also I would also like to remind everybody that there's other points in history where the Korean War, you could look at that and also think, wow, you're...

World War III is about to pop off from that perspective because you had, you know, China was literally fighting U.S. troops, U.N. troops. It was almost hotter back then. Vietnam with the French and the Chinese. Right. And also the Berlin, like the East and the West, the Soviet Union versus the West was way hotter too. So, you know, yeah, it's bad right now, but also there's hope. However, the casualty list in the last two years.

In terms of them, Russia and Ukraine? Russia and Ukraine, yeah. It's brutal. It's pretty brutal compared to most conflicts. And if you're adding now to the fact that, okay, America is, whether you want to say directly or indirectly involved, we're there. And now the Asian continent is getting involved. It's like, all right, well, this...

We're brewing all the ingredients right now. The biggest question is like, how do we peaceful? Well, how do we not escalate? So I try to a little bit sometimes put myself in the shoes of like someone in Poland. And I love the Polish, right? They're beautiful people. I love the Polish. God bless them.

So what would we do if, so the distance between, I'm going to get this wrong, but I think it's like, what is the distance between Warsaw and the front lines is as if you were traveling from here to North Carolina, sorry, from New York to North Carolina.

I believe it's about... They also got that little slice with Kaliningrad or whatever. If you ask Tony Gonzalez, not far. Imagine though you're driving eight hours. You're like, man, it's a beautiful Sunday. You want to go see war? And you drive eight hours to a frontline conflict. You wouldn't even have to trade off unless you were like... You can't even do a...

An eight hour drive. Come on. That's like, as the capital of the first world country. Yeah. I say that because I couldn't. He's absolutely right. Like Poland has been arming to the fucking teeth. Like, and I don't know where they're getting all this money from, but Poland is the most like militarily expansive and explosive country.

I've ever seen like compared to everybody ever well I've made this joke on the podcast before but I'm like for like 50 years their country didn't exist yeah because if you know people basically they are the fucking if you have two pitbulls playing tug-of-war that's Poland yeah Brandon I think we could probably I mean I don't want to speak for you but I feel like we could probably agree that like those European countries would be nice if they paid more for it towards their defense and

Well, I think that's where a lot of the America first movement kind of like it's irritated with that where it's like you guys are way closer to the conflict and the United States is one of the few countries that actually can that actually donates completes their agreement to NATO. Was it two and a half percent or something? Which should be GDP. Yeah, GDP. And we were like, we do like three and a half. Yeah, we're right behind Estonia was the top of their GDP and then Poland and then us. But

But like most of the countries in Europe that are part of NATO don't give a fuck. They don't contribute. They don't – because you're supposed to be contributing a certain percentage of your GDP toward military defense per year. And then their flip side is one of the issues that was raised was there's no punishment for not doing it, right? Yeah.

I mean, what we haven't so far. Now most of them reach 2% at this point. But the thing is, 2% really should be 4%. So that's kind of the goalpost is moving. I think Estonia spent almost 10%. Like, it's crazy high what Estonia spent. I mean, but Estonia is right there. They're right on the front. I think Estonia borders. Estonia is the.

battered women's shelter of the USSR. I get why they were fucking upset. I think America should spend like... Imagine if we spent 30% the toys we could have.

Wait, is that not? No, you're good at it. We just get it. It's important to note that right now, America is designing, let me see, three or four different directed energy weapons. We could have a Death Star. You're just like, let's invest more into this. I want some dope equipment. He's in the party afternoon. He's like, man, I want Super DARPA.

At least it's Jimmy. Here we go. What about a super DARPA? Give me that shit from Aliens. Just take Skunkworks and DARPA, put them together. We'll call them Scarpa.

We have Skunk Works flags. Can I promote? What if? Okay, what if? I'm loving these what ifs. Let's do it. One of my favorite things we used to do in the military when we were on guard tower duty is we would do would you rather? I love a good would you rather. I thought we were about to talk about war crimes. Would you rather kill an innocent civilian?

No, no. Or do an extra shift. Pow! That's an easy answer. I was gonna say, I was like, pow! We'll be right back. We'll be right back after these messages. Technical difficulties. Um, no, I was gonna say, what if we... Happy Veterans Day, everyone. Everyone's like, god damn right. No.

This is the best episode I've ever been on. The tear keeps on going up. I fucking love it so much. What if? I was gonna say, this is what no one thinks of though, but like, what if...

What if we joined forces with China? It'd be like if the rebels and the imperial army joined forces. Who could stop us? I get where you're going. Who could stop us? We wouldn't have access to graphics cards for a while.

Oh, yeah, we would. Oh, yeah, we would. No, they're jumping off. Oh, yes. We'll just take Taiwan right off. Con plan 99.99. It is, we join forces with China. Xi Jinping. If you're out there. Why you peaching? What?

Unsub is the reason these two nations join. No, no, no, no. They can't stop us. Europe can't stop us. The Pacific can't stop us. All right. That's it. This episode. Happy Thursday, world domination. It all started with us. You play too much risk, my boy.

Just hear me out. So fuck France. All I'm saying... Come on. France, what's their GDP every year? Come on. China and us, we would be unstoppable.

But there's whole like that... I don't like where you're going. There's that whole like human rights aspect of us keeping up with China, man. Search your feelings. Fuck. I wish Nick was here. Oh, he's feeling it right now. Your phone's gonna ring. There's a disturbance in the force. Could you please say search your feelings in an Asian accent? Search your feelings. Search.

Four vets and one active duty service member. Oh my god, you got to search the field, you know? Got to use the force. Okay, okay. Oh, shit. I like how that started. Man, North Korea's fighting with Russia. That's where we ended. I feel like we completely, we didn't even talk about the implications of that. We'll go back now. Boop!

It's the same thing with the Korean War. We're just going to send in some Marines that are going to farm them for XP. That's what it says. That's what the fuck we do. To me, like, Nick, how do you feel about this? Oh, if you actually just called Nick and be like, hey, these two joining forces. Because our boy is currently recovering from titty surgery. We're on the podcast. Should the United States team up with China? For what? So I'm making the argument. Nick, hi, it's Chris Cappie.

How are you? First of all, thank you for inviting me on. I just wanted to say, how dope would it be if we joined forces with Xi Jinping and we just ran this shit? The iPhone 17 would actually be cool. Oh! Oh!

We love you, buddy, we miss you! That was a better response than I could have asked for. Oh my god. What the fuck? Oh, I love this so much. Can we get guilt-free iPhones? Oh, shit. Holy... Well, if my career wasn't over before, we're definitely dead. So close.

I don't even know where to go from there. God, that's an olive. To me, that's an olive branch. That's all I'm going to say is that like that's me reaching out to the other side. And I've talked to them before on Twitter, actually. I've reached out to China. Yeah, the MSS. It's like the China's version of the CIA. Well, you reached out to them or they like? No, actually, I'll say this. They actually, they retweeted, they dunked on me.

Yeah, they dunked on me on Twitter and they got me pretty good. Also, they ratioed me pretty nice. It's amazing what happens when you own all the bots. Yeah, the bot bonds were aimed at me and they got me good. And sometimes, you know what? Sometimes you got to take the L and they dunked on me.

So I reached out to them after that, after they retrieved me, and they said, like, hey, yeah, we're aware of who you are. And I said, can I come out? And I'd love to, like, observe what you guys are up to.

Not in a spy capacity. Okay, I was like, this is not at all. And he said it's kind of crazy because I don't know if there's any other capacity. I'd love to observe what you guys are up to. Did you put it that way? Yeah, I need to relearn my spy craft. When I put it that way, that was what you said. You said what I said back to me. It doesn't make sense. Now that you're repeating what I said, I hate it.

he's like a closet copyist or something listen here lady how fast can you run no but so the ccp is out there on twitter and um he's like talking about how his family ran like the propaganda arm of the ccp since you know the uh the the revolution of mao zedong and

So I'm talking to him and I'm asking him, hey, can I come out and like hang out over there? And he said, due to the geopolitical tensions of right now, no. And so this is my new olive branch is like, guys, let's join forces. Okay. We've got like 10, the last 10 years. Here's the olive branch. All I'm saying is the last 10 years of Marvel movies. I know. For the career.

Hold on, hold on, I might be able to bring this one back. What has the Avengers been leading to? Captain America, Iron Man, US, China. That's how we fucking get there. Okay, so hang on, but what about this? Am I wrong? Let me caveat that there, because we don't do caveat or piggyback. We say caveat where I'm from. I love it. We're going to caveat that, and I think that this could happen as long as we have an alien invasion.

Alien invasion. I think the entire world teems up at that point. Is this the premise behind every alien movie ever? They're trying to make humanity come together. You know what's crazy, though? They're trying to make them come. We're like, no, aliens! Stop!

Let's just pick somebody who really sucks. Can we just pick somebody who really sucks? Like Carl. Why do we need an alien invasion? Let's just find someone who really sucks. It's just so world rallies against one random dude. That poor guy's like, what did I do? I posted a video of me wrestling. Get him! Just everyone hates. It's just...

I've been finding these... The aliens are like, they killed the squirrel. Yeah. Dude, I found these... That's where the aliens get them. On the rare occasion I scroll through my TikTok, I don't know if you guys have seen these. You ever see the ones that's like some dude doing a Minecraft jumping puzzle in the background and they just take an AI voice and read a story? Yeah. Dude, but I...

why has no one fucking made this in every single alien versus human movies the aliens are always op and the humans suck but like these stories are all written as if like humans are like the barbarians of the cosmos and it's really cool like there was one there was like this is when we learned not to mess with the humans and they like like abducted like three or four humans they're like take these and see if you can turn them into weapons they're like they say the humans are super resourceful like humans came up with all these new weapons from like random shit that they found they're like these guys are

dangerous like what the fuck are these things and like why don't we have any movies like that where just people show up and humans are like okay we're gonna fuck you up now we're gonna just completely exterminate you and show you who is in maybe that's 40k that might be i'm not a 40k guy maybe that's how 40k happened we're just like we're in god's image and i'm gonna murder you as i always say technologically if they can travel here they're going to butt rape us no matter how you look at if they've made it to earth

Like, oh, you're still at nuke. That's cute. So, okay. I mean, everything I've heard about the aliens is that they're already here. Everything he's heard. Everything he knows. They're already here. We've gone from zombies to warfare to North Korea to aliens. I love this. This is the best episode. You guys are talking crazy.

I love it. They're already here. They're under the water, guys. They're under the water. They've been here for eons. Are you talking about Mexicans or what? No, those ones swim. Wait, there's Mexicans hiding in the water? You're calling me a what-bag? Under the water? Where are you going with this?

I love how the government came out about it. Right as everything was just civil unrest was all crazy and the government was like, hey, aliens are real. And everyone's like, I don't give a f***. There's some shit going on over here. Like, nobody gave a f***. Look at the mass deportation that happened under, I believe it was Eisenhower. Really? I didn't even know that happened. I was like, oh, God. Eisenhower, I believe it was. It was 1953. Operation... Please tell me it's something super racist. It's Operation F***.

I'm dead serious. I mentioned this on the campaign trail because it was just the funniest thing to me. I believe it's a thing. I cannot tell if you're joking right now. No, I'm dead fucking serious. Like, I joke around. People are like, you can't do mass deportation. I'm like, oh, we've done it before. It is an actual thing. Operation was an immigration law enforcement initiated, created by Joseph Swing, retired United States Army Lieutenant General.

1954 in June is when it happened. I was one year off. Oh my god, dude. The short-lived operation used military-style tactics to remove Mexican immigrants. I just like the way, hey, we gotta remove the Mexicans. We'll call it. We call

"Operation ******* is way less racist!" Rollin' out- We were way off- we were way more on the nose. Oh my god. And like, the fact that it specifically targeted Mexicans and it's called "Operation *******"- Oh, the photo is way worse. It is just Mexicans in a fuckin'... pig pen. Oh my god, dude. Guys, have a great- can we collaborate on a video? I got a great idea for a video. We got the actors. Oh my god. My-

You're gonna need prison guards, so I guess me and Cody are in. My favorite part was, like, as soon as they got millions of Americans back from Europe at the end of World War II, they're like, oh, that was fucking easy. All eyes turned to Mexico, like, wait a minute. Oh, my God. What? What? One of my favorite things, like, throughout history when it comes to, like, the United States is, okay...

I'm going to be real with you. We have committed genocide like everybody has. Okay. But we exterminated like a lot of natives. Oh, fuck. Like 250 million. Like a lot of natives. And I love how like we backpedal in World War II. We're like, hey, can you speak that language that no one else speaks? How many millions?

I don't want to say it was 200, 225 million. It was like, if it's 250, that's not okay. I'd be like about 22 million about that time. I swear it was like in the 200 category. Cause at that time of the United States, like that's like where that population drops. I could be wrong. I could have swore it was over 200. Guys, it was only 25. No,

But I just love how the US backpedaled and was like, "Hey, can you speak that language that no one else in the world speaks on a radio forest, calling tanks turtles and shit?" And like, they were just like, "Yeah, fucking..." Even better, put Nick Cage in it. Now, paint him brown. We were just talking about how bad that was. That movie was not good enough. Every once in a while, like about once a year, I call... I like to call it, "I get into the cage."

And I just watch like a shit ton of Nick Cage movies. I call it getting into the cage. Willy's Wonderland, brother. I haven't seen that one. Which one is that? I was all over the place. Oh, I didn't see that one. It's bad. Don't watch it. That means I need to watch it. It's good. It's good if you like that. No, no, no. Okay, so The Rock or Con Air?

Con Air. Con Air 100%. I love The Rock. So this is a great... That hurts. That is a difficult question. Will you really like The Rock better? The Rock more than Con Air? Yeah. Don't get me wrong. I like Con Air because his hair is just absurd and every instance is just...

out of control. What do you like about the monologue? Okay, let me just hit you with this monologue. We've been arrested by a bunch of pain for pleasure seeking psychopathic Marines. I love that monologue. That's one of my favorite monologues ever. We never got any gifts from The Rock. That's fair. Oh no. What's the big gift from Connor? What in the name of Zeus's butthole? We did get that gift from The Rock.

Which one? When he's like, he's like, how in the name of Zeus's butthole did you get out of your cell? Zeus's butthole. We got that. I haven't seen that. You're going to have to send that to me. I love the idea that like you're a military man. So, you know, when he's in court in the beginning and it's like, you're, you would be held to a higher standard. And I'm watching. I'm like, that's ridiculous. That's bullshit. You're a train killer. Okay, well, fuck. He's an army ranger. He's deadly with his hands. That's why he got convicted. He's fighting eight people, one with a knife. And they're like, well, you're an army ranger.

Your registered weapon, you killed one of them. In reality, it's like you killed three? Of course! I just want to get home to my wife and kill her. That was the original John Wick. I watched Con Air and then I watched an interview with Nick Cage and apparently one of his most requested, like when he meets people in public, they're like, can you say, you know, apparently everyone has that catchphrase. His is put the bunny back in the box, which is apparently his most requested saying. Yeah.

That movie's what, like 25 years old now? I hate thinking about that. Oh my God. It was a good movie. Those are peak Cage. The Rock and fucking Con Air. Peak Cage. I mentioned that I was born in the 80s recently and someone was like, what?

Dude, I know. We're all the shit. The amount of actors in that, too, dude. Oh, yeah. You had Danny Trejo. Dave Chappelle. Dave Chappelle. Is fucking in that. He bites it in that, I think. Yeah, Bashimi. Where does he live? I forgot. Yeah, Steve Bashimi. He escapes. John Malkovich is the bad guy in it. I think that's one of John, like Cyrus the Virus is one of John Malkovich's best. Like, no matter what he plays in, he will always be Cyrus the Virus.

Like he plays criminally insane. Yeah. Also, can we just point out the fact that there was a movie back in the 90s called Becoming John Malkovich? Yep. Literally. Being. Being John Malkovich. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where you just like, you crawl through a like air vent in your fucking office job and you just become John Malkovich and he knows this happens. And everyone's John Malkovich. That was, um, what the fucking... Charlie Kaufman. No, the main, uh, it was... A guy from 2012. Yeah.

Wasn't it like the guy with the boombox? Say Anything? Fucking John Cusack. John Cusack. Yeah, Cusack was a big guy. It was written by Charlie Kaufman and starring... How did you know that? So I have two things that I have a little bit of a problem with and I'm obsessed with military and I'm obsessed with the movies. And those...

Yeah. Welcome to our world. People would make fun of me. We're getting a lot more and more. I love it. Hell yeah. Everyone's like, Cappy fits right in. People would quiz me when I was on a bus and I was five and they would ask me, who's in the Batman movie? And I'd say, Danny DeVito plays the Penguin because I just have a problem. I forgot about Danny DeVito being the Penguin. It was a good Penguin.

He's probably doing sub-commercials. What's that? He's doing sub-commercials. Yes. Danny DeVito, and he's the main actor of... Oh, he sent me. Yes, he is. Have you guys seen him? Yes, he is. I love when these nasty, ugly bitches argue with me on Twitter. I always put the Danny DeVito and the penguin back up there. He's just a ball with tiny little twig legs.

Have you guys seen... I was like, with fat, nasty, ugly bitches. Have you guys seen Red? The Retired Extremely Dangerous? I just watched that again the other day. I think his character in there, he's still Cyrus the Virus. He just is. But he plays really, really good. Brother, I'm getting the pig. I'm getting the pig! And then he just fucking pins that one woman against the wall and he's like, she's a

Spy, she's been following us and she's like freaking out. Come to find out she actually is a goddamn spy. She was following us. It's got some of the worst gunplay in a movie I've ever seen. Like it's trash. What was in the big? It was a thumper, right? Yeah, it was a 40mm fucking grenade launcher. It was like an M203 with stock. Yeah. Something like that. Oh, the M79? No, no. It was not a... Oh, the...

I thought it was the one-shot one. So there's the new new one was the M320, which I hate. Really? You don't like the 320? So I like it as a standalone. Yes. But as an under. Oh, under? It's huge. Yeah. Fucking gross. Right.

This podcast has been on a journey, and I fucking love it. Favorite movie? Like, top. I know it's always hard to be like, hey, but if you have three, you usually click. It was not hard for him. Fight Club is in the top three easily. The book as well, but I would almost argue that the movie is a little bit better than the book in that instance. Other top three? Some of my favorite recent ones would be...

I mean, so I'm watching Penguin right now, the TV series. A lot of great TV. It's really good. It's really amazing. I've heard it's a really good column. But what about you? I will think of more as you. What are some of your favorite movies? Dune, probably. Oh, Dune. Dune.

Did you like the second one, though? I couldn't get into it. Timothee Chalamet's hot as fuck. I just like how confident I am. See, Henry Cavill for me, I'm like, big age, hot as fuck. Dude's a good looking dude. I don't fuck dudes, but Henry Cavill.

No, but I couldn't get into like this part two. I don't know if it, I don't know what it was, but the first one I really liked. No shit. The second one was, you liked the first one more than the second one. I just, maybe it was, you ever catch something at like the wrong time and just like not ready for it? I didn't like either one of them. Really? They seemed half done. Like they just didn't seem complete. Like there was, I mean, I know they're trying to like drag it out for several video movie series. Like cinematics were good. There were some things that didn't really make any sense. Like,

I got to the end of the movie. I'll tell you this. Cody will let you know. The only reason I enjoyed the Dune series is because I had Cody next to me for both movies in the theater.

And he was just explaining to me shit that I would have never known. I was like, yeah, because I got to the end and I was like, what the fuck is going on? Because you're going to appreciate it on a different level if you're like, yeah. I grew up reading the books. Like, I fucking love Herbert. Like, I love those books. And so, yeah, when Brandon and I were watching, I'm like, okay, this is why they use knives and why, like, the shields don't work. Who's the bitch putting his hand in the box? Like, that sort of shit.

like i i like that's a benny jesserit and they're basically space witches that have been around for generations they control everything yeah and you have to remember going into these a majority of directors and this is top level directors writers they're like this is impossible to make to a screenplay because it is as cody will tell you so much information you're like and how many years from one and two should pass jesus from the oh one and two are directly together

So like when one ends, that's when they go out to the desert. So those are together. But then you go to three, we're about to get into it. That's going to be like another 20 years passes. And then like book four, it's another like 30,000 years. Like it's fucking wild.

Well, I will tell you this. I'm just like, when does he become a sandworm? I didn't. That laid the groundwork. Sorry. Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. I was just going to say that I feel as though Dune laid the groundwork for all of Star Wars to come, basically. None of that would have happened without Dune. Yeah. Frank Herbert paved the way for Star Wars and everything to happen. Yeah.

I like looking into the history of, so when he wrote those books is an interesting time because you think about, was he talking about the Middle East or was it kind of like just, it seems as though it wasn't maybe necessarily No, he was talking about the different culture that lived in the sand that declared jihad on the world. And the spice is not oil. People were like, you're going to Iraq, you're fighting for oil, blood for oil. I'm like, what else is worth dying for?

It starts our cars. The Middle East! As he lands in Iraq. He just dismounted the hind over the fucking Black Hawk. I need to pee on that. Go, go, go, go. I will say the Middle East was... I just Black Hawk'd every time you landed dismounted. Dude, you guys are gonna f*** up so much shit.

I will say that I think the Middle East was a lot more like cool and chill before Iran's Islamic revolution. Before that, like, have you seen pictures of Iran in the 70s? Oh, yeah. It's beautiful. It looks like the U.S. Like, people dress normal. Like, they're economically great. And then Islamic revolution, 5,000 people died. And all of a sudden...

Burkas like it was just wild man like they're there. They're like people just chillin by swimming pool. Yeah, like it was just a woman in bikinis and stuff Yeah, it's like I just went straight downhill. That's why we never liked each other in the beginning. You saw that Lebanese nose You know actually Cody I don't know me against my car cuz you play video games Have you ever played and you can only buy it on I think you can buy it on disk now You can't digitally download it. Have you ever played Empire battle for Dune?

No. It's a real-time strategy in the Dune universe. No shit, so it's like Civilization or Command & Conquer? More like Command & Conquer, yeah. And I played as... I want to say it was Atreides. They had these big air platforms that had machine guns underneath them, so by the time the enemy would send in an army, I was just...

them up the whole way. But yeah, Empire Battle for Dune. No, dude, I never played it. Yeah, you can still get it in some places. It's pretty cheap, but yeah, you can get it. You know they're coming out with a new Dune game too, right? Oh yeah, the open world one. It's like an MMO, isn't it? Yeah, it's going to be like an MMO. Capcom's coming out with it. I'm not a huge MMO fan, but I do like there are certain things that I like.

uh about it honestly lately i've been just getting into survival games i fuck with survival games what are you employing uh lately so because i'm a bit of a casual um lately i've gotten into there's two survival games that come out one is called planet crafter where the entire thing is like there's no enemies like the environment is your enemy but you're terraforming an entire planet

And then the other one is Eden Crafter, which is like Factorio meets Planet Crafter. So I got like conveyor belts going everywhere. It's like a snapshot into my brain. Like everything's just fucking connected. It's nuts. But you have to terraform. Like in Planet Crafter, you're just terraforming the whole planet as one. In Eden Crafter, you have to terraform each individual section. So like you got to run water pipes up to get your fertilizers to run. And you got to run conveyor belts to get this thing to.

It's kind of cool. Dude, I love Factorio. It's called Factorio, right? Yeah, it's Factorio where you have all the different fucking conveyor belts. Oh, dude. You have some enemies that come in. They don't matter, though. It's weird that the enemies in that game are a part of it because you just kill them so quickly. You just hold down a button and shoot them real quick.

And it's, dude, Factorio is fucking wildly fun. It's like your tism on steroids because you want to get every efficiency to like the highest level you possibly can. You want everything to be connected. But yeah, Eden Crafter, it's still in pre-release and it's, I mean, it's got some fucking bugs. It's crazy games like that are built to reward people with autism. It really is. It's wild. It's so good. Chris, are you playing any games right now, bud? Oh, hell yeah. I play so many games right now. Um,

I'm playing... Most of the games I play are on PS5. So I like a game that you can get into and then get out real quick because it's hard to put the time effort into anymore. We played Shroud recently. I love that game, but it does take a lot of... It's a lot of effort. It's an investment. It really is. It's another survival game. It's like...

I haven't played Space Marine 2.

I heard it was really cool. Wait, what were you guys talking about? Command and Conquer, by the way, that's an inside joke on the channel because that's one of my favorite generals. So I crashed a LAN network in Manas, Kyrgyzstan with Command and Conquer generals. I was playing with a bunch of my buddies and it was called Shooters they had there. They had like a LAN network.

And I told them, I was like, I'm really good at this game. And they're like, all right, well, let's do us versus you. We'll build for 20 minutes. And we ran a timer and I built and built and built. And they got through like three out of my six layers. Like they got pretty far, maybe four out of my six layers. And then I was like, all right, time for a counterattack. And what I found was an area of the map nobody was at. And I just amassed every.

Like I was just constantly building troops and sending them that way. So all they saw was a blue blob, like just move across the fucking map. And when I locked horns with the first enemy base, the whole thing locked up and crashed. I crashed the whole fucking land. What's your go-to, Cody? What's like your, when you're trying to blow off some steam? RimWorld.

I haven't played that. Is it actually... It's fucking brilliant, dude. What type of game are we talking about? Yeah, like what type is it? It's like a base builder type game. Really? And you can't tell the characters what to do. You just build the base around them. Like Dwarf Fortress. Yeah, it's exactly Dwarf Fortress, but in space. Dwarf Fortress, buddy. Oh, dude, I know. We have entire segments where...

Originally with the podcast, it was going to have segments for Dwarf Fortress because how off the rails that game can go with its primitive AI. I now know how you felt during the geopolitics. Dude, what? You're talking about Murder Boat? Do you remember talking about that? Yeah, Murder Boat. Dude, like reading those stories. Like...

Cody will attest to this. There are entire stories and it prints it out as shit is happening in the game. You have no... It is very much hands off. You're building how you do your base and all these little things. And then it has stories about each character. And every character has a story that is automatically or procedurally generated. And then it reacts to what is going on. So you have the giant story about... Cody will tell his. So we have the...

I forget what it is. It's the queen when she's giving birth and it's getting overrun by orcs. And they're like fighting. The dwarves are dying. And then she gives birth to hers and goes into a birth to a child, the king, the next king. Oh, I've heard this story. And then she pulls the baby out and then uses that as a battle weapon and destroys all the orcs that are rushing in.

And that is just one of many stories and it's talking about her like cleaving heads off with this baby and parenthood holy

Dude, have you? Welcome to the podcast. I'll just wait. And then you have Murder Boat. Okay, so Murder Boat is a whole story about people took Dwarf Fortress and they would have, I can't remember the exact specifications of it, but it was one person would have the map for like 24 hours or something and then would pass it to the next person. But the one story I love the most is like one of the dwarves fell in a moat that they had built around their castle.

And the orcs kept falling into the moat. Of course, that's what it was for. It was a defense. But that one dwarf was down there. But that one weak dwarf kept...

Killing all the orcs. And he powered up so much that he climbed out of the fucking the moat and was just killing everything on the map and they couldn't stop him because he was so powerful. So they collapsed. So they collapsed the bridge and that one dwarf lived and he lived at the bottom and he was just killing anything that survived. And then orcs were rushing in and they fall in there.

And there was literally this dwarf that was eating off of dead orc and just killing him. And it finally escaped. It was just psychotic because you'll go berserk and you have no control. So it's just roaming the land. He's just a god. Yeah. Murdering everything. Born in the darkness. Dude, that sounds... Have you... I love that game so much. I don't know if you think the moat is your eye. I was born into it. I'm owned by it. I don't know if you play survival games, but there was another one because you're talking about orcs and dwarfs. So this company...

I can't remember what their name is. They launched one. It's called Return to Moria. It's Lord of the Rings Return to Moria. And you play. It's eight-player co-op, by the way. It's a survival game where you're fucking dwarves and you have to explore. The enemies in there, I have it on one-player difficulty, which means the enemies are supposed to be easier. And I play co-op and we still get our shit rocked. The enemies are so difficult to kill in that goddamn game. But you're just trudging through underground. You're like, hey, I found a vein of gold. Let's go ahead and harvest this shit. Let's go fight these guys. There's a...

Orc over here that's enormous and shit. I played that one for like a couple days. I can't wait to watch the viewership drop off of this episode. Or a championship. Diving right now. What's weird is it's like, oh, they're talking about that one or this. And I can never predict it. Like, I always look at the viewership graphs. I'm like, well, I always...

Same. Fuck me then. Yeah. I pay attention to the retention. Like, I live in the analytics of the video. YouTube, to me, it is my life. It's a science. It is my... I bleed YouTube. I can tell because of the amount of times you've made eye contact. You're doing it on purpose.

yes and that that's why I know it's never natural just gonna get over here with you hello how you doing I'm good now it's to military yes but it's offset by the military purge just gay

Again. That's like Marine Infantry. They're the gayest straight people you've ever met. I used to win every game of gay chicken that we played. My squad leader said I was the best at it. Have you ever played with a medic?

Medics have no lines, bro. The amount of shit medics have to shove in people's asses. I'm telling you, man. Medics have no lines. I tried playing fake chicken with my medic. I kissed a grown man. No shame in my game. And he won. Because I went 90. He went straight up 10. And then he held it. And I was like, that's gross. I can't do that. Dude, it is. It is a testament to watch. We were talking about this on the drive here. You got really good leadership on analytics and everything in the YouTube space. Because we talk about it all the time with...

If you just fucking learn analytics and what works and what doesn't, you can go really far in this space. You had really good mentorship.

Where the dude was like, hey, this, this, and this. And then I didn't realize he controlled a lot. Oh, I'm so lucky. I got to work with, there's this YouTube channel called Donut Media. Huge. Like 6 million subscribers. Cody's like, these are my money. Present company, not included. They stole my fucking tag. That's what they said. They were like, step number one, steal somebody's, just like if they're better than you, just steal their name. That's step one. Jesus Christ.

No, but like really lucky to have worked with them. And yeah, there's like some things that just are universal that work across whether you're in like the police space, the security space, the defense space, or the car space. There's just some things that kind of work on YouTube. And yeah, I was very lucky to work with the CEO of Donut and...

learn a lot about like what some of the visuals work. Yeah. Just, well, he was talking about, um, keywords, phrases, certain phrases on YouTube that are, and it's funny cause it's like fads is the same as in probably like the music industry where there's certain fads, there's certain titles that kind of pop off, um,

If you use the, it is legitimately insane or is a nightmare or is worse than you think or is better than you think. And then it works until it doesn't. Right. And then you're like, okay, well, what's the next thing? Right. It's kind of formats. That's what's crazy because we talk about if we are boring during a lot of the time, we are working probably way too much. I can't stress enough.

How much fun we are lucky. We are blessed to do this. But the amount of work on the back end from a day-to-day, you're like, oh, this is what we actively talk about and find interesting. It's like that shit on the drive here. I was like, well, I get the fuck out of here. This is how you go from a 10 to 10 to a 1 of 10. And you get to watch that actively really quickly. He's like, oh, I just switched it to this. And only if like –

The content is there. Yeah. Because content is God. Content is on fleek. And if the content is not... You need to constantly use that sentence. I haven't heard on fleek in a while. And if content is not there, then buy Felicia.

What year were you born again? Let me marinate in the cringe real quick. Rhythm with the tism. Skibbity. Oh, God. Doesn't that mean shit? I don't know. Bye, everyone. Thank you. No, stop talking about skibbity.

No, but honestly, like if it, so my point is that if like the video sucks, then it doesn't matter what the title is. Doesn't matter what the thumbnail is, but if the video is good and then the title and thumbnail support it and kind of, it's like those things have to confluence together. Cause like you can, well, that's one of the things that the algorithm did that I think kind of defeated clickbait is that if people click on a video, look expecting one thing, right? Cause let's say you have the best title, best thumbnail in existence, right?

but your video sucks dick. It's like if people click away from it in five seconds, then it depletes that in the algorithm. It's like, okay, well, that's a good thing. Like if your content sucks, then yeah, they're not going to reward you for that. I tell people all the time because obviously people I work with know what I do on the side, which is kind of like my main thing now because the army is boring. But anyways...

And they ask, you know, they're like, well, how do we, you know, do this, this, and this? And I was like, look, it starts with solid content. Because YouTube, at least in my experience, has one of the best discovery algorithms that I've ever seen. And I explain it, like, you ever, like, go online. It's weird when you're a fucking, like, $2 trillion company. Your algorithms are pretty all right. Decently shaped. You look up how to make, like, a whiskey and Coke on YouTube. And then all of a sudden, four hours later, you're watching dudes build in the jungle with sticks. Like, that's the discovery algorithm going.

damn like that's what it is what do you guys watch on youtube can i ask that has this been asked before a million times actually go for it bro i can't stop watching guys build cabins in the woods and it switches does your switch like you'll have a month and then yeah for whatever reason a new video that is older like your old style content you used to watch like months ago would pop back up it's like oh man i really do like that it's

out and then it switches to that new subject for a long so long that rabbit hole you ever get into um stealth camping yeah yeah yeah like guys who are okay you dudes are my kind of weird so like i'll love watching i forget the guy's name but he'll like i think set up stealth camps behind walmart and he's like this is the best place the roundabout if you don't want to get caught about the security there's a place that will be unnamed but like camping was

Steve. Camping with Steve. Across from our brunch joint that we're just like, Steve Wallace. Yeah, camping with Steve. Can I see? It's probably Steve Wallace. This dude will fight, like camping in a... Yes, yes, yes. I love everything. It's like all dudes, like you're the only one who's like, what the

And all of us is like, camping with Steve, where he's going to go this round. If we're talking about the iceberg of YouTube videos, that's the tippy top. Because there is all just the weird shit and the stuff that I watch on YouTube. I consume so much YouTube. At the very bottom, you're like 36 views. You're like, I'm camping behind my ex-girlfriend's house. And the problems with that. That's a really good title and thumbnail. You're going to get a subpoena for the shit you watch.

Are you even watching YouTube if you're not getting arrested for the content? It's like watching dudes rent a U-Haul camper and it's negative 30 degrees, but I'm going to camp in this U-Haul. I'm like, why would you do that? But I'm also just drawn into it so much and I'll watch it all night. Yes. I want you to know, from this conversation, you guys are going to start at least five new YouTube channels.

Stealth camping, getting a U-Haul. That's going to be the Pokemon evolution of fucking the gang does. The gang camps at negative 10 degree temperatures in a U-Haul. Okay, this is a one-time thing. I am really miserable right now. I would hate that so much.

For me, it's like a lot of controversy. I love police shooting videos. That's a top one for me. Road rage. Weird algorithm. Yeah, I like road rage. Because you're Ethan, very white. Yeah, that's fair. I do like fighting videos. People getting into fist fights randomly. And racism. No, I'm just kidding. This is going to be that last one. Don't walk out of my room. Yeah.

but yeah that's that's for me i've never even heard of stealth camping now i'm gonna watch i'll be upstairs tonight like in a u-haul red letter media i watch a ton of that love that i haven't watched them and they do that is og og youtube you're talking about like uh phantom menace like when i think that's what put them on the map was their star wars but i like their formats of the just

So what I like to do is catch up when they do the right around this time of year, they'll do the, like, here's the last 11 Halloween videos that I watched. And then you get like great recommendations for the stuff to rent on voodoo or not to rent, you know, speaking up. Do you guys remember riff tracks? Yeah. Yeah. Riff tracks.

It was like... MST3K. Mystery Science Theater 3000. Yeah. Oh my god, yes! And then Riff Trax was the offshoot of it. Yeah, they started releasing audios where they would just riff on movies and they would sell the audio that you start the movie and start their soundtrack and play it together. It was just basically audio commentary. No shit. They're back. I've never even heard of this. They're back now. They were on Comedy Central. It's hilarious. When we're talking OG YouTube, I go back to epic rap battles of history, which is...

By the way, when we were designing my first article 15. Oh, that was a good one, yeah. Great stuff. Totally off topic, but have you looked into the Hypervelocity Cannon they're designing for air defense?

You're not talking about the Typhon launcher? No. So what they did is originally they were going to build it. It looks like a Paladin. They put a longer gun and it's still 155. But instead of using it for artillery, they actually made it radar guided. And it's a hypervelocity 155 shell that's fragmentation. Yeah. Instead of Urka. Yes. They got rid of Urka. But now they changed it to the.

hypersonic round because they decided they were like we don't need to do what China's doing I was going to say the Chinese but I'm going to say we don't need to do what China's doing yeah I did a whole episode on like the future of artillery in the US Army oh okay we got that yeah we're okay okay

Very good laser radar system. American changer, though. Not as good. Like, some of that stuff, like, I work directly with artillery guys, so I get a lot of, like, their know-how. Have you guys ever seen the ATACOM actually be used? Like, look up any of the video from it. The ATACOM. Which is the... Oh, wait.

Oh, what does the exact term stand for? So it's a big missile that has 500 APAM in it, which stands for anti-personnel or anti-materials. Pretty much grenades. 500 of those. 500? 500 of those. That's too many of those. It's an explosive for shit. The scary thing is when you see this thing, they got high-def footage of it. You'll see it, and it's flying through the air, and it opens, and then all of a sudden the fins turn, and it spins to scatter them.

which is terrifying. That's gnarly, dude. They showed me that. I was like, I am so fucking glad that's on my team. It is terrifying what they can do with those things. Written on the side in handwritten paint is, don't tell Geneva about shit. Yeah, there was that the Gimler's is 161,000 tungsten balls.

In one explosive, yeah. 160,000? 161,000. So they range... Tungsten is the heaviest metal that we have, by the way. Period. The heaviest metal we use. Well, they're different sizes. So some of them are like buckshot and the other ones are like .22 caliber, maybe .38 caliber. Other than like... I mean, we got like...

What's more heavy than tungsten, though? Depleted uranium. Yeah. That's DP. Like a tungsten ring. If you put on a tungsten ring compared to a steel ring, metal, whatever it is, it has heft.

I, the first time I loaded a canister round in an Abrams. So like when you load the round in an Abrams, you push the knee switch, a door that's like an inch thick. That's a, so like you leave the door closed in case your ammo cooks off and it blow out panels on the top, just blast out. It'll ring your bell, but you'll survive.

You push the knee switch, door slides open. You have your honeycomb for your ready rack right there. You just release it and the round literally drops into your hand. The first time I loaded a canister shell, which is an Abrams version of a 12 gauge, it's 997 three quarter inch tungsten steel balls. They travel at around, I don't know, 6,280 feet per second. Not being specific. Gunner, canister, 100 yards, child. Yeah, like... Wait, 6,000? Child. 997 three quarter inch tungsten steel balls coming out of one shell.

What's the speed? 6,280 feet per second. What? I could take it. Okay. Again, reiterate. How many? 997 three-quarter inch tungsten steel balls. At what speed? 6,280 feet per second. Brandon, how fast does the bullet travel? 5.56. You're looking at just over 3,000.

Like it's doubling the speed of a good rifle round. Like that's, it's insane. And when it drops out though, the whole front end drops. You're like, all the weight is in the nose where all the BBs are, all the balls are. You flip that bitch onto the breech, shove it in and arm it and get it out of the goddamn way. Cause it's going to, it's going to recoil like a son of a bitch.

she fires the cool thing that i'm hearing about is when i say the coolest death destruction thing is that they're now doing airburst rounds where so trench warfare is so hot right now right just like in 1914 it's crazy i would love to see how much of this podcast makes the intro

because dear god like the amount of whatever you're at in this video just know that there's 20 minutes of missing redacted footage we legally cannot show you because holy fuck this is the good good put that in the intro

- They're now creating, basically, so people are like, why are they switching? Bradley shoots 25 mil, so why are they switching to 30 mil? - I asked you this question. Go ahead, continue, I'm sorry. - This is fascinating to me too. - Yeah. - I learned this recently. The reason is because 25 mil, you can't do airburst with, but 30 mil, you can actually, it's large enough, the round is big enough that you can program it to explode at a certain, detonate at a certain point. - Why can't you do that with 25?

It's just not big enough to put the... Basically, there is a chip in the round that lets it explode at... You type into your laser range finder. You can't do just a longer or thicker Projo? 25 mil can't do it. That's what Northrop Grumman told me. I asked the same thing. I was like, what gives? But they said... That was in the official work memo. What gives? That's the reply.

This is the best podcast I've ever read on, man. Fuck. This is going to be the... What's that fucking war game? I kept leaking military secrets. Oh! War Thunder. War Thunder, yes. This is the War Thunder podcast. I think we talked about that before. Unfortunately. When did China and America become teams?

*laughs* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *imitates* *

Those weapon systems are absolutely insane. So they're 30 mil. So basically, okay, let's say you see an enemy trench 300 meters away. You're in a Bradley. You put your cannon, basically the remote control weapon system onto it. And you do basically press a button and it tells you that's 200 meters away.

The technology then programs the round, the 30 mil, which is large enough to have this tech in it, to explode at that distance. So you're firing rounds over that trench and it's blowing up and sending shrapnel into the inside of the trench. So that's the big reason why we're trying to push to 30 mil. Because it's cutting fuses to the length to detonate at that point, right? Right.

Right. Yeah, I feel like you probably understand this better than me. Well, I thought like we built like this is like OG Call of Duty level shit, but like the XM25 I thought was what we... Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, that's literally why they were doing that. It's like the new airburst. Did you see it? Not at SHOT Show, but at AUSA, they're making a new one. It's now... Really? Yeah, they made it. Oh, that! You see it? Yes! Yes. It's a 30 millimeter high explosive accurate... Is it 30? It's 30. Oh, okay.

Shoulder fire grenade launcher. Oh, I know what we're talking about. Oh my god, I saw it. It look- I don't even know if it's worth a damn, but it looks so f***ing cool. Yes! It looks like a scar, like- like it shoots grenades. It's so f***ing cool. I know the new shirt. Militistic. Oh, dude, it's so artistic. Oh my god, can I share that? Oh my god. I did see that. Just soldiers in line.

Yeah, it looks... Oh, man. I'm going to pull up a picture. I forget who made it, but it's... I mean, it looks like a rifle, but it essentially has... Barrett? Yeah. Isn't it Barrett? Or the company that owns Barrett, I thought. I think you're right. I think it's Barrett. But it's basically like an XM25 without all the unnecessary... Let's cut to a wide and show them eagerly typing in their phone. There it is. That's it, right?

That's it? SSRS 30mm. That is 100% it. 30mm. What the fuck? Yeah, I'm gonna do a video on it. We got the same picture. I'm so confused. Did you show Cody what that looks like? Have you seen that? It looks like almost an AA-12. Send that to me so I can put it up for trade. Okay, I got you. It's like a small grenade launcher? 30mm anti-well... It looks like a 12-gauge. It's fat. Technically...

Any .50 cal is anti-material. However, 30mm grenades are. Who makes that? That's Barrett or the Parrot Company anyway. I think it's only a five-round magazine, though. I didn't read too much on it. Maybe ten. That's cool as fuck. I mean, but a magazine-fed grenade launcher like this. It doesn't have to be explosive. There's like seven rounds sitting in front of it. Excuse me, Barrett is asking me if I'm over 18 years of age so I can bid on this rifle. Um...

How much is it? No, this is definitely not like civilian. You don't have the licensing for explosives? Oh, come on. Have you guys found the explosives guy on Instagram? I thought this was America. So the funny part is like, I've got all the licensing to be able to buy all this shit, but it's like the difference is whether or not they'll sell it to you. That's fair. Yep. Which if you know a guy, but yeah, they can legally sell it to you. They just, they're going to have to pass it by their boss. Yeah.

Thankfully, the boss. God bless America. So we haven't even sold this to the government yet. Why the f*** did you give it to some guy in Kentucky? Check out this sweet YouTube video. Did you see what he did with a Serbu? Wait, I haven't seen this. I don't know if I've... Kentucky Ballistics. I don't know if I've seen that one. Yeah.

50 million people have. Oh, I was like, fuck, I don't know if I saw that one. Kentucky Ballistics, what happened? No. Oh, wait, you thought, oh, put the jam a thumb in it? Yes, okay. Yeah. I thought that was a slap. That was a slap around with a 20, or a 50 cal, right? Yeah. Yeah, it was the Serbu 50 cal. Yeah.

just jam a thumb in it that's all you gotta do he had a good time and now he's fine we love you i i've seen him but i've never like walked up and said hello dude he's one of the nicest people i met crispy and it was a really awkward interaction between me and him like it was like right at the end arranged i was like hey what's up man love your stuff you shook his hand and then like i stood there awkwardly and he stood there then he talked to somebody else i was like yeah i fucked this one up it was just an awkward interaction you're like we're gonna get along so much

I didn't have it. I do. I don't know why my brain was just like, you have forgotten everything. Now you forgot. You don't even know your name. And I just, and then he talked to somebody else. I was like, ah, fuck this up. Yeah, that's fair. All right. I'm going to just go off. Yeah. Crispy's great. I met him back before the pandemic and like 2018 with Patrick Baker. One of my, uh,

He hired me at TMP, actually. One of my favorite people in existence. Really good dude. And we went out to Texas. And it was like one of my first shoots ever. Hung out with Crispy. Hung out with Jack Mandeville. Oh, Jack's good people. I love Jack. Had a great time. Very good friends of the podcast. Yeah. Good peeps. I love Jack.

Those dudes are super talented. He's crazy smart. I was not prepared for that when I met Jack. Jack is really fucking smart. He's a history buff, dude. Yeah, he is. We were talking about all sorts of things.

Because he plays the whole, like, oh, I'm so dumb character. But you actually sit down and have a conversation with him. And you're like, oh, this guy is voting. And he always has, he'll talk about history in a way that you didn't think about it necessarily. At least for me, he'll talk about it. And I'm like, oh, I had not considered it that way. It scares me when people like that. Like, they say a fact about history. And it's like, okay, well, everybody knew that. And he's like, yeah, but if you read the letters, it's like, oh, this guy dug deep.

I do not know how to read. So that is not fair. First of all, out of bounds. He's actually talked about reading like his letters from his great, great grandparents or whoever. He's got familial letters. Yeah. And these are like civil war letters. No shit. And it is insanity to hear how they talked back in the day. And then,

how old was it it was like 16 or 17 talking about like the marriage and everything yeah well i mean it's just crazy the difference between uh the way people talked back then versus like nowadays it's like hey

out of toilet paper, please help. I was thinking a different direction. I was thinking that they were so articulate back then. So when I hear or read what they were trying to communicate back then, I'm like, why am I not able to articulate even... Our great-great-grandkids reading our text messages like, yo, TLDR not having a great time. Yeah.

I don't know what any of the... And a gif. And then the gif of this. And they're like, yo, bro, why were they so articulate back then? Why could they dab so well?

It's only going to get worse. Yeah. But I, I mean, I agree with you that it's only going to get worse, but like, I will also say that Americans in general, like humans in general were very direct back then. Like we don't, we beat around the bush so much now that when you meet a culture that doesn't like Koreans, like,

Which is really interesting because I went to like a Korean restaurant in Lawton and I was like, can I get an egg on this? Lady was like, no. And just walked away. My wife was like, that was fucking rude. I was like, no, that's Korean. Like, that's just the, they're straight up like, this is what's going to happen and you're not going to change it. My dearest Marion, fuck my life. The commander has walked away today. We haven't seen him in two months.

boons. Two squirrels. They had days back then. Their insults were so sick, too. They were eloquent. He is so mediocre. What's the biggest murder?

no it's also important to note that an american president it was andrew jackson had won over a hundred pistol duels and like killed a guy on the white house lawn before yeah do not know about his duels yeah no i didn't know our homie just challenged people all the time yo bro dude if you want to be president in this day dude 20 28 i think homeboy comes and just shoots people

why not be a bad thing? You know, I think he was the first president to ever be able to like step up and talk about his publicly recorded KD. Like, yeah, dude, Andrew Jackson was a G.

I didn't know I had somebody insulted his wife at a white house party. And that's the dude he killed on the white house lawn. Like they went and did a pistol dealer. He's like, you know, pistols right now. Let's fucking go. And went out there and just blasted old boy. And then went inside and got shit faced. Debates become so much better when you get a public challenge them and then shoot them in front of when you got slapped by the glove in 1820. That was a big deal. Yeah, dude.

I want to say it was over 100. I'm just going from memory here. I want to say it was over 100 pistol duels he had won. And he'd been shot like three or four times, I want to say, during those pistol duels and just survived. It was like, I'm going to be president now. Fuck you. Yeah. Dude, homies went hard. You're like, okay, good. Meanwhile, we have a president who can't walk upstairs.

It's a lot of stairs, Brandon. Don't be so cold. I like the Shane Gillis where as soon as he's done talking, he turns into a Roomba. I'm so... I don't know about you guys, but like...

In moments like that, I'm so glad for the deep state. I'm just so glad that we... No, wait. Can I say for a second? Can I talk for a second? Let him cook. I'm really happy in moments like that when there's no one at the helm. I'm glad that we have a deep state that can just take over. Yeah.

And run this shit. So you're telling me we should be voting for the CEO of Boeing? Not Boeing. They can't sue us. Oh my god.

This is it. Like, every time I think we've peaked, it's just, this is the one that's gonna get it. This is... It's going hard. Brandon! I'm so glad when our president is asleep at the wheel. All I'm glad is that someone else can take over. Thank God we've created a system where we don't need a president. We don't... Fucking...

The thing I don't like about this podcast is when I talk, people, they are laughing at, uh... I'm trying to talk. I'm just happy that we have a resiliency in this system. And I think we can all agree. We'll call it a redundancy. We'll go with that. Yeah, a redundancy. Yes.

That's what my squad leader always used to call me, redundant. And I appreciate that. So even when Biden has his faults, we have General Milley at the helm. Oh, fuck. Now...

Sam Sam, we get it. We understand. We are speaking the same language now. Didn't he retire and get a job at Boeing or something like that? That's weird. That's Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who was formerly a Raytheon chair member, who is now Secretary of Defense. I wonder why we picked Raytheon's radar for the LTAMs. I wonder why. West Virginia has an issue with inbreeding. Cody, close us out, beautiful.

Go to the after show. Bye, everyone. Thank you for joining the Unscribed Podcast. I was joining it about Eli Double Tap, habitual line crawler, Chris Cappy with Task and Purpose, Brandon Herrera, myself, Donut Operator. You can join us on the after show on Patreon. Love you. And then, Mr. Chris Cappy, where do we find you, you beautiful? Guys, you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram at Cappy Army. Also on YouTube at Task and Purpose. And...

Thank you so much. I had so much more weird stuff to get into, but we have to go. No, we got the after show. Oh, we can go in the weird. Now we got the weird, weird shit. Kids, I'll see you in like one second. ... ...

I feel something. You're my