cover of episode You Can't Fact Check JD Vance (VP Debate Recap) ft. Vibes Only's Glennis & Brian

You Can't Fact Check JD Vance (VP Debate Recap) ft. Vibes Only's Glennis & Brian

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Brian Derrick
Glennis Meagher
Brian Derrick: 本次辩论中,沃尔兹在关键问题上的含糊其辞,反而制造了最具病毒式传播的时刻。万斯在辩论中展现了高超的辩论技巧,但同时也说了很多谎话,包括否认支持全国性堕胎禁令,声称特朗普拯救了平价医疗法案,以及歪曲了拜登-哈里斯政府时期移民数量。沃尔兹在辩论中过于温和的态度,在短期内可能对他有利,但也可能使万斯在长期内看起来更温和。 V: 我对万斯的反感让我难以集中注意力。沃尔兹的表现更像是为了竞选明尼苏达州州长,而不是美国副总统。我认为万斯在辩论中的表现是为了迎合特定政治利益集团,并试图以一种不那么极端的方式来推行他们的议程。万斯缺乏独立的个性和信仰,他只是模仿他认为房间里最有权势的人。万斯公开表示他认为国家公园和联邦保护土地如果没有开发就毫无价值,他还忽视了联邦保护土地对原住民的文化和宗教意义。 Glennis Meagher: 万斯优秀的辩论技巧和权威背景使得他的谎言更容易被人们接受。特朗普可能嫉妒万斯在辩论中的出色表现。万斯的声望极低,任何表现都会提升他的评价。我认为辩论主持人不应过度强调她们是女性这一事实。辩论主持人提出的关于沃尔兹访问中国和万斯虚构移民故事的问题,对万斯过于宽容。万斯在辩论中只提出了问题,没有提供任何可行的解决方案。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss Tim Walz's performance in the vice presidential debate, noting his neighborly demeanor and comparing it to the more polished style of JD Vance. They question whether Walz's approach resonated with undecided voters.
  • Walz's debate performance was perceived differently by those deeply involved in news and politics versus more casual observers.
  • Vance's Ivy League background and debate skills contrasted with Walz's more relatable, neighborly approach.

Shownotes Transcript

Another debate, another recap! Today V & Sami are joined by Vibes Only's Glennis Meagher & Brian Derrick to compare notes on last night's VP debate. Was Walz's neighborly demeanor a liability? Can Vance answer a question without lying? What does the VP even do? We can answer some of these questions, even if the candidates didn't.

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