cover of episode Will Project 2025 Turn America into a Theocracy?

Will Project 2025 Turn America into a Theocracy?

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American Fever Dream

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Sammy Sage
V Spear
V Spear:将"美国优先2025计划"与纳粹德国相比并不恰当,因为美国国土面积和人口更大,现代自由和互联网也使得政府行为更难隐瞒。如果特朗普当选,新的政府将类似于沙特阿拉伯等神权国家,具有极端贫富差距和严格的社会规范。特朗普计划实施强制兵役,这可能是为了维持新的神权统治。特朗普与沙特房地产公司的合作,以及他过去利用酒店的行为,表明其与沙特政权的联系。"美国优先2025计划"也包含纳粹思想,例如对女性角色的限制,但更类似于沙特阿拉伯式的伊斯兰教法,只是以基督教的名义实施。虽然与阿拉伯国家的专制政权进行比较,但不应容忍伊斯兰恐惧症或反阿拉伯言论。 Sammy Sage:将纳粹德国作为专制政权的代名词是一种限制想象力的说法,每个专制政权都有其独特的邪恶之处。如果特朗普当选,美国将建立一个类似沙特阿拉伯的神权政府,其结构与沙特阿拉伯相似,只是形式不同。沙特阿拉伯的父权制结构是基于对宗教文本的解释,对女性的限制与美国历史上对女性的限制相似。沙特阿拉伯的个人身份法规定女性必须服从丈夫,并且对女性的保护不足。最高法院的裁决对"官方行为"和"非官方行为"的界定模糊不清,赋予总统广泛的豁免权,将保护特朗普免受叛乱指控,但可能允许特朗普就其与州官员关于虚假选举人的通话继续受审。最高法院的裁决使得总统几乎可以不受惩罚地进行任何行为,因为几乎所有行为都可以被定义为"官方行为"。索托马约尔法官在异议中指出,最高法院的裁决将使总统免受暗杀政治对手等行为的指控。最高法院推翻雪佛龙原则,削弱了联邦机构的权力,导致15个联邦机构的权力被削弱,而总统的豁免权却增强。最高法院推翻雪佛龙原则后,法官将决定药物和食品的审批,这将影响堕胎药物米非司酮的审批。

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Back from Vidcon, V and Sami are comparing Project 2025, the Nazi's, Theocracy and Saudi Arabia, and where a win for Trump this fall would leave us. V and Sami also explore what the current round of Supreme Court rulings mean, and how this might be the end of #vanlife.


What are the realities of Project 2025? Everyone is quick to compare it to Nazi Germany, but is the reality more a Theocracy like Saudi Arabia? President Biden gives a mild speech after the Supreme Court’s decision to rule (6-3) that Donald Trump has immunity from being prosecuted for election interference & AOC says she’ll introduce articles of impeachment. Other laws being passed across the country include: rollbacks on child labor laws, age of consent laws & punishing people for sleeping in cars/public spaces


Sami and V go deeper into the 6-3 Supreme Court ruling, including Sotomayor's dissent and how this would have affected past presidents' actions. They also talk about the Chevron Deference and what that means for organizations like the FDA, Title IX, and Veteran Affairs.


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