cover of episode When Sex Gets Weird, the Cults Will Crumble

When Sex Gets Weird, the Cults Will Crumble

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American Fever Dream

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bea Spear
Sammy Sage
V Spear
Bea Spear:部分州已开始提前投票,但一些选票出现问题,例如没有副总统哈里斯的名字或候选人名字拼写错误。这引发了人们对选举诚信的担忧。建议使用vote.org和iwillvote.com网站检查选民登记信息,并关注佛罗里达州参议员候选人Debbie McCarcell-Powell的竞选。 Sammy Sage:建议大家收听上周关于佛罗里达州参议员候选人Debbie McCarcell-Powell的采访节目。 Sammy Sage:共和党在多个州采取措施,试图压制选民投票,例如佐治亚州要求所有选票必须人工点算,这在实际操作上几乎不可能实现。内布拉斯加州独特的选举人票分配方式也引发争议,特朗普希望该州改为赢者通吃制。这些都是压制选民投票的努力,我们需要保持警惕,并鼓励大家积极参与投票。

Deep Dive

Early voting has begun in several states, but concerns about election interference and voter suppression tactics are rising. Disputes over ballot accuracy and hand-counting measures in Georgia, along with debates about electoral vote distribution in Nebraska, highlight the ongoing challenges to the democratic process. These issues, combined with efforts to restrict voting access in various states, underscore the importance of voter engagement and vigilance.
  • Early voting has started in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Virginia.
  • Ballot errors, including a missing Kamala Harris name and a misspelled Tim Walz name, have occurred in Montana and Florida.
  • Georgia's election board implemented a rule change requiring hand-counted ballots, raising concerns about feasibility and potential for errors.
  • Nebraska's unique electoral vote distribution method is under scrutiny, with Trump advocating for a winner-take-all approach.
  • Texas and Oklahoma have purged significant numbers of voters from their rolls, and polling locations have been closed disproportionately in minority neighborhoods.

Shownotes Transcript

Whoever is writing this week's storyline for America is going a little wild. V fills us in on her latest trip to the Pentagon, where they talk China, Russia, and of course TikTok with the Department of Defense. We also get some clarification on why they use the unsettling phrase "most combat ready lethal fighting force."


  • Georgia's Election Board voted on a measure which would require counties to hand-count ballots -- which even has some Republican's speaking up in opposition.

  • Nebraska's unique way of distributing electoral votes is causing Trump to panic, and Senator for South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is also trying to support this "winner takes it all" approach. Although Nebraska's Governor Jim Pillen seems to support this change, he said he won't call a special session without the support of 33 state Senators.


  • Breaking down all that is Mark Robinson, the self proclaimed "Black Nazi."

  • We wrap up with an in depth look at what we know about the "freak offs" (aka mass rapes) Diddy was part of, including the IV bags and 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lube that were seized from his home, and the alleged tell all that Diddy's ex, Kim Porter wrote, that was published after her death.

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