cover of episode The Fight For Florida ft. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

The Fight For Florida ft. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

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American Fever Dream

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Bea Spear
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: 我2018年竞选国会议员的动机是为了改变,并为佛罗里达州的民众争取更好的生活。我与对手Rick Scott在政策理念上存在巨大差异,例如在医疗保险、经济承受能力、气候变化和生育选择权等问题上。Rick Scott在担任州长期间推行的政策导致佛罗里达州的保险费率飙升,加剧了民众的经济负担。他还否认气候变化的存在,这给佛罗里达州的沿海社区带来了巨大的破坏。此外,他支持堕胎禁令,严重限制了女性的生育选择权。我致力于保护社会保障和医疗保险,扩大医疗保险覆盖范围,投资老年人经济适用房,并降低商品和服务成本,以改善佛罗里达州民众的生活。我将努力让更多人了解我,争取赢得选举。即使当选后与Marco Rubio在一些问题上存在分歧,我仍然愿意与他合作,尤其是在国家安全等重要议题上。我呼吁佛罗里达州的选民警惕选民压制行为,并积极参与投票。 Bea Spear & Sammy Sage: 佛罗里达州一些原本支持共和党的选民,由于对现行政治现状的不满,正在转向支持民主党候选人。The Villages地区,传统上是共和党支持者聚集地,现在也开始出现支持民主党候选人的趋势,这表明政治格局正在发生变化。针对那些搬到佛罗里达州的年长选民,尤其是那些过去支持共和党的人,呼吁他们投票支持民主党候选人,以保护佛罗里达州的未来和年轻一代的利益。

Deep Dive

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, driven by her mother's pursuit of freedom and opportunity, is running for Senate. As the first Latina at the top of the ticket in Florida, she aims to address the affordability crisis and protect opportunities for Floridians.
  • Mucarsel-Powell is the first Latina to be at the top of the ticket in Florida.
  • She was inspired to run by her mother's pursuit of freedom and opportunity.
  • She aims to protect and expand opportunities for all Floridians.

Shownotes Transcript

Whether you call her The Latina Hammer, La Luchadora, or maybe just DMP: it's clear Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is making herself known in the Florida race for Senate against incumbent Rick Scott (who was involved in defrauding Medicare in 1997.) Mucarsel-Powell talks about the challenges that Floridians face, from high insurance rates to climate change, and how the normally Republican leaning Villages is showing up for the Harris-Walz campaign.

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