cover of episode Michelle Obama's DNC Speech Gave Us New Hope

Michelle Obama's DNC Speech Gave Us New Hope

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Sammy Sage
Vita Spear
Sammy Sage和Vita Spear对民主党全国代表大会的报道,重点关注了米歇尔·奥巴马和巴拉克·奥巴马的演讲,以及其他一些演讲者的发言。他们描述了大会的热烈气氛,以及演讲者们试图传达的希望和团结的信息。他们还讨论了民主党和共和党在政治策略和公众形象上的差异,以及一些共和党人对卡玛拉·哈里斯的支持。他们认为,米歇尔·奥巴马的演讲具有很强的感染力,她巧妙地回应了特朗普的言论,并呼吁大家积极参与投票。巴拉克·奥巴马的演讲则强调了与不同观点的人进行对话沟通的重要性。他们还讨论了道格·埃姆霍夫的演讲,以及他如何成功地展现了卡玛拉·哈里斯作为妻子、母亲和女性的形象。总的来说,他们认为这次民主党大会为民主党支持者提供了一个表达认同和归属感的平台,并鼓励他们积极参与政治活动。 Sammy Sage和Vita Spear还讨论了大会上其他一些演讲者的发言,包括JB Pritzker、Bernie Sanders、Jason Carter和Jack Schlossberg。他们对这些演讲者的评价褒贬不一,有的认为他们的演讲很有意义,有的则认为他们的演讲缺乏亮点。他们还提到了Stephanie Grisham对特朗普的批评,以及一些工会成员对卡玛拉·哈里斯的支持。最后,他们总结了这次民主党大会的整体氛围,认为这次大会成功地传达了希望和团结的信息,并鼓励民主党支持者积极参与政治活动。

Deep Dive

Michelle Obama's DNC speech was a powerful call to action, emphasizing the importance of voting and civic engagement. She highlighted the stark contrast between the values of the Democratic party and the current administration, urging listeners to choose their better angels and work towards a more just and equitable future.
  • Michelle Obama's speech was a powerful call to action, emphasizing the importance of voting and holding the current administration accountable.
  • She criticized the lack of empathy and disregard for truth displayed by the current administration.
  • Obama stressed the importance of unity and working together despite differences.

Shownotes Transcript


Rise and shine, Fever Dreamers. Look alive, my friends. This is Sammy Sage and Vita Spear coming at you with American Fever Dream live from the DNC. It's the after now. It's the after party. It's 1141 p.m. and everyone is at Hotties for Harris, but not me and Sammy. Nope. Because we are dedicated. We are dedicated to the American Fever Dreamers. And we are at our respective hotels recapping the night.

Which, I mean, I'd only ever talk to you at the party anyway, so I feel like... That's not true. Come on. Everyone would be trying to talk to you. I know, I know. We would want to be doing this debrief anyway, and this forces us to do it in a truly constructive manner. And I feel like now tonight, since last night, yesterday, we were really getting our bearings and our credentials. Today feels like, okay, we know the lay of the land. We know a little bit more what to expect.

And, you know, we are, we're what Logan Roy would call serious people. And also you went downstairs for some period of time and I was texting you when you weren't responding and Annie Wu literally comes up to me and she's like,

are you okay without Sammy? And I'm like, yeah, no, I'm okay. She's like, okay. Cause you seem very stressed. Like I was on, it was on do not disturb because at some point support Sammy, I'm sorry. We were on the creator platform for Doug and the Obamas. I was actually looking up wondering, does Vino up here? I did. I was looking down and,

From my creators. You know what I got that was very exciting? I got one of those vertical stick signs that says vote. Oh, I wish I could have taken it home, but like, it's obviously not going to fit in my suitcase. So like, it's so cool. Like this is such camp. At least there was a photo taken. I want those flat signs. There are things that I need. One,

Someone is bringing me a Harris Wells hat tomorrow. And two, we need like the signs. Oh, I could have gotten them. I could have. Can I tell you how? Let's explain. So if you're watching on TV, you probably noticed that they have different signs throughout the night. That's because there are people handing out different signs at different parts of the night and being like, hold this one. Like,

There was a Doug sign. Last night, two nights ago, there was a Jill sign. So if you notice, the vertical sticks said, we love Joe. Last night, tonight, they said vote Joe.

There was a Doug sign. There was USA. There was like Kamala. It's, you know, they're not, they're all different colors. I think because probably they want people to be visually engaged on television. And it's this sea of like red signs looks very cool. When a minute later, there's like a sea of blue USA signs. The truth is,

When you're here, it's really hectic and feels super disorganized. But what I'm seeing on TV, which I'm not even getting to see as it's happening, is so well choreographed and coordinated, minus the fact that it's running a little late. But that's because it's good and people are applauding, not because they're like,

No one's getting prompted to applaud or to chant. The people in that middle section, it's all delegates on the floor. And whoever is in that front middle section is feral. And they are chant starters. I have to look and see what state that is because they are feral.

It's also coming from the side. It's also coming from like the side middle. There's a lot. It's all very natural. Like even tonight, Obama says, yes, she can in the speech, you know, referring to Kamala Harris, like she can win. That was ad-libbed.

And that led to like three minutes of yes, she can. You know what I mean? So that happens and that happens multiple times a night. And, you know, the people walk out and Michelle Obama was like, all right, enough, enough. And people kept going. And that's what keeps pushing it back. Also, we had the roll call tonight. The roll call was super fun. Well, let's start from the top because there was so much that went on. The roll call, I thought...

was going to be boring. And you and I went over to the CNN grill because we're like, oh, this is a good time to eat. And then sooner be known to us, frigging Lil Jon is walking through the audience singing Get Low. He came out for the Georgia roll call. They were, again, they were very good at choreographing it to not be boring. So they got like a third of the way through the alphabet and they're like, let's have a musical performance from Lil Jon.

It's like every song. And also I was like, get low. I thought we go high when they go low. I don't know. Get low. I was reading about this. Cause I was like, Ooh, get low is apparently like on Kamala's Spotify playlist. Like she likes that song. And this is becoming like a jam. It's like a part of the soundtrack. The music, the play on play off music is making me really emotional. Like how they play fight song for Hillary on Monday night. And then like,

sometimes they reuse songs that like have meaning to the people so for obama they use city of blinding lights which they used i believe in one of his campaigns and then and then the second campaign they use bruce springsteen's land of hope and dreams which is one of my favorite bruce springsteen songs but after i couldn't listen to that after trump won like when i heard that song i would just get the biggest pit in my stomach and hearing it tonight i still kind of had the pit but like

I kind of was like, oh, I remember being young and hearing this song when he was great. And yeah, I don't know. That song makes me really emotional. But yeah, it was a little healing.

And it's kind of interesting how Trump, every time he has any kind of rally and with the RNC, people are like, you are not allowed to use my music. I will sue you if you use my music in here. It's like Lil Jon showing up, Common, Patti LaBelle came and sang. They were using different songs for every state. And it was like, awesome. Yeah, all the hits. What did they use? They used Ship It Up to Boston for Massachusetts.

I thought that was great. Yeah. What was the one that they used that we were sitting right there, the one right before Massachusetts or right after? Michigan? There was just so many. Yeah, Michigan had a great song. Oh, Michigan was Eminem. It was Eminem. I think they're showing off. Right. They are showing off. I believe that they are doing that because they know that the Trump campaign can't get a single fucking song that isn't like, it's a man's man's man's world. Right.

Literally, they did a J.D. Vance rally yesterday, or maybe it was earlier today, and they were playing the leader of the pack, that song from the 1950s. That's when I fell for the leader of the pack. I was like, oh, wow. We've gone all the way back. Back to fair use. Fair use, Ellie Greenwich, jukebox.

I mean, I couldn't even get away with my heart will go on. And that was, it seems like a mistake, but I will say I've never heard Obama speak in person before. So yeah, it was incredible. He was really, he's really special. Should we save the Obamas for last? But no, I think we got to do the Obamas first because they were awesome. Totally unprompted. Soon to be known to me, Michelle Obama enters the stage with the arms of

just ripped still looking gorgeous ponytail for days. I did not see the pony. I couldn't see the ponytail. Oh, it was awesome. Until I saw it later. She looks amazing. Came out too. And it was like, I don't know how to explain every single person in that arena stood for her entire speech. That did not happen for other people. It was like people stood for the whole time, even up in the rafters. We were all standing while she was speaking. Cause it was like, you have so much energy built up in your body that you like,

want to stand and clap and like, there's a lot of power in someone who, you know, wants nothing to do with this and yet is here anyway. Yeah.

And everyone is dying to hear from her. And not that she doesn't support Kamala Harris. No, no, no, no. Yeah. She doesn't want to be in the political spotlight anymore. I don't think she likes being a public person, to be honest. I can't believe her. I was on – I was live streaming on, like, one of our accounts. And there were so many bot comments that were, like – So rude. It was so clearly bots. And it was –

Why would you want that? The way that she gets treated in the public eye, not to mention just like some people are allowed to not want to be public. Yeah. And Michelle Obama. Yeah, totally. What I realized and what I think propelled her speech forward is that she is genuinely disgusted by the Republicans and what they stand for. And you can read that disgust in

In her speech, on her face. And she, the whole vibe she gives is like, I'm here, I'm going to get my speech. And then like, you have to fucking vote. You have work to do. Yep. Yeah. She was basically, she was like, you have to get every single person you know to vote. This is, you have to make a voting plan. All of them have to make a voting plan. She was all business tonight. She was. And I loved some of the things she said that stuck with me also were like,

She was using Donald Trump's words right back at him in such a clever way. Like when she said, we don't all have the privilege of affirmative action in the form of generational wealth. We don't all fall forward. We don't all get third and fourth chances. And I was like, wow. I mean, she read him for filth.

One thing that I thought was she was doing this at the same time as she was almost subtly clapping back at the when they go low, we go high discourse because she mentioned that. She said like, you know, we are not low like this. She kept alluding to this.

To that idea. And she doesn't seem to want to like debase herself. No matter what. In the end too. She said, and when we always go higher, there was something at the end where she was like, and we go higher. Yeah. Yeah. Made sense. But I was, I was glad. And I think it speaks to the moment that we're in right now that Michelle Obama had to come down. And address.

absurdity like she like she said we are better than this the this is not worthy of our time and attention like these things that trump and them are doing and like just how vile and disgusting it is but for her to even mention it i thought was meeting the moment and saying like no we actually doubt i was giving you it was like she was giving him the like courtesy of not saying it so plainly but now is like i'm gonna say it plainly so it's been said

I will not say this again. We will not have this conversation again is what I got from this. Very much. And I think the commonality between both hers and her husband's speech is that the two of them are quite high-minded.

And they very much are – they're high road people. They can't help themselves. A lot of the focus of his speech was on – it was kind of like an anti-cancellation speech. It was like, if your grandparents or your parents say something that makes you want to cringe –

understand that like they are learning too and he was saying he's like we can't just not have these conversations with people and we can't just write them off because we don't agree with every piece of their lives and how they view the world and it because it's not exactly like we do and he was really I that seemed to actually be the theme of his speech to me more so than like vote or

or do something which was you know became the chant at the end to do something and i think they're being very clever in the way that this convention has created a permission structure to be a proud democrat which i don't know that we really had before there was a moment i was sitting in the rafters there with garrison hayes who's uh another news creator we had him on the live stream yesterday who i really respect and care a lot about we were just sitting there kind of like

holy shit, this moment. And I was like, Garrison, they can call me a fed and a liberal shill every single day for the rest of my life. And they will never take away what it feels like to be in this room with my friends right now, taking back democracy and being in a like-minded space where we know that what we're doing matters, where we know that even if it's not perfect, we have to try. And I was like, it just was such a real world moment of like,

somberness but also a permission structure to be a proud kamala harris supporter or be a proud democrat or a proud person for progressive values and to be to make politics cool right like so often it's like oh i don't want to be political i don't want to do this or if you get political you could get canceled or you lose followers and it was like fuck them there is nothing more important right now than the room that we're in in the company we're keeping it and the coalition we're building

Yeah, I think that that is that's kind of always been who they are. That's what they're about. That's why his coalition is so big. And that's why he's such a talented, truly once in a generation politician. And the you know, I don't know, I'm saying, oh, they're, they're very high minded people. And they are. But then I also realized, you know, the first black president probably does not have the himself have the permission structure to be super aggressive. Right.

about in his rhetoric. So there's that. But then you see, like, they are the best of who we are. And to your point about being proud to be a Democrat, the idea that, like, you shouldn't embrace Democratic liberal ideals, like, it's always been so strange to me that people would be ashamed of being the party that

You know, let's you know, we can talk about hypocrisies and imperfections and major flaws and corruption within the Democratic Party, of which there is a lot. But it's not the Republican Party. And I don't think that most people who get involved in politics as a Democrat particular in particular are people who are like, let me be out here for myself.

And this is the party of leveling the playing fields, of being a force for fairness and opportunity and spreading the wealth, spreading. We're such a wealthy country and the fact that it's how some people live. She said that we are a people who believe that you shouldn't take too much.

That if everyone will, if nobody takes too much, then there's enough for everyone, which is another lesson from a Broadway musical, Hades Town. Of course. It's literally in the lyrics. It's something like, and if everybody, it's like in the cheers they do at the end. I watched my wife in that show like 90 times. It brings me to tears every time. And it was the same thing when Michelle Obama said it, this idea that like America is so is about consumption, but at some point you do have enough.

And I love the way that even Doug Emhoff was talking about and whatever house you ended up with once you were done playing outside was the house that fed you that night. And we all took care of each other. And the idea of neighborhoods and like,

bringing back that like 90s nostalgia, if you would, the Democratic Party is breaking down the lie of rugged individualism and the idea that being ruggedly individual and only having your own and America first and no immigrants and no others is somehow powerful. And they are making it look weak and they're making it look unattractive. And they were reminding us that it wasn't always like this. This has been the last nine years of Trumpism, not the legacy of this country.

Yeah, and that is true. I mean, that's the America I thought we were getting. And we talked about, I think we talked about this yesterday, which is that

We grew up having been formed in the 90s. That is very much like we're imbued with the idea that you can, this system is meant to be good. It's flawed. It's not perfect, but we're striving for a more perfect union and we are working within this system. And it's true. Democracy has brought more prosperity. American democracy has brought more prosperity and freedom to more people than any other government system. So this is real.

But again, it's imperfect and it has brought not a lot, not freedoms to many people as well. And I think that there was something else that threaded through at least those three speeches, which I wonder if it's sort of subtle rhetorical craft, which is that there was a lot of mentioning of their mother's.

you know, Barack Obama was talking about how, so Michelle Obama talks about how she just lost her mother and how she and Kamala have similar mothers and how they were these really salt of the earth, work hard, you know, grit your teeth and play fair. And you will get there and like, look what they have gotten there. Look where their families are. So it's, and not that like, oh, it's, it's a fair system. Cause they've done it. I'm not suggesting that it's not it's, but,

we're all working towards one thing. And so what she had said about her, she believed that she and Kamala were raised by similar mothers. Barack Obama then talks about how much he loves his mother-in-law. He said he was the guy who loves his mother-in-law the most in the world, although he probably has come to competition with Avi. He really loves my mother for real. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I don't know if that's true. Maybe he's had more years to love her at

And that's his edge. He needs to meet Avi first. He just doesn't know what he doesn't know. Exactly. This is real love. And then, you know, and Doug was talking about his parents. I loved when Doug said, and here tonight is my mother. Like in a Jewish New Jersey accent. Like it just, it was too fun. Doug was great for someone who I don't...

How many times has he addressed an audience? Like an arena audience. That was... He was great. And I think that was the key to him. He talked to people. He talked like normal. He didn't project to an arena the way that they do sometimes. He just talked about the love of his life and about... And the introduction from his son just absolutely made my heart burst. And I loved... I never saw Kamala's wedding pictures. I mean, I think he humanized her in a way that...

That respected her authority and her power and her position while also giving us that like behind the scenes peek at her as like a mom and a wife and a woman and a person. He loves her. He really, really loves her. And like you hear him say her name and you're like, he likes saying her name. Like Kamala Harris. And people always say like the way a guy treats his mother is really indicative of who they are. And yeah,

He, you know, I always I've been saying this since he was, you know, the became the second gentleman. And I mean this as a compliment. Doug Emhoff is like if your friend's dad, your cool, your friend's cool dad, like the one who could hang.

became the second gentleman. And I mean that with the utmost respect, because like we were saying with Emily is that our people who are elected officials are supposed to represent us. They're not supposed to feel like these gods on high. They're supposed to feel like people and be people who can relate to your problems. That's, that was the core of Michelle Obama's speech too about Donald Trump is that he does not understand you. This man has never, uh,

Been a human. And they drove forth again. Doug was like, and my guy friends that I was friends with in high school are still my friends today. This idea of like having friends, being a person.

Being part of your...

And this is where democracy and retrograde came from. It's like we are coexisting and we have a relationship to the collective, whether you are aware of it, whether you want to acknowledge it, whether you want to treat it with any care or not, you are still part of that fabric. And just because you were born, sorry, didn't choose to be born, but we were. And that fabric is what brings us all up and together.

It's this idea that every election is going to be the biggest election of your lifetimes until we learn how to work and function together as a society. Barack Obama said he's like, this is a democracy that has...

One this big has never existed, but also one this big has never brought so much prosperity and freedom to people. And this was about reminding people that we are connected and that there is when someone else loses, when someone else gains, I don't want to say everything is a zero sum game, but when you take and take and take without any regard for what that means for anyone else, that is antisocial and deconstructive. Yeah.

And it's anti-American, honestly. I mean, it's just not how it is. Again, it's not how it is if you were raised in the 90s like us and this idealistic time. But that's the thing. The roaring 90s. So many of the people now who were brainwashed by Fox News or Trumpism or whatever the case may be, the red pilling or extreme leftism, I'm just saying those people...

My dad's friends loved me when I was a kid, right? They loved me when I came out. They love me now, but if they didn't know it was me, then they would hate me. Right. Cause we don't like gay people. We don't like immigrants. We don't like this. We don't like leftist news or, but they love me. And I'm like, but you're, it's just me. It's just somebody else's kid. Right. And,

And so I think they're bringing that back. And I cried, honestly. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm exhausted. I know. I cried because you weren't there. I don't know if I'm exhausted or if I'm hopeful or if it's that thing where you have to hit rock bottom before you can rebuild. But I hit rock bottom of...

being afraid or feeling like patriotism isn't for us. It's only for, you know, it's been bastardized by MAGA. And I'm, I'm so, I am so proud to be American and I am a deeply patriotic person. And I felt like sad,

seen today and I felt safe and I also felt like Michelle Obama gave all of us today just that last pep talk you need to really get that final touchdown or whatever the case is going to be. And what I also liked is she said when they lie on Kamala Harris, it's on you to correct that lie. It's on you to have her back, which

So she can have yours someday. And I also liked that idea because they're calling out what's going to come, right? She's not actually black or they're going to bring up her dating history, whatever stupid shit they could do. And, and I like this idea of like us all being in it together.

and having each other's back. Yeah, and everyone has their place. You know, there's people who will be fighting disinformation online, and then there's people who are knocking on doors, and there's people who are texting their friends, and there's people... Everyone has a role in this, and you don't all need the same role, the same way we don't all need to agree on everything. And that's really also what Barack Obama was trying to say. Like, our differences are okay, and they don't have to mean that we are going to be at each other's throats. And I do feel that part of...

Part of why the Democratic Party has been so at each other's throats is a reaction to Donald Trump and to what he has brought on society. Because it's not right. It's not just that people are crude and can't communicate with people on the other side. It's that they also can't really tolerate people on their own side.

And we're seeing that and that is not constructive. It doesn't actually help anyone. And while the Obamas might sound super high-minded and idealistic when they say that, it is still incumbent upon all of us to sort of choose our better angels.

And yeah, I think it also kind of fucked me up when she said that she was coming from a place of grief, but, and she was specifically talking about her mother, but like, I've had such grief for the American experience for a while that before she said her mother, I already had in my mind, the grief that I have had. And like the way that this is like a part of like,

a rehealing or resetting or reinvigorating. And I don't know, it brought me joy. But to all of the Obamas and to the other speakers, because I could talk about the Obamas all night. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Agreed. Let's take you through some of the other people who spoke. J.B. Pritzker.

I don't remember a damn thing the man said, honestly. And like, I like him and I think he's very clever, but I don't remember much about his speech. Bernie Sanders, same thing. I was like, I'm sure there's a lot of people who feel about Bernie Sanders the way that we feel about the Obamas. And so I bet it was very important to them to hear what Bernie had to say. But I don't really remember much from Bernie's speech either. I wasn't sure. Bernie had like a few more specifics. He got like a little more into the policy.

Okay. Than anyone else did, I would say. J.B. Pritzker, I think I'm always amazed that J.B. Pritzker is able to come into such favor in the party, given that he's a billionaire. I know. Like, eat the rich. But no, it's like somehow J.B. Pritzker never catches a single stray from that. And I don't want him to. I just don't get how. No, I'm nothing against him. I just don't understand. Everybody needs a friend with a boat.

He's just our friend with the boat. We hate boats. He's like, you know how you have that one rich friend who's like, you know, and they're cool. I have a lot of rich friends, but none of them are. But none that are like, I have no billionaire friends. No, but we're talking about its scale here. You know what I mean? He's like, I don't know. I don't know how she would have after prom or be the first house that would give you alcohol or something. I don't know. He's like a cool rich guy.

I guess. I mean, he, it's just very interesting to me how he knows the sheriff. I don't know. Yeah.

Do you know who my dad is? Okay. Speaking of that, the beginning of this night was like Epo Baby Happy Hour, but also not in a bad way. They just got to get the grandkids out of the way. Grandson of Jimmy Carter, Jason Carter. The Carter grandson, Jason, you get a pass. He's like an actual politician. He's working. He's doing stuff. He's lovely. His cousin was also on Claim to Fame, my new favorite reality TV show.

was talking about how like it's this stupid show with the Jonas Brothers where you like have to guess who somebody is. Yeah. Moving on. Anyway, the Carter grandsons are like making the rounds on television now. So he I thought he did good. Jack Schlossberg is so cute and so cool.

So it can't be. I don't know, man. I think it's good to have a Kennedy, Kennedy's only grandson, right? Come out because we're trying to kind of like negate what RFK is doing. Yeah. By the way, Nicole Shanahan said in a podcast yesterday that she want, they want to drop out because they're going to hurt Donald Trump.

And they want him to win over Kamala Harris. Nicole Shanahan. I don't know where she came from or where she went to, but she's got a lot of money. I do. I've read a very long article. I don't even want to talk about her because I don't want to risk that we give attention. Anyway, moving on with her. So I see why the Kennedys are there. But Jack Schlossberg, we saw him around the arena. And I'm like, is he? He sort of reminds me of a cartoon character. That's number one. Number two is.

He's an empty vessel in some ways. He's like allowing the world to fill him with whatever they need it to be. And I love that from him, but it is sort of unusual to experience in person. I know exactly what you're talking. I know exactly what you mean. There's something, he walked into CNN grill while we were there. There's just something about him that is very interesting.

He's obviously very popular. He's a Vogue columnist. How'd he get that job, I wonder? But I think he's good on social media. I don't think he's as good of a public speaker.

but you know he's a democrat keep him dare i say he's a regular guy yeah and i think people expect to have this like you know polish to him and yeah when they walk in the room everyone's like that's jfk's grandson yeah and he doesn't what's up brothers like he's so normal he's like very regular yeah that that's i think part of why it feels like there's a little bit of

It's not that he's like missing star power. Like he's definitely has a little something, but he just isn't, he doesn't have that like Obama spark, you know, that never is. He has charm. He doesn't have that. Like what you would expect. I don't know. I just, I see a cartoon character. Yeah. When you meet Chelsea Clinton, she carries the weight of her name, right? Like she really knows she's been trained. I mean, she was like nine in the white house. Right. She's been trained on how to be a Clinton. Jack.

Whoever his parents are did a great job of keeping him away from violence.

like being burdened by the Kennedy name. He's just like, well, cause he's Schlossberg. It was, it was so interesting though, but he is like an empty vessel that is like, he's like, he's down for anything, but it was, it was an interesting experience meeting, seeing him. I would like to, we'll meet him. Let's try to meet him and ask him some questions. He smiles. He makes direct eye contact. I am not. He does have a little bit of one bad thing to say about this boy. Me either. I can't put across to you how like,

How not, not gravitas, like he doesn't feel like he has extreme gravitas, which is not a bad thing. We're not saying that as an insult. He just, he's just, he fits in. This is the regular American convention.

Yeah, he's just like another guy. He's just a guy. Which is good because the Kennedys have this whole fucking like, oh, look at me. Maybe he won't be cursed because he's just normal. I don't think he's cursed at all. He has broken the curse maybe. But whoever his parents are, which I don't know that much about him, did a great job at making him not an asshole because he is just as handsome in person as he is online. And he could be a jerk and he's not. And I think that's what's shocking. I think you wait for someone like a Kennedy to be really competitive or like a jerk. And he's just like...

Yeah. His parents are Caroline Kennedy, who's a she's she was an ambassador, I want to say, to Australia and Japan. There were also some Republicans tonight. And there's going to be there's going to be more later in the week to the Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona, John Giles. He has been working the trail. Actually, he came out a few weeks ago. He's kind of like

the first name off the top of your head of Republicans who's like really into this. They're just pretty much anti-coup here. And a lot of them say, I don't know if he said this tonight, but I've heard him say this, just because you vote for Kamala Harris does not mean you're a Democrat. It means that you want to save democracy. And I think that that's a really great way of thinking about it. Like we don't have to be so tribalized

if it means sacrificing democracy. I talked to my friend Meghan McCain about this, as you know. Meghan McCain said that there is a growing number of people who will vote for Kamala Harris simply to eradicate MAGAism from their precious Republican Party. Like this is a defensive move for your standard Republican

conservative Republican. You know, 20- Who doesn't want to be a Trump MAGA weirdo who wants it back to the McCain days. 2012 me can't believe I'm saying this because like I was so irate over the 47% comment that Mitt Romney made, but I would love if they could return to those people. I need a man with a binder full of women to be running for office. Maybe. Although like, then it's like, oh, the sinister, you know, they could, whatever.

I don't know. They had some guardrails. As a common sense, decent conservative is a defensive move for you to eradicate the cancer that is MAGA from your party. Exactly. And then you get a better guy next time. Exactly. They also had Stephanie Grisham, who was Trump's former press secretary. This was big. Yeah. This is big. She wrote a tell-all.

So she told Democratic delegates that Trump mocks his supporters behind closed doors. Obviously, he hates he's so mad that his supporters are who they are and not the people at the DNC.

He wants the celebrities. His dream would be for Julia Louis-Dreyfus to be at his convention. Oh, she was cool. Yeah, we saw her today. She was on the live stream. The live stream. Besties. We're pals. Besties, besties. And she also said that he has no empathy, no morals, and no fidelity to the truth. Okay, I could have told you that. Don't need to meet him to know that. For her to say he has no fidelity to the truth, I mean –

You know that. We all know. He lied something like 40,000 times in his first campaign. But I like the way she said it. It sounds classy. It does. Look, we're a classy party. We're a classy party.

You know, the multiple members of the Teamsters Union, this isn't political in terms of party lines, but they showed up to support Vice President Harris, even though the Teamsters Union president, Sean O'Brien, spoke at the RNC. That's like the only guy who Trump is getting in like the whole union world because every other union has...

Yeah, he got booed. He showed up as the Teamsters. The Teamsters did not support him being at the RNC. He said he got invited because he wanted to give it a chance. He got fucking booed. Yeah, they were like, he's like, you know, union busting has got to stop. And they were like, get off the stage. It's like, no, you're at the wrong place. Yeah. Like, sorry, we want to fire you.

What do you thought was going to happen over there? But yeah, the Teamsters union members showed up today to support Kamala Harris. We'd love to see it. Kamala and Tim, as we're now calling them, we're on a first name basis with them. Everybody's calling them Kamala and Tim. This is the move that they're doing. First name basis. Funny comedy. Yep. Made a surprise virtual appearance from their rally in Milwaukee.

Gwen Waltz was in the audience. She was with us tonight in the Chicago United Center. Of course, Doug was on stage. So it was kind of cool that like their spouses checked in. It's like when I FaceTime Natalie and she's backstage and I'm like, what are you doing? She's like, I'm working, you know? Yeah. I love that. We're serious people. We work hard.

And much to my dismay, the oversized Project 2025 book made another appearance with Malcolm Kenyatta, a Pennsylvania state representative, bringing that massive oversized Project 2025 book back on stage. I see what they're doing here. So it was not Mallory McMorrow's idea. They're bringing state representatives from swing states out with the Project 2025 book because they want... It's clearly like a...

There's clearly a reason they're using this prop to draw local groups. I bet you tomorrow will be Arizona. Yeah. Okay. Good to know. That wasn't Mallory McBorrow's idea. She's like, she was a great day about it. She's going to be on the show later this week. It was a great day. Got another big day. Remember you can watch the live streams every day from four 30 to six 30 central time. That's five 30, the seven 30 New York time. And,

Also, the kids made me a bracelet that says, when we fight, we win. One of the Gen Z kids was like, can I make you a bracelet? And then we did a video about how they made me a custom bracelet and I've never felt more included or special in my life. So thank you to Maddie.

Also on the show tomorrow, we could have Avery Cyrus stop by. She could be our podcast guest. If not, she'll be on the live, but I'm hoping she comes on the podcast. And if not her, we're going to try to get Keith Edwards or Glenys Mahar. We might get a surprise.

Avery Cyrus, for our audience, probably maybe your kids would know her as Jojo Siwa's first girlfriend. We know you love Jojo Siwa. I love Jojo. I want to know all the tea about Jojo's political opinions. I didn't put that together when I met Avery. She's her own person. She only dated Jojo for three months, but she's stuck for the rest of her life with this rap. They had a three-month-old?

Yeah, she's the one who's like, dream guest of my podcast. Oh my God. Okay. Well, yeah, we're going to have her on. The Jojo lore never ends. Well, shall we? Speaking of an American fever dream, Jojo Siwa. We'll be back tomorrow with even more. It was a great time. I feel like we're missing so much, but I'm sure we'll catch up. We're going to go. Let's go make some clips.

Let's make clips. All right. Until tomorrow, I'm Bea Spear. I'm Sammy Sage. And this is American Fever Dream live from the DMC. Bye. American Fever Dream is produced and edited by Samantha Gatzik. Social media by Candice Monega and Bridget Schwartz. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Betches News and follow me, Sammy Sage at Sammy and Bea at Under the Desk News. And of course, send us your emails to AmericanFeverDream at Betches.