The Department of Health and Human Services issued an advisory showing a direct link between alcohol consumption and increased cancer risk, specifically for at least seven different types of cancer, including breast cancer, which is more common in women.
The link between alcohol and cancer has been suppressed due to regulatory capture by the alcohol lobby, which funded over 500 studies from 1972 to 1993 to create the myth that alcohol is not as dangerous as it really is.
The alcohol lobby funded studies that downplayed the dangers of alcohol, creating a false narrative that moderate drinking could be beneficial. They also influenced regulatory agencies to suppress information about alcohol's carcinogenic effects.
The myth originated in the 1990s from flawed studies comparing moderate drinkers, heavy drinkers, and non-drinkers. Many non-drinkers were former heavy drinkers, skewing the data to falsely suggest health benefits for moderate drinking.
January 6th is discussed as a day that has historically been marked as solemn due to the 2021 Capitol insurrection. The hosts reflect on how the perception of the day has evolved and the lack of current attention to its significance.
As of the latest update, 1,250 of the 1,570 Capitol riot prosecutions have been adjudicated, with 80% resulting in guilty pleas. Many of those convicted have already served their sentences, with only the most violent offenders remaining in prison.
Most of the individuals arrested were from Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York, and California. 25% were armed, 18.5% had a background in law enforcement or military, and 24% were business owners. Only 35 were unemployed, and 22% had a prior criminal record.
18.5% of the January 6th rioters had a background in law enforcement or military, suggesting that military service can be a radicalizing experience due to the mental toll and exposure to extreme situations.
We're back, and we've got a lot to cover! From Jimmy Carter's death, to Ann Telnaes, cartoonist for The Washington Post, resigning and what it means for the paper that's been plagued by layoffs.
Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a new advisory, showing a direct link between alcohol consumption and increased cancer risk. Sami & V talk about why this information wasn't made public, how the misconceptions that some alcohol was "healthy" got started, and if they would have done anything differently if alcohol had been marketed the same way cigarettes were.
We're recording this episode on January 6th, and we can't help but reflect on what this day means (or used to.)
Ending the episode, we talk about what's giving us joy; mainly the Buffalo Bills, Demi Moore's Golden Globe win/speech.
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