cover of episode Hunter Biden: Rizzler In Chief, Eggnog Hangovers & The Ghost of Christmases Past?

Hunter Biden: Rizzler In Chief, Eggnog Hangovers & The Ghost of Christmases Past?

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Bea Spear
Sammy Sage
@Bea Spear : 本集播客是假日特别节目,她们分享了在白宫节日派对上的经历,包括与亨特·拜登的会面。她们还讨论了她们之前播客节目中关于Pod Save America的争议,以及对进步派和自由派媒体生态系统构建的看法。她们认为,进步派媒体面临的挑战包括广告商的回避和资金支持的不足。她们还谈到了传统媒体的困境以及对政治和媒体环境的持续分析。 @Sammy Sage : 她详细描述了在白宫节日派对上与亨特·拜登的互动,并表达了她对亨特·拜登的个人魅力和政治观点的看法。她还分享了她与乔·拜登的会面经历,以及对乔·拜登政治遗产和个人贡献的评价。她还讨论了TikTok禁令,以及她对该禁令的担忧和可能的解决方法。她还分享了她对美国政治和媒体环境的看法,以及对进步派媒体面临的挑战的分析。 @Hunter Biden : 根据Sammy Sage的描述,亨特·拜登在派对上展现了其独特的个人魅力,并与Sammy Sage就政治话题进行了交流,表达了他对南希·佩洛西和AOC的看法。 @Joe Biden : 根据Sammy Sage的描述,乔·拜登在与Sammy Sage的会面中,对她的沟通能力表示赞赏,并就其政治遗产和未来规划进行了简短的交流。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was Hunter Biden the star of the White House holiday parties?

Hunter Biden was the star of the White House holiday parties because of his charm and playful energy, which made him a hit with attendees. He was seen engaging with guests, taking photos, and even discussing politics, which made him the center of attention at both the Hanukkah and Creator parties.

What was the highlight of the White House holiday parties for the hosts?

The highlight for the hosts was meeting Hunter Biden and taking a photo with him. Additionally, the White House eggnog, which was spiked with alcohol and had a block of vanilla ice cream in the middle, was a memorable part of the experience.

What did Hunter Biden say during his interactions with the hosts?

Hunter Biden expressed his support for AOC and criticized Nancy Pelosi, saying, 'Fuck Nancy Pelosi.' He also showed a deep understanding of politics, discussing the oversight committee and expressing frustration with the lack of progress in certain areas.

How did Joe Biden's legacy come up during the hosts' interactions with him?

Joe Biden's legacy was discussed during a meeting in the Oval Office, where he was praised for his work on the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, and reversing dishonorable discharges for LGBTQ soldiers. The hosts felt that history would remember him more kindly than the press had treated him.

What holiday traditions did the hosts discuss in relation to politics?

The hosts discussed George Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas Day during the Revolutionary War, breaking a ceasefire to attack British troops. They also mentioned a 1642 incident in Canterbury, England, where the mayor tried to cancel Christmas, leading to a public beating by the townspeople.

What was the significance of the Hanukkah party at the White House?

The Hanukkah party at the White House was significant because it was a more formal event, attended by donors and staff, and it marked the first time Hasidic Jews were invited to the White House Hanukkah celebration, which became a tradition after the Clintons.

What was the hosts' experience with the White House eggnog?

The White House eggnog was a highlight for the hosts, as it was spiked with alcohol and had a block of vanilla ice cream in the middle, creating a boozy, creamy drink that was both delicious and memorable.

What did the hosts learn about the history of Christmas carols during World War I?

During World War I, there was a ceasefire on Christmas Day where British and German troops sang Christmas carols to each other, eventually sharing food and whiskey rations. They also played soccer in the trenches before returning to fighting.

What was the hosts' most memorable Christmas story from their personal lives?

One host shared a story about a former partner who got drunk on Christmas and caused a scene, leading to a physical altercation and a call to the police. Another host recounted getting drunk and falling on stone steps, resulting in a head injury and a scar.

The hosts recount their White House holiday party experience, focusing on their encounters with Hunter Biden and the overall atmosphere. They also discuss the Betches Sports deal with the NFL.
  • Encounter with Hunter Biden, described as charming and engaging.
  • Betches Sports' new deal with the NFL to create content.
  • Positive feedback on the White House eggnog and chocolates.

Shownotes Transcript

Sami & V are back from The White House holiday parties! Despite too much eggnog, they're ready to share their highlights, which include getting to take a photo with Hunter Biden.

Revisiting the controversy, V & Sami defend their position on their The Pitfalls of Popularity & Pod Save America episode_._

Plus, V dives into some holiday lore, recounting the time German and British troops called a ceasefire during WWI and ended up in a carol-singing battle—Pitch Perfect style.

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