Do you love reading as much as we do? Well, you're in luck because we're launching our first ever Betches Book Club in partnership with Nutella Biscuits because they know the best moments are even sweeter when you share a great snack with your friends. If you're in New York City, come hang out with us IRL at the Betches Book Club.
On October 28th, Aileen, Sammy, and I are hosting a book discussion with author Margot Harrison, where we'll be discussing her brand new novel, The Midnight Club, and snacking on Nutella biscuits. No, I won't be sharing mine because I'm truly obsessed and they're actually my new favorite snack in the world. But don't worry, there's going to be plenty for everyone to share. Head to slash book club IRL to grab tickets for you and your friends. That's slash book club IRL for tickets. Grab yours before they sell out. Rise and shine, Fever Dreamers. Look alive, friends. I'm Bea Spear. And I'm Sammy Sage. And this is American Fever Dream presented by Betches News, where we present the absurdities and oddities of our uniquely American experience. And we're feeling fun this morning. We are feeling fun. As I was telling Sammy before we got to recording, I...
stop taking my ADHD meds. Like, cause I was like, Oh, I'm feeling fine. And also like all the RNC drama was like, and the will Joe won't Joe drop out was like stressing me out. And I felt like the ADHD meds were like making me over-focused. So I was like, Oh, I'll just stop taking them. And then I'll be like numb. And now I'm like a mess. So lesson word to the wise don't
un-self-medicate. Don't self-medicate and don't un-self-medicate either. There's a reason that the meds are prescribed and this show is brought to you by those meds. I'll tell other people who are like, well, I don't want to have to take medicine. I'm like, it's a chemical imbalance. You can't help it. These are AIDS. But then I'll tell myself like, no, you could just raw dog it through the Paris Olympics, the DNC and everything that's going on in this fever dream we live in.
I would wish you the best of luck. No, I can't. I can't. Natalie's like, absolutely not. She's like, what's wrong with you? What's going on? Something's wrong. And I'm like, well, I stopped taking my meds. And she's like, oh, babe, remember when you do that and then you get really sad and you hate it? I'm like, yeah. Right. I know. I've tried that before.
Because you want to feel normal. And then you're like, oh, the way I feel normal is, you know, following my doctor's advice for best health. Well, as long as you don't have any responsibilities or anything to do, being on medication is unnecessary. Yeah, right? I mean, and then I've been taking the magnesium little gummies, not gummies like drugs, like calm gummies. I don't know, you get them at the health food store. Yeah, I know what you're talking about, yeah. And so those are great. I don't know. Those are like candy.
They are. And you know what? I couldn't eat candy anymore. We have this joke in my family that I have this stress candy drawer because I don't eat candy a lot unless I'm really stressed. And my mom will be like, oh my God, I see you getting in that drawer. So in order to not have diabetes and the sugar cravings, I've taken to eating cherries because it's like an activity. Because you eat the cherry and then you have to kind of spit the pit out. And then it's like cherries and cucumbers because I need a crunch. I'm a huge cherry lover.
And the fact that you've turned it into like a process. I've turned it into, yeah, like into like an activity for my brain. I don't know. I've been longtime friends with Melissa Urban, the writer of The Whole 30, which I think is funny because I don't diet or really exercise, but we're pals. She's great. And she has a new book, The New Whole 30 coming out. And I think maybe subconsciously it got in my head too, where I'm like, oh, time to switch to the Whole Foods to support my friend's book. Like how I'm going to vote because of your book.
Oh, thank you. Right. You weren't going to vote anyway. No. They just need a fidget spinner. Oh my gosh. Maybe. Ugh. Enough trauma dumping from me. Let's talk about what's going on with America. How's our girl? Well, she is in Paris this week. She is.
She's in Paris. Should we get right into our temp check? Let's do it. Temp check. We're checking the temperature on this morning. And one of those is the Olympics, specifically the opening ceremony. I loved it. I love the French. I love the Olympics. I love high art. Even though I don't always understand it, it makes me feel like I am fancy. And the theme for this year's Olympics is liberty or libertay. Okay.
And the mascot is even this thing called the Frigine cap, which is like the Liberty cap. I don't know. It's a special kind of hat that the French wear when they're doing revolution. Right. The French revolutionary cap. I'm not the biggest fan of the French, but I appreciate the art, the architecture. I'm into the whole, obviously they have, you know, the reason I think they think they're so superior is because their culture is kind of superior.
It's so sexy and like over the top. Avant-garde, literally. Avant-garde. It's even a French word. Trying to pick outfits for France. I was like, well, maybe I'll go like the whole American route. And then Natalie had to like physically take me. The closest we got was like – because I live in the suburbs. So we had to go to like Banana Republic at the big mall to try and find like some like knit outfits.
beauty, French stuff. I don't know. Follow me on the TikTok. You'll see how well I did. You got to look good. But Americans, some Americans, particularly Americans,
the right wing were not so taken by the opening ceremony. They were offended by it. They were offended by just, well, let's just start. The thing with the opening ceremony is that it's always a reflection of the home country. They are expressing their culture and their art. Remember, you know, South Korea did that huge drone show. So it's, it has to, it's always reflective of the country that the Olympics are taking place in. Yeah. And France is like,
They started with like a little Les Mis moment, which I appreciated. And there's like this masked knight running through Les Mis and I was so excited. And then it goes Les Mis to literally like what looks like a drag queen Marie Antoinette in this castle, like holding her own head, shouting the Arist... I don't know if you speak French, but...
I have Google Translate. I definitely don't. I have Google Translate. I speak a little French, mostly because I worked in French restaurants, so I know all the food words. Yeah, I know the food words. Marie Antoinette was screaming this thing. Oh!
She was actually saying the aristocrats will hang them before it went into this heavy metal thing. And then they were like shooting blood cannons and like lighting it on fire. Like, what do you expect from the French? That didn't offend the Christians, though. It wasn't that.
Then they go to like wacky waving arm bands, but it was like people on stilts. I don't know. I thought that part was a little strange. Then they had like people maybe going to have a threesome in a library, which I loved. I thought that that was so great. And they were all like gender fluid. I saw a lot of freak outs about the threesome. So gender fluid. And the French are like, you know.
They invented the menage a trois. They had to put it in there. Were there cigarettes? Did they cigarette feature heavily? I mean, they could have just put the Moulin Rouge out there, but they were like, no, no, no. You already know about that. What we're going to talk to you about is the menage a trois in the library in case you were unaware. This is a very French thing.
Again, I don't think probably most of our audience doesn't speak French, but in French he was singing, we're all born naked. Where would you? Well, then he's pointing to his groin because he's saying, where would you hide it? You could hide it in your pants, but that's not a good idea. But this is like French chaos. You know what I mean? And so I think because people didn't know the lyrics, they were like, he's just pointing at his wang in like...
talking and they thought it looked- The French definitely knew that they were fucking with people the world over. Oh, absolutely. And they were like, let's just make it as- Let's go as far as we can. Yeah. So then they tried to say, they were like, no, no, no. It's definitely not the Last Supper. It's absolutely the Feast of Dionysus, who's the god of wine. Which is- It's the Last Supper. It was part of the original Olympics. No, but it was part, but that feast is like part of original, like the OG Olympics in Greece. Yes.
So that's what they were doing. But it definitely looked like the Last Supper, a bunch of drag queens at the Last Supper. Maybe it was a little the Last Supper. I thought that the halo was very Jesus-y to me. Maybe that is how they sat in ancient times. You know, all on one side of the table. That's what they liked to do. They were like, no, you can't sit on this side. It's always only one side. Yes. Perfect. And watch the entertainment. Yeah.
Yes. I mean, look, the French are just like this. You know, art is what you make of it and you don't have to like it. Americans. And the show's artistic director, Thomas Jolly, said in France, we have the right to love each other as we want and with who we want. In France, we have the right to believe or not to believe. In France, we have a lot of rights. Voila. I love that for him.
But there was some complaints, not just about the actual art and Americans not getting the high art of France, but people were complaining that Kelly Clarkson and Peyton Manning didn't commentate it well. And to that I say, what did you want them to say? What did you expect them to say? They were like, well, I wanted to know what – I guess they should have known like, hey, that's supposed to be Marie Antoinette. They wanted you to say what you're saying. I know. Well, NBC – You're doing what they wanted. NBC, give me a call. Thanksgiving Day Parade is coming up. It's coming up.
It's a shame we don't have Olympics for two more years. I know. But my favorite part of this, the opening ceremonies, was Beyonce's ya-ya. Oh, so good. Team USA intro. That was so good. See, that was some American high art, although I'm sure the conservatives would be mad about it too. But I love that she is reclaiming the flag aesthetic. I'm feeling more confident every day that it's about to be ours again. Yeah.
Well, you know, I have that shirt. They have their upside down flags, their weird stuff. I have the American flag shirt from Boot Barn that I've been waiting to debut. And I feel like I'll bring to the Olympics. We'll see if I get brave enough to wear it, but I'm very ready. And if not, then the DNC. DNC, absolutely. Oh, we're going to be clowns at the DNC. Oh, yes. Be very fun. I just like need people to understand that at seven o'clock when I do the news, it will be the news.
But every other waking moment of my day, I am for Kamala Harris. Every single moment of my life outside of that little nonpartisan news clip I give you at night, I am for Kamala Harris. I am full fed for Kamala Harris. Same. I'm a pill. I'm a pill. I'm coconut pilled.
And, uh, and proud and very proud of it, but I'll, I'll continue to give you that seven o'clock time. But outside of that, I need you to know that I am like in the coconut tree existing in the context. Exactly. Exactly. Okay. So temp check good on this one. Yes. We got another one. This is, look, this is, I have to tell you, this is a podcast that loves the post office loves. I actually went to the post office twice last week.
Even though the post office is a little further than UPS from my house, I have started going to the post office because I like it there now. And they're nice and it's just great. And so now I am using the post office for all my mailing needs. Good. And we have some good news on the post office. Take it away. So, you know, there's this problem with the Postmaster General DeJoy who Trump put in, who's been like ruining the post office. Well, Joe Biden heard that.
that black women can do it and said bet. So Biden is nominating Val Demings to fill the last vacancy on the USPS board. Both Demings and former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh are awaiting their confirmations. And if confirmed, Biden would have seven of the nine member USPS board confirmed by him, which is great.
Since the Postmaster General's hiring and firing is up to the board, not Biden, that could mean that DeJoy could be removed by the time Biden leaves office in January, and it would be once again a Black woman coming to America's rescue.
Thank you. We love to see it. And Val Deming's side note was a Delta Sigma, much like Katonji Brown Jackson. She's part of the Divine Nine. The Divine Nine has really brought Joe Biden's presidency all of the awards and accolades that he desired. It gets it done for him. Yeah, we should do an episode discussing this at some point. Yeah, we should let people know. But
Quick note on Joe. He's doing a lot as president now that he's no longer the candidate. He also proposed reform to the Supreme Court, which is a very popular idea, saying that SCOTUS shouldn't be a lifetime appointment, but rather one term no longer than 18 years. They also need a more strong and enforced ethics code similar to Congress, which would mean that any gift over $50 would be illegal. So maybe Clarence Thomas would retire since he wouldn't be able to go on those boat trips. And
And Biden also suggested repealing the presidential immunity thing. He's really strong on the idea that the president should never have immunity. Vice President Harris seconds this. And this is hot off the press, so we'll see where it goes. But it's looking good. And like what people want, Biden as a full-time president, getting it done.
We'll see if he gets it done. They definitely need both the Senate and the House and the filibuster-proof majority. He's trying to get it done. Getting it tried. But the good thing is that finally, my question is sort of like, what's
What took so long? But also, well, I guess the immunity thing really took it to a new level. But this is good because on the track, you know, you have Kamala's campaign track and you have her administration that she's a part of finally pushing on this really important piece. And also before the election, because there is a concern, at least personally,
among scholars, but also among people like me and you, that the election will ultimately go to the Supreme Court due to the serious amount of lawsuits that the Republicans are already planning to bring and already have started bringing. So this is a real concern that the Supreme Court is biased. And in some way, this might actually help
create a more of a watchdog atmosphere among the American people in order to prevent them from taking the election. You know what I love about Kamala's campaign? Michelle Obama said, when they go low, we go high. And Kamala's campaign said, no, call them all weirdos. This has been my favorite thing so far. Just every single person is like, no, they're weird. They're weirdos. They're freaks. And I love that they're just saying it so plainly. We needed that. Agreed.
All right, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we're going to get into the main news part of our episode where Sammy's going to walk us through some of the most dangerous things about Donald Trump that she has so neatly put into a trifecta of death. Look forward to that when we get back.
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And we're back. Sammy, tell us about the dangerous trifecta that Donald Trump is operating under to attempt to use super democracy. So this was sort of inspired by a question that I was asked this weekend, which is if J.D. Vance is, quote, more MAGA than Donald Trump.
And it got me thinking about the way that the right has ideologically organized itself over the past eight to 10 years, call it, but really it goes beyond that, but let's call it the past eight to 10 years that this is really solidified. And the question of what MAGA actually represents, is it fandom for Trump or is it fandom for an ideology that he represents? And what I've come to realize about what's actually going on with the MAGA movement is
is that MAGA is a Trump cult, but Trump himself is a front for what I've concluded are three separate types of interests that are each trying to use him to weaponize his base in order to achieve their own ends, which are very ideologically real.
Donald Trump is able to maintain his cult because he has this merry band of rally-going, boat-parading fans who support him. They support him absent of any ideology, and this has been the case since 2016. But because Trump himself is not ideological, his ideology is himself, he has been a very easy mark for individuals and groups that do have ideological interests, and they want to be able to use their influence over others.
Him, the individual who occupies the White House, as a means to achieve their authentically crazy beliefs. That's what I think has really come to light with the J.D. Vance pick. That has revealed one of the factions of the three factions I have designated that are attempting to use Trump to achieve their own ends.
So the process of Trump picking his vice president and the aftermath of this pick has really made it clear that the reason it's hard to find a successor for the MAGA base that can actually capture the base is because they're there for the Trump cult specifically. But the people behind him, these different interests, the trifecta I'm about to name, are really in a bit of a conundrum because they need him and he needs them to fund and support his campaign. But they can't access the base without him.
So we've kind of already dissected these various interests that influenced Trump in past episode. But for the sake of today's conversation, we've narrowed it down to three factions. One is the Project 2025 Christofascist evangelical cult. But Sammy, he doesn't know anything about Project 2025. He doesn't have to. He's just the cult leader. There's a reason that like dozens of people who worked for him
wrote Project 2025 and collaborated on it. Hundreds of them. You're right. All of these interests want an anti-democratic society. That's the thing they all share. So Trump does represent that in any circumstance. The question is what flavor of anti-democratic society they want. So the Project 2025 people want a religion-centric society.
Then you have the billionaire technocrats. That's how you got the J.D. Vance pick. They want to take over the world and they want to institute an anti-democratic, libertarian, capitalist-focused society. And then your third group is foreign influences, anti-Western foreign interests. That includes the Russians, Orban, Putin.
North Korea, China, Netanyahu for his own interests. They want anti-democratic regimes to flourish worldwide, and they want to end US and Western-led global order that began after World War II. That's what the breakup of NATO is all about. That's what the invasion of Ukraine is about, why it's about so much more than just about Ukraine specifically. It's about taking power
And the symbolism of taking power away from the U.S. and NATO and essentially Western Europe. Do you think they're still butthurt about World War II and that's why we are where we are? I think they're butthurt about World War II, about the Cold War. But the other thing is that these groups, these three groups, they don't function well.
from one another, they intersect with each other as well. But at the same time, they are pursuing their own interests. Take us down the rabbit hole, Sammy. Take us down the rabbit... Maybe start with the Project 2025 thing because all this week, Joy Reid, every single night on her show, is going to do 2025, Project 2025. So if you're an NBC watcher, check in with Joy Reid. But...
This seems to be the thing that he's trying to distance himself from the most. And it is definitely the thing that he said would be setting his agenda, this Heritage Foundation Christian thing. Well, I think he's been trying to separate himself from this the most because it organically –
came up for Americans that it was clear that, you know, they really opposed this. But we've spoken a lot about Project 2025 on previous episodes about what the angle is here. And this is probably, I think he's the most willing to disown them because he's the most obviously tied to them at this particular moment because of how mainstream it has become. So as a reminder, in case you haven't listened to previous episodes where we've analyzed this, which
You should. The most extreme vision here is a theocratic society. They want to go back to like the 1850s. No more bodily autonomy. No more IVF. Women are controlled by their husbands legally. It's hard to get divorces if you can at all. They want to get rid of no-fault divorce. No same-sex marriage. The idea of being openly gay would probably be under threat as well. And who knows about interracial marriage?
Not to mention that this also involves stripping services like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and they would roll back regulations on things like clean air, clean water, picture Flint, Michigan, transportation safety, anti-discrimination laws.
What they really want to create is an America that is a predominantly and openly Christian nation. We've also talked about the Seven Mountains mandate and their aspiration to control every pillar of society, including not just religion, but entertainment, media, education, business, politics, family life. That's what they want all of those policies to create. And they have, in the most extreme version of this, they have aspirations to hold another constitutional convention.
so that they can refashion the Constitution to reflect this. And this speaks to why he picked Mike Pence in his first term. We know how that went. He really just needed the evangelicals who needed him and got behind him because he would install the Supreme Court justices they want to overturn Roe and more. Right, because they got sick of waiting to capture Congress and the American heart's
And they were like, well, we'll just take the courts and then you won't have anything because we were getting all these wins in Supreme Court civil rights legislation and like advancements for queer people and women's protections and whatnot. And they were like, well, if we could get people to decide to undo those things, then we wouldn't have to worry about it. Man, it's not just World War II that they're butthurt about. They seem to be wanting to undo even the policies of like FDR, like things like conservation and like food stamps, like stuff that very much –
has been, you know, in the American tradition, post-industrial revolution.
That is definitely a huge part of their ideology. And that also greatly intersects with the second group, which is why I say a lot of these, you know, picture them like a Venn diagram. They have a lot of overlapping interests, but they all have a different flavor of what the future should look like to them. So in this case, it's looking very religion focused, whereas there are other groups who want to roll back the New Deal, but to create a different society, a different looking society. Mm-hmm.
And it's not really new that Donald Trump has been a front for these interests. He has been a front for them since 2016 when he first cemented support for his first campaign from the evangelical community and its ruling class, you know, organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. And then, you know, obviously all these church leaders. At that time, there were concerns about his ideology from the right. Was he really a conservative? Yeah.
His bio seems to suggest not. No. As well as his political donations and party affiliations up until that point. So he ultimately, in order to win these people over, released several lists of potential Supreme Court justices who he would nominate.
He did this throughout 2016 to prove that he would give them what they want. The lists contained an array of former clerks to justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Mike Lee's brother was on it. Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz were on it. Wait, Ted Cruz? He was on it, yeah. He was on the list of potential Supreme Court justices? One of the lists, yeah.
Ugh. Yeah. I mean, get him out of Congress, but also terrible at the Supreme Court. Oh my God, can you imagine? I could not read his opinions. I'd rather choke. Oh my God, they would be horrible. But-
Leonard Leo actually put the stamp on this list. He helped compile them. He told Fox News in 2016 that it was important to go through every single piece of written work by a potential list member because the written word tells us about the candidate's courage and their views on the Constitution and the rule of law and how they will approach their role as a judge. They wanted to avoid past mistakes they had made.
appointing judges who they thought were more conservative than their rulings ended up being. A lot of Bush appointees, you know, Roberts, you know, Kennedy, perhaps they thought that they were, you know, perhaps because those people thought that it might be better to interpret the Constitution rather than impose their own beliefs. But
This is why Donald Trump feels that he can plausibly distance himself because he doesn't actually care about these things. He's not crafting any policy. But regardless, the people behind him, Project 2025 people, this is one of the groups that's really pushing Trump.
for their own interests and their own future vision of America. Something I heard recently from a dear friend was that while we think this is crazy, there are people in this movement who also think this is crazy. And what I love about all of this craziness is when people are making decisions from a place of chaos and lack, they're never going to choose right. And you're going to alienate a lot of the folks that you usually have with you. And so like Leonard Leo started the Federalist Society with this guy, David McIntosh. And McIntosh is not, not at all, at
all this kind of a guy. And so they're fighting, right? Because McIntosh is like, yo, we're supposed to be like constitutional traditionalists, if you want to say that, or like conservative constitutionalists. We're not supposed to be religious theocrats. So there's a little infighting on their side. So when you think that we can't beat them, you need to know that there are schisms
There's ickiness within the party because even they think it's going too far because folks understand that if they don't win this election with Donald Trump, it's going to be a lot harder to get back to this point, which is another reason why we need to elect Kamala Harris.
But they're not happy with this either. And the most extreme parts of their party are the ones that are winning. And I think that's why we're in a good place to continue to wedge that divide. Right, right. And that's, you know, your Nikki Haley voter. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, I got I'm like texting on the regular with Meghan McCain right now, like the hardcore conservative Republicans are kind of looking at the Democratic Party like, hey, this isn't this is maybe is this like water's warm? This sounds good. This is normal. Sick of being called a weirdo. You know, I'm telling you, stop being a weirdo then stop being a weirdo. So I just feel like, you know, if we could get through this election, we can break apart the sort of haze that people have over there.
Definitely in terms of, I think, the theocracy. Yeah. But the second group of interests I think is going to be harder to dislodge and more dangerous because they're better at sounding rational. And they're also a bit more – too much money and amorphous. Yeah, yeah. It's not really clear what the ideology is, but I'm going to try to spell it out for you.
So the second group is billionaire technocrats who want to take over the world. They want this anti-democratic, libertarian, capitalist-focused society where there is, in the most pure vision, I believe there's some sort of national CEO who gets essentially almost absolute power, basically. Yeah.
These people are how we got J.D. Vance as the VP pick. According to Washington Post reporting, Donald Trump was persuaded to pick J.D. Vance by repeated calls from Peter Thiel, David Sachs, Palantir advisor Jacob Helberg to add Vance to the ticket. And they are sort of, they're very influential in this space. So let's just first define what is a technocracy.
Management of the economy by technical experts and engineers. Now, that sounds great, but in their vision, it's not necessarily a merit-based system. It's a capital-based system centralized around control by one technocrat or around a small group of colluding business owners who essentially control the entire economy and goods and services within society and the governing structure as well.
So this is where it's really important to get into Peter Thiel's ideology and his influences because he is the guy. He's the one who got Shady Vance on the ticket, and he is really leading this group that fashions itself as you might have heard them referred to as the new right. He also is the guy who's trying to get TikTok banned. He's like the number one funder of the TikTok ban. So obviously my greatest nightmare. Of course. So Peter Thiel has...
Back in 2009, Peter Thiel said at a Cato Institute event, quote, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible. And a lot of where he got his ideology is from a man named Curtis Yarvin, who is really considered the lord of the new right, this second group of moneyed interests that are trying to manipulate and use Donald Trump for their own ends.
Curtis Yarvin was an internet writer who went by a pseudonym, Mencius Moldbug, when he first started writing online in 2007. He ultimately becomes the new right leader, and he has been a primary influence on Teal for years. The new right is sort of vague in terms of ideology, and I actually don't believe there is consensus, which is part of the problem and also part of why they're so dangerous, because you can't quite define them. It's economically populist, culturally conservative, highly nationalist and hawkish, and it's
It's kind of a mix of reactionary ideologies. The individuals who might be found in the movement don't even necessarily seem to identify with it because it's sort of undefined and the ideas within it are actually kind of contradictory. David Brooks called them in the Atlantic conservatism's terrifying future. The way they talk themselves up is that they see themselves as this group that can see through the power structures of government and that's what they're out to get, which is very appealing populist message.
That's the populist streak. So Yarvin is actually the originator of the term red-pilled, which was supposed to be a compliment to the people who were able to open their eyes and see this system and all these mechanisms. And so you have to turn it, you have to tear it all down, ultimately. Which you could do when you have a lot of money and a yacht and an island to escape to. But like us regular working folks can't do that. But they've convinced all these like incel kids on 4chan that they're a part of this like technocracy moment.
and they're not. Part of the administration is developing a cabinet. Who would you put in charge of the treasury? Like a Sam Bankman Freed type person? That's their colleagues. That's their friends. Well, maybe pre-jail. Pre-jail. Pre-prison. Sorry, pre-prison Sam. Still, they thought he was a genius. You know what I mean? That's what's so dangerous. They all tell you they're geniuses, and then they're like deeply insecure weirdos.
Well, that's exactly the problem. So let me lay out what he advocates for. Ultimately, he advocates for sort of would be dictator, a national CEO. They like to use that word more because it sounds nicer. Who would actually campaign on over,
doing, redoing the American system. So he would be seeking a mandate from the people to do this. And then once elected, he would purge the federal bureaucracy and execute, quote, there's a quote, execute at a rate that totally baffles its enemies using the pre-inauguration period to intensively study the government structure and hire new employees. Then to circumvent Congress, the president would have their own appointees take over the federal reserve, direct the Fed on how to fund the regime. So taking away the power of the purse. Then if
The courts tried to stop them. They would ignore the courts, challenge them to stop them, which I believe was like an Andrew Jackson quote who said, let the court enforce their ruling. And then in order to take over Congress, this is where it gets technical. He suggests that the dictator slash CEO should create an app and then get their supporters to sign up for it and then handpick candidates for every congressional seat, hold new elections, and
And then centralized police government powers to make sure that those were, like, enforced. If anyone then tried to protest, you would use the dictator app to direct their supporters to turn out in the streets wherever there is resistance. And he suggested that police should express their support for the regime by putting on a special armband. Not the armband, Sammy!
It gets worse. He's also written about the idea that to deter crime, they should put an ankle monitor on anyone who is not rich or employed and create relocation centers for de-civilized subpopulations. This is what J.D. Vance has said about Curtis Yarvin, who came up with these ideas.
So there's this guy, Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things. One option is to basically accept that the entire American system is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be preserved, waiting for the inevitable collapse of the current order.
But Vance tends to think that we should seize the institutions of the left and then turn them against the left. We need like a debathification program, a de-wokification program. Because he went to Yale and he wants Yale to be conservative like he is because he enjoyed his time there and he wants to be able to enjoy his time there. So I mean, I need to know more about Carl Yarvin's childhood and what books he was reading because this is some sort of dystopian nightmare that is fueled by like
The Handmaid's Tale, maybe some L. Ron Hubbard writings, maybe some you picked the wrong team when you were watching the Batman movies as a kid. Like, this is a guy who is rooting for the bad guys during Power Rangers. Like, I need to know what happened to him that made him put these things together and go, yes.
Yeah, I mean, I think that he was sort of like an edgelord writer. I don't know about his childhood, though I did read quite a few long pieces on him. He's around 50 years old. He's an ex-programmer and a blogger and he has a wife and kids. I just looked him up.
He really has worked his way into this new right incel world. Let me just tell you what he looks like. He looks like a dollar star Keith Raniere. He looks like a wannabe cult leader, but like very weak jaw. Yeah. I can't. Put up a photo. Okay. The other thing is he thinks that the fall of U.S. democracy should be fundamentally joyful and peaceful.
And instead, government should be run like most corporations. And the dictator CEO would have a board of directors who they would be accountable to, sort of. But this would ultimately give them the ability to run things without the interference of judges, voters, the public, civil servants, or separation of powers. You just have to find the right person and put them in charge.
they dovetail with the project 2025 people and that they also want to get rid of the federal government and start over and fashion it in a way that they want it. It doesn't, this I don't think is as Christian inflected, but it is socially conservative. And it is, I think much more brutally capitalistic than the project 2025 people. I mean, it is genuinely horrific. He, he,
is listed as like founding anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic philosophical movements. They want to be known as the dark enlightenment. I need you to Google a picture of him because ladies who listen to the show, like you've seen this guy before and totally he should not be in it. I'm just so surprised that he's ascended to this level. Maybe the internet was a mistake.
That's what J.D. Vance said before he was outed for possibly searching for dolphin erotica. I know. Also, he's an atheist, of course, which is like, I think- Peter Thiel's also gay. Well, Peter Thiel's gay, but the mold bug guy, Curtis Yarvin- Curtis Yarvin. Is an atheist, which I think is interesting. I think being an atheist is like a perfectly fine thing. But when it's accompanied by all of this, now I think that you're like,
a supreme narcissist. Like there's something wrong with you that you can't believe in anything higher than yourself. And you don't think that community or society can possibly exist because you yourself don't inherit those feelings. I think that's when it gets really dark. Totally. And you know, there's, it's not a coincidence that they're just like, oh, we'll put this in chart in the stead of one guy. And that one guy should be me or someone I pick.
So, you know, Peter Thiel has funded Blake Masters, who is actually now running for Congress again. He has a primary that is today, Tuesday, July 30th. Donald Trump endorsed both him and his primary opponent. It's weird. But one thing I really want to talk about is that you mentioned the New Deal and how this was, you know, it seems like they really want to go back and take away social services going all the way back and destroy the federal bureaucracy that was built up and allowed prosperity to
for middle-class Americans after World War II. And now what you're seeing, and I want to speak about the, there's sort of a longer history that goes into this of an ideology that wants to roll back those social services. And
Part of why the New Deal was able to fund so much for Americans is because America switched to the fiat currency. It was before. It was even before this. But that enabled basically like the Treasury to kind of pay for what they wanted to pay for without having to have it pegged to the gold standard. Right. So there have always been people who are anti-government services and they sort of use this
question about the fiat dollar and how real it is to advocate for destroying those social services. And those people have been really fixated on the gold standard, but now they have cryptocurrency. I was going to say, these are the same people who think that it should be Bitcoin. Yes. And that is actually why you have Elon Musk,
Peter Thiel and these Palantir people all getting involved in this. Elon Musk and Peter Thiel built PayPal together. Part of the original PayPal mission was to have a new world currency. We should leave our money alone then. If they want their own money, then leave ours alone. Stop taking government dollars for your fucking SpaceX plans then. It's not just that they want to increase the influence of cryptocurrency. They want to undermine the value of the dollar ultimately. Yeah.
But I do just want to go back to one more thing about Elon Musk. The original technocracy movement started in Canada by Elon Musk's own grandfather, who proposed throwing out the entire system of prices and money and instead embracing an entirely new system of something called energy certificates that could be earned based on the amount of energy required to produce a good or service.
his grandfather in this movement positioned it as a solution for the inevitable near-term collapse of society and claimed that it would significantly raise living standards. And then Bitcoin ultimately adopted something like this, which is the concept of proof of work, which is where mining comes from. You know, mining has to
has to use a certain amount of energy in order for it to be a Bitcoin, which is like these energy certificates that Elon Musk's grandfather proposed. Why can't these people just be like old-timey rich folks and like own a railroad and like vacation in the Hamptons and leave us alone? Because they want to control the world. Well, see, Bannon did found a populist. No, but like a good school, like Carnegie Mellon. You know, they want to deconstruct the administrative state.
Steve Bannon is also part of this whole crowd. He invested in this child star, former child star named Brock Pierce, who was in the Mighty Ducks movies.
This kid or guy started a company called Internet Gaming Entertainment. He was employing people in Asia at really low wages to play World of Warcraft all 24-7 to gather tokens that then could be sold in the West at higher prices because of the currency. And Bannon helped this Mighty Ducks actor raise $60 million investment from Goldman Sachs.
That guy then pocketed $20 million and he created a stable coin called Tether, which was pegged to the US dollar, which then was instrumental in driving up the price of Bitcoin. So this whole world of Silicon Valley tech that wants to create their own new world order and crypto is very important to this.
Because you, A, destabilize the dollar. You create your own independent way of moving and creating an economy. Donald Trump spoke to a crypto crowd this weekend. It's clear he does not understand anything that he's talking about. Here's a clip. Have a good time with your Bitcoin and your crypto and everything else that you're playing with. The reason he doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about is because
He is a man who doesn't even text, and he has been placed at a digital currency conference by his benefactors. To just say insane things, going back to this Brock Pierce guy, this is why we need...
To really regulate the child's entertainment industry. He also was in the movie First Kid, where he got to play the president and then ran for president unsuccessfully in 2020. And I just think, you know, that early movie career must have given him the audacity. And now we all have to pay for it.
Disney. Disney strikes again. Yeah, Trump has no idea what he's talking about when he talks about cryptocurrency, but I also have no idea. And that's because it's not real. It's not a real thing. It's not going... It only has as much value as these billionaire people continue to decide that it has. But how many people have lost their ass on Dogecoin or Tether or any of these other coins that come up in the pursuit of this Bitcoin moment, which again...
one fire in the server room and it's gone. Like it can't be that fallible. I think really it's not necessarily about like, is this a good currency? That's a different question than...
Why is this currency being promoted by certain individuals? You know, you have a Republican representative from Ohio, Josh Mandel, who wants to replace the Federal Reserve with Bitcoin. Kyrsten Sinema took money from crypto lobbyists. Senator Joe Manchin...
advocated for a coal plant to start mining Bitcoin recently after he wanted to ban it. Ban Bitcoin in 2014. Because he's so fucking stupid that they were like, well, it's you mine the crypto. And he's like, well, West Virginia loves to mine by axe. Yeah, I mean, we've got a lot of orphan mines out here. I'm sure we can dig them back up again. And you fellas come on down. Go ahead and mine your crypto. No diamonds in there anymore. This idiot. Oh, my God. Oh, God.
That also does bring us to our third faction that is trying to use Donald Trump as their proxy, which is foreign interests. Kind of a catch-all group for anyone who wants to undermine the Western alliance and the United States and overall the Western-led global order that's been in place since the 1950s. They hate us because they ain't us. Can't beat them, so let's try and ruin their lives with cryptocurrency and weirdos from the internet. Yeah.
America, fuck yeah. So this goes back to 2016 and the Russian collusion. Russia, if you're listening, all that. Donald Trump's campaign met with Russian nationals in Trump Tower. Robert Mercer, who was a backer of Steve Bannon at Breitbart News, also funded Cambridge Analytica, which was blamed by an eventual whistleblower who worked there, Christopher Wiley, for helping target voters in the UK to favor Trump.
Brexit and in the U.S. to vote for Trump in order to alter the outcomes in a way that was beneficial for anti-Western interests. Cambridge Analytica did this by harvesting the information of tens of millions of Facebook users, then used that data to target people who were susceptible to disinformation, racist thinking, and conspiracy theories. And that's where you got your troll farms that we're still dealing with today. You know, you also have your connections between the Trump campaign and Manafort, who was the former campaign manager.
He had been in a Putin-friendly role working to keep Viktor Yanukovych as president of Ukraine before he was eventually deposed. But Manafort has been working in these, you know, sort of authoritarian Eastern European positions.
countries as a lobbyist and as a fixer for several years, and he was Donald Trump's campaign manager. And these relationships, though, started gelling long before 2016. They go back to the 90s, and they also intersect with the economic interests represented by the technocrats. So like I had mentioned in the previous section,
The quest to undermine these New Deal social service programs and essentially really any progress that's been made throughout the back half of the 20th century, there has also been a simultaneous parallel movement to stop that. And a lot of that was focused on economic policy.
In 1995, a professor, a history professor named Alan Carlson at the conservative Hildale College, which we've discussed before, talking about those utopian Christian schools. He traveled to Russia and he realized when he was there that many conservative religious Americans have a lot in common with traditionalists in Russia. Very socially conservative there.
That led him to start an organization called the World Congress of Families to build on the friendship between U.S. conservative interests and Russian traditionalist interests. This man, Alan Carlson, and his World Congress of Families went so far as to actually help pass anti-abortion and anti-LGBT legislation in Russia's government and to explicitly advance interests of the Russian Orthodox Church in the United States.
There's a lot of overlap between these technocrat groups, these religious groups. They're all working to undermine America's democratic government. And while they ultimately don't have the same vision ahead, what they do have is the same near-term goal, which is to weaken democracy to the point where it does become susceptible to a takeover. And that's what they're trying to use Donald Trump to achieve. Well, and because they hate the gays. Yeah.
Also, I was reading that there's this thing with Trump and Netanyahu where Jared Kushner, who's Ivanka's husband, was close with Netanyahu when he was growing up. And when he would come to the U.S., he would stay at Jared's childhood bedroom. That's Netanyahu, was sleeping in Jared's childhood bedroom.
So you have to assume that Trump has some special affinity for Netanyahu because it's surely not for the Jewish people. He hasn't been particularly Semitic, would it be? I don't know. He's anti-Semitic quite a bit. There are very fine people on both sides. Okay.
He's also said the only people he wants counting his money are short men and yarmulkes. Well, he knows how to put on a certain show and say certain lines in order to win over religious Jews in the United States, which is not a huge group, but they do vote in a solid block and could definitely have potential influence on House seats. But I'm hopeful that the leftists on TikTok will...
are going to catch on that Netanyahu used to say in Jared Kushner's childhood bedroom, because there is a lot of resistance to Democratic voting right now coming from some of the left because they think, oh, Biden hasn't been strong enough on the Middle East. I can only imagine what Trump is going to do if Netanyahu has a say in his administration. Look, this whole thing about the Kushners and Netanyahu, this has all been out there for
Eight to 10 years at this point. I'm making a TikTok about it today. And then you've got- Oh, there's probably way more interesting things you can include in that too. I think that Biden, he is who he is. What I did like about this week, them having Netanyahu address Congress, I think is the most unusual thing I've ever seen. And it wasn't a good speech. It was full of like the same kind of dumb old jokes that Trump uses. I was half waiting for him to bring up Hannibal Lecter during the speech. But Kamala Harris did say to him in a strong tone, we have a lot to talk about, which he kind of was like,
Okay. And then...
she did not shake his hand when they took the picture, which a lot of folks may not realize the ultimate power in that. You're supposed to shake hands to show friendship, and she didn't. She just stood there next to him, which is like the bare minimum you're required to do. It's a huge deal diplomatically. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also did not shake his hand. Donald Trump gave him and his wife a kiss on both cheeks at the doors of Mar-a-Lago when he welcomed them in after he addressed Congress. So
For those of us who are concerned about policy in the Middle East and what will happen to the displaced Palestinian people, Trump ain't it. Trump ain't it. I saw an interesting point that it's actually not legal that Donald Trump met with a foreign leader because private citizens are not allowed to negotiate with foreign leaders under the Logan Act.
But he met with him at Mar-a-Lago, even though Donald Trump stays in Bedminster, New Jersey for summers. And I saw a suggestion by Tristan Snell on Twitter that he perhaps did that in case he's prosecuted for it, that he could maybe draw Judge Eileen Cannon if he is prosecuted for it since he was in Florida and not New Jersey. Gross. Just a thought. So anyway, that's what's going on with Trump and the triad of terror.
All right, welcome back, friends. It is time for what is one of our favorite sections of this podcast in our down-ballot era. Yes, we'll take it away. Today's down-ballot girlie of the week is Jared Christian, who is running in Ohio's 12th district. He identifies himself as a father, a veteran, an American, and a friend. And he's ready to serve again.
And why we like him so much is he is one of the few people who did the work to call out Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump's criminal past or rather criminal wannabe past. And how it was very criminal. Well, they well, it was very criminal, but they think that they're dons. But in fact, they're like stooges. They think that they're like these big mafia dons, but like they're definitely the Marks.
And so he did this whole thread on Twitter just exposing Rudy Giuliani and this fake facade that he was America's mayor and such a good person when he was actually allowing like the mafia to run roughshod on the president.
Sammy, what else did we learn from it?
He says, not enough Americans know what happened to the criminals around him. They're not going to like the answer. What if I told you that the New York City mob never disappeared and it's alive and well in the GOP? And then he goes on to explain how Rudy Giuliani, essentially, people extolled him for allegedly getting rid of the Italian mafia in New York City. But what he did was he actually allowed the Russian mafia to flourish,
To reside in Trump Tower. And this thread that he laid out explains all of this in a way that I have not seen a single elected official articulate with honesty and receipts. And go Jared Christian. Ohio 12th District.
Good for you. We love truth to power. We love to see it. Read the thread. It's very interesting and just, again, speaks to Trump's long history of wanting so badly to be the Don and always being the puppet. Even though Rudy was a hero in 9-11, in 2011, when he was the FBI director, Robert Mueller...
was trying to call out the organized crime that was running rampant and how it was a breeding ground for foreign influence. And he actually called out, in some cases, these actors operate as public Fortune 500 companies. They can infiltrate our businesses, provide logistical support to hostile foreign powers, and they may try to manipulate those at the highest level of government. This was in 2011.
And that's ultimately what ended up happening with Donald Trump. I mean, everything Rudy Giuliani touches turns to shit, much like Donald Trump. Because even we were talking about like the foreign influence and the way that Russia was working in Ukraine and what was going on. It was really Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas that kind of flubbed that up by trying to get a piece of the action for themselves. And then that all got exposed and kind of fell down on Trump and it became this whole thing. But like...
Everything Rudy tries to do, including just walk down the aisle at the RNC, he ends up falling flat on his ass. And I just, I can't wait for this period of American history to be over. And another thing I can't with...
One day you might like it. Is the lack of vetting of J.D. Vance. OK, I am a person who loves veep stakes. I love kind of trying to figure out who the vice president's going to be on either side. And I really did think he was going to find a way to make it Marco Rubio, which would have benefited his campaign. But of course not. Of course, we don't pick somebody who could benefit the campaign. They pick J.D. Vance.
Now, if we could this easily find this much insane shit about him, then they had to know and decide that they didn't care or that the embarrassment of J.D. Vance on such a level would keep him super loyal to Trump and the party. So we can think that they picked him to be kind of like, you know, be able to go up against Kamala and be this youthful star.
But it has backfired just astronomically in Trump's face. And it's like every single day I learn something else by force about J.D. Vance.
I think every day Donald Trump learned something else by force about J.D. Vance. I know. Well, we said in last week's episode that Kamala has the culture and how people are really like boosting her. And J.D. Vance has the culture too, but in a bad way, like people making those remix of I'm a never Trump guy. I'm a never Trump guy that are like trending sounds on TikTok. People who might not have ever even known about
this election now know because of the trending sounds and they think he's a joke so that's going well then there was a rumor that again I talked about on the Meghan McCain show about did he like publish in his book that he had sex with a couch and so did six of his roommates and as I was like the passage from the book allegedly reads that he was at his friend's wedding and as the six groomsmen were standing at the altar he looked around realizing that they had all fucked the same couch I thought that was fake
You know what? I thought it was fake, but then the Associated Press took down their fact-checking and said that the report, the fact-check report, did not meet their standards for publication. So you could take that either way. Well, maybe it's just because you can't prove he didn't. I'm saying, like, the fact that he has to say that he, like Meghan McCain said, she was like, because he looks like he would. So you're never going to beat this. Right. Exactly. And also, it doesn't matter if he did or didn't, or you could prove it, but
From now on, people's brains go. He's couch guy. Couch guy forever. He said that the Democratic Party is made up of cat ladies who are lonely. Jennifer Aniston came after him saying, I hope your daughter doesn't need IVF one day. And then he came out saying that he has nothing against cats and that Jennifer Aniston is creepy for talking about his two-year-old daughter. No, no, you're creepy.
You should be thinking long term. I said last week, these are short term thinkers. You should be thinking long term about your daughter's quality of life. Although he doesn't really think about his wife's quality of life because in an interview when they said something about Usha and how is she handling all the white supremacist attacks, he's like, look, I love her. Obviously, she's not a white person, but she's a good mom.
What? He cannot just not step in shit. He's a shit stepper. In a bad way. Things that are not great for him that haven't even been fully confirmed yet is the fact that he was like maybe Googling women having sex with dolphins and then posted about it on Twitter. That seems to be real. No, no, no. It was that he was searching women dolphins. He was searching women dolphins. And then tweeted the internet was maybe a mistake. Yeah, we know what you were looking for, weirdo. But it was clear that he had looked for that because...
He had all these guys, the thing, all these guys, all these authoritarian guys, nine out of 10 times, they have a porn addiction because they have an addiction to violence and to control into like lack of consent. I'm telling you, we're going to find that out next about him. Probably. That'll probably be the next thing that there's something wrong with that. And then he, there's a picture of him with his buddies at like a concert or something. And he's wearing a Russian USSR t-shirt like with the hammer and sickle. Like, could you be any worse? Um,
And then sort of a little bit more emotionally, they uncovered emails from between him and one of his friends who is trans where he says, I love you and I hate the police. From 2020. From 2020, talking about how sorry he is that he has to like participate in these culture war things and he hopes it doesn't affect their friendship. And obviously this person was like, it does. Kick rocks.
He said that people without children should pay more taxes, which this one really pissed off Barstool Sports star Dave Portnoy, who I don't agree with on many things and who often has a terrible take. But he was like, why should I pay more for your kids? I already do pay more for your kids because I don't have kids and I have to pay taxes and I don't get child tax credits anymore.
He also said that we should give extra votes to children, but allow their parent, a.k.a. their father, to control that vote. So the more children you have, the more votes you get.
Which I told a story on TikTok about how they tried to do this at a theater company I was a part of. And we were trying to get this other woman elected to be the theater director because the guy who was running it was doing a shit job. But he had like nine kids. And so he said all of his children were members of the theater and they should each get a vote. So they, of course, all voted for him. And now that theater company is out of business. So I imagine that having your children vote and letting the father control it would just be like that, but with democracy. Yeah.
Nepotism's bad, man. Nepotism's bad. That's why you shouldn't vote for RFK Jr. We don't vote for nepo babies. And then lastly is the burnt testicle monkey, which I have not read about yet, Sam. Burnt monkey testicle. Sorry. A biotech firm that his VC fund invested in did testing on live animals. Oh.
They did terrible things. I can't even think about it. Skip it. They did terrible things. Skip it. Yeah. You know who else did terrible things? Dr. Oz. So this seems to be just like Republican investment strategy. Let's do terrible things to women, children, and animals. And RFK Jr. was alleged to have eaten a dog. These people are weirdos. When Kamala's camp says- They're weirdos. They're weird. They're freaks. They're weird. They're freaks.
Thank you, Tim Walz. Thanks. But the choice of J.D. Vance while Biden was simultaneously dropping out reframed the entire race and kind of opened up this new Democratic strategy, which we've said many times now. These guys are the fucking worst. They're weird. And Kamala saying things like, I know a criminal when I see them. I know their type. It's all very plain language with the Dems have never been very good at. And I'm very appreciative that they're finally just like calling it as it is.
and not trying to take this high road that oftentimes just allows us to keep egg on our face constantly. On the other hand, I think Donald Trump- At least you were right. At least you were right, right? No, I'd rather be wrong and petty, honestly. Like we've said before, my mom used to be like, be the bigger person. Absolutely not. No, I won't. I can't anymore. I've been the bigger person so many times and it's never helped. On the other hand, I do think Trump is breaking down. I don't know if he could make it to November without some more major, major gaffes because-
because he's not used to being in this situation. He thought he was running against Joe Biden, who's easy to make fun of. And he's seeing the polls. He's seeing the volunteers for Kamala. The DNC is going to be absolutely frigging lit. Like the entertainment, they will have the speeches, they will have the enthusiasm. When you look at on that crowd, they're going to be well-dressed and sexy. Like it's going to be the best of the best of everything. You've got the, you know, there's going to be like a step routine from the divine nine at some point, like just the,
culture and the enthusiasm that Kamala brings with her, he can't beat. And he so desperately wants to be liked the way that she's liked. So I think his promises and rhetoric have reached like a fever pitch of absurdity. And I don't know. I don't know. I hope we stay on this path of him just continuing to like lose followers. Totally. And I think what we'll have to explore next is when she does have all this popularity and she is able to turn out votes in excess of his popularity,
by a lot. What are they going to do then? Because they have other plans. They have other plans to try to overturn the election. And that is what I think we will be reporting on next week. Next week, I'll be in Paris. So we'll see what happens. We're going to try to figure it out. We might have a guest host. We might record on Friday and give that episode to you, but we're going to see. It's a surprise to all of us. But follow me for all the Paris Olympics stuff.
We'll see what happens. I think you were smart to point out that it's not just about getting Kamala to the election. It's about what happens in those days between the election and inauguration where they are absolutely going to try to do a coup or something. Like they've already planned it. There's lawsuits pending. And that's something we need to keep an eye on. And any woman who's been in an abusive relationship with a man knows that
Once Donald Trump hits the narcissistic injury that will either be everybody choosing Kamala in the breakup or her getting elected over him, that narcissistic injury is going to manifest in some very vile and disgusting ways. And we just have to be prepared for that.
Plus, as we just discussed, he has all these factions behind him. It's not just about him. It's about these interests that have been trying for decades to regain power or gain power in a new way. And they're all going to react the same way. Yes. They are all working for him to be elected. Whatever comes next, we'll look how they want it to look.
And we'll depend on a number of – it's contingent. But first step is electing him, and they're going to try to make sure that happens. So we're going to let you know what they have in store. So until next time, I'm Vita Speer. I'm Sammy Sage. And this is American Fever Dream, where we remind you to take your meds. Bye. I'm a never Trump guy. I'm a never Trump guy. American Fever Dream is produced and edited by Samantha Gatzik. Social media by Candice Monega and Bridget Schwartz.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Betches News and follow me, Sammy Sage at Sammy and V at Under the Desk News. And of course, send us your emails to AmericanFeverDream at