cover of episode Censorship In The NFL, "Breaking" News & The Future Of The DNC ft. Ben Wikler

Censorship In The NFL, "Breaking" News & The Future Of The DNC ft. Ben Wikler

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Ben Wikler
V Spear
@V Spear : 我认为NFL球队被告知不要使用Blue Sky平台,这是一种非法律的可选审查制度,目的是维护Meta的市场主导地位。社交媒体上每隔五秒就发布突发新闻会导致信息混乱和虚假信息泛滥,我们应该停止这种做法。社交媒体上的突发新闻报道往往缺乏事实核查,容易造成信息混乱,应该给新闻报道留出足够的时间进行调查和核实。频繁的突发新闻会提高人们的皮质醇水平,导致疲惫和记忆细节偏差,不利于对事件的全面了解。目前社交媒体上的信息真假难辨,不仅右翼势力散布虚假信息,左翼势力也容易轻信并传播,需要提高警惕。社交媒体上关于怀孕女性被解雇的报道存在夸大和误导,需要谨慎对待并进行事实核查。尽管特朗普取消了相关行政命令,但《怀孕工人公平法案》仍然保护怀孕女性的权利,社交媒体上的报道需要更加准确。面对海量信息,我们需要放慢速度,仔细核实信息真伪,避免被误导。 @Sammy Sage : (在讨论中补充观点,但没有形成独立的核心论点) @Ben Wikler : 当前美国面临国家危机,各社区都受到攻击,但只要人们看到反击的途径,就会奋起反抗,这给了我希望。民主党需要利用新媒体平台与选民互动,因为至少一半的选民不再观看电视。通过与网红和创作者建立联系,民主党可以更有效地利用新媒体塑造舆论,并在危机时刻迅速响应。民主党需要与其他具有共同价值观的组织建立联盟,共同努力,而不是各自为政。我在威斯康星州的经验表明,我能够在共和党控制的州有效地组织民众进行反击,这使我成为民主党全国委员会主席的理想人选。建议人们参与能够产生实际影响的政治活动,例如竞选活动,这能够激发人们的参与热情。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with Sami and V discussing the Buffalo Bills' devastating loss in the NFL playoffs, comparing the emotional rollercoaster of the game to election night. They then delve into various opinions and controversies surrounding the game, including media coverage and the Chiefs' controversial history.
  • Comparison of Bills loss to election night.
  • Criticism of Associated Press headline.
  • Discussion of Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid's roles.
  • Critique of Jason Kander's tweet.
  • Discussion of the Hunt family's history and the Chiefs' name controversy.

Shownotes Transcript

It's the Tuesday after the Bills' loss, and Sami & V talk about the intersection of sports, politics, and social media censorship in the NFL.

12:00 - V warns us about "breaking news culture" and how it can lead to confusion and misinformation.

27:30 - This week we're joined by Ben Wikler, the current chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, who's running for the DNC Chairman. Wikler talks about using new media to engage voters, what keeps him motivated, and emphasizing the need for hope.

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