cover of episode On The Run Sugar Baby or *STRANGE* Coincidences?

On The Run Sugar Baby or *STRANGE* Coincidences?

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Murder, Mystery & Makeup

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bailey Sarian
Bailey Sarian讲述了Louise的一生,她出身富裕家庭,却屡屡犯下诈骗和谋杀罪行。Louise善于伪装,利用美貌和魅力骗取他人信任,并多次在与男性伴侣关系破裂后,伴侣离奇死亡。她的故事充满了离奇的巧合和未解之谜,引发人们对她的犯罪动机和手段的诸多猜测。从年轻时在学校偷窃和进行性行为被开除,到成年后以各种身份行骗,再到最终因谋杀被判死刑,Louise的一生充满了戏剧性。她的故事也反映了那个时代社会的一些问题,以及女性在社会中的地位和困境。

Deep Dive

Louise, born in 1880 in Bienville, Louisiana, came from a wealthy family. She was expelled from a private school in New Orleans for stealing and inappropriate behavior. She married Henry Bosley in 1903, but their marriage was troubled due to her infidelity.

Shownotes Transcript

Hi friends, how are you today? I hope you are having a wonderful day so far! I have really been enjoying these stories from long ago, the women sure were a little cray, to say the least. But I must say, there were a lot of strange coincidences going on around Louise's life, wasn't there? She was the definition of suspish to say the least. Thank you for tuning into Murder, Mystery & Makeup. I love and appreciate you so much, and I hope to be seeing you very soon. xo Bailey Sarian

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