cover of episode Entitled Pretty Teen Kills Parents? Or Nah?

Entitled Pretty Teen Kills Parents? Or Nah?

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Murder, Mystery & Makeup

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Bailey Sarian
Bailey Sarian对苏zane von Richthofen弑亲案进行了详细的讲述,案件发生在2002年的巴西圣保罗。苏zane来自一个富裕的家庭,父母是成功的专业人士,她本人也受过良好的教育,曾就读于德国高中和天主教大学。然而,苏zane与男友Daniel的关系遭到父母的强烈反对,因为Daniel不务正业,吸毒,这导致了苏zane与父母之间关系的紧张。在父母度假期间,苏zane允许Daniel搬进家中,并表现出叛逆的行为。父母归来后,苏zane要求父母为她和Daniel购买公寓,遭到拒绝。父母最终向苏zane发出最后通牒:与Daniel分手或停止支付零花钱。苏zane最终与男友和其兄弟Christian合谋杀害了父母,试图伪造现场,但手法拙劣,最终被警方识破。苏zane在法庭上将罪责推卸给男友和其兄弟,但法庭最终认定苏zane是案件的主谋,其作案动机是为了继承巨额遗产。苏zane最终被判处40年监禁,而Daniel和Christian分别被判处38年监禁。案件在巴西引发了广泛的关注和争议,苏zane的形象与案件的残酷性形成鲜明对比,公众对她的动机和罪责存在争议。苏zane的弟弟Andreas起诉她,并获得了遗产继承权。巴西的法律规定,表现良好的服刑人员可以在节假日获得短暂释放,苏zane也因此在节假日获得过短暂的释放。Bailey Sarian在节目中表达了对苏zane行为的谴责,认为她自私、被宠坏且具有自恋倾向。

Deep Dive

Suzanne von Richthofen, a well-educated and pretty teenager, was involved in a shocking crime in 2002. Her parents, successful and wealthy, were murdered in their home in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Shownotes Transcript

HELLO True Crime & MakeUp Lovers  ! Hi friends , hope you had a wonderful weekend and happy MONDAY ! Today we are talking about Suzane Von Ricthofen , her entitlement and how money caused her to snap. Love and appreciate you all so much and I will be seeing you very soon  x o Bailey Sarian